New models editionNew AoS art sub-edition>Previously, in the Mortal Realms>>94815374>Official AoS website:>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:>>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:>Booru:>Thread QuestionWill IDK actually get some love seeing as they could really do with a second wave or are they just going to get a crumb model and their tome?
>TQYou already know it's 1 hero and maybe endles spells
>>94827926Almost certainly just a pity hero plus endless spells
>>94827926>TQMy answer is in the previous thread. Maybe I can hold out hope Loomies get something like finishing out the River Temple, and, total copium here, but if GW is willing to remake a kit like Skeletons, maybe they’d redo the Riverblades with a more unified looking unit.
>>94827979>didn’t link my post>>94827880
Well Deepkin players, Nighthaunt has only a dead horse to releas, so you might get lucky with like 3 kits
>>94828007Wouldn’t NH get hexwraiths now that they’re gonna axe the BK/wraith kit?
So which other models are we losing to Old World this edition? Certainly all of the flesh eaters right?
>>94828012That's what dead horse ment
>>94828013>Certainly all of the flesh eaters right?Why on earth would you think that?
>>94828007There is some glimmer of hopium for IDK based on the usual TGA rumor-monging.
>>94828019Gotcha. Was stuck thinking you meant singlular horse like a mounted character model of sorts.
>>94828022All the old stuff from them is what I meant. Ghouls, dragon kit, and the horror kit
>>94828029Pic? If it’s not whitefang I won’t give it much credence.
>>94828042Whitefang liked a post from someone theorizing IDK could still get an armybox or something equivalent.
>>94828042Pretty strong hint imo
>>94828012Unless they squat them unceremoniously and tell nighthaunt players to use more dreadblades while gaylords get a third ugly and impractical kit of skeletons that still don't show enough bones and are still out of scale compared to other undead and living humansyes, I'm mad, fuck whoever decided this had to happen, I hope everyone who agrees with this sees their vhordrai fall off the table and snap in a dozen fiddly piecescurses upon ye and yer models
>>94828057>or something, a second spearhead
When the fuck will I be able to give GW money for the Deathrattles?
>>94828066Why mad?
Deep sea freakshit should go to Tzeenthc while Deepkin gets all the nice surface water animals.This way they establish the same contrasting overlap like Sylvaneth and Nurgle with their use of bugs
>>94828076Can't really do anything original for an IDK spearhead without new models, so functionally the same thing.
>>94828102What about surface water freakshit
>>94828145Fun fact, this isn't 1 animal
ngl the prospect of skeletons that are not a pain the ass to assemble is the biggest fucking highlight of the reveals.
If AoS octopus are just normla octopus, but smarter, what are AoS dolphins like?
>>94828173>what are aos dolphins like Slaanesh rapists.
i am more wondering what khorne will get with his battletome. probably a new khorgos khul and a new mlok
>>94828184New Khul might be end of edition thing
>>94828184New Valkya I hope.
>>94828192She's such a pointless addition that i hope they'll just squat her. Has she even appeared once in something?
>Updated first starter set kits around AoS' 10th anniversary You love to see it. Swifthawk Agents stay winning
>>94828184I'm anxious whether the old SC box will survive another edition. Some of the sprues in that box aren't sold elsewhere and I would be sad to see them go. I mean these things have survived since the Mighty Battles box originally launched this whole game.
>>94828153yeah it's a colonial organismalmost like an irl tyranid
how do you go from this
>>94828198She was in the Realmgate Wars for a bit.
>>94828205I think it's definitely toast. Don't forget they not only transformed Khul but also killed off his all his hero buddies from the SC box.
>>94828066the black and red was a much better color scheme for these dudes
to this
Why are they remaking so many new SBGL kits?
>>94828153This is not amusing when you already realise that "jellyfishes" are in fact ambulatory dicks of a flesh tree
>>94828202Where did they say that?
>>94828237Bit odd. Hope they still give the older wight king for tow
>>94828245The TOW Helf stuff and the already refreshed Skaven...
>>94828241Jellyfish are some real life alien freakshows, man.
>>94828237Yeah I'm actually kind of upset about the wight king getting replaced. The current one looks much better. I went to go impulse buy it after the reveal but it's sold out so RIP to that I guess.
>>94828250BoC isn't getting the new Beastlord or Warband
>>94828241Denizens of Gnarlwood are not ready for Autumn...
>>94828245They retooled Island of Blood so that they could release the High Elf shit separately finally, and also threw in brand new plastic Reavers just as a bonus.
>>94828013All the the non human cos models
>>94828013>are we losing to Old World this editionNo faction in TOW uses those models. VC doesn't exist. If they did anything it would be Undead (as in the old faction was called Undead). But why would they bring out a Mortarch and new stuff for FEC and then get rid of a huge chunk of their stuff? Seems... Odd.
>>94828256Oh. I mean, I guess.
>>94828173> Happy crab in the corner
>>94828102Dunno about that. Tzeentch is birds bar manta ray screamers. I assumed that IDK would get an Angler Fish type creature. I could see an artillery piece which is like a mantis shrimp that punches stuff hard like a cannon ball or something. >>94828180So, like normal dolphins then?
>>94828260There's still stock on eBay and Amazon
>>94828276Not to mention we have a release schedule for TOW that will probably stretch into 2026. High Elves, Beastmen, Wood Elves, then Cathay, they literally aren't adding any more legacy armies anytime soon.
>>94828102I disagree wholeheartedly demons shouldn't get stuff that's directly associated with a normal animal, they should get freakishly demonic shit
>>94828310Good catch anon
>>94828311Yeah. The only stuff I can see being squatted any time soon is the CoS stuff. By soon I mean 'whenever GW decides to do Malerion elves or expands CoS'.>>94828250Again, there is no faction that uses undead minis in TOW. You're going to be waiting a long time for a legacy faction to be added.
>>94828260It wasn't webstore exclusive so I wouldn't worry. It's available now on various sites and will be. It's only webstore exclusives you need to worry about because those are owned by fewer people and not stocked elsewhere. Savage Orruks were fine but Boarboys were gone immediately
At current point values you can make a 2 drop list with a Wight King, Mounted Wight King, 40 Deathrattle, 40 Grave Guard, and 20 Black Knights for exactly 2000 points. It wouldn't be particularly good but taking opponents to the bone zone is always humerus.
>>94828013That would be utterly retarded considering FEC are a full faction in AoS and Ghouls were just a minimal part of the whole Vampire Cunts faction.But hey... I consider the death of BoC and Bonesplitterz as retarded so who knows, James is not very smart.
