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>dead mp
>only 30% of players finished the 1st story chapter
>only 3% completed the campaign

What happened? Started playing and it looks fun so far
Strategy game so mp should be expected to be "dead"
That's pretty normal, check out popular games and see how many people don't even finish the tutorials. I think most people have a game or two or three they will always come back to and occupies most of their gaming time. All other games they just buy, play for two hours, think about playing their main game then they go and play it.
Finishing games is a rarity.
bad core gameplay
This guy gets it, it's an RTS made to be played with a controller.
i will hate day9 forever for making me buy this game. It's fucking shit. Puddle deep "strategy". The way you control your units is just pure atrocity that falls apart after 1 minute of playing and becomes tedious and annoying as hell.
It deserves to die and stay dead.
I remember watching him shill it, I was very close to buying but luckily did not.
> it's an RTS made to be played with a controller.
I played C&C, RA1 and WCII on a controller.
T&T just tried something new and it wasn't good, don't blame that on controllers.
I played Starcraft64 and even with the analog stick and 6 face buttons it was a slogfest to control. You can never replace the finesse of a mouse with a joystick. T&T tried to breathe a new life into a dead horse.
>it was a slogfest to control
Not saying controllers are *good*. Just saying that summing up T&T's problem to being controller-optimized is missing the mark.
>T&T tried to breathe a new life into a dead horse
Which is praise-worthy in a vacuum, but clearly their breathed in the wrong end of that horse.
So what's so terribly bad about the game?
The gameplay. More specifically the control scheme.
You only control one hero unit, who act as your mobile construction yard and rally point. Units kinda do whatever they want beyond that.
Base building & economy is bare bone as can be.
And you are limited to 6 things that you can make per battle (units or defenses) - you have to pick your "deck".

It's like someone tried to bring MOBA players back into RTS, but only managed to get the worse of both genre.
Is the console-focused RTS controls, furshit and commie pandering isn't enough for you?
oh yeah this game happened
I actually like this game. It's clearly not as intensive or complex as other games but it's fun if I'm just trying to sit back with a controller and play something comfy. Also the art and music is great imo.
>commie pandering
All the factions are fighting over who to cannibalize, none of them are "good"
no I do not have such extreme sensitivities when it comes to themes in fiction. it isn't real. it's a story, a toy, a made up bunch of pictures. if "furshit" and "commie pandering" are so harmful to your psyche that you have to piss about it everywhere and all the time then you deserve the harm.
>All the factions are fighting over who to cannibalize
so are the communists
>video game controls
silly bitch you know which part of the post I'm addressing.
because it's an RTS that barely has any strategy to begin with. it started off well but eventually it's a game where you have to blob your units into a deathball and there's absolutely nothing else needs doing. you start to see the problems when you see that you can take down the enemies with minimum casualties by flanking their deathball but the game by design does not fucking allow it. The campaign is also lame as shit where, even if you managed to push back against the final rush of enemies, they all go "umm... th-the pigs win anyway because... they just won okay!!!"

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