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>Forgot the thread title Edition

>Previously, in the Mortal Realms

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
What's your favorite Destruction faction and subfaction?
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>Thread question:What's your favorite Destruction faction
>Thread question:What's your favorite Destruction subfaction?
Spidey lads but the gitmob guys are in close second
I thought we were getting Chorfs this year, where the fuck are they?
We should have at least had hints of them. The original rumor claimed they were coming last year. Was there some huge production fuck up or delay from China again?
HEY WE ARE GETTING REVEALS today So maybe wait a day.
We;ve had a ton of hints of them! They're on the damn map for this edition! Calm down!
Wowie zowie it's almost like people have been claiming chorfs are coming "next year" since first edition aos, and have never had any credible source to back them up
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I literally used to post about demanding chorfs since first edition in these threads then got busy with real life and stepped away from /tg/ for six years. Now I'm back and I hear that they are actually supposed to be happening. But I wonder how GW will fuck it up since they fuck up everything now.
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I posted a few days back about getting a busted up box of Snarlfang Riders from Amazon. My replacement is on the way and may arrive as early as Friday.

If it arrives on Friday, I'll be able to build it and prime it before the winter storm comes in. If it arrives Saturday or later, I probably won't be able to prime it until February.
>But I wonder how GW will fuck it up since they fuck up everything now.
Say what? The Seraphon refresh, the Flesh-Eater Courts expansion, the Skaven refresh, and now the upcoming Gitmob expansion, GW has been hitting it out of the park with AoS recently
With something like chorfs, with how long I've been waiting, they are BOUND to fuck it up. They will probably be half women or the diversity squad or some shit, as opposed to angry babylonian male stunties as they should be.
As long as they have nice looking guns, and dont have those ugly furry bait centaurs, im down for them.
What is the main diference between AoS and The Old World? Second how much should I espect to invest to build a playable army in AoS(no paint included).
I am tempeted to start in one of this since in my LGS both have players for it and also I want to see your opinion anon.
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And some sort of hat.
>What is the main diference between AoS and The Old World?
the entire game system. though if you're dedicated enough you can probably have an army of ogres, lizards, vamps or skaven with interchangable bases
>What is the main diference between AoS and The Old World?
The gameplay is almost entirely different.
>Second how much should I espect to invest to build a playable army in AoS(no paint included).
>I am tempeted to start in one of this since in my LGS both have players for it and also I want to see your opinion anon.
There's a pretty popular shrunk-down game mode for this edition called Spearhead, wherein you can just buy one of an army's associated Spearhead bundle box and play with that, which also serves as a good base for a full army later on. Each Spearhead box is £87.50 / $145.
OK well enjoy being preemptively mad about something you've imagined, I guess
I'm still hoping for some kind of technological parity with the Kharadrons.
It would seriously suck to sell your soul to Hashut only to find out some sky-stunty is selling better guns out of his hangar.
Well at least chorfs could still sorta cast magic. What even is the explanation for khadrons being so advanced
>diference between AoS and The Old World?
Every single aspect?
playable army for aos is on average $500. some can be much more (elf tax) some can be much cheaper (edition starter armies can be cheap as secondhand market is flooded with cheap starter halfs. stormcast, kruleboyz, skaven)

the difference between age of sigmar and the old world is primarily a difference of movement. age of sigmar uses round bases, and its units all move in a fairly free form fashion, able to shape your units in lines, blobs, V shapes, whatever you want, and measurement for movement is done in a straight line from where the model is to where you want it to go. old world uses what is called a rank and flank system. units are placed in rectangular movement trays from which they cannot typically leave (though they can change the length or width of the rectangle), they fight and move as essentially a single solid piece, and to move you must measure your turns in whats called a wheel manuever, pictured here.

there are a great many other differences, such as list building, age of sigmars more objective focused play vs old worlds more raw battle lines play, how relics and items are handled, mor or less unit customization, and so on.

there are also quite a few armies which are cross compatible. the easiest way to do this is with round bases slotted into square movement trays with round holes. you can use square bases in age of sigmar but it gets a bit janky.

age of sigmars model range is much more modern, while the old worlds models are....well, old. most of their kits are aged somewhere in the early to mid 00s, with all the charm and warts that come with being old kits.

im not really sure what an old world army costs $$$ but i imagine its comparable. age of sigmar is probably the cheapest full scale GW wargame though, and its about half the cost of 40k
>TQ Morathi and my ass
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Buy a Spearhead set and play a couple games of Spearhead at your LGS. It's a slightly stripped down version of AoS, same rules but you have a set army list and there's some slight tweaks to balance the different Spearheads against each other. It's specifically designed for new players who want to try the game out. Spearhead sets are like 120 bucks on Amazon.

If you like it, come back and we can give you some pointers for expanding your Spearhead force out to a full 2,000 points, depending on which Spearhead you chose.

I recommend you do the Gloomspite Gitz Spearhead, because that's the one with the most goblins
old world can also be a bit of a bear to pick up at first because it uses referential keywords, universal rules, and items which are all on different pages of a 400 page core rule book.

as you can see here, the difference between an age of sigmar unit profile (on the right) and an old world profile (on the left) is quite stark. they both play roughly the same, and this is actually the same exact unit represented in both games. old world likes to offer more customization and more minutia with its many universal rules and wargear, while age of sigmar opts for a more streamlines and quick to pick up and play experience.

i will also add that while people love to get into "this game is better" "no that game sucks" etc online, both games are actually fine and reasonably fun and well written in their own right, but are very different flavors of game, and you may enjoy one over the other, or may even enjoy both for their own merits
>Order Arch-Revenant online
>Arrives sealed and closed
>It's missing the body of the bug, clean off the sprue
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>Da bad moon spoke to me once

When I was first starting out AoS, Gitz were the only Destruction faction which gave me any interest. They're also the only interesting Destruction faction.

Giants? Big stompy retards. Orcs? Big green retards. Ogres? Almost cool, but GW leaned too hard into them being big hungry retards.

Gitz are the only faction with goals beyond being big retards. They want to be kings of the sandlot, so they're willing to drag everyone down to their level. Serious enough to be centerfold in novels, but not boring like Snoreboyz.
Contact GW customer support, they'll probably send you a whole new box.
and lastly, if you are still undecided, there are quite a few armies which are wholly or partially cross compatible between the games

the most easily cross compatible would probably be

-slaves to darkness
-gloomspite gitz
-ogor mawtribes

those are the armies where a very large majority of the range is not only compatible with models, but also with base sizes being close enough to use adapters. some other armies like ironjawz or daughters of khaine have partial ranges that can work, but also a lot of their models dont directly translate over

and of course the best way to start an army for age of sigmar is with its spearhead. a small, army in a box format which gives you a self contained small point army which has its own game mode which is fun and engaging with a low hobby and gameplay time commitment but is still quite fun even as an age of sigmar veteran. i recommend giving it a look, its a great entry point
Reading the Sons of Behemat tome sold me on them. They are proper fairy tale giants. All the tales of notable battles in that tome are like fairy tales about a time a giant caused problems, it's a delight.
>fimir poster is an edgelord

tbf that's a third edition scroll, you can strip out 90% of everything that isn't the statline, and adding a 3+ to do an ability, or on a d3 2+, do that many mortals.

I wish this wasn't the case but it's better to be honest to people starting the game.
NTA, but a personal wish of mine is for AoS to reclaim some of the granularity/crunch of the old game but not to the level presented there, just a little. Not sure what it would entail because I'm not a rules writer but sometimes a certain interactions or lack thereof in the game can feel almost meaningless at time.
+Very narrative flavoring, probably the stronger narrative game, fun unique army abilities
+Combat resolution makes combat more back and forth, not very often you'll pick up a high value unit in one turn
-The way units move makes mission design limited.
-Usually not super popular, hard to find games.
-Infantry kinda suck, throwing in a hero on a dragon skews games a ton. A non issue when playing in a group with custom comp.
-Not a ton of rules support, no point changes
+ / - rules complexity/amount is either super cool or hurtful, lots of list building potential, arcane journals are fun

+Lots of good model support
+Missions are more varied.
+Frequent support for game balancing.
-Your choice of army can really influence how you enjoy the game currently, and even inside the army you can have a shitty time if you don't have the right units.
-The game has very little variety in list building.
-Army rules are super uninteresting, lots of abilities that are chancey and have little payoff.
-Infantry kind of sucks on a general level, unit roles are basically reinforced hammers, cheap units to score points, and wizards/priests.
-The game is very killy, not uncommon to lose a high value hero in two turns or less.
Provide the receipt and a picture of the damage. They are generally pretty cool about it.
I got an old Sylvaneth SC! that was missing a sprue from a third party. They helped me get with GW customer support and they sent me the missing sprue for free.
>stronger narrative game
>everyone's beating the shit out of each other with 500+ pt dragons and lv4 wizards

I quibble
It is funny that the old world needs an unspoken gentleman's agreement not to devolve into the most degenerate wargame on the planet
Do you guys believe sigmar has equal or better gameplay than 40k? Obviously from a collecting and painting perspective its better.
>3rd Stormcast Dragons
Tournament organised had to limit the magic items list, because everyone would just buy the folding castle and stuff it full of ranged infantry
Unlike 40k my Wizards play like Wizards, so yes. Who cares if most spells are fiddly guns, the fiddly bits are what give it the flavour.
Always has, 40K is horrible to play.
I dont like sitting in ruins shooting eachother, so AoS for me.

But Warcry is the best currently, at the very least because of the verticallity in gameplay
no tabletop game is immune to meta cheese, and it is a better narrative game in the sense you have better enforced composition (armies look like armies), and battles are back and forth and the focus is on killing.

It's definitely not a game geared toward competitive play, I don't think any tabletop game is, definitely not ones that have tomes released every 1-2 months and seasonal rules every year.
Aos 3rd definitely, 4e is a mixed bag. I think they're both way too killy and dry on rules, but AoS is even more dry with shitty battle formations and over use of 3+ rolls that don't do much. They removed all the nuance with pile in and timing of abilities going away, the game is like ramming monster trucks into each other.
I've got 7 age of sigmar armies and 5 40k armies

Gameplay? I prefer age of sigmar most days. Spillover wounds, armies being half the size, no SvT, general lack of invuln saves, and simplified scoring just make it MUCH faster and simpler to play which I prefer, and from a hobbying perspective aos armies tend to be more varied and textured, whereas almost every 40k army is some kind of power armor, and their roster just a bunch of loadouts for said armor, be it marines, chaos, sisters, votann, eldar. All follow the dame formula. There's only a handful of armies that offer much variety and even amongst those they can fall into sameface territory like tyranids basically all looking like different size versions of the same guy.