>>94828380I don't think that would be bad at all honestly.
>>94828184Khul must ascend already, he deserves it.
>>94828380That's a LOT of boners
>>94828102Disagree, Tzeentch should get grotesque warriors, antinatural amalgams of flesh that spit fire, weird magic engines like flying discs and other Eldritch-like stuff, not sea animals.
Zombie bros, now that skeles had their timem Fleshwalkers battletome should be next in Death pipeline right?
>>94828432Maybe after ghosts
>>94828013the only models in peril for fec at the moment are basic ghouls because they're a 7th ed kit, and the terrorgheist because now half of the kit is unused and unusable in sbglso half the range
>>94828408He can't. Vandis is locked up, so he can't get his skull to ascend.
>>94828210>>94828221Please understand, Soulslayer wasn't kind to her.
>>94828426did you become a Vampire?
>>94828276>If they did anything it would be UndeadNo it wouldn't retard
>>94828432Skeletons didn't even get a tome, they're still cucked to fanggots
>>94828339Anyone interested in owning it should still buy it now before they kick it to TOW in a year and rerelease it at double the price.
>>94828408>>94828464Did you guys somehow miss that he literally did ascend?
What's this chosen death star list people online are complaining about? Why is it so insanely oppressive?
>>94828464you missed the news: he did ascend at the end of dawnbringers, no ifs and not butshe realised khorne didn't actually care whence the blood flowed and the skulls came, so he shouldn't care either and simply revel in the slaughter instead of feeling tied down by mortal gripes and personal vows and vendettasand it worked, he reached demonhood right in front of vandus after decapitating whatshisname sureheart
>>94828485>Skeletons didn't even get a tome,But they did
>>94828485Skeletons got their own sub-aesthetic, fluff for a measure of independence, and rules for an army with only them without the need of any necromancer or vampire.They might not be as free of soiblight oppression as ghouls and ghosts yet, but they're close.
>>94827926There's no way neferata's blood tanks are that big
>>94828499Without looking anything up I'm going to guess it involves 2 reinforced Chosen, one with either Dread Banner or Banner of Screaming Flesh, a Gaunt Summoner, and possibly a Lord of Karkadrak. That'd let you deliver two copies of one of the best hammers in the game basically wherever you want turn 1.
>see OP>go check artist>did a lot of TWWH art>OP is the only AoS art he didShame. Guess Dreadlords kinda still exist.
>>94828485You got a lot calcium bro.Is time to let fleshbags enjoy their time of sun too with a new battletome.
>>94828210>>94828221>>94828271At this point I think GW is using the "can't do female faces" as a screen. They absolutely could make them good if they wanted to, but their "inability to" shields them from lefty attacks.
>>94828567Neferata is a WHFB model from The End Times, so closer to TWWH then AoS.
>>94828582Well he called it Nefereta, Age of Sigmar as the piece title so that's what I was going on.
>>94828580why would I attack gw for being able to paint faces well
>>94828580What's so wrong about having an attractive female faces in a tabletop game? This excuse is just outdated at this point.
>>94828221Has GW ever adressed the fact that they don't paint eyebrows on models?
>>94828221Shame about the face, but I'll probably pick her up anyway
>>94828605Because beauty is anathema to your existence.
>>94828567This is the best dark elf art that I have ever seen
>>94828621no one actually thinks like that
>>94828646AI can make you 100 pictures like that in a day
>>94828605Same reason you have people complaining about the old SoB models going back to early 2000's. Or people complaining about the DoK underworld warband with one of them in a thong bending over. You can't have attractive females in the game because... because... you just can't, OK? Same reason Lelith went from bra and panties to weird leggings. Same reason Repentia went from corsets to hot pants and t-shirts. Same reason Penetient Engines don't have side boob any more. Same reason Morathi isn't topless. Same reason as Harpies don't exist. Same reason Diaz Daemonettes left. Same reason Greater Exalted KoS left. The only topless models in game are Fiends (who finds them attractive?) and Medusae (and the art does not show them topless). Expect Medusae to be removed and or covered up, Witch Elves to be put in leggings.>>94828621Plenty of painters have shown it's how GW paints the faces, not the model itself. You can go online and see this. The issue is GW's painters are painting for a different reason, rather than gameplay. Nobody looks at models that closely. But up close they always look bad.
>>94828626They literally do.
>>94827880Have faith, aslo fuck GW rules Im here only for the models.>>94828013U retarded or what? no way GW gonna kill 50% of the range, we arent so popular.>>94828237Good thing I just ordered one F U James.>>94828580This is so weird it migh be true.
>>94828650AI couldn't even make this simple tits brooch, let alone the rest
The skeleton edition of the battletome looks cooler than the regular so by the rule of cool (how I make all my decisions) I have to buy the entire army set.
I'd like to remind you all that Fyreslayers still exist.
>>94828673Delusional. That pic is as generic as it gets, half witted privat bot will replicate it
>>94828651>Witch Elves to be put in leggingsMeanwhile in reality, they lose their boots
>>94828683We know, everyone expects them to be the narrative rivals to chorfs this edition
>>94828683They won’t get a mention until chorfs do
>>94828237>they made him exclusively to get rid of the old stockmonsterstraitorsliarsyou bitches won't even let him ride eternal into the sunset of the old world
>>94828651>Or people complaining about the DoK underworld warband with one of them in a thong bending over.Can you actually show me people complaining about that, or did you see people here post "people are complaining about this (source: my hallucinations)" and just run with it?>>94828651>OK? Same reason Lelith went from bra and panties to weird leggings. Same reason Repentia went from corsets to hot pants and t-shirts. Same reason Penetient Engines don't have side boob any more. Same reason Morathi isn't topless. Same reason as Harpies don't exist. Same reason Diaz Daemonettes left. Same reason Greater Exalted KoS left.Okay well I'm gonna break your brain here and say that I actually don't like most of those changes. I do actually like sexy babes (why is this even something that you people assume when sex positivity is more of a lib thing anyway?). I think that GW does these things more so as a lame attempt to make their games less objectionable to soccer moms who don't want little Timmy playing a game with [gasp] boobies in it.>Fiends (who finds them attractive?)Haha... well, uh...
>>94828683Call me when they are something else than a bunch of dwarfs with mohawks and some big lizards.Until then they don't exist to me.
>>94828651You know you can already paint leggings on them, right? It's like the Enlightener. It's your call to paint leggings or barelegs.
