Do psychotic episodes really cause brain damage or is that just shrink cope for poisoning patients with so-called ‘meds’?
>>16537952Both.Eutropoflavin and a multivitamin would cure 95% of “psychotic” episodes sustainablyNobody truly wants to become dependent on any drug, shrinks just take advantage of peoples vulnerability after they’ve masturbated - DHT plummets, sigma 1 becomes under-stimulated, frontal cortical dopamine and acetylcholine levels decline, person develops shortsighted agitation, anxiety and unjustifiable agreeableness. Win for the shrink, worst decision ever made for the patient
>>16537952Meds also cause brain atrophy.>>16538098Haldol blocks sigma-1 irreversibly, block acetylcholine and dopamine. That's meds, not illness you're talking about.
>>16537952Psychiatry is literally abuse - patients are drugged so they are easier to "manage"This guy is correct: >>16538266>Meds also cause brain atrophy.Indeed, Cambridge University says this:>Antipsychotic drugs linked to slight decrease in brain volume
>>16538280Have you got any hints on how to reverse/prevent that damage if you must use those pills and/or injections?
>>16538291Hopefully your brain will just go back to a more normal state if you stop taking the drugsFor example, I've had involuntary eye movements every time I've taken antipsychotics:>Oculogyric crises are involuntary movements of the eyeballs and can occur due to... side effect of neuroleptics [antipsychotics] if I stop the antipsychotics for a while then the involuntary eye movements go away. So I guess my brain will slowly revert back to normal.
>>16538291>>16538297By the way, I'm not the only person who says that. There's a website called where people discuss coming off psychiatric meds. And I think they say that the brain should hopefully revert back to normal after some time if you stop taking the meds.One thing they advise though is that coming off the meds should be down slowly and gradually, especially if you've been on a high dose, or if you've been on them for a long time. Coming off them quickly can give you very unpleasant withdrawal effects.
>>16538299>should be down slowly and graduallyThat should say "done", not "down"
>>16537952the real problem is that their drugs suck balls and can't compete with an awakened kundalini
>>16538297I'm diagnosed schizo, I invested my money in crypto, therefore judge concluded I'm not able to make decisions for myself, sign contracts, handle money, represent myself in front of healthcare or institutions... I have 3 antipsychotics and 2 antidepressants prescribed, my heart is starting to fail, and I live in grouphome, which is like prison almost. When I escaped cops brought me back, so it's like prison. I think, even if I left, I would get totally nuts if I stopped that big dose of pills cold turkey. So... I need something that could help even in case I'll never stop. I have tribunal this month, but from what forensic expert wrote in statement I already have they'll only give me bigger monthly access to fraction of my money, and I still won't have right to quit those, and I thing maybe it'll never happen. Before this happened, I tried to say to doctor I want to stop medication, but she said she's not going to let me not have them. It seems like inhuman terror. I'm seriously hungry all day, my body can't burn fat since I'm on current medication, and I can only focus when I'm getting fat(having excess or exactly right amount of sugar in blood). It's hell. I'm considering suicide, but I'm not giving those fuckers my brain to play with it after I die, and I somehow can't even nitrate popylester here, so they'll have to scrap me from the wall.
>>16538302Fuck kundalini, that trash leads to psychosis.
>>16538304>I'm seriously hungry all day, my body can't burn fat since I'm on current medication, and I can only focus when I'm getting fat(having excess or exactly right amount of sugar in blood).I'm guessing you're on either olanzapine, quetiapine, or clozapine, because I think those three are the worst for weight gain. Other antipsychotics can cause a bit of weight gain but not as much.Anyway yeah that sounds very shit, sorry to hear it. Perhaps the only thing you can do is try to convince them you're sane so they will let you choose whether you take the meds. Then you could slowly and gradually reduce the dose and see how your mind handles that. Up to you of course but maybe it's possible.My experience is that I was locked in mental hospital and drugged against my will, but eventually I guess they thought I was well enough that they discharged me. I tried the whole tribunal thing and that didn't work, lol. Any time I talked back to them or questioned their drugs, I think they just thought I was more crazy. Eventually they just let me out. I have taken antipsychotics on some occasions since then when I've felt overwhelmed (maybe I shouldn't take them at all). I much prefer being in control of the drugs, rather than having them imposed upon me.My antipsychotic of choice is aripiprazole because it doesn't raise prolactin, a hormone which can cause you to grow breast tissue. The two worst for this effect are risperidone and paliperidone. Pic related (bottom right graph), source is here: to hear your situation. It truly sucks when the system forces things upon you. I hope you can eventually have your life back.
