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We didn't have one of these for a while.

What are you anons working on? Using the free time of the holiday season (if you have any) to write some mechanics, rules, games, campaigns or modules? Maybe we can have one last good thread before the end of the year.

>Resources for the aspiring developer
>https://anydice.com/ (A fantastic resource for checking probabilities)
>https://miro.com/ (A online whiteboard with tools to help organize yourself)
>https://www.notion.so/ (Similar to the above, but in a bit cleaner format for those who work in larger teams)
>https://obsidian.md/ (Notetaking and other assistance)
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As for me personally, haven't touched my system for a while, needed a break from it.
Though, the itch is back. But one thing needs to be done: The thing got massive, the main rulebook needs to be split in several books. The problem: it's a very player-facing system, so mechanics and rules for players and GMs are hard to divide. Though maybe it really isn't.
One idea:
>heroes compendium
This book contains the vast amount of player options: races, classes, backgrounds, the many subclasses. Also, any and all gear for player characters, the spells and abilities. Yes, it's one of these systems. And a rather basic outline on how the rolling works.
>GM book
More detailed mechanics and rules and guidelines on how to run campaigns in this world, what adventures and plothooks to use. How it's supposed to be run.
>airship book
It's a flying island setting with airships, so this could be its own books. The rules for flying around aren't massively autistic, though I want to add tables for creating islands and nations in the future. This could also contain the lore-section (I know, most people won't care), as a setting-guide.
I haven't worked on my game in months, it's the holiday.
I want advice on a resolution system I made up. I am still unsure if it is viable, but I can't play-test it right now.

See it on the TEST tab
Providing a probability table is really cool. Great to be so upfront about it.
I don't see anything going wrong with that, but it would take some time analyzing the result and then formulating the outcome of the roll. You probably already accounted for that.
Don't know how it will play out in praxis.

Currently working on comedy action adventure setting with superheroes, cultivator/martial artist, mage, ninja, kaiju and mecha.

I put my other project on hold because it is difficult to write an setting were you tried to hide anomalies from common people, like in Men in Black or World of Darkness style.

I will not travel away in holiday so that I will properly continue working the setting before I consider about creating own rules or simple stats up in Mutant and Masterminds system.
>cool finished my book, time to work on supplements
>maybe I should add some of these to the core that I extrapolate for the supplement for brevities sake
>end up adding 20 new pages with more still to do
Please God stop this hell I've created for myself
Maybe a bit unrelated, but I got a job in a indi dev studio as a Game Designer. The job either seems really easy or really hard. No in between. I either create everything at one or just dont know where to start. When I do everything I fear that I made some mistake in the design that will only be noticeable l8er down the line and that it will waste a huge amount of time but oh well what can you do. Also its kinda weird because I have the most creative control over the team. But I dont want to feel like Im bossing them around or that they are creating my vision. I wan for everyone or at least most of the team members to like what we are making and to have passion for it. What happens then is that they change something, I have no issue with this, but then its like, They give most of the ideas, so what did I really do in the end? Just fine adjusting I suppose? I think this is jsut my imposter syndrome (that I never really had before) doing summersaults. All of these guys are experienced Game Devs with like 10 years of exp, while Im just some dude who go in and hasn't even finished Uni.

Anyways, I have been working on this system, mostly based and intended to be used for Delta Green and other d100 chaosium systems, that overhauls shooting and combat. People are more accurate and more consistent with damage and its all done with a single roll.
>Roll a d100, Check if it lands Under your Skill number (70 in this example)
You rolled a 65 lets say
>6 is the Amount of damage you did.
>5 is the hit location, in this case Right Arm
On average ppl have 10 hp. There are sevarity levels for inguries and they linger on. There are different way to shoot a gun and they have different effects. Semi or single shooting would make it so you are more accurate. Short auto bursts will double your Weapons damage, while you do shoot more bulets and there fore should have a higer chane of hitting its abstracted in a way that its negated by the recoil, so you just do more damage.
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There is much more. Weapons mostly have flat damage bonuses, Armour system has several optional rules for different armour types so you can use all of them or just what fits. From ablative armour to armour that gets slightly weaker every time it protects you. Limb system and body specific Armours add a surprising amount of complexity without being over bearing. Because the system is deadly, while keeping gunfights shot and tactical it never gets to be over bearing. An average pistol does 3 damage, so in the example above the target would take 9 damage, but since its a shot in a lib aka in their arm they only take half rounded up so 5. While that wouldn't kill them it would still be a wound, severity Level B " Active Wound". This will lower your ability to fight. It needs to be treated or later may become a major problem. This could be bleeding or something. Surly their arm is badly hurt or broke and they are in shock. Of course if you don't like some part of the system you can always take it out.
I know all of this sounds a bit chunky, but in reality its quite fast, crunchy and fun while keeping the complexity where needed. Obviously if fighters of lover shill fight each other it may take slightly longer. Some may also complain that its unbalanced because stuff like burst fire just seems better. And the fact is that all of these aspects make it grounded and realistic. Which is something I feel most DG gunfights lack.
Dude just make it good. If the work you did made it good then no matter what you've done a good job and you deserved to be there

Maybe you'll fuck up in the end and make it bad, but at least you did your job as best you could and there was noone else in the position who could have done it better

Ive been idle for months, but i think its time to make progress again
Rolling under, take highest result seems counterintuitive at first for someone coming from WFRP, but it makes lots of sense.
In my experience, combat takes forever, but that's because players take ages to count and discuss the bonuses and maluses
Are there any defensive options on the side of the being attacked? It sounds like you just shoot and do damage. If you account for dodging, moving, cover, foliage, it could get funky.
Do you guys think it's too clunky for a skirmish wargame's main resolution mechanic to be rolling multiple D100s (or d%, whatever) and keeping the highest or the lowest?
Why d% and not let's say d20? It could be done with any type of dice, and the relative bonus from the number of dice in the pool will be the same.
I don't like how often you crit or fumble with 2 or 3d20 keep highest or lowest
My game is a 2d10 based system with d10 dice pool for damage. There are classes but no direct magic classes. I want the game to be heavily based on crafting and item use, so expensive material components, rituals, potion making, rune carving, and so on. No priests as healers. Combat is mostly about using your actions well (I stole the D&D 5e action system because action points suck in every system I've played that had them, and I combined bonus action and reaction to add some more tactical depth and sacrifice).

Damage is bssed on rolling 1 to 3 d10s and each d10 that comes up greater than your targets Armor deals 1 wound. Players start with 3 to 6 wounds and gain 1 per level. Average mooks have 1 wound. Normal monsters have anywhere from 3 to 20.
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Hi everyone! It’s been ages since I last posted in one of these threads. I'm going to commit a bit of a faux pas here, as I'm posting some very, very unfinished rules. Please excuse the poor formatting as well—I’ve been using a collapsible document structure, which doesn’t translate well into a PDF. That said, I’ll try to briefly summarize my game here instead.

This is a two-player drafting card battler. I’ve recently been very inspired by both the Digimon TCG and Compile. The idea is that players will draft three 15-card singleton mini decks from a pool of 12. Players then attack back and forth, trying to reduce their opponent’s life from 5 to 0 (each hit deals one damage).

My thinking is that mini decks allow for faster drafting. I also hope that a 45-card deck will enhance the game’s speedy nature. The Digimon memory system is a really interesting way to manage costs, but I’m tweaking it to allow “instant spell” effects to be cast at any time, pushing the memory gauge back into the opponent's side. I hope this will encourage a very back-and-forth playstyle. Finally, by making all the cards singletons, it allows me to include two or three really strong effects in each mini deck. This way, skilled players can anticipate what to play around, while kitchen table players can still enjoy splashy, exciting moments.

Obviously, there’s still lots of work to do, and I know my systems are incredibly derivative, but if you haven’t tried the Digimon TCG, you should give it a go. It’s a really interesting design space! Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Working on a Vietnam war era game where a bunch of random conspiracies are real ie. An alien spacecraft holding the amnesiac remnants of an alien civilization that the USA derives computing and motherboards from. The conspiracies are discovered because a reptiloid is accidentally awoken by the Vietcong and gets recorded by a war journo in a situation like the giant of Kandahar. Currently writing lore for a fey child trafficking ring like the founders in Europe.

The game itself is looking to be a mix of call of Cthulhu and shadowrun with the pcs most commonly being members of a pmc or military
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Is there a game where each entity has a set amount of dice they can distribute as they please between various actions?
For example, you have 3 d6 and you might put two towards attack and one towards defence. or one towards attack, one towards defence, and one towards an item use. Or dump all three into an attack, leaving yourself vulnerable but hitting real hard.

Seems like it would be a really intuitive and tangible way to get across how much effort you are putting towards each action.
meatbot massacre is kind of like that
Already given it a try? Just a setup with two guys with 3 dice each and a nebulous amount of HP determined when they take 'enough' damage.
huh, interesting little system and concept.
no, just was fooling with dice when I was thinking about it. Feel like you would need to flesh out the technicalities of a system to playtest. I tacitly thought you'd probably have a static bonus for whatever action dependent on what your character is good at like someone has a static +3 to thier attack and +2 to thier defence. not sure about how things scale or comparative statistics and such.
I actually tried to make something like this, but gave up when I tried to put in more than two action types and realised that not spending dice on defence was suicide, really lowering the sense of choice. From what I recall, old World of Darkness and West End Games' Star Wars System have similar die systems.
4X-anon here, I've made a player reference for my "not a 4X, 4X game".

Basic idea is that there's basically two maps, one is a shared central map that everyone can builds units on and extract resources from/fight each other, and players have a tableau of up to 5 cards in front of them that make a row (kind of like Pax Pamir), where they can recruit influence onto, and you can move influence from your tableau into opponents tableaus to either score off or attack your opponents' cards.

Each round all players choose a tactics card, and that determines which 5 out of 6 actions they are allowed to use, and you get some bonus for choosing that tactic (for example, one card gives you resources, another lets you go first the next round). You only get 2 actions each round.

Instead of a straight race like Twilight Imperium or Root, the game ends at the end of the round the 6th public objective gets claimed. Players can claim objectives by placing flags on them or they can play them directly into their tableau, but this reduces their space for upgrades/cards.
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>but gave up when I tried to put in more than two action types and realised that not spending dice on defence was suicide, really lowering the sense of choice
surely that can be adressed by modifying scaling and softening the impact of each additional die, no? for example in that lord of the rings game all actions start with a d12 and additional bonuses come in the form of d6’s. meaning that each additional die isnt as impactful as a pure d6 game. the difference between 1d12 and 1d12+1d6 is much lower proportionally then 1d6 and 2d6.

Also, correctly me if im wrong, but i dont believe you could transfer dice between different actions in west end games. I thought your dice WERE your abilities/skills ( like dexterity: 3d, blaster 4d, etc), the equivalent of your character's flat bonuses to strength or Stealth proficiency in d&d before rolling the d20. so you couldnt say take 2d6 from your attack and put it towards your defense instead.

I was thinking more that you had static ability scores/skill proficiencies like d&d (like having +2 to attack, +3 to defend, and +1 to damage naturally) but you can apply your handful of dice to any combination of actions on your turn.

Can one of you spergs explain why dice are interesting in any way?

Are there any ttrpg's that don't fucking use dice?

Why not just write a compelling story? The dice don't make anything better.
Dice introduce uncertainty. An alternative is cards.
>Write a compelling story
It's a game not a book.
>The dice don't make anything better
Chess is very different from craps.
> Can one of you spergs explain why dice are interesting in any way?
Dice is the fastest RNG that gives the feel of a social/occult ritual. Even the history by itself from divination to Platonic solids to war games branching from chess is just fucking poetry. And when these little bastards make click-clack noises, players enjoy it like a casino you don't lose money to.
> Are there any ttrpg's that don't fucking use dice?
Plenty. There are different types of RNG and no RNG at all. For example, Amber RPG. When I was a child, I GMed a home-brewed dungeon crawler for friends with no dice.
> Why not just write a compelling story?
When you write a story, you write, not play a game. RPGs are not a book. However, you can also write like Philip D. did with The Man in High Castle.
> The dice don't make anything better.
The ducks don't make anything better.

You are welcome. Here take those to restrain yourself from posts like that for a while: (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You), (You).
*degrees of uncertainty

its the sensation of things being in part under your control and in part not. Making something feel like you have a legitimate impact with your choices, but not to the point of risklessness assured succcess and boredom.

If your choices are guaranteed, they aren't exciting. If your choices are random why even make them.
idk what you are on about with platonic solids nigga.
I can't remember the name of it, but there's a sci, essentially digital card game on steam with no random chance and it absolutely blows. Every single game is about optimal build order and if you're not as good as your opponent you just straight up lose. Why bother with that instead of chess?
I disagree, ducks make everything better.
I know D&D isn't welcome here, but whatever.

I've done enough game design and exercises that I am now combing through all of D&D 3.5 along with some 2nd party books (Dragonlance) and also the Dragon Compendium that I am finally able to make a version of it that I personally won't feel the need to butt heads with. Because sometimes, you just wanna play some motherfucking D&D, and "D&D" is a genre on its own.

