I tried going to catholic young adult groups (London) but the women there literally only stick to their own female friend groups. Guys would constantly come up and try talk but they would get rejected everytime.
-_- How are you like the strictest form of Christianity but still on this site. You make me question you and that guy who slept with 49 prostitutes. If you go to your church your priest is going to give you the weirdest look imaginable that you're on this site.
>>32596980If you haven't spent a lot of time in a large city then you wouldn't really understand. Its common practice in large cities to avoid strangers. On top of that, in places like NYC with a lot of tourists you get stopped literally a dozen times a day on the sidewalk by someone trying to scam you, sell you something, give you a leaflet, get you to sign something, hit on you, rob you, convince you to come to some show/exhibit etc.,. After awhile you learn to stop paying attention to/make eye contact with people you don't know in public altogether.
>>32596991this is why i stick to blue boards bro
>>32596980Bc I'm more likely to be asked for money than hit on. And when I do get hit on he offers me meth. Cities are scary.
>>32596980>> be OP. >> go to "youth catholic groups" expressly to hit on girls>> get rejected because motivation is transparent >> surprised, somehow >> blame it on the size of the city Kek. Have you tried going somewhere you're genuinely interested in the material for the purpose of the material, and organically meeting new people over the course of a year or two while you're there? You know, investing time and energy in a thing it's obvious you're interested in, and building rapport with people, and consequences for wronging someone so they know you're not just a chancer trying to get in their pants? No? Try giving that a go
>>32597659im genuinely catholic though
>>32597003>>32597572You two are forgetting that this is a church group, not a rando on the street or at a party. Soomeone trying to sell narcotics at a catholic meeting would need a walker to support the size of his balls.>>32597728What he's saying is you should be going there for the bible discussions, not to hit on the ladies.>>32596980In general, women in big cities have more choices. That is why they can be more choosey and exclusive. They use each other like zebras use their herd to hide from predators. And if one gets cornered, they swoop in to scoop them out before they all run off. What you have to do is make signs to the group in general from "a safe distance" and then engage the group as a whole. If no one wants to come out, don't pursue. Talk with other groups and be sure to smile and laugh when appropriate. Women are drawn to "fun" like moths to a flame, typically because they struggle to make their own fun, gaslighting themselves with incredibly boring hobbies like "watching sports" or "nyt mini crossword". Anywho, don't directly approach them. Signal that you're having fun and they will come to you.
>>32598117>Anywho, don't directly approach them. Signal that you're having fun and they will come to you.Interesting - what else is your wisdom anon sama?
>>32598128Catholic youth groups kinda suck, honestly. I am more of the passive type and didn't really get into reading scripture until recently (28). I still don't give a shit about all the spinoff authors trying to use the bible to justify their version of "what love means". Contrast that with the insufferable born-agains who probably read nothing but theological literature and you're hardly ever likely to be able to take the lead on any conversations.>Why does this matter?Women typically prefer being the follower, rather than the leader, and religion is no different. A lot of the religious-type women like to abdicate their religious responsibilities and obligations to a strong religious leader. If you're not the type who says his prayers morning, noon, and night, doesn't observe feast days, and isn't read up, your chances are slim to none in that kind of situation.>How to cope?If you can't be smart, be witty. It's tough with that crowd, but it can be done. Also don't be afraid to bring some homemade snacks. It may be disparaging, but women are a bit like stray dogs. If you can't coax them into opening up with fun, food is another avenue. Humbly show off your cooking/hosting prowess. Women love carbs so most forms of light pastries work like small cookies, brownies, mac and cheese with more exotic cheeses than one cheddar, curry rice, etc. The most you should do is something in a small crockpot and keep it for the more important meetings. Also, don't bring something every time, otherwise it looks like you're trying too hard. Make seem like a special treat, rather than being a simp for the group.
>>32598186the probably i'm having is that most of them arent interested in me from the start. I only get about 3-4 sentences in and thats about it. This happens about 80% of the time - h honestly wonder if london has something to do with it
>>32598199Women in big cities are even more vile and spoiled. In general though, 80% of white women are genetic dead ends that are not worth breeding. From the remaining 20% most will be programmed with the latest globohomo narratives and lifestyles so they will have atrocious personalities and characters traits. No point mentioning mutts, bugs, browns and blacks because those women are worthless for breeding purposes and should be invisible to any white man.
