Sometimes I wonder how Gauss would've felt about a contemporary like Ramanujan. He loved obscuring his methods, polishing his results to a mirror shine until no one could trace back the steps he'd taken. He obviously enjoyed blowing dust in everyone's faces as the foremost mathematician of his time but I wonder if he'd have kept up this practice if he'd encountered someone even more opaque than himself. Someone who wasn't as good of a theory builder but would "stumble" into bafflingly brilliant results revealed to him in a dream.
>>16538225So a bit like Cleo, right?
>>16538225Ramanujan was a street shitter with a 2 incher and I doubt he even existed lmao
>>16538225>Ramanujanwasn't he a pedo, but like a not even good at pedo-ing since his mother had to be the one to arrange his marriage to that 10 year old?
>>16540635Sort of.