>>16538316I was receiving forced ECT. I forgot password to my computer. Since that I'm not having good password memory. It must be simple. Before I could remember even random characters. I must learned how to code again after I had that, like literally I didn't even knew how some basic software structures work, even thou I've already worked with them and got that piece of software working.Aripiprazole was fine, unfortunately I've got it with valium, which is contraindicated for reason...Thank you anyway.
>>16538325>forced ECTThat sounds shit. In my country (the UK) they can force ECT in some circumstances - I am lucky because they didn't do it to me.>Aripiprazole was fine, unfortunately I've got it with valium, which is contraindicated for reason...Apparently they both cause sedation, according to the BNF (a resource used by British doctors, it has information about drug interactions, probably for all drugs prescribed in the UK) - link is here: is shown as diazepam on that page because in the UK, chemical drug names are used, rather than brand names. So Prozac is called fluoxetine for example.
>>16538325Why you were forced into all of this?What happened?
>>16538344I assume he's the same guy as this: >>16538304I've also had experience of the mental health system in my country (the UK)If you're wondering how this happens, here's my answer to that question. Some people fall on hard times for whatever reason. It could be work difficulties, financial difficulties, getting into debt, drug/alcohol problems, or a combination of such things.Those things will take a mental toll on you. You might experience overwhelming dread or worry. Stress takes a toll on everybody.If you're unlucky, the mental health services will find out about you (maybe a family member of yours will inform them), and they'll lock you up, ostensibly for your own good.While you're locked up, they will sometimes drug you against your will, and sometimes give you ECT against your will (in the UK, ECT is apparently pretty rare, but in some cases they do it to people against their will, if they think you're in a bad enough mental state).Maybe some people will disagree with my analysis in this post of how mental problems happen. But my experience of the mental health system, and talking to other patients, makes me think that life stresses cause mental health problems.
>brain is totally fucked>take drugs to turn off specific fucked features >still fucked, but in a different way that makes one easier to interact withIt's not like they had healthy brains before the meds and the meds made it worse, it's basically a sidegrade. I wouldn't be surprised if the drugs did have issues, they probably do, but it's not like schizo bob down the road was going to be totally fine and healthy otherwise.
>>16538361>It's not like they had healthy brains before the medsProve it. In psychiatry they never actually prove that there's something wrong with your brain, and I think many patients have just been suffering from very stressful lives - lives which would stress out ANYBODY.If psychiatry is going to allege that a patient has something wrong with their brain then they should PROVE IT.Maybe the patient's brain is normal, but their stressful circumstances are abnormal, and such circumstances would stress out anybody.
>>16538366Hearing voices constantly is something obviously not normal, even in stressful situations. Stress does physically change the brain, and as you might guess, make it less functional. some people don't have stress, they just deteriorate due to some other factors like genetics.
>>16538344It was early 2018 and I was collecting some resources about hacking and stuff, and I wanted to make speech to text using furrier and pattern recognition in that. Also last thing I remember is spectre vulnerability rolling. I wanted to learn ASM. I don't even know what happened. My mom called ambulance for me. As usual, because I stopped going to see doctor and refused to take medication. My parents refused to elaborate when I asked why all of that. In hospital doctor told me they'll keep me for 3 days, I refused to sign papers, so they kept me for months. They've told me I had papers all over my room when they took me which was true. I had papers as pieces of "processor" I constructed from paper in my room for learning purposes. I had registers, papers with instructions, papers with memory. They told me there was nothing just shitton of papers with numbers on them. I can't fucking remember much.
>>16538366I've seen some papers that ware about that schizos got shorter telomeres... Maybe they have fucked up anti-oxidation in cells and it's genetic, but not everybody who has the gene gets to be schizo.
>>16538375And this is being used against you, personally?
>>16538373>>16538344And also another thing that looked very sketchy was glass jars in fireplace. I just wanted to see if glass becomes weaker even if not reaching melting point, to prove jet fuel fucking fucks up steel beams.
>>16538377No. I'm not that important. And I don't hear voices... But I guess there could be whole network like 5G supporting this and projecting voices using microwave auditory effect.Even some anons here had thread about that, that they've sucessfully called niggers "niggers" using that kind of device, it's really simple device.But I have voices in my psychiatric history, I was tried to explain doctors that I hear voices in our house because walls are too thin, but somehow he was tag machine, and just voices matched to psycho voices while I was talking about voices of cohabbitants of my home heard trough wall.And I fucking remember precisely I was talking about that kind of voices.