As I said, I have a bunch of 40k armies, I dont hate it, I even have 2 marine armies(black legion and black templars) and a votann army, but if I had to pick, it'd be age of sigmar any day
Hate to be a hater, but I'm having decent fun playing my CSM in 10th, whereas the Skaven rules for 4th were so bad that I have no current interest in playing AoS until Chorfs drop.
> nerfed three times before the kit was even released
TOW actively punishes you for trying to play rank and flank in a game that claims to be rank and flank. It's a hilarious failure of a game.
> nuisance of pile in and abilities
Lmao at this extreme shit take. Oh yeah I loved having my dudes, who were given a 32mm base by the model designers, are infinitely worse mechanically in game that fags who lucked into a 25mm base.
Or my units sword, which is literally 3 inches long, somehow having 1" reach.
Or the retarded 'I move here do you want to redeploy' and then the 2 to 3 minute wait as my fag opponent hems and haws about using the ability. The sole good decisions in 4th were just making combat range 3" and making the abilities go 'all active player, all inactive player.' Everything else is pure unmitigated shit
>game somehow has less flavor and less decision paths than underworlds
>tournaments starting to implement highlander and alternative rules

this is great!
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Spacemarine/Chaos warrior sized models should not come in more than 5 models without reinforcements. 20 mand squads of ardboyz and chaos warriors look lame as fuck
I got it off Amazon from a second-hand buyer since I had a gift card. I used one of the bugs from the Treelord kit as a replacement.
I don't get the green text as I don't know how I was saying the current game was good. Besides the two changes I mentioned, where were essentially quality of life changes, 4.0 is a complete failure of a game. Frankly everything you green texted is a GOOD thing - GW is so shit at rules maybe the community just needs to take the game back.
Fuck battle tactics, fuck horrible list building, fuck mandatory special characters, fuck the game being over by turn 2, fuck roll a d3 on a 2+, fuck copy pasted heroic traits, artifacts and factions swapped between entire armies, fuck low drops, fuck endless spells, fuck shitty looking faction terrain, fuck kiss ass content creators, fuck 'prospector units,' fuck balance warscrolls aka +/- 10-20 points, fuck honor guards, fuck metawatch, fuck the meta, fuck Matt Rose, fuck GW, fuck the King This is America
Literally show the damaged sprue and include the Amazon receipt. You should get a new kit.
There is a lot of hate about GW. Their customer service for damaged kits is not one of them. Probably a testament to how little the slrues actually cost them.
dude I literally got a broken kit from an Amazon seller last week and my replacement is currently on the way. They just wanted me to mail the broken one back and they didn't even wait for it to arrive before sending the replacement
Huh, maybe I'll try and make something work.
These Sylvaneth are a lot more pointy than I was expecting.
Should be noted AOS has more room for homebrew creativity because theres not a hard set map like TOW if thats your thing and also both TOW and AOS both still have 10x more fun customization and fun army rules and units than 40k does even if TOW has bigger room to customize units so its not like either game is lacking in those departments compared to other games.

40k kinda sucks dick right now. Almost every unit having an invulnerable save or 2-3+ base armor save and vehicles being outright tougher than 90% of an armies weapons including anti-tank makes the game feel like your shooting spitballs instead of bullets. Depending on army comps you also literally can't win as some armies vs some things like a treadhead guard player because 10th revolves entirely around vehicles and who can kill the opponents AT first which depending on some armies can't even wound vehicles on a 4+ let alone a 3+.
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Pretty happy with this skin tone, painting muscles makes highlighting fun.
Do these models see any play?
Did you prime them?
Tzeentch Mortals are all about Tzaangors atm, Acolytes are essentially never played because they don't do anything but sit on points which Screamers can do for the same price while being nearly 3 times as fast.
It's pretty obvious he did from the shade of grey and the spray pattern on the base.
You'd be better off running them as Tzaangors or Jade Obelisk
does their burning application really account for nothing?
Considering you're limited in how many units you can set aflame, and how the much-better daemon shooting profiles can do it instead, yeah.
>What is the main diference between AoS and The Old World
People actually play aos
I actually saw a game of TOW being played a fewo the ago
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I'm going to visit my family overseas for about 5 weeks and I will definitely get bored home alone all day while they are at work. I want to bring my paints but not ALL of my paints since most of them are just useless dead weight in my suitcase.

Here's my point: is it easy for you guys to figure out how many paints you will need in a project? could you plan out an entire model's required paints in your head?

It's been agonizing for me to plan out this harbinger's process. I really think I'm going to leave him for when I come back and instead do some rotmire creed or imperial fists.

for a 10+ year old kit I think these blood warriors still look great. stocky proportions might be outdated but their poses and detail are pretty cool.
I literally just grab what I want and need to use by instinct. I don’t plan my projects out for better or worse. Mainly for worse.
They run out of east asian imigrants to cover in plastic
Should I put 2000 points of a meme unit like bastilodon on the table or would it get unfunny too fast
You have to get it out of that dull grey state. I find a prime of black (or near black) and a dry brush of white gets things to pop and I can then pick out what colors I want to use and where. If I do all that AND STILL have no idea, I hit up the search engines to find other paints people have done for inspiration.
I think if you bring a few basetones and washes to do the main areas that you want to do first that you'd probably have enough to do. Think of what you need to bring everything up to basecoat+wash and then 1-2 of your next steps would give you something to push towards. Worst case scenario if you feel like you're running through all your steps you can start really fussing over stuff with getting things super neatly basecoated
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Fucking this.
I once bothered playing against Bretonia.
That army gives little shit about rank n flank, because their cav gets loads of charge bonuses. Otherwise it can just use flying cav that outright ignores that system and moves like it's aos
Just bought 50 Chainrasps for £6

Not sure how I feel about that
I wish I were you anon
Any pdf for orruks yet?
Haven't seen one
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>Here's my point: is it easy for you guys to figure out how many paints you will need in a project? could you plan out an entire model's required paints in your head?
lol almost never like >>94817124 anon
Sometimes happy accicents happen and they make up for all the fails, pic related.
Has anyone tried painting kroak?

Do you have to do him in a bunch of sub assemblies or are those rings pretty easy to get a brush around?
>50 Chainrasps for £6
Anon... those don't look like chainrasps at all
Two schools of thought.
One or two models with a lot of paints.
A lot of models on sprue to build with only a few paints needed.
Can you buy paint with you are overseas?
Bretonnians are ridiculously under costed and have stupid charge bonuses. The idea of TOW being some 'tactical rank and flank' flies out the windows when the average charge range for their basic knight unit is literally half the length of the board. Pegasus knights are also hilariously over cooked (as you noted).
where are the 2 guards from? they look cool
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Left guard is from Battle Masters, one of the GW-MB board games along with Heroquest and Space Crusade

Right is a Wargames Atlantic Conquistador
On the other hand I paid over 50£ for 6 miniatures and I regret nothing
okay so

what if the "fewest drops chooses who goes first" was changed to "fewest drops gets +1 to first turn priority roll"

does that change the game and shift the focus away from lowest drops? or is first turn still so important that every list would go after low drops just for that +1?
If anything should be "drop"ped, it's this edition's list building rules!
don't worry, in 5th edition you won't have to build lists, there will simply be fixed lists and regiments for matched play

do you want to play your spearhead box repeated two times or the army launch box or the christmas army box?
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Okay so on that note, can I cobble together a Nighthaunt army from

>60 Chainrasps (I already have 10 lel)

>Lord Executioner dude
>5 Glavewraiths
>3 Scythe and 1 Bell dudes(?)

I got the latter 10 miniatures for £3 at a wargaming show lel

So that's like £11 for all these Nighthaunt. Crazy.
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Sorry would help if I actually showed a picture of them
>lit submissions mandate Hammerhal, Eightpoints or Shadespire as a setting
Hopefully that means we'll return there for UW or Warcry surely? Maybe more old warband repacks
That's 850 points of complete units plus scraps. Glavewraiths come in groups of 4 and Grimghast Reapers in groups of 10 so 5 of those models are useless but if you had another <=150 pt hero you could make a really shitty 1k list.
kind of. the chainrasps are usuable, as are the glaivewraiths and executioner, but the scythe guys are minimum unit size 10, so you'll need to find some more to make the unit playable, or run them as just more glaivewraiths which would give you a reinforced unit of 8 glaive wraiths.

all said and done it comes in at 930 points and fits in a single regiment (run the rasps as reinforced units of 20, executioner is general so you get 4 units in his regiment, 3x20 rasps and 1x8 wraiths)

its probably not going to win any big tournaments, but its enough to get your feet wet in the edition and start playing, and is definitely a usable collection for casual games

I see thanks, I'm very casual so this might be a laugh
They are not any more advanced than skaven
is it an army you intend to expand on or just a cheeky 1 off buy you got at a good price?
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It kills me that they had it figured out! Army Composition chart, but with the AoS Conditional Troop/Battleline scheme! It's perfec, it gives you everything you need, but then they went and did two stupid different schemes in their two main games
They fucked it up by not making it a separate army
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which asian culture are the fyreslayers based on? singapore?
just play it as a separate army then dude.

Add some Troggoths and convert them a bit to fit the Gitmob aesthetic. Live your truth
Singapore is not a culture
Kevin Chin is Chinese
Ardboys are small
nah, i like it as part of gloomspite.
ardboyz are not that small
definitely the latter

I do like their cavalry but it's like a cheap side-project
kevin chin is not a miniature designer nor a concept artist
Nevertheless, I remember Aly Morrison (who made the magmadroth) saying in an interview how he consulted with Kevin Chin
It will have its own army of Renown that super charges it so it will be an army within an army in what is essentially a giant soup book.
kev is a concept artist and from Singapore
he doesn't work as concept artist at GW, he's just an illustrator
He says he's a miniature concept artist and has been for years
New ardboyz barely fit on their 32s
2-3 years so obviously before the old Fyreslayers stuff though I wouldn't discredit his influence tbhon
>stocky proportions might be outdated but their poses and detail are pretty cool.
stocky > tall and lanky any day of the year for me. Sadly the multipart kit didnt age that well as the monopose stqarter set
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test model for my rotmire creed.
I like the way green looks with the muted blue John Cena shorts. My issue is that I don't what green to use. Orruk flesh or death guard green? I originally used castellan green but it seemed much too dark.

