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Giant Duels Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

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>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What army do you hate dealing with?
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Say something nice about the baby trog
Why are it's eyes in the mouth?
Is it supposed to be a skin walker?
>What army do you hate dealing with?
Anything Elf related is usually a good contender for an NPE
I like his eyes being lower than his nose lmao
Babies are always kinda deformed. Give him some time to grow
Are trogs birthed live or hatch from eggs?

I play CoS, lots of melee privateers and cannons. The goal is to chip away at the enemy and pound them to dust at mid-range, then use the cavaliers like a scalpel. Nighthaunt or Idoneth, I play an interesting game of keep-away to kill their forces before they go nuts. Lumineth or Ossiarchs I'm dissassembling their army with my own or visa versa. Even Sons of Behemet is me playing the army in any Godzilla movie, trying to shoot down titans while they crush my troops.

Ironjawz? Big Boss on Mawkrusha engages my forces. I either kill him and win the entire game, or I lose. Every game with those green retards is a coin flip, but not even a fun one like SoB because they're nothing more then green retards.
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Post your New Year projects.

I´ve been working on my Chaos Warriors for the Spearhead. I don't hate em but I don't love em either. Any ideas what to add to make them cooler?
I bought Brutes and Bandits, but forgot i lended someone my green paint
Going to build out my CoS for the new year new army thing going on out here. This is what I'm looking to put down, what do you all think of it?

Cities of Sigmar

Alchemite Warforger (110)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (90)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (90)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (90)

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal (150)
- 10 x Freeguild Cavaliers (320)
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers (240)
- 1 x Ironweld Great Cannon (110)

Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy (110)
- 6 x Freeguild Command Corps (160)
- 1 x Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk (180)
- 20 x Freeguild Fusiliers (240)
- 1 x Ironweld Great Cannon (110)

3 drops

Generated by Listbot 4.0
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I think we're largely interpreting the figure wrong and a large part of what we think is his nostril is actually just his brow which the sculptor has simplified as fusing into the nose ridge

in any case it's not impossible for an animal to have the nasal cavity situated above the eyes, it is anomalous to have nostrils with their mucouses right over the eye, but trolls have freaky developments apparently
Fucking Nighthaunt. Take a drink every time you get a -1 to whatever and you’ll be on the floor by round 2. Everyone gets charge abilities and then on top of good hero buffs.
shining company. god damn. we've got a guy who runs a whole shining company lumineth army and he puts half the damn store on a 5+ to hit permanently
Any daring predictions that aren't a new vamp on a horse?
we already know it's not a vampire on a horse but a black knight champion
emperors children are the stars of this reveal so they are unlikely to show off any age of sigmar shit to upstage them or steal the spotlight.

that said i think we might see more than just the vamp, i wouldnt be surprised to see the grave guard too along with a new spearhead that incorporates them both, on account of their current spearhead being too good of a deal
And because the old grave guard will be in TOW by 2026, so need to get squatted sooner than later.
>emperors children are the stars of this reveal
not even close, they've got only 3 kits and 2 infantry heroes to show since they already blew their load about fulgrim

vampires on the other hand have to show an elite infantry unit, a cavalry unit and a big named hero on dragon, and that's only at the very least
at first I was a bit iffy but when I realized he's hiding under a table he became my favorite.
that's not a table
>almost 90 models
AoS gonna be like new Guard or just CoS?
Got tzeench stuff that I wanna paint up but I dunno how I want to customize them to make them more personalized.
>black knight champion
Skeleton in me wish it too but it's some zesty vampire
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>Post your New Year projects.
Patiently waiting for priming weather, and the Gitmob army box drop
>Any ideas what to add to make them cooler?
it might be my inner Slaanesh, but I'd say make the capes more eye catching. More variations in the colors and patterns

Doing the bases will help a lot too
Post close up from side. I wonder if those wolves are salvageable somehow or cad-cursed.
Just CoS. My FEC list has like half that many models at most.
Is there an army that really is just missing something for it to be complete?

Was gonna say kruleboyz with cavalry or decent foot infantry but if i remember they are gonna be mixed with orruks so there's that
If you mean can the saddle and tac be removed, maybe but it would take a lot of greenstuff fur. The saddles are part of the wolf, and the leather straps and shields fit into molded depressions on the sides.

If you just want wolves it would be way easier to buy Fenrisian wolves or go third party
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Week 1 down on my Wardens, pretty rapid progress for me relatively speaking. Also had a friend print off some manifestations for me for my upcoming GT. Not sure what colors I want to do for the jaws.
Being dense on purpose?
That silver and old is actually fucking beautiful.
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i've got 20 of the old ardboyz.

i've just been informed that the new ironjawz battletome will encourage a lot of ardboyz, and that my pigs are on the struggle bus (something about all their best damage profiles being 5+ to hit?)

so, do i continue with the old boyz and buy the old world black orcs box or get a couple boxes of the new boyz? i dont hate the new boyz, but i do worry about them clashing with my old boyz since they look so different. the brutes didnt look that different because they had open faces and bare arms so there was a bit in common, but the new ardboyz are head to toe in that new ironjawz beaten armor and NOT A GOD DAMN AXE IN SIGHT?!?! i'd have to fix that.

anyways, thoughts? also does anyone have a good size comparison between an old boy and a new boy? they look like they're on the same bases as far as i can tell. also if you could throw a brute or a rager in there for comparison too that'd be mint
i like everything about him besides his face, which is atrocious
Why doesn’t sigmar taking souls happen during any novels? Does he have enough stormcast
in the pic its black knight champ, but were getting both.
asking about Sylvaneth listbuilding if i specifically dont want to use alarielle, also how much worse off would i be using the default treelord instead of durthu or the ancient?
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Assembling this was just the worst, but now my ghouls have a little castle.
He looks so comfy
The new ones are a tiny bit bigger
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Trugg, Molog and the dankhold all look exactly the same, with the same brow ridge that melds into the nose, they just don't paint the skin around the eyes a different colour. That's the real reason it's putting people off, it's purely an odd paint decision
If you wanted examples of it happening in novels you could've just asked for that anon
Normal treelord isn't a wizard, has the same melee profile and other stats as the ancient does just with a sidegraded shooting attack that it can use while in combat. It's a budget option i guess, but probably one you build around having in a monster mash list rather than something you just put in there.

