I'm not getting enough (You)s. How can I manipulate people more effectively into responding to my bait and shitposts?
>>32604372Saying you're a woman in the opening post is worth a 30% increased bump rate compared to saying you're a guy.Frogposts tend to taper our after about 50-80 posts, you want to start with a picture people don't associate with memers if you want a 300+ post thread.Talking about places where you can meet women will attract the schooler. He's worth a typical +75 to bump count and a 20% reply boost as he will reply to literally anyone who wants to fight, although most of it will be his typical derails.The sweet spot for OPs is a 3-4 line question. Any more than that and people can't read the entire OP in the thumbnail.Use the subject field when posting OPs, but keep your subject line very, very short, it attracts posters with short attention spans who will reply to the subject and ignore the message body, which is worth a 50% bump rate.Red pill subjects are the most potent subject here, and do 75% better than other topics - people like talking about cheating, dating, and sex. Saying you do anomalously well at any of these 3 activities is worth a 300% boost to replies.
>>32604372Posting bait is like advertising a product - you can spam generic bait everywhere, but if it doesn't resonate with anyone no one will fall for it.You need to know your customer base and adapt your marketing accordingly.
>>32604372Just figure out what the pejorative views are, and then pretend to shill for them. But don’t make it obvious. Idk, just pretend to be pro-ukrainian, pro-jewish, anti-porn, but atheist somehow, who loves God but hates Christians and sympahizes with muslims and also identify as they/them and then tell incels to ‘be themselves’ while pushing the idea that women shouldn’t get married to introverted men and that escorts are for degenerates. Idk man. Just be a contrarian asshole.
>>32604436I do this but I think people see through me. I like all the advice in this thread and am reworking my strategies. Don't think im ignoring you guys
LARP as a baiting incel LARPing as a low IQ communist transperson LARPing as a Tel-Aviv intellectual LARPing as a trad girl from Netherlands LARPing as a Detroit ghetto negro LARPing as a right-wing nazi chud LARPing as a tankie pseudointellectual from Moldova LARPing as a jannie LARPing as a federal agent LARPing as an India internet defence force employee LARPing as a Japanese otaku LARPing as an English teacher creep LARPing LARPing as the xenoestrogen redditor LARPing as the wholesome Common Joe normie.Careful - once you start, you can't ever go back.