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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

>Last Thread
New thread, new edition of the Foster's Home jump, with the fixes to the Import/Create option
Wait, it works again? Let me see, does it only give me one post on my PC per thread?
Now we just need a Fairly Oddparents jump.
I think I'd rather work on the jumps sitting in my backlog first before going on another spur-of-the-moment lark like Fairly Oddparents.
Also, I think we need a Jimmy Neutron jump before an FoP jump. And no, I am not volunteering to make one.
Also, anyone who makes an FoP or JM jump needs to remember to have a Power-Hour canon toggle option
>If I can pull a way to negate Paradox out of my ass.
Ascension actually has a way to do this. It's called 'git gud at using Prime'. I'm not sure about Awakening.

>is there any other obstacle to turning WoD mage powers into 'free form reality warping, just add git gud'?
Once again I'm not sure about Awakening. As for Ascension there is the issue of 'Does your paradigm allow for that?". Which sure that's technically your view of how magic works, but changing your own beliefs can be tricky, and your magic has it's own personality that can have conflicting beliefs.

>Your magic can have beliefs?
There is a flaw Technocracy characters can have called Demented Eidolon. Which can be summarized as 'Your Avatar (I mean 'Enlightened Genius) keeps insisting on mystical nonsense. Despite how your trying to do science.'. Which implies they can.
Reposting Transformers Generation 1 (Cartoon)
What is there to do in Transformers?
>I'm not sure about Awakening
Its even easier. Its called build a sanctum and shove a chunk of your soul into an object. No paradox in a sanctum.
Is there any good reason not to become a nephandus and get a lot of evil wizard magic?
What happens if there are muggle witnesses in a sanctum?
Thats the fun part, nothing. Muggles cant see magic so they just see the mage acting like a weirdo casting spells that they cant see. Just looking at weirdos waving their hands around and watnot.
Futo's a Shikaisen just like Miko, not a hermit. Basically, they used a ritual to magically fake their deaths and swap their bodies/souls with objects to become a sort of Taoist lich. They're the lowest form of immortal, where Hermits are the middle rank and Celestials are the highest rank.
Tojiko also would have become one, but Futo swapped out the pot that would have been her phylactary with an unfired one (due to previous familial animus), preventing her from completing the ritual and bringing her back as a ghost.
Bully Starscream relentlessly and kill Quintessons
Is there ever in any universe a single good reason to become a Nephandi?
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Forgotten Realms got a drawback that makes you start in the Abyss.

Assuming jumper doesen't have any personal ability to planeshift, what would be the best way to escape it?
Is there any way other than finding a fiend sorcerer/wizard willing to cast Plane Shift/Gate for you?
Hire a demon or hag
there's a lot of planar travel, you just need to ask politely for help in the manner of the locals
Off the top of my head:
Get aboard a Ship of Chaos, you can buy your way there.
You can get out free if you agree to join the Blood War. Downside: you're now part of the Blood War. Upside: if you live, you're going to be very rich and very experienced.
Just wander around long enough, the Planes are full of random portals that can dump you anywhere (not quite Sigil tier though). If you're on the "top" level you can probably wander out after a bit.
Sail down the Styx. Don't touch it though. It'll send you down all the Lower Planes and if you know the way/bribe the boatmen you can end up on the Plane of Water. Which is not ideal but it's not the Abyss, and you can get aboard the River Oceanus there to get to the Upper Planes.
>>94815203 (me)
There's also the Infinite Staircase which you can get into relatively easily if you find a planeswalker's guild, and that bar that shows up randomly and goes to random places where the bartender is an ancient brethren.
Well normally you lose your ability to use normal magic in the process.

You get to annoy the Garou slightly more than other humans.
If you just want to stick to the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, Decepticons try to steal new power sources, while Autobots try to stop them. Going further out into space, there are countless inhabited planets in the universe (it's a wierdly even split between planets with organic life and planets with robotic life). So you can do Star-Trek style explorations of countless weird planets.

Or you can just do >>94815157 because Starscream is so horrible he circles around to be adorable, and the Quintessons are just the worst.
>You get to annoy the Garou slightly more than other humans.
While that would be a good reason, consider that it's weighted against personality death, becoming the worst version of yourself possible, being shackled to malevolent cosmic entity/ies and being hated by everyone with good reason where your only good ending is to get a world where you're tortured forever along with everyone else. Net, no good reason.
Fair enough, From what I understood it Shikaisen's were basically the lowest sort of hermit and the lot of them were practicing hermitdom proper after their rebirth but I could be misremembering. I know Miko doesn't actually even teach anything useful to her followers sadly either.
Find a city and buy a scroll of Planeshift
What advice would you offer to first-time jumpmakers?
>pick a setting you care about
>make sure to back up your work somewhere
>maintain a changelog so it is easy for you to remember what you update, and so others can give feedback easier
>have fun
>All I have to do is finalize one more companion & I’m done with that section
Nice, nice, nice
Fell to my knees looking at the price to be on the same scale as Unicron (I understand & I’m going to make a build for it anyway). Thanks for the jump Gene. I can’t resist taking the largest option, my restraint goes right out of the window.
It’s ok for your first attempt to be a bit rough. Make jumps for settings you’re interested in, only a few jumpmakers can harness the power of using spite & hate to make a jump. Also always back up your work.
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>Metamorphic Girls
Well, I went looking for this, so I have no one to blame but myself for finding it. Bright side, Fem Starscream ahoy. If I die, remember me as who I was, not as who I am.
Start with a document to plan things out. Make an outline with basic lists of things you want to be in the jump such as your backgrounds, perks.items, prices, etc. When you work on the jump, keep the outline either on a seperate page or document and refer to it. Once you have almost all of the things planned out in the outline, then you can start making and fleshing the thing out.
Take your time, and work on it when you have motivation, even if its just in fits and starts
>where your only good ending is to get a world where you're tortured forever along with everyone else
Isn't the Hell on Earth scenario 'Everything goes perfectly for the Nephandi. It's just everyone else that's screwed'?
Literally just look at a Val/BLADE jump, use it as a template and then get to grinding. Also use page breaks.
Don't be afraid to ask questions or for feedback. Don't be afraid to make changes based on that feedback, either.
For your first jump start small and get a feel for the process. If you want to make something big you can always iterate and add more stuff on later.
Yeah, but Judgement actually has an even better one for the Nephandi; they get yeeted out of reality into personalised hells, which makes them happy because they wanted this all along, and it's a good ending because nobody else comes with them.
Your first jump won't be your best work (unless you only make one Jump). You'll be a lot happier if you prioritize just getting the jump done, rather than obsessing over getting it perfect. You can always go back and update your jump later if you really aren't happy with it, that's what I did.

I start with a skeleton before I worry about fluff. It just makes the whole process more manageable.

Best advice I can give is that making a jump is a lot easier than it first seems, if a bit tedious.

Other than that, I feel like you'll naturally pick up everything else you need to know in the process of making Jumps.
>Simply Complex/Well Built and Resourceful
These are simple perks, but they have to be my favorite so far. Thanks for the jump!
Forcing yourself to work on something that isn't flowing won't help. Don't be afraid to bounce between projects to keep your muse happy.

Progress is progress. Even if you just jot down one idea a day. And don't be too hard on yourself if you go two days or two weeks without working on. It. The important part is starting again.

Pick a setting you love regardless of how popular it is. The difference it makes to the quality of your work is startling.

Remember that you can always come back and edit later. So don't worry about making it perfect. Just get the ideas down when you have inspiration.

Reading Jump Documents is the best way to learn what you like and what you don't like when it comes to creating them. Everyone has their own style. So don't be afraid to steal bits and pieces from people to cobble your own style together.
>Heaven for the Nephandi is unironically the Krillin BVLLS meme but it's just them inside of the cuckbox
I wonder how they feel about spirit arcana mages who can just create a new spirit from nothing or command then to do what they want. Spirit arcana is so fun.
I'm feeling a meme build.
Transformers Generation 1
Composition: Metal + 400RP
Scale: Apocalypse - 2000
Trademark - 0
Audio Receptors - 0
Insignia (Decepticon) - 0
Human Spirit - 0
Bot-Sitter - 0
Technological Mastery (Tier 5) - 2000
Toyline - 0
Electro Map - 0
Satisfaction Guaranteed - 0
Robot Builder
80 SP
Stat: STR 10
Stat: INT 10
Stat: SPD 10
Stat: END 10
Stat: RNK 10
Stat: CRG 10
Stat: FPR 10
Stat: TCH 10
Transform (Planet) - 0
Primary Function - 0
Conversion 400RP to 40 SP - 400
You Fool I Say (Only communicate either approval or disapproval with Based or Cringe, nothing else) + 50
Blindspot + 50
Silicon Scapegoat + 100
Defective Programming (Never explains anything, if you get it you get it, if you don't you are too dumb to get it) + 100
Human Germs + 300
Gas Guzzler + 300
The Darkest Hour + 300
Mecha Hazard (Cosmic Rust) + 400
The Big Switch + 400
Primacron’s Ire + 400
Only Human (Option 1) + 600
>Big metal planet Jumper with robot space Ebola gets into the cosmic equivalent of a midnight Waffle House parking lot brawl with Unicron with human teenagers strapped to the wall of Jumper core covered in bubble wrap and safety tape so they don't bounce around when something gets knocked loose.
>Special Abilities
>You are able to discount the price half-off in place of inflicting strict use conditions.
Are discounts restricted for Technological Mastery as well?
this x100
Sorry, I should have worded that clearer. The think about restricting your powers is just if you want to discount a special ability without spending one of your floating discounts. You can use floating discounts on any tiered option as normal. I'll be sure to update the description to reflect this in the next version.

The power restrictions only apply to Special Abilities. If you want to discount Technological Mastery, you'll need to use one of your floating discounts.
>If you want to discount Technological Mastery, you'll need to use one of your floating discounts.
That works.

>Only Metal species can access the Robot Builder sections by default, any other species must purchase the Exo-Suit item first.
If you do access the section through an Exo-Suit, what happens with the INT, RNK, and CRG stats?

>The Touch
>guide you down the path to great the brightest future possible
Not sure what ‘great’ should be there.
Do you have control over Active Imagination or can it fire by accident?
Hmm so wheres a good jump for someone whose freshly shed there mortality (in the aging sense) to hit up? I'm trying to think of where to send a jumper next.
Gene may I ask who is the Ninja based off of
Thanks for the responses, I'll have to think about which one to go with.

Also related, how do you think a lycanthrope would still transform when its full moon was happening on the material plane, if they are on a different one?
I am also taking the weresheep drawback. And it made me wonder if its even a factor in the Abyss.
Drop everything you're doing and maniacally work on the jump for an entire weekend until you write 100 pages or so.
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>If you do access the section through an Exo-Suit, what happens with the INT, RNK, and CRG stats?
Huh, I don't think I ever really decided whether those with the Exo-Suit can access the Tech Spec section. I'm leaning towards they can't, since the Exo-Suits are pretty pathetic compared to actual Transformers in canon. I'll add a note for that.
>Not sure what ‘great’ should be there.
Typo. That was supposed to be "create".

Nightbird. A human-made ninja robot that was only in one episode, but became a fan favorite because they personally kicked the ass of every single Autobot, and frankly this is as close as we'd get to a female Decepticon in the west for a few more years.
Persistence is key.
Celestial phenomenon are only relevant when they happen on the plane of existence you're currently occupying. If there's no moon where you're at, you don't shift.
Other than Shaak-Ti what's there to do in the Force Unleashed jump?
Thank you both

So Gene what's up next
Throw stormtroopers and rebels through space windows, into industrial machinery or use the force to fuck up doors and bend them back and forth because I thought that was the coolest part of the game.
That's a very good question. It functions like making an imaginary friend in the show, so normally you have control over it, but if you're exceptionally stupid (like Terrence) or have exceptionally poor impulse control (like Goo before her character development) you might accidentally fire it off, but only rarely if ever (after all, Terrence may have created Red by accident, but we never see him make any other friends outside of Red or that one Pizza he ate, and Goo when she resolved to stop imagining more friends only ever had one slip up when she fell asleep while obsessing over her imagination game with Mac)
So it depends on your willpower and self-control really, and if you have better impulse control than the likes of Goo (who is both a literal child and probably some kind of ADHD spazz, so not a hard bar to clear) you'll probably never have an accidental discharge. Doubly so if you ever get a Willpower perk.
If you ever take any Drawbacks that reduce your will or impulse control though...I imagine some fun stuff may happen that might make for some fun jump writefagging
But your arm down to the bone because you held your plasma swords backwards like a retard. I loved those games but that always annoyed me.
What's the best jump to build a tank with armaments powered by the consumption of child souls?
I'm sure the Devils in Fallen London have something like that
The general Garou view of Mages can be summarized as 'Their bad for distorting Gaia's laws and draining her energy'. So presumably they don't like it.

However you should ignore their opinion do to the fact that the Garou are canonically a bunch of morons who repeatedly keep sabotaging themselves and their allies. Where the best thing you can say about them is that at least their not fae. Mostly since Changeling the Dreaming fae are just kind of pathetic.

For reference their usually invisible to normal people, and their powers don't work on those that can't see them. They an however become visible to bypass this, but that makes things more costly. Meanwhile people being boring and indifferent is harmful to fae. Even if the person or people doing so can't see them.
What's the problem?
Azura Cryin. Placing people into their mecha is a one way street. There's now pulling them back out. And any time those mecha are active, they are slowly devouring the memories and emotions of those people you put inside of them.

It's an utterly stupid way for magical mecha to work.
Mecha aren't tanks though...
>Huh, I don't think I ever really decided whether those with the Exo-Suit can access the Tech Spec section. I'm leaning towards they can't, since the Exo-Suits are pretty pathetic compared to actual Transformers in canon. I'll add a note for that.
Makes sense. Have a build. I didn’t have the points for the Antimatter Formula or Cortexitron, but with Tier 4 of Technological Mastery I can probably figure them out on my own.

>Species Composition: Flesh (+400)
>Species Scale: Humanoid (+100)
>Trademark (Free)
>Insignia (Free)
>Technological Mastery, Tier 4 (300)
>Human Spirit (Free)
>Bot-Sitter (Free)
>Bot-Dad (100)
>Plot Senses Tingling (100)
>Open Palm (150)
>Well-Built and Resourceful (150)
>Simply Complex (300)
>Continuity Errors (200)
>Back to the Drawing Board (200)
>Toyline (Free)
>Ride in Style (Free)
>Electro Map (Free)
>Space Bridge (200)
>Sacred Water, Option 2 (200)
>Die Autobots! (+400)
Figure out how to use the force to amplify turbolaser blasts.
Shaman King, it already got a Mecha powered by human souls created by a jewish shaman based on the golem.

You can also easily gather souls in settings from graveyards or by summoning them directly from the afterlife as an Itako.
If you can make mecha, you can make a tank.
>Changeling the Dreaming fae
>"But humanity, if we die you'll lose all your capacity for wonder and whimsy!"
>"Lol" said Pentex, the Technocracy and all Hunter factions, "lmao"
>"Based" said the Nephandi, and every vampire faction but especially the infernalist ones
fair nuff
Well then the Dreaming shouldn't have ran the fuck away from normal reality when iron was discovered.
Oh also to make those fae even more pathetic you have the Síocháin.

>The what?
Very rare Changeling that discovered how to not die of boredom, and thus became immortal.

So fae (or at least Changeling) dying of apathy is literally a skill issue.
There are several trade cities in the Abyss. Even they have zones where they are more stable. Although, you might get enslaved.
Wheel of Time, but start during the Breaking and wait out the entire age. Just imagine the lore around you as the dude from the previous age.
You can also hit up Avatar and start with the first Avatar and just be the immortal guy.
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IMAGINE ORT just running around oWoD eating vampire bloodlines and sleeping Antes.
For those that hit up jumps from the same timeline back to back, do you prefer to just vanish for the time skip or have jumper wait it out? Such as Avatar The Last Airbender and Korra being 70 years apart.
Going to bed now. I'll address any other questions or responses in the morning.

>So Gene what's up next
No clue. I've been trying to avoid planning my claims too far in advance until I'm willing to attempt another Jump-a-thon. In terms of Transformers, I have plenty of options. I recently started the Marvel Comics and Japanese G1 sequels, but I'm still a long ways from finishing either. In theory, I can start a jump for Beast Machines, RiD (2001), or Animated whenever I want. There's also plenty of non-TF media I could try making a Jump for. However, I don't feel like I've quite reached the bottom of my Transformers autism yet.

G1 and the Live-Action movies were by far the TF Jumps with the most demand. Well, aside from Prime, but I'm still procrastinating on that for reasons I don't entirely understand. With those two done, there aren't really any TF series that I feel like I NEED to make. So I'm in much less of a hurry to start a new project. I'll just wait till motivation comes to me naturally.

I can see all the Drawbacks you took, so I know how you did it, but I'm still struggling to wrap my head around someone taking the two options in the jump I deliberately priced at "fuck you" expensive. Thanks for the build.

>I didn’t have the points for the Antimatter Formula or Cortexitron, but with Tier 4 of Technological Mastery I can probably figure them out on my own.
With the kind of clarketech bullshit you can get up to with that tier, stuff like that would seem downright primitive to you. Also, thanks for the build.
>but I'm still struggling to wrap my head around someone taking the two options in the jump I deliberately priced at "fuck you" expensive.
It took me a good bit to figure out a build that I found coherent and plausible.
>Wheel of Time, but start during the Breaking and wait out the entire age. Just imagine the lore around you as the dude from the previous age.
>You can also hit up Avatar and start with the first Avatar and just be the immortal guy.
oh thats not a bad idea. Thanks anon.
>With the kind of clarketech bullshit you can get up to with that tier, stuff like that would seem downright primitive to you. Also, thanks for the build.
Thanks for the jump. Looking at my build again, if I take the Gas Guzzler drawback I can afford Tier 4 Territory for a galactic scale megacorp, and since I plan on building a mind transference device and moving to a robot body the doubled power consumption shouldn’t be an issue.
In sure, why not is the power/versatility limit measured objectively or relative to jumper's current arsenal?
neat, that means there is less time pressure t o leave the abyss, thanks for the response.