Alarielle is pretty good but you don't really need her, you probably do need a Belthanos or Lady of Vines if you're not using her though, just because your selection of wizards is pretty thin and you desperately need multiple spell casts a turn
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God I love sylvaneth but there playstyle seems hard to get into.
NTA but the last time that was a plot point was what? Malign Portents
Any advice would be welcome.
Can you show me a picture? But my usual method is to make a large surface and connect it to the foot then glu the surface.
maybe i just run my normal treelord as an ancient then, since theres already not much difference between them besides a staff and the face (main reason i want the normal treelord over the others)
As for the others, i was already looking at belthanos since i have some spite riders and have thought about getting some kurnoth hunters. Might also just add in LoV aswell since shes a nice build and model for the most part (really feel like allariele should have looked like her more, or even just more like drycha)
It happens in Vulture Lord
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I am working on this troggboss now. Hoping that by the time I am done with him, and all of my rockguts, I will be decent enough at painting to not ruin my Trugg.
Battle tactics

Yeah, barely taller, much thiccer though
It's a lot easier than 3rd edition.
The biggest curveball is that you need a lot of wyldwood kits
Greetings fellow FECbro, are you trying to run some competetive list? I bloody hate listbuilding in 4th.
Thx for info, I was thinking about making one unit of crypt guard mounted but I dont like those side shields. New chariot looks quite nice and wanna get my hand on it.
Fancy throne my liege.
Just get some irl sticks, they literally grow on trees
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>And I thought they smelled bad, on the outside!
Is that warpriest basedfacing?
how the fuck do 4 heroes take down a giant that big
Anyone have a link to the latest generals handbook?
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Picked this up, I don't think GW is still selling these? IDK what is up with that.
Man if you're lookin for a bunch of chuds to get riled up about this, you're in the wrong general. You would unironically have better luck dropping that in the whfb general and watching them shitmar post for a whole thread
Same fag.
I think the armor is cool. Also the lack of legs might dilute its identity between night haunt and soul blight, but I’m personally for it.
GW never started selling those as far as i know
I think it's funny that his nostrils are placed right over his eyes.
That's just a commemorative model, GW prints something like that once in a while

I know what a Commemorative model is, but usually they also sell them online unless it is a event only mini? And Othar isn't an event mini.
they havent even released this guy yet
I want to believe the joke here is that he was a halfling and he's now pretending to be taller
Do fyre slayers have any kits that are good for bits?
40k presumably since those look like metal/artificial wings.
That’s so obviously blood angels.
or possibly a statue on some piece of terrain or base decoration
you get some axes and shields but thats about it. you get a left over hero from the magmadroth kit
Some bird
Magmadroth has tones of random gubbins.
Both infantries have multiple weapon options
Blood Angels just had their Codex so i don't think it can be them
There's not really any highlighting or blending on it so my money is on scenery or base scenery

If it was part of an actual models main figure the painting team would have spent much more time on it, especially something as focal as a wing
How fast are ogres to paint.
I'm tired of my main army so I want to bring a basic bitch ogre list with a giant mercenary to a game
This list will have 2 foot heroes and 20 ogres.
Pretty simple, mostly just skin, leather, cloth pants, and some metal and wood for the gutplate and helmet. The skin gives some people trouble but I think that's mostly just because citadels skintone paints are ass

If you know how to zenithal you could probably finish the whole army in a day
Pretty fast. Big models, lots of skin, only real problem is their tight elbows in poses. Probably one of the easiest and fastest armies to paint all in all.
there actually is a tiny bit of highlighting on the wings, still could be a statue but its almost certainly some shade of white
Possibly raven guard or something, but who knows its not enough to definitively say that its mechanical or just oddly unorganic feathers
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You want at least 8 iron guts and a unit of 12 ogres.
People who know how to play AoS in tourneys can apparently beat them easily but in my LGS I stopped using them because they are just too oppressive of a stat check
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It's going to be the cherub on the new Black Templar unit.
They use similar iconography to sisters
is there some rumored black templars unit? i kind of thought their whole line was done
pretty much identical but slightly less curvy/organic. maybe a robo-cherub or cherub statue

Never can have too many space marines that almost all look the same anyways
I was thinking it's some kind of a tank/terrain/whatever ornament. Might be also a part of the Emperor's Children emblem. Most likely 40k but might also be something for the Old World (unlikely we already know what's coming out for the Empire, unless it's High Elves...) or maybe some form of altar or something for Cities of Sigmar... 90% it's 40k.
>You want at least 8 iron guts and a unit of 12 ogres.
Yeah, that's what my list will consist of.
I hate 4th edition enforcing reinforced infantry/cav spam, but that the only way to stay on the table for longer than a round
>People who know how to play AoS in tourneys can apparently beat them easily
Low saves and 4+ to hit demands ogres get in fights asap and avoid debuffs when possible.
Otherwise, they start to melt extremely fast
>get in fights asap
Thats what the Butchers are for
Also 4+ to hit isnt that bad considering they are Wound 2+
They fucked up the models. This is them trying to fix it.
Has GW ever released a "fix" for a bad model release ?
My local is starting a spearhead league, and I needed an excuse to start a new paint project anyway. What's your favorite spearhead mechanically?
Stormcast. But GW works 3+years in advance. Everything they release this year will have probably been in the works since before 3E came out.

It's the reason that whenever they try to pivot in response to feedback it feels retarded and out of date, because it is.
They canned the original set of space wolves mark 6 heads and redesigned them to be more bland because people made fun of them
Out of the ones i tired i liked Nighthaunt
Does AoS have half-Aelves?
no, in fact I think BL books have officially stated in AoS Human and Aelves can't crossbreed.
He used to be a fulling but now he's a halfling anon.
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Yes. Here's a picture of one.
How much will this guy cost anyhow? I think he's neat and I can double him up as a wight king or the nighthaunt ghost knight hero.
Put some Aelves in front of some Orruks and they'll leave half-Aelves all over the place

I paid 30 euros
About as much as any normla hero model, assuming you won't have to get it off ebay after some obscure event distribution
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I got some cloth to imitate chainmail. Dry fit first and already have problem, cloth looks fine but should I paint gheist first than add cloth or add more 'chainmail' layers to cover whats underneath? Because with just one layer you can clearly see model under it.
That looks like chicken wire.
I’d try and make a hood onto the head of the model. But first you need to paint it.
How do you plan on hardening\painting it?
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Yes Coven of blood had one

Prince Maesa the BL novel that >>94804767 mentioning that they can't crossbreed was a White dwarf story that than retcon out when it became a full fledge BL novel.

so yeah Hlaf-aelves are a thing
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Getting 20 more Ardboyz ready. Already have 20 done. Played the new AoR against FEC last weekend. It took 4 combats for Ushoran, 2 reinforced units of cryptflayer, marrowcroll, and an internal courtier to chew through 20 of them. Zoggrok removing wards while have a 4+ ward himself is awesome.
I think I know what would help. Add.more holes, and maybe add a saddle or some cloth lightly on top that the chainmail is spilling out of, holes would be good to show gore underneath.
yea..thats the question would it be pointless if I than cover it up?
Watered down pve glue.
Thats good idea.
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Imagine my shock when I learn about Zoggrok AoR and it needing 2x20 Ardboyz at least while I still havent painted my 20.

I wish it was a brutes focused army.