On top of that, getting that need out of my system might help me see more clearly what my other projects need.
Any feedback is much appreciated
Said like someone who doesnt know the downsides of ducks.
To give any feedback, someone need to be pro in such kind of games, to have a solid image of what it could be like from the vague descriptions.
>Start making a game
>Oh this is pretty alri-
>It's just a game that already exists with slightly different mechanics
Today I realised I was making a lower powered Godbound. I wonder what I'll realise I'm making tomorrow.
I mean desu if you go any more western, or any more xianxia, you’ll be significantly different than godbound as long as you’re not directly ripping off their setting
I wanna make something heavily inspired by modern military fiction (Modern Warfare and Tom Clancy). Any pointers?
what do you do when you want to design a game but don't have any ideas you're particularly passionate about besides "wotc sucks at game design"? I don't want to do another generic medieval fantasy thing
Then why do you want to design a game? If your only impulse is to not play a bad game, then just play a better game?
to be clear, I have mechanical ideas. I just don't feel passionate about any particular genre or concept
Passion is what is necessary for success. You're not going anywhere until you find something you really care about
>looks amazing, similar to a town in the world I'm brewing
>game is not out yet
shit, I really want to try it out. the atmosphere is fantastic. Is this a kind of aesthetic you're picturing for your setting anon?
>But I dont want to feel like Im bossing them around or that they are creating my vision.

I get it anon, especially if you're newer to the team. I don't know what your team structure is like, but the thing with leadership is that if you DON'T have vision that is way more detrimental. It's more about communicating things well. Do you have much team and leadership experience? I always recommend leaders go read "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" by Lencioni. Or at least go look up a summary. Super useful principles to keep in mind, I've seen it to be true in most of my work settings
>surely that can be adressed by modifying scaling and softening the impact of each additional die, no?
Depends on the number of dice, actions, and enemies. I had something like 4~ action types in mind (attack, defend, dashing/disengaging for bonus speed or repositioning, and a catch-all for stunts that didn't fall into the above like tripping and disarming). Softening the impact of additional dice means you won't spend all dice on the exact same action, but at lower die numbers it still means some of your dice MUST be spent on defence. Wasn't huge on applying too many static mods or variable dice to what was otherwise a d6 dice pool either. Having defence be mostly passive, maybe with the option to block, is probably the answer but I'm stuck on other projects currently.
>Also, correctly me if im wrong, but i dont believe you could transfer dice between different actions in west end games.
Never played 'em myself, just know someone brought them up when I posed the idea in the past.
Certainly, yes. It's a weebish system, it's also a heroic system. The world is supposed to be varied, fun to explore, comfy to spend time in, and worth defending against the badguys.
Don't know yet how to exactly set up the random tables for island generations, but it would be entirely possible to get an island that consists of one large mountain, and villages or a city build on its inclines, growing vertically. The next island might be a barren rock with only the remnants of the ancient civilization worth exploring. Another island might be largely filled with water, and small villages surviving thanks to its fishy riches. Another one might be big enough for varied terrain and different cities. And so on. We'll see.
What's your system about?
Interesting work anon, system looks good and bonus/penalty and mixed results are nice touch. I would like to know what do you imagine under "viability"? System seems serviceable, if you roll dice rarely in narrative heavy campaign it should be good enough and give you some interesting outcomes, if you expect to roll dice every few minutes, the mechanic can became stale a little bit. If you are interested in mechanical/statistical viability, maybe you should try to configure few experiments in some statistical analysis tool (or scripting/programming language).
Where are some good design communities? These threads are okay, but they're pretty infrequent and die really fast.
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Back to chipping away at my slightly more simulationist point-buy-character-building 3.X where characters advance through downtime training rather than XP, and learn new skills and features a la carte. Had about 8 weeks of life taking up all of my time, so I'm digging through my notes.

I started with more interesting stuff, and I realized whet I'm working on now is trudging my way through preliminary skill list & descriptions (which will need expanding later, for now I'm going with a table for DC setting rather than specific skill-by-skill example DCs and modifiers).

Usually I talk about it in the 3.X general, occasionally in the 3.5 general, but it's starting to look a bit less like 3.5 at this point.

Anyways. It's going pretty slow at the moment as I get back into the groove of things. Also, this is a tedious part, but I got to a bit where I need to iron it out. It's pretty crunchy, which was a lot of what made me decide to bootstrap it out of 3.X products, which I'm already quite familiar with.
Has there been one since they got rid of the 7-day autosage? It might last a bit longer now.
We had one right after they pulled the limit that lasted a good couple of weeks.
I like it, but I do have some concerns about how "chance of penalty/chance of bonus" works. If I'm reading it correctly, they trigger if (#1) a certain total is rolled, and then check (#2) if black is higher than white/white is higher than black.

My problem with it is that (in what's otherwise a pretty symmetrical system) the odds of getting a bonus is much much higher than the odds of getting a penalty. In any given roll, you keep the highest white and the lowest black, so the white die being higher on any given roll is obviously much more likely. That means that "chance of bonus" will nearly always give a bonus, while "chance of penalty" will hardly ever give a penalty.

My other observation (that I just thought of) is that your probability table lists combinations of white/black dice from 5/1, 4/1,...,1/4, 1/5. But at least from the opening paragraphs, it sounds like other are possible: 5 white and 5 black, for example (or 3/2, or any other combinations that don't have one of the two colors at 1 die). Are these expanded combinations allowed in the system, or not?
How do you set a roadmap for yourself? I keep making small additions until it bloats too much, I divide a chunk that could work by itself until it bloats so much I need to divide it again or I go back to the previous bigger chunk that now seems more feasable. At this point my head got used to thinking like 2 ideas for one thing at a time and that's not helping. I need some kind of work flow.
What's been working for me (or working better, at least) is setting a really strict page limit to the project. It forces me to focus on the core of the system and not get bogged down in minutiae. And it also forces me to say "yes, this draft is done" when I'm at the page limit.
Hi, Brad. I liked the last podcast.
how do you get people to play test your stuff?
I don't want to only go through friends, but I don't want to pretend this is a perfectly working thing and disappoint some poor folks.
It helps if you are already in a community that does lots of homebrewing. Otherwise, you have to ask in the regular places for players and hope for the best. But to be frank: as hard as it can be to find players that want to play something else that isn't the dragon game, it can be even harder to find players that are willing to playtest a homebrew system. You can probably understand why.
No replies for 24 hours and we're only page 8? Dead board :(
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Have to admit, despite making this thread, hardly worked on anything. I always have less time around these holidays than I think.
Maybe next year we get shit done.
Always been a slow thread, mix that with the holiday season and /tg/ genuinely dying and you get this.
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>love ttrpgs
>wanna make my own ttrpg
>remember no one plays anything other then Warhammer or Dungeons and Dragons
>no friends who are into ttrpgs
>making a game for nobody except for myself
For most people that's going to be rolling multiple sets of 2d10 and keeping them matched up, which sounds clunky to me at least.
Join a homebrew community, try to get people interested in your game.
Otherwise: try to shill your stuff online.
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For the three of us who play Aeronautica Imperialis, I wrote an RPG add-on to the core rules. Each player controls one aircraft, and the GM acts as the enemy squadrons. Works fine with both 1st or 2nd edition, just mentally convert 1 grid to 4 inches if you're playing 1st edition.
I've run two campaigns of this, and both were a lot of fun. The aircraft damage feels great in game. General feel leans more towards top gun than anything else. If you've got a bunch of tiny planes sitting around that you don't know what to do with, here's an option for forcing people to play Aeronautica with you.
Made a homebrew class for Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Would like some feedback.

The Agrimancer uses Scarecrows and Magic horseshoes to gain the edge in combat through teleportation and farming shenanigans. It is built to be a frontline combatant with its 1d10 hit points and medium armor class and ability to use shields. It also is a half caster.

It comes with four subclasses:

Arborist: An Agrimancer that focuses on tree farming and whittling wood to make usable objects. Is Battlefield control.

Beekeeper: Agrimancer that uses bees and honey to overcome obstacles. This subclass is built for Utility.

Herder: Agrimancer that herd wild animals with a loyal dog companion are Herders. It is a Tank subclass.

Vintern: Making wine is a big part of establishing bonds and living up spirits. It is a Support subclass.

Here is a link to anyone interested: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-OEUYsRRkAOQVFfLScA5
Why not call it Farmet? It is way cooler.
I'm trying to make a ttrpg where players are not a party of adventurers, but military leaders, each with their own squad of soldiers (and at higher levels vehicles).
I want combat to be crunchy while also fairly minimalistic to avoid the bloat and not make rolling and counting tedious. I managed to reduce leader stats to 3.
I also want the system to work in my donut steel setting, which is all about bases located on mountain peaks, so whether your approach is covert ops infiltration or loud, brutal siege, your troops will have to keep climbing up.
My worst problem is how to track stats and statuses of all the soldiers. There should be somewhere between 5 to 50 of them per leader. I have no clue how to mark who is wounded and who is not if there's so many.
>inb4 just kill em straight away
I don't want them to die too easily, because it's a postapo (or mid-apo) setting and humanity is scarce as it is, so you can't hire people by dozens at every stop.
1 HP each soldier so you don't need to count damage, they just need to beat their defenses (cover, armor, toughness). Apply statuses to whole squads/fire-teams at a time, not individuals.

Roll for recovery after the battle. Medics and better healing facilities grant bonuses or rerolls to recovery.

Anyone with more than 1HP (elites, leaders) only lose 1 point temporarily and need to recover or risk death by fighting again.
Some people had luck getting randos into Troika or Into the Odd, games with the least amount of stat accounting. I believe there are more chances of getting people into telling a story together than board games, especially if the board game is all theatre of the mind, so that type of minimalist game could have more appeal if you're looking for that.
But iif you want something that makes GURPS look simple then you need to find people into ttrpgs and target them. If you run a good game it's not that hard to push people out of D&D.

I currently working on the setting so that I started to get idea what kind ofrules need to add to the game.

But the biggest question is if I should keep on building the setting until it is completly finish or I can start working on the rules then go back expanding the setting?
I think it's best not to interupt your rhythm out of some bizarre misguided self imposed rule.
But you can always work on different things at the same time.

True, I'm kind of guy who like working on rules but I learned that an setting matter more than rules.

I use help of Google Gemini to build the setting so that I get clearer image of the setting. But I still had to write it myself because most of Gemini writing don't real fit my vision of the setting.

I now need to go through what I had missed and sorting them because it become chaotic as I simple spontaneously writing down about the setting.
>Hmm I want to make something implicitly personal and creative, an expression of my own earnest passions
>Better get a computer to make it for me
Beyond that, ideally you should be thinking of one while making the other. These things are best done holistically, everything tied together to form a greater whole, rather than strictly separated. Say you're writing background work, you might get an idea for translating it into mechanics, or writing rules and suddenly be struck with a cool idea to tie it into the setting. Write everything down as you go, keep a notepad for all your ideas, and move back and forth between the two as you need.
>Roll for recovery after the battle.
That's a good one, that way they can easily get KO'd in combat, but survive and not need to get replenished that often. I think it might work. Thanks!
Fluff inspires crunch
Crunch inspires fluff
And sometimes you reach that rare point of perfection when a mechanic tells a story by itself, fulfilling both aspects

I have no problem with creative part but I had difficulty writing down in clear text so that I used help of AI to translate of my mind of the world into text.

Good point about writing down idea on mechanic as working the setting. I should write down list of mechanic that I come up with.

I have tried that method before but sadly most of my other projects are in holds...
When creating a game, or just an add-on to an existing game, what is the most important thing to remember, bar none?
Get it in front of players as soon as possible. That forces you to make the hard choices, cut things to a workable length, and face the deficiencies of your work rather than wasting months/years masturbating to how good it's going to be once it's "finished."
How do you find players?
Keep it simple stupid + get it working asap like >>94666817 said
>get it working asap
But isn't that extremely easy to do? Doesn't sound like much of a meaningful stepping stone.

Like, when I want to learn a new system I just look up how to resolve an attack and a skill check (which are often the same thing), get a premade character and I'm ready to go.

Not sure I can learn much getting that in front of players.
>when I want to learn a new system I [refuse to learn the rules or even look at the book]
Truly a sterling example of the kinds of people that need to be writing systems
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Tangential, but I feel like this might be the most appropriate thread:

I want some kind of large-format printer, or some other alternative to the usual inkjet/laser printers. Ideally a machine that can produce high-quality game boards (and pieces) at home. Same goes for cutting machines that use cutfiles.

Any recommendations?
Sorry. Replace "just look up" with "read up on".
You sure you don't want to use a business to print for you? Can just get a single set printed.
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your best bet is probably a DTF printer. they can be used to print professional quality TCG cards at home. you can also hot stamp foil select areas of cards (like yugioh text), and also print foil (mtg background) cards. they can also be used to print arbitrary decals on almost any surface (including curved, irregular, metallic, cups, pens, etc). combined with a basic 3d printer you could produce arbitrary fully decaled professional 2D (cards) and 3D (board pieces) game pieces on the fly. for TCGs, you only need to get the correct cardstock (which is not an issue unless you are trying to make exceptionally high grade proxies)

there are several profitable general applications to DTF printers as well, if you want to try and get it to pay for itself.
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My old FLGS actually shared its warehouse space with a shopfitters, meaning they had access to all sorts of fun toys.