I am gonna hold off on abusing it to circumvent the drawback alltogether though.
I like the Wheel of Time because I think it would be interesting watching the age come and go. If you have just basic agelessness and regeneration it can be fun being the wise sage or wandering Jew type. People might grow legends about you, but more might discount them as such. And even living that long, I doubt many would still know your face.
Avatar can be fun to me. Most would just consider you a human looking spirit and show you more respect. But Avatar will be 10,000 years.
If you want longer, I can give those. DCEU has a drawback to stay 30,000 years before the jump starts. Star Wars can be fun if you want to start int he earliest jump and explore space while waiting for the last jump in the timeline. I think it would be better if you hit up DCEU first and picked up the terraformer item and sent all that time terraforming planets or hitting up Stargate and start installing them in every system. It would vastly change how Star Wars and the Republic would turn out later.
There is the one anon that took agelessness and started in the Forgotten Realms five minutes before Ao created them. You would need a way not to die of hunger or breathing until the planets are created. The largest thing is you would now be the only man in the middle of the lesbian sister goddess war about turning up the thermostat. Even if you are not really the father of any gods, some might think of you that way. Waiting that one out could be interesting if you have some type of god immunity.
And lastly, there are any Myth jumps. You can do the same from above and just be that guy who was there waiting for the gods to show up. Having companions can change all of these, but being solo could be more fun.
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>Cookie Victim
Mostly to reiterate what others said, pick a setting you like, it is very probable that you'll need to rewatch, reread, replay it, to get stuff right.

Make a skeleton or template first, something like
Origin A
Origin B

This might just be me, but I find it easier to come up with origins first. Group the characters into a few origins then you know what perks and itens go where.

Also, PsychoAnon is right, use page breaks. Or else your formatting can go haywire when you turn whatever you use to write into a pdf.
Just to clarify, when the jump mentions effects that alter spellcasting it is explicitly referencing the spells section of the pdf instead of applying to all magical casting unless noted as "other powers and abilities" right? So in this case parallel casting and similar options wouldn't affect magic gained elsewhere in the chain?
He could easily solo a few like The Eldest, Ennoia, and Absimiliard, but Lasombra might be tricky.
>Check to see if legit
>Vsbattle deleted every nasuverse page
Damn, not even battle boarders can keep up with with the autistic retardation of Fate.
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Counterpoint: The moment ORT eats something as substantial as an elder, let alone an Ante, it's gonna start evolving like crazy to use it's own version of Disciplines and probably end up committing Super Murder to create a new cosmic sin that dwarfs even Cain's.

ORT will absorb ALL the sweetness from the setting simply by WALKING AROUND, becoming the GREATEST cookie of them all.

ORT has the power to devour data from a higher dimension, clearly ORT was DISSATISFIED it was not given it's rightful Tier Zero.
>Even they have zones where they are more stable
Yeah, I just wasn't sure about viable options to use those to find a way out, but others have given some ideas.
>Although, you might get enslaved.
Jumper is a CR 18 Celestial, he'd do fine against most things he's likely to encounter there.
How limited is Well-Built and Resourceful? Is it limited to mundane construction or is building a magic flying castle overnight possible if I could already build one at normal speed?
How small can a large construction project be before the perk stops helping?
Fred Perry?
...You know what? Waiting tens of thousands of years might be a little much starting out but I like the ideas behind it! Forgotten realms or myth jumps could be fun to do later on when Jumpers a bit more experienced and capable but... you've put the idea a bit of maybe doing Avatar back to back with Korra. And just have Jumper spend the 60 or so years between the shows wandering around the world. Practicing his bending and helping people. As a sort of warm up for the rest of this stuff. And having him eventually react to Korra and her whole deal.
File deleted.
I'm not jumping Bleach in my current chain and can't swap anything for it. But I still want Orihime.

Where can I build a good expy of her, complete with her absurd willpower-fueled Rejection abilities?
If you want a less than a century option, DCAU is about 77 years from Batman TAS to Batman Beyond. Not only is it a good place to have a more modern world, but you can play superhero. I am sure there are a few others that are linked in the timeline of their worlds. Star Wars can be Episode 1 to Episode 6 if you like. That is maybe 50 years. Or even Danny Phantom, the drawbacks lets you stay for about 40 years.
>And having him eventually react to Korra and her whole deal.
Give her shit for destroying not only the avatar cycle, but the entire world.
Speaking of Avatar, what bending styles did yall learn?
Under a century is ideal given he's on Jump 3. DCAU could work as well.

>Give her shit for destroying not only the avatar cycle, but the entire world.
Oh most definitely. considering if I roll with the idea of Jumper in avatar he ends up as her earthbender teacher growing up. Maybe he tries and helps her be less shit but theirs only so much even a semi immortal can do sadly.
Fire, because I like burning things.
Earth at the moment, specifically picking up whatever style it is the Da li use.
Usually earth for easy access to construction and terraforming abilities.

It is really nice to be able to put up field fortifications in under an hour as well as roads and castles.
I find DCAU a good place to start a chain. The League can really help with perfecting new hobbies and crafts.
Good luck on curbing Korra. She was a brash child that mastered everything except air as a baby, And she was written to be the woman that don't need no man. The writers tried making her what they thought as a perfect female protagonist and just made everyone hate her. I think that is pretty funny.
Unironically any Jojo jump that allows freeform stand building. Both Giorno and Josuke do the Orihime thing, and you don't actually need your stand to be a punchdude.

Other than that, unironically any jump with a freeform power builder and enough oomph in the setting to not be completely out of place.

Other than that... IDK. What do you have in your chain?
Memes aside, you absolutely can just whack the dude who fooled her into playing along with the dumbass dark avatar plot. Preventing the loss of Avatar cycle is fairly trivial.
Yeah the utter ease and upbringing Korra had certainly didn't help. And from a writing perspective well... I do prefer the original series. The only thing I really like about korra is her design but I try not to hate unnecessarily.

True a rock to the skull probably would just kill him. And cut off that problem before it begins.
Is it a dumb idea to make a bunch of artificial worlds with that one Alterworld capstone and get a bunch of your own hive mind clones perma'd into them so that you can enjoy life in multiple custom worlds at once?
It's not dumb. But it is sad and pathetic. Like you.
Yes, it's very very likely that your clones would just dislodge from the hivemind(Considering it's an entirely different dimension) and possibly die on the spot depending on how they're set up. It would work up until their separate from the world basically, idk if a perk exists that lets you command hive clones across dimensions.
So you're saying ORT will be submissive and bakeable.
Write the skeleton of what you want to make first. Determine the origins, make the empty slots for your desired perk structure, divide the document into the sections and subsections with proper notation, etc. Once you have all the blank spots it's easier to figure out what you need, allowing you to keep your eyes open.
>"I still need a 200CP perk for [THIS] origin. As I scan through the media I'll look for things appropriate to put there."
I'd also recommend thinking about what your builds will look like using the standard budget as you go. Is the Jump too hard to build for? Reduce costs, add more discounts, or create minor stipends for some sections. Is it giving way too much? Do the opposite: increase costs, reduce discounts, lower or remove stipends.
You could easily check them with Internet Archive since they were apparently deleted this month.
NGL avatar cycle botch aside, she is just kinda mid avatar, not particularly terrible?

About the only thing to really like, hate - in the actual meaning of the word - about her is the fact that irl writers went "this petulant dumbass womanchild is your hero and you should adore her and aim to be like her. And she is better than your previous heroes by the way."
Just start writing options you think fit and are fun to write, eventually something resembling a structure will form and you can fill in the empty spaces within that structure.
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Mainly because I wanted to be a rich Earth Kingdom noble. Because also because Earthbending is cool as fuck.
Never let your clones and hive mind be separate. That is how rival hive minds form.
Either water or earth but more often water, for the element, sometime fire just to be the sibling of Zuko and Azula.
Or even worse you end up like Kakine, a clone hijack you and declare metaphysically to be the real one.
>be the sibling of Zuko and Azula
That is going to make seducing Azula much harder.
I didn't even try, if I manage to help her being in a somewhat stable mental state by the end of the jump it's already more than I expected, even more while executing my plan of faking being a spirit, using metaknowledge to pretend foresight, to convince Ozai to put on hold the offensive part of the war until Sozin's comet.
Somehow that site gets worse and worse.

>ORT will absorb ALL the sweetness from the setting simply by WALKING AROUND, becoming the GREATEST cookie of them all.
There are several cookies that are bitter, sour, not-sweet-at-all, literal poison, not actually a cookie ingredient to begin with, or all of the above as well as Not!ORTs roaming around. It would sooner paradox itself out of existence than become the greatest cookie if 'sweetness' is what we're judging by.
Reminder that the electromagnetic barriers generated by Chaldea's base and the Storm Border are effective against everything from armies of Pillar Demons in Solomon's Time Temple, to stray shots from Zeus' lightning, to casual tentacle slaps from ORT. Not sufficient to take an accurate attack from a real FGO heavyweight head-on perhaps, but surprisingly effective for surviving the equivalent of glancing blows even from things with stupidly high Mystery.

Reminder that this implies Magneto would be OP in Fate.
NTA but what i gathered the reason the Fate pages were deleted is because they used Servant Stats as justifications for scaling characters even though stats are inconsistent as shit.
ORT would have MINDBROKEN the entire SITE, because every time ORT is given limits it immediately SURPASSES them.
>two victories
>Gohan beating a shonen woman
Nothing wrong there.
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A filthy lie.
Meh. Also? Two LOSSES!

>Goku Black
>Android 17
The magnets know how to breath funny.
They actually had an ORT page for decades.
>using Vs Battles
>for anything
So he has an equal number of wins and losses?
Yes, ITT people are both answering a resident shitposter and bringing up VS battles, I'm not even sure wich is more annoying.
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Reminder that Lilo is a young budding Architect who will one day blossom (very widely).
His wins are fraudulent or embarrassing, and his losses are comical reminders that he is as entrapped in his role as Elric is in the tragic role of the Eternal Champion.
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>Be mad at VSbattles for being wrong
>Be mad at VSbattles for acknowledging they were wrong and removing the information that was wrong

What exactly do you want?
>What exactly do you want?
A loving wife, a house of my own, a stable income, and a general sense of security that the world isn't swirling down the drain at an increasingly rapid rate.
A job I don't hate.
I want to hurt Gohan as badly as he hurt me.
A better work ethic.
Also waifus.
Thing is, they didn't acknowledge they were wrong - only that the stats are too inconsistent to use as a baseline. It's only mildly better than the time they were too retarded to use the accurate Shinza Bansho translations instead of their literal fanfiction so they just nuked every page about the setting from the site and memoryholed it.
To have all chronic issues of my body and mind resolved, true love, and just enough money to get by. Alternatively, a painless death that doesn't inconvenience people but that seems unlikely until I'm very old.
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a really big planet
To reshape the cosmos in my image.
A chain?
For cancer to be cured. Not my cancer, unless I have that and don't know about it, just cancer in general. Fuck that shit.
(Supplement: Base of Operations) (Budget: 1500BP)

(Structure Modification)
>Base Aesthetics 2 (1450)
>Layers (1350)
>Windows (Optional)
>District 2 (1150)
>Complex (950)
>Grand Workshop (750)
>Cafeteria (650)
>Clothing Outlet (550)
(Function Modification)
>Utility: Plumbing (450)
>Utility: Power (350)
>Atmospheric: Air (300)
>Atmospheric: Light (250)
>Stock Terminal (200)
>Helper: NPC (Free)
(Tertiary Chain Options)
>Return (100)
>Wait (100)

This is this chain's base of operations, and my store going into the future. The primary layer is a general store of sorts, which I made thematic to the local setting by grabbing a second purchase of Aesthetics. For now the majority of this space is closed off under the guise of 'Employee Only' sections to make it more naturally blend in when I set up shop, and because I don't want people wandering into the District, Complex, or Additions right now. Later I'll expand as I get employees and more stock to sell.

Eventually I'm going to set things up such that people can freely enter the Clothing Outlet to make purchases there, but for now I'm bringing a selection into the current storefront each day. Grand Workshop has basically everything I need for whatever trades or crafts I pick up barring really crazy shit, allowing me to go without worrying about tools. Eventually as I pick up employees they'll be able to use the Complex and Cafeteria at their leisure. The NPC's really help make it feel like it didn't just appear one day which I appreciate.

Return and Wait are both pretty vital for this concept. Return allows me to go back to settings with very unique resources and restock on things, while Wait allows me to rearrange the store and build out my stock before I hit the next Jump.
I only mentioned the primary layer in the first post, but I also have a second layer, that I really like, which was the whole reason for me to take that option. The secondary layer is set up like a dusty, strange shop of curios and oddities. I grabbed 'Atmospheric: Light' and interpreted it with Aesthetics in a way that the shop is lit pretty much entirely by like a bazillion candles all over the place to give it a more occult look. I feel like you would generally get the vibe I'm going for when I describe it all like that.

This layer is basically the back alley wizard shop selling the real weird shit that I save for special customers. If I'm selling something blatantly magical in a mundane setting, this is where it's happening. Otherwise, it's where I keep really dangerous or expensive goods. Depending on the setting, I'll likely do a lot of my pet sales in the Secret Shop from than the General Store, but in more fantastic or advanced settings I'd probably have the Mutts in the General Store with more rare and dangerous breeds I whipped up remaining in the Secret Shop.

I like the idea of walling things off and arranging the store such that under normal circumstances, the second layer would be reached through a long corridor in the back of the store that seems to go way, way, way farther than the dimensions of whatever building I'm currently setting up shop in are like, and then taking stairs up to a nonexistent second story. You know? That sort of vibe.
The problem with Shinza is that the vn with all the improtant sources (KKK) doesn't have a translation.
Question about the only human drawback, if you take the extra CP does that remove the option to use a Quintesson vessel to achieve interstellar travel or get your original body back(without your powers) or does it only mean you can't get your powers back?
>the vn with all the important sources
Aditya is more important now that the setting has escalted to the point where we finally met the guy with the power to eat Hadou Gods like pumpkin pies (and uses that power to torture child soldiers with existential horror for shits + giggles)
Gimme some Fox Waifus, pls.
There's one in Sonic X that I think is based on Tamamo.
there's literally an entire species of them in CATastrophe
Aditya doesn't have any of the Hadou scaling to justify why the Shard expy even important, without that context he's just a guy who eats chuunis.
Daji in investiture of the gods, Koyanskaya in FGO. More seriously picrel and in DxD there is some.
Did you end up having a think about buffing Decontamination? IIRC you said you would do so.
It does, but it comes indirectly and from other series: Avesta, wherein it's revealed that everything Mitra did up to and including suicide by replacement Hadou God is one big impotent seethe at being unable to think of a way to get rid of Naraka, and Pantheon, the cancelled gacha game about every Hadou God needing to team up to finish Mitra's plan to beat it.

If, say, the thing could be solved just by Hajun looking at it funny (and Pantheon's intro says it's harder than that because Hajun has to actually divert too much attention to focusing on it to register other things existence) or Reinhard leading a glorious war against it, then it would've been solved a long time ago. Though yeah in-story all Naraka has done so far is the equivalent of Nyarlathotep the Outer God making humans lose their minds by showing off tesla coils.
(Jump 2: Lord of the Rings) (Budget: 1000CP)
>Location: Bree (-)
>Age: ???
>Gender: Male (Unchanged)
>Origin: Man of the Craft (Free)
>Race: Maiar (800)
>Alignment: Good (-)
>Song & Dance (Free)
>Essays to the Craft (200)
>Not All Those Who Wander (150)
>Fair Countenance (100)
>Blessing of Light Journeys (0)

For real I mostly stayed in Bree the whole time until the war really picked up. While I was there I started by just selling clothes that I would get for free from my Base, along with some of the Mutts I prepared that could serve as beasts of burden and family members. As I got funds for the raw materials, I would branch out to long lasting scented candles, bottles that made the last drink the most gratifying, farm tools that were easy to maintain, and travel supplies that dealt with weathering well.

With Essays to the Craft granting such absurd craftsmanship in so many fields, my goods were superior to everything else being sold in the area, which is why I marked them up a lot. I could sell cheap, but if I did that I might push the locals out of business and I wanted to coexist economically rather than achieve market dominance. Having people with great financial means or those who saved for some time buying my higher end goods was good for me. Since the customers would be fewer, it gave me time to restock, since right now I'm the only one producing these goods (besides the clothes).

When the plot started up, Gandalf brought people over and I gave them some mildly cool shit for free. We'd never met, don't know why he knew I was there or that I had stuff prepped and ready if I saw the fellowship. Also gave them a Mutt that was part dog and part donkey. Heard it was still alive by the time I was leaving.

When war swept over the land I ended up giving away a lot of goods and produced weapons for locals, but would eventually close shop and go wandering. Killed a lot of Uruk on the road during that time, kinda crazy.
Yeah I'm just leaving it as is. If I was going to meddle with it, I'd probably just rework the option into a Utility, but for now I'd rather not. I like it being a room.
This for your (not so Genoan) merchant chain?
There's one in Choice of Kung Fu.
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Umbreon comes with turn signals. That's all.
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Here is 0.1 of my Fantasia jump. Feedback and critique are appreciated.
Bingo, yeah. I'm going to King Arthur next.
Damn. We've come a long, long way from the original Disney Princess jump, haven't we?
Avesta wouldn't because Hadou Gods couldn't even multiverses until the fourth Era.
>When the plot started up, Gandalf brought people over and I gave them some mildly cool shit for free. We'd never met, don't know why he knew I was there or that I had stuff prepped and ready if I saw the fellowship.
A wizard is never ignorant. Nor is he omniscient. He knows precisely what he needs to.
Do you mean from the generic jump or the first one I made?
Hadou Gods being able to multiverse or not isn't even really a point against them. Merc can multiverse because he wanted to multiverse, but the pantheon prologue showed even Mags has a chance to fuck up Hajun in a fight. Dies Irae doesn't rate matchups on >muh scaling vsbattles logic and even Taikyoku is more of a significant edge than an absolute determinant. In the final analysis, Hadou Gods are kind of just as strong as the writer needs them to be, and judging from Pantheon the writer seems to consider them all to be cosmology-generating living laws with individual strengths and weaknesses rather than, say, Reinhard being completely dominant over the rest. The one who actually is dominant, Hajun, is also both mentally and metaphysically crippled in ways that make Lord English look like a functional person.