Also does anyone have the Orruk warclans pdf?
I've been looking around but haven't seen one yet. The book doesn't ship come out until Saturday anyway. There's been a rumor that the battle scroll will at least change the waaagh back to once per hero instead of once per battle and possibly other things too

I bring a reinforced unit of brutes with a megaboss in the AoR. The artifact (-1 to saves, no positive save modifiers to units damages by the hero) combined with making the brutes fight next with +1 attack is excellent.
>Sanctum of Amyntok
>Can be cast on any Wizard not within 3" of a terrain feature
>Can only be targetted with a Banish ability
>When measuring ranges, the Sanctum has to be the target
>Attack is an ability
Does this mean if your opponent can't Banish, then you can essentially lock down any objective by having a wizard sit on top of it with Sanctum up?
This means FEC hammers are shit. I dont think recent point drops wont help here.
are we really living in a world where a flying deepstriking hammer with 42 damage 2 attacks is considered bad?
Anyone tried using the Daemon Prince RoR yet? Does he perform decently outside of StD?
to be fair I got pinned in my deployment and with all the extra noble deed generation ushoran was on 6 points at the top of 2. We only made it to 3 rounds before I got tabled. Their momentum is really good now I think.
Seems like it. Hilarious, actually.
I actually like the BT, they look like Space Marines should
Har Kuron breeding pits
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Slowly finishing my casual Stormcast army.

Finished my Questors today.
My bad, I though 4 combats as in 4 full rounds. That make more sense now. That said if one unit can hold so much for a time they(ard boys) arent bad plus their models look cool af, I like them better than normal IJ.
very good, nicely done. the matching warpaint is a cool look
Yeah, depending on if Zoggrok gets the ability to take a sub commander in the battlescroll, I might drop the megaboss and brutes for wrekkaz (for tactics) and a hit squad of ragerz.Need some good counter charge pieces, especially since the AoR spell lore has 3d6 charge on a 7+
It’s a big investment to give up a whole regiment slot for one model, but because they gain the keyword for the monogod army you can give them enhancements which opens up a bunch of very interesting combos you can do, especially in tzeentch who otherwise don’t have an comparable melee hero.
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Added some more layers and it look better imo. I think I will first have to do basic colors on him than add chaimail cuz there is no way in hell I have chance to prime/paint under it.
Trying to kitbash, convert, or even just flairing up fyre slayers seems to be really unrewarding. This kinda applies to dwarves in general but it’s a bit more of a problem here.
I've seen ice and forest theamed ones that looked great
Have you tried something already?

They're so bare as sculpts. Everyone is naked and looks similar to each other. Almost all of the troops feel like they were the designer's first CAD jobs. Even the heroes are mostly quite boring and look alike.

The Magmadroth is cool and the Warcry box actually has some interesting sculpts. But Fyreslayers as a whole desperately need more units and/or revamping the current range altogether Stormcast style. I bet it is one of the worst selling Sigmar armies.
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Hear me out, crazy idea. I feel like having the chainmail as a sort of scarf wrapping around the front might work. But I feel like it'd need a plate chestpiece or something and that defeats the purpose. Still looks cool though anon.
this is one example and ALSO is one of the easiest ones to "swap out" (they still sold the old ones for a while, they just came out with newer ones recently) because theyre just fuckin resin alternate heads
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Not rly that crazy, but I might just do smaller piece over his back and front legs simmilar how I did my first one with some jewlery chain and shield.
Im gonna fry fit few thing out before any painting.
Where do you get the chains and stuff from
Ooooo nice, how hard are these to paint btw? I got a fully assembled one just kinda hanging around my hobby space and for whatever reason i just haven't gotten around to him
What's your favorite single man sized model from your favorite faction? I'm looking at picking up some characters to practice doing more detailed work.
I assume you only mean heroes? I have a soft spot for Soul Wars version of Spirit Torment, regular is meh
Half-Aelves and Half-ogors are both canon things with neither defining what the other half is or can be in the places they appear. We've seen duardin/khainite relationships and human/aelf ones, though
That little guy
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the humble Stabba
Hands bigger than their head
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One of the first dudes I painted, I got a soft spot for the loonboss (even if I don't have a gloomspite army) Also if you're looking for a variety look into underworlds models.
I've seen some icey paintjobs that're fun and people love doing root kings shit with them that've looked pretty solid. Mostly you can just interchange them with bits from any other dwarves though, it's all in scale enough that you can slap disposessed pauldrons, weapons and heads onto hearthguard. Same is true the other way around, unhelmeted kharadron using fyreslayer or ironbreaker heads look solid or cutting out parts of guns and using the magmapikes etc
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Say something nice about this booty-scratcher
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Rat with a Gyatt
Anybody happen to know any perfectly legitimate places I might have a read of the Ravaged Coast book? I want to know if it's worth putting in the effort to make a narrative campaign before I buy. Especially since not sure how much fun it is to buff up a fragile Skaven hero.
Gobbapalooza are all phenomenal.
Get them for a varied and extremely fun painting project
The way it attaches isn't what I would've done, but I think it's the exact kind of warhammer goofy that's great and I think it's the perfect representation of CoS' metropolitan mutli-species alliance that I hope we get more examples of.
Best CoS model. I don't care what people say, I dislike Tahlia's model because it looks like a bitch to transport/play.
Does no one run SoB with many man crusher gargants? Doesn't it seem more fun than just 3-4 big ones?
I've considered it myself but I'm not sure if there's a reason or if people just want to have as few models as possible since that might be why they picked SoB.
The static leg pose being clone bothers me with the big ones and the little ones are much easier to modify with greenstuff for posing
What're some good kitbashes/conversions for endless spells? They seem so easy to make your own versions of, and they're so constantly out of stock i have to imagine others have done it just to have the models they need
google Endless Spell conversion or Endless Spell proxy and you will see a ton of example
If I was going to run SOB, I'd want some "little" giants running around. But that's probably why I'm not the kind of person collecting SOB. I'm pretty sure they're also considerably weaker, and you have no points to waste in that list.
The ogre looks real solid, I just had to convert the stupid bucket to something better. Now he's holding an umbrella and is strapped onto a chair.
Theres also man crusher gargants being old and ugly
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worst looking army GW makes. theres no redeeming them
Post the results when you are done, if it looks good I'm ripping off your idea
Why did they sabotage this model by giving him the only ugly-goofy gas mask in the skryre range
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they look OK if you don't do garbage GW paint jobs and actually try a little bit.
How big is the model?
My base size autism tells me that's a 40mm.
So fyreslayers are supposed to be inspired by…Norse mythology right? Before seeing the runes I initially thought they were supposed to be inspired by Vulcan/ Hephaestus, but I’m guessing sutr is what gw was going for there? There any lore that clarifies them?
Anyone have the new Slaves to Darkness tome pdf?
>So fyreslayers are supposed to be inspired by…
Slayers from WHFB. That's it. Slayers cranked up to 11 with fire as their theme because fiery orange hair of traditional slayers. Then slapped with more fire adjacent stuff, in this case salamanders.
It's a Sororitas cherub, go look at the ones their centerpiece models come with it's an exact match. My guess is it's a Sisters Kill Team.
Stop samefagging
I agree with that other anon it looks like a 40
Is there a chart of what belongs to wfb in the soulblight range
Oh boy, bigger way more expensive SC models
Don’t they have more marines to produce
Sick as hell and will be an instant pre-order from me but I'm keeping my expectations extremely low. Joytoy is really picky about what sells well in China and I don't think AoS is big at all in China vs the rabid Chinese love of marine slop. They dumped every Xeno line after 1 wave due to that. I'm honestly guessing GW forced them to put these out like they did with the Tyranids.
He's a wight king, so should be wight king sized
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I alway got a lot more of a Sparta vibe from them
Grave guard, corpse cart, wight king, necromancer, black knights and the big centerpiece kits are the only things made in End Times or sooner.

