Is the brain really that feeble that it degenerates over time from headbutting soccer balls and head banging? Do you immediately kill off brain cells that way? What happens if you periodically punch yourself in the face, does that classify as a sub concussive act? Will your brain really shrink? Even bumping into a wall seems to justify brain damage nowadays. All paths of head contact apparently lead to dementia, what is the fucking point of having a skull.
>What's the point of ever living at all if you eventually grow old and die?
>>16540734regardless of spiritual position, the point to living is to learn whether you want to or not.but really i want to know if you kill off brain cells and shrink your brain by bumping into stuff or raging over vidya and punching your face
>>16540729take out your skull, see what good that does you
>>16540729Our ancestors didn't really care if they got minor brain damage. They just cared that their brain wasn't flattened so the horny part still worked
I actually find it fascinating how the brain is basically the same density as the cerebral fluid, such that it can minimize the shock transferred to those delicate little 1um neurons when you slam your head around like an idiot.Real brains are basically jello.
>>16540729>what's the point of protection if it's not absoluteReminder that inability to understand nuance is a sign of low IQ
I was a dumb kid and one day I decided to go to motocross track with my mountain bike and try and ride up one of the ramps and I flipped over and fell on the back of my head off my bike.I lost consciousness.I woke up dizzy but soon stood up like nothing happened and continued riding on my bike for next few hours on flat ground where I belong and went home and nothing happened in the end.If I didn't have a skull, I'm pretty sure I'd have died.
>>16540857minor brain damage is a meme anyway, I posted this >>16542416, yet I scored 100% in physics highschool exam, 87% in chemistry, 92% in biology, 97% in English (ESL) over a decade later, I think becoming a NEET and not engaging intellectually in anything has caused more damage than a physical potentially lethal shock to my skull.
>>16540729the trick is to have a shitton of neurons. Probably also helps that neural networks are adaptable, resilient and, while it can't generate new neurons, has self healing capabilities on a macro acale
>>16541180and not understanding sarcasm is a sign of autism>>16542420I've only briefly looked over those headbutting/sparring studies and I'm curious how someone playing soccer without headbutting or sparring without headshots would comparably perform on a psychometric exam. if Ernst Junger could remember and write as well as he did after being repeatedly concussed and subconcussed by artillery, then I find it difficult to believe a soccer player occassionally making headers is going to experience a reduction in white matter without other factors to consider.>>16542898apparently they can regenerate.
>>16543489>apparently they can regeneratenot human neurons, not under "normal operation" anyway. Remember reading an article about triggering optic nerve regeneration with hormones or sth, but that was a long while ago and there are still blind people around so it's either not ready yet or not practical for medical use