>Be me>Sciencepilled nerdcel>Reading about the paleoproterozoic period at some unholy hour of the night>Le wild email appears>"You're in nigga!" - Prestigious College>Cool I guess>Take a screenshot and send it to my mom>Mom reacts with a thumbs up emoji>The next day I see online that a guy I know threw this huge party to celebrate getting admitted into this university>I personally did not really feel anything when I got the newsHow come whenever something objectively good happens to me I feel nothing? Why can't I enjoy my life? I was left alone very often when I was a toddler and I've never really had a close friend, if that has something to do.
>>32592120You might be schizoid maybe?
>>32592120congrats anon, what school?
>>32592120I think you never learned to associate showing off with adulation
Person above me is right. This is anecdotal, but I’ve noticed how it’s people with supportive and easily excited families who feel excited and proud of themselves while those who receive minimal reactions like those from your mom feel lackluster. I was like that until I started giving myself a treat after an achievement. For example, I’d buy myself a slice of cake or go to the beach when I finished a big project. This made me feel more motivated and happy about myself, though it’s a different kind of pride and happiness from the one felt by those who had people around them
>>32592120Because you're pathetic anon
>>32592263You probably have never heard about it but it's maybe the second best uni in Mexico, very low acceptance rates, several mx presidents studied there.
>>32592249What's schizoid to you? I do talk to myself out loud very often when I'm alone, which is very often.
>>32592374>several mx presidents studied therethat's cool, are you hoping to be the next one
>>32592388Not really, I figure that with global warming getting worse and worse each year the smart thing to do will be to move somewhere cold with lots of water, like Chicago. I don't want to stick around for when the water shortages and 45°C days begin.
>>32592120Same, good or bad I just feel nothing much any moreMy most common emotion is low level disppointmentT. 24 year oldAnyway congratualtions anon
>>32592422They've been wrong about everything every time so far, they're bound to be correct sooner or later, but I wouldn't make life decisions based on their religious nonsense.