him and me have been fwb for awhile now. and while we've been fwb, hes been in a situation-ship. recently he vented to me abt how hes situation-ship said she wants nothing serious with him and hes been practically depressed by that. he been giving me alot more attention, but i know its just because she isnt talking to him. i want to be normal friends, but its always "you're such a good friend" "you're the only one who gets me" after sending a pic of my tits. i dont want this with him anymore, but i'd still like to be there for him. i just dont know to say it without hurting his feelings more than they're already hurt.
>>32594650Either be straight up and tell them, or ghost.
>>32594650here's some real advice.>dont fuck men you want to be friends withwe can either fuck you or be a platonic friend but we cant do both.
>>32594650Kys whore
This story is as fake as OP's eyebrows
>>32594661This. Except ghosting is for assholes.