The generic one.
It really was weird meeting Gandalf in person, as a Jumper with out of context knowledge, and then feeling like the one who wasn't in the loop somehow.
I still find the Import to Role option talking about Princess Dante, a level 6 Chimchar and Sailor Jupiter being really funny.
Nice stuff. What particular Arthur continuity do you plan on going to, or is it a generic one? I kinda like the football isekai cartoon version.
If it's Type Moon Arthurian myth, I have to hit you over the head for being unoriginal, sorry but I don't make the rules.
Nta but yes, when I still didn't know the setting I kept seeing people saying that even one Taikyoku of difference was determinating, and couldn't lose against a lesser Taikyoku, wich is contradicted in I think every game.
Yeah, really the writing should've been on the wall the moment the Tumour was able to indirectly fuck over Hajun's plans by empowering some other guys while simultaneously empowering him instead of being passively annihilated like everything else with divine chemotherapy.
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Chainbutt: you are only allowed to have 1 trillion gay thoughts per decade. If you run out of gay thoughts and continue your gayness, you chainfail.

However shall you cope with such an immense challenge?
honestly? This seems like a comfy start to a mage chain that I think I'm gonna spin one up. Thanks for the jump, WoL!

Also, good lord the amount of lore I'm boutta come in with once I eventually hit Villains Victorious.
Traps aren't gay so I'll be fine
You're welcome anon. I'm happy you like it!
I'm going to Soul Eater's, and I'm just going to ignore Fire Force existing. I will be more or less incapable of hanging since I'm entering it with a Jump that doesn't give those sorts of power levels, but I'm not a fighter first, I'm a merchant. I'd enjoy trying to fight a bit while I'm here though since weapons training is like a sub-focus for the chain. I dunno though, not sure on build besides heavy investment in Peasant stuff.

While I'm here I'll probably try to get the blood of various monsters and weirdo creatures in an era before Death had completely exterminated most of them. If I'm roughly lining mundane history up with Soul Eater history, Death is likely still wandering around at this time and will continue to be wandering for centuries. A sample of the Questing Beast from the original legends reinterpreted for Soul Eater would - in particular - be a really big prize for my genetic fuckery. The main focus here though is Soul Eater Arthurian Legend.

I can only imagine Camelot fell because Excalibur was so fucking annoying.
Looking at the math, that's roughly 273 million gay thoughts per day. Or 3,170.9 gay thoughts per second.
You drive a hard bargain, anon, but I think I should be able to restrain myself for a chain.
>Looking at the math, that's roughly 273 million gay thoughts per day. Or 3,170.9 gay thoughts per second.
Kiddie numbers; most anons here average 5k, 10k gay thoughts a second.
I am not going to.
I'm not worried. I have the power of both gay and straight thoughts. I'll take that bet.
For the purposes of this conversation, is futa gay?
The presence of a dick and balls on a girl makes it double gay, but a fully functional womb and vagina halves the gay factor.

The net result is that it's still gay.
I'll think bi thoughts instead.
>Soul Eater
Ah, something I'm basically entirely unfamiliar with besides the whole "Excalibur calls you a fool (non Sonic edition)" thing.
Planning on taking the annoying Excalibur drawback in particular, or is that too far out of your focus?
Tamamo no Mae (Fate)
Koyanskaya (Fate Grand Order)
Osakabehime (Fate Grand Order)
Tamamo no Mae/Kyūbi (Warriors Orochi)
Yae Miko (Genshin Impact)
Daji (Warriors Orochi)
Daji (Investiture of the Gods)
Ahri (League of Legends)
Tamamo no Mae (Scion)
Tamamo no Mae (Old World of Darkness)
Hmmm…. I might fail then, but that just means I need to pick a first jump that has a perk to make futa a thing in other jumps so that I can bring it hope with me if/when I fail.

Also, what if I just retcon men out of existence and make it so that all of humanity is either futa or female?
Then everything will be (at least partially) the same gender as you are, meaning all thoughts become gay. Your only choice at that point would be to induce brain damage in yourself to carefully control how much you think at all.
>Planning on taking the annoying Excalibur drawback in particular, or is that too far out of your focus?
Hell no. Nobody wants Excaliber, except Arthur.

On this note, I've completely forgotten until checking the notes just now that SE Excalibur mentions a wildly different time for Arthurian stuff happening. Death is totally locked up and has already murdelated most of the weirdo creatures by now iirc. Then again, he might just be lying. He does that.
Excalibur was 100% lying.
Taikyoku DOES make the difference, but there are major exceptions. The Tumor worked because it was attached directly to Hajun and was a literal contradiction of his Law that he couldn't get rid of (if he could, he'd have been literally invincible), Magsarion's Madou makes him more lethal and dangerous in a fight than a Hadou God but he can't kill them no matter how hard he tries because of the sheer difference in natures between him and a Hegemony God which is why he needed to create a shell in Muzan to claim the Throne in order to kill Shinga, etc. And Naraka doesn't even interact with Taikyoku or Hadou Atziluth because it eats both like candy.
I fear I will not last even a year on this chain.

My only choice is to go to a xianxia jump first, then put myself into a coma/meditate for countless kalpa. If I do so, then that should prevent me from thinking long enough for the decade to roll over repeatedly, allowing my Gay Thought Allowance to accumulate until I have just enough gay thoughts to maybe make it through a hundred or so years. Universes shall be born and die in the time it takes me to accumulate such an allowance, but needs must.
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More chain writing! This time, paperwork.

>I need to come up with an explaination for the weasels

A glass of some disguisting but cheap brew rises to her lips. Across the rim of the mug she can she her opponent, some mercenary thug who had been hired to fill in some gaps in 'her' caravan. Who had immediately tried to mouth off to her about how he clearly deserved to be in charge. Now, Moonsilken wasn't exactly a vindictive woman, but she reserved the right to hold idiots in contempt.

The glass raises up and the swill slides down her throat. It takes some real willpower to keep it down, this shit was disgusting. But it goes down with a fight, and she slams the mug into the table, looking the thug in the eye as she does. Some waitress slides another cup of their house brew towards her, and the guy raises his own to his lips. His hand is shaking as he does, but he drinks, slams the glass into the table, and meets her eyes.

The proccess continues until he falls over backwards, trying to get it down faster by leaning back - too far for his drunken state, it seems. The crowd around them errupts into cheers and jeers depending on their bets, and coin changes hands. While her job was never in danger because she didn't have the right to bet it, it still feels good to win.

She motions the waitress over and whispers a few demands to her - throw the man somewhere unpleasant to sleep it off, and take it out of his hide when he woke. He was absolutely not allowed to credit it to Delisle, which she was sure that he would try. Oh, and he was paying for her drinks too. That ought to teach the fucker a lesson.

Stumbling home with a gallon of alchol in her wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world, but a few less dickish and less drunk guards went with her, so it was probably fine. She managed to get there eventually, stumbling over the threshold to the dorms. That was the point where she blacked out.
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When she came to, it was to her bedroom. And one of those guards in bed with her. And a splitting headache. What a great way to end a night. Less great of a way to start the day though. And now that her day of rest was over, she had work to do. Specifically she had to go check that the asshole hadn't been drawn and quartered. And that she had enough guards, and that the guards had enough equipment, and that the noblewoman had managed to scrape enough stuff together that actually sending a caravan back was a worthwhile expenditure.

Before she actually had to do any of that though... she could waste some time writing a letter. Also getting food. A gentle-ish shove to her bedpartner woke him and sent him off in search of that food, and a servant showed up not too much later to deliver it.

~~Dear asshole, your daughter is alive. Unlike Seventh Stance, Wild Rose, Tinker Tailor, Nail Grease, and way too many other members of the first and second caravans. Well actually we did think your daughter was dead for a while because Seventh Stance accidentally ordered her left behind before getting shot in the head, please don't kill me, but she showed up like two months later after fighting her way out of whatever bandit camp/zombie farm the captured people got dragged to.

Since then she's done proper merchanty-noble apologies to the Despot and gotten us a stay of execution. Unfortunately we're still on the hook for a ton of shit that got ruined and or lost in the attack. One of the big things the Despot wants is some of the nerdy guys contracts transfered to him because reasons that went over my head, but your kid seems to think that it will buy us back our missing goodwill and get us entirely off the chopping block.
You're right, he had to be full of shit.
>Taikyoku DOES make the difference, but there are major exceptions.
That is what I'm saying yes, my point is that long before Naraka showed up and just plain ignores the Taikyoku rules certain autists were acting like Taikyoku was the ONLY thing that mattered.
I'm pretty sure she fucked her way through half of the female clerks to burn off the stress. Her favorite seems to be a pair of twins, which is just mhmmmm~! Not a glance for the men though. According to some waterhole rumours, she even shot down the Despot. Not sure if that qualifies as bad buisness decision and she should have spread her legs to salvage your reputation, or a kind of theft you'd probably try to murder the Despot for. Probably both, knowing you.

As always, hate your guys, (newly appointed because everyone who outranked me died) Second Caravan Master, Moonsilken.~~

...And now that she had a letter, she would have to rewrite the whole thing in a manner less likely to get her killed. And probably include some hard numbers for what was owed and how much it would cost. Being a Caravan Master sucked.

- - - - -

(a month later, halfway across creation)

Griscourt put the letter down with a frown. A small wood and steel chest contained a number of others from Gem, both products to be bought and more personal in nature. Not all of them were to him, but the majority of them were not marked as private, and as such they were assumed to be his business. Moonsilken... He remembered the woman. An absolute brute of a creature, Seventh Stance had hired her to crush people in his way. Good tactic. Not an ideal leader. He'd have her removed. Hopefully she had the good sense to bow her neck, or he would have her 'removed' instead.
Bruv, I wasn't even close to WoL's jump.
Azur Lane has a few.
>if he could, he'd have been literally invincible
Also be real here, Pantheon was going to contradict that if it was made given Mitra didn't treat him like the final and definitive solution to Naraka. And well, you know, given the fact that Hajun was TUMORLESS in the prologue but still got cut by Mags.

Based author just doing whatever he finds thematic and sidestepping pure powerscaling lmao
As for his daughter... It was always slightly painful to have people compliment her. That subtle nagging about his wife's less than stellar conduct of the night before their wedding. The girl herself had either never noticed or never cared, or perhaps assumed that he simply didn't love her and was treating her the way he would anyone he wanted to like him but also needed to ensure the competence of. Not quite right, but she'd yet to fail him in any way that made him truly angry, so it worked out in the end. Well, mostly. If only she had accepted that marriage proposal.

He read a few lines of the report again, and then pulled another from the chest, cross referencing a few lines here and there. Getting a better idea of the state of things in Gem. The various people who needed to report had included a handful of numbers relevant to their areas, as appropriate. As for his daughter, she had absolutely nothing to say to him. It wasn't even, technically, a letter. Just a report.

It was technically an outdated report, as Gem was a two month trip away at good speed - you had to hire two different captains to carry things, one sail-ship and one sand-ship, which slowed things down. He really needed to open an outpost somewhere in the Lap, but his contracts with the rest of the Guild and the Realm didn’t particularly allow for such a thing. So he was stuck making deals from afar. It was… good, to know that his daughter lived. Hopefully she hadn’t done anything foolish.

...She promised the Despot WHAT?!?

The previous post should say two months later, my bad. I sat down and did the math for it, but forgot to actually change it. Also, I really need to come up with an explaination for why rich brat princess is getting exiled to Gem. Or maybe I already did and I forgot it.
Yes Taikyoku has a meaning but it isn't an unreachable gap exactly because of those exception, Muzan was retconned, the infinite great crimson hell stopped Manji Mandala, the law of avesta was stopped by power it itself gave et cetera. The moral is that, as always, clarktech is the winning move, as it sealed Naraka.
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....you're right. How the fuck did I get you instead of WoL_Anon's jump? I could have sworn I had him instead. Oh shit, that's right, I was going to mention Meddlesome Kitsune Senko-san earlier for fox waifus and completely forgot to do that. So that's why I had you already down there. Fuck.
>the setting 15 seconds after Jumper arrives with the Active Imagination perk
Don't forget that Moksha is apparently more than just an ideal spoken of in KKK, and is in fact some kind of anti-Hadou phenomena that ironically can be enforced by the right man with the right Hadou law. Or well, the wrong man in the case of Sirius who was cucked out of his hero status because he stood too near the abomination in human form LARPing as a hero.
Question about Ave Maria: when it says 'can also separately apply to any territory you either legitimately own or preside over', would that mean that the area affected by the blessing could exceed the size of a single village as long as legitimately own or preside over it? Like if I were the ruler of a nation, could I apply that same blessing over the entire nation? Also, how much a boost can you permanently obtain with Magician? Like if an artifact would give you ten times your normal magical power, would you get a permanent boost of five times, instead?
Anime/Cartoon spy jumps? The only two I can think of are Archer & Totally Spies(Did we ever get the dupe for that? I remember a namefag claiming it at some point)
Don't we have a Kim Possible jump?
>Totally Spies
Some anon is making a dupe for it, I remember him mentioning a drawback involving the show's 'fetish of the episode' thing.
You have been offered a Chain by Father Zeus, King of the Gods. If you accept, you will be obliged to either kill or forcibly civilize any cannibal you meet. No matter how powerful they are, no matter how inconvenient the timing and locale, you must put you full effort into this. If they cannot die, imprisoning them in a manner such that will be tortured until they repent is sufficient No, Zeus does not count for the whole Metis thing. Do you accept?
Only if the chain continues after I kill Zeus for the Metis thing.
You know, I'd call you craven and a coward but I checked again and most of worst companions are murderous, not annoyingly murder inducing.
So, I won't out of not want to be a hypocrite.
What about Demeter? Does nibbling a shoulder blade also not count?
No. I've got a cannibalism fetish, so this chain is incompatible with my desires.
Ghost in the Shell.
Do blowjobs count as cannibalism?
>the pantheon prologue showed even Mags has a chance to fuck up Hajun in a fight
He sacrificed an arm to give Hajun a paper cut, and even that was enought to make Ren completely lost at how he did that.
Black Lagoon, Jormungand?
So can adults make imaginary friends? I know teens can. But if adults can I don't think that will end well.
Zeus will level with you. Metis has been building an army of killer automatons inside his head for the last four thousand years, and it's getting a bit cramped in there.

If you promise to take her somewhere she can work out 4000 years of excitement for war "gaming" with her actual army, he'll tear his head open and let them out. But this does mean you'll be responsible for keeping her safe. Admittedly, she's completely immortal, but that won't help her if she gets cut into a million pieces or stranded in a hell dimension.
> Like Optimus Prime, no matter how idealistic, forgiving, or downright naive you are, those under you never interpret this kindness as a sign of strength and never think to take advantage of it.
Was this supposed to say weakness instead?
Well that explains why Zeus has no thoughts. All the space is taken up by robots.
>What about Demeter? Does nibbling a shoulder blade also not count?
She is excluded by the extenuating circumstances of being so depressed that she had no awareness of her crime. Mens rea does mater here.
Okay but once again, you're missing the forest for the trees. The fact that he HURT Hajun, PERIOD, instead of being effortlessly vaporised is a drastic departure from how conflict resolution against Hajun was assumed to go if Hajun wasn't held back by the tumour. Which he wasn't.

Please try to wind your memories back to before Pantheon's prologue was written and think back to what was assumed about Hajun then.

Also nobody fucking cares about Ren anymore, he is just Marie's consort.
Interesting thought, but how would this chain interact with Bloodborne and Blood Ministrations/blood transfusions? Or vampires? I figure a blood transfusion isn't necessarily cannibalism, and maybe most clinical forms of blood ministration, but when you start getting to things like drinking blood wines and cold dregs or vampires actively draining the blood out of people, would that count as cannibalism?
Is this cannibalism as in eating others of your own kind or eating humans? I've seen people(wrongly) use it as both so I need to check
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Here’s a build WoL_Anon, thanks for the jump!
>Drawbacks: Mute (100), Out of Control (200), Opposing Force (300) [Total: 1600]
>Time & Place: Rhapsody in Blue (2000)
>Species: Dinosaur (200, Archaeopteryx)

>Perks [Discounts marked with *]
Introduction - Free
Delightful Dancer - Free*
Orchestral Talent - Free* (Trumpet)
Pining For Family - 100*
Life, Death, Renewal - 100*
Steadfast - 200*
Bubble Blower - 200*
Sorcerer - 300*

>Items [Discounts marked with *]
Terrific Toys - Free*
Bucket Brigade - 100*
Wine Supply - 100
Pastoral Herds - 200*
Dance Palace - 300*

Sing you swingers & dance you sinners! Deep within the depths of New York lies a haven for old & fantastical souls to relinquish their souls to the good vibes that be. Toys that come alive! Mystical horses that dance on the stage! An animal band that knows how to party through the night! All heralded by a dinosaur with a taste for brass! But during the day, everything must stop…for the city is a cruel mistress & old land grabbing businessmen are the cruelest of them all…If they attract too much attention, they could not only risk their good times, but their freedom as well!
Thanks for the build! Unless my math is off you are 200cp over budget.
Oh I am, I forgot to remove the Bubble Blower perk before posting, sorry about that.
Hey Batsu! How you doing man? Manage to get Tez from the gacha like you said you wanted to ?
Every day, I'm grateful that I bounced off of FGO back in 2016 and didn't end up falling down the eternal gacha rabbit hole.
No worries friend
>Like if I were the ruler of a nation, could I apply that same blessing over the entire nation?
Yes, you could.