>>94828683I think GW hopes we forget about was a failed faction from inception and they would need at least 30% of the DMB (deathrattle-maintenance-budget) to be addressed and fixed, so it won't happen.
>>94828709Half of 4cuck thinks models come pre-painted
>>94828603Kino. Too bad we have to wait until at least 5th until Malerion.
>>94828710If FEC could become a faction then obviously my little ur-gold addicts can too
>>94828740FEC aren't a real faction. They're going to get squatted back to TOW and have 3 total kits again.
Usual faggots are realy low energy this time
>>94828603Why are East Asians so obsessed with elves?
>>94828772Because they're white, and east asians love whites. They're a bleached people.
>>94828749You failed Sigmar, anon.
>>94828772Europeans are as well. All three elf armies were in top 5 best sellers in WHFB. Lumineth is the best selling army of AoS.
>>94828772Because their effeminate. One look at anime tells you how much asians love "men" that look like teenage girls
>>94828782Oh, well I guess I'll just go back to painting elves then.
>>94828772>>94828786Mankind yearns for elvish supremacy
>>94828772Cult of aesthetics
>>94828772We are living in a society builded around the idea of "feminization" so is obviously the most effeminate army, a bunch of white retard in pajamas and with the pedantic idea of eternal good and perfection will be very popular.
>>94828772Elves just work well with Asian aesthetics, they've got nearly overlapping fashion senses.
>>94828432I'm hoping we get a proper mummy hero at some point. I don't really care what it'd do, I just think it should exist. We've got vampire lords, skeleton lords, necromancers, and assorted werewolf vampires. Feels like there should be a mummy in that lineup.
>>94828651>Same reason as Harpies don't exist.Because Khinerai were their elvish replacement and Furies their chaos replacement?
>>94828700I should have brought 2 of these when SC were a thing.
Wight bwos, we are so back.
>>94828749>Buck status: Brokend beyond repair.I like when meat season itself with salty tears.
>>94828749More delusional than Ushoran himself
>>94828933I wish ghouls were ripped body builders, something like that gooner meme.
Do stormcast not get a new kit every season? Where are new players go after skaventide.
>>94828801Yes yes but when I write something about black stormcasts and sideways holding crossbow I get janny to write me a warning.One word and you loose your mind.Once N always N.
>>94828944It kinda goes against being hungry 100% 23/7. Vampires are ripped thou.
>>94828772Elves and humans represent different societal notions of good.Humans represent a grounded and realistic notion of good, flawed, imperfect, but trying to do their best.Elves represent idealistic good, perfect and immaculate, unattainable in real life, but worth striving towards.
>>94828969Are we even getting anything like dawnbringers or broken realms again
>>94828969No, just the start of edition stuff and maybe something at the end of the edition.
>>94828789>>94828801To be honest, handsome and classy elves are more manly to me than space marines, who just look like a gigantic gay stereotype.
Man, I'm gonna have to buy a chorf army.
>>94829079I've already got a headstart:>Horns of Hashut>Hobgrot Slittaz (probably won't be an actual unit in chuardin but there will definitely be something I can proxy or kitbash them into)>Warcry Varanite mining terrain>Warhammer World DaemonsmithBy the time I get this stuff painted up, it'll be close to chorf time.
>>94828749Anon don't scare me I bought the Battleforce for myself as a Christmas gift
>>94829094>probably won't be an actual unit in chuardin but there will definitely be something I can proxy or kitbash them intoEither included or there will be a RoR for this
>>94828772who teleported these elfs to elden ring
>>94829099Its more likely FEC will get new/updated horror and gheist+king kit in 5th or later.We still have only 2 battleline infantry, unless GW pulls stunt like making crypt guard 20-40man unit I dont see any of the old kits going away.
>>94829099All the old models will be squatted and "replaced" with something AoS-y.
Favourite model they showed off
>>94829179The hair is really dumb but luckily there's a based bald option and yeah the rest of it looks great.
>>94829195I'm just gonna put a spare blood knight head on mine, did the same thing with the vampire on foot
>>94829179It's fine. Luckily the sperm hair is optional, but I'm still not a fan of the decayed face.
>>94829179Ah yes, the two genders of vampire, bald and eel-hair.
>>94829179Whats wrong with his hair? Why they can'make a fucking normal vampire?
>>94829239>Whats wrong with his hair?Out of all the vampires they've released I think there's maybe none with actual good hair
Prince Whore Dry
>>94829251Skellys utterly mogging vampires (again)
>>94829195Vampires only have 3 hairstyles: nosferatu, medusa, and bride of frankenstein.
>>94829239>>94829249Maybe GW wants stupid hair to be their thing for recognizability or whatever
Why can't we have hot castlevania kojima vampires. This monster mash shit is tired.
>>94829285Becuase without obvious corpslike looks it's impossible to tell vampires from humans
>>94829292The silly edgy armor, bat motif, and a pale paintjob should be fine to make the distinction clear
>>94829292Imagine that, a Vampire infiltrating human society, trying to act like a normal nobleman, maybe even inviting a human to dinner; too crazy to even imagine
>>94829303So you want a dark elf?
>>94829312The game is for playing out battles, not tea parties.
>>94828012They arent going to axe it it's going to TOW.Why do you think it's 'barrow wights' now.
>>94829179Are those skellys kitbashed into the base or is that going to come with the model?
>>94829325Wouldn't want to confuse the Soulblight Gravelords with the Dark Elves on the tabletop. Maybe the shape of the base could help
>>94829336Gotta be part of the model
Do stormcast heads fit on blood knights
>>94829345With enough sanding and epoxy anything is possible.
>>94829251Absolute KinoYou can make a pretty solid bone army without having to use Bonefaggots and be faithful to true skeleton supremacy
>>94829343Does that imply he's going to be more of a boner lord rather than a buff piece for blood knights?
>>94829330the zombies may mistake their Vampire Lord for a human and try to eat his brains so he has to look as dead as possible to avoid confusion in his ranks
How does Vampirism work in Age of Sigmar?Can there be Dwarf vampires?
>>94829379There was an elf vampire so sure
>>94829379I assume anything that has a soul can be affected by the Soulbligh curse (At least while it's living, so no SCE or ghosts turning into vampires)
>>94829285What does kojimbo have to do with castelvania?
>>94829392Am I misremembering wasn't there a vampire stormcast that betrayed them in the blacktalon show?
>>94829395he produced the two 3D games from PS3 days
>>94829395Kojima is also the name of the artist (ayami kojima) who does all the iconic castlevania character designs.
