Is this a good investment in 2025? How does it compare to 4e?
4e has a more streamlined career system (although, while also giving you the freedom to switch to other careers, but GMs tend to forget that). In 2e, you have this entry-exit system of jumping around different careers.Combat can be more whiffy. Meanwhile, 4e has the advantage system with its own problems.Economy and gunpowder in 2e suck and need houseruling.2e has more material and supplements than 4e, though that's slowly changing. You can use the books from 2e and 4e interchangeable anyway, after adjusting some minor things.
Use group advantage and there is no reason to play 2e anymore IMO
>>948170784e is genuinely just better and mostly compatible with the stuff from 2e you might want to port over. I shifted from 2e to 4e when 4e came out and it was a marked improvement after running 2e for 10+ years
>>94817078Old is always better, new is always worse. Play 2e.
Old is always better, new is always worse. Play 1e.
>>94817078it's alright only major difference you will notice at first is Careers in 2e are handled differently compared to 4e and the lack of opposed roles like 4e