I also plan to use this burnt red for all the ropes, belts, and the skull on the shield instead of a white skull like the box art.
I just want more Hobgrots.
More like roflmao sneed
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They're about the same size as a saurus warrior,, only slightly shorter than a primaris marine even with their insanely hunched posture. They're pretty big
Based hobgrot connoisseur
I miss old force organization charts were depending on mission and side you had different army composition. Like vanguard force had more FA slots but less HA, or one where you had more elite slots but less of everything else.
Anyone have the current generals handbook pdf?
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How long until that stream thing?
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I think he means these anon
Do they usually only show off one faction during these streams or is it random
So cool.
its whatever they will be releasing in the next 2-3 months
Depends on what they have to show off. Sometimes it's 2-3
This one’s headline spot definitely belongs to Emperor’s Children, so temper expectations.
11 hours
Chorfs are not happening this year. There is claim there will be a teaser at the end of the reveals for a Chorf Underworld warband.
there's one of those guys in the pic, hes on the side of the pig. i didnt have the on foot one handy at the moment but they're the same model
Leaker here
>New lord model for SBGL
>Cogfort for CoS
>not!Phoenix Guard for LRL
god, come on GW. you're almost there, you've started doing less yellow. now just get rid of the rest of it.

man bright fucking neon yellow was such the wrong choice for the studio scheme for these guys
Saurus Warriors are meant to be minimum 7ft tall. The fact they're so short irritates the fuck out of me.
Eh GW learned with Tau and replaced the 'face' of the faction from T'au Sept (aka orangey brown ochre w/e you wanna call it) to Virola Sept (aka white).
I really liked the old tau scheme, to be honest.
I didn't mind it either. But white was so striking, no other faction had it. (and by faction I mean 'face' faction, obviously chapters had it and certain models had it). The Votann KT's are in orange. Maybe that's why.

Personally if I could get past my dislike of Tau themselves (that actual race, not their equipment and suits and stuff) I wanted to do tacticool grey/black.
Fuck, time is moving the wrong way!
Souless genericslop, yellow at least has its own identity
sure yeah. gotta like the obviously bad thing, use your buzzwords. gettin in those contrarian reps, gotta flex that 4chan cred.

this guy likes the yellow scheme, did you guys hear? HE LIKES THE YELLOW, normal schemes are slop, SOVLLESS even, he said the words. no black or red or blue or metallics, only neon yellow that blends in with the light yellow green skin tone. only the wall of piss colored iron for this anon, a man of culture and taste
Just fuck off, some people like striking contrast colours.
I like how they paint Ardboys more than normal IJ with full yellow but your pic dosnt scream better scheme just oldworld black orks.
Oh btw you used more buzzwords so its your loss.
Want some butthurt ointmant?
>contrast colours.
>armor almost same color as skin tone

yeah i dont know if you understand what that word "contrast" means, well unless you're talking about contrast paints, which is about the level of effort i'd expect from someone who wants to paint an army with light yellow green skin in yellow armor. get an original opinion and use better words. stop posting 4chan memespeak and people might take you seriously.

also i was not using buzzwords. i was mocking your use of them, as anyone who isnt ESL can tell. soo.....no zinger for ya there bud, sorry :(
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Some anon sugested doing hood and I like it. Thx for idea. 3 layers of chainmail are optimal and give best vibe plus I think Ill add some chains between layers.
Were do you buy some cheap non-precious metal ones? We used to have little hobbycraft shop but its no longer and I dont wanna spend half of the mini price on one Im gonna cut in to pieces?
GW paint orc/ork/orruks dull yellow-green, the complementary (read: high-contrast) color would be purple-red (magenta), not yellow.
Maybe shave down that chaos symbol if you get the chance. Its looking cool.
since its engraved, might be easier to fill the engraving with greenstuff and then file it down
Well duh ofc Im gonna do it its just dry fit, after quick search on net I think only chinese frends will help me here
How are you gonna paint the skin under all that mesh?
>i was just pretending to be retarded

nta you were even replying to but its clear as day you are just dumb fag
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I have ADHD, what army should I play?
If it impacts your ability to paint high-modelcount armies, Mawtribes or some other elite army.
Man painting disc riders looks like it might be a pain with these sprues in my hand now.
Start like 8 of them chosen at random
Yeh, way better with the hood
>DoT is so forgotten nobody realises how shit its range is
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They've been together since aos1, it's just noone wanted to run the goofy wolves from fantasy so they weren't very popular until new snarlfangs came out
What do you want? Am I supposed to bitch about it threadly or something?
>updated forsaken
>warriors on spawnsteeds
>updated pink horrors

there, range fixed
I like the yellow, orcs are supposed to like bright colours.
What combat role do forsaken even serve that isn't already taken?
The army has fucktone of light infantry
they still need a named mortal hero.
That would be nice, yeah.

They need Chaos Warrior equivs, Chaos Warrior equivs on mounts, Chosen equivs, they need Blue Scribes to be updated or flat out just removed (currently Legends), Chaos Lord equiv. You could argue whether they should have MONSTER units over other Chaos Gods.
This is just Goffs. The main Orruk subfaction color shouldn't be the same as the main Ork subfaction color.
>They need Chaos Wa-
stopped reading there
some kind of interaction with chaos spawn would be cool.Or adaptable mutations on the fly.
most of that is autistic completionism

the moment they get their armored mutated mortals, their armored cool warriors cavalry, and fixed pink horrors the range is essentially unfucked

access to the sphiranx would also be logical
>MoN have Blightkings
>HoS have Myrmidons and Twin Souls (Chosen equiv)
>Khorne have Blood Warriors and Skullreapers (Chosen equiv)
>DoT have nothing
I don't see why giving them something that every other faction in Chaos has (proper Chaos, not Skaven shoved in) is something bad. MoN need something too.
centigors of tzeench
bestigors of tzeench
cows to be milked of tzeench
theridons of tzeench
kragnos of tzeench
pigs of tzeench
thank god they're not for tzeentch
Heavy infantry
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Archaon of Tzeench
DoT need Tzaangors with guns
No? Gitmob only had synergies with themselves and while you could mix them in GA Destruction there's little reason to
What are our predictions gentlemen?
>vampire on horse
>new black knights
Maximum (within reason):
>vampire on horse
>new black knights
>vampire on dragon
>grave guard
>new wight king
In the better world, 4th edition rulewrites come out on stage, say "we are sorry" and commit sepuku
Soulblight and uh........................................................................................................ nighthaunt.
Black Knights + Grave Guard + Blood Knight hero
Maybe an extremely simple and vague hint at chorfs (like a 3-second teaser of a symbol and some hammer sounds) at the end of the show like what they did with Emperor's Children a while back
>generic slaaneshi marine hq
>emperor children legionaries
>noise marines
>slaaneshi duelists

>irrelevant HH mechanicum shit that 40kfags wish they could use

>beastmen announcement for the old world
>resin bray shaman

>necromundian ash waste nomads wave 2 (the bug thing)

>grave guards
>black knights
>vampire lord on steed
>vohrdrai on undead draconith
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1. We already know what EC are getting
2. HH is not mentioned on the preview image, so why would they show HH products when HH isn't at the show?
3. Again, we already knew this (the model's art was shown in books already, pic related)
4. More likely it's a murder-pede for Necromunda
5. It'll be a drake, since drake is the word for dragons now.. Also I seriously hope not. Vhordrai is shit.
>2. HH is not mentioned on the preview image, so why would they show HH products when HH isn't at the show?
The silhouettes aren't just for this show
if theres black knights there should be hexwraiths too, itd be stupid to not update it even if theyre separate kits now
>why would they show HH products when HH isn't at the show?
because there's a fucking HH automata in the silhouette preview and it's not the first time they missed the logo of one of the systems they were showing stuff for
warcry reveals whe....
hexwraiths are either getting updated separately when nighthaunts get their tome or going the way of the beastman
They can handwave the issue until the next NH tome and then either make a new one or squat the unit
Yes? Therefore the guy posting them is retarded. Because the guy he replied to ask what to expect and the guy then replied 'this' when 'this' is not going to be at the show. Since this show does not have HH they're not going to be showing anything from HH.
Hard to get hyped for the new models when the tome will be like one sentence battle formations and scrolls will probably be the same. Silver lining is I can scoop up box on the cheap in 6 months.
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No shit, faggot, but this show is not going to show it. READ. NIGGA, READ.
why would they show a silhouette for a miniature they're not showing?
Wouldn't be beyond GW social media interns
and forgetting to say they're showing HH stuff is?
Because that was the “coming this year” teaser bundled with the LVO stream announcement. It’s GW, I can’t explain their retardation, only divine motives like a shaman reading bones.
Because GW are retarded. The silhouettes are just to get peopled hyped for 2025. Since HH is not mentioned on the LVO info (see >>94819559) and they've stated that only SOME of the models will be shown, it's likely that the HH model won't be shown.