>>32596980It CAN happen that a group will welcome a newcomer. But it is more likely that you have to go back 2 or 3 times before people begin to recognize you and feel comfortable with you. You can speed up the process by not trying to pick up girls but chatting or asking questions about the group's structure, activities, etc
>>32598117>You two are forgetting that this is a church group, not a rando on the street or at a party. Soomeone trying to sell narcotics at a catholic meeting would need a walker to support the size of his balls.Doesn't matter. If the people of this church group go outside and exist in a big city then chances are they're more wary of strangers. Its what they've either learned through living there or were taught growing up. I don't know why you think being apart of a church group makes you immune to social conditioning.
>>32598286why do women hate being chased though? Its a church group so wtf do they think is going to happen?
>>32598293Because most women recall their first time being openly hit on or propositioned around 11-12 years old. Getting chased after and viewed as only as valuable as their looks is a pretty common theme for a lot of women. Additionally, if these girls are in a church group then they've likely been told over and over and over to guard their chastity and don't be a slut and to be modest and demure. Its likely that no church going community is going to look well upon any woman who openly entertains the advances of every man that comes up to her. They'd probably view her negatively.
>>32598304>if these girls are in a church group then they've likely been told over and over and over to guard their chastity and don't be a slut and to be modest and demure. Its likely that no church going community is going to look well upon any woman who openly entertains the advances of every man that comes up to her. They'd probably view her negatively.Ha, i wasnt actually aware of this
>>32598199That's what I'm getting at. Consider this diagram I whipped up. You see them for simply being them. The problem is that you being you is easy for you, but it's outside their field of view. Bare minimum, they are looking for someone who can provide something, as they can also provide something, at least in their own heads. Very few women I know can actually cook anything from scratch beyond [pasta]+[sauce topping]. Next is being funny. Most of them like to laugh but hate having to come up with the jokes themselves because there's a chance the joke will fall flat and they will lose social standing for being insensitive. It's why male comedians can joke about anything under the sun, but most female comedians resort to sex and/or disparaging men.Hardest is being a leader. Like I said, the majority hate putting in effort and taking responsibility. If you can show that they can be a comfortable "passenger princess" in life, they will jump on you. This is a total abdication of choices (ergo self-responsibilities, because if they were made to do something and it fails or they get metaphorically or literally hurt, it's your fault for making them do it) beyond how to be the prettiest accessory. These women are typically revolting on the inside and out, but the more power you hold, the more freedom you have for choosing.This is relatively universal for any field, from work to friend group to hobbies.>>32598222Agreed. And checked.
>>32598317I mean, it makes sense, right? In some church communities, if they're traditional enough, women aren't even supposed to accept dates from men. Men are supposed to ask their fathers. It shouldn't be surprising that church girls aren't open and welcome to strange men trying to build relationships with them. Half of the time its not even acceptable for them to develop these relationships with men outside of the church.
>>32598337my man spittin straight fire
>>32598293There's a time and place for everything, and they don't come to church to be hit on.
>>32598420yeah i'm talking about young adult groups, not church
>>32598424Its church group, anon. It being a young adult group makes no difference. Its church.
>>32597728What does being catholic have to do with anything. Your motivation isn't that you're catholic, you've viewed that just as a ticket into the group. You're a member of the group to pick up chick's. That's called a creep whatever your religion, and that's why girls are rejecting you. Join the group because you genuinely want to do whatever activity the group exists to do, and doing that activity, regardless of who is around when you do it, genuinely interests and excites you. Here's a good rule of thumb for you, don't hit on any girl in a good until you've spent 12 months having fun in whatever social activity you want to do and hanging out platonically with everyone getting to know them genuinely as people.
>>32596980>Why are women in big cities more difficult?Because they have a larger pool of men to choose from and can afford to be picky
>>32597659You people are so bitter and gay.
>>32597659This anons right.You're there for bible discussions, not to pick up girls.Similar to how you don't go to a gym to pick up girls, you go there to work on yourself.
>>32598445>You're a member of the group to pick up chick's. That's called a creep whatever your religion, and that's why girls are rejecting you.That not even what he said, you dumb foid. He said the girls just stuck to their all girls group and didnt go out with any of the guys. I know that being disgusting and undesirable messes with your head, but at least try to read what is being said.
>>32598304>Additionally, if these girls are in a church group then they've likely been told over and over and over to guard their chastity and don't be a slut and to be modest and demure.I really wish this was true. Women are held to no standards. Religious types are very quick to enable and enbolden sluts and whores.
>>32599541wrong, this is a young adult group where the point is to socialise