I don't know how quickly this runs into astronomical costs, but there's a whole 3D printing thread now. As a hobbyist, just wondering what's out there, y'know? Even just being able to print on something better than paper (or light card) would be amazing.
Play-testing with real people.
Sounds like the GM and airship/setting books could be the same but I haven't seen the size. It's hard to imagine an entire book of rules and mechanics.
Have a "what do they eat?" roll if the island has life on it
What's a good system to steam vehicle rules from?
Just trying to use vehicles in my Savage Worlds game and I don't like how simple the rules for them are.
I'm brainstorming a side system to add to dungeon-crawl games that I'm sure has been implemented before, but not by me. The idea is to use cards to facilitate the BS the GM throws the Player's ways if they decide to take their time in a dungeon or other place/moment where time is of the essence.

The GM gets to use cards to...

- Spawn random encounters. One card spawns a random encounter that will be of rote difficulty to the party on paper. Three cards will be a challenge equal to the party's talents. Five cards will be a challenge that will test the party's limits.
- Where I spawn those random encounters. I spend nothing to spawn them in a place where they don't immediately notice the players, while playing three cards will have them take notice immediately. I don't have exact numbers down, but these are rough ideas only.
- Work as "Dungeon Points" where I can use a card to boost a monster's roll or two, etc.
- The PCs ought to get a way to reduce those cards. I'm thinking them taking greater risks in the environment and to risk resources and such to take out monster encampments within the area, taking a risky shortcut during a chase, etc can represent giving me less leeway to screw them over later on.

My aim with this system is for me to feel less like I am pulling shit out of my ass to throw at the players and that I have something to quantitatively show them that I have the means to McFuck them over.
Hey guys.

I am trying to come up with a replacement mechanic for Take20.

The idea is: "You have time. You can try repeatedly. Now, make me a roll to see how many tries it takes you." It's available alongside take10, but will replace take20.

Any advice on what I should make the roll to determine how many attempts it takes? I'd like to aim for sensible outcomes, and I'm not entirely sure what the math is to figure out a mechanic for this.

Any suggestions on what to plug into Anydice?

The amount of tries it takes before you succeed I assume is being done to showcase how much time passed before it happens. Would I be correct to assume that, or is it something else, or something more?
How many "tries" worth of time; or how many "tries" worth of materials wasted for craft attempts, mostly, yeah.
Another potential example would be a trap that does 1 point of ability drain. You know you'd succeed eventually, but how many attempts are you're willing to risk (noted in advance to see when your character would quit if they keep failing) + roll to see how much ability drain you take from failing.
It's to be an alternative to having them roll disable device over and over, taking the ability drain every time, until they succeed. Turning it into one check to determine how many times they failed along the way.

Ok. But my thing with the proposed "multiple-tries" mechanic is that I think it has the side-effect of it needing to imply a certain outcome every time a d20 + modifiers roll turns out to be at or more than the target number, or less than it. This means that each time the result is less than the target number, it is a failure with all the consequences of it (lost time, materials, etc).

I think I know why you want to expedite the multiple dice rolls thing to see "how many tries before you get a success" thing, because having to roll the dice until they come up to meaning something happening is boring.

I'd like to propose a different system, instead of expediting the number of d20 rolls you need to get before you get a success, emphasize a better way of resolving the d20 roll in "skill" situations. A "success" is still the d20 roll going as intended, but instead of a "failure" amounting to meaning, "Better luck next time", it ought to mean, "It will take twice as long as expected", or "The steel you got is of a poor quality. Either the merchant ripped you off, or someone else down the lane ripped the merchant off", and then turn the crafting of the sword into a quest to track down a steel-swindler on the side. A "failure" could also mean stepping on a creaky floorboard in the manor you broke into, alerting security to investigate and you needing to get out of dodge.

I think what you want is to make the rerolling system less boring, but I think it better to make the dice roll more exciting by not making the results black-and-white.
I have decided that ability scores / attributes in my hack should be active rather than passive, as in, they always modify something you do, rather than something that is done to you. In mechanical terms, it should be easy to think of a skill associated with a particular attribute / ability score.

The D&D attribute scores fit this pretty much, if you do the common thing where wisdom is something like "perception", except for CON.
I made HP / survivability be modified by my equivalent of STR / Size, but that leaves me with only 5 scores.
If possible I'd like to keep the symmetry of 6 attributes, 3 for physical and 3 for mental, but for the life of my I can't figure out a physical category that would be active rather than passive, and not already covered by strength and agility/dexterity.

does anyone know what that could be?
Ah, the narrativist approach.

I'm definitely aiming for more simulationist gameplay overall, with my main sources of inspiration being 3.0 / GURPS / The Dark Eye / Rolemaster FRP (the 1999 version), and a smidge of Shadowrun 4e. I like the crunchier games with less GM Fiat, which is why that's what I've been working on. I'm actually close to having something runnable at this point. Been working on it since march. Revising the 3.5 Skill mechanics was near the end of the list, because I had something to start with that I wasn't overhauling /that/ dramatically. and I wanted to focus more on the campaign setting I'll be running with it.

Given the games I've liked and disliked over the years, I definitely prefer when the mechanics are black and white.

> I think what you want is to make the rerolling system less boring, but I think it better to make the dice roll more exciting by not making the results black-and-white.
I want to speed up tasks that would take multiple rolls to resolve, while still getting the same outcomes that would be gotten by attempting multiple times.

But it's definitely a "different kinds of TTRPGs are very different" thing. I'd put Genesys and FATE and the other less explicit TTRPGs I've played near the bottom of the pile, of mostly games I don't really want to play again. I'm looking for a sensible mechanic here that would be at home in GURPS.

Thanks though. I will figure it out.

You do you. I'm just thinking in terms of what would be more interesting for people at the table, and getting their action locked away by the clacking of the knuckle-bones isn't the most ideal way to spend an evening. But yes, if you do manage to go through X amount of time via retrying the same action, what about the actions in between that do pass? When does that player get to play again, or does it happen in chronological order?
Well, it wouldn't be advisable in combat. So I would say "while he's doing that for the next few minutes / hours (probably minutes is when I would apply this mechanic. If it takes hours it's less likely to be multiple attempts and gradually progressing over time with partial setbacks rather than complete-failure-start-over), what are the rest of you doing?

If it's the slow all-day sorts of tasks, the rest of the group will get to decide with their all-day of downtime as well, allocating their time and making a couple rolls, and then we pick up the next day / at the end of the day when they all meet up again and keep going with everyone having progressed in their side projects of crafting / training / inventing / researching / gathering Intel / etc.

But I'm not going to want to have some players doing moment by moment action while others are engaged in lengthy downtime for several hours, missing out on the whole session - that's bad pacing.
Less likely to be multiple attempts and more likely to be*
Whoops. Editing error.
I doubt it's worth it. Rolling a die repeatedly looking for a 20 doesn't take very long at all. Unless it's something you do very frequently you'll lose more time trying to remember the replacement mechanic than you'll save not rolling.
You may be right. I'll mull it over. Thanks.
Combining Agility and Dexterity is a mistake, they can easily apply to various different activities. Alternatively: stamina/endurance, as something that allows you to exert physical power over a long time. You can also take the perception aspect out of Wisdom (why even is that tied to Wisdom anyway?) and make it its own attribute, for instance specialized to ranged combat,
How do you design around players not wanting to have fun?
That's what D&D is for.
If anything I'd take out WIS entirely and just leave perception, it's clearly the most used part and the difference between wisdom and intelligence is pointless. Even more if there's no passive knowledge, only proactive, that's 100% intelligence. Tie perception to intelligence and you have a symmetric 2 and 2, 4 stats works nicely (it's more than Into the Odd's 3)
You homebrew "Fungeons and Fungi", a game where you hunt fungi-monsters in fungeons, fun-themed dungeons. Part of the game is to succeed in various exciting activities, like navigating ball pits, traversing via slides, eating funny mushrooms for various side-effects, and beat the fungeon master to loot his treasure.
Players need to wear funny hats while playing this game.
Just so you know, "roll a d20 and that's how many tries it takes" sounds like a nice variation to taking 10 and I might implement it if I need it. I like when in very specific scenarios a 1 is a good result.
you design and recruitment call for new players
If you're gonna vent do it properly, what happened?
Not it was a more general question, I was thinking about that Civ designer's quote again.
I want to have a medieval hockey minigame. I'm mainly interested in the equipment as a religious garment and having violence allowed, but I'm not sure how much to simplify the sport to make it engaging but manageable. I don't mind it being mostly handwaved and narrated, but I want the players to have some strategy and chance. Do you have some example of ttrpg sports that work?
I'm looking over Top Line Hockey (too nunaced) and Rink City Hockey 2 (too narrative).
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I promised myself I would finish the prototype for my game before the end of the year

but as of right now, it looks like I'm polishing a turd...
>but as of right now, it looks like I'm polishing a turd...
it happens when you spend too much time with a project. If it's understandable, test it. It doesn't matter if it's at 30%, give it a run with other people and see what they think. Always listen to their opinions, never to their solutions.
Alternatively, working on something else might ignit the flame again. But getting other eyes on it is always very important.
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> 1d20 for number of attempts
> Linear with equal probabilities
So, when I was mulling this over, yesterday wrote some JS in google sheets and ran a Montecarlo with 130k rolls at each number needed on the dice from 11 to 20.
Anyways, this is what I got. Very far from a flat probability. It looks about like an exponential decay curve, where the decay is slower the worse your odds were to start.
Haven't decided on a mechanic for it, or if it's worth the hassle yet. But I just wanted to mention that it's not at all like a single d20 roll.
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Graphed after rounding to the nearest %, and making sure any fractional %s get added back in, and capping the max number of rolls at 30 (instead of 44), They look like this, in case you are curious. Still not sure if I will make a mechanic to bypass multiple rolls when you're in essence counting how many rolls it takes, if the players aren't invested in playing it out as a minigame. Another friend suggested I just go in the other direction and up the minigamey elements to the extended test type mechanic to make rolling multiple times more fun rather than merely calculating wasted time and materials. Maybe that's what I will end up doing instead of streamlining the roll to be over in a minute.
>Hiding Anomalies from common people, like in Men In Black

Not to be that kind of guy, but have you looked at Apocalypse Prevention Inc.? It's probably one of the best MIB kitchen sinks I've found so far. Maybe there's something there you can crib from.

What were you thinking? Big shadowy organization? Smaller civilian groups trying to keep a secret among themselves? Aliens? Cryptids? SCPs?

I'd be one thing if folks traveled with paired sets of d100s or if those were easy to come by, but if anything the D100 is one of the least used dice in any set and isn't very well stocked in most game stores (by my experience). It's one thing if you're going to provide folks the needed dice as part of a box set, but asking them to whip out 3+ sets of separate d100s might be asking much.

Sounds like you might also be cribbing a little from 4th ed. System sounds solid enough. It sounds like the kind of game where players will be required to play out their character's down time so that they can go about doing all the crafting they need. I will say though that a game based around a party of engineers, chemists, and blacksmiths might be interesting.

>Mini deck drafting
Not exactly a new idea but is still quite novel. The only other games that I've seen it done before in is Smash Up and Epic PVP. However, the big thing about those two games is that each mini deck was themed in some way (Smash Up had decks representing archetypes; ex: aliens, werewolves, giants, cowboys. Epic PVP had players pick one deck for a race and the other for their class), so I'd be curious if you would follow the same path? I guess that it would all be determined by the overall flavour that you decide to go for, but it would still be interesting to have an idea as to where you would want to take it.
I put together a table top skirmish game a few years back that used a similar system. The whole idea was that each character on your team provided dice into a pool and during your turn you would choose one character on your team and allocate a number of dice to them from the pool. You would then use the allotted dice to have the character perform action and when they ran out the turn was over. Every action a character could perform had an associated roll, so even having a character move across the battlefield would force players to use their dice. When all the dice in the pool were used up, you could no longer take turns. When both you and your opponents had used up all the dice, the round was over and the next would begin.
>Why dice?
Because nerds like collecting little pieces of coloured plastic. Show me a nerd who owns only one complete set of polyhedral dice and I'll show you a lizard.

>TTRPG without dice.
Dread, but folks don't play it all that often because it's a pretty niche game and only weirdos go out of their way to collect jenga towers.

>Why not write a compelling story?
Because I'm lazy enough to just write out a synopsis and let everyone else at the table write the rest of it out for me.

>Turns out I'm just making another game that already exists.
So what? Roll with it. Nobody's going to sue you over it. Keep plugging away at it. Are the mechanics different? Cool! Do you think you can do it a little better than the other game? Great! Keep going dude!