>>94829285I wanted to say that Nulahmian vampires are qt, but then I recalled that the only one on record looks like this.
>>94829416I feel her is almost perfect... The face is hideous but the rest is just right and you can fix that.
>>94829411As nice as those models are AoS soulblight stuff has definitely gone in a more bestial and/or monstrous direction
>>94829416Are the sculptor shit at smooth womanly faces or is 'Eavy Metal just shit at NOT SHADING AND BLACKLINING EVERY SINGLE CREVICE LIKE IT'S A TRENCH?Which of the two is it?
>>94829416She has fucked up mannerist proportions
Let's not pretend vampires were cute barbies at any point in Warhammer.
>>94829436A large chunk of it is the paintjob. Eavy metal just can not do decent female faces most of the time.Literally the only one I can think of that looks good is the unicorn riding woman in TOW
>>94829440Lanky = cute
>>94829094>probably won't be an actual unit in chuardin butwasn't there supposed to be a regiment of renown with hobgrots?
>>94829433Which in my opinion is a mistake when it comes to vampires. I mean they have FEC for that. But whatever.
>>94829450Isabella and vlad?
>>94829436EM must have some policy where they need to shade every recess and highlight every edge, which results in shit like hideous wrinkled faces and every space marine finger segment having tron lighting
>>94829450Blood angels
People don't like dinner party vampires anymore.Dark times we live in
>>94829452Forgeworld painting is significantly different from the eavy metal style
>>94829350All Deathrattle are OBR property to be converted to osseous mass for the expansion of the Ossiarch Empire. So it was written by Nagash.Nagash-u Ackbar.
>>94829472Look at this supermodel
Also Mannfred used to be a good looking twink
Can they justify a tense race relations between chaos dwarves and fyre slayers/khadrons/duaradin? The rivalry mostly came because the chaos dwarves were betrayed and left to waste.
>>94829496nice cleavage
>>94829462has Mossa ever done AoS artwork?
>>94829497Male patter baldness even affects vampires... whats even the point of vampirism then
>>94829496Boobs. I just wish gw knew when to shut a models mouth or at least give them a full set of teeth.
>>94829497This is the biggest loss for me honestly. The entire release wave where he got his current look was such a shitshow.
>>94829450Lahimians were always hot sexy Vampires in the WFB days
>>94829462Oh lawd, she long.
>>94829496Vampires should be sex + monstrous elements. AOS vampires swing too far to the monster side, that isabella mini a good mix and mogs every female vampire in AOS.Vampires still need to be able to seduce unsuspecting human victims.
>>94829508Koreans don't have tabletop gaming, so they aren't aware of AoS
>>94829522There's nothing monstrous about this Elizabeth Bathory cosplayer
>>94829504Ur-Gold stuff could make the trick.Dwarfs in all setting are ambitious little pricks.
>>94829504For KO: The Chuardin are using Aethergold and corrupting it for their hell forged armaments.For Fyreslayers: The same as above with Ur-Gold, but they are also expending it to deny Grimnir his return and empower Hashut.
Vampires shouldn't be sexy, this is a wargame not an incel fantasy simulator.
>>94829509I want to point out something strange:Isn't it weird how Games Workshop single handedly managed to create the idea that idealized super-man = bald?When I made my characters in RPGs as a child I made them all bald because it looked so coolEverywhere else I look today it's "haha bald!" and these days their cool Space Marines have hair, but in the 1990s GW had made baldness cool. At least for me
>>94829528The subtleties of the monstrousness of vampires and the high society they satirize is lost on you then.
>>94829522>finecast mogs
>>94829522Disagree i like vampires being mounstruos. This girl rocks
>>94829512They tried to make him a buff Strigoi in Blood Dragon armor with a Necrarch staff and the "Von Carstein" nobility and surname.He's a fucking mess."Look, all your favorite archetypes, now SOUPED and CRAMMED into one model! You love this right?"
>>94829556In terms of female vampires I actually like how louka looks. She woiuld be a good head swap for any of the other vampire lords.
>>94829179Could be better if GW stoped to think that random belts=detail
>>94829557Mannfred is a bitch anyways. Bring Vlad back, you can't have a vampire army without a dracula expy.
>>94829536then don't have an entire bloodline of Sexy Carmilla-esque Vampires in your backstory then GW it's that simple.just have Nofuratu's don't need to worry about sexiness then
>>94829179You>>94829251Guy she tells you not to worry about.
>>94829179I don't see what this model does that the wight supremacists don't do betterit's like it's missing the wings for the steed
Now that soulblight line is revealed what does this go to then?
>>94829486Dont forget to pay centerpiece tax or your army wont work.
>>94829179I just wish it wasn’t in such a dynamic pose. Anyways I’m probably going to scrap my plans on making wuxia cultivation vampires and go with the easier option of making a wild hunt themed soulblight army.
>>94829505Cute>>94829556She sucks beyond comprehension. Its 2 good models fucked up in to one.
>>94829605The shield for the dragon dude
Grandma is great and all her bloodline is really cool. No need to be pretty when you are half wolf.
>>94829544It's lost on you that vampires aren't satirising anything, they're a aetiological fairytale from Serbia explaining why some farmers end up in ditches dead from blood loss without taking the effort to investigate.
>>94829618Shield looks different.
>>94829587That guy has no dick so I'm not worried.
>>94829637I need that man in my life
>>94829639>underestimating his boneryou fool
>>94829505Does she wear shoes in the novels?
>>94829619shame they not going to get updated after GW decided that Cursed City was a flop even though everyone like the look and the bibe of that game
I'm so fucking hyped that I can go full Deathrattlethe 1st can't come fast enough
>>94829670Did they confirm that you can make a Gravelords army with zero filthy vampires?
>>94829671Sylvaneth will never know this feel.
>>94829681You've been able to do that all edition
>>94829683They’ll get tree centaurs
>>94829504Hmm, that's tricky. Dwarfs are a famously forgiving people, especially when it comes to peccadilloes like worshiping bloodthirsty chaos entities and scorning their traditions and gods.
>>94829639They have no lungs yet they dood. She gonna carve for his ectoplasm and always hard bone(s). While you need to suck blood to even get up from coffin.
>>94829702You're not getting treetaurs.
>>94829556I like the concept but I think they did it really poorly
>>94829739What will they look like:Top-half man, and can't move, or bottom half man, and it's essentially a bush that runs on human legs and kicks people in the nuts when they don't water their plants?
