Does anyone else find that first second of waking up incredibly uncomfortable?Just the point of going from nothing to being alive. Having no awareness of where you are or whats going on and how you got there, to being like "oh I'm awake, its the morning".I like being awake. I hope I get to be awake tomorrow, no doubt, but actually waking up, I do not look forward to.
>>32603489I can relate. First, I hear the alarm playing and at that point I'm still half asleep, it feels pretty good. Then I let myself spend a couple of minutes in this state, before realizing that if I don't get up now I'll be late to work. And after that I kinda force myself to fully awake and simultaneously get off the bed - this moment and a couple of seconds after I feel terrible, just like you described. One difference is that I don't like being awake and hope not to wake up tomorrow.
>>32603489Waking up to an alarm when I stayed up too long last night is one of the most depressing feelings I know. Usually I don't mind waking up though.
>>32603489Sometimes. What advice do you want, don’t sleep?