>>16538383I know it sounds stupid, but it's already having beam formation technology, so I don't see reason why we couldn't have networking technology that supports voice to skull.
>>16538373>speech to textTo clarify this, at that point of time, only speech to text I found online was cloudy, I wanted to sell speech to text, that'll work also offline.
>>16538383>there could be a whole network like 5g supporting thisI'm going to go so far as to say no, there couldn't, at least not targeted. Best you could get is a series of PA systems that everyone can hear, think air raid sirens. >And I fucking remember precisely I was talking about that kind of voices.Memory is a funny thing, and I have no doubt you remember it exactly that way. >>16538385Aiming, walls, general motion, the fact that if anything gets in the way it doesn't work anymore, etc>beam formation technology This doesn't really mean anything, what do you think you're talking about?
Also, in hospital, I was handcuffed to bed, and the handcuffs was so tight I felt pain, it even swelld(pardon, I don't know how to this verb), and I don't even have picture of it, and fuckers kept me in part of hospital in which you can't have phones until it healed.
>>165383925g router isn't producing signal in it's whole radius dummy. Like really no, it points towards phone, I've read about that somewhere. I can't remember where, but it was patented stuff.
>>16538402And radio waves are big enough that they can penetrate lots of matter and find ways around some objects with minimal interruption (stepping inside a building doesn't instantly turn your cellular data off) Even if I just blindly take your word for it, this doesn't explain anything about your idea.
>>16538405I'm talking about exactly the tech you'd use tinfoil head against if you ware enough stupid. Forget it, probably never happened.
>>16538266I was given haldol beforeDoes blocking sigma-1 cause irreversible harm? Is there any solution.
>>16540529And toxic HPP+ metabolite on top of that.I would like some solutions, but it seems like irreversible damage.
>>16540529It lowers working memory. Get it tested then see how you do after a few years you’ll likely drop 5-10 points and 3-5 points of FSIQ max 8
Schizophrenia and psychotic episodes, even in the absence of medication, cause cortical loss and atrophy leading to decreased executive and cognitive function. Before the invention of antipsychotics, schizophrenia was considered a kind of dementia because on autopsy they resemble brains of dementia patients.takeyourmeds
>>16540682Do you have some MRIs of non-treated schizophrenics to prove your claim?
>>16541213It doesn't say non-treated anywhere on the image. If you ware not dumbfuck, you'd know even social isolation is somehow corellated with low levels of BDNF and therefore brain atrophy. If somebody's living in prison of those psychiatric hospitals, it's no miracle they've got brain loss. Another thing is that there may be brain loss that causes symptoms, but nowadays psychosis is even if you say something you shouldn't and that one may not have underlying cause like brain atrophy. Also symptoms of schizophrenia quite overlap with what those schizopills have like "sideeffect". Today we know what those specific subtypes of receptors do, and it's quite obvious, that if you antagonize inhibitory dopamine, somebody will go nuts.
>>16541213Omg, look at that part near medula where the brain stem is, it's not same location in brain. But quite powerful bait.
I suggest following consensus, malnutrition can lead to brain atrophy which can subsequently cause psychosis.
>>16541217What does malnutrition have to do with anything?
>>16541897You get psychotic if you miss something important e.g. iodine...I recently saw videos how "smart" people are making their own sea salt... I hope I don't have to tell you more.
Psychiatry is abuse>Oh you're having job problems, or financial problems, or other stress? Here, take this pill, and we don't really know what it's doing to you, but I don't care! I'm just a doctor! The bad consequences will fall on you, not me!
>>16542644Now I have obesity and heart problems.Olanzapine is poision, it poisions mind and the body. You are hungry, and feel weak and tired.
>>16542724Olanzapine is one of the worst for weight gain, see the pic here (top left graph): >>16538316That graph shows olanzapine ("OLA") as the second from the bottom, which means it's the second worst antipsychotic in that list for weight gain. ZOT is zotepine, the worst for weight gain.Source is this meta-analysis from The Lancet: fucking hate psychiatry.
