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If all math was destroyed tomorrow but you could save one equation, what would it be?
I would only save an equation to fake you out as if I were saving one. Then I would destroy it last
sucessor function
I'd say the Laplace transform definition:
F(s) = \mathcal{L}\{f\}= \int_{t \in [0,\infty)}f(t)e^{-st}dt, \quad s\in \mathbb{C}

Granted, if all math was destroyed, nobody would actually know what it means. However, I don't know if that matters much as the people who use it the most often also have no clue what it means.
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>in your path
>proof that God is a nerd
What's the point of saving an equation if mathematics as a whole disappears? We won't know what it means and how to apply it anymore
Whatever version of the GUT that doesn't include this thread.
to remind those that reattain the height of knowledge that their ancestors knew, that they, were there
e ^ (πi) + 1 = 0
Babylonians and Egyptians used the Pythagorean theorem, but they didn't prove that/how it works like Pythagoras.
whatever comes out of the P vs NP problem
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take all equations ever derived, rewrite them in the form "[exp] = 0", save "(sum of all |[exp]|) = 0"
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[math]e^{\pi i} = -1[/math]
That's so...beautiful...
basic arithmetic
E = mc^2 + AI
[math]\frac{D\vec{v}}{Dt}\rho = -\nabla p + \mu\nabla^2 \vec{v} + \vec{F}[/math]
greater internet fuckwad theory

There are three solutions to the right side of the depicted equation.

The solutions are:

This is the only correct answer.
Mathematics honestly ruined my life and I would be glad to see the back of it
a^2 + b^2 = c^2.

I need to navigate around this obstacle as quickly as possible without going the wrong way or getting lost. Hmm what do I do?

Pythagoras would know! Lets go ask him.

Consider the plot thickened
Where your phi is the golden ratio.

The OP's phi isn't always equal to the golden ratio.
Maybe the OP should have used another variable.
For example, theta.
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A plot of the three solutions:

phi/phi^2,phi^2/phi^2, phi^3/phi^2
The exponents are correct.
But only 2/3 of the signs are correct.

The signs are -++.
Not +++.
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distance = speed x time
Not a proof.
OP = faggot
The only one that matters.
g = the golden ratio
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>mfw dropped out of pharmacy school to study computer science
>it’s all just fucking math
So why does /g/ claim the rights to programming generals whereas /sci/ doesn’t?
Cause programming isn't computer science
Keeping your mind on what's important I see
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This is one of my favorites.

Charging interest
is a violation of
the inequality "time <> energy".

And printing money
(which is worse than charging interest)
is a violation of
"conservation of energy".

And who are the culprits?
just use a quantum computer to generate every possible numerical value between 0 and 1 or generate as many bits in combination to make anything possible. even generate your nudes
i mean i didn't specify how much you could save or on what
>printing money
>is a violation of
>"conservation of energy".

replace money with energy
2 + 2 = 5
for extremely large values of 2
It's definitely this one:
[math] (a+b)(b+c)(c+a)+abc = (ab+bc+ca)(a+b+c)[/math]
It's so simple and beautiful and symmetric, written using sums and products:
[math] \prod(a+b)+\prod a = (\sum ab)(\sum a)[/math]
Curiously if you take the LHS of this equation and swap all [math]\prod [/math] with [math]\sum[/math] and all [math]+[/math] with [math]\cdot[/math] then the LHS turns into the RHS, and vice-versa!!! And also these expressions are by default equal!!! Have never found any more of these since.
Look at all that messy bullshit. Does anyone really believe that?
>tell me you worship heroes without telling me you worship heroes
Unfortunately it works for only 3 numbers.
y = f(x). The relationship between two variables is the most fundamental of all mathematical relations.
uhhh proofs??? There might be many more for more than 3 numbers
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*shifts awkwardly in his seat*
If it holds for all numbers then it holds as a polynomial relation. However for n variables LHS has degree n and RHS has degree 3. n!=3 unless n=3.
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gauss digamma and there's not even a close second
or you know more than 2 or 3 polynomials
start with 1 + 1 = 2 and build it back up from there
They must all be destroyed and replaced
only correct post itt
let me add:

\frac{\text{d}}{\text{d}t}\left( \frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{q_i}} \right)-\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial q_i}=0

Pythagoras was likely a mythical figure invented by the Greeks to explain where they got older knowledge from. He probably didn't exist at all.

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