What does my arm look like? I don’t masturbate, btw. 746 days of Eternal Nofap. :)
>>32602327Are you that autistic guy who looks like an Elder Scrolls character? You have some Asian tattoo on your chest.
>>32602327You look like me when I was 183 cm and 63 kg.
>>32602329Yes. >>32602334Im 178cm and 66kg. So makes sense. :)
>>32602327You know that image of the two footballers arguing with the ref, posed so that the guy in the middle looks like his arm is really long?Your arm gives those vibes
>>32602340What is it like to be a 31 year old virgin failure with nothing built for yourself whatsoever, and you’re starting to run out of time, already did really? You actually have to try to be a loser in life so I’m just curious how you failed so hard. I started posting here as a 17 year old loser with no friends and then I made a single friend at a job and then he introduced me to more friends plus girls and I became a normie but never stopped posting here at 26. If you’ve never made a single friend at 31 that’s very interesting because that’s all it takes really, a single male friend who has other friends will introduce you to more friends.
>>32602364It’s all okay and hyperkino because every second that passes contributes to my Eternal Nofap streak which makes me feel like a living god and superior to all mortal men. :)
>>32602340This image scares me :(
>>32602327How do you do it? >2 weeks nofap.
>>32602327Do you exercise and eat enough protein?
>>32602340Gain weight then.Protein and probably some fat, hard to tell based on your pic.Also are you that mentally ill guy who keeps posting here every so often?
You look like you're made of onions and should lift some weight
>>32602378Something about the eyes/mouth gives me the creeps, I’m not sure. Is this image not AI?
>>32602810No, not even edited.
>>32602852Ok well I'm probably just stupid then
>>32602810That's a well known weirdo and he has posted like hundreds of pictures of himself.Some weird type of attention whore. Plus probably a ton of other mental issues. That boy ain't right.