>Also, how much a boost can you permanently obtain with Magician?
I don't want to hard rule on it, because it is supposed to be the equivalent of what Yen Sid was able to do, and I am not good at powerscaling. When writing the perk I had 50-60% in my head, so take that as a soft ruling.
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Doing great, just woke up a while ago. I want to finalize the description for the final OC companion in Appleseed before going back to perks.
>Manage to get Tez from the gacha like you said you wanted to ?
The arms dealer has instead swindled all of my SQ & tickets but I got Sex in the City twice. My love for mecha has once again saved me. It was a blowout on the losing side since now I got nothing for Kuku (natural consequences for getting the Priest) but I didn’t leave empty handed. Kuku also comes again later in June apparently so I’m not that miffed.
>Joined around 2017
It’s over for me isn’t it. I can take solace knowing that least I never spent a cent on this gacha.
Having Excalibur around is just a bad time, and not for any moral reasons. He exudes the Madness of Wrath and drives people to rage just by being around, and his thousands of annoying quirks and traits exaggerate it further. At one point in the series while the good guys were racing to save a friend, they run into Excalibur who could immediately help them get where they need to go, but he's so fucking annoying that one of the people closest to who they were supposed to rescue uses him to open a hole in space just to throw him through it. He makes faceless constructs visibly cringe. There once was a boy who was able to perform every task Excalibur gave him for weeks out of sheer desperation and low self-esteem, granting him incredible power after a life of mediocrity, and even still Excalibur found a way to piss him off to the point of throwing Excalibur away.

He's the most obnoxious entity to exist, I think.
Sounds good for both of those, thanks, WoL_Anon!
No problemo
Hajun wasn't held back by the tumour, it was his power source since it was what made him completely spastic about being alone.
>You can be Chernabog
Nice, always liked that guy.
Seems like a very anti-AI chain
>Go to The Culture - Minds
>Instantly chainfail because even if only 0.05% of your thoughts are gay (and that's very generous, considering how fucking gay the Culture is), you are running way more gay processes than that number
This is merely definitive proof that AI is fundamentally gay.
Just don't run a percentage of your processes as gay thoughts, and instead section off a distinct number of processor cycles dedicated to gayness. AI should be able to cap and control their gay far, far better than any organic.
>End up in Arthurian times
>Water tart beans me in the head with Excalibur
>Dont want Excalibur, chuck it back into the water and go on my way
>Several hours later get hit with a flying Amazon press by a soggy Castoria.
>Castoria proceeds to earn the Rider Class
Other than the Glatissant, any other cool creatures I might be able to find while wandering Arthurian legends? Incest Giraffe is cool and all but I'd like to make taking samples of legendary creatures one of my primary goals here.

Is Castoria literally Excalibur or something? I haven't followed F/GO at all in a long time.
>it was his power source
Yeah no the Pantheon prologue disagrees since he's still a maxed destroyer autist without it.
>Is Castoria literally Excalibur or something?
Yes. She's the lostbelt version of Excalibur, given a mind and her forging never actually completed until Guda(ko) comes along with Muramasa and finishes it.
Gotcha, thanks.
I'm the opposite, I've steadfastly ignored FGO right up until Kuku popped up, which amused me enough to dedicate my willpower to accreting 2 billion QP, 1800 gold embers, and an almost full present box's worth of assorted embers in preparation to make the shitpost waifu as powerful as possible. And I'm loving every moment the series dives deeper into insanity.
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Truthfully, it's a little bit more complex than that, but that's the gist of things. The more complex part has to do with how she's prophecized to overthrow Lostbelt!Morgan, how she's a vessel sent from the planet to gather information to allow for the forging of Excalibur, and becomes an anthropic principle protecting and guiding mankind once she becomes Excalibur...

But that's all the usual deranged Fate nonsense. Long story short, she's an unfinished sword who later on gets finished and also happens to be a cute seibaface.
How many Sword Waifus do we have out here anyways? Ignoring Xianxia where everything is waifus.

Autistic delusional waifus who are convinced they're swords also count.
Never played FGO, got into Genshin at the start of Sumeru because it seemed close enough to a real game and Valk was shilling it.
how? Azula desperately wants Zuko's dick.

Never forget the time her voice actress answered the question what would happen if they went on an adventure together with "get pregnant"
that luxury liner jump gives you foxgirl receptionists for every business you own?
Does anyone know what the Roman Manuscripts are in the King Arthur Jump?

>Roman Manuscripts - “You've come into possession of a series of books detailing the process of constructing large man-made beasts. Unfortunately the books are encoded and you can't understand them yet. Though from the drawings you can tell they are made from stone and wood, some even look to have several functions.One looks as if it's breathing fire, another seem to be capable of flight all in all they seem to be kinda mundane. There is one however that seems, strange compared to the others. Where all the others were shaped after an animal or a mythical beast this one looks humanoid.
>Modeled after a knight it's right hand holds a sword and the right hand holds a shield. Both have strange symbols on it. Several other images seem to show their effects. The sword is cleaving a mountain with a seemingly glowing sword.And another image is showing the knight holding its shield up with a orb around the knight blocking a dragon's fiery breath. Maybe there's even more secrets in these books that you can find after cracking the code.”

I can understand the item well enough as "blueprints for retro mechanical constructs modelled after beasts, super sword, and a barrier shield" but actually knowing their source would likely help with a more comprehensive understanding.
You could probably find a Fox Waifu on some planet in the Star Ocean jump from reddit
It appears as though it was made up on the spot:
From the last time someone asked about that
I am pretty sure there was no source, the jump maker was asking for item suggestion and someone asked for this, so it was added.
Weren't you around in 2014? Genuine question.
>but actually knowing their source would likely help with a more comprehensive understanding.
They're from real life Roman history, obviously.
>old jumpmakers were basically redditors
So there's even less reason not to shit on them.
Not exactly Avalon sends Castoria to collect experiences and gain the approval of the fairies, to forge her into excalibur, so excalibur is created but Castoria fundamentally dies. Artoria Avalon, third ascension stage of Castoria is the incarnation of the holy sword who is based on her aknowledges she's another version of her:
>The third Ascension is her actual form, while her appearance in the first and second Ascensions represent a life someone once lived... It is a simulacrum of springtime memories belonging to that girl who traveled as a Child of Prophecy, rather than the recorded history of a faerie of paradise.
>To say I am different than the person you've known...is not exactly true.
While our very existences are different, our basic ways of thinking and our respective performances are mostly the same.
>To put it in simpler terms, I'm an Altria who grew one year older and then just had a change of heart...is about the best way to put it.
>I have all the memories within me.
>The me who was summoned as a Servant when I was a blank slate...the me who traveled through Britain alongside you...and the fantasy me that should never have come from the true me. Everything...
>I'm sorry for using "me" so many times.
I'm sure I wouldn't fully understand what I just said had I heard it myself.
>You can be more casual with me.
You know...use your Command Spells to activate my Noble Phantasm more often than you do now.
>There's no reason the tomboy me could do it and not me.
>Huh? This behavior is exactly why you tense up?
>...Um, you do know I'm not your enemy, right?
Nta but because he now levelled his autism, because by now his craving to be alonw in his on body already developed, the tumor would have made it keep growing, because he would still have been unsatisfied.
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There's only one animal girl from Star Ocean worth getting.
>>94817584 (me)
But they are at heart the same person
>Have you noticed, in your attempt to repair humanity, that such things are easier said than done?
>I protect the people of this planet. To be honest, Proper Human History, Singularities, and even Lostbelts are all the same to me.
>But...I am going to root for you and your future from now on.
>I know that is favoritism...but I can't help myself.
>After all, underneath it all, I am still the same tomboyish Altria.
Huh, weird, thanks. I guess that means I can just make shit up about it too then.

Yeah, been here since the start. My memory is ass and I don't pay attention to all the things happening in the thread though. Honestly I could have asked about this twenty times already. It wasn't until like the seventh time people acted weird about me saying Scolipede was one of my favorite Pokemon.
tl;dr Castoria is a sword.
Anon there's a literal sniper rifle in the Pokemon jump. We've always had people just make up entirely unfitting things to add to jumps. It's only 'recently' (a few years) when people have gotten more annoyed at that.
Worse, Castoria is materials, artoria avalon is a sword.
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To be fair, unless you were anon posting last, last September, you haven't asked about it before.
To be honest, in my opinion, the Hypervisor and Thrustpack are more egregious, given how blatantly they reference non Pokemon works of media.
It still happens. You can buy self-awareness in the Generic Gohanposting jump.
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Reminder that Quicksilver's Original Pokemon CYOA included a Lightsaber, a Portal Gun, a Rosarius, Power Armor and Cybernitic Augmentations
I swear there was an even older version of the CYOA that was a text post.
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There was this, but the pic I posted was from the last version of the finished CYOA before it became the Pokemon Trainer Jump.
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To 9anon.
Your lewdmage supplement is great but could you add blank like perk/spell there? To block out scrying abilities, precognition and postcognition.
I mean, it is a shitposting jump. What do you expect.
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Guns are actually all over the place in Pokemon, especially in the original series. But it was censored out by 4kids so it's not something most people remember.
that's a cute Hinata, where from?
anon that is clearly an edit
No idea. Saved it from 4chan.
Ah, that's what I was remembering, thanks.
No, that's literally from the series. Look it up. In the original Japanese dub James is specifically carrying an old MP-40 submachine gun.
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>Species - Composition: Metal [+400 RP]
>Species - Scale: Humanoid [+100 CP]

>Trademark - Shell Game [Free]
>Audio Receptors [Free]
>Insignia - Decepticons? [Free]
>Technological Mastery - Tier 1 [Free]
>Human Spirit [Free]
>Old Timer [Free]
>The New Bot [100]
>Hiding In Plain Sight [100]
>PR Master [200]
>Deceptive Con [200]

>STR - 2
>INT - 9
>SPD - 8
>END - 5
>RNK - 7
>CRG - 7
>FPR - 2
>TCH - 10

>Conversion [100 CP, +100 RP]
>Conversion [100 CP, +10 SP]
>Transform [Free]
>Micromaster [Free]
>Primary Function - Spy [Free]
>Spy [50 RP]
>Wireless [100 RP]
>Pretender [200 RP]
>Duocon [150 RP]

>Toyline [Free]
>The Good Stuff [50]
>Ride In Style [Free]
>Ride In Style [Free]
>Exo Suit [150]
>Projector - Option 2 [100]
>Stealth Coating - Option 1 [100]

>Defective Programming (Compulsive Liar) [+100]

If I've got this right, this would make a human-sized transformer that can split into two or three yet smaller transformers, and which can turn into a different looking transformer. All wrapped in an organic shell (presumably looks like a human), wrapped in a mechanical shell. And those shells are capable of operating independently or combining with the transformer. Which sometimes pilots a larger transformer body. Also, the 'Ride In Style' vehicles? Mundane human versions of the vehicle he, and the larger body, transform into. Along with the nonsense that the camo paint and hologram stuff permit. Robots in disguise, indeed.
>mfw the con is deceptive
nta but seems like a ninja storm alt
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How much gunpoint robbery to steal pokedollars, pokemon and other valuables do you think you could get away with in the Pokemon jump?
Team Rocket only managed a few before a bunch of citizens literally armed themselves and were ready to shoot them on sight.
But don't you think yourself as more competent than them?
Pokemon humans seem to have superhuman durability so I'm not sure if a gun would do that much damage.
Nta but are we sure it isn't just a bit of toon force? Like Mr. Satan surviving Cell isn't because he's that durable, it's because he's a cartoon/comic character, and he was just a gag.
Hell no I don't. Jessie and James regularly construct mecha out of throwaway garbage and scrap metal in a week's time and have quite possibly the densest plot armor in the entire franchise. They'd be terrifying if they weren't so lazy, complacent, and weirdly honorable. My Jumper almost always takes Pokemon very early so I'm not stupid enough to try the shit that Team Rocket does on a regular basis.
Fighting type humans can break rocks with their punches
Psychic types can move things with their minds and transform people into dolls
Water types can hold their breath for ages and will happily swim out into the ocean far past any sign of land
Hikers bulk up till they are the size of snorlax
Lets not forget that high level humans also appear to be fucking huge.
>Here's some money to get you started
>Gives you a dollar
>Sells you god for 75 cents
say hello to why everything is divisible by 100
Wait, you can buy Arceus but the end text says
>Oak will find a way back home for you in ten years.
Does this mean Oak is better than Arceus (or any other Legendary like Palkia, Hoopa, the Gen 7 guys) in terms of that?
Using aura and psychic powers I agree that make them superhumans but saying randos could tank guns seems weird to me. Thank you for the answer.
Good night thread.
Because professor oak gave you the local equivalent of just enough pocket change to buy a can of soda?
nta, but if you look at the epsidoes, guns are certainly treated as if they're lethal.
Is there in Tokyo Ghoul a way to eat Ghoul and avoid trasforminginto Kakuja?
Yeah thats fair.
Considering Fresh Water costs 200 Pokedollars, it's not even that much money.
Flamethrower is also treated as lethal even though it doesn't kill.

So is falling off a cliff
No. Stave it off a little? Maybe, everything about them seems at least slightly willpower dependent, but doing so probably makes it inevitable.
because a single dollar is less impressive
Is it okay to secretly take commissions to work on jumps?
Kill yourself.
If the quality is good.
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Good to know you can't read, Hajun is explicitly called out to be weaker then the original but due to the nature of how the copying worked and because he can sense Naraka thanks to his third eye and is locked onto him he's kept the ability to passively grow stronger.
Ok, I was thinking of taking the regen perk to act as an ethical food reserve for myself and some, but this would poison them.
Define "secretly".
The dissatisfaction, pressure and stress of forcing yourself to write several pages about something you may not especially enjoy because someone else is footing the bill, on terms that may or may not include full payment if the quality of work you produce disappoints your commissioner, is the inevitable punishment for not simply making jumps for things you yourself are passionate about.

It's basically like prostitution at a further remove.
I already asked this but if options in gameplay don't stave off aging should they do it if they logically would, like being an empty armor or having eaten the knowledge worm?
so blade is a prostitute?
I have no context for what you're talking about, but maybe?
blade has taken commissions for jumps.
Then yes.
NTA, and I have no idea what this is for, but it's still possible that magical armor has a limited power source or something. Assuming this isn't for a specific IP.
Why should anyone care?
It's for a specific IP, a tabletop named Kingdom Death Monster, I'm trying to avoid dying of old age in that jump, while being a savior, who age fast.
Reminder: Chads do not use magic, which is extremely feminine.
There's nothing more masculine then taking what belongs to a woman and bending it to your will.
I'm sure wearing your sister's clothes is very masculine.
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>I'm sure wearing your sister's clothes is very masculine
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What are the best perks for
>growing mid combat
>growing when pressured/close to defeat
>thriving when backed into a corner
I want a peak shonen moment.
You reminded me when Saru said to Renji she remembers when he took her and forced her under his will, in front of Rukia.
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Do you think I can use Tsukishima's Fullbring to insert a fetish directly into a person?
Probablyblack zenkai from DBS, the level of asspull that Zamasu had were unseen since Bleach ended.
I think it would work only if you plausibly could have given them that fetish.
??? Do you mean Zabimaru?
I mean, there's no way Tsukishima could plausibly have prevented Ichigo's Bankai from breaking...
Yūsha Gojo Kumiai Kōryūgata Keijiban (aka HeroBBS) has the *dachi sisters, in the item (and drawback) section.
Power Without Limit
"My Life As Jumper Is Just Getting Interesting! " from Psyren is a good one.
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No, I mean Saru (meaning monkey), the female monkey side of zabimaru, contrapposed to Hebi (meaning snake) the male snake side. They are part of the zanpakuto rebellion arc, that, while filler was overseen by Kubo, who designed the zanpakuto spirits, and even reutilized some in canon, and was mildly aknowledged by CFYOW.
But he could have made in circumstances such that it was broken without making impossible its repair, like making it so he didn't meet Ywhach in the first place.
It just has to be framed that way. Tsukishima edits the past using himself as a medium, and so he disturbed the inevitability caused by the Almighty. For fetish stuff, Tsukishima couldn't cut someone and insert a foot fetish into them, but he could insert himself showing them feet pics throughout their life.
...Kinda sus if the representation of your soul is one-half female and one-half femboy.
I mean, given that he can force himself to be the most trusted person/lover/best friend of his target, the foot fetish seems like it could just work.
He had Mayuri perform surgery on them so he could stare at boobies.
Renji is weird, being one of the four characters with two zanpakuto spirits, beside Ichigo, Shunsui and Kyoraku.
Still kind of annoyed that we never got to see Yoruichi's Zanpakuto (I almost said Yoruichi's Semblance but caught myself at the last second).
>with two zanpakuto spirits
It's just one spirit with two aspects, kinda like how Kazeshini isn't a dual zanpakuto but a chain with scythes attached at each end.
Your dna is half femal half male if you are a male but two parts female if you are female.
QQ is being spammed with futa discussion right now. So stay away from page 3089 and 3090 if you hate futa.
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Yes and Kazeshini has one single aspect
It's more one spirit with two heads with different personalities. The baboon lady/snake kid thing is non-canon filler arc stuff.
Bleach has filler? Bleach has content besides the guy who rewrites your history, the guy who rewrites the future, Ichigo and his sisters?
What type of magic do you think would suit a hacker the most?
Genshins cool, And Natlans neat but I just can't vibe with it much or Mavuika personally.
Is "magitech" a copout answer?
Nah that's valid thanks, I just don't know many jumps, barring DnD/Gurps, that have magitech.
I just want to use Tsukishima's fullbring to insert my fetish into people. I THINK that should be possible, but I'm not 100% sure. Is it?
Why did they make a historical game based on this guy?
I know, I aknowledged it here>>94818085, and then coped.
The original anime was a filler nightmare. Arcs would get interrupted by completely random bullshit. Recurring characters got included in the roster from filler arcs. Ichigo would remember filler stuff that happened in nonsense filler time during canon arcs. The baboon lady/snake boy version of Zabimaru is a design from a filler arc referencing a joke from a skit where Mayuri was charging money to perform Zanpakuto sex change surgeries.
>Mayuri was charging money to perform Zanpakuto sex change surgeries.
Sounds like it'd be much more profitable than one would think at first glance.