The other possibility is that the guy who made the silhouette shot and made the video clip either made a mistake or they changed their mind on what they were going to release and when. In any event, no HH this time, so we won't be seeing the Thanatar.
as another anon already said, somebody leaked what EC are getting
>Fulgrim (we already know)
>Lucius (duh)
>New HQ (named, name not mentioned, guy might just have seen a new HQ)
>Regular EC (we've seen the heads)
>Elite three man unit, similar to Deathshrouds/Bladeguard. May be Terminators, the guy wasn't sure. They had swords.
>Noise Marines with 'alt loadouts' (which suggest melee or range)
That's it. May be more, but that's on track seeing how little WE got.
My plan is to figure out scheme I like, paint base colors, put mesh and chains and than paint rest of the mini.
Diffrerent game.
WE got jackals and 1K got tzaangors, so probably some horde shitter unit too
>May be Terminators
they aren't
>which suggest melee
wrong here too
Okay well show us the actual information then. As I said, the guy said it was a new HQ might be named, might not. Well done for reading half a sentence, champ.
I mean, Melee noise marines sounds retarded, thats like making Melee devastators, i would assume its either a big range big damage percise gun to kill monsters, and short range lots of attacks gun to clear chaff
>go to GW store
>go to SBGL
>no products shown
>go to Tau
>no products shown
>ask friend to check
>she goes to UK store
>both pages show
>But if she goes to USA store it doesn't
>I go to USA store
>they both show
What has GW done to their site?
I mean you can run melee Noise Marines already. You replace their boltgun with a chainsword.
Are you in USA? Maybe they don't ship from UK to you
No I am not. It also doesn't matter. You can go to any nation and it'll still show the products. Other armies still show.
>>irrelevant HH mechanicum shit that 40kfags wish they could use
HH isn't on the list, it's the new Knight model. 40k's been leaning Knights a bit more into Mechanicus soup.
>Melee noise marines sounds retarded
Noise marines doing their best banshee impression isn't that far-fetched, the champions have had that option for ages.
>it's the new Knight model
it's literally the exact precise same silhouette of a thanatar calix
Starting new orruks, do you guys prefer stikkas or hand weapons for the 'ardboys?

Also i'm still surprised they haven't made chorfs after all the years AND Total war game hype

Same with cathay, the arabians and dogs of war
i prefer axes, but if you cant get a hold of some axe bits for conversion, then of the two options they come with spears probably look better, but are slightly more annoying to play around on the table if that matters to you
Depends, theres a bunch of pretty much set poses in the kit, some look better with choppas, others with stikkas, lack of axes is indeed a massive miss, its good that brutes come with a bunch of them
i definitely disagree that 9th force organization was better, much less good.
More simple and open force organization for AoS should be good and would work, but the way they implemented it is where the issues start to arise
They released Arabian Slaanesh half a decade ago
Noone had problems with just having battleline tax, its a change thats was made to justify a new edition
I honestly don’t see what an army of renown for the deity specific chaos legions would look like. I guess dot might get an oops all flying list, but I have no clue on Khorne or maggotkin.
Any pdf for Skaven?
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I know its for underworlds but I cannot figure out this trolls face
Look at the other ones, they all have that same shape. This one is just painted differently, making it look fucked.
The nose is a lot shorter than you think
What do I need to run a pure human VoS list and not suck? I'm leaving 40k and I've decided that for my faction of choice.
The reason to add them is because goblins riding wolves is cool
>Also i'm still surprised they haven't made chorfs after all the years AND Total war game hype
They are 100% coming
Specifically for you, gw is actively killing all the other races and their interactions in CoS, turning into a fantasy imnperial guard, rejoice
Awesome. So what units should I take to not suck. I like the way the cav guys look.
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the brow fuses with the nose
Place your bets, will any AoS stuff other than the Soulblight get shown off? Even so much as a single novel or a Warcry box
neither warcry or underworlds is scheduled for releases
Probably not. I think they put Aos last for a reason.
You're not getting Warcry.
My money is a teaser and a roadmap
we had rumors about maleneth getting a miniature and black library is slated for some reveal

does that count?
a novel and a BL character model wouldn't count for 40k, but sadly would count for AoS. We get so few books...
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I've got Grinkrak's Looncourt built, prime them on Saturday, and they'll be my hobby project while I'm snowed in.

Any other Americans got hobby plans for the upcoming snowmaggedon?
Ummmmm BASED?
Matt 'Ratt' Rose on air suicide is a go
Hello, given the martial fluff of ardboys I like spears/stikkas.
Spear and shield within a heavily armoured phalanx is so cool, leave the choppas to brutes
Krethusa's feetdom's for Underworlds
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Got a lot of progress on my spearhead lads, needs highlights but basecoats are down and I won't feel bad about putting them on the table.
The final skin tone for the Ardboys will be like the one in the front, he's the most done.

Speaking of spearhead though, can someone explain the rules about the spearhead army rule about brutes coming in on turn 3-4? Because it looks like based on intent it would be literal Brutes, but brute ragerz also have the "Brute" keyword and I think in the core rules it says keywords can be either plural or not it doesn't matter
Have no answer for you, but whates the green reciepe?
Loren forest and nurgling green
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For reference
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Contrast with the BRUTE keyword on the Megaboss with the Brutes text in the deployment phase rule. A bolded uncapitalized reference calls to a specific unit, while a bolded capitalized reference calls for a warscroll keyword.
Ragers start in play.
Boss is hyped to whip up those boys and rocket them out T1
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Fuck I botched that actually now that I doublechecked my app. It’s the use of plurality that differentiates keyword reference and unit reference, mb
he looks like a villain from lazytown
Are we ready to get disappointed with 1 Beast of Chaos shaman for Old World and 1 Skeleton/vampire knight riding skeletal horse for Age of Sigmar?
>solves pretty much every complaint everyone has about 4th

so you guys are gonna play path to glory ravaged coast right?
Are the forbidden powers endless spells good?
>solves pretty much every complaint everyone has about 4th
What the bet that the plastic beastlord using aos proportions/design elements that was only available for like eight months gets packaged in with their TOW release?
why wouldn't GW do that?

1 hour to go, last chance for predictions.

GW lifestyle brand dildos
>hey guys, here's more random SBGL shit that no one gives a fuck about except that one guy everyone hates
>uhhh after Gitz we'll release some book, too
>No, DoK, IDK, FS, KO or any other factions are not getting much needed models, fuck you
>Yes, the books will continue to be index copy and pastes, pay out shills

Thanks Matt Rose, you're truly one of a kind with your creativity.
Gitz and Soulblight are both getting pretty big releases, I'd assume they'd slow down with a couple pity hero Tomes after that. If that's the case they could easily show off what single model, fucking Khorne or whatever is getting after Soulblight

I also think/hope we'll get a teaser for the next season of Warcry
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i got my preview already. i want for nothing
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I would agree, except that I have a sneaking suspicion that Uglug here is a preview of an upcoming Troggoth unit
if it is than its a warcry
eh, if so thats a pass from me. thats a fuckin ugly lookin troll, and not in a good way. would need some serious greenstuff to save that models face
yeah exactly. Gloomspite don't have a Warcry team yet, after all.
Stormcast get 4 more heroes and a new type of ranged infantry that can deepstrike and has an ability to buff their OC.

Stormcast aren't Space Marines, they don't always get a mid-edition equal attention release wave
Same follow Mongol Grot K(h)an(g)
Threadly reminder that fags who shill Matt Rose are faggots
I don't know who Matt Rose is
That sounds like pro-Stormcast Propaganda.
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Some more last-minute silhouettes, two new ones I think
left is the bray shaman from another angle. Right looks like a Darkoath guy?
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Very nice skellies.
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Didn't they just make a new WKoSS?
>Tactical grave
I like it
>I sleep
New zombie dragon
Man, I'm committed to wolf gobs but an all-skeleton army is a very tempting idea...
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>DeathCHADS win best army and best models at the start of the year
Nothing personal.
The dragon is so dope
So.. what about Hexwraiths and Terrorgheists
That dragon fucks
So post it so we can see
Just watch the stream you queer im not wasting my time becausr youre lazy
lol No
yes, that's the new spearhead
wait nevermind that's just a blur that confused me
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Pic related
HUGE win brothers and sisters of Age of Sigmar!! Skeletons, vampires and zombie dragon. Absolute fantastic.
If they were some sort of wacky aos critters youd also be complaining
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>They fucked up and didn't reveal this
Where's the vampire lord on mount
So what are we expecting in terms of release timings for the Deathrattle box?
I didn't know I wanted it until I saw it...
Oh I was wrong then, we are getting a horse Vamp lord. Cool
Guess they're rationing the reveals then.
Weren't people coping this was a kitbash?
pretty nice
>Lord of Chrace
Then wait 30mins for them to update the article
I don't give a shit about vampires, but...
Yeah lmao
Would it be too much to ask for a head with a helmet? Though I suppose you could use a blood knight head easily enough.
OH its in the REVEAL article? Haha thats funny, they legit forgot
Why is Malaneth so ugly?
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Great cover on the base edition, too.
There's no but, they are lame as fuck
that thing is huge
who is complaining? Im happy with everything of Age of Sigmar thats not Stormcast Eternals. Stormcast Eternals are lame.
yes, but that zombie horse is great

also that zombie dragon.
I think that poster kneejerk-assumed that you were trolling/sarcastic
Guys I'm not done with my Stormcast and Slaves army, please convince me not to spend money on soulblight gravelords.
What do Soulblight even have left that's not a Fantasy-era model now
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The generic is fucking sick
You'd have to have good taste to buy SBGL.

The sad thing is I already have over 2k points of soulblight that are sitting in a pile of shame. I even have the old vordrai on ZD. I'm still going to need to get that refreshed model.
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Join the bonezone, you could finish them very quickly via drybrushing
I have 2500 points of ossiarchs and 1000 points of skaven in my pile of shame.

I can't justify another new army.
>heads up we're going to be releasing more products in the future!
>no generic vampire rider
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Damn what could they possibly be
>next reveals
looked like khorne, kharadron...and is that malerion?
Woah space marine, space marine, space marine, and mystery space marine!
you can see the sinewy wing of a terrorgheist on the right image, i think its FEC. wing is probably gorewarden or flayers
>is that malerion?
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>that decoration on the right
Looks like Daughters of Khaine, probably expansion for Krethusa
The left looks like chaos, the middle is Karadron Overlords, and the right i think is Daughter of Khaine.