We know black knights are about to be replaced, grave guard likely too. Wight and necro have multiple alt sculpts + CC heroes.
Give me the Soulrender, you bastards!
Some cheap metal chain I got from my missus.
Tbh I took me a while but I had fun doing it. My tip would be prime their belly black before you put any other primer/color because it is imposible to get it all painted when you have it glued on base.
I did mine white and there are few places where I can still see it but it isnt that much of issue.
Jesus Christ this model is soo fucking stupid.
No not rly.
Most soulful part of the CoS releas
honestly pretty good considering you can replace their ugly mugs with the helmets, idoneth girl is hot too. will consume in hopes we also get lizardmen and chorfs one day
it has a thing to hold it up on the side

but most stormcast weapons are nonsensical, better not to dwell on them too much
stuff like a kroxigor would also be cool to have to convert a seraphon giant as an actual miniature.

same for ossiarch stuff.
Oh yeah GW fucking love their side-grips
the crane to tree branche look really weird
How do we make warhammer less racist?
Literal who named characters
So sick of these guys and the IDK character is just stupid. IDK shouldn't even be in Order
Age of sigmar pretty much isn't

40k and tow its much harder since that's baked into their lore
If they're literal whos how is it different from just generics?
They're a forced attempt at a superhero team
They're not literal who's, they have an entire novel about them
might get the old dude. Here's hoping we get a soulblight character or some chaos stuff.
We kill all races but one, so noone can be racist anymore after that.
IDK fits order about as well as DoK. Really most of the order factions are pretty mercenary and cut-throat towards their supposed allies.
>elves shouldn't even be in Order

but then again collaborations between different grand alliances should be more common with all the mercenaries and situations that create alliances of convenience
They’re Greek monks
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Sure I would make me happy. Also check out this conversion of Regent. Im doing something very similar.
Dear Lord have mercy and end this already.
kys, It was not existing problem before tourist like U
Side grips and drum mags are peak
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Do we rly need SCE to represent Anterior Pelvic Tilt community or coomers cant draw?
the lines you drew are bafflingly inaccurate, and you are a strange man for drawing them.
Why are GW so desperate to make Neave Blacktalon a thing?
Do you know anyone who's read it? Or even knows a rough plot summary of it?
why does 4chan have such a crusade against named characters and their backstories?
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how hard is it to remove the dragonskull from the megaboss model?
GW is floundering around desperately trying to create another "pantheon of Primarchs" to try to exploit the same way they do in 30k but they have no idea how to do it narratively or whether it should be done at the level of gods or just immortal heroes
It's directly opposed to the mechanics and ideas of <your dudes> and will inevitably lead to a culling of character customization options just like they did in their other games when named characters don't have generic equivalents
A lot of people read and liked neave's original novel, and she had a solo model for years before she got a whole show + novel + metanarrative prominence with her girlfriend and new squad of freaks. She's obviously a character being marketed to you, in the same way most prominent named characters with models are, but it's not like she appeared out of nowhere
you'd have to resculpt the pauldron or cover it with something else
might as well start from one of the alternative megaboss sculpts if you can find them
the black talons are not another primarch situation. its closer to like gaunts ghosts or something where you have a small cast of side characters and a central named character they all relate to of moderate rank

primarch level shit is like nagash, morathi, allarielle, katakross, ushoran. if you want to go around saying they're trying to recreate the primarch pantheon, that's who you should point to, not some knight zephyros (basically a lieutenant rank, not even a lord) and her entourage
Skill issue if you can't kitbash or convert them into your dudes, never understood the type of autism that allows /yourdude/ to have a unique name and a cool spear instead of a sword, but not to be a different name from the one on the warscroll
okay, so lets say there are no named characters.

not a one

what do you use to tell your stories? when you are writing a battletome or want to put out a factions black library book, who do you center the story around? who do you use to frame the narrative of an army and give the world some identity? does the story revolve around some freeguild marshal or unnamed knight questor, who's name and heraldry shall not be mentioned such that it does not impinge upon this random anons desire to have a homebrew group of models, because if there is even one named character or known subfaction he loses all ability to create his own narrative and fiction within the setting?

or are you mad because you cant spend 5 points on a great weapon?
Isn't that what characters like Gotrek and Grombrindal are though? Primarchs whole thing is that they're characters that people got to know through a prequel series (or rather youtubers talking about a prequel series) that are slowly returning in with strange new powers. Granted no-one's really getting excited for the characters in Old World but I'd have thought they could just get characters people like in Total War to bring back in AoSified ways. We've already got Gotrek, Eltharion, etc. you'd think they'd just be picking the most popular characters from that to bring back if they wanted to do that.
It's the same kind of shit as the saviours of cinderfall and whatever gunnar brand's squad are called, it's fine, it's taking preexisting guys and giving them a warband squad alongside some more narrative presence.

I think really the blacktalons are the ones that do it best, though, because they're just a ttrpg party who go off and do shit together, unlike Callis & Toll + bland nobodies who have no reason to follow them outside the city or gunnar's family + some people that're his enemies most of the time except when there's a bigger threat to their home. The other squads get fucked over by it because now whenever they're in campaign books they have to bring along the dead weight that doesn't make sense to be there, and any novels about them have to include their bland hangers on as part of the now bloated ensemble cast. Stings harder for callis and toll, who already had a preestablished collection of weird allies that mostly filled the same archetypes while being infinitely more fun.
yeah i saw that guy but he looks.....small? like he barely fills up half that base. the regular megaboss at least takes up a healthy portion and doesnt look out of place on his base.

to be frank i actually dont particularly like either of them. the second guy is in a proper commanding pose but he has the size issue

the first guy looks like he's ducking under enemy fire in a squatty come get me pose that might be okay for a brute but it doesnt look very heroic or in charge and he doesnt even have a bosspole. even the brutes kit gives you several choices of bosspole for the squad leader, gordrakk/mawkrusha boss has a bosspole. its so weird that the megaboss on foot doesnt have one.