...Then again, Mayuri.
Yes, it has tons of filler, multiple novels some one shot and more.
Yeah I mean in all seriousness like-you expect a priest for a storm god to get into storm magic, a witch in the wilds to get into nature magic, and an edgelord to get into black magic. Like whatever the rules for it, magic generally has strong thematic associations with whatever the practitioner is really into or exposes himself to for magical purposes. I'm genuinely struggling to think how anything except magitech is a stretch for a hacker.
My bad.

Nobody in their right mind would yrust Mayuri with their Zanpakuto. A different running joke was that Renji was horrible with managing money though.
I think it is possible, since he alters people in a way deeper than just a fetish. But, why not just get a Fullbring that gives people the fetish directly?
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Are my jumps doomed to obscurity if I don't include at least a half-dozen coombait expies?
Purely because I like the idea of subtly altering a person's entire life so that they've always had this fetish and it's been slowly building up in intensity over their life until they can no longer properly contain it.
>Nobody in their right mind would yrust Mayuri with their Zanpakuto
He seems too prideful to me to do more than he charged for Zanpakuto aside from adding surveillance bacteria.
Listen to yourself, the premise of trusting the psychopathic soul biologist because he's too prideful is a losing proposition
His literal introduction was detonating randos who he'd previously turned into suicide bombs without their awareness. If you trust Mayuri then you kinda deserve whatever's coming to you.
Nta would you say it's a good idea to eat him at the start or, like Nemu, he's full of poisons?
>Nobody in their right mind would yrust Mayuri with their Zanpakuto. A different running joke was that Renji was horrible with managing money though.
Something interesting to note is that Renji buys his glasses from a store owned by the Previous Lieutenant of his squad.
Most of Ricrod's jumps are fairly obscure imo.
How many of his OCs are expies, though?
He is 1000% full of poisons. And it's not exaggeration, I absolutely believe he somehow stuffed ten times his body weight/volume of poisons into himself without any visible change in body mass. And his Zanpakuto is literally poison, so there's that as well.
>His literal introduction was detonating randos who he'd previously turned into suicide bombs without their awareness.
I don't feel bad for that one dude who became a Shinigami just so that he could fuck Momo Aizen's used goods.
The guy turns into a puddle of goop, my nigga.
To remember that in that arc that skit isn't vald, the zanpakuto had their bodies from Muramasa, as Renji didn't recognize his zanpakuto, and Hiorinmaru was a bishonen rather than the usual ice dragon.
A fair few, I'd say.
Then I'll simply kill him, and erase his soul to ensure it doesn't go to hell.
Not my problem.
Absolutely do not put Mayuri in your mouth. He might not be the toxic waste depot on legs that Nemu is but it's certain that there's some fucked up shit in there that you do not want.

I think I cited that recently.

I don't feel bad about most Shinigami being blown up but that doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be trusted.
>Then I'll simply kill him, and erase his soul to ensure it doesn't go to hell.
Genuinely probably the best outcome for the universe at large.
>Then I'll simply kill him, and erase his soul to ensure it doesn't go to hell.
What did Ric do to deserve that?
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It's doomed to obscurity if its not a popular ip in this thread, or if it doesn't have high power levels.
humorous misclick, it was meant for>>94818250
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Dumb question, but how do you play this shit without becoming so OP so fast that you can’t keep track of anything without extensive spreadsheet use?

I’m 7 jumps into my first chain and my jumper’s already got world-destroying powers. Is there some way to tone the power scaling down so that this stops happening? Or otherwise greatly reduce the amount of power she can get at once? I am genuinely enjoying the jumping but I’m really losing interest with how quickly it becomes a chore to manage stuff and how things stop being a threat by like jump 3.
Bonus points if you tell him Nemu is just a knockoff of Urahara's kids. Send him Reeeing into you stomach knowing his Magnum Opus was once again upstaged by Urahara.
Just not take as many perks or just go to a shit ton of slice of life jumps before slowly ramping up the powerlevels of the jumps?
You could also mention to him that even Szayel made one before.
Choose your jumps more carefully, find Toggle Perks that let you shut off your powers, and apply the Metroid Method: you randomly lose your powers/have your powers sealed or something and need to do a bunch of bullshit to retrain/regain them over the course of a given jump.
There's houserules and chainbuts where CP sources are massively cut down (e.g. from drawbacks only), there's going to low power jumps as a slow burn, there's taking power loss drawbacks at every opportunity (not that I really see people do this ever...)
But yeah, a lot of other people have this problem, so don't feel alone.
Self control mostly, you cant play to get optimal builds if you want to keep any kind of stakes, instead try to go for builds that just seem like they'd be intersting in setting.
Some people also really like to stick to a particular theme, even if its suboptimal in many settings.
But honestly, if a chain gets long enough it will get OP eventually, so I personally prefer to stick to short chains of 3-5 jumps.
>You could also mention to him that even Szayel made one before.
Oh right I forgot about that one Hollow Yammy insagibbed for having the audacity of being a nurse.
Wich in spirits are forever with you reveal having the most broken Negacion and the most broken resurrecion by miles
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to ask.
FP only make comics for Prime to my knowledge. I already promised to make that Jump as soon as I get around to Prime.
>Is it limited to mundane construction or is building a magic flying castle overnight possible if I could already build one at normal speed?
If you and everyone helping you knows how to build a magic flying castle, then sure.
>How small can a large construction project be before the perk stops helping?
I think anything smaller than a one-floor human house would be pushing it.
The former. If you take those extra points, you're stuck in whatever situation is barring you from your powers in the first place.
Correct. Man, I let a lot of bad typos slip past me. In my defense, it's been a while since I've made a larger jump like this.
You gotta love those late-1980's gimmicks. Thanks for the build.
I know but its still hilarious how Narita decided to make a Novel with a hollow that was killed off as quickly as she appeared in the main series.
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>[400]Pocket Sand: For 10 mana, your target is hidden from non-mundane efforts to detect or gather information on them - including scrying, precognition, and postcognition. This may optionally provide false information, in case you want the target to ping as a normie or something.
Hollows in Bleach, like Hollows in Dark Souls, exist to be trampled on by superior beings. Except for one special Hollow who fights like a normie but happens to have the spiritual essence of other unique, powerful beings inside him.
>FP only make comics for Prime to my knowledge. I already promised to make that Jump as soon as I get around to Prime.
Any plans for the rest of the Aligned continuity like the Cybertron games?
For power scaling, you have to take weak jumps. Likewise for versatility, you have to take only jumps that offer very limited and similar powers. Like if you did a chain with Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Baki the Grappler, Kengan Ashura, Generic Fighting Game, etc. you're just going to be the ultimate kung fu fighter but still street level and without having a huge range of skills or powers.
Now why would you make Hinata a Taimanin? That's just downright cruel.
Cien is at least as strong as Kenpachi and Roka can clone, resurrect the dead copy mugetsu to oneshot Cien et cetera.
Barragan is obvious, Hikone is basically Ichigo 2.0, instead yes, Ikomikidomoe was a jobber to an unfathomable level.
Most jumps are doomed to obscurity anyways. We are not that many people.
>High power levels
I feel that doesn't even qualify for the last year or two at least.
Like, we got a Nocturne jump, but most people didn't care. Nobody talks about Omniscient's Reader Viewpoint, even if it is fairly high level, or Mondaiji's remake. Or Opus.
There's an OC version of her in the Taimanin Gatchaverse jump, which I'm fairly sure is why I have that image in my folder.
You are going to get tired of even trying. Just embrace it and ignore power-levels. You are in for an OP SI anyways.
I fell behind right after Animated. The entire Aligned continuity is one big blind spot in my Transformers knowledge. If I deem that the various pieces of the Aligned continuity would be better as separate Jumps, I'll split them up like I did the Unicron Trilogy. Otherwise I'll stuff it all into one Jump.

Well, if you're planet-busting in the first 10 Jumps, I think the fault lies on you for picking that Jump. However, sooner or later everyone reaches that point. I usually get around this by not thinking about it. I give my Jumper goals that aren't really affected by raw power. If you want to help throw someone the best birthday ever, or climb the ranks in a company, it's debatable how useful it would be to be able to punch through a building.

You can use Shard as an example of someone who is super late-chain. Pretty much every goal he sets for himself is on a cosmic scale that would necessitate that kind of power, or is just him dicking around because there's very little that can actually pose a threat to him.
That's a lot of purty words, but doesn't change the fact that the Steinritters had the run of Hollow territory.
Because all those I mentioned didn't exist at the time, they were either dead or not yet born.
>If I deem that the various pieces of the Aligned continuity would be better as separate Jumps, I'll split them up like I did the Unicron Trilogy
Been a while since I played the games but I think they'd be fine as one jump heard there's a tone of continuity snarls between them, the comics and Prime though so those might at least might need splitting up.
You can just not go to Dragon Ball Super in your first ten jumps
Oh no, they finally stopped talking about Exalted? How tragic.
Yes, this was back in the anime era when people wouldn't reach the end of current content and stop for a few years. They just kept going with random filler.
Far better times.
We had no idea how fucking good we used to have it until it was gone. I miss the days of filler.
If they couldn't catch up in powerlevels and couldn't stay alive by the Hundred Year Blood War, they either took too long to be relevant or were too foolish to be worth considering. Meanwhile Uryu beat down Ichigo fair and square on a 1v1 match despite having the most boring-ass powers out of all the Steinritter by a country mile. Uryu. With his basic bitch Quincy bow and arrow. Beat Soul Society's golden boy.
>30 years of Berserk filler
>we've actually reached the point where people are unironicaly missing filler arcs
The worst part is I can't really argue against that in good faith.
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...am I not supposed to make a spreadsheet
dead because of his own hax and telefragging
jumped by Ichibe and Yamamoto, sealed by Oetsu and Ichibe, but as I said he's a jobber
wasn't born yet
too shy to fight
wasn't born yet, since Tokinada used corpses of quincy and Gerard brain to create him.
To be fair the mandatory drawback in ORV caused a bunch of shitposting (literal, actual shitposting) from SB and this thread shat on SB for a while, and iirc there was a bunch of discussion about the triple-headed dragon boi and his bullshit when Skyrim finished his Mondaiji dupe.
I dunno how, watching the Naruto filler clusterfuck was a mess. Like 100 straight episides from Sasuke Retrieval Mission to Shippuden of random inconsequential bullshit. The only good thing was Sailor Hinata when she was practicing under a waterfall.
Nta but unironically I like fillers, always did, they often use interesting concepts that for one reason
or another couldn't be used in the main story, but often entertain me, and having a pause from the main story can be relaxing.
Why? What was their argument?
I mean it was better than the DBZ method of just screaming for multiple episodes...and also normal filler.

Fucking Fake Namek.
Counterpoint: at least there was some fucking Naruto content instead of forcing us to just wait for years and possibly totally forget about Naruto in the meanwhile.
The usual of "Muh powers can't be used to curbstomp the who setting waaahhh"
nta, but it's hard to get attatched to characters and their bonds with each other, with 12 episode seasons every few years, where each episode only lasts like 20 minutes accounting for intro/outro
Screaming for multiple episodes was BASED, you plebian.
Have you tried Xenoblade Chronicles 2?
Hey Gene. Question for Bayformers: Is there any reason to take Targetmaster if you have max level Malleability, do they synergize, is the Targetmaster gun stronger than say a tank equivalent ?
Someone should write a book about this. "Unfulfilled: The End Of The Filler Era". I'd read it.
I guarantee that someone will, but it's gonna be about 6-8 epsidoe seasons on streaming services and how everyone hates them.

Anime is gonna be an after thought as it only reached the mainstream after the filler era ended already.
I mean, the Luxury Liner jump got some discussion, so did Foster's even if a lot of it was horny Frankie posting. Fantasia got a few comments and the latest Transformers got a lot. So I am not sure if your assertion tracks.
Depends on the magic. Seidr was considered feminine, but Heka and Mageia are both neutral. That's not to mention demonology (mostly done by priests believing that making demons do good stuff was part of their job), alchemy (one or two famous women but otherwise a sausage fest), and astrology (done mostly by mostly-male scholars before the astronomy bits got sawed off and glued to the sciences).
I mean filler seems to fit with how long he was on the boat.
One of the few things I actually have to thank the MHA anime for.
Their season approach finally proved that you can adapt big shounen without the constant weekly running and still be financially successful.
I suspect that after One Piece ends no new shounen will get the old adaption treatment again. And even OP is kind of changing it's approach these days.
The Aligned continuity is more just some shared ideas between works rather than them fitting together perfectly, like something like the game trilogy happened before Prime but it's not 1-2-1, Transformers: Go! takes place during the middle of season 2 and 3 of prime but only in it's own self contained universe, etc. etc.
and someitmes you just get a faithful anime adaption years later purely based on the manga that is much further along, like Hellsing, Hunter x Hunter, Shaman King and Fullmetal Alchemist.
And sometimes you get 3 and they all suck. Looking at you, Negima.
>I suspect that after One Piece ends no new shounen will get the old adaption treatment again
They tried it with Black Clover but gave up after a while. Though they might attempt it again if they have no replacement for OP once its finally over.
Negima is weird because only the first anime really has anything to do with the manga.
The second anime is an original story, with lots of differences.
Then there are the OVAs loosely tied to the second anime.
Then they did try and lead up the Magic World arc of the manga with several Ala Alba OVAs but never actually committed to making a proper adaption.

And I suppose UQ Holder also got an anime years later but no one cares about that.
*6-8 video essays on youtube with a Patreon and the creator's social media attached to the description, FTFY
Is it ever explained in MHA why Deku couldn't be a quirkless hero? Like plenty of them have completely irrelevant power sets but it doesn't stop them from kicking ass. Like his teacher's entire fighting style has nothing to do with a quirk.
Do quirk owners build muscle faster or have more?? Is he just too lazy to train?
As said there are rumours that they are planning on changing how the OP anime airs too.
Mostly because the anime is infamous for it's terrible pacing, being rather close to where the manga is and often poor animation quality.
They reanimated the Fishman arc recently and might do that with other arcs too.
The Aligned continuity reminds me of someone throwing around ideas for their Jumper but not being able to decide on the specifics and just floating several plotlines that MAYBE happened but not necessarily in the way described.

Like Soundwave loses and gains his bulk inexplicably across several Aligned things.
Because it's impossible, having a quirk is a requirement for being a hero, probably because of marketability, if you have not one you can be a policeman, I think.
Negima was in a weird position where it was an ecchi harem romcom in the first half and a shounen battle manga in the second half, because the mangaka was fucking sick of harem romcom after Love Hina and wanted to write something else, but had to spend the first half of the manga slipping setup under the radar so the editors couldn't stop the genre flip.
My understanding is that the anime adaptations sucked because they thought the ecchi harem romcom part was why it was popular, so they blew off the shounen part.
Did they change the frames per second in OP? I saw it the other day on Toonami and it looked like shit.
His muscle training with Allmight happened while he was still quirkless. But prior to meeting his idol he still seemed to be hoping for a miracle and never seriously trained.
The story was supposed to be about society bad but it turned into society good when the author took stupid pills halfway through.
Despite that he still had harem romcom elements in UQ Holder.
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>Is it ever explained in MHA why Deku couldn't be a quirkless hero?
Deku just feels that japanese social pressure to be a Quirkful hero, and Stain has a bad rep
>Like his teacher's entire fighting style
It's not about the fighting style, it's about having a Quirk being a social thing. You wouldn't understand it if you come from a society more liberal than Japan's, either you are born into the in-group or you are living filth that deserves to be ostracised forever.
>Do quirk owners build muscle faster
Judging from Stain, not not really
>Is he just too lazy to train
For the third time, lacking a Quirk means that society will always treat you as something between a cripple and a leper in MHA.

Mutant racism is also a thing, but we don't talk about that.
That is what I thought. I imagine the beginning would have been significantly easier if he had the actual physique of a hero trainee. But I guess he didn't really believe himself.
>between a cripple and a leper
A cripper? A lepple?
I'm not an animator so I don't know the technical details but it looking like shit is a well known complaint. Like I said I'm fairly sure no studio will agree to that kind of work schedule in the future now that season anime are proven to work.
It wouldn't surprise me if it was editor-kun's fault. Remember that Kubo wanted Soul Society to remain the enemy.
>For the third time, lacking a Quirk means that society will always treat you as something between a cripple and a leper in MHA.
I feel like it'd be a more impactful story like this, he overcomes all that and shows quirkless people still have value. Like Naruto finally being acknowledged by Konoha after defeating Pain (aka where it should have ended)
They were mad about damage from the mandatory drawback bypassing all your perks by fiat. Which is exactly the kind of thing people here complain about (see: Argent jumps), so no one here really has any right to mock them over it.
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Nah, Kubo has some grit in him. But Hori's such a soft bitch I 100% buy that he unironically thinks being beaten down by society into a good little cog in the machine is a good end.
Usually when you guys say stuff like this it turns out to be some shit that was just made up.
>Mondaiji's remake
Did it even change that much from the original jump?
I can't interact with Deku because even in my imagination all I can think of is how I'd yell at him for giving up and never putting in the effort, and he just lucked into a strong perk. He's not an inspiration, he's the quirk equivalent of a nepo baby.
It wouldn't be a power boost. The way I see it, by default transforming is a somewhat automated process. Just press a metaphorical button and every piece automatically slides into the right position. In contrast, max Malleability is like consciously controlling all of those mechanisms, so it's not as fast or easy when not switching between pre-programmed forms.