Depends on what you're planning to make. RPG? Board game? War Game? Card Game? There's a whole lot to consider here.
Want to make something but don't feel too passionate about it? Try the following:

1. Write out your ideas. Doesn't matter if you don't care too much about them, just get them down on paper. Doesn't matter if it's a notebook, on your phone, a computer, spare napkins, or tattooed onto your girlfriend's ass. Just make sure that it's on something permanent that you can find later. Doesn't matter what the idea is, when you start writing don't stop until you think you've got it all out of you. Elaborate on mechanics as much as you can. The whole idea here is that once you start with one small idea, when you start writing it out you should be able to expand upon other related mechanics or ideas.

2. Give your idea the sock drawer treatment.
Take what you've written, put it in a location where you can easily forget about it but just as easily stumble upon it, and forget about it for a couple of weeks. Get it out of your mind. If and when you do find it again, if you feel curious enough to open it again and have a look over what you've done, then that might mean you can become passionate over it. If you find it and feel no compulsion to look at it, then either try forgetting about it again or throw it out.

3. Read what you wrote. If you like the idea and think you can expand upon it more, that's great. If you read it, become embarrassed by your foolishness, then decided to fix it up into something better? That's awesome! If you read it and become bored, then it's a loss.

Always run your ideas through a sock drawer. It's gotten me through some dry spells.
There was a discord group, but I'm not sure if it's still around.

For myself, I start with a "proposal document" in which I detail only the primary points of the project; mainly: mechanics, theme/fluff, core concept. This usually takes 2-5 pages depending on the project. If any extra ideas hit me before I start working on the project in proper, I'll add them to the proposal document.

Once I get to work on the actual project, I will try to follow my proposal as closely as possible, only expanding upon what I have written and trying not to add anything new (even though something always slips in). If when working on the project I run into a major problem, I will go back to the proposal and try to figure it out.

Aside from that. I try to write a minimum of 200 words a day. Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, but it's a solid goal that can help me feel as though I'm making progress.

Kinda joking when I say this: upload it to Itch.io. Yeah it's a cesspool, but it's a cesspool where people can give you a response and sometimes a flower blossoms.

Take notes. Doesn't matter when or where, just be ready to write anything down.

Then you design around something else entirely. I would suggest designing around suffering. You could start by having players begin by purchasing an obscure dice set (https://www.amazon.ca/Pieces-Numbered-Polyhedral-D3-D25-Playing/dp/B0D3J4NX11/ref=sr_1_5?sr=8-5), follow that up with a lifepath character creation that is filled with pointless decisions and rolls, mandatory session zeros, and after forcing players to engage in overly numerated and mechanical character generation have the gameplay be primarily narrativist.
pls respond
Thinking about "ties" and whether it's even worth it to have them as a result instead of letting the attacker or defender win or re-rolling.

Thought about this in regards to stealth rolls since the sneaker usually wants nothing to happen.
So this is a minigame within an RPG?
What system were you planning to use, or is this whole thing homebrewed?
As a dude who has had to do a lot of layout and design work for his own card games, from my perspective you are doing a pretty decent job. Also from my experience, cards don't have to look pretty so long as the game is fun.

These cards supposed to be standard size?
Have a bit too much going on right now, on top of all the usual holiday stuff.

Spent the past summer working on fixing up and editing an RPG with another fellow. It's an abandoned kickstarter project, the creator released to us the base Word documents and art assets. We aren't looking to make money off of it, we're just looking to see the game completed. We've just got one more chapter to finish before we can start playtesting, after that we can polish off the equipment section and the fluff.

I've written out the rules for a new card game that is based around the idea of children playing dodge ball in a play space ball pit. All I have to do now is get a deck of cards designed and printed (something I'm not looking forward to doing considering that I've done this three already for other games and it's always a slog).

I've returned to one of my long forgotten projects and ended up rewriting all of the rules for it. Theme's stayed the same for it: city building resource management game themed around communist zombies.

All in all, it feels good to be so busy, but unfortunately the holidays have put me well behind some of my goals.
>These cards supposed to be standard size?
2.5 x 3.5 inches
What's the average font size you're using for your text? I usually try to keep my fonts around a 9-10 but have made exceptions.

Something else to consider is that if you were planning to get these cards professionally printed they'll likely round off the corners, so be sure that you've accounted for that. If this is just a fun personal project, then keeping the squared corners is cool.

You can use arcane magic to accelerate mundane construction work. You can provide 5 gp x the highest cumulative level(s) of arcane spell you can cast per day. ((A wizard that can cast 6th level spells would provide (6+5+4+3+2+1) * 5 = 105 construction gp per day. This can only be used for construction and digging, not crafting; nor can it be used for crude construction.

How would you phrase this better?
First and foremost, what system is this for? Because if you were planning to use this in 5th ed, you're probably making things a little over complicated. However, if this is for a homebrew system, then let your complexity flag fly. As well, this ability doesn't make much sense without greater context. Does casting this spell cover a certain amount of gold points (gp) worth of a construction project, or is this an amount that the character has to pay to use this ability. You also provide no indication as to how much this accelerates the construction work. It would also be a good idea to provide some description as to what using this ability might look like.

Without knowing the ruleset and trying to avoid changing it too much, how does this look:

Description: By channeling arcane energies into an area, you are able to accelerate any construction work taking place at that location.
Usage: Once Per Day
Effect: Choose an arcane spell level that you can cast at, then add the chosen level and each level below it together to find the cumulative level total (eg. if a player picks level 3, they would add 3 + 2 + 1 to receive a level total of 6). Once you have the level total calculated, multiply it by 5. The resulting number is the gp value that you will provided to a construction project when using this ability.

>Example: A Magewright chooses to use their ability to accelerate a construction project. After considering the possible levels that they are capable of casting an arcane spell at, they choose to use their ability at level 6. The cumulative level total would then be 21 (6+5+4+3+2+1). Finally they multiply 21 by 5 to find that by using their ability they will be contributing 105 GP towards the completion of the project for that day.
The system is ACKS, construction is its own complex thing, but suffice to say that the average work crew of ten dudes makes about 150 gp worth of construction a month. That said, I was looking for a less dumb way of saying
>5 gp x the highest cumulative level(s) of arcane spell you can cast per day. ((A wizard that can cast 6th level spells would provide (6+5+4+3+2+1) * 5 = 105 construction gp per day.
in a way that doesn't sound so awful. I eventually settled on
>You can contribute 5 gp for each spell level available to you per day, cumulatively.

but I'd like a sanity check - does this make sense?
>What's the average font size you're using for your text?
I've been using between 7,5 up to 9 for the text, 10 for the card's name, and 5 or 5,5 for the card types
But for what I've been testing, using bigger texts allows for better readability (which is an important aspect for my game)

Right now I'm not too bothered about the quality of the printing, it's a prototype after all
It's for a jam so it has to be a variant on Mothership's Panic Enging. 4 active stats, 3 saves, roll under percentile die, 2 actions per turn without clear movement rules.
I don't mind if it ends up being more about feeling like a game than being perfectly a simulation a la SPI.

I'm still thinking about it, I might got the PbtA direction and give them moves that are adquired as they play. Like they start barely standing on the ice and as they play more matches they get more options. Maybe tied to how well it went, like underdog or domination skills? I feel a bit sorry for not having movement and positioning, but I don't want to make it a whole new game.
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I will finish all manners of homebrew games next year, and start new, exciting projects afterwards!
And so will you!
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Ok, I really like the feel and general mechanics of west end games star wars d6, but I still feel like each additional d6 impacts the probability curve way too much for my liking, even with the addition of +1's and 2's.
So Ive been trying to think of a way to mellow the curve. What I came up with is that the wild die, which is always rolled, is a d12 instead of a d6 like the other dice. This very much mellows out the difference between each additional d6, but not to the point where those differences are too insignificant. in star wars d6 you really only get up to a 5d6 or rarely a 6d6. Low enough so that the standard d12 still has a milding effect from the lowest skill roll to the highest.
for example, to get a 14 or better on a 1d12+2d6 you have a 50% chance, while on a 1d12+3d6 you have a c. 75% chance. significant but not extreme. compare that to getting a 7 or better on a 2d6 vs a 3d6, c. 60% vs c.90%

Making easy tests 10+ medium tests 14+ and hard tests 17+ as a general aproximation. (In star wars d6, 2d6 is considered average in a skill so in this case average would be d12+1d6 which results in 10+ 54% of the time)

Also a plus personally, the wild die only has a 1 in 12 chance to explode good or bad.
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Mystery machine breaks down on a country road deep in the forest on the way to investigate ghost sightings at a highschool. Closest civilization is an abandoned summer camp ground a couple miles back.

Players choose from the cast of Mystery inc each character having their own buffs and skills. Instead of HP, you manage movement speed, injuries result in reducing max movement speed permanently starting at 30 ft per turn.

The camp is Camp Crystal Lake. Players must scavenge spare parts for the Machine and travel back to the van (carrying parts also decreases max speed but parts may be dropped to accelerate).

Michael Myers has Vice Sense and can tell where players are when the commit a moral wrong, make a sexual pass, or steal car parts/gas from the camp ground.

Michael has a fixed speed of 15 ft per turn that may be temporarily reduced to 5 or 10 but only while players maintain line of sight. Michael can also be temporarily trapped for not more than 5 turns.

Players must rest eventually, Michael does not rest.

You can roll for what is wrong with the Van, how difficult the parts are to find, if the archery range or counselors cabin has weapons, tools shed gear, etc.

It's a fun one shot that should kill all or most, the actual engine repair should take many turns and be a nail biter for if Michael catches them. Even if they survived, the high school the move on to next is the Woodsboro High of the Scream movies.
I know thats not the intent, but that actually scales really well with d&d outputs. if the average is d12+1d6 is 10 and its bounded by 2 and 18, and its a gentle bell curve, thats like a character with a +0 in dnd but with slightly more consistent outcomes. d12+2d6 is like a dnd character with a +4 and d12+3d6 is like a character with a +7.
isn't there a board game that does this alreay? Last Friday I think
I'd never seen that before but I'm liking what I'm reading. I'm seeing some differences, but this looks good too.

I came up with mine a few years ago on deployment
Text dump incoming.
I can't say I'm very familiar with Mothership, but knowing that there are 3 saves and 2 actions per turn does help some.
The following is very general but does provide a bit of a structure for a pretty basic hockey mini game. If you like it I'll leave it up to you to figure out the dice mechanics, stats used, and the other fiddly stuff that involves numbers. If you don't mind it being a little gamey and stripped down, this might do the trick

-The game is played in a series of zones represented by a 1X13 grid (essentially, eleven squares lined up in a row). These zones are divided as follows: 1 = Team 1's net, 2-6 = team 1's zone, 7 = centre line, 8-12 = team 2's zone, 13 = team 2's net.
-Players are represented by coloured chips, with PCs having their own coloured chip and NPCs all sharing the same colour (unless a unique NPC is playing then they can have their own colour). If you cannot find enough different colours of chips, then you can settle with 2 colours of chips that have numbers written on them then assign PCs and unique NPCs a colour and a number..
-At the start of the game teams take alternating turns placing their their chips anywhere within their team's zone, at the centre line, or in their team's net. At least one character from each team must be placed at the centre line by the end of this phase. Only one character from either team can be in their team's net (this character is referred to as a Goalie), characters can never enter the opposing team's net.
-Once characters are placed, the Puck drops at the centre line. The puck is represented by a single black chip and is always in posession of the character chip that it is sitting on top of.
-During each team's turn they can choose 1 character to act for that turn.
-When acting, a character can spend their 2 actions to perform 1 of 3 different acts:
To move between zones, a character must perform a movement roll to see how quickly they are moving. This roll is modified by the number of chips that are above their own character in a zone (for every chip above them, a negative modifier is applied). For every success rolled, a character can move their chip upward in the stack, when they reach the top of the stack they will be able to move to another out of their zone. The roll performed also determines how many chips they can move upwards in a stack and how many zones they can cross. When crossing into a new zone, the player must subtract the number of opposing players in that zone from their number of possible moves; if they still have moves left they can continue moving into another zone, if they don't then they must stop in the zone that they have moved into.
Skating Example: A character is sitting at the bottom of a stack of three chips and spends their first action to Skate. They roll and receive a movement of 5. This allows them to move up to the to top of the stack (2 moves, 1 for each chip above them) leaving them with 3 moves left. The next zone they move into contains 1 opponent, so moving into this space will leave them with only 1 move left (3 moves - 1 for moving into a new zone - 1 for the opposing chip already in that zone). With their final move the player may choose to either stay where they are or move one more zone.
If a player rolls a critical failure, they slip and move down the stack they are in by 1 chip. If they are in possession of the puck at the time, then it moves up the stack by 1. If a character is alone in a zone or is at the top of a stack, and slips while possessing the puck, then the opposing team can choose to move the puck to one of the adjacent zones (opponent's choice).
If the player rolls a critical success, then they can Breakaway, allowing them to spend 1 move to leave the zone they are currently in (no matter where they are in the stack) and receive their maximum allotment of moves.
Checking is a violent act performed for two reasons: to keep an opposing player in a zone or to separate a player from the Puck. To perform a check a player's chip must be immediately below a target opposing chip in a stack (you have to be right next to the target's chip in the stack, if you're the 2nd chip down from the target then you cannot check them). A player can only perform one check during their turn and as soon as they perform this act their turn ends (so it's usually best when done as their 2nd action for the turn). Checks are done as an opposed roll. If the attacker succeeds, then their opponent is moved 2 positions down the stack (until they hit the bottom), the attacker then moves 1 position down the stack. If the target is in possession of the puck, they lose possession and the puck remains in it's current position in the stack. If the target successfully defends from the check, then nothing happens and the attacker's turn immediately ends.
On a critical failure, the attacker slips and moves 2 positions down the stack.
On a critical success, the check turns into a Slam. The target of the check is immediately moved to the bottom of the stack, and the attacker still moves 1 position down the stack.
Check Example:
At the start of the turn the stack in a zone looks like the following:

>Player A
Player 1
Player 2

Player A is on the Green team while Players 1 and 2 are on the Black Team. Currently, Player A is in possession of the puck.
It's Player 1's turn and he is going to try and check Player A. An opposed roll is perform and Player 1 is successful. This causes Player A to lose posession of the puck and move 2 positions down. After Player A has moved, Player 1 will move 1 position down. After the check has been completed, the stack will look like this:

Player 2
Player 1
>Player A

This means that at the end of the turn, Player 2 will swoop in and gain possession of the puck.
To score a point, a player must shoot the puck into the opposing team's net. It's just that simple. For a shot to score, the puck must have 2 moves available (3 if the net has a goalie in it) to enter the net and score a point. If the puck reaches the net and it does not have enough moves to go into it, it will end it's movement in front of the net. However, if the net contains a goalie and the puck fails to enter the net, the puck is immediately placed in the goalie's possession. During their next turn, the goalie may shoot the puck back onto the ice, giving the puck +1 moves if the shot is successful.
Scoring Example: A Player is currently three zones away from the net (there are 2 zones between them and the net), and chooses to shoot the puck towards their opponent's net, performing a shoot roll as normal. They roll well, so the puck easily passes through the two zones between the player and the net. By the time the puck reaches the zone in front of the net, it has 2 moves left. If the net does not have a goalie in it, then the puck slides into the net, scoring a point. If the net has a goalie in it, then the puck does not enter the net, instead the goalie gains possession of the puck and can shoot it during their next turn.
Game can end either with one team scores a point or it can be played best of 3. I imagine that each team should have between 5-8 players on either side, but that number can vary depending on how difficult you want a game to be or how many players are involved. for smaller play groups you might consider reducing the size of the rink.
Hope this helps
(Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors, I kinda just hammered this out and didn't proof it).
I'm always concerned about dipping below 9 for text. Not only does it become a little more difficult to read, but it can also cause problems when printing; depending on the quality of your printer, ink, and paper, it might not print too clearly. You might consider printing off a single card just to see how legible everything will be.
Thanks Friendfag
First and foremost, it's Jason Voorhees who stalked Camp Crystal Lake.

I have to ask what kind of vibe you're going for here? Are you trying to keep the characters true to their cartoon attitudes, or are you trying to make this a more adult version of the characters? If you're going more adult, then having mechanics that focus around the characters performing moral wrongs would work out. If you're trying to keep them to their happy-go-lucky versions, then you should consider dropping the idea of moral wrongs and consider instead giving each character a flaw or two that Jason can exploit to make things difficult for the players. For example:

Coward (major flaw). When in light of sight of Jason, must perform at least 1 run action during their turn in an attempt to leave Jason's line of sight.

Glasses (Major Flaw): Whenever you perform a run action, roll a d6. On a 1 you drop your glasses. Your move immediately ends. For every following action, roll a d6. On a 5+ you find your glasses and may continue acting a normal. If you are caught while looking for your glasses, your glasses are returned to you (he's such a nice guy).

I will say, I do enjoy the idea of a game where the Mystery Inc. gang encounter different TV and movie killers and have to find a way to either escape or capture them. You could give each killer their own stats and special abilities.

Doors are pointless: Once per turn you can ignore a wall and burst through it.

Legacy Killer: While Ghostface might not be the fastest nor the strongest, someone is always there to take up his mantel. When Ghostface is captured, randomly choose another location for a Copycat to appear in. The Copycat has all the powers and abilities of Ghostface.

Unstoppable: If something would happen to put Michael in a "roll to escape/continue acting a normal" situations, spend one action to skip the roll then continue acting as normal.
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I can't say I'm at all familiar with ACKS, but I have heard of it.

I would consider swapping Sanity for Concentration (if the system has Concentration in it)
Yeah, people enjoy correcting others more that actually engaging most of the time, I forget if that's Cole's Law or Murphy's Law.

But seriously, I like the major flaws and strengths. Like shaggy needs more rest than Fred. Daphne has advantage against being grappled. Fred has the trapper feat or advantage on making traps. Velma is the best mechanic. Glasses are lost on successful dex saves. Fred has disadvantage on dex saves, Daphne has low perception or something.

I think there are lots of places to take this and ways to flex the game for extra characters, like making Scooby playable, allowing The Winchesters crossover for extra hard games.
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Now that I think about it, I could just change the nature of the d6 system's wild die. instead of exploding/complication on a 1 or 6, I could make it so that you roll it twice. if the first roll is bellow 4 the second roll adds 1-6, if the first roll is 4+ the second roll adds 7-12. and then snake eyes and box cars do the extreme stuff like exploding or complication.
Great, now you've got me thinking about how you could turn this into the horror/mystery version of Unmatched.

>Winchesters VS the Hocus Pocus witches
>The Halliwell sister (Charmed) VS Freddy Kruger
>The Stranger Things gang VS Rod Serling
>Stu Redman (The Stand) VS Beetlejuice

I could go on and on with this. This could either go very well or very bad.
So I’ve been working on stuff for awhile and I either make new ideas or the old ones keep growing.
I was thinking of taking one do the games and taking a class and focusing on it and making like a zine quest entry with it as a way to get out there and make something real. Then later can release the full game but the world and things can be a bit well known… I think it sounds good?
>(Sorry for any typos or grammatical errors, I kinda just hammered this out and didn't proof it).
don't worry, that was a ton of work, thanks.
I liked how the defense was just a passsive thing outside of attacks. I'm not really sure why
you went for 13 linear zones, is that a hockey thing? I feel that's make it a bit of a slog to traverse, and having three lines of movement could give it a bit of passive strategy (funneling people, creating walls, targeting players). Maybe if checks eat up HP, or a "stamina" number, you could target the better players while letting the worse ones score. That number could be eaten up by movement too, consider how hockey has a constant replacement of players because it wrecks your lungs.

the lack of goalee doesn't make too much sense when you have a single player moving at a time for each team.

After reading this road I'm favoring resource management and rolling just for direct confrontations. I'm sorry I'm not gonna whole sale steal your work, but it was very helpful seeing your aproach.
>Rod Serling
hu? he wasn't fictional or a villain
>New idea or grow old ideas
It's not a bad way to be, it does mean that you'll always have something to work on. I was like that for a long time, then two years ago I decided that I actually needed to start finishing projects. Now I've got a couple card games, two RPGs, and a miniatures game under my belt. They might not be professionally published and some still need a bit of testing, but they're more done than they were three years ago. So good on ya.

What kind of class were you thinking of taking? Are you thinking of it as a writing class or a game design class? What do you think you'd get from taking the class that would help you finish your game?
If you're planning to put it out as a zine, I think that's a pretty cool idea. Some folks have already pulled that off to a great effect (see Weird Heroes of Public Access) and it's a neat way of getting your stuff out there with very little overhead involved. If you can convince you LGS to keep a couple of copies on a rack at a low price (sell it to them for $1 per book so they can sell it back for $5) you can use that to gauge interest. If you're going the zine route you don't even have to be fancy about it! Just design it yourself, print it at home, staple the books together, and send it out! The rough, DIY look of the book will really help sell it as a zine.
The big thing is that you should temper your expectations, for both the class and the zine.
While taking the class can be a good idea, you should know what you want to get out of it first. If you want to take a class just for fun and you have the time, that's cool! Go for it! If you want to take a class simply because you think that by the end of it you'll have a finished game, then you might want to rethink why you're coughing up good money for a class when you could simply buy a book or invest in an online series instead.
With the Zine you have to go into this knowing that you will not be making money from the sale of the books. Zines were always a niche market and gaming zines are even smaller. Make a zine because you are passionate about your idea and want to get it out into the world. Last year I printed a poetry zine and sold only 20 copies over the course of six months. I made SOME money from the sale of the zine (maybe enough to buy me a combo meal at a Subway), but I was just happy that people were buying the book.

It's great that you've got an idea that you want to work on and you're making plans for how to get it finished and out into the world. You just have to consider why you're taking these actions.
>13 linear zones
This was partially inspired by the concept of "Battle zones" used in some asian RPGs (seen Nechronica). I went with 13 so that there was some distance between the nets, so that it was less likely for players to be able to slap shot the puck from one net to the other. I can see it as being a bit of a slog, but that's where player movement and good shooting/passing would come into play. I also kept it to a single lane in order to keep things a little simpler, though having three lanes could be considered reasonable.

>Steal the work
Steal it. You asked a question and I gave you an answer. You're welcome to it.
I’m working on 2 games currently. One is a skirmish based game set in the stargate universe. It’s a bit of an amalgamation of kill team, necromunda and some other games. My current factions are:
Stargate Command
Goa’uld System Lords
Free Jaffa

Atlantis Factions:
Stargate Atlantis Command
Rogue Asgardians

The second is a very early fantasy pike and shot where armies of different fantasy races duke it out as mercenary armies in a fictional continent. I’m thinking of having some form of grand strategy mechanics as well such as a map to move around for a campaign
You're right, but I like the idea of him being a character within the Twilight Zone. It could be that people realize they're caught in the zone and that he's some sort of Nth dementional being/god who creates dangerous/absurd situations for others to suffer through then derives enjoyment from watching. The poor souls must either find a way to defeat him or to escape the situation in order for their suffering it end.

It would kina be like a group of players being held at gunpoint by a GM to play his homebrew, so the players either have to finish the homebrew or find a way to take out the GM in order to escape.
Sorry, that post wasn't directed at you.
Haven't worked in my game for months, but after reading DC Super Heroes I got inspired in turning my 2d10 system into something similar to that, mostly because I really liked how it worked.

My plan is to make it that you can make three types of rolls
Contests, quick tests and extended tests.
Contests are 2d10 rolls where you need to roll equal or higher than a number determined by cross referencing the two acting values
Quick tests are rolling against your own skill
Extended tests are rolling against a set difficulty.

My idea is to make first the mechanics then the fluff, because I do have something I wanna do with this game that I feel other games haven't been able to represent in a satisfactory way, which is how magic works in my setting.
whelp after some stagnation I'm finally making progress on a game. I never liked how fishing in games was just a "roll the dice!" type thing, I always felt it missed out on some of the fun and depth in fishing. I started working on a concept about fishing for leviathan style creatures using a "fishing tower". You spend time crafting your gear/tower, manning the tower, diving for other food and materials, etc. When you hook a monster, you have to fight it into shore then face it down with harpoon(s). I think if I can write enough engaging tables to roll on for things it might end up being fun.

I think in its current incarnation it will be more like a pnp solo game type thing than a full on RPG, but that should just be a matter of content. The basic systems easily expand out into abstract stuff for RPGs.
What the fuck are you working on, this sounds neat.
...what? I meant a sanity check of "can another human parse this text and intuit the meaning?"
there is a system that made fishing throwing dice over a horizontal plane, difference die represent different type of implements and the result is the max level/amount of fish you get.
It had other similar mechanics, I think, that was the thing that left a note in my head. I don't recall what system it was
If you post rules I'll read em and give feedback.
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Struggling to come up with a new boardgame idea and disappointed that an artist I was looking to commission in ghosting me. It never gets any better.

Anyways, here is a light ruleset for mecha I hammered out real quick. Highlights:
> FTF system
> pseudo-simultaneous activation
> push your luck heat management
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currently planning a modern resistance campaign heavily inspired by 'Liberal crime squad'. I want to give my players a chance for gratuitous violence, see how they handle a more sandbox format. the party dying in an horrible fashion is to be expected
Do you guys do game jams around here? Was thinking it'd be fun to make something for the new year but it's always more fun as a group.
Anon, I have read through your PDF, please ignore artists and try to hire someone, who will edit your text. While the content is not that bad (because it is really light), your typesetting/formatting (or text arrangement) is really bad and text is hard to navigate even if your file has like 11 and 1/2 pages. On other hand, it looks like fun, quick skirmisher.