>>94829649Important question pls answer.
>>94829671i'm the only one who hates wolves in goblinos?
>>94829504>Can they justify a tense race relations between chaos dwarves and fyre slayers/khadrons/duaradin?Yesthe chaos dwarfs might have been implicated in the great betrayal that led to grugni and grimnir to being tied on top of a mountain in the age of myth
>>94829749I hate night goblins, they are the most reddit thing GW has ever madeBut wolf goblins are badass and Tolkien pilled
They should replace gsg spiders with monstrous moths
>>94829740I think the dinosaur-centaur looks only works when you make the top BEEFY
>>94829800>pic on the leftSex.
>>94829749No you are not. I like their new chariots but wolves look derpy and have retarded armour and fuck ton of useless stripes and leather belts because GW thinks that leather belts=detail.>>94829766BL writes are hacks.
>>94829774How can you hate them? AoS has a lot of problems but night goblins are just perfection, i just think wolve knights are bad compared to boingrots
>>94829805She dosnt have puss but mouth with beak and defecate by her upper hole.
>>94829800Octopus Daughter of Khaine when?
>>94829817You seriously can't see how lE hEcKiNg SqUiGeRiNo is the most reddit thing ever?
>>94829781Moth's are Sylvaneth clay
>>94829890Not as much as skaven
>>94829904This is fair, but skaven are just chaos goblins when you strip them down to their core idea
>>94829917And we all know chaos is the most reddit anything ever is.
>>94828221There something fucky going on with those googly eyes and her mouthOh well i tried
>>94829944some things just need to be left behind
>>94828210>>94828221Guys I think she might be a dark elf.
>>94829944Now let's try to de-emphasize the nasolabial folds a bit
>>94829179this and the dragon stole the entire event
>>94829509He made himself bald to differentiate himself from Vlad and heroic figures of the time
>>94829944>>94829983The truth is women just can't come across as angry convincingly by snarling. It's supposed to scare the monkey brain by flashing teeth, but the monkey brain is made not afraid by feminine attributes. The expression loses it's power.
>>94829944This model is a disgrace for every female elf, you tried anon, but damage is just too big.
>>94829509Manny started shaving his head after his resurrection from Hel Fenn according to the End Times books, but IIRC they made his model bald before there was lore about it.
>>94829944She looks like a Kabuki actor
>>94830002I think an old crone or hag can do that, young women who can be scary need to tap into the Satan-Child-Eating part of their brain to be scary don't know how you capture that Dionysian derangement in a miniature
>>94829983At first I did remove those but it looked too smooth
>>94829983would it help if you gave her a mask
>>94830158That's a French man
>>94830173no, that's Helena Bonham Carter
>>94829875Sylvaneth cav?
>>94830238What about this picture makes you think "elves with tree parts"
>>94830057Most scary thing about this pic is her tits. Goddes with saggy flaps, dreadful.
>>94830253Everything.Green, ugly, 2 separate creatures mashed together almost like louka.
>>94829890Have you heard of the "Guilt by Association" fallacy?
>>94830225I wanna kiss those thighs.
>>94828693But I want thigh high boots and exposed bums
>>94828693This model is attractive, the secret? Hid the face kek.
>>94829865Tentacle femdom is something that needs to be explored
>>94830432works in real life too
>>94830432The witch elves, khinerai etc have decent faces
>>94830253>>94830298Zoats return
>>94830471Up to that point, you could always rely on female elves to be beautiful. What went so wrong.
So when do those Gravelord models release?
>>94830432>the secret?Feet
>>94830541Sometime in 2025
Wait didn't DE had female bodies with their spearmen/crossbow unit? And now it's only pure witches and medusa like?
>>94830782There were, and still are, females in the spear and crossbow blocks.
>>94829749Yeah you sound like a faggot
Feeling pretty good about these Orruks of Ghyran lads.Mostly just some small details, patina, checks/dags, rust, Tufts on the bases and they'll be done!
KOfags, what do we want this edition if we don't get faction terrain or a pity hero? I'd like to see something like Morghasts, elite infantry with 2 build options. Imagine a punchy set of power armor that can be built instead as some kind of mining rig with less direct power but more utility or some kind of short-range thrown blasting charge shooting attack.
>>94830918How did you do those bases?
>>94829607Lmao I don't and suffer for it
>>94830920>Imagine a punchy set of power armor that can be built instead as some kind of mining rig with less direct power but more utility or some kind of short-range thrown blasting charge shooting attack.That's literraly just a squat unit in necromunda.
>>94830951Wait really? I don't know much about Necromunda but that's neat.
>>94830920A boarding squad with shields and a choice of chainsaw gloves/shotguns would be cool.Maybe a walking mech, would be cool to use a Titanfall mechanic, where when the robot dies you get a little dwarf that got a chance to turn into the robot again, warcry warband is needed too (the titanfall mechanic maybe would be more fit there), black marines are a good candidate for warcry models as magic fighting dudes, stealthy dwarfs could be a fun spin for them
>>94830920I could see KO getting not-endless spells, since everyone seems to have them now. Also Gholemkind as a melee option could be cool, GW has certainly been teasing that since 2E.
>>94830961This dude here incase you're wondering
>>94830967honestly a breacher team of sorts with shotguns and shields could also be a warcry team
>>94830985I would love some new vehicle an Aethergold powered robot or not-Endless Spells.
>>94830920We already got one, they were lost in the warp and landed on necromunda tho.I quite like all the little robots, they are cute, is there something they could represent in current army book?
>>94830920How about...we put the damn lads BACK in the fucking BOATSThat said, if we're talking units, just lookup warmachines dwarfs, the horgenhold forgeguard
>>94830920It's terrain but I had a cool idea for some sort of automonous skymine factory, imagine it pumping out little endrins which are basically just UAVs that fly at the enemy and explode because aethergold's very explosive, kind of like Tyranid spore mines.
>>94831046It could be a little tugboat
How crazy would be a heavy unit of three heavy robot like armours like thie good Brokk but without hats?
>>94831094So like, bigger Skyriggers?
>>94831094they wouldn't good good, but ridiculous
>>94831094Thats just riggers/wardens but bigger.I do wish Brokk was a generic characeter tho, so i would buy him
>>94831094I mean I wouldn't turn it down but I'd prefer they give the existing balloon boys an extra wound and save and a few more melee stacks a model.They're like God damn 50 points a model, come on
>>94831123A few more Melee attacks per model*
Why do they bother coming out with new endless spells when nothing will beat krondys or morbid.