If you bought Targetmaster, it'd be a much smoother conversion, but its still theoretically possible to figure out how to use max Malleability to reconfigure yourself into a weapon without it. Max Malleability is like being made of Legos. Infinite potential, but you need to figure out on your own how to make what you want.
I mean, it's not like Deku was worth much without the quirk.
He was neither particularly athletic nor intelligent. The only thing he got going for him was guts.
>You can use Shard as an example of someone who is super late-chain.
ASA was already powergamming back when we only had Digimon, FR and a couple others to kick-start things.
>Mostly because the anime is infamous for it's terrible pacing
They could just animate the cover stories to make up for it.
And breedability.
At least ORV lets you buy coins to bypass plausibility limits.
>ASA somehow became the first xianxia Jumper before there were even any xianxia jumps
How very shonen protagonist of him.
>Judging from Stain, not not really
Stain has a quirk and built up a lot of muscle
>For the third time, lacking a Quirk means that society will always treat you as something between a cripple and a leper in MHA.
This is a bold-faced lie, some kids bully you if you don't have a quirk, and in the case we saw it wasn't even because of that, it was because Bakugo has a fragile ego, it's illegal using a quirk if you aren't a hero, so no one care about it and it's never implied in the story that quirkless face discrimination, beside being unable of being heroes.
So much bad fanon is spouted so often people start mistaking it for canon.
There are some covers I'd love the stories to in certain manga...
Back in the day people talked a lot about how to use long combos to make themselves gods. But later we just got omnipotence for 700 points, so most people lost interest in that. Even ASA hasn't been using combos for a while.
Many such cases, like when before in this thread people realized that it isn't reddit that put things non canonical in their jump but it is baked in the very origin of jumpchain.
>for a while
He recently put a bunch of things together to make the Speaking Gun even more of a horrifying crime against all creation, but it was at the end of a thread
>Back in the day people talked a lot about how to use long combos to make themselves gods.
Or at least to make them durable enough to ignore 88mm cannon fire.
>sakura looks up while being plowed by sasuke
>all she can see is Naruto's face on his necklace swinging back and forth
Absolutely based.
WTF is up with the Elders Scrolls folder? It has so many copies of jumps. How am I suppose to choose which to take?
>2 Morrowind jumps
>2 Oblivion jumps
>1 Morrowind/Oblivion combo jump
>3 Skyrim jumps
Canonically doesn't work in Platoon, Flak88chads BTFO even HadouYog jumpers.
different people felt like making jump for those, just skim through them and choose which ones fits the kind of jump you want best.
It is the curse of Todd. Just choose one per era.
True, but by shonen logic, guts is the only valuable quality a human can have. This is nothing new.

People who are naturally strong or smart are either framed as one-note bullies or entitled geniuses who don't deserve anything. Even if an MC later turn out to be secretly overpowered, this is rarely something they're made aware of right away.
I did three Morrowinds, two Oblivions, and all three Skyrims.
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Is she a good wife?
How did they even get those? Like were they on a mission? Was everyone together? Did Sakura have to watch Naruto and Sasuke get matching necklaces with each others faces and get nothing with her?
>Her tendency to lie about herself does nothing to help matters.
Does this sound like good wife material?
Considering this is /jc/, most people will probably say yes. They'd waifu a literal sack of garbage.
Fairly sure those are their shippuden design on the pendants. Which makes this even weirder.
Categorically no, but she can be an entertaining wife. Although she does seem to prefer to keep to herself and may be a little schizoid over being as homicidally insane as the average Yozi.
I remember an anon used to get yandere about Adorjan here which was apt.
Covers aren't canon. There's a cover where they're in a sci-fi ninja future and one where they're cowboys.
Yeah, that is true. Like that other anon said, people have waifued worse Yozi.
Elloge, the Sphere of Speech
>"Hey Sakura, I didn't bring Sasuke back but we chatted and got these really cool matching pendants together!"
>as long as it’s something you could plausibly
have and not exceptionally powerful or versatile

>not exceptionally powerful or versatile

this part. is it always the same or can jumper pull out more powerful stuff as they themselves get more powerful?
But we have perks for that already. Want incest? Use Dodgeball. Want anything else, there is a perk on QQ that lets you give people any fetish or sexuality as long as you do not know if they already have it or not.
Those were clearly just Infinite Tsukiyomi dreams
Elloge, the Cosmic Principle of Language.
In the same filler episode where Naruto and Sasuke had a heart to heart where Sasuke confessed his deepest wish is to run Jurassic Park, and Naruto confessed that he has no fucking clue what the Hokage actually does.
Who cares when I'm on space?
Cool thanks for clearing that up. Great job on the jumps I'm just going through the G1 stuff now.
>had a heart to heart where Sasuke confessed his deepest wish is to run Jurassic Park,
That was really confusing at the time. Glad we finally got to see the conclusion to that plot point.
Try that only free perks and items chainbutt. You will gain next to no powers if you avoid gamer and cultivation jumps. Just skills you learn. It is mostly because older jumps from before 2019 tended to have drop ins as the only free origin and they got no perks or items for free. Alt forms also suffer as they were considered a luxury to become something other than human
>In order to enjoy jumpchain, you need to ignore jumpchain
i wish it was possible to ask /jc/ for suggestions for a wip jump that weren't just expy thots
Does it feel weird being in the same world as it gets reset for you?
It is a chainbutt and a challenge. That is like bitching that Nuzlockers don't enjoy Pokemon
At least it was less confusing than the filler episode where Kurama spent an entire episode discussing the applications of chakra to nuclear energy production, and went on a random tangent about how the Ten Tails is actually the immature form of the God Tree despite none of that making any fucking sense.
It still happens, it just isn't as common because most wips are made for franchises that people don't care much about. When people don't know anything about the setting, they have no interest to add anything.
I mean, you have two scenarios:
>People don't know about the setting, so they don't care as long as you don't break any chain mechanics
>People know about the setting, so at best they expect it to be properly represented
And even with the second one, some jumpmakers will also get grumpy if anons ask for things that they didn't want to add because it doesn't fit their 'vision'. So what's the point?
Why wouldn't it make sense?
>some jumpmakers will also get grumpy if anons ask for things that they didn't want to add because it doesn't fit their 'vision'
Never seen this. Except with 9Anon's OC magic bodymod and magical girls. Even then, he wasn't exactly grumpy.
Isn't all the stuff from the filler mostly canon like the two waifu spirits Shunsui has?
Is it unmanly for a jumper to drink coffee?
Oh, you mean the perk "Sure, Why Not?"
To an extent it's based on your overall capabilities. The effects are inherently vague, so it's more about how little of a logical leap it would be to say you have a power. So yes, the more powerful your Jumper is, the easier it would be to assume they have any given power. That line basically just means you can't say you have something absurd like an instant death effect or reality warping if the greatest power your Jumper actually has is to throw a few fireballs.

For instance, in one episode Optimus Prime pulls the ability to telepathically control his severed limbs out of nowhere. He is never stated to have this ability at any time before or after, but as a giant alien robot, it's not unthinkable that this is a feature some Transformers have, and compared to all the other bizarre buffs he gets as a Matrix Barrier, it really isn't that noteworthy in the grand scheme of things.
If you're willing to wait, theoretically every inanimate sword ever shown in an anime ever, because Shintoism.
Don't worry about what other think is manly or not.
>concentrated Arab seed
How could it not be?
It isn't reset. All three Morrowinds are happening concurrently, as are the two Oblivions, as are the three Skyrims. Dragon Breaks son!

I'm using Shadow Magic and Mantling to "realign" myself across the disparate timelines so that I still remain one Jumper even though I end up living eight different lives.
As I mentioned before Kubo designed the Zanpakuto spirits, from what I know, but the only ones that were canonized are Kioraku's, even if the existence of a zanpakutou named Muramasa that steals others and known by Ichigo is canon to CFYOW.
>and went on a random tangent about how the Ten Tails is actually the immature form of the God Tree
To be fair that WAS the original assumption.
Can Mer learn the Thu'um? I was under the impression it was a gift from Kyne to men.
Look man, don't be such a doomer. You don't always get good suggestions everytime you ask. It sometimes helps if you're more specific about what you'd like suggestions for. Like instead of broadly asking what people want to see, show off what you've got and ask for perks/items to fill holes in specific trees. And don't be afraid to reask during different times of the day. Not everyone reads through the whole thread to see what got mentioned earlier.
Also could you remove the "must be smaller than you" requirement for the focus? Just for the times when you feel like using a comedically large staff or one slightly taller than you. Also could you put in a freebie under enhancements that removes any prior mental, physical, or genetic issues you'd previously have? I know you're aiming for a different kind of bodymod than usual here, but without it you're sort of obligated to take the cure spell by default.
I don't think it's safe to assume that every anime is based on Shintoism. Even if you assume every Japanese person is a theist. Like, you pretty much have to write worldbuilding contrary to your beliefs if you're a Western atheist or Christian who writes fantasy, for example.
Hmm. That just seems complicated to have them all at the same time. Like one of those AI playing a million games of mario at once>>94818860
I love you
nice. thanks gene!
Yes. Not only yes, but emphatically yes. The Thu'um is a skill that anyone in the Elder Scrolls can develop with the right knowledge, including fucking Daedra given Mora's libraries on that exact subject. It's a "gift from Kyne" in the sense that the old Dragon overlords taught the Nords the Dragon language to be better slaves, and Paarthurnax helped the Nords develop their Thu'um better to resist Alduin's reign. And after Alduin was gone and the Dragons either dead or hiding, the Nords just kinda kept the Tongue to themselves instead of spreading it out. And in time, due to mismanagement of knowledge and spiritualism, that knowledge faded from all but the most wizened Grey Beards who live on High Hrothgar.
It's in theme for the Elder Scrolls. Time IS known to break during significant events, allowing for contradictory and impossible events to become true. And with multiple Elder Scrolls jumps taking place in the same time period, well-the situation just screams "dragon break" to me.
I love you too, random citizen!
Some form of scrying/divination and the ability to manipulate electricity or magnetism. basically you want the ability to find specific data clusters and convert them to something readable so you can target them with your elemental magic without frying other parts of the system. In practice, it'd look kind of like technopathy, but you sacrifice some of the intuitiveness for accuracy and potentially range once you get to the point you can cast a sort of barrier spell to act as your packet sniffer for wireless signals.
It's crazy that nords love swinging axes around so much they just forgot how to reshape reality by yelling in favor of it
I have never understood, are Christians only allowed to write specific kinds of fantasy to avoid the potential of writing blasphemy. Like would a devote Christian see Jumpchain and write it off as heresy.
Technically speaking, while God is meant to be the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and omnibenevolent creator of the universe, Biblical canon provides no commentary on the existence of other universes where God isn't the prime being, so Jumpchain doesn't strictly contradict it.
Actually-this one isn't entirely their fault, I'll give them that much. They were conquered, repeatedly, and buckbroken SO fucking hard by the Empire that they forgot that they don't even worship Tiber Septim/Talos in the first place. Couple that in with the Ayleids and the Thalmor agendas, and the fact that the religion of Tiber Septim changed the culture of the Greybeards so that they swore only to use the Voice in peace while becoming extremely isolationist about it...and the circumstances line up so basically everybody forgets that the Nords used to be a race of screaming reality-warpers.
The answer is so simple, and no one ever seems to just absorb it. Heroes are public servants licensed to use a Quirk. If you don't have a Quirk, you cannot be licensed to use it. You can't be a boxer without arms, and you can't be a hero without a Quirk. The job doesn't work like that. It doesn't matter how much ass you can kick or or smart you are, the job is "trained to use Quirk."
Someone needs to make a Daggerfall jump at some point.
I've considered it, but I care more about the gameplay aspects than anything else so I don't feel like I'd do a good job of representing everything else.

As intended, yes, the spellcasting features from the doc apply specifically to the spells from the doc. However, you can ignore this ruling if you like.
Removed the size limit for Bind Focus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2uE_vrPry4
Added ailment/defect removal to Spark perk.
He's not just the creator of the universe, he's the creator of All Things. ALL things. Other universes included.
nta but I've only heard of such strict prohibitions on entertainment regarding certain sects of Islam. though of course it could just be yet another one of those archaic rules like mixed fabric that Christians are supposed to follow but most hust ignore.
a proper black coffee is fine, maybe some milk if you're feeling insecure in your masculinity, anything fancier than that and you're essentially a valley girl.
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Shouldn't that be Aura since she's a literal magic autist?
Isn't it more based to add more milk so you can invoke symbolic purity whereas the blacker it is, the more conceptually impure?
Do it. But if you do will you have the randomly generated dungeons like in the original game or the more cleaner versions from the Unity mod?
Maybe make a drawback where everything is flat and 2d. I would love to see a Daggerfall jump.
But valley girls are capable of breaking logic and reality itself with their stupidity.
Between all the different denominations of Christianity it's honestly confusing as fuck for a layman non Christian to get a sense of what is supposed to be the norm and what is extra puritan. Before this my assumption was always that fantasy which praised God or taught a lesson in line with God's teachings like C.S. Lewis stuff was acceptable, but things like promoted the idea of other Gods and religions was the promotion of false idolatry.
Why is there so much porn/fanart of Aura, wasn't she someone who got killed really REALLY early on?
All this talk makes me want to ask if a DragonRaid jump exists
nta, but people loved her design a lot.
As in she's straight up the second most popular character in the series according to popularity polls, only behind Himmel.
It was a really iconic moment, so she benefits by proxy.
Depends on which version of the story you're reading. I watched a video about this a while back and apparently in JP Deku uses much more wishy-washy "wouldn't it be nice" language when describing his dream than in English, where he speaks in a much more goal-oriented and ambitious manner. It seems like the original intention is that being a hero is more of an escapist fantasy rather than a proper ambition until Deku meets All Might, which is why he never puts any real effort into it.
You can't stop people from loving evil women
Aren't demons p-zombies? i.e. flesh automatons with no true will? Like viruses?
Sincerely baffling.

Is she even worth saving as a waifu, or is it literally pure fucking meme power? I thought demons in Frieren were sincerely fucked up and universally ontologically evil?
Demons aren't evil in the same way the lion stalking the gazelle isn't evil. They're predators with no conception of morality whatsoever, whose obligate prey just happens to be humans.
>some mercenary thug who had been hired to fill in some gaps in 'her' caravan. Who had immediately tried to mouth off to her about how he clearly deserved to be in charge.
At a guess, his qualifications for mercenary work are “Looks big and tough”, which will serve well enough as long as the caravan carrying all kinds of valuable things doesn’t get attacked.

>The glass raises up and the swill slides down her throat. It takes some real willpower to keep it down, this shit was disgusting.
The good news is, if she manages to make the drinking a +2 stunt she can get the Willpower back.

>Tinker Tailor
What about their sibling, Soldier Sailor?

>...And now that she had a letter, she would have to rewrite the whole thing in a manner less likely to get her killed.
Messier meanwhile would have found such a letter amusing.

>Moonsilken... He remembered the woman. An absolute brute of a creature, Seventh Stance had hired her to crush people in his way. Good tactic. Not an ideal leader. He'd have her removed.
If he thinks that, then I’m sure she’d be a great choice.

>Also, I really need to come up with an explaination for why rich brat princess is getting exiled to Gem. Or maybe I already did and I forgot it.
She isn’t actually exiled, it was just the best place to get away from her dad.
They have their own will and emotions, they are just different in mentality and opposed to all other life.
It's not that baffling. Nobody knows anything about anything. They either haven't watched it or watched it on TikTok clips or something.
She is not worth saving, it is pure meme power, and she's an evil demon necromancer that used the corpses of random people she beheaded using her relic as an army. Her crying like a bitch when subjected to the same fate she subjected scores if other people to is basically half the reason people like her.
nta, but they have free will just fine, they just have inherently different values and lack the ability to feel certain emotions.
But they can still think and feel independently as they want. It just doesen't take into account things like social bonds/community(beyond bowing to those stronger than you) or any inherent value to the preservation of life.
no, there is nothing about her personality that is worth saving, at best you could pull a frieren and instead of making her kill herself you could permanently enslave her, though you'd have to be careful with your wording as demons understand certain context differently(which is crucial to something that happens in a later arc).
She could make a pretty useful minion if you teach her the human magic system, considering how much mana she got.
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Not really unless you housebreak her and rewrite most of her personality. All she has is looks and an iconic moment in the series.
Any last fixes before I call this finished?
Well that's disappointing. I suppose she'd make good fodder for SIs to insert into if nothing else, but that's for future cringe fanfic writing purposes.
an Si inserting into a demon could be fun, but only if you stick with them gaining a Demon mentality, while still having their memory of a human mentality. And you actually deal with clashes of those.
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>I actually watched the anime
>mfw i don't exist
With a face like that I certainly hope you don't exist.
So Overlord but well-written, where there is an effective conflict of interest?
Be honest: do you like horny girls?
No problems here
actually stronger personality change.
Overlord suffers from Ainz in his human life being essentially a sociopath in a dystopia with barely any social life, and the only thing his new body prevents is overly strong emtions.

A mentally healthy human with an active social circle inserting into being incapable of valuing people sentimentally or forming proper bonds with others is a much bigger change.
The problem with Frieren demons is that everybody treats them as people to redeem and not an animal to breed and domesticate.
>Reshape Body: For 5 mana, you can adjust your target’s physical proportions and species, as well as add all kinds of cosmetic features.
Is this also meant to cover things like changing hair and eye color? Changing hair color isn’t quite what I’d think of as adding a cosmetic feature.
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Remidner that even the Demon Linie is more popular than Stark.
The Tumor was removed from him and became Amaterasu and he was heavily weakened, only slowly escalating back to the levels he was originally at. He was still still the strongest Hadou God but nowhere near his height.

>given Mitra didn't treat him like the final and definitive solution to Naraka
Why would she? She still believes that they need at least a dozen or more Hadous to give them a chance.
You cant really domesticate animals without existing concepts of family/herds, there is nothign to coopt to make them value existing among humans.