idk, they're minor issues but when it comes to spending $45 on a single foot hero, its enough to put me off my appetite for them. i might just find a conversion for one.
Honestly.....does anybody even care about these characters as much as someone at GW seems to think so?
Shit ton of effort to this group for some bloody reason... minis, new novels, shows up in big narratives, gets costly animation series made about them ... and now this? Neave as a character is and has always been generic and bland as shit. The rest of the grup of nobodies arent much better either except maybe the idoneth and even then shes the typical GW "ooo look at this mysterious elf character number 235... but we cant tell anything about this one to u because wooo elves so enigmatic" character. Unbelievable.
i havent read the callis and toll books but i watched the cartoon. they seem like they're trying to do a buddy cop "day in the life of a city of sigmar" kind of thing. it was okay, went a little overboard with the teeth gnashing hatred of each other but it was interesting to see the soulblight actually inhabit crypts and sewers underneath the cities and try to infiltrate them.
i like the guy with the bullhorns on his armor
>hire someone who actually knows how to sculpt faces and the stormcast suddenly look good

GW needs to train its people how to do that
nta, but the people asking to not have special characters aren't arguing against the use of names in general, or even of occasionally recurring or important characters in the background either; the problems start coming from special characters with their own miniature (which hogs a spot for what could have been used for a miniature of a more novel or needed role) and their own rules (which sometimes have the entire army get rewritten around), that end up recurring so much to make the world feel smaller and smaller and that can't ever truly get removed out of the scene because gw has a miniature of them to sell.

some anons' point of view is extreme about it, since after all most if not all the stormcast special characters we are seeing now were perfectly generic throwaway names for generic background characters in the first edition that grew more or less organically.
But it is important to not restrict narratives exclusively to the special characters once we have a cast of them, or we make the world and everyone else feel smaller as a result.
The hammer and bolter episode is bizarre because it characterizes them nothing like their book counterparts, even in the newest novel not written by horth, and also decided that along with Callis' redesign to make him a bulky black guy with dreads they should also make him a quick to anger and violent black guy as well. Just deciding to make the character a racist caricature for only that animation and nothing else. You're right that the setup is fun, though, and i think that's a role they naturally work in even if the actual books all tend to be more adventuring witch hunter stories
Those things are like 10 times bigger. Easier to do details at that scale
They did a good job painting it but it's too passive for my liking
> fluff
I mean 'they are badly written' can be applied to literally e ery word ever put to page about anything concerning warhammer so that's not fair. I'll give the fluff a pass
> the rules
Skewering them to be so necessary in our army constructs list building (which is already constructive and shit) and leads to samey, boring as fuck games were 99% of the time the game is decided at list building. I don't want to constantly think 'by not taking Katakross/Belthanos/mannfred/belakor/kroak(not so much start of 4th probably a thing now)/Karazai/Callis and Toll/etc I am actively making a worse decision.'
Stupid take. I didn't say get rid of them and that's a retarded zero sum solution. For my issues in particular stick them in narrative only, or point then all at 1001, at least, (and increase their power to match). There you can take them - just not competitively speaking. Still 100% able to play them and sell the model.
i've worked with cad and print, its not that hard to get good looking models and details, even at 28mm scale. you dont get in trouble until you start reaching like 12mm scale.

and i know for a fact GW is using zbrush and printing to produce their masters. its either a lack of technique from the artists, a directional choice from a design lead, or some combination of the two, but the size/scale that GW normally works at is not a limiting factor on getting good looking faces
i've been running my seraphon without kroak and doing just fine. in fact he feels the least mandatory he ever has.

you need to stop getting all your opinions from the honest wargamer and just go play some actual games. there's only 2 named characters in the whole game i would consider mandatory and thats because half of their armies rules are on their warscrolls. ushoran and allariele. everybody else is optional

Gitz & Troggs

For troggs to be in the same ballpark as other monstrous infantry, they would need to lose...

1 Health
1 OC
Their throwing attack
One of their rend would be turned into anti infantry
The healing would be just their hero phase
Lose either the ward or the recursion
Gain an attack
Write an original fucking character for the story? Callis and Toll had like 5 books before getting models, and noone bats an eye
What tells you that thtas a wight king? Hes a ghost, not a skeleton
>Hes a ghost
He's a wight, and he's a king, for the soulblight army
He's a wight king
i actually genuinely am curious how exactly troggs win.

its an entire army that walks on the ground 6" at a time and all they do is melee. this seems like the easiest army in the world to just block in, screen or outmaneuver.

is it just because they're playing to a meta where everyone has gone all in on hammers and forgotten the fundamentals of screening, jamming, and board control in favor of like belakor and 6 varanguard or what?

this seems like an army that would be absolutely terrible at missions, easy to predict and screen, speed bump, you could fight them at your leisure
Eavy Metal style also doesn't work well for especially female faces, bunch of female characters painted by Eavy Metal have weird faces but then you see same minis at Golden Demon and the faces look much better. Though it is also partially a sculpting issue, they have definitely made bunch of bad looking female faces especially.
IMO Neave Blacktalon doesn't feel like a character that you pick up and make your own stories with her in the setting and games. Its not like many other named characters feel any better either, but she takes it to the next level. She feels more like a character of some individual GW employee who reeaally wants to push his/her best of the best OC at everyone's face, whether they want it or not.
I have DoK half of Arena of Shades box to sell.
-High Gladiatrix x1
-Sisters of Slaughter x10
-Kinerai Heartrenders x5
-Doomfire Warlocks x5

Thinking $120 as bundle, is that overpriced or underpriced? I don't know much about DoK (or even selling goods if I'm honest)
Speaking of named characters. Now’s your chance.

>p-please provide some fluff for our game because so far we've failed to
>and will inevitably lead to a culling of character customization options
not really
That happens, but it's not *because* of named characters.
Can Kragnos beat Archaon, canonwise?
Kragnos needs to kill Dhorgar in a fit of autistic rage thinking he’s a Draconith to justify a new Archaon model.
They're mega efficient for EHP and hit hard. They're both anvil and hammer.

The lists that do well aren't just spamming Troggs, they're mixing in squigs and squiggs compliment them well. Gitz units are mega cheap in general they can afford throw away objective scorers. Rockguts absolutely are an elite unit but they're nowhere near that pricing.

Some armies don't have ranged tools to whittle down troggs before fighting them or leave them with just one model. Or enough burst to reliably remove them off the table.

Screening isn't as big of a factor with power through (also a huge benefit of 5 health), and actually a detriment depending on battle tactics. They're not very common either when the game encourages reinforcing and spamming hammers.

6 inches is not really slow when you can shove them on the deploy line guilt free and many missions are split from the center. With healing and recursion there's not much need to alpha people.

