I realized 95% of my day is suffering. From stupid minor health issues here and there that all add up, to financial struggles, weak mental resilience, and the fact I have to hustle 24/7 and have to sacrifice sleep and sleep for 4 hours because apparently the waking hours of the day aren't enough to get things done.All this for nothing. I have no friends, I don't feel satisfied, and my only source of socialization are my parents who have a "Holier than Thou" syndrome and are never pleased.Also I feel overly sensitive nowadays. For instance, sometimes I see hyper-privileged low-stress high-resource snowflakes esp. girls have one stupid meme problem and the whole globe supports them and validates their silly, worthless struggles and here I am, always being told to "shut up and work" and to never complain. It drives me insane.What to do? I am 24 but feel like I am 90 years old.
>>32603683Try harder. The more you try now, the easier it will be in twenty years.