Trying to breed the ones that behave most desirable among humans, will just result in you breeding for the traits that allow Demons to better deceive people.
>The moral is that, as always, clarktech is the winning move, as it sealed Naraka.
Naraka could break out of Age Zero if it truly mustered a response since the Throne system isn't perfect. It just doesn't, not even when it got several opportunities in Avesta.
Yes. Adjust description in live version.
No, go for Flamme instead.
Mansex is certainly one of the nobodies of all time.
It's literally impossible.
Thank you.

Not like any one character has a monopoly on the spectrum in that series. That said Fern has the distinct advantage of being alive which Aura can no longer compete with.
What did you do in Ben 10?
I haven't seen a lot of people treat them as people to redeem, but more so that it seems like the author has no idea how sociopaths and/or ambush predators actually function in real life making demon biology & their mentality make no sense at all.
Pedos get the rope.
Nice. It may not be a jump, but just the same, have a build.

>Bolt (50)
>Voyeur (50)
>Alter Age (100)
>Alter Apparel (100)
>Alter Sex (100)
>Blink (100)
>Weather Protect (100)
>Alter Size (200)
>Reshape Body (200)
I was rereadying the chimera ant arc and realized how ridiculously powerful chimera ant, even squadron leaders were, in order of power:
so fast he could see Knuckles and Morel moving in slow motion, to the point even when they foresaw his movements he still managed to effortlessly dodge them, they only hit him once because he was surprised by Knuckles clones, after that he escapes because he didn't want to risk whatever Hakoware did, after that he's hit because he's a moron, so he hasn't the occasion to dodge. He also create a weak nen on the fly
>Zazan: she fights more or less evenly with a rusty Feitan, her subordinates manage to give serious troubles against members of the Troupe, her first hatsu allow her to create more chimera ants and the second make her so sturdy that Feitan's Ko break his sword without doing her any damage, she's extremely stronger than him and he only wins because of his busted power
hearing so refined that he can overhear radio signal to eavesdrop into conversation on the phone in the area, smell capable of tracking people and created a powerful ability that if you disobey him creates an undodgeable missile that causes pain if you disobey and death if you try to kill him.
didn't show much phisical abilities but he's talented enough to create an hatsu to steal abiliities.
>Bloster: Ok, I don't have much for him, his bullet are powerful but not the powerhouses the other were.
After meditating on the Fire Dao in a cave I realized everything is a flame. Just like a fire the human body takes in molecules of fuel, rearranges those molecules and expels them again. The human being, much like a flame is a process.
And flame is used to boil water and spin a turbine.
Nta, but you can just start the jump when she's older, there's a toggle for that.
Personally I like to start a few years before the first Ben 10.000 episode when Ben and Gwen are in their mid twenties.
Have fun, anon.
The bigger issue is that, based on where she’s standing, Alex should have gotten her feet layered off.
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I really like Meleoron's stealth Hatsu, it's just so powerful and the limitation just feels really appropriate. It's the kind of hatsu I could really imagine to exist in almost any supernatural setting, with or without magic system.
I’m not going to say yes, but I’m not going to say no either.
Thanks for the supplement. Also the question of post chain just came to mind, so you might consider adding “Post chain, you will gain 100 points every ten years” to rule 3.
They're fucking demons, anon, they don't need to function like anything IRL.

Who doesn't?
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I don't like them. I LOVE them.
Done. Decide for yourself if it applies after chainfail.
Anon, they're neither sociopaths nor ambush predators. They're demons.
As far as we are aware, normal adults cannot create imaginary friends. According to the writers on Twitter, the capacity to make friends wanes as puberty progresses and as one loses their childlike innocence as they mature into adults.
Of course, a Jumper with a Perk is exempt from this, but in general for both the setting and future settings you use the scenario reward on, Adults cannot make imaginary friends

>Decide for yourself if it applies after chainfail.
Personally I’ll go with yes. If chain failure happens it can be a consolation prize, and can be used to explore.
What happens if I impregnate an Imaginary Friend?
they give birth to imaginary offspring.
So the offspring are imaginary, rather than real-even if real sperm was used to make them?
in retrospect its funny that there as a cartoon about the logistical problems of imaginary friends needing food and housing and hat happens if parents dont want to pay for that anymore.
>Go through the process of making a build
>Get to the companion section
>Doesn't have an import section
Wasted time and another jump I can't use for this chain.
>jump Peter Pan
>jump Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
>jump World of Darkness
>side with the Changelings
Yeah that's my bad. Saw enough shitty arguments where people just say the demons are "just like sociopaths" and cite Frieren's explanation of demons as evolving from ambush predators as a justification for their behavior that I brought it up out of nowhere.
But on second thought, I don't really want to get onto the topic of Frieren demons today, so I'll leave it at that.
>but more so that it seems like the author has no idea how sociopaths and/or ambush predators
They are neither of those things.
You know what topic I want to get onto?

Frieren magic. There's clearly some sort of science to it, but at the same time the explicit fundamental mechanics of the magic are "just visualize it and be autistic until it works lol". So the science and rationality seems to basically just be one big crutch for actually visualizing what you want to achieve, EXCEPT that's not true-Goddess Magic is explicitly different and there's apparently loads of Goddess Magic spells that require careful decoding and have nothing to do with actual visualization.

Is Goddess Magic just an exception because the Goddess of Creation made her own super speshul magic for people to use instead of normal magic? Why use it at all instead of making normal magic spells?
For me this was the Baalbuddy jump, I just wanna dunk on horny elves and hang out with the crew.
Doesn't matter and wasn't explored, since only autistic retards care about shit like that.
What are some good places to learn rune crafting?
the frieren magic is really cool. also maybe the goddess magic works the way it does because it's the goddess visualizing stuff for you.
Fate Ireland.
Doesn't matter. You can't use your autism to reality warp into existence details that were never present. At best, you can make OC or headcanon. It's useful to understand that the vast majority of media isn't catered to people like us.
there is a magical theory behind creating/learning/activating a spell, visualisation is just something needed to actually apply the spells and ho far you can stretch it.

Magic isn't as simple as expending mana and visualizing what happens.
What upcoming jumps are you excited for? For me it Hunter X Hunter and Vices & Virtue.
>You can't use your autism to reality warp into existence details that were never present.
Not with that attitude you can't.
King Arthur got the Maleficum perk.
Charmcaster and a long running joke on Ben how I created the universe. Charmcaster was in on the joke. It all boils down to the final episode where I asked the aliens if I could push the big red button to make the universe. It was legally binding. And jumper was pissed at Ben for destroying his universe and replacing it with a copy. When asked why make the universe, Charmcaster and the rest are just byproducts not worth remembering.
Wait so there's a real possibility that Kurapika might actually be female?
Imaginary friends do not reproduce sexually. I can't say what OCP will do, but normally they don't breed, are technically ageless, but fade away from existence when they are forgotten
The Fleas are an exception. Not sure why
Hmmm I will post build for that lewdmage supplement soon. For me the most important to take first is Bind Focus to cheat some mana as heartstone teaches - mana cheat is the most important/powerful tool.
Are their collective imaginary friends? E.g. Jesus? Or would there just be multiple copies of the same friend?
>Vices & Virtues
Someone's making a jump for a Panic at the Disco! album?
Complete with fetishes the jumpmaker doesn't like, yes.
what do you think is the limit of Imaginary Friends creating real objects like how Coco's eggs can create all kinds of things(inclduing custom trading cards and gum).

You think a Goose that lays golden eggs would be on the table?
>haha oh no I'm not a vorefag I just am making a jump for a vore IP and putting vore perks in it no don't think I have such degenerate fetishes I'm your local family friendly jumpmaker
I'm confused.
NTA, but I get it. There's a lot of shit that has like one or two pages of a disgusting fetish and would otherwise be okay. And the setting is otherwise compelling if not for that one thing.
Shadow of the Demon Lord.
Multiple copies. We see this during the Christmas episode when Foster's gets an influx of a bunch of different Santa Claus friends which causes Mac to go into an existential crisis

Not sure, but we never see her make any super complicated technology or machinery. As for gold, it's possible since we've seen her make money with her eggs before so an imaginary friend that lays golden eggs should be believable.
Try to find a porn artist who has never drawn a femboy or futa. Basically impossible these days.
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Arknights. I want to conquer that world soo badly and also save the bad end waifus.
Can friends create friends?
No. Only normal human children...except again the Fleas but again those guys are weird
Nta, but no, at one point Bloo had a cookie making sweatshop and told Mac to imagine more friends to put to work(though he refused the implication was that you need a real child to do it)
I wonder if it would be in poor taste to power my demonic cultivation off of virgin female cultivator bathwater instead of virgin scarifices. Like sure sweat and workout grime probably has a lot less power than life blood but if I ramp up the amount of people in the bathhouse (maybe by making it a spirit hot spring of some kind?) I can offset the quality problems with quantity. Like efficiency loss but making the demonic techniques more viable.
I don't know what used bathwater tastes like anon, you're on your own for this one.
So lets say I go into this setting while having an imaginary world full of sapient imaginary beings. Would I have to worry about my imaginary citizens manifesting in the real world?

... How expensive would the power to travel between the real world and my imaginary dreamworld be?
Being a demon that actually bothered to learn more then one Spell sounds like it could be broken.
What did y'all do in The Elder Scrolls jumps?
BTFO'd the Dragonborn, Hero of Kvatch, and Nerevarine with my Deagle.
Haven't gone there yet, but probably kill a whole bunch of Thalmor.
Bros, I miss the YJ_Chad...
>Would I have to worry about my imaginary citizens manifesting in the real world?
Is there some way they're influencing the children on this world to.imagine them into existence? Or are you liable to accidentally imagine new ones into existence?
If it's OCP stuff, I couldn't tell you how it interacts, but if they already existed before you came to this jump, and if you've already got the place locked away, you should be fine. Though that's just a guess, I'm not going to tell you how to run your OCP interactions
>... How expensive would the power to travel between the real world and my imaginary dreamworld be?
As an Imaginary Friend Power? I'd argue 600 IP since that's what I would put that one friend who can time-travel at, but that's just me. Fanwank it if you want.
Was a loli mage that managed to become a god somehow, but just spent all my time as a low level member of the mage's guild because I liked spending my days reading books
usually cultivators expel impurities to advance. going the other way and drawing power from impurities sounds like it has a lot of potential.
Dunmer and Khajiit hoes.
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I've got this whole complex song and dance set up that's gonna involve making my own Numidium and breaking reality super hard with songs and complex magical bullshit. It's gonna be great, though I'm not there yet in my chain.
>Is there some way they're influencing the children on this world to.imagine them into existence? Or are you liable to accidentally imagine new ones into existence?
I don't think anyone else would be imagining them into existence, but I definitely DO add more people and places to my dreamworld.

I guess a better way to phrase my question is if coming here would make the imaginary friends I already have become real?
Im just thinking that you always kick out some kind of flesh/blood/sweat in tiny amounts just as a side effect of being alive and would like to try and use that instead of going after the big score of kulling some powerful people. Collect this from the water and refine it into a pill for very low but steady supplies of demonic gains.
>that one friend who can time-travel
There is a time traveling friend?
Nta but yes and she takes the fosters friends on feild trip like adventures.
>I guess a better way to phrase my question is if coming here would make the imaginary friends I already have become real?
Only if you import them or imagine them into reality yourself, though depending on how your pre-existing imaginary world functions you may just end up amking copies of them if you aren't importing them. Again, I can't rule on OCP interactions totally, just give my own two cents.

Yes, they were a brief side character during the Old Man Rivers episode
>Only if you import them or imagine them into reality yourself, though
Fair enough, thanks!
Are there any perks so that I could go and visit my family every now and then during a chain?
Slice of life jumps with Elves? Only one I know of is fat elf.
Was there a reason why the jumpmaker for Mage the Awakening only used first edition?
Was second edition onward significantly more powerful, or did the jumpmaker only have the first edition books?
Did anything change between the two really?
No idea, I'm just wondering why they made the jump SPECIFICALLY for first edition, as stated in the title and notes.
Do we have any sci-fi jumps with settings that feel like star wars without the force?
Does Slice of Life only count modern Earth or fantasy also counts?
I think Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear and The Restaurant to Another World could also fit, kinda? Maybe Artur Christmas too. The elves had a funny accent there.
Most likely because the majority of content for that edition hadn't come out at the time. So you say it's only for one edition just in case some retcon or new mechanic completely upends the balance of the jump. Exalted 3e is a good example. It's arguably more sensible to make a jump for one edition rather than letting people pick and choose from multiple editions like our Exalted jumps do, which is its own can of incoherent worms.
Maybe that's the one that they played and liked. Kinda like how all our Exalted jumps are just for 2E, because that's what the Jumpmakers played/read.
Either works, thanks.
That magic theory includes being able to visualize something. Like, Frieren mages aren't going to split atoms to create fission nuclear weapons because they haven't the conception of those things being possible.
The jump also heavily restricts jumpers to game mechanics.
In the olden days, dupes weren't allowed. Sometimes you would specifically cover a specific time period just in case a later one had enough content to merit its own jump. Other times you got the Zelda situation where no one made a new Zelda jump for years because the whole franchise was (in theory) covered by one doc.
I feel like this should only work properly if the Virgins' qi is water aligned and your own qi is wood aligned.

But in general I think demonic cultivaiton should still make you do something immoral/violating, just taking something someone leaves behind feels improperly proper, less predator and more scavenger.
Maybe you could mentally corrupt them by getting them to willingly give/sell you their bathwater or even allow you to be with them as they are bathing, basicly making them less pure as you are getting your cultivaiton resource.
Her power is mind/soul control. It's just that her power extends to the bodies of those that die after being affected by her power, and that her power can be temporally resisted if you have a strong enough willpower. So after a close call, she decided to first order those who fall under her spell to behead themselves so they won't be able to resist anymore.
She doesn't raise the dead, those that serve in her headless army were those sent against her first.
I mean, the few Demons that do that are uncommonly powerful.
I forget what drive it is, but there is Generic Fantasy RPG. There is a drawback that summons you're mom or dad for the jump and tryout have to keep them near and alive. With the option at the end to make them companions or followers.
That was probably necessary to get it on the drive at the time. If not for that, retarded limitwankers would have banned it. Same reason that 99% of Exalted jumps didn't let you make E6+ Charms.
Everyday life with a monster girl has elves.
Star Gate or Treasure Planet?
Yeah, pretty much. That's almost exactly why she doesn't trust him though, because who knows what kind of stupid thing he might try to do once he's in charge. By comparison, Moonsilken is just smart enough to know that being in charge sucks and would actually like to hand it off... to someone competent. Which he doesn't seem to be.

He works on a sand-ship.

Messier would have found being talked like that to her face amusing, as an offical report slightly less so. As a report aimed at her father, even less. There's no reason to lose a valuable subordinate for such a stupid reason after all.

See above about Moonsilken knowing just enough to know she doesn't want to deal with it. She'd handle it, if not perfectly, and hate every second of it.

I haven't decided yet. I'm pretty sure I had decided at one point, but I've forgotten.
>Star Gate
Only if you ignore all the Ascension stuff. Which is hard since it becomes increasingly relevant as the series goes on.
Nta, but that is just a silly thought. Even Quicksilver made two Pokemon jumps.
Would Superman be upset if Jumper, as a Kryptonian, allowed the US government to take his DNA and make a clone army of himself?
I must have stopped before that. I just remember aliens and them replacing the entire cast by the end. Then something about a religion war that I didn't pay attention to. And Stargate Atlantis and last in space Star Gate.
If it doesn't have the force, it doesn't feel like Star Wars.

Firefly feels similar to the bounty hunting/outlaw stuff, I guess.
I actually got three commissions and only ever did one of them, because the other two just straight up didn't interest me.
Go to Van Helsing and get the bite perk. Then you can infect people to turn into kryptonians under the full moon.
You could conceivably create a magic theory for a spell that does that, you just wont be able to actually use the spell if you cant actually visualize this being done.
Like any mage could conceivably learn or create the hair control spell Sense uses, but almost nobody can actually cast it without being able to actively visualize controlling each individual hair with mana.

But there is no implication that visualization itself is necesarry for the development of the spells.
I think the justification at the time was that PMD is an AU.
I feel like Superman would get upset about anyone cloning super soldiers, regardless of the consent of the donor or not.
There is already a couple of those.
Ainz was already damaged. Not to the point where he would go killing just because it was convenient, but enough that the death of children in the streets wouldn't faze him.
>If it doesn't have the force, it doesn't feel like Star Wars.
nta, but there was no force usage/mention on Andorr and it still felt plenty like Star Wars.
It would suck if you were NuBee and got Isekai'd to Frieren.
I'm pretty ambivalent to it all. Other things to do.
What is the best monster race to be and why is it Giant Koopa?
But did they consider Final Fantasy to all be the same setting or different ones? For a long time there was no official timeline for Zelda.
Properly learning a spell requires to be able to use it, if you can't cast it you haven't learned it, you have just learned about it. The spell that Seire gives Dekken is one that requires an entire human life-time to cast, so basically humans can't learn it unless Serie transfers the knowledge to them with a spell.

What you are describing is just idly theorizing at best, or daydreaming.
Because you want to look impressive and seduce Wendie Koopa.
Would he be upset if they could make robots as powerful as Kryptonians that they just kinda figured out how to invent through science?
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Big void dragon thingy is better.
I can't remember. I think part of it was that the jump explicitly contained other games in its location section and was meant to cover the entire franchise. I don't think there was ever such a franchise jump for FF.
The strongest tortle in history
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I mean, he'd generally disapprove of the US Military getting powerful weapons and using them to kill people, but he will almost never actively get involved unless its illegal(Injustice Superman preventing drone strikes from killing civillians in the middle east was considered a major overreach by both the US and most of the justice league).