The armies they do well against are ones that have shitty combat units and can't burst through their healing:

Black Library does open submissions every year, my man. A lot of their short stories are basically auditions from new people trying to worm their way in.
Noone can kill Archaon canonwise
Because he's in Soulblight, not Nighthaunt. And he's a king
I have not played StD that doesn't have either Arachon or Belakor. I have never seen an OBR list without Katakross, Arkhan, or Nagash. There has never been an edition of Sylvaneth were one or more special characters weren't essentially mandatory or you were playing down. Gits since they got their book always run Skargrott or Trugg.
> le honest wargamer
He doesn't see special characters as a problem. Or rather, he selectively picks out certain ones HE doesn't like and the rest get a pass or are simply accepted as 'part of the play experience' or whatever. Not that he even matters anymore, he has checked out of 4th, he doesn't even do the stats regularly. Frankly only the most cucked of content creators really still give a shit about 4.0 after how shit the last two books are (first two always get a pass, but StD and Warclans were so lazy even the content cucks could barely suck GWs knob for more than an hour).
potentially, kragnos is immune to divination and most sorceries and half of the strength of archaon as a character is the eye of sheeran giving him clairvoyance
the other half is massive armies and impressive power, but still, in a direct 1vs1 kragnos has a chance
Kragnos got fought to a standstill by Gordrakk and his slightly nastier than usual mawcrusha.
Archaon would fucking rape Kragnos in a fight. The Sword of Kings would gobble him up
Ohhhh you're ghoul anon, okay. Lookin good btw.
Doesn't he hate all vaguely dragon like things anyway? I doubt he'd care much that Dhorgar's not technically a dragon.
Skaven players please tell me how to easily and quickly paint wood textures
I have a bunch of Warcry mining terrain that I need to paint up but I've never done wood before
that's plot armour talking
and the antimagic shield counters the magical sword
Just slapchop that shit, terrain is the perfect use case for speed painting workflows.Prime white or zenithal, slather on a dark brown contrast-like e.g. AP Dark Wood, then heavy dry brush medium brown and light dry brush bone.
The hardest part for me is the awkward bases sizes some have. What do you even do about those?
Have you guys ever been kicked out of a game for dumb reasons? I was trying to play a game of AoS and then I get booted because they don't like my dice. This is such a load of shit.
Your dice being?
squig dice
He kicked Gordrakk's ass, beat his dragon near death and stole his WAAAGH. That's not a standstill, that's marcy
Kragnos was beaten by Karazai
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Just my usual sets, I don't see the issue.
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no, he wasn't, the dragon brothers cannot confront kragnos directly, they only bait him or try to trap him
This seems like a lot of narrative power to offer fanfiction writers. GW is usually super protective of the branded characters. I assume these are going to end up in some curated anthology novels or something?
Is that what happened with the prompt from last year?
pretty much yeah

Archaon should get his face caved in by Sigmar or dusted by Nagash, but usually plot armor kicks in (sigmar lost his hammer, Nagash was depleted before Archaon fought him). I'm sure Kragnos would feel sick that morning or something if he fought Archaon.

For all the mortal realm gods, in terms of raw power, Nagash or Sigmar is probably king now, especially after Nagash has the nadir. But we all know Nagash will never be allowed to win.
im gonna lay it out for you:
1. Long ago when you spergs were still in the nutsack we use to ask our oponent before battle if it is OK to bring special character to regular battle and if he or you said no It was expected to have another list without one. Nowdays you cant expect that level of courtesy.

2.Special characters are for NARRATIVE GAMES, for grand campains not for casual game/tournament. They dont make fucking sense otherwise. Your dude IS not anyone special in the warhammer world he might be special for you but Nagash/Sigmar dont know his fucking name and he wont move his ass to your corrner of the world each time you ask. And no you buying overpriced powergaming piece off plastic dont give you right to fuck things up for others.

3. Last time I managed to get whole weeknd for gaming I had to play with 3 diferent dudes with Arkhan and 40 skeletons, Olynder, Alariele, Teclis and 2 Belakors and their list were the same fucking thing any other retards is using. Only one IJ player was kind enough to have orginal thought and make his own fucking list with things he liked and not some internet fuck told him to bring.

4. It takes away from armies because GW want you to buy overpriced plastic and they not gonna make it subpar. I had cool rule called 'Courts of Delusion" for 3 fucking months in 3rd before those greedy fucks rolled it under Ushoran. It take away from my and my oponent enjoyment when each game look the same. Most of the armies in the game should have those special rules build in to faction anyway but "how do we sell that overpriced hero if it isnt OP?"

5. If you rly want some special characters they should explore niche in your army you cant otherwise make room for in normal ruleset
Horticulus Slimux was good example where he could plant nurgle tree each turn, was it great? fuck no but it was cool to bring my converted gnarlmaws and make board in to Garden of Nurgle.
nta, but #1 is kinda bullshit because some armies are fuck useless without a key piece. Katakros has been a crutch for OBR for the longest time. I would not blame players for bringing special characters, especially when indexes suck at balance.

Just because we bring them doesn't mean we enjoy it. In an ideal world every army would be balanced without them, and they would just open up alternative builds or something, or there would be a generic build for all of them, with the most expensive hero being 300 points.
I heard squig dice were fucked up and they showed some numbers way more than others.
I agree with you largely but a lot of the problems that people have with "named characters" are actually problems with faction leaders and they throw the baby out with the bathwater when they talk about the former
I groan just as hard as anyone else when someone rolls up with Archaon or Morathi but I don't have a problem with some dude really liking, say, Skulltaker and using him
Named characters are ok but should be confined to their AoR. Especially those that have warmaster. That way they don't warp their faction's powerlevel around one warscroll.
>4. It takes away from armies because GW want you to buy overpriced plastic and they not gonna make it subpar. I had cool rule called 'Courts of Delusion" for 3 fucking months in 3rd before those greedy fucks rolled it under Ushoran.
I still find it so funny (read: irksome) how they removed Death Frenzy from Grey Seers and Verminlord Warbringers just to give it to Vizzik and then hype him up by pretending that Death Frenzy was some new, never-before-seen ability that would shake up Skaven forever.
>nta, but #1 is kinda bullshit because some armies are fuck useless without a key piece

Not my problem that you didnt noticed that your shitty army dont work without £74 tax. Rly funny how tax colecting army make retards pay to play. Be responsible adult and dont pay corpo for shit product.
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What is this argumentation? Where do we draw the line? Where would the difference be in buying one big centre piece or two more infantry kits? Where does it become corpo shit? It´s all the same product, bro.
There are ofc some specials that dont break the game, I dont see people complaining about nurgle heralds like scribe or piper. Thinking about it now I dont see people complaining about demons in general.
new and improved yes-yes, more warpstone tokes pls
Sniff stronger glue, it will help you cope with £74 tax.
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You keep calling it a tax, i look at cool model that does cool shit most of the time. Half of GW´s thoughts are about selling you stuff, doesnt really matter if its two more infantry kits or centrepieces.
Stay cynical and mad.
>I dont see people complaining about nurgle heralds like scribe or piper.
those are generic
>2.Special characters are for NARRATIVE GAMES, for grand campains not for casual game/tournament.
No, they were for such. That has very obviously changed. Can't say I find it a change for the better, but pretending it's still the case is just dishonest.
>haven’t followed Underworlds in awhile
>fell off painting the models when they jacked up the prices and the local group here died off
>see the new GSG band
>cards no longer have soulful art and it’s just shitty pictures of the studio models

holy fuck just let the game die already
Nah see, they had to make this new edition that's completely different and plays no way like 1st edition. It's basically it's own game and is 100% justified change wise. Just trust me bro, GW swears.
The MSRP prices for those are
$irrelevant because nobody fucking wants Doomfire Warlocks and they're in every discount box anyway

So MSRP for that stuff, brand new, in box, is 162 dollars. Your 120 bucks is a 25% discount. Which isn't anything to sneeze at, but not a crazy bargain.