>>94831162Some of the other ones are fun. It is actually possible to play a sub optimal choice that's more fun. Not every game takes place in a cutthroat 300 man tournament
>>948307826th edition Dark Elves warriors had both male and female torso, the 8th edition ones were all male.
>>94831162You know this game is not about win or lose, that's just the consequence of having fun, anon.
>>94831162Hopefully once everybody (except KO lol) has faction endless spells they'll nuke the generics from orbit, free endless spells stops being a problem when everyone doesn't have access to 3 lores that are head and shoulders above everything else.
>>94831275Spell in a bottle could be how they implement the endless spells
>>94831173>>94831198Is this what losercucks tell themselves?
>>94831275Every faction should have their own ES, better or worse, they are a nice addition and generate tactic depth.What is not right is the generic ones. As you said they should be nuked.
>>94831340Man, i want my dudes to run around the table and kill eachother and have fun, why the fuck are my only options standing on objectives and beancounting, or calculating combat resolution and wheeling around trees?
>>94831340>Nooooooo fun is no allowed!!!>Win, win, win!!!!Sad.
>>94828227My initial tought, too.
>>94828066The problem is they didn't fix the main complaint skeleton players had, those wonky cocked broken spine dance poses
>>94831434i think those complains are baseless and just stupid, the new skeletons including CC ones were miles away from any old model.
>>94828202They stil have the molds for that kit and they never released the models separate? The fuck!!?
>>94830530I fucking hate this kit. Skin is hell to paint, it either looks dogshit or you are studio-painter-level skilled. But then you are fucked because you need on average 60-80 of these.
>>94831525I assume they just did a new mold as Skaven and Elves were on the same sprues in the box. And of course they have several legacy mold around, they just don't use them if they don't expect it to sell well.
What are the best options for a 1k Stormcast list? Currently have Skaventide and thinking to expand either with Spearhead or by getting Skaventide units to reinforced size. Any good options or support units that would shine for 1k? Because so far it seems my options are different types of melee guys and fast flying units.
>>94831434Skeletons dance, that's just how it isIt's called dance macabre for a reason
>>94831525>what was yesterday's High Elf preview
When is Malekith coming back? Wasnt he the only one who defeated Archaon or something?Do we have any lore on how his faction might look?
>>94831702At this point we will get 3 Emberneth battletomes before Malerion.
>>94831702Malekith is on the pipeline anon.Enjoy Morathi until Umbraneth.
emberneth, umbraneth, kurnothi, root kings and silent people battletomes live only in the mind of delusional faggots.
Umbra methLoony methSilver methI do methEmber methKurnothi
>>94831730I'm glad that you excluded grotbag skuttlerz
>>94831748destruction needs something to spicy things up, i see more probable techno gobbos than fantasy bugs, they must do something with the ga but in my book both are first for "what could destruction get to make it interesting"?
>>94829568Except the scale is waaay off and they'd look like they had a huge head.
>>94831759Destruction magic/shooting focused faction.Focus on elemental powers and returning land to it's natural state - earthquakes, lightning etc
Playing some spearhead with my girlfriend tonight - gitz vs gargants.First time trying them out, they seem pretty fun despite their low model count
>>94831759>>94831801I have heard this shit about elementals, tyranids or pirate gobbos since 1rst edition and you know what? Destruction suck so much ass and is so irrelevant that they literally will do nothing with the Allegiance. They even merged Krulez and Ironjawz, just no point on doing anything else.
>>94831807>gitz vs gargants
>>94828237kind of stupid but i think the reasoning is that they made the new dual kit (wight king and wight lord) and they dont want the same character with different base sizes and this way its just easier people will buy the newer oneStill stupid how much theyre retreading even though i like the new wight king/lord more they still dont have a new wight lord on foot and redoing the skeleton kit is insane even if the current one is fidly and a pain
>>94829749Yes, you and other 2 faggots who know nothing about goblins. Goblins + wolves = epic
>>94831759Going by James' behaviour greeskins don't sell well enough for anything but soup tomes, honestly you should consider yourself lucky they're souping gobbos and orcs seperately instead of just releasing an AoS greenskins à la TOW.
>>94829605posted in last thread but they said at the end of the sbgl reveal that theres still a few things to reveal on warcom before the release
So its probably official that they are squatting Ghoul king on Zombie dragon?
>>94831838I play Sons and everytime I reveal that they have 10 move my opponents who never played against them always has their jaw drop
>>94831872Yup. Along with the basic ghouls, horrors and flayers, and the characters from those kits.
>>94831908da fuck? really you think they will kill 50% of the range just after the faction has become real?
>>94831908Retarded faggot
>>94831921Yes. They're going to be replaced by some more nu-fec models.>>94831932People called me that when I said the faction wasn't getting squatted last edition too.
>>94831936No lying. Just estimating.
>>94831942>They're going to be replaced by some more nu-fec models.Next edition, maybe.You are rly dumb if you think they will get ANOTHER wave of minis just after Ush bunch of heroes, cav and infantry anytime soon.
>>94832046Anon is giving the most retarded takes he can think off to farm (you)s, ignore him
I have little start with bone chads(Wight King on foot and mounted version) If I get armyset and spearhead it will be:Wight King/champion mounted2 Wight King on foot10 cav30 grave guards20 skeletorsDose it look like full army? I think I could get 10black knighs to round it up.
>>94832046>You are rly dumb if you think they will get ANOTHER wave of minis just after Ush bunch of heroes, cav and infantry anytime soonThey just shitcanned the mounted wight lord in plastic for a new one that's worse by every metric, never say never when it comes to James and being stupid.
>>94832096>Wight King/champion mounted140>2 Wight King on foot100x2>10 cav360>30 grave guards3x160>20 skeletors2x100Total 1380 at current points, see >>94828380for a 2k list example.
The saga of my fucked up Amazon Snarlfangs is over! The replacement kit has arrived in perfect condition!
>>94832261Cool. Did you get to keep the damaged one?
>>94830530I don't know, they need to go back>>94831549From a distance it's fine
Why does the wight king get to stay? We better get that other underworlds with the skeleton to replace him.
>>94832271>>94832261>>94832271I wanna know this too
>>94832271From all that I hear yeah you get to keep it
>>94832065Why that Tyranid is dressed as a hoe?