Though hey may think that they stole his own army of robot supermen.
In a world with superpowers where people who have them often have powers related or similar to family who also have them what powers would be suitable for the family of someone with hive mind clones.
>duplicaitng your body parts like Nico Robin
>identical twins/triplets that are telepathically connected
>splitting yourself into multiple indepndent copies that cant be reabsorbed and will vanish after a few hours.
Becoming part of the hivemind.
>Superman preventing drone strikes from killing civillians in the middle east was considered a major overreach by both the US and most of the justice league
Batman would approve if his parents were blown up by a bomb in getbombistan'd alley
>By comparison, Moonsilken is just smart enough to know that being in charge sucks and would actually like to hand it off... to someone competent. Which he doesn't seem to be.
This probably ends with Messier being the person who finds someone to take over.
Does GURPS Psi-Wars count?
I don't think you watched Korra if you think she was supposed to be a perfect protagonist.
The show was basically just 4 seasons of constantly shitting on her.
She got like 3 hype moments overall.
There's really no reason to think that the Final Fantasies take place in the same continuity, except for 10 and 7 which take place on different planets in the same universe.
These people are anime-addicted incel coomers. Any female character that doesn't immediately drop to their knees the moment they brandish their cock at her is a "girlboss".
>I want to conquer that world soo badly
You people are so fucking boring.
So after a drought of chainbutts for a few threads, this is what we get? That's annoying.
I'll have you know I'm an anime-addicted feminist coomer thanks very much.
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This >>94820243 but unironically.
This >>94820243 but extra ironically with a side of fries and a diet soda.
That's just another way to say incel.
Why am I catching strays?
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Small, medium, or large?
Isn't that legit just being vocel since they are associating with that movement in particular?
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Child sized, of course.
I think what anon means is that incels like to say they're feminist in order to get laid. Maybe.
That trick only works when there are women present and Val hasn't been around for months.
That's what you think, but Australians are very sneaky. She could be with us at this exact moment, and you would never know unless you looked at your screen upside down.
I got a question about Red's MGRR jump. If I buy the upgraded Base item and fanwank it being picrel, would it come loaded with cruise missiles?
Nta, but you're the obvious person in this general who can't visually imagine things.
What is this shit model?
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This you?
An anal vibrator from the looks of it.
No, this is Based. Whoever this is definitely fucks.
>Exalted 3e is a good example
To be honest, the more I dived into 3e, the more I realised it was 2e that was the outlier, 3e is far closer to 1e than anything else, and only 2e with its focus on the highest and most ridiculous expressions of Exalted really makes it difficult to work an edition-agnostic setting in. Someone is inevitably going to mention the 3e Exalts, to which I will remind you: Infernals.
Now reddit makes only out of context trash, wich is your favorite reddit jump/guilty pleasure?
Yes if you drink it black but not so long as you add milk, sugar/honey, and anything else you want. Only beta faggots care about drinking "black" coffee to show their submission to black men.
I might be mangling this phrase, but most people who seek out power aren't suited to using it well. Griscourt will elect someone who is, probably not outright corrupt, but someone that he knows the vices of and can squeeze in an emergency. Meanwhile Messier is perfectly content to leave Moonsilken where she is, because she's honest about not wanting it, while also having the skills needed to actually do it.
Infernals are cool. The same cannot be said of Getimians and the other two I can't recall the name of.
>Drinking coffee BLACKED
What is this? Is it some kind of reddit thing
I don't think I have a guilty pleasure when it comes to the reddit jumps I like, they just happen to be their good ones i.e. One Piece, Tekken Mishima Saga, Guyinthecap's jumps, Yakuza Zero etc. etc. etc.
...Look. I'm deep in the yuri swamps and think that the best thing to do in most cases is genderbend everyone into girls. But even I think this is a little excessive.
I am, not denying that people have reason to like Infernals. GSPs, however, were a massive lore shakeup. 1e Infernals were all akuma with a vaguely-hinted sinister purpose TED was going to use them for, at the time most people thought he was going to make super-akuma or something. GSPs and everything attached largely blindsided the community.
Infernals also come with an origin story that makes sense with the pre-established lore of the setting (the Yozi plotted to grab a bunch of Solar Exaltations and nabbed a bunch to corrupt).

The main complaint I've seen (and hold myself) is that some of the new Exalt splats cheapen the importance of Exaltations in the lore, what with every noname god being able to just fucking make one. Not to mention how disappointing the ruleset for making a custom Exalt was.
Who says I drink my coffee blacked?
I like Getimians, but know almost nothing about 3e, so there may be some problem I'm unaware of to them.
3e removed the horny.
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Any last-minute drawback suggestions? HxH will almost certainly drop next thread.
Pretty much. Maybe Fair Eyes has the charms and skills to teach her to be good at the job.
If you're on the Way of the Lily, you should not reject yourself out of shame. You will never reach enlightenment while denying self-actualization. Draw everything you are from Yuri and create the world anew with Yuri, become one with all things and control absolute power through your love of women.
Being hunted by the Spiders/Chimera Ants
Becoming a child like Kite
Phantom Troupe trauma.
A drawback to be so gender ambiguous looking you make a "sane" person lose their mind and imagine you as their preferred gender no matter how the truth contradicts them.
I have two problems with this line of thought:
1) We already have people able to make more Exaltations, theoretically indefinitely. They're called Dragon-Blooded and they're called Alchemicals.
2) none of them practically can do this indefinitely, DBs breeding too much takes away their lifespan, Alchemicals are a massive resource investment, and Exigents require the god to lose a major chunk of its power or outright sacrifice itself to make one single Exalted, or finally create a patchwork one that is guaranteed to be flawed.
Exigents also don't really upend the balance of the setting because they're not all that powerful (intentionally, without an incarnae/Primordial behind them). I find that explains a whole lot why gods don't do that more often.
Time extension drawback that doesn't give points, coupled with a version of the Drawback that puts you 300 years in the past on the Dark Continent based on Don Freecss.
Brain empty drawback inspired by Gon.
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You know, HxH isn't the only setting who had someone like that. Baka to Test had Hideyoshi, who was so feminine no man could believe he was male, but everyone knew he wasn't actually a girl either.

They ended up building him his own special bathroom for "Hideyoshi" gender, because his purity would be sullied by using the same bathroom as males or females. And there were several other similar gags.
People find them tonally out of place and like to joke about them being isekai exalted mostly.
time to go all out, at least some ought to pass:
>your family wants to kill you (like at kakin)
>like Colt and Gon you have trauma from failing to save someone and will obssessively latch on to someone weaker to protect, or someone stronger you want to have revenge on
>like Komugi you are blind
>someone hired the Zoldyck to kill you or Hisoka is "interested" in you or the phantom troupe want you dead (unsure on wich is better)
>like Razor you have made a deal with a powerful hunter and are constrained in a location
>like an experiment of Pitou you have had your emotions disconnected from your brain and unlike Palm you won't restore them easily
>Like Hisoka you will keep putting your opponent in the best conditions possible, only dying and being scared by it can help you to get better at it.
Ok, thank you, I like things like glitches in time, and the body horror inherent in having pattern spiders in their bodies.
I dig Getimians and Liminals because I have a boner for symmetry and they directly pair with existing Exalts. Exigents can go fuck themselves though.
Eating others of your own kind.

If you're a vampire, eating other vampires would count. If you're a human, eating other humans.
I'm more annoyed that after spending 1e hinting at the possibility of DBs Exalted of the Underworld elements we got Liminals instead and still haven't explored that concept at all. It would just be really swell to have DBs Exalting in shadowlands, from ghostly ancestry or something have their own nature inverted like the Solar/Abyssal ones.
And what about such things as
>Blood transfusions
>Blood ministration
>Blood wines
>Consuming cerebral/spinal fluid for power
>Vampires consuming humans
>Not QUITE vampires (Vilebloods) consuming humans
>Consuming the flesh/essence of highly mutated humans
>Consuming the flesh/essence of things that used to be human but are distinctly...not, now
Netero tier battle boner, Illumi like extreme tendencies, Pariston wanting to break you, The Troupe/ Zoldycks have a contract for your ass, being prime Art Material for Tsreidnich, No outside powers or have Emperor time like mode that lets you use them but fucks you up....

Being Ging.
The Empire didn't change the Greybeards. The Greybeards were, from the beginning, the result of Jurgen Windcaller losing the Battle of Red Mountain and taking this as a sign that the Thu'um wasn't a weapon, actually. He then used his superior Thu'um to kill everyone who tried to fight him about this.
A drawback to be the opposite gender of what you really are. So you become a trap/femboy or tomgirl/bara uggo girl
A scrying spell would be useful to have with the Gate spell.
Additional questions
>Does consuming Blood Echoes count as cannibalism?
>What about Souls a-la Dark Souls?
>Do Hollows-from Bleach-consuming human souls count as cannibalism?
>What about eating Kishin Eggs/Souls in Soul Eater?
>If I swap to a nonhuman altform and eat a human, then swap back, is that cannibalism?
>Does using Neuromods in Prey count as cannibalism if I'm a Typhon? (Neuromods are made out of Typhon biomatter and inject said biomatter directly into one's brain)
>Does becoming an assimilating swarm (like Heartless or Vex) and making everything a part of me count as cannibalism?
>Does it count as cannibalism if, like Kirby or Yoshi, you can swallow and spit out your victims harmlessly afterwards?
>another realm that you’re aware of
Actually, it’d be really useful for the Planeswalk spell as well.
Canonically shit-tier and literally designed as footsoldiers.

Living within the Primordial who designed and created Exaltations to begin with.

Ah, so that's what they were called.

I can't speak for others, but the issue I have with Exigents personally is that they cheapen the importance of Exaltations as divine superweapons meant to overthrow the creators of the world. The balance itself doesn't bother me, but if they're not meant to be particularly powerful then why not just make it a more general divine blessing instead? Or hell, just buff the god-blooded to be a bit more impressive as demigods. There's no point in making them *Exalted* specifically, when Exaltations are already a specific thing.

I'm less familiar with the other two, Getimians (which are the ones from nonexistent timelines or something iirc?) and whatever the third new Exalt type was called, but my complaint that they don't need to have Exaltations specifically still applies in my honest opinion.

It may be a bit autistic or pedantic to complain about this but hey, 2e is my favorite edition so it shouldn't be too big a surprise.
Same reason Changeling the Lost is 1e, I suspect.
Nta but the getimian, wich yes are those from possible timelines that never happened, were an experiment of Sacheverell and Oramus to create their own, I think, wich would mantain their importance
They also got locked up for good because said Primordials were terrified of what they made up until some asshole broke them out which imo is adding double humiliation to the sids.
>Canonically shit-tier and literally designed as footsoldiers.
Still enough to overthrow the JOBler HANliberative.
They're just memeing because I'm obsessed with Kurapika.
Doesn't make it a bad drawback, regardless.
Nah i'm just memeing with him, it shouldn't be a proper drawback.
That does make it a bit better I guess, although it makes me want to ask where they got the Exaltations from, or how they got the knowledge needed to make them. After all, even Autochthon needed to vivisect a bunch of Lintha before he got it down. Maybe they just replicated the Solar Exaltations the Yozi got or something, but it's at least reasonable.
>just buff the god-blooded
I have thought they could have done that, but it does work better for some than for others. Fae-Blooded and God-Blooded proper could stand to benefit, since the former can have some Fair Folk powers without being categorically insane and the latter can be just about anything (which is the role that Exigents are taking over), but it's already hard to tell a particularly strong God-Blooded of Elemental ancestry from a Terrestrial of the matching Aspect in a lot of cases (the latter can use other Elements and suffers a Limit track, but how much does the average Mortal know about that?), and Demon-Blooded and Ghost-Blooded share a problem with the Half-Castes of being "smaller version of <Celestial Exalt Type>" thanks to Infernals and Abyssals respectively.
When will someone make Out of Context Gohanposting?
A jump document is on-topic, last I checked.
Don't care, didn't ask.
That ain't a jumpdoc, it ain't from out community, and it's posted as spam.
Spamshit is spamshit.
Oramus is constantly eyeballing alternate realities, my headcanon is he didn't replicate an exaltation so much as he replicated what the Primordials made that is like an exaltation in another timeline.
The thing is in that now there is a more common way to create exaltation, that sometime the incarna lend to lesser deities, wich steal from each other, exchange it et cetera, but creating an exaltation permanently diminishes its creator, wich even kill some gods when they create their exigents, from the little I know at least. It's possible they used something based on those principles, but honestly with Oramus everything is possible, litterally.
It was because of that that I said>>94820478
Not complaining about the removal of that thing, but I thought spam was for when something is repeatedly posted.
>The thing is in that now there is a more common way to create exaltation
Which is what I do not like, yes.I don't care that it diminishes the gods that use it, it cheapens the concept of Exaltations by making them more common.
And that's just what I found by typing in "reddit-sama" and looking at the first page of results. This spam is nigh fucking endless.
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Finally finished my build for G1 Transformers, choice paralysis is a bitch at times. No summary this time, I burnt out trying to decide what I wanted in the robot section.

>Drawbacks: You Fool I Say (50/“It’s Over/We’re Back”), Silicon Scapegoat (100), Animation Errors (100), Defective Programing (100, Magpie Tendencies), Five Faces of Darkness (200), Loose Screws (200 ver), Lying or Stupid (200), Human Germs (300), The Big Switch (400), Primacron’s Ire (800 ver)
[Drawback pts: 2450, Total pts: 3450]

>Species [Composition & Scale]
Metal, Apocalypse - [2000 CP, +400 RP]
>Perks, Discounts marked with *
Trademark - Free (Stellar Firma)
Audio Receptors - Free ver
Insignia [Autobot] - Free
Special Abilities - 100* (Tier 2, Minor Telekinesis)
Technological Mastery - Free (Tier 1)
Human Spirit - Free*
Splatter Proof - Free*
Plot Senses Tingling - 100*
In Stores Now - 150*
Wheeljack’s Monsters - 300*

>Robot Builder [Conversion Points, Start with 400RP/40SP]
Stat Point Conversion - 300 CP >> 30 SP (70 SP Total)
Robot Point Conversion - 400 CP >> 400 SP (800 RP Total)
>Robot Builder [Tech Specs, 70SP]
STR: 10
INT: 10
SPD: 5
END: 10
RNK: 5
CRG: 10
FPR: 10
TCH: 10

>Robot Builder [Functions, 800RP]
Transform - Free (Planet)
Primary Function - Free (Salvaging)
Cube Emitter - 50
Duocon - 150 (3 Components, Consciousness shared between components)
Omnivore - 200
Flight - 400 ver

Fleshlings (Free w/Human Germs drawback, 600CP for them)

>Assets [Equipment] Discounts marked with *
Toyline - Free
Satisfaction Guaranteed - Free*
Cybertonium - Free*
Teletran J - 100* (Option 1)
Sasuga, Reddit-sama.
>There's no point in making them *Exalted* specifically, when Exaltations are already a specific thing.
Personally I would have limited them to a few blanket exaltations left behind by Autochthon and filled up by the various heads of the divine bureaus after the Ursurpation as an emergency effort, with castes being defined by each bureau. That way their origin would be as weaker mirror to the original celestial exalted and there wouldn't be a need to make a powerset from scratch for every single exigent.
>4th link from the bottom
Someone isn't being honest.
Does having 10k DBs around cheapen being one of the 50 Infernals?
I found that one by looking exactly one post down from the 5th link from the bottom. I am entirely honest.
I understand that, and I was defending the Getimian, not the Exigent, on wich I agree with you.
>Canonically shit-tier and literally designed as footsoldiers
It's vaguely implied something like that is actually what happened. Gods need to petition Conky to share a "spark" with them which they can then stamp with their nature. Or steal it from conky, or trade in one of the few free ones. They don't make the whole thing themselves.
Ok, thanks, never saw it, somehow.
Did you miss the part where Exigents are also shit from not having an incarnae/Primordial stamping on their essences?
What a whore
Don't worry, you'll see more of it. There's always more of it, and getting banned never stops little tim-tim for long. If he even gets banned in the first place.
I'm not even gonna bother linking the individual posts; at that point my post could probably classify as spam. Still, more than enough to show that it's been happening fucking nonstop.
Nta but Exigents can canonically be solaroid tier, even if in narrow field, not what I would define shit.
Immaculate Martial Arts.
To be fair, a good number of those are making fun of the OoC supplements.
It's hard to tell when there's so many others of the exact same kind of post being used as shitposting.
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What are your favorite spy related jumps?
A Bisky inspired companion, but backwards. As in a woman who looks like a loli and uses Nen to achieve her dream amazonian physique. Actual amazonian not a Jojo like the actual Bisky.
A Bisky inspired companion, but backwards. As in a man who looks like a femboy and uses Nen to achieve his dream Jojo-esque physique.
MGR, it's not a spy jump but it is related to them.
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An OC companion who, like Biscuit, used Nen to get her ideal body. But instead of going from muscular to loli, a fat girl going from fat to thin.
Metal Gear Solid
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Favourite learning perks?
Looking foward to it.
>Jumper: So how do I use Nen?
>FemGojo: Well first you move your arms like this. . .
>FemSukuna: After that you just go 'woosh'.
>Observer: The fuck kind of explanation is that, you're horrible teachers!
>Jumper with learning perks: Ah yes, 'woosh' I get it.
>Activates aura in five minutes, teachers think he's too slow.
>Observers: The actual fuck?
It's a job from heavensanon final fantasy xiv jump. Mostly because the boost it gives can keep getting exponentialy bigger by sealing away greater portions of jumper's power.
Mastery Equals Flow from Mortal Heroes and Always Learning from Land of Shadows.
>>Activates aura in five minutes, teachers think he's too slow.
To be fair Tserreidnich figured it out instantly like Itachi so that is kinda slow for having multiple learning perks.
I like "Cheatlike Talent" from Fake Saint Of The Year.
Ah, I see a fellow fan of Tenjou Tenge, nice.
>wich is your favorite reddit jump/guilty pleasure