>Is your TURN SEQUENCE mangled, or the following player has only one action, while leading player has two actions per turn?
>Titan vs. Warmech ~ is there some distinction, or it is just a synonym? Text is formatted in such way, that it indicates that some actions are titan specific, while others are warmech specific
>Are you sure about L/R damage to movement limiting the rotations? On paper it looks good, but tracking that may be little bit of pain, more-so if you have multiple units on map. Maybe completely block side rotation, instead of limiting it?
>Did you created anydice analysis for heat and damage rolls? The dice matching seems like fun addition, but I would be interested if this is destructive system, where in one round you can knock out enemy unit, or if this is more about attrition and manevouring your units into killing fields
>No overwatch on not yet activated units?
There is a discord loosely affiliated with the general that does a game jam once a year. Last year I think there were 10 or so entries between single and duo projects.
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Thanks for the feedback. A lot of what you pointed out was because I wrote this project in a one day writing blitz.

>Turn Sequence
Yes Following player is supposed to have two actions, I omitted it by accident.
>Titan vs Warmech
Another project of mine uses Titan. It's supposed to be Warmech.
> L/R turn damage
I don't think measuring a 45 degree turn vs a 90 degree turn is too much. I play DFC and measuring 45 degree turns is pretty easy if you have any sort of base markers or templates.
>Heat / DMg stats
Attached figure is for how many heat a Warmech can add before it overheats. Doubles for damage rolls are pretty simple, iirc 16% on two dice, 44% on three dice.One attack maybe knocking out one component isn't too bad I think, and I would rather the games be short and dramatic.
For heat I'm less satisfied. The two potential problems I see are the incentives to cool being too weak and heavy mechs being less worth it because they are less likely to be able to use all their guns before overheating. Will have to test more to see if those are actual problems.
>overwatch on unactivated units
No, both players activate one mech so if you want to 'overwatch', you have to do it with your activated model. As following player it is your choice to try to fire back to counter the active player or focus on repositioning/dodging/reloading.

I'm at the stage of writing that the only people who will ever see or play the game have me around to provide clarification. My assessment is that for posting a project to WGV some artwork will have more impact on people looking at the game than hiring an editor, and I can edit myself if I want to refine a project. I'm curious what is wrong with the typesetting though.
>I don't think measuring a 45 degree turn vs a 90 degree turn is too much
Eh, maybe you are right, I was just thinking about having five warmechs on field, so I need to track structure, heat, ammo (if applied), potential damage to L/R locomotion systems. It starts to get messy, but that is my personal preference.
>For heat I'm less satisfied
Maybe try to investigate Lancer rules, there is whole thing around heat capacity of mechs and adding/removing/managing heat.
>I'm curious what is wrong with the typesetting though.
Mostly nitpicks, since this is ultra draft, but:
>document looks like LaTeX template for university thesis, which is not really friendly for rules, where you are expected to jump between sections ~ better to use two column per page system, since you don't have large paragraphs
>lists are uncompressed, making them really long, page 1 is basically 90% lists
>last list on page 1 is wonky, could be simple paragraph
>missing padding on header, chapter name in header is fusing with sub-chapter/section name
>actions enumeration on page 2 is ugly, either use two/three column list (if you want to utilize full width of page per paragraph)
>Action descriptions could be neat little blocks using styled tables or compressed paragraph, instead of three paragraphs that creates lot of uniform empty space that is hard to navigate while scrolling through
>You are not using emphasis on core terms that should caught user eyes when going through text, trying to find out how specific thing should be done
>Section 1.7 is again long list that is also broken to two pages, while not always possible, lists should be on single page
>Abbreviation (TN, MOS, ROF, ...) should be re-defined when mentioned at least on chapter/sub-chapter level
>Section 2.2 is immediately followed with section 2.2.1 with no buffer text.

Also is that figure from matplotlib?
Yeah the figure is from matplotlib. I've found it relatively easy to write up simulations and stats in python if I'm doing things that anydice doesn't support.

Regarding heat/ammo/damage tracking, the design for this is meant to appeal to mecha fans that want something between the exercise in record keeping that is Battletech and lighter are like Steel Rift. Once I put together some profile and weapon cards I think tracking this info for 4-5 models should be fairly easy.

Fair observations on format. I am writing in a LaTeX template for articles, and I'm mostly concerned with technical clarity and having the rules set in stone. I am fairly pessimistic about the chance of my projects ever having organic growth beyond people I playtest with, so I don't think I would get a lot of value from spending more time on formatting.

It's a common dilemma for homebrew that I'm not going to escape. Will putting in $ and time on your 'product' actually result in any visibility or will it remain lost in the sea of obscurity? How much extra work do you put in beyond the minimum that is required to get enough clarity to play efficiently?

For Blazing Steel I will try some playtests locally and on TTS if I stumble into anyone interested.
I'm calling it shoreline and I really just want an excuse to roll dice to throw a harpoon at a giant squid whale and wrestle giant mussels under the water

core resolution is a d12 dice pool. characteristics determine how many dice you roll, trying to clear a target number, and then skills and equipment and stuff all apply modifiers to the roll. rolling 1 and 12 is crit/modifiers, and I'll have tables for a lot of actions to roll on for when you do. Core gameplay loop is each day you have two actions you can perform, like manning the tower, diving, crafting, foraging, etc. idk if it'll actually all be fun together but so far the individual mechanics are at least functional and sometimes fun
I'm starting something in the middle of gamist/narrativist, where players can choose 1d3 traits to their character, with traits being all kinds of adjectives. My idea is to be able to make traits that are bad a priori and make them useful, while having "good" things have a possible downside.

For example:

>Coward: You get advantage when there is a roll to flee, but disadvantage in any fear check.

>Heroic: advantage to resist fear effects, but you are compelled to fight against evil things unless you pass a save.

>infatuated: You are easily manipulated by hot persons of the opposite genre (or the same for gay pcs, whatever). Once per adventure, when you are in need and use this token, one of such will appear and help you, maybe unwillingly. Roll in the ally/enemy axis normally for this NPC.

>Charismatic: Your dumbest approaches to gain somebody's favor are worth a roll, even if its disposition is already set. Envy, too much attention or rancors will make some enemies target you or your party over others.

The idea is that you make characters with defined personalities, with skills that do small bonus to actually playing that personalities, but that 90% of the time do not influence the way you RP your character.

I want to make a list of 40+ traits. Is very hard to turn inside out physical traits, as in finding good things about being weak or bad things about being strong. I wonder if i should limit myself to personality traits.
I like the sound of the pike and shot setting quite a bit.
any idea how to get over game design burnout as fast as possible? I'm tired of my brain holding me back
Is it really burnout, or is it just that starting a game is a lot easier than finishing one? At the beginning you can just let all your ideas gush out onto the page, and if you get to a part that isn't fun you can skip it and work on something else. "Burnout" is just the name for when you've done all the fun parts of the project, and you realize you've left yourself nothing but the finicky grunt work left.
I don't know what it is. it's the very, very beginning. I keep starting over and over every single day, never making an inch of progress despite never really making any changes

it feels like a manifestation of the same mental failure that ended my writing career about midway through my second novel, even though it's playing out differently this time
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Okay, been trying to come up with a game that has some of the feel of videogames like Elden Ring. The problem was always the effects of random dice rolls. The videogames have deterministic results, if you go up to an enemy and swing it will hit every time. But making a game with no rolls means you just play optimally and you win.

So to get that feel I've kept hits being deterministic (you always land your attacks and do flat damage) but added round by round initiative. Initiative is the only roll you do and increasing it can represent when your character "gits gud". Player characters start with quite a bit more more initiative than the likes of kobolds and orcs.

Moves are simultaneous. If you win initiative your attacks connect first and if the target doesn't have enough poise (granted by armour, blocking and size) to resist getting stunned they lose their turn. Tied initiatives have both actions go off.

Different actions can happen at faster or slower initiatives representing the speed or difficulty of the action. Making a power attack to break through poise is slower than a normal attack while using a shield is faster as it's easy to do. Weapons can also have different innate initiative like a bow being slower to draw and fire so can be evaded or blocked more easily. Armour reduces initiative.

Different weapons can hit more tiles. One handed weapons hit 3 adjacent tiles. Great weapons hit 5 tiles and deal more poise damage.

I've played it a bit. D12 system. Pic related was a game against kobolds. Took out the front guards via stealth (initiative roll). Didn't have enough movement to rush the kobolds in the next room so I moved in and they called for help and charged. I won initiative and the sweep of my axe let me defeat both of them at the same time. Hid around the corner as the reinforcements arrived and swept them too. Repeat for the next room but I was defeated because I rolled a 1 on initiative twice in a row.

Overall I kinda like it.
which do you guys prefer?

>each class has a role and a power system
>roles and power systems are separate
As long as each class has the option to fulfill the damage role, I'm good.

Other roles are good and can even be statistically more powerful but a lot of the time the only role that gets across the feeling of your character actually contributing to the team is the damage role so it's good to have the choice available.
the roles I was thinking were


not that all members of a given tradition have access to the same set of powers. Certain roles are just better equipped to use different powers
I can see this leading to some kind of bloat, but the second option sounds more interesting. Like the power source being summons, and one class uses them as combatants and another class as some kind of protective spirit.
I'm going down a rabbithole where I want pure diegetic roleplay. All game rules seem fake and gay.

What do you mean? Can you give an example of what you want?
What's the rationale behind summoners being a separate role, by the way? Do they do something meaningfully distinct from what the other roles each do?
Not really, because I'm struggling to imagine it myself. But I'll try.

I suppose one way to think about it would be for the players to never really know the rules of the game. For example, they would know that swinging a sword at someone would kill them unless blocked, or setting a goblin on fire will roast it, etc.

Players shouldn't ever see "Just roll Diplomacy" as a solution, they should roleplay.

Initiative is another one where it always jerks me out of the flow to have to deal with.

IDK, I've been playing for so long that all the tedium of counting HP, tracking statuses, stances, armor, social interaction based on game rules, etc is just incredibly tedious. I understand that we game using rules for a reason but I've virtually never had a game go better because I followed the rules vs ignoring them. And even games like FATE have too much meta-stuff.
So, two options. Either you take an inordinate amount of mushrooms and run into the woods to pretend you're an elf slaying orcs and goblins (hikers and children); or, you offload all mechanical burden to the GM, while the players only know the exact mechanics by what they can observe by cause and effect and otherwise play purely narratively.
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just testing different templates and card types
still learning the ropes of my own game (if that makes any sense)

sadly, I'm not ready to share any rules for it
Hey everyone, happy new year! I've been putting in some much-needed work on my game. I've changed the theme and addressed all the sections that were missing. There is one last thing I feel needs to be added: more detail on how player reactions work. It's essentially the stack from MTG, but explaining it on paper is a bit tricky. The rules are now finally in a place where cards can be designed for them. This will lead to inevitable rulebook revisions as new clarifications are needed, but it feels like a milestone. Thank you so much to everyone who takes a look!

Hi, thanks for the reply. The idea is that each mini deck is themed, and they come in pools of 12, so it would be nice to keep the theme consistent across all 12. The best example I can give right now is that for my initial pool of 12, I decided to make 4 aggro decks, 4 mid-range decks, and 4 control decks. Then I thought maybe I could do something like tribes in MTG, with, for example, aggro spiders, mid-range spiders, and control spiders. That way, players can focus on drafting the playstyle they want, or they can try to snap up all the tribe decks they prefer. I was thinking that two or three tribes in the pools could be a good starting point, leaving space for decks that can do something unique on their own—either fun jank or maybe more generic "good stuff" cards, but at a much higher cost.
>Regarding heat/ammo/damage tracking
In that case I get it, the data sheets, cards and tokens should be sufficient.
>mostly concerned with technical clarity and having the rules set in stone
Fair point, I am sucker for nicely formatted texts, because it is cheapest option how to make your stuff to stand out. Also about the clarity, maybe some diagrams about how to setup and play game would be nice, simple vectors about movement, attack and stuff.
>It's a common dilemma for homebrew that I'm not going to escape...
Yeah, I fully understand this, since I am in same spot with my work. If you don't feel like burning through lot of resources, maybe you could try discord <dot> gg <slash> 3gf7P2q (game design discord server that used to be alright, but I was not active there for some time), so you could get some feedback as low hanging fruit to address. On other hand, maybe /slop/ threads could give you some generated art to use?
>ad matplotlib/LaTeX
My engineering-or-other-higher-education nigga, if you really like LaTeX check this guy's repo: github <dot> com <slash> Krozark <slash> RPG-LaTeX-Template . While it looks like ass, it is easily hackable to serve it's purpose (if you ever decide to make your game available outside of friends/anons circle).
>the players to never really know the rules of the game
Then you might as well not bother with rules at all. The only thing a player can possibly do in those circumstances is try to please the GM. They can't make meaningful decisions about their interactions with the game system because they have no way of knowing how those decisions could affect it. All that's left is, "read the GM's mind to work out what he thinks is obvious".

Excuse me for slow reply.I had never heard about Apocalypse Prevention Inc.but I will look it up when I have time.

The setting is mostly based around a huge organization that is similar to the SCP Foundation but more heroic. The reason they want to hide anomalies is that being exposed to them and being aware of their existence spreads like a virus; the more people become aware of anomalies, the more anomalies will appear. In other words, it can go well or very badly, leading to scenarios like a zombie apocalypse, an alien invasion, or Earth merging with a fantasy world, and so on.