The eyes may be, MAY BE, Hashut because the face looks like a bull and you can see a collar with horns on the right.
Beasts of Chaos fans can take cold comfort in the obvious fact that this isn't a repurposed AoS sculpt. It's way too dull.
My dumbass opened the stream when it said the living will learn to abhor the darkness and I thought it was a Belakor release lmao
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>The left looks like chaos
that's literally the symbol of Khorne
he was technically correct
Why don't these slaneesh space marines have any tits.
So when do preorders go up?
>not a single mention of Warcry
it's dead, isn't it?
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I'm thinking flesh eater courts, they don't look like new covers
that's hashut symbol on the right there, isn't it?
I assume you mean IS a fantasy leftover and not NOT a leftover
Necromancer, corpse cart, foot wight king, vargheists, Mortis engine and associates, and TECHNICALLY Nagash, Neferata and Mannfred
The terrorgheist too, but GW might make that FEC exclusive and zombie dragons SBGL exclusive with the new kit. That's anyone's guess at the moment though.
>and zombie dragons SBGL exclusive with the new kit.
probably, they mentioned it's getting a regiment of renown to allow other undead armies to field it
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>Article for that model confirms there'll be another faction
I wonder who it'll be, maybe vampire counts if they're removing the grave guard box from aos
yeah, its 100% hashut
well well well
New fec stuff? Didnt they just get stuff last year?
they did say the new zombie dragon basically works like a mega gargant but only for death
Legacy wont be returning in the current edition at all.
just a battletome, I'd wager
Half the stuff you mentioned are end times stuff only.
Ooh, so it is FEC. Weird seeing new stuff so soon, but a great surprise. Cant wait to see what nice things they will have.
Where was this posted?
They're getting a pity hero for sure, which better fuckin' be a dedicated courtier model for one of the kitbash courtiers. I don't know why it annoys me so much, I don't even play FEC.
Hence why they're all TECHNICALLY FB stuff.
What are the chances we get more stormcast stuff this year, ruination chamber doesn't feel complete. I would have liked another main line shooting unit to replace the judicators rotating out.
Probably new terrorghaist to separate to from the dragon
This is the most exciting thing to me. Will definitely be grabbing one to go with my boners

More like book with squat terrorgheist, james doesn't want you using the same model across different armies.
Soulblight only has the new dragon and FEC only has the new terror.what fucking different armies are there here?
If anyone's losing the terrorgheist, it's Soulblight.
I'm trying to work out which culture they based their armour on, those sun disks look familiar for some reason
>living will learn
Shadow Demon the Hedgehog
>james doesn't want you using the same model across different armies.
that directive is only about using the same products across systems done by FW/GW
Also apparently the new dragon (Riderless specifically) is going to be an RoR for death so... EVERYONE in death can use it.
Actually, with all the RoRs in this edition, the old idea of "James doesn't want you using the same model across different armies" is pretty null. Shit, There's a good number of models that can be used across grand alliances now. And I'm pretty sure literally everyone can use a mancrusher now.
Isn't new guy's base round instead of cavalry?
No, we dont need more Sigmarines.
Marine thread is over at 40kg
>Sisters of Avelorn returning
Wonder how they size up next to Vanari Sentinels.
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Is Tabletop Simulator the Best way to learn to play AOS? I’ve never played a tabletop game before.
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Kastelai bros we won so hard it's not even funny but I guess it's fitting for the best dynasty.
Curious that they retained the red armor and didn't paint him in the kastelai scheme.

If you don't have anyone IRL to play with why not? It does make some things easier such as rules references on the models, rulers and los made easy.

Kastelai Scheme is ugly as shit. The blood red is way more iconic.
Wight king is showing his age next to the new models.
it wouldn't surprise me if they killed the other one now
What am I supposed to do with my wight king on steed and VLoZD
I don’t have any friends that play AOS and I don’t want to walk into a store w/o any experience. I’ve been reading the core books and watching youtube videos but it’s like a different language to me.

Hopefully Tabletop Simulator can get my feet through the door.
I’m not buying the new fucking skeletons until I see the sprues. The death rattles were a fucking pain to assemble as it was.
They said there are new sprues for them that retain the same design while being easier to assemble than before
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if we don't count The End Times models (Nagash Neferata Manfred)
>Coven Throne/Mortis Engine/BSP (2012)
>Vargheists (2012)
>Wight King (2012)
>Terrogheist (2011)
>Necromancer (2011)
>Corpse Cart (2007)
Sons of Velmorn kinda covered the wight king model, I guess.
i hope the wight king is never replaced
Is the morris engine not a endtimes model
I can’t read numbers
fresh bread?
>Is the morris engine not an endtimes model
afaik it's from 8E book from 2012
Didn't wight king on steed JUST GET a new model?
>new Wight King on horse even though they just did that awhile ago
>new zombie dragon that’s even more monopose than the last
Aight. The Grave to Barrow update looks cool at least.
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With Nighthaunt and FEC sloted for 2 out of the next 5 releases i can already tell you they're getting hexwraith and terrorghaist
its page 4 nigga
Total war player here
I've finally decided to start collecting warhammer and I'll start with soulblight gravelords
Holy fuck do they look fucking awesome
I looked into collecting them in the past because I have 350 hours of campaign with them but I thought the old dragon kit looked terrible
Anything I should know about them?
I'm mostly just wanting to do this for the models and because I've always wanted to play warhammer
God I fucking hope that they don't get an FEC drop soon. I can't have my army squatted RN. I can't afford to replace it.
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skeletons are cool and you should buy them that is all, thank you for attending my TEDtalk
>The Soulblight Gravelords are ready to commit their decaying orderlings to the smaller-scale battlefields of Spearhead with the Deathrattle Tomb Host, which comprises a Wight King, their loyal Barrow Knight and Barrow Guard Retinue, and two units of 10 Deathrattle Skeletons – an all-new kit that is easier to build, but closely follows the design aesthetics of the old one.
>an all-new kit that is easier to build, but closely follows the design aesthetics of the old one.
Are tomb guard fun to use?
Can you mix vampires with skeletons effectively?
*haunTED talk.

Even if you go all in with a kastelai themed vampire lord army, you still need skellys as tar pits.
Burn them and make a video of it.
What's the soulblight release?
The sneaky hidden book here is going to be VC, with all the old FEC, NH and SBGL stuff that is getting squatted back to squares getting souped up into it. Mark these words.
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I'm gonna kill you for good this time you little freak
Less pieces, but similar effect. Now arm is a full arm instead of handless arm and 2nd hand piece
Depends whether you want to play the game and how competitively.

If you don't care for competitiveness then buy whatever you like. Spearhead is generally a good idea since it's cheaper than getting models separately. Also the current box is probably going away soon, to be replaced with a new one when the new Battletome hits.
Is she that ugly or is it just the painting that sucks ass?
>>an all-new kit that is easier to build, but closely follows the design aesthetics of the old one.
They're repurposing the cursed city ones?
The other spearhead is specifically not going away, according to the preview show.

Get into spearhead, it's the more balanced way to play the game anyway, especially early on. Then once you've got that down start expanding. Helps you not get burned out to have smaller projects to start.
>Anything I should know about them?
you can check out their old battle tome and decide if you like their AoS lore
files<dot>catbox<dot>moe slash i4ag62<dot>pdf
you can find new free rules for 4th edition and spearhead(a faster/cheaper way to get into the game) on warcom website in downloads
It is worth noting that AoS isn't exactly the old fantasy Warhammer on which Total War is based. You can check out the rulebook to learn about the new setting (basically it's a post-End Times high fantasy setting). I don't have 4th edition pdf rulebook so heres one from the third edition.
files<dot>catbox<dot>moe slash jdb6wv<dot>pdf
if you want to check out how GW paints them it's here.

Will they have these as a standalone option? I gave up building the previous vanguard/spearhead because of how finicky the skeleton models were and a few snapped pieces later.
Been a lot of Cathay rumors recently, and late 2025 would fit the timeline for them.
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>green eye glow
>symbol hanging from chain and engraved in armor
>looks like bull face
Its gotta be chorfs right?
Based book bringing anon. You grace us again.
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No I do care for competitiveness I just don't care for competitiveness at tournaments
I definitely do not want to do what I saw people doing in 40k where they had this ultra powerful unit that they spammed and then did the bare minimum to get a legal force like 5 man squads of infantry
You mean buy the spearhead box? I was thinking about it
I like vampires and blood knights but those black knights man are fucking amazing
Are vampire armies kind of like the total war game? Basically you have blood knights but otherwise vampires are just super strong individual heroes?
I looked into it in the past but honestly I don't remember much
I'll have another look now thanks for the links
>they are not replacing spearhead boxes
Holy that’s actually huge. Don’t know how I didn’t catch wind of that till now.
much like >>94823905 im pretty set on some gobs but MAN that box is literally all the stuff id REALLY want from sbgl anyways so i might just nab it
So it's gonna be Gits, SBGL, IDK, Nighthaunt, Khorne, KO, FEC, and then Hashtut. That's 8 more armies this year, maybe not everything but probably close to it.

Sad to see my water boys taking another L this edition with an early battletome and pity hero, but I'm not surprised. Same for KO. Some of these releases might be slightly more substantial than they are giving away for now, though.

Anyway, SC, Skaven, STD, Warclans, Gits, SBGL, IDK, NH, Khorne, KO, FEC, Chorfs. That's 12 armies done for 4E by the end of this year, with maybe a little bit more left to cover.

