I absolutely refuse to give GW a single cent anymore. But I still want to play their tabletop games. So, I have resorted to downloading their books as free PDFs and 3D printing. That said, I still want to support my local gaming store. I understand they stay in business by my purchase of those things I don't wish to purchase anymore, and want them to stay open so I can use their wargaming tables to play with other people at. So, what are some good-natured ways to pay the gaming store directly? So far, I buy snacks and drinks whenever I show up with the intent of playing with my Army, but is there anything else?Posted as a separate topic because this could also apply to any game we get for free but we wish to use a local gaming store's facilities to play it at.
>>94813066I just pay mine to rent a table, I get good terrain base, nobody bothers me, nobody tries to guilt me into buying anything so anything I do buy is with clear conscience.
why don't you just play non GW games?Does the store exclusively sell GW products?
>>94813066Buy paint, brushes, dice, board games, etc from them.But if you don't buy the miniatures from them you are still a shit bag to them.A recent video from a couple of hobby store owners should tell you everything: the most important person is the whale. If you arent the whale then you at best a non entity, at worst they actively dislike you
>>94813120Also this.Why not play non shit, non GW games the store carries.
>So, what are some good-natured ways to pay the gaming store directly?Donating terrain. If you want to maximize support you'd also buy the parts from them, but even making everything with DIY parts and craft paints still benefits them. More table terrain means better games that are more appealing to passers by and casual browsers.
>>94813066Pay for coffee and snacks. Buy some fantasy merch that isnt GW? Buy colors?
>>94813280Than fight against the whale and loose on purpose so the whale feels good to have the newest minis.
>>94813066This is the weirdest post I have seen in a while.If you are really playing games in a local store, you can look at the shelves to identify non-GW products or even ask the person at the counter. The store owner would be more than happy to let you know what products have the highest margins and would also be more than happy to just put a tenner straight in the till and not be down stock. Just talk to a human being who actually has a stake in the real life situation. Now go away, this is bizarre.
>>94813327This is a nice idea, but the store almost certainly needs money more than terrain.So I guess you could buy some terrain from the store?That's almost always more money than it is worth, so hopefully some of tha is healthy profit margin.Unless your store really is a desert, in which case I am surprised you are trying so hard to play there.More importantly >>94813597
Where do you guys get terrain for your table top games? No I cannot 3D print.
>>94813784You make it yourself. Terrain making is a good breather in between painting anyway since there's less fiddly bits and a drybrush will handle the bulk of the work a most of the time.
>>94813066Your principle of playing GW games but not giving them a penny is flawed. You support them by publicly drawing interest to their games so other people will buy.Why do you give a shit anyway? If you like GW games, play them the cheapest way possible. Buy 2nd hand, or buy from your FLGS once in a while.Pirate all the books you want, buy recasts or whatever (at least prime recasts).It doesn't have to be all or nothing... You owe nothing to nobody.Support your FLGS even if it means buying some overpriced GW model once in a while. Your measly 50 bucks really won't shift the scales anyway.
>>94813290not the anon, but here the only table top games that are popular are historicals, infinity and GW games. Warmahordes was huge here, till the company decided to turn their ass on eastern europe. So if you want to play big battles in scifi or fantasy of some sort, you have to play GW stuff. Generaly the support for LGS goes three ways. We pay for playing, almost all stores have a 3d printing station and they will print you everything(including 1 to 1 GW stuff) and we buy food/drink/vodka through the store (alcohol only on veteran nights post club closer).
>>94813784There are times when I feel like 65% of youtube is "how to make the most basic terrain with no tools (instructions for morons)".I am perfectly certain you can find a way to 'get' terrain.
>>94813066I wish I could make a living renting tables and terrain props to people like D&D players and wargaymers for low hourly rates but we don't live in that utopia.
>>94813861Just get historicals, they're cheaper, and if you really want fantasy so bad you can always add some random goblin wizard or whatever.Stuff like Frostgrave minis can kitbash nicely with historicals.
>>94813597This. Just buy a couple booster packs or hand the clerk $5-10. Call it a club fee. You want this place to keep the lights on.
>>94813290Sounds like you don't even like tabletop wargames, so why bother in the first place?
>>94813861 Show up to the LGS with a game you like and two armies. Hang out and play demo games. Build the community.
>>94814408> play non shit non GW games> Anon thinks not like GW means you don't like wargamesJesus the zoom zoom generation is a bunch of corpo cuck retards.
>>94813066real talk man, as long as you aren't a mouth breathing smelly freako, just showing up and playing there is good for their business.
>>94813066buy used?
>>94813066Soda and snacks are the best wayIf they have noncitadel painting supplies buy those too
>>94813066Buy paints, brushes, glues, and all the other hobby materials from them? They certainly stock some brands other than GW (or if not, they might be able to order it for you so you can support them). As long as you are not a gross neckbeard scaring off other players, you being there, playing regularly is also already good for the store, because having nice (!) regulars draws in and keeps other players (that might buy more stuff than you) into the store as well.
>>94814342might be hard to find players unless it's something like Bolt Action
>>94813597>This is the weirdest post I have seen in a while.It's just a needy and confused kid.