I will go back to the project after I get done with my current project first.
summoners gain buffs to the damage and durability of their summons, and can use offensive powers through their summons
Still looks like something that can be applied as a tactical alteration to any other role, not like a distinct role on its own.
>artillery summoner
>support/team buff summoner
>control summoner
>defense summoner
>strike summoner
Well, the true goal would be for the players to simply roleplay whatever they want to do, not try to read the GM's script.
I don't know if anyone remembers the "Snowcrawler" threads we have about once a year, but after the most recent one I got to work on this. These are the (mostly) finished bare-minimum player-facing rules, designed to be something I can staple into a booklet and hand out for playtesting.

I'm partway through the GM's booklet. Felt like I ran out of steam a little, but that's where I'd put campaign rules, weather tables, random encounters, that kind of stuff. Any feedback is appreciated - hoping that posting this here gives me the mental kick to get working again.
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For u anon :3
thank you, anon
when I'm back from work, I'll take a look at your suggestions

much appreciated
Nice job, glad someone took the content of threads and shaped it into rules. About the player guide:
>You are missing explicit definition of what the check is
Would be nice to have small box with: "Your pool consists of Xd10 dice, where X is result of attribute + skill score, replace d10 with d6 for every slashed point and remove d10 for every crossed point."
>Chance of gaining exhaustion is proportional to attribute/skill level
Therefore someone with score 2 has chance 20% of gaining exhaustion, while someone with score 5 has 40% chance, this is intentional? Also going from d10 to d6 bump up probabilities of gaining exhaustion
>Healing attribute exhaustion through medical check
Seems like overkill, I understand that you use attributes to track damage, but maybe differentiate between exhaustion and trauma on attribute level? Something like gaining exhaustion reduces capacity for trauma and gaining trauma limits your ability to push through attribute level? Just idea, not necessarily good one.
>Absence of shelter
Should be negative modifier, not zero
If you're stuck at the very beginning try this.
Don't jump immediately into designing the game. Instead, try starting with a summery/synopsis of what you are looking to create (I usually refer to this as my "design proposal"). In this document you need to answer the following questions:
-What type of game do I want to make? (Boardgame/RPG/Card Game/Story game ect.)
-What are the core mechanics that I want to include? If this is an RPG what is the core resolution mechanic? Don't write out the rules, just the name of the mechanic (ex. dice pool, worker placement, trick taking, roll under/over, area control)
-What kinds of components will be required to play this game?
-How many players can play the game?
-What kind of mood do I want this game to have?

The whole idea behind the creation of this document is to provide you with some sort of roadmap that you can use to guide you. Once you have your summery in place, try to stick to it as best as you can. Keep in mind that your summery is not meant to be set in stone, you can change it as you go, but if you ever find that you've made so many changes that your project no longer looks like what you had with your summery, then that probably means that you weren't all that enthused by your original idea to begin with.

If you find that you have a habit of coming up with new ideas frequently, and these ideas are intruding onto the project that you're currently working on, consider stopping your work on the project. Instead, keep track of all your new ideas in writing (be it a document or notebook). Don't go throwing your ideas away (old or new). Whenever you start having new ideas, just get them out of your head and onto a page. Once they're external to you, you can actually look at them and decide if they're any good and have an easier time comparing them to your other ideas.
I've said this before, but I'm going to keep saying it: Use the sock drawer treatment!
Write out everything you can, then save it in a location where you can forget about it but find it later (I like to use a random folder on my desktop). Forget about the project for a few days/weeks/months/years, then return to it. Open the document, and look at what you've created with fresh eyes. By doing this you'll be able to better figure out what you liked about what you were creating, what you didn't like, what needs improvement, and (maybe) how you can improve it.

Don't try to finish everything in one sitting; plug away at it a little bit at a time if you have to. If you can get down 200 words a day, you'll be ahead of the game. You can easily punch out 200 words in less than 10 minutes, what you write doesn't have to be attached to a greater project (it could just be a single idea for a mechanic or part of a setting), and it looks like a decent chunk when you look at it on a page. The idea behind this is that by writing a small amount everyday, you will be making progress that you can look at and feel good about. What I like to do is keep a separate spreadsheet that helps me keep track of that projects I've been working on and the amount of words that I've contributed to them. It helps me to feel a little more accomplished with what I've done and encourages me to keep working.
Mind me asking what kind of game are you trying to put together?
I know that this might not be quite in the feel of what you're going for, but how does this sound:

One big thing about souls-like games is the fact that enemies telegraph their attacks and player success is dependent upon their ability to read their opponent's movements then respond with the appropriate action. What if you were to create a sort system that revolves around "programmed" actions where opponent's show what they will be doing, then player's have the opportunity to program their own actions in response?

For example, a larger enemy could wind up for a big swing. This type of action takes 3 units (a measurement of time) to wind up before execution. During these 3 units, players can respond by planning attacks, dodges, and moves that they can perform before the attack is completed. The amount of time attacks can be performed would be based on weapon size and type of attack. Dodges would be quick to perform, allow a player to avoid damage, but would take a unit to recover from, or would put them either out of range to respond to an attack.
Attacks can still hit without rolling (only requirement being that the target is within their weapon's reach) and damage can still be a flat number.
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I changed most things you suggested

Text and symbols are now slightly bigger
I moved the types from the bottom right to the top of the text box to give me a little more space while keeping the "overlay" effect

I'm starting to feel comfortable with how it's turning out, even if mechanically is still an unfinished mess...
Thanks for taking a look at it!
To your points:
>Defining checks
Page 4 is where ~80% of that is, but neater to have it all together. Good idea to put it all in one place like you suggest.
>Chance of exhaustion
True in terms of % of gaining the first point of exhaustion, but the person with more dice initially also has a deeper well to draw from. (Ignoring d6s for now), To run your pool out, the guy with 2 dice has to roll a 1 on each of those 2 dice. The guy with 5 dice will have to roll a 1 on each of those 5 dice. Or putting it another way, in order for a 5-pool to get down to 0, it has to pass through 2. So it's always better to have more dice.
You could argue that there's an edge case where taking 'chip damage' to a skill would be bad (if, say, you'd already gotten a few points of exhaustion to some other skills and plan to use your rest to restore those), so you might ask the 2-dice guy to handle the roll instead. It requires a trade-off, but to me that fits the game: "Look, I was hunting all day, I dragged a deer back here, and now I'm tired. You handle the repairs, and if you can't manage I'll take a look at it tomorrow. Do I have to do everything around here?"
Note that it's only crossed dice that need medical attention. The idea here is that the PCs always get a "warning" when their attribute dice are slashed, and if they push on past that they're risking a more serious injury (kind of a "so tired you start making mistakes" situation). Also note that skill dice always get exhausted before attribute dice, so as long as you're not a total greenhorn you really have ample opportunity to back off before severe injuries occur. Unless circumstances mean you can't back off, of course...
>Absence of shelter
Would count as not having proper 'equipment', and thus incur difficulty. But that's not very clear from how I wrote it. In fact it's probably actively misleading as-is.
Thinking about making a new version of Silent Legions via homebrewing Ashes Without Number but maybe I should just use another system, I dunno.
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>What are you anons working on?
working on a homebrew version of KDM to have the campaign last longer, adjust the sanity system and difficulty. is not going very well.
Much better, I strongly suggest to make outer line thicker and I mean not just one or two pixels thicker. You game's look and feel reminds me some of those higher production quality card games (the pulp-like illustrations and printer dotting) you find at cons or FLGS, not the Albi tier. So I also have some more critical feedback:
>Shapes in top left corner
They seems to have mechanical meaning, but they still look little bit off, maybe it is caused by by hexagon being squished
>Icons in top left shape
Icons are oval, bubbly and organic (ignoring minion and support, which seems to be special), but they clash with pulp, sharp illustration and angular design of card framing
>Text is crisp in PDF
I strongly suggest to print out test page with appropriate DPI settings and evaluate, whether text is readable, while bumped up, it still seems to be ant text, when holding them in hand. Also keep in mind that Lighting condition may vary when playing, that's the reason, why WotC created custom font for MtG cards.

Also big plus for re-arranging the white-box "tags", nice touch!
>I strongly suggest to make outer line thicker
yes, that's something I'll change for the finished product, but I'm working within the limitations of Microsoft Office, that's mostly why it looks so rough (even for a prototype)
I have no knowledge of other designing software, so I have to make do with what I have...

>Shapes in top left corner
these shapes have mechanical meaning indeed
I use the minion shape (the circular one) as a base of reference, so the most important information can be found at first glance in the same places, regardless of card type
Holy shit, my man, if you cobble this in MS office suite, you are either determined, or masochistic. If you are looking for some tools and you are not willing to pay big, or pirate it, I suggest free and open source alternatives:
>Inkscape for vector editing
>GIMP for raster editing
They have steep learning curve, but if you are in just for specific slice of functionality (creating, editing and composing print archs for cards), you can master it in few weeks with some YT tutorials. All in all, good work and good luck with your project, looking forward for rules drop in future.
Understood, this put some emphasis on exhaustion as crew resource, instead of individual's state, which seems really nice, but in that case, I would suggest to re-investigate rest mechanics, maybe consider option for short rest, or some type of productive down time, that maybe limit recovery, but give group better option to manage their exhaustion:
>Crew stops at Outpost on their way to from Port to Base
>Outpost crew asked them to help with their Machine in exchange for spare parts and some high quality rations
>Since they can, Engineer decides to spent 4 hours repairing their Machine, while Driver and Tracker check nearby growth for some game
>Engineer hits a snag and really needs to push himself to get Machine going through exertion, which he manages, but is pretty spent (not mentioning that he also tinkered with snowcrawler heating before they reached outpost)
>Base is 4 hours away, Engineer can't really recover till they arrive, while Driver and Tracker are all well, because their hunt went flawless
If Engineer can get short rest to recover a little exhaustion, while Driver drives and Tracker keeps looking over the engineering station, it could make longer hauls little bit more manageable. Maybe even put focus on keeping your snowcrawler in good shape, since you can't have short rest in some creaking, oil leaking, smoke into cabin spouting scrap.

>Time units
Yeah, one more thing, You keep using two basic units of time, 2h and 8h, maybe introduce some terms to keep them neat and clean, with the idea of bunch of snow truckers doing their thing, you could call it something like:
>Moment ~ 1 to 30 minutes
>Stretch ~ 1/2 to 2 hours
>Shift ~ 4 to 8 hours
With this, you could just have loose abstractions, which make sense small and large scale:
>A moment to check, if electric lights can be fixed
>A stretch to change air filter
>A shift to replace clutch
>Roll a d100, Check if it lands Under your Skill number (70 in this example)
>You rolled a 65 lets say
>>6 is the Amount of damage you did.
>>5 is the hit location, in this case Right Arm
Splendid, a modern version of the upcoming Broken Empires RPG's combat mechanics. Do you have a blog I can bookmark and occasionally check?
I think something like a short rest option would make sense, but I'd have to be careful in balancing it against the longer rest and how that goes in with inactivity/hypothermia. It's a little tricky just because of the limited granularity.

Re: abstract time measures, I was trying to stick to strict timekeeping for anything above an hour, because so much of the gameplay (as I see it) revolves around impending time constraints: nightfall, weather, and ultimately the arrival of winter. But I do like the short/medium/long time divisions, and the names you picked for them. Might be something to think about more.
I would suggest to take a look at short rest as something that can really be done in comfortable conditions, next you could limit the rolls to:
>Use ONLY higher physical or higher mental attribute to check
>Limit restoration to slashes instead of crosses

Also this formulation is little fucky, or maybe I don't understand it:
>Make the check at the end of the 8-hour period, in case it is interrupted. [page 6, last sentence in Rest & Hypothermia]
I think that you either forgot to modify this, because it seems that you count 8 hours, then make check, but what in case it is interrupted?
I think for a short rest, a single slashed skill dot per success would be reasonable. Still needs shelter (or suffer the normal penalties for no equipment) and warmth (or risk exhaustion). Not sure about limiting the dice pool too, that might be overkill. My main concern is balancing short rests with hypothermia/resting to kill time, since there's a distinct difference in cost (in terms of chance of exhaustion) between a single roll for 8 hours vs 4 rolls for 2 hours each. I wouldn't want to build in a situation where one option is just always worse than the other, or even where one option has only a narrow edge-case utility (because that adds complexity for little benefit).

>Check at end of rest
The idea here is that if you go to sleep but then get woken up in the middle of the night, you don't get the benefits of the rest (until you can complete your 8 hours). I think I was trying too hard to be succinct there, and there's an easier way to phrase it. But the idea is that you don't benefit until the next morning.
(Sidenote, but originally I wanted any interruption to negate the benefits of restore entirely, so that there would be situations where parties working shifts would have to weigh whether to wake up their crewmates for backup or just let them sleep. Ultimately decided that would be too punitive and didn't really make sense. Plus it doesn't fit well with how hypothermia works.
How is this for a core mechanic? I don't know if I'm plagiarizing anything, but I suspect it's a medley of a few things.