>>94832358its the best miniature in the entire GW catalogue, no point replacing perfection
what do you guys think of my rotmire creed test dude? do the colors work well? Chat gpt says to use green wash on the polearm to make it looks more woodsy and nurgly but when i applied some poxwalker it wasn't that visible. did they mea biel tan green or something? also considering just using militarum green on the shirt instead of fussing with layers.>>94832261I feel like GW lost so much money on these snarlfang riders that it was cheaper to make sun-goblins in an attempt to give the snarlfang riders a home and recoup their lossesoh well, grats anon hope you enjoy these wolf dudes. Did you get em cheap? they've been sitting on the shelf of my LGS for ages so I imagine there are secondary markets with clearance level prices
>>94832271>>94832384no they said I had to send it back to get the new one for free.Keeping the old one wouldn't have been super useful anyway, one wolf head was missing and there are no spares, so I couldn't build it into a usable unit. And two of the bases were bent so I'd have to buy a set of extra bases and an extra wolf head.
>>94832261that's good news anon, have fun with your wolves
>>94832437They were 45 bucks on Amazon when I ordered them, and now they're up to 53. So I'm not the only one who saw that new Gitmob stuff and decided to get started on a Gitmob army early. Those wolfs are moving a lot faster now
>>94831009It's disgusting how much better these are than Votan
>>94831162>Not using your faction endless spells>NGMI
>>94832587In what fucking world?
>>94832620In real life.They look like proper space dwarves. Voran just look completely generic space dudes
>>94832633Oh shit, im retarded, i thought you said they are better than KO
>>94832667Lol.I'm not a huge steam punk fan but KO are better than Votan too
>>94832466Glad I snagged 4 boxes at $40 off ebay.I wonder if gw slapped the guy with a notice? I know they prevent retailers from offering sales or dropping the price on their products which is why their shit is the same price everywhere all the time.
>>94832587Man I'm so sick of this "x is better than y" shit. I've got 4k pts of votann, 3k pts of kharadron, and a band of ironheads. They all look great in their own way
Nta but i will remind you that this gen is consistently wrong about ghouls. You all said the last book wasnt a nerf and that morbeg knights would be meta
>>9483272740 dollars for 40 points of models
>>94832742Nah, this ain't 40k. Wolves are like 100-120/5 depending on the patch
>>94832742They're like 130 points for five.That's right, Gitmob is a low model count elite goblin army
>>94832741This gen is consistently wrong about a lot of things, a bunch of armchair generals who rarely play if they even own models at all. Best teacher is actual tabletop experience. Short of that, watch bat reps. A few armies like seraphon with Caleb hastings, aethercast for kharadron, mossdog for greenskins and skaven with warpfire minis is have dedicated tactica breakdowns, but not all of them. Warpfire minis has exceptional breakdowns for skaven, actually does well in large events, and also just has good general advice for playing aos in a competitive environment if that's something you're interested in
>>94832740Based Dwarf enjoyer
>>94832797I dont have fyreslayers yet, I've been waiting for their model range to update a bit. I'm sorry, I just couldn't do it with the hearthguard and the vulkites, but the flameseekers actually look pretty good so there's hope there. Maybe I just run like 3 squads of flameseekers and bunch of fuckin doomseekers and grimwraths and gotrek and just go full hero hammer. Honestly that sounds pretty on theme for a slayer army even if it would probably suckI'm waiting on dispossessed/chaos dwarfs to see what's going to happen with them with the whole old world fallout shit
What are good Kharadron books and short stories btw?
>>94832852Pretty sure they only have one series little bro
>>94832852Drekki Flynt has 2 novels, probably your best bet. Soulbound and the KO tomes have their lore about their history, skyfleets and some side characters
>>94832852The Drekki Flynt ones are alright. The novel chapters are very episodic so they're easy to get through. And the audiobooks have a good narrator who adds a lot of flavor to the character gallery.I've heard Overlords of the Iron Dragon & Profit's Ruin are also fine, but I can't vouch for them.
>>94832883The Drekki Flynt books are definitely a lot better than Overlords of the Iron Dragon and it's sequel but if you're still craving more KO fiction I suppose they are suitable enough.
>>94832793Nah im good. I can do my own mathhammer and the game's not deep enough to enjoy if i just get the stats handed to me
Is there a rule of 3 in age of sigmar?
>>94833015Only for a couple units in Sons of Behemat (since they cost over 500 points)
Is the Vengorian Court battleforce worth getting?If I get Fangs of the Blood Queen is that about as many monsters as I'd need for a functional casual army?I mainly want to do skeletons but I also like monsters and vampiresThis model is awesome I'm big into the slavic theme
>>94833015if anything has encouraged weird army builds like taking four zombie dragons in a list.
>>94833046Also how many tomb guard is reasonable?20?
>>94833046>>94833055tomb guard are the tomb kings skellies from fantasy. You're thinking of grave guard and generally you want a good chunk of them if you're running bonezone, but who knows where they'll be at after the battletome drops
>>94833079aren't the Barrow Guard replacing the Grave Guard>>94833055in terms of Barrow Guard, the army box has 20, and the new Spearhead has 10. One army box and two Spearheads is 40 Barrow GuardSo I'd say 40.
>>94833094Up in the air if it's more than just a name change. I'd imagine it's not honestly.But also, there's a nonzero chance bonermans will be getting their own AoR to play around with
>>94833111Right on stream, they stated that they are the same
>>94833122I didn't watch it since I was out and about at the time, but I would've been genuinely shocked if that ended up not being the case.
>>94833094Why is GW racist against ranged units, especially in death? Skeleton archers would be great.
>>94833212well dragons are kind of ranged units, ask for undead wyverns.
>>94833212The Vampire Coast is too based for GW
>>94833212they should throw bones like in castlevania
>>94833212They need to save space for another release wave in 6th edition
I ran out of super glue, does anybody have some I can borrow?
>>94833356I'm too busy huffing it --Fuck I just glued my hand to the Great Unclean One.
So am I missing something or does the sweet new undead dragon not have a generic hero option?
>>94833407It seems like it doesnt
>>94833407I'm just stoked I get to run this dude with my boners if I want to
>>94833407it definitely seems like the more interesting part of the lore of the new dragon kit is that there's a dragon going around resurrecting dead dragons because he dreams of building a zombie dragon empire.
>>94833407It might be an Ionus situation? Did they even confirm if the old kit is gone?
When do we reckon we get news on the army of renown’s for sbgl or gitz?
>>94833212They did say there's something else they didn't show yet so many there will be skelly archers.
What paints do I need to do a good job with painting Nurgle?