>>16542724>>16542801Also if you want to know what all those drug abbreviations are, I've copied this from the caption for Figure 4 at the link I pasted:>AMI=amisulpride. ARI=aripiprazole. ASE=asenapine. BRE=brexpiprazole. CAR=cariprazine. CLO=clozapine. CPX=clopenthixol. CPZ=chlorpromazine. FLU=fluphenazine. FPX=flupentixol. HAL=haloperidol. ILO=iloperidone. LEV=levomepromazine. LOX=loxapine. LUR=lurasidone. MOL=molindone. OLA=olanzapine. PAL=paliperidone. PBO=placebo. PEN=penfluridol. PERA=perazine. PERPH=perphenazine. PIM=pimozide. QUE=quetiapine. RIS=risperidone. SER=sertindole. SUL=sulpiride. THIOR=thioridazine. THIOT=thiotixene. TRIFLU=trifluoperazine. ZIP=ziprasidone. ZOT=zotepine. ZUC=zuclopenthixol.
>>16540656Yeah my working memory has always sucked.
>>16540656Actually just got 90℅ on working memory test so maybe the haldol didnt cause permanent harm. This was back in 2020Ive also taken NAC, fish oil, have experimented with psilocybin, and rn doing the apigenin stack. So perhaps whatever damage was done can be fixed.
>>16543213My issue is I still deal with frequent anxiety and schizoaffective symptoms. Meds dont help, other than a benzo when my anxiety is very harsh. The schizoaffective I just ignore. I hate auditory mismatch.
>>16542801>>16542804I want some stuff to counter the decline caused by anti-psychotics. Reading about them is kinda gore stuff to me, it's like looking at own intestine.>>1654321390% score or percentil?On human benchmark I score pretty much good percentil in verbal memory, but visual memory went very down. And it doesn't reach my levels from when I was smoking meth.On mensa IQ test I just skipped last 5 questions since I was exhausted. It's like that I don't have the "endurance" aspect for those tests, it's boring AF.In chess I've started to not see certain moves against me.On GTS-21, Phenylpiracetam, noopept and crystal meth I was over 80% percentile on visual memory, now (I am ashamed of it) I'm only like 45%.
>>16543501>I want some stuff to counter the decline caused by anti-psychotics.I don't think there's a lot you can do, except to come off them slowly and gradually (whether you want to come off them at all if you decision, I'm not a doctor, etc). Coming off them gradually will reduce the intensity of withdrawal effects.Over time I think your brain will revert back to a more normal state. Whether it will fully get back to normal I don't know.There's a website full of people trying to come off psych meds, they have some useful information on
>>16547079I can't come of them, until doctor says so. I've lost my right to act on my own in front of medicimans and institutions.
>>16547079>>16543501So, I came up with this stack, that should somehow boost mitochondria, which are often victims of various malicious chemical, schizos got shortened telomeres, and I think it begins at mitochondrial malfunction.Here's stack for mitochondrial rejuvnation and gotu-cola and astragulus makes telomerase reverse transcriptase work as it should. Ashwagandha Gotu-Kola Curcumin Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Resveratrol (Maybe no, because it inhibits P450) Ubiquinol Ashwagandha Gotu-Kola Curcumin Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Resveratrol (Maybe no, because it inhibits P450) UbiquinolPyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) Fisetin Alpha-Lipoic Acid Glutathione Berberine L-Theanine Astragalus Lion’s Mane Forskolin Omega-3 + EPA, DHA Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) Fisetin Alpha-Lipoic Acid Glutathione Berberine L-Theanine Astragalus Lion’s Mane Forskolin Omega-3 + EPA, DHA Anti-aging stuff I found is unfortunately inhibitor of P450(e.g. Apigenin) so you can't combine it with meds.
>>16547230I don't know how I pasted it twice... So: Ashwagandha Gotu-Kola Curcumin Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Resveratrol (Maybe no, because it inhibits P450) UbiquinolPyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) Fisetin Alpha-Lipoic Acid Glutathione Berberine L-Theanine Astragalus Lion’s Mane Forskolin Omega-3 + EPA, DHAOnce.
>>16547236Now you pasted it thrice.
>>16537952if my parents beat me, which caused me extreme mental distress at the time, am I left brain damaged in the present, or did my growing brain adapt and heal?btw I think that psychotic episodes and generally mental distress MAY be beneficial, taking into account the whole "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger", especially if it's managed. say the stress of an exam or a sporting competition, maybe a broken bone, which should help you with pain tolerance, mental focus and resilience.also shrinks prescribe meds to people because psychos are a social threat, it's the "humane" thing to do, in the olden days a crazy would just get executed or murdered sooner or later
protipthe meds often cause the psychotic episodes, which causes brain damage. This is why you need to tell your doctor about your meth habit before you start taking your medicine