>2-dice pool
>dice step from d4-d12, probably attribute die+skill die
>Succeed on 4+
>Fail on 1s
>1s cancel successes
>need at least 1 success to make check
>with 0 successes (either from 2s and 3s, or 1 and 4+), player has the option to Push like Call of Cthulhu, probably at a penalty.

Too funky?
Too clunky?
Looks like you're cribbing from Savage Worlds, but have included a couple of quirks.

Savage works runs like this:
>2 dice pool
>1st die is a step die, usually running from d4-d12 (an attribute/skill die)
>2nd die is always a d6 (The Wild die)
>Success on 4+
>Rolling the highest number on either die causes it to explode.
>For every interval of 4 you roll above a target number, you get a raise (a slight bonus to the effect of the roll)
>Need at least 1 success to pass a check
>Only fail if both dice roll 3 or less.
>Rolling snake eyes results in Critical Failure (something bad happens).

What you've got here is pretty spot on with Savage Worlds except for two major things: 1s cancel out all successes, and your Push mechanic.
The fact that rolling a 1 on either die will negate any success (no matter how great) might become a bit of a sticking point. In games with larger dice pools this can easily be ignored, but in a pool with only 2 dice it could run the risk of feeling unfair. I imagine that players might place great emphasis on trying to mitigate any damage that might be done by rolling a 1. Then again, this might depend on the kind of game you're looking to run. In a DND/Shadowrun kind of game that focuses on highly skilled and talented individuals, this might not be so welcome. In a CoC/Paranoia game about average to above-average folk stumbling their way through survival, the fact that your efforts can count for nothing might actually play to the theme.
I'm not actually all that familiar with COC's Push mechanic to actually speak on it. Is it something like a "push your luck" system where you can re-roll but at the risk of causing greater harm to yourself and others if you happen to fail?
I like pushing mechanics, especially for games where combat isn't the focus as to keep HP a resource worth tracking.
1s being full failure and cancelling your success is a gutshot; the dice step system already has enough positive encouragement in your success mechanics.
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For the most part, the odds seem to fall into the 65-75% sweet spot for PC success, and pushing brings that up an additional 10-15%. That seemed reasonably forgiving on a spreadsheet. I may have made some math errors, but it seems reasonable

That's the gist of Pushing a roll in CoC, although there are some caveats about explaining how you're taking a different approach, and how it doesn't apply to sanity checks, etc. I wanted to include it to increase perceived stakes, while in actuality providing a safety net.

Originally I wanted to something like Silhouette Core's "Highest of Xd6" dice pool system, but I kept getting annoyed by the lack of granularity, overpowering flat mods, and quirks of a dice pool larger than the die's faces.

I think this is a pretty generic system, but my intention was for a Gundam ripoff game.
Making sure it's a game.
>Cole's Law
That's generally cabbage, carrots, a little pineapple juice, and dressing.
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I wish for full Dead by Daylight killer treatment for Mystery Machine Inc. shenanigans.
VtM (20th aniv ed) allows you to "split" actions.

Initiative works like this:
>The character with the lowest initiatve declares their action first
>Actions for the round are declared in order from lowest initiative to highest
>The highest initiative character declares their action last
>Once all actions are declared, they all happen at once
What this means is, if you have to declare first, you don't know what anyone else is going to do yet. You want to move up and hit one of the enemies with a samurai sword? Go for it.
The one you're attacking has better initiative, meaning they get to hear what you want to do before they act. Samurai Sword? Guess I'll dodge. But wait, I'll also split my action, so I reduce my dice for both actions... I'll slash them with my knife.
Now, because you, who declared first, did not declare to dodge, because while you could assume a counterattack was coming, it could also not come, which would be a waste of a split action. Being the quicker witter character, I get to try to knife you, sure will a reduced dice pool, but without your dodge to contest it.

VtM, and WoD in general are decent games, but they're not easy to get into if you aren't already some kind of punk fan. That, and there's a goldilocks zone for WoD delicately balanced between two very different kinds of cringe.
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having so much fun designing cards

also bump
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I'm still pretty new to pen & paper RPGs, having only started playing them last year, but this winter I began making my own system. The only games I actually know how to run and play are Dungeon Crawl Classics, B/X and this very much D&D-inspired homebrew that I'm working on.

My goal here was to make a dungeon crawl with crunchy but fast-paced combat, simple survival mechanics and dead simple character creation. The game uses a d6 dice pool.

I have plenty of experience with RPG video games and wanted to translate some of things I like about those into a tabletop game, like resource management and hectic combat. I'm hoping that the resource management and action economy I've devised here won't be too cumbersome to track with dice or tokens, but I suppose I'll know for sure once I get it to the table this weekend.

This PDF is formatted to be printed out and stapled together into a zine, so my apologies if it's an awkward read on a screen. Any feedback, criticism, insults or slander are welcome.
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Here's the character sheet.
So when its in my hand all the other cards in my hand are spam? If someone steals a copy-spam does it revert to normal or does the spam infection spread indefinitely?
Did you intend for smaller dice pools to critically succeed more often? Or did I misread the rules? The fewer dice you roll, the more likely they will all max out.

I think the skill list is a little long for a game that's supposed to light and easy to play.

Just as an ergonomics and intuiting the odds thing, thing you generally want variable #s of successes, variable TNs - not both in dice pool systems.
Ah, you’re right. My crits are upside-down. Maybe crits land on twice the needed successes?

I had a little more written on the second page of skills that I meant to have in that PDF but forgot to update it one last time before I posted it. I intended for some skills to basically just be fluff, sort of like backgrounds in other games. I’ll definitely consider truncating it, though; several of those were just things I added to the list on a whim.

I was hesitant about including both variable TNs and successes for that very reason you describe, but I personally really like the idea of it. I’m not married to it, though, so If my players aren’t feeling it I’ll just rework it to have variable success.

Thanks for reading that shit!
There are a few things you have to wrangle with using dice pools

>Variable dice pool (ie +1d bonuses)
wysiwig, you either like the binomial distribution or not

>Variable TN
+X bonuses become multiplicative relative to dice pool size

>Variable successes
Scenarios where success is mechanically impossible, without the addition of exploding dice or similar mechanics

It's hard to use all three in a satisfying, scalable because of the coarse granularity between trivial and impossible, or mathematically transparent way - because there are three dimensions that you're manipulating.
when the initial Canned Spam leaves your hand, the effect stops and each other Item card reverts back to normal. Keep in mind that this effect also applies to the opponent's cards, so they can't benefit from their items effects.
or at least is what I intended it to do...

the whole card is just a joke about the spammy nature of spam

do you think I should rewrite it?
>Scenarios where success is mechanically impossible, without the addition of exploding dice or similar mechanics
I’m hoping that I can mitigate this by setting a minimum dice pool size and keeping that in mind when writing stat blocks, ensuring that only things that would be impossible for a low-level character to hit are impossible to hit.
I had the minimum as one in that PDF, but having slept on it, two makes more sense to me. For whatever reason, I’d like to avoid using exploding dice if possible.
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I've been working on my touhou card game. im either gonna update the card list with some more cards with effects to create or mess with slave cards, or im gonna add the final card type to the game since thats the main thing keeping the game itself from being "done". honestly i probably should do the latter, but the former is a subsystem ive already introduced, so it probably needs more time in the playtesting oven
As a guy who primarily collects Battletech and Warhammer, I'm hesitant to start a new skirmish game, let alone wargame, since it's such an investment to get into a new rule system, get a whole new army of models you're not familiar with, and terrain that suits it, as well as someone to take the same plunge.
Any ideas on how I could make a wargame that's no obligation? Just rules and away you go dosey-doe? I know many itchio games assume you have a preexisting model collection, but what if the game is specifically designed for 15mm? Or has it's own specific lore? Trench Crusade, Magnagothica, and Turnip have a specific aesthetic and they're doing well for themselves.
I was thinking of just giving people paper cut outs for units and terrain and telling them to print it on cardboard until they can dedicate models.
>I was thinking of just giving people paper cut outs for units and terrain and telling them to print it on cardboard until they can dedicate models.
Not an unreasonable way to do it; alternatively, a game can be designed to use a relatively easily reproducible battlefield, preferably using discrete sublocations (so, a square, hex, alternative grid/zones), and correspondingly fitting requirements for unit representations (cutouts/tokens with set sizes for the grid/zoning selected), so that an accidental millimeter difference here or there doesn't hurt the game much (and multiple scales can be used).
Maybe reword it as
>while this card is in anyone's hand, all cards in all hands have the effect of "spam"
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I have a general structure for a lewd game. I think the selling point is that it gives you a certain way to explore power balance and abuse, I guess? I don't ERP, it just seemed like something that could work.
Should I make it nice and upload it to my itch and not give a fuck, let the freaks try it out, or would I look like a creep? Will people assume I wrote that because that's my fetish? Should I just finish a basic version to get it out of my system and leave it in the lewd rpg thread to die alone?
You're already varying the pool size, so I think it's up to you to pick either variable TNs vs fixed successes or variable success thresholds, depending on what you like.

You can certainly do both. But there's a reason OWoD and Shadowrun moved to not manipulating all the variables in NWoD and SR4
>Will people assume I wrote that because that's my fetish?
Of course they will. I don't even know what it is and I still think you wrote it as a fetish.
>Will people assume I wrote that because that's my fetish?
Everyone assumes that even for non-lewd games.
Nearly impossible not to seem like a pervert. But if you think it's a fun idea to make or play, just do it.
And they are correct to assume so
Endurance. Literally, as in the ability to endure things. It's one thing to pick up something very heavy and throw it, and another to drag it around for a day without getting a heart attack. A proper big guy would need a lot of both stats. A guy with high END but low STR would be a lean Olympic runner. Contrast that with a low END high STR roided up muscle man who is indeed very strong, but will get short breath after climbing a few sets of stairs. Or Zyzz.
Olympic sport disciplines are a good way to visualize different peak body types - compare a runner to a javelin thrower and a figure ice skater.
Very inspirational quads, applicable to most things.
I though it could be a fun mechanic more than a fun time with perverts, but I do want to see this finished. Thanks
Going back to rework on my game now that I am bored at work again.
and part 2
stop being a messy bitch and give the pdf out
if people dont like ti they will say so
if they do like it they will either say so ot be too busy playing it to say so"
if they respect what you have going and want to see what you think of what thye think they will re write what they dont like and send it back
I have a project that keeps bloating with new stuff I want. If I went for a core book that I can later expand, something like Mothership's player guide, what info do you think would help interest people?
Obviously mechanics, character options, main interactions like guns or spells.The mechanical stuff has to be there and I have that at like 80% pre-testing. But I wanted to add 10-20 A5 pages of fluff to sell the tone and make it feel special from other games. What do you think would give the best bang for your buck?

I have some world descriptions for the tone, original creatures, some enemies, travel rules and settlement types. All kinda weak imo. None of it feels like something a rando would look and think "oh, I wanna try this out".
Been writing a cyberpunk setting with some brief rule-lead in stuff since this past summer. Inspired by Pondsmith's stuff of course but I've taken a pretty decently hard pivot towards more late 90's/early 00's inspiration for the internet. Mostly just trying to find time to come up with more stuff for the probably dozen google docs I have stuff spread around for (It doesn't help that at least 3 of the docs are flat out equipment catalogues for players sans weapon/armor rules.)
>Best Bang for your buck
Are you looking to sell this or just get people interested in this?
If you were looking to present this as the bare-minimum entry into your system, I'd say you're okay to throw a few pages of interesting fluff at them, just enough to give folks a taste. Howeve, a lot of your fluff and flavour can come through in the rest of your book: descriptions of weapons and equipment, flavour text for characters, brief lines of fluff inserted around mechanics, and the creatures described in the bestiary. I've seen intro books of around 40 pages that had only 3 pages of intro fluff then allowed the rest of the flavour to come through in pieces through the rest of the book.
One way of really hammering in a tone is the art that you'd attach to the book. I realize that you may be at a stage that is too early for considering art (or even consider purchasing), but if you were just trying to put something together to show folks or share with your friends, I'd suggest hopping onto an AI art generator and slapping out some pictures. Yeah, you aren't going to get the best quality, but at this stage in development you aren't looking for high quaility; you are simply looking for ways to enhance and express the tone of your work.
In terms of written stuff that you can include, just give the bare bones stuff that helps you to establish the setting. Is it sci-fi? Then don't go explaining how the rocket ships and lasers work. Is it high medieval fantasy? Then you don't really need to give us the full history of elves and politics between schools of magic. Just give the minimum required to run a game.
If you feel like what you've got so far is weak, post what you've got here. It's kinda hard for folks to help "weak" writing if we can't see it.
File: 1668623315461189.pdf (3.23 MB, PDF)
3.23 MB
3.23 MB PDF
>touhou card game
bless your soul, anon
I once tried to design a touhou card game myself, but I ended up scrapping the project in favor of something else

I hope you succeed in your project

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