>>94833478i assume it'll be available until FEC's new release later this year
Hopping over from 40k. I loved the minis in this box and just bought them as a project. Will probably start playing AoS with them. Did I fuck up?
>>94833546Pretty good start. The Harbinger dude is universally Maggotkin's most desired model based on looks alone.
>>94832759thats about the same as boingrots or spider riders. i guess hoppers are technically cheaper per model but you have to buy them in 10s
>>94833546go on ebay/trolltrader and you can pick up 1 more pusgoyle blightlord to run as a lord of afflictions. otherwise you end up with either no lord of afflictions or a weird half unit thats just janky.harbinger is simultaneously one of the best models games workshop has ever made and also one of the most useless warscrolls every printed. that said, they have just released a custom hero builder narrative supplement this month so there is some workaround, opponent permitting. dont mean to be so blunt but it is what it is, he's a priest in an army without a prayer lore. his prayer is a control debuff which is fairly useless, and he has a once per game long range but quite tepid debuff. he doesnt really do damage but he's moderately durable. not cheap but not expensive either. putrid blightkings are your staple bread and butter linemen, absolute brick shithouse of a unit, arguably the hardest unit to kill in the game for the points, or at least in the top 5. slow, but resistant to pretty much all types of damage with both a ward and a good save, and they output okay damage, with a low damage value but a high number of very accurate attacks that have access to a good amount of support. their speed is their biggest downside but nurgle has access to a surprising amount of deepstrike to help with this. rotmire creed. these guys have quickly become a competitive favorite. cheap, resilient for T-shirt cultists, and they have the ability to spread the plague at range via their not insignificant shooting attack, and you can get them in interesting positions with gutrot spumes aboard the slime fleet rule.pusgoyle blightlords are in my opinion a bit overpriced at the moment on points (more expensive per model than varanguard which is crazy 125 vs 110), but they are quite hard to kill, about twice as fast as everything else, and have access to multiple forms of deepstrike, meaning its a jammy flying tarpit bruiser unit with teleports. overall a solid workhorse unit.
I hate how crypt guard look physically weaker than ghouls despite being a more elite unite. Seriously GW? Why aren't they bigger and stronger.
>>94828064God I hope they get a good second wave if they have some coral heavy infanty and crab monsters im so in. All im getting from you pic though tells me we will be getting shrimp and turtles sadly.
>>94833643Link to hero building supplement? Did they state it's not for match play?
Can ogors do a noblar horde build? Which armies are true hordes in the sense of having viable horde builds?
when do the new vampire dragon model releases?
>>94833554The Harbinger is what caught my eye first, I've been mulling it over since it got announced. >>94833643Screencapped for future reference. Thanks for the tips, Anon. I might be autistic and paint some Trench Crusader minis in the Nurgle color scheme and proxy them in as random units I don't have yet.
>>94833890part of it is in battletomes for the armies that have them, part of it is in the new path to glory campaign book. it is not matched play, its for narrative play, hence the "opponent permitting" qualifier >>94833979age of sigmar is pretty fuckin lax about wysiwyg compared to the 40k crowd, even at a lot of major tournaments people show up with heavily converted armies full of proxies, prints, and custom minis. its just the big, games workshop sponsored events or playing in an official brick and mortar GW where that becomes an issue. age of sigmar has very forgiving wargear rules, with most units just stating "these guys have a melee weapon", its really not as picky as 40k, often the distinction between swords and spears isnt even made, so you are extremely free to model and proxy whatever you want as long as you arent trying to play shell games with "hide the special weapon" or making things confusing by having 2 identical proxies represent different units or something. just dont be deliberately confusing or obtuse with your proxies and you'll be fine. so yeah, you probably wont have any problem with trench crusade proxies as long as the base sizes line up more or less. i dont even think nurgle units have any special weapons you need to worry about so you can just model whatever the fuck you want as long as you can tell which unit is supposed to be what
I'm not sure which version of the bigga pigga to build for my Ironjawz.The ability for the Hakka krew seems fun since you get to run around the board like crazy (at least I'm imagining I haven't seen it in action) but the gouger is cheaper and giving strike last seems handy.Any thoughts? I probably won't build the boss since I don't own gruntas and they are really expensive, going more infantry build
>>94833934>Can ogors do a noblar horde build? It won't go well since gnoblars are just meant to be pure chaff>Which armies are true hordes in the sense of having viable horde builds?Skaven and Gloomspite Gitz are built around it
>>94834098Id personally go with just the pig, but thats because i dont like the way sidecart guys look
>>94834098tuskboss is only worth it if you are running all in on pigs. the main reason you take him is he gets to juice up 3 other big pig units. if you dont plan on buying 4+ big pigs, this guy is a skipmawgrunta with hackin krew is my personal choice. it cant be tarpitted, juices its own momentum up instead of stalling out if it gets locked in a fight, and weirdly its got a 3+ save while the budget version with no sidecars only has a 4+ save. dont ask me why the regular maw grunta gougers only have a 4+ save when even gore gruntas manage to keep a 3+ save, might be a typoplain maw grunta with no sidecars has a few things going for it. its cheaper (saves you 40 points currently, though i would expect that to come down more, its still too pricey), and it has a coin flip strikes last debuff, which can be game changing. the problem is its still not cheap, not exactly as durable as the other versions, and lacks the ability to bounce around and increase its momentum meaning it can be tarpitted and stalled outso for me? its non hero hackin krew. i dont know if im taking more than 2 in a list unless those points come down, but the amount of chaos the hackin krew version can sew is pretty wild. and given how hard people are going to be leaning into ardboyz, you're probably going to want a bit of speed and disruption to compliment their slow, bricky nature. i think you can probably justify a single hackin krew in almost any list right now, carve a path provides some valuable repositioning you just cant get anywhere else, and its base is much more lithe and maneuverable than a mawkrushas, its about 100pts cheaper than a mawkrusha, and while it only has 2/3s the wounds, its damage profile compares favorably if its running on a few stacks of momentum.
>>94834099people have won events at various points in age of sigmars history with the gnoblar build, but its super jank and almost always gets nerfed within like a month of placing at an event because its fucking 300 models or some shit. i would say soulblight, FEC, and nighthaunt can all be run as horde armies. it might not be the peak meta build at this exact moment in time, but their armies are all fairly facilitating of hordes, they have both the units and the traits to make horde centric armies. i'd also potentially add fyreslayers to that list as a weird elite psuedo horde. it feels hordey cause all they do is spam infantry, even if their guys are 2 wounds a piece.