Armies not yet shown would be CoS, DoK, Fyreslayers, Seraphon, LRL, Sylvaneth, Ogres, Giants, OBR, Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh. Another 12 armies, and including several that will probably get more stuff, but mostly gonna be coming next year. It feels weird to have this much of the release schedule known in January, but that's not a bad thing.
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It wouldn't make sens now that it's its own spin off game
Tat just looks like and Ossiarch "skull" to me
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I might try getting back into minis with AoS, unless I can hopefully be talked out of it, when do the goblin wolf riders drop?
Yeah but like, so was combat patrol. And they removed so many good boxes…
Also on 2nd look at that tease, might be Seraphon+Chorfs instead of just Chorfs?
next week for pre-order
Fat chance the dragon ever goes in a Christmas box right? Well I’d have to hope the vampire rider lord does at least.
It's not impossible, they put the KB vulture in a battleforce once but it's super unlikely yeah.
allways go with the eavy metal painter can't paint women meme
might be talking about the spearhead

I also wouldn't discard a necromancer
Just woke up. I feel really good about the new stuff. The grave guard look sick.
Her face is weirdky shaded, so i'm guessing it would look better normally
Maybe they learned from the flop of Combat Patrol
also scenery and spells that got mentioned in the stream
>wight king on skeletal steed refresh before Plaguemonks and Gutter Runners
You what
Easier to build than the new warriors or easier to build than the old grave guard?
Snapped legs or broken spines, pick your poison
Massive glow-up for my guy
I'm assuming they'll just be like the Cursed City skeletons and not have stupid breakable legs for literally no reason.
Heavy metal painters need to be made to wear shock collars that give a jolt every time they start edge highlighting faces.
It looks kinda good on the fucked up proportions of space marines and sucks on everything else. Base+wash would look prettier than this
Love that emblazoning
I'd take everything you said and also add that they need to stop heavily shading laughlines
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They aren't distinct enough to me, I'd presume it's yet another lazy kitbash of the basic skeletons on the tabletop
>Beasts of Castle Sternieste RoR lets you field zomboni dragon in any Death army
Cool so you can field a Carstinian envoy with your ghouls
>the heavily armored skeletons look like heavily armored skeletons
>this is a bad thing
Hyped for the new SBGL stuff. Pretty much everything on my wishlist (only foot vampire troops missing, which I would trade the new skelly cav for).
Why do they have different warscrolls? Magic improving their saves?
1)They have 2 handed great weapkns notmies don't
2)They probably have some special ability related to being a "guard", probably taking wounds for a nearby hero
maybe, you know as much as we do
I seriously hope for them they're not going to retire this miniature already

The normal skeletons are too heavily armoured to make these elite skeletons look more heavily armoured and distinct.

Yes, it's a bad thing.
>only foot vampire troops missing
>wight king
The new one is a Wight Lord.
looks cool, don't care.
Ackshually, the new zombie "dragon" isn't a dragon at all, it's a Draconith™. *adjusts glasses*
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the new gg get fancy helmets tho, which warriors don't have
>At the centre of this force is a Wight King on Skeletal Steed
Warhammer Comunity calls him by the exact same name
Nighthaunt and FEC lose quite a lot of units with this SBGL release, don't they? Hexwraiths, Royal Zombie Dragon, Royal Terrorgheist, Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Zombie Dragon, Abhorrant Ghoul King on Royal Terrorgheist, Abhorrant Ghoul King.
Whatever. This is a really good update of the current kit. And it's gonna be a hell of a lot less annoying to paint.
Draconith ia just 1 of several Dragon species born from Dracothion, like Stardrake and Dracoth
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Well seeing as GW also said there wasn't going to be HH at the LVO I am guessing they've fucked up somewhere, because why call it Wight Lord here?
So wait, are the easy to build ones going to be in the spearhead box only? Or is this the standard moving forward.
To avoid repetition?
No? Until they get their new tomes all the units stay.
FEC is totally going to lose zombie dragon though (outside of RoR), but with them being rushed soon i expect Terror and King to be the releas.
To make it confusing, especially when they're proper nouns.
He was right though lol.
>No? Until they get their new tomes all the units stay.
I don't mean NOW obviously.
Oh I hadn't noticed he had a bowl of blood installed in front of him. So he's got a snack for those long flights. Nice.
New zombie dragon is 10/10 mini of the year for me
Will this be new spearhead box?
I guess 10 guards, mounted hero, 5 cav and prop new necromancer?
Not bad but dont make my peepee hard like >>94823882 this absolute unit dose.

This can only means FEC get new models down the line. New Ghoul King and Terror, I dont think new terror is needed as old one is peak soul but I guess enough tourists and zoomers cried how hard it is to assemble and paint it that GW moved their ass.

Finaly time to buy this chad before GW fucks up and remove it.
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>Prince Vhordrai isn't painted in his own subfaction's colours
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They alreay posted ETB deathrattle
He wears red. That's his thing.
dude, dragons are dragons
>several Dragon species born from Dracothion
you mean there could be species of dragons that don't have 4 limbs and 2 wings? no way
the character wasn't named
the faultless blades aren't terminators
the noise marines don't have a melee option

he wasn't right
his point was the old zombie dragon from whfb, which has its wings attached to its forelimbs is actually a wyvern not a dragon (which according to the lore of whfb is 100% correct) and the video game total war warhammer fixed this error and now gw has fixed it too.
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ok, why? what's the point of wasting 3 kits in 4 years for the same ugly skeletons when the game still has plastic kits old enough to drink?
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Both covers are great, but I'm very appreciative of the LE having a clean background illustration without the translucent colored layer framing the character in the foreground.
Aren't those just the regular ulfenkarn skellies but with a different paintjob? Or am I missing something?
the lore of whfb said the zombie dragon was a dragon, that's not up to debate.
the lore of whfb had dragons that didn't have 2 wings and 4 legs too, that's not up to debate either.
anon's autism is just that, autism, dragons are dragons, no matter what d&d says.
Despite the common belief, injection moulding became much more cheaper than they used to be. Nowadays GW creates moulds for single limited-time minis all the time. What you see here is simply a perfect example of mismanaging their time and resources while no longer being limited by costs.
>the lore of whfb had dragons that didn't have 2 wings and 4 legs too, that's not up to debate either.
you are incorrect i am sorry. it's not up to debate, you're correct, but it is stated quite clearly that the difference between a dragon and a wyvern is that dragons have four limbs and the wings don't attach to their front ones. sorry :) you'd know this if you actually read the lore :)
Cause it's just a metter of posing the same assets differently and requires 0 further design.
No, mask guy returns, but he's got a different pose/weapon
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>the lore of whfb had dragons that didn't have 2 wings and 4 legs too, that's not up to debate either.
What? As per Storm of Magic, 8th Edition (latest edition), 2011
>>Wyverns have often been misidentified as smaller, fouler-smelling and much less intelligent Dragons. In truth such mistakes are understandable. The two races have many similarities, and their only obvious difference is the Wyvern's lack of forelimbs - the kind of detail that is easily overlooked when the observer is running as fast as possible in the other direction
this is a dragon, it doesn't have 2 wings
>As per Storm of Magic, 8th Edition (latest edition), 2011
Watch him claiming Storm of Magic is not canon.
this on the lower right is also a dragon
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That is Total War Warhammer, which is hilarious you use because look at this
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this is a chaos lord on a dragon
the point is that there are many types of dragons, retard
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1. That's AoS. Dragons do not exist any more, all reference to 'dragons' has been replaced with 'drakes'. Excluding Black Dragon which is a soon to be squatted model.
2. These do not have a stated race. You say they're dragons, Kopinski doesn't mention. In fact, they don't have forelimbs, so as lore in 8th edition, they are wyverns.
3. You link Man O War but my point remains. A dragon has four limbs. But if we're playing this game, go and look up the following models.

>Magma Dragon
>Black Dragon
>Moon Dragon
>Sun Dragon
>Star Dragon
>Warpfire Dragon
>Frost Dragon
>Forest Dragon
>Doomfire Dragon
>Nightmare Dragon
>Ice Dragon
>Venom Dragon
>Great Storm Dragon
>Khorne Dragon
>Zombie Dragon
>Zachirras on Zombie Dragon
>Minaithnir (Prince Imrik)
>Imperial Dragon
>Great Spined Dragon
>Toad Dragon
>Young Green Dragon
>Forest Dragon (Twilight Sisters)
>Great Emperor Dragon
>Shard Dragon
>Young Dragon
>Great Dragon
>Emperor Dragon
>Chaos Dragon
>Emperor Chaos Dragon
>Shard Dragon
>Stone Dragon
>Golden Dragon

And you'll notice - surprise - the all have four limbs and no wings attaching their limbs. They might not have wings, but as >>94825940 states, if they have a lack of forelimbs, they are a wyvern.

I do not know why you're arguing with stated lore. Which GW wrote. I don't understand it. The old zombie dragon is not a dragon. In fact, if we look at the zombie dragon BEFORE that one, well well well, would you look at that folks, four limbs and wings not attached! Golly gee! In fact, TWWH changed it too! >>94825951
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Oh and lets go back even FURTHER to an OLDER zombie dragon. Look at that, no wings attached to limbs either! Gee golly gosh and slap my behind, guess I'm right!
based autist
>1. That's AoS. Dragons do not exist any more, all reference to 'dragons' has been replaced
You're wrong from the get go
>Dracothion, also known as the "Great Drake," the "Celestial Drake" and the "Zodiacal Dragon,"
drakes are dragons, dragons are drakes, again, this is not d&d, it doesn't follow any other definition, they're dragons, they come in various shapes and forms, including ones that aren't 2 wings and 4 limbs

making a list of the stuff that aligns with what you wish was canon doesn't magically remove the exceptions that prove you wrong without a shadow of a doubt
lol guys how does he blow? he has no lungs...
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why do you think samefagging would help? do I have to bring back up the card?
My friend, read the latest white dwarf where they state 'drakebone' instead of 'dragonbone'.

Again, we're not talking about AoS, we're talking about WHFB and the Zombie Dragon that just got replaced. Its wings attach to its limbs; it is not a dragon as per the lore and as per the previous models. It was a marketing ploy. Originally it was meant to be an Abyssal Terror. I don't know why you're trying to hard to argue against such a mountain of evidence. It's really weird. I've provided lots of proof. You, on the other hand, have provided a handful of images (which support my point, thanks for that) and one image that you claim is a 'chaos lord on dragon' but it is not (as per the lore of 8th).
>one minute away
obvious samefag is obvious
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if i wanted to samefag i'd get on my phone, retard.

im just shitposting.
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Using a 3rd party trading card game that has no GW oversight is pretty low, especially when you're arguing with lore. See pic related.
>My friend, read the latest white dwarf where they state 'drakebone' instead of 'dragonbone'.
because they're interchangeable

>Again, we're not talking about AoS, we're talking about WHFB and the Zombie Dragon that just got replaced
you do realise that in the same breath you're saying that aos dragons don't matter to fantasy deagons while bringing up a new aos miniature of an aos dragon species as vindication about something about fantasy?
You're making no sense and the exceptions to your presumed rules are already more than enough to anyone sane
It's officially licensed and everything gets checked by GW.

and again, that text is a generalisation already incompatible with the fact that not all dragons look the same with 2 wings and 4 limbs, as already proven.
>Originally it was meant to be an Abyssal Terror.
citation needed

the vampire books had different concept arts by blanche for dragon, terrorgheist and abyssal, nothing indicates a mixup
They're not interchangeable, go and find be a reference to 'dragon' in AoS. They even changed Vorgarath's mount from Khorne Dragon to a Godbeast at one point (and then removed it). Again, you keep bringing up AoS for no reason.