BTW, Iin my experience the buy/sell/trade group on Facebook is a pretty decent place to sell stuff. I'd say throw it up there at 120, but be willing to accept 100 if someone offers it
I have those Idoneth dice, and I use them every single game.

No one likes my faction, so it feels fitting that I use dice that everyone hates as well. I don't care, just hand over your soul so I can animate my thralls.
what matchup in what location should I wriite, bros?
Grashrack fighting Hedrakka
I'm tempted to have the eater of tomes and lord kroak shittalk one another telepathically after the events of broken realms
Sigmar lost his hammer because feared facing Archaon in a duel since it's stated that Archaon is stronger.

Archaon and Nagash didn't fight once. They dueled numerous times and each time Nagash lost.
After the World That Was ended, Archaon fucked around and conquered multiple universes.

He's really strong
You are right, always though they had unique keyword like Horticulus.
FEC + anything you like.
FEC v FEC, but they're clear headed enough to see the opposite side as ghouls.

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the story has to be about named characters with models. If you're doing FEC on FEC your only options are Ushoran and the Underworlds guys
>they're clear headed enough to see the opposite side as ghouls.
I think the more interesting idea is that they're both full delusional, but because they're from different groups they have conflicting delusions
I fucking hate Ghur.
Had the idea of writing a story where a dude is possessed by a night haunt in the middle of an expedition in the realm of life. It mostly goes into erotic lit though.
The bat mutant design is too cool to be stuck in fucking Underworlds
The rules say it has to be about two named characters meeting, it specifically says it doesn't have to be a fight. A sex scene would absolutely fit the requirements.
Im gonna write about Gordrakk raping Gobsprakk forbeing an ugly sneaky git
I doubt GW will go for it, but if you post it here I'll probably jerk off to it.
Cancer anon... I kneel
Based and correct opinion.
> I don't blame OBR players for using Katakross he has been necessary from the beginning
No that's shit and it's zero excuse (I'm an OBR player). The army should need one broken model to work. Knock the character down and raise the army up (also just point katakross out of the game).
> we don't enjoy it!!
But you do it anyway you fucking waacfag.
it'll probably get a unit eventually. the previous underworlds band was basically a prototype for cryptguard
A divine weapon is a divine weapon, Sigmar didn't fear fighting archaon, he feared gambling a fight against him without a weapon in hand that could stand up to slayer of kings. He punched the fuck out of him after the old world blew up.

What are all the times he fought Nagash?
>Katakros has been a crutch for OBR for the longest time

i actually wonder if katakros is even still good or if he is an apocryphal pic everyone takes just because they've always taken him. hes a 4" move terrain piece that gives a couple units all out defense for 500 points. he doesnt even heal anybody anymore.
> #4
The thing is I really can't recall an incidence, besides fucking Kragnos, when people didn't just want to buy the Centerpiece model even if it wasn't useful. Who didn't want to buy Alarielle, Drycha, Archaon, Nagash, Belakor, Belthanos, Morathi, Trugg, etc? It's like Space Marine players not buying their primarch. And if they want to sell multiple, you make it a dual kit (Gordrakk, Gobsprakk come to mind).
His huge base combined with increased aura range, as well as his '3 units get +1 save' BS and the fact his regiment can take anything means he always sees play. His possible CP stealing and 'meh' combat ability are icing on the cake.
eh, color me unimpressed. he lost too much from his previous incarnations to be worth the 500 point price tag anymore. i dont think he's a crutch anymore i think he's a ball and chain
Why are the saurus guard still in the game when saurus warriors all but updated their sculpts? You need another data sheet of infantry?
saurus warriors=objective holding standard infantry brick

saurus guard=elite slann bodyguards to keep your frog alive

different roles. also its very likely and possibly rumor engined that saurus guard are getting updated alongside skinks in another seraphon wave this edition

They also might have lots of old stock they still want to sell
If not Im gonna spread leafets to muslim population in Nottingham about GW staff making very haram figurines of Allah.
Your move James.
im sure they could always just repackage the old stock and sell to the old world crowd
Chocolate elves with wide hips made for breeding
anyone have the maggotkin of nurgle pdf they'd like to share? thanks
He fixes the retarded battle trait being so limited. If you rely off regular heroes, realistically only one or two things are going to get coverage, and the units are less than average with their base stats, even with the aura it barely puts most of them on level with other factions that roll out the gate with those stats. Kavalos and morghast are the two units that only feel like they pull their weight, everything else is weirdly understatted. Stalkers with 1 damage, mortek have no rend, immortis guard are not pointed or statted for big blocks.

Nagash has a smaller army and a huge base so not as bad.

Why the autonomous elite army needs auras makes no fucking sense.
>new Slaves to Darkness tome
gofile dot io/d/bNUrfd
> Why the autonomous elite army needs auras makes no fucking sense.
I mean they’re not autonomous, they’re incredibly ordered, regimented, and autistic. Made by an even bigger autist
>maggotkin of nurgle pdf
we don't have one for 4E, you can find free rules for maggotkin on warcom, you can find 3E battletome here.
files<dot>catbox<dot>moe slash 56mz8b<dot>pdf
Why does slaanesh still have hellstriders
Because they won't remove demon models (yet)
They are though, maybe not mortek guard but there's been examples of obr having their own motivations and going against orders. It's a plot line for crematorium and ivory host.

From an independence point of view, one of the big features of obr when they came out was that they had hekatos that provided coverage for wards inside their mortek units that other death factions needed a hero for.
They aren't in The of World
ask whoever removed the chaos altar
Is Kataky doing anything or is he still getting spawncamped
iirc they were a pretty important unit in 2e armies.

If I didn't know better, I'd think GW knew that long time Hedonite players would have a bunch of Hellstriders, so they were giving that unit a long tail to let people keep using them as they gradually built up their collection of the newer, better kits.

But I do know better, so my best guess is GW just forgot they exist.
last time we heard about him he got news that rats were going to make shit hit the fan and sent a message to all ossiarch generals to stop what they were doing and entrench for the coming ratwave
He gets visions of his home town, but doesn't realy know what to do with that shizo information
>so they were giving that unit a long tail to let people keep using them
Thers literally a 1 to 1 replacement of "Mortal on daemonic penis worm with melee weapons"
different base size tho
Gw doesnt give a shit about the consistency of that tho
wait, no, that's it. If they released the new Seekers and were like, "yeah this is the new Helstrider kit" then a lot of people with existing armies wouldn't buy them because they already had Helstriders. But by releasing them as a whole new unit, existing players would have to buy them to run them.

Then in a few years they can squat Helstriders and tell people they can just run them as Seekers, but by then everybody will have bought the new Seekers
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Now that one does make sense, i could absolutely see them doing this
do you ever feel bad for winning games? I tabled a dude and it overall felt worse than ganes I've lost.
Only if it's because of fucked GW balance or the other player is a beginner.
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Jerrion's Delegation or Spearhead to go alongside with Charnelgrand Jury? Does it even matter that much? I think I need basic canon fodder so the ghouls in the Delegation would make sense?
Can you even find jerrion's anywhere?
I got lucky and found it in store about a year ago now.
Only after winning the prio roll after they botched rolls or I rolled hot the previous round. Or if they’re starting to get visibly upset.

My local store has one and I know at least one webstore in my country that has a copy. I live in a pretty market so some stuff doesn't move as fast as I imagine it does in the UK, Burgerland etc.
>fucked GW balance
Yeah probably. I had a unit of reinforced Khorne chosen, which do an absurd amount of damage. Slapping on an extra attack per model forever for free because I decided they're Khorne seems overtuned. It must be an enormous increase in damage potential for zero point increase.
Id get it just for the value desu. 27 models, you can run the ghouls as crypt guard without issue, they make for fun kitbashing since the models are so old, and the bigger guys are useful.

The spearhead's gonna be around for a while, so no point in rushing for it.
its actually pretty weird to me that after introducing the blissbard and slickblades they actually kept the hellstriders

GW is rarely so forgiving about letting old models stay when a clear and obvious replacement is introduced *cough cough spiders your time is up cough cough wolfs with venomous fangs cough cough*
spearhead is definitely more meta.

plus you can find ghouls and crypt horrors for very cheap elsewhere

I feel like that breeds more animosity in the end. Like stringing people along before actually squatting them. Saurus knights getting axed for aggradons was quick and offered no alternative for the now defunct knights except maybe as raptadon proxies. But no one really laments the knights because, I mean, look at those sculpts.
they didnt even look good when they were new, the dark elfs had cold ones come out at pretty much the exact same time that look 100x better and arguably still give the new aggradons a run for their money visually
Thx, bro. I thought I heard about Doomfire Warlocks being shit but didn't realize it was quite to that level.
So with there being no transports can hordes actually be the front line? I mean cavalry and centerpieces will still get there first.
The problem is that the entire idea of the army is sexy evil babes. Every character is a sexy evil babe. Every single unit is sexy evil babes. Except one. The damn Doomfire Warlocks. Which are just some fucked up dudes. They aren't what any Daughters of Khaine players wants their army to be
I'm gonna be that guy and say I like the doomfires. It gives a wider glimpse into the insane matriarchal society of DoK. As a minor supporting unit that you might see in armies, I like them. They for sure need new models though.
aos doesnt have transports, but it does have a lot of deepstriking and unlike 40k there is no 1st turn restriction on deepstriking, so things like runesmiters, soulscryers, and the unquiet dead kind of function like transports as far as getting from A to B goes. some armies even have ways to put guys back into deepstrike.

there is also one army that actually has transports, but the transport capacity is so small and their infantry is so shit that its pretty much a non issue
It would be OK if the models actually expressed that idea. If they were chained or had scars or the unit leader was a lady with a whip. If you could look at the model out of context and tell that these guys were slaves, then absolutely, great.

But instead the main focus is the horses' incredibly fucked up mouths
Looks like purebred British horses to me
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I don't hink i ever saw this guy from the front like that. The hron effect is actually quite cool.
Sort of like fake heads grenskins mount on themselves
let's see those wolves run over walls
Definitely feel like they tried to make the horses too kooky crazy and the kit suffered as a result. It'd be one thing if there were ghouls or cultists riding them, but it's kind of strange having elves on them
There was quite a nice one with the Unmade from warcry
They're not like the common slaves. They're basically shadow magic mutants. Morathi seemingly allows them a position higher than most male slaves but still brands them with runes of control secretly. But yeah the models are lacking.
>Charnelgrand Jury+Jerrion's Delegation
Will give you 2 reinforced horrors/flayers, block of dudes and 2 support foot heroes.
You will need some other heroes here.

>Spearhead +Charnelgrand Jury
Will give u 1 reinforced morbegs plus 3, reinforced guard unit, reinforced horror/flayer plus Regent(one of better heroes almost must have), Vargulf(cool beatstick) and support hero.
That one lone unit of morbegs spoils it for me but it has more usefull heroes.

IMO hard to tell because all are usefull. Old horrors are great for conversions and /your/ dudes stuff on the other morbegs are fun to build if you dont mind forced whamen.
they wouldnt try and pull a killteam on warcry and make it super tournament focused right
Do you think SoB will get an army box alongside their tome?
Having read some fantasy intended for female audiences, I can tell you that if GW want more women playing warhammer then the best way to do that would be by bringing fimir back and making them the primary focus of the setting.
Warcyr has always been the more casual, more narrative, more fun, better skirmish game compared to Kill Team's more competitive, crunchier, less fun, worse game. I don't think they're gonna change up that dynamic.

Assuming they even do another edition of Warcry
It's been said, they're what Kruleboyz should have been
im hoping the next edition of warcry goes fully mordheim on us (either way though the factions i like the most are all the ones waiting on a warcry band, Skaven, Gits, IDK and KO. Wish OBR and Sylvaneth warbands were different)
ooh I just had a brainstorm. What if when Gitz finally get a Warcry warband, it's a unit of Troggoths like the guy from the Underworlds band?

He doesn't look much bigger than a man, they could do a 6-8 of them in a band. Do it like the Gorgers where the different roles come from attributes, like one of them found a big stick to use as a club, one of them has a big mushroom on his head that occasionally gives him ideas, etc.
fimir aren't the hot kind of rape monster though
I don’t think they’ve ever gotten a bundle box in any iteration.

fimir look like dumb jim henson rejects in the worst way possible and literally the only reason anyone here ever talks about them is edgy teenager "hehe, rape" cringe.

they were bad, niche models with like 2 kits, paper thin lore, and a shit aesthetic. kruleboyz run absolute circles around them in both personality and visual style, and i will not be convinced otherwise.

fimiranons can eat shit and i cant believe we are still beating this dead horse 4 years later
I just wish he had a nose
frankly i was hoping for the warcry warband to be like what the new underworlds warband is like, but now thats not that likely
Maybe have like 10 gits with different stuff and a few like mini squigs or something like that
That sucks, 40k Knights get them all the time
40k knights only other kit isn't ugly as sin either, though. They have like 3 total kits to SoB's 2, I think.
We gonna beat that horse until you kys. Just do us a fav and post stream here.
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Doomfires were shit but are actually really good in 4th.

They're for the femdom self insert.

See above I don't mind them

Yeah the models suck and need a refresh

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