I have an annoying but real problem. I am sweaty with ratty hair when I get up in the morning. This requires showering to get rid of and feel human again.HOWEVER... then I will eat throughout the day and ultimately shit. The act of shitting makes me feel unclean and in need of a shower regardless of how well I wipe.I would LIKE to only shower once a day, but it seems like the only answer to feel truly clean after shitting requires that I either delay showering until I shit, or just shower two times a day.Is this really the case? Am I missing a way out of this unclean-because-unshoweredshitter conundrum?
>>32601521You can buy a bidet or shave your head. Or get therapy to treat your OCD if the bidet solution doesnt work and you like your hair
bidet/wet wipes
>>32601521>Am I missing a way out of this unclean-because-unshoweredshitter conundrum?I know this conundrum. My way out of it is just to stay dirty and shower only twice a week and get used to being a smelly dirty hobo.I also don't brush my teeth.Cigarette and coffee in the morning also helps with shitting before starting the day. So maybe get hooked on those drugs.
You are now realizing that people walk around with shit between their cheeks all day. Everyone around you besides gym-maxxing northernlion Arm&Hammer baldies doesn't feel the need to shit after a shower, and most of them don't wipe enough (or their muscles relax after they get off the toilet) to not have residual shit the rest of the day. Get over it (if you're so annoyed at showering twice). Or don't, showering twice isn't that bad, and it means you never have to worry about a shit you can't wipe up (just clean your ass in the shower).Literal Seinfeld bit.
>>32601553I wipe properly. people are so shitass
Showering twice a day is the literal milestone of post scarcity
>>32601521I saw this discussion on r9k
>>32601521Sounds like it may be worth asking a doctor about seeking treatment for OCD anon.No joke. Obviously can't diagnose you over the internet, but, this is a problem I would expect someone with OCD to have.Also get a bidet for your toilet. Costs less than $100
>>32601521i have the same thing. always showering after shitting even after multiple wipes and whatnot. i dont think i could ever go back. is this normal?