I'm talking about the zombie dragon from WHFB (not the original two which I have provided proof that had four limbs and no wings attached - you have yet to provide any proof that a dragon model exists with these traits, by the way) which was a renamed Abyssal Terror model to make more sales. I have backed this up further my providing WHFB 8th edition (2011, which is later than the trading card image, by the way) here >>94826018 which states quite clearly the difference between a dragon and a wyvern.

I never said they all have wings and have never stated that, if they have wings, they do not attach to their forelimbs. I even listed several models that do not have wings to prove this. The fact you're now saying that text in an official GW book is 'generalisation' in order to argue that your third party image (from earlier and has no relation to GW, there was and is no oversight in the Kirby era, you'd know this if you were actually around) is somehow proof that 'nah this text stating the difference between the two is irrelevant, this third party trading card game is the REAL authority on the matter'.

Again, I don't know why you do this, you dance around the issue because none of the facts support your point. Anybody reading this can see what facts I've brought to the table, which are quite numerous, and what you've brought to the table is
>An AoS image that is irrelvant to the discussion
>An art piece by Karl kopinski which is unnamed (Flying Units) and claiming it is a 'Chaos Lord on Dragon' when it isn't and even if it was named as such, is incorrect as per the lore of wyverns in WHFB
>A third person trading card game from earlier than the latest lore on wyverns
He blows hard.
My interest is peaked by the skellies.

How does AoS currently play? I was into late 1st edition and a bit of 2nd. Bought Dominion, but just felt a bit burned out on the GW 3 year cycle.
>They're not interchangeable, go and find be a reference to 'dragon' in AoS.
>>Dracothion, also known as the "Great Drake," the "Celestial Drake" and the "Zodiacal Dragon,"
You're wrong and autistically entrenched in some pretty dumb hill to die on.
Blanche did not create in this period as he used to because of his cancer. He just did what he was asked. Draw some art of this model. You can see it in all of his art in 8th.

This is all rather irrelevant. Show me a model that isn't the Zombie Dragon from VC that is called a Dragon that has its wings attached to its forelimbs. I've provided proof - once again - that the first two zombie dragons had separate limbs to their wings.
Why do autists try to apply taxonomical definitions to fantasy creatures in settings that clearly don't have taxonomy. Christ it's not like the large majority of mythical creatures don't have a hundred subspecies and variations. Even in DnD where the concept of "True Dragons" exist Dragons is also a creature type that has a billion creatures in it, let alone setting variations of the sames
Okay lets break it down. I have no issue with what happens in AoS. That's not my point and has never been my point. You keep bringing it up (including posting images of AoS to support your point unrelated to the other setting). I will make it very clear.

1. The zombie dragon for Vampire Counts is not a dragon. This is very clearly stated in 8th edition Storm of Chaos, 2011.
2. Every single model with the word 'dragon' in GW's entire history has had four limbs. They may not have wings, but those that do are not attached to their forelimbs like the zombie dragon model.
3. The original two zombie dragon models both are as I've described, proving that the 'new' WHFB one was not a dragon.
4. You citing a third party trading card game - even if it was to be accepted as canon (I guess you're OK with Gods of Order then, since the RPG had them? Even though they're never mentioned in mainline GW until maybe the ET I can't remember) is removed because it is older than the official GW book text stating that it would be a wyvern, not a dragon (and surprise, the Moon Dragon model does not look like the art, almost like there was no oversight or something)
I am not entirely sure what your issue is here. You're playing gish gallop and keep switching between AoS and WHFB when I don't care about Aos. My point has been very clear.

I don't. GW does. GW has stated quite clearly the difference between a dragon and a wyvern, as posted by myself here >>94826018 I have the book right next to me.
>Find me some exception to this rule
>Not not these ones, they don't count>>94826077
>GW has stated quite clearly the difference between a dragon and a wyvern,

It has also stated that the zombie dragon is a dragon. Are you saying that some GW sources contradicts others? Anon that's ridiculous!
I forgot 5. TWWH gave the zombie dragon unit separate wings from its limbs and GW defo had oversight there.
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>Blanche did not create in this period as he used to because of his cancer. He just did what he was asked
objectively wrong, by the time the plastic zombie dragon got released he was working on concept work for aos and the armybooks, the vampires one in particular, are chock full of his works from 7th ed, which is what inspired many of the sculpts

>Anybody reading this can see what facts I've brought to the table
You've said that all dragons have 2 wings and 4 limbs, I've proven that's not true, there are dragon species that break that bodyplan, making the statement about wyverns a generalisation and not a hard rule, making dragons with 2 limbs and 2 wings perfectly possible.
there's not much else to say.

>I've provided proof
You've provided a hundred white swans and told me that black swans don't exist
and used a piece of text which is factually wrong out of the gate because there are dragons that don't look like a wyvern at all

btw, behold a rock dragon, without forelimbs
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>GW has stated quite clearly the difference between a dragon and a wyvern, as posted by myself here
but that's already wrong or all of these wouldn't be dragons >>94825943

and to engage you further, have a wyvern with forelimbs
As stated in >>94826018 the average person has no time to work out if it is a dragon or a wyvern. Much like how the Imperium calls various things X and we get that for consistency. Yes GW makes contradictory things, but if you go and look at the history of GW's models, the history of the lore and later renditions of the model (in TWWH for example) they are as I stated. Again, just because GW decided to slap Zombie Dragon on a non-dragon model because Kirby was a retard who thought 'dragons' sold more than whatever does not change the fact that historically, and with evidence (again, you've yet to provide a single model of a dragon that has its limbs attached to its wings, I have provided dozens that match my description, however - this you keep ignoring btw) suggests that the zombie dragon is not a zombie dragon and finally, if we want to go into AoS, we now have it replaced with a zombie 'draconith' which you've helpfully agreed is interchangeble with 'dragon'. So, as stated, GW has always intended for 'dragons' to not have the wings attached to their limbs.

Again, you gish gallop and never actually answer my questions. So I'll ask again, can you provide me 10 models, hell, 5 models, called 'dragon' that have their wings attached to their forelimbs.
>That's not my point and has never been my point.
You brought up an aos draconith as proof that fantasy dragons have 4 limbs
Thanks for including the other zombie dragon which I was going to post proving - once again - that it has always had four limbs and no wings attached to them. I think we're done here. Thanks for agreeing with me, phew, took a long time but we got there.
>he is still ignoring that my issue has never been what a wyvern model has been, but what a dragon model has been
>he provides evidence that supports my point
Man I wish all discussions were this friendly.
No I didn't. My posts are >>94825978 >>94825983 >>94826007 >>94826018 >>94826048 >>94826057 >>94826077
>>94826084 >>94826103

I never mentioned draconith in any of them.
>Anon first introduction to GW and retcons/inconsistencies
Must be hard
>they are as I stated
that's not a rule, you think it is a rule, but it's not a rule
>but what a dragon model has been
and in at least one occasion a dragon model has been without forelimbs, making your rule null and void
Oh no I am well aware of it. In fact, that image is proof, since they changed the design of the wyvern to differentiate it between a dragon. What they DIDN'T change was the dragons. Every single model (including three zombie dragons, I didn't include DRAG1 because it doesn't have a guy) of dragons that GW has released has had four limbs and wings that are separate from them. As in not attached to the limbs. I know you're struggling to google search to prove me wrong and all but that's the way it goes.

Except we have historical evidence, both written in lore text and by models.

And yet no other model, curious, almost like it's as I stated - a marketing ploy. A mistake. GW also said that today there would be no HH reveals at the LVO and what do you know, there was. Almost like trusting GW not to fuck up is retarded. There is a reason GW had it changed in Total War Warhammer. Because they made a mistake.
>at least one occasion
nta but once versus >>94826097 suggests that it was an error

i dunno, i don't care.
>GW Is wrong because exceptions make me mad
Sure anon
So you've got no actual proof or evidence (to counter mine) so you're just going to post like that. Alright, we're done here. And if you're not the original anon, don't make him seem bad. The guy actually had a discussion in this usually dead general.
Alrigh tI've had enough I'm out. won't be replying any more. was a nice chat anyway.
>I have over a hundred examples of white swans existing. This mean that that black swans is a mistake and is not actually a swan!
Sure anon
after gitz so... february?
drives me bonkers that I want the new gitz stuff and the new boners. gonna be an expensive year for me
Its simply better, and the foot one needed update much more
>it's as I stated
you wish, but it isn't
are there dragons without forelimbs? yes in aos, yes in fantasy, yes in miniatures

your rules wasn't a rule but a generalisation
"most dragons have four legs" is very different from "this dragon has two legs, so it must be a fuckup that its like that" and i have no idea why you're so hung up on it. Cathayan dragons look like chinese dragons, different types of aos drake and dragon have very different features and some don't have wings at all, wyverns are canonically a degenerate offshoot species of dragon in WHF and there's mentions of belief in the same being true for mawkrushas in aos.

The only reason the zombie dragon in that kit has two limbs is because it's a dual build with terrorghiests from an era where dual builds had to be really simple in the divergent parts. It's not a mistake or not a dragon because of it or whatever
They mentioned faction terrain and endless spells in the livestream, insane not to show them + the mounted vampire here.
they didn't show nor mention a lot of stuff, they also went very fast with some of the things they had to cover, it's weird

coupled with the complete absence of the yearly teaser video I think there might have been a significant cutting and reshuffling of releases and announcements and this was just what they had prerecorded
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No way this is the same unit. The base is compleatly off. New guy is on a large circle
Go be a marinepig in 40kg
>go to bed
>wake up to AoS dragon classification autism

Any time I see some sperg go off about this I immediately mentally picture them as CWC screaming about Sonic’s arms not being blue. Nobody gives a fuck but you about your made up head canon. Take your meds
chances are that they kill off that wight king or handwave away the base size difference or give him a different warscroll with a slightly different ability

like maybe it goes from wight king to barrow champion or some shit
Don't mock him, he tries his best
vhordrai just killed every other vlozd

gg no res
Stormcast don't get mid edition content. Best you can hope for is end of edition campaign hero like Gardusvand Ionos
maybe a warcry unit, otherwise I'd expect content only by the edition's end campaign.
they have to make ruination vandus after all.
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Why do so many AoS dragon-type units have this like... semi-circle silhouette going on?
Any other than Maw Krusha?
Looks like it's a result of trying to get the body up and the wings down, which in turn is probably so that the rider (you know, the important character that should be the most stand-out feature of it all) up on top where it's clearly visible.
Its confirmed to be armyset box? Kinda small IMO, no necromancer?
Almost the same as the CoS and Darkoath one. Although it's a downgrade from Darkoath since they have mounted hero+another hero. Cos has 2 small heroes = 1 mounted wight
Easier to store, easier to move, easier to play with
depending on how the wight king's sprue is handled, the extra bits for the alternative build options might get used to turn one grave guard into a wight king on foot
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I can't take it out of my head that these were remodeled and repurposed for Necromunda, when originally they were conceptualized as Silent People.
GW doesn't do this kind of stuff and we are not discussing kitbashes here.
Wait but I like the current deathrattle skellies more
By the way, his wing looks like the last pic on the roadmap.
I also feel that the new ones kinda sucks compared to >>94824644, especially the the old new one tied in neatly with the Blood Knights in terms of horse armor design. I guess it was designed to match the older Black Knights? Or maybe one was considered to be a character for Cursed City? With the new tome I am also curious how many olf WHFB models will survive.

With Black Knights geting a redesignit is likely that Hexwraiths get either removed or, more likely, redesigned. Might be a reason why the NH books comes so short afterwards.
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Well then don't bu the Spearhead box and get them separatly
No. Those pictures are all existing art and it's Khorne, KO and FEC pictures people already identified.
Wonder if nighthaunt will get the nerf stick in the battletome
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If anything they look like 40k version of spider guys
well, take it out of your mind because that's very retarded
At this point I don't think GW knows what makes NH so busted.
Nighthaunt still lack a proper cavaley unit, besides the two bodyguard guys, if you dont count guys with horse heads as cavalry that is
I wouldn't be TOO surprised if the corpse cart was going away, it's the oldest of the leftover vampire counts kit left in sbgl

Well shit this is going to be expensive
Are these coming back into rotation?
THeir whole shtick is to ignore part of the core rules (they all fly and ignore rend), in every single game, both traditional and videogames, such factions/characters are either bottom of the barrel trash, or the unbeatable autowin
Old fantasy stuff that is to be retired
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>and two units of 10 Deathrattle Skeletons – an all-new kit that is easier to build, but closely follows the design aesthetics of the old one.
wait, what? why?
The point is that with Black Knights being replaced, Hexwraiths are also probably kaput.
The cope
Because the old kit had stupid spindly breaky legs for no reason and a lot of people hated it, especially for a horde unit.

Replacing it with an easier to build kit makes sense, it's just really rare for GW to fix something like that so quickly.
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Soupfags lost
Nighthaunt is the very next Battetome, likeky to releas the new Hex
Did they mention a release date for that zombie dragon and mounted vamp?
damnit James
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>Replacing it with an easier to build kit
There already was an ETB kit
or simply remove them altogether
Why bring Maleneth back when her death served an important purpose in Gotrek's character arc and solidified his identity as a mythic hero outliving his allies, which wasn't apparent in a setting detached from WHF?
An ETB kit is no big deal just kitbash Barrow Guard to represent them instead :)
Its not ETB kit, ETB kit is 2-3 parts with pegs that doesnt require glue, previous multipart kit was a pain in the ass to assamble, they claim to have fixed it
because GW doesn't give the slightest fuck about the specifics of what happened in the gotrek book and at the same time it's seemingly desperate to prop up any novel character with the barest amount or resonance with the fanbase into a bigger and bigger product, doublely so if it's a woman.
so what Rumour Engine images got removed due to the reveal during the night?
He was robbed
Both rules that let you ignore crucial core mechanics, like >>94826714 pointed out. But I also think that removal of the many hordebreaker abilities/spells made them stronger, since it was their counter. And it would've been even worse in 4th edition due to reinforced hammer meta
Hey, say what what you want about me, but lay off the soup
I haven't been keeping track, but nothing popped to mind
Yeah but that kit is a little too basic, (and flat) going from screenshots they seem to have went for something inbetween the two existing kits.
Should have given him a better book instead of more than half of it being about lesbian wizards.
So will the new soulblight spearhead replace the current one? I like the current one more and planned on getting it after I finish my current project but maybe I shouldn't wait to buy it if it's on the way out
I don’t think any of the new spearheads have replaced the old ones, outside of some of them no longer being sold. If you have the rules for them you can play them
no they said it won't
No, they clearly said that the old spearhead is not getting replaced
Whatever bro, I liked the goblin portions of that novel but the human portions are some of the most boring AoS fiction ever published by Black Library. It's hard to get excited about half a novel.
nope, they want to push the gamemode by leaving the various spearheads accessible
good call on their part
also because kits became excessively expensive and boxed deals make building the bulk of an army a bit less like you're getting mugged
The characters in the human half of the book weren't very exciting, but I did like the worldbuilding in those sections.
Yes, ignore everyone saying that it won't, Warhammer Community confirmed that the old spearhead is going away, unlike every other recently updated army.

The old Wight King on steed is also being axed even though it's only three years old, confirmed.
Do you know what a pain in the cock it is to transport anything with big sharp wings that’re sticking out beyond the base and extending the height of the model hugely?
To make the mini halfway playable/transportable, obviously. That's a huge ass pie plate of a base but the model would still be hugely overlapping it if it had it's wings fully spread.

Mind you the longass spear is not doing it any favors in that department either.
Gotrek’s arc gets reset the moment any of his books end because either the writers or the studio don’t seem to want him to grow at all. He keeps learning the same lesson in each book and finding a new purpose to put himself towards by the end of it, then abandoning that cause off-screen to get caught up in an unrelated self contained adventure. Lately he’s been doing the same thing with companions, having the same arc with them and then ditching them between books.

Meleneth isn’t even going back to him, the blurb that’s out says he hates her now for some completely unexplained reason and that this book is seemingly just glossing over her miraculous survival in order to pick up a new plotline and serve as a starting point for anyone who’s never read one of the Gotrek novels.
Do the math via pixel if you want to find out how big it is, they said it’s a 160mm base.
The spearhead product is going away from the store, like other ones have, but the rules to play the old spearhead aren’t going anywhere. They won’t be in the tome, but you can still play it
>The spearhead product is going away from the store
This is why I was asking. Thank you to everyone who responded. I will buy it now and then just sit on it until I'm ready to paint it I guess
Yeah, it's really weird to have Gotrek learn to respect the Duardin of the realms and amend his ways as a champion of them in Gitslayer AND again in Soulslayer right after
Worse still they don't reference the novella where he is hostile to the KO mercenaries he met before whose technologies are cowardly and an antithesis to his idea of Dwarfs
I'm going to bet they'll treat only realmslayer canonical whenever they decide to bring up the character again
The slaves to darkness spearhead are both still right there for purchase, I doubt they’d do differently here.
I fucking don’t. 6 spindly fucking pieces that took hours to put together and are always dancing on glass from snapping something by accident.
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The third teaser image is without doubt FEC, if it hasn't already been pointed out. It's taken from this art.
You like them so much that you didn't notice these are the same
Someone already complied all the images
Yeah, honestly none of them are hard to figure out. Gits, SBGL, NH, IDK, Khorne, KO, FEC, Chorfs. That's basically gonna be the lineup for the entire year, crazy(in a good way) to see it in January.

Same for TOW, honestly. High Elves, Beastmen, Wood Elves, Cathay, that's realistically a years worth of releases for them as well.

I'm not expecting much for NH but apparently IDK might get more than the bare minimum.
Good because i keep seeing retards thinking it's DOK
that's a long
>retards thinking it's DOK
a tale as old as time
Big wings out poses like>>94826475
, morathi, fulgrim, or archaon are fucking impossible to transport, should be thankful every time we get a pose like this new dragon, mawkrusha, or ionus

Wings out looks cool but it basically doubles the height and width of the model, I mean ffs just look at the cities lady on manticore
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>le steam punk dwarfs
>fec maybe
pls dark gods let it be smol ghouls with wings or some batlike monsters.

Also got 2 rescue gheists this morning, one is in the vat soaking up. I now try to unfuck unpainted one.
>New vampire lord on zombie dragon is so big that the model doesn't fully fit on his 160mil base
>My WIP Ionus vampire lord conversion looks a bit small on a 140mil base
Surely they’ll keep the generic zombie lord
Call me crazy, but with the fact that the kit lack a generic version and the fact that the new gigantic zombie dragon is supposed to be the Death equivalent of a Mega Gargant that you can take in any faction I think that it's not going to replace the generic Vampire Lord on Zombie Dragon kit.
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I know that people can do whatever the fuck with their money ect buy why would you buy model like that and dont spend a little bit of time cleaning it before you start puting it together? There is no fucking way its gonna fit if you leave 1,5mm bits of sprue conector on the fucking model.
He aslo managed to glue pelvis the wrong way.
I need the Deathrattles now, GW
Release them immediately or else
People are retarded, what's new?
Maybe there could be an optional wings out post for those of us who are masochists or just like putting shit on display idk
Im rly happy for al IDK players, fingers crossed for big wave.
After two other big waves?..
It's not completely impossible...
Pun intended?
I guess U right but Im always suprised.
wait what? they sill have like 5 kits or something changed in last 2 days?
>looking at discussion of the reveals elsewhere
>see a non-negligible number of people who think that the eye teaser is for umbraneth
>some even have the audacity of accusing chorf fans of "copium"
oh come the fuck on
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Please don’t be. I’m fucking dreading being an early edition tome AGAIN, made worse that we’re behind 2 big release waves. Fat chance we get anything but a pity hero and a copy job of the index.
Do we have a new thread? Or I can make it?
im hoping this means that gsg might have a thing or two left to reveal, either gitmob or moonclan
so its a dual kit for a wight king with axe or a wight lord (both probably new profiles)
I could see it not replacing the current wight king with the lance, but i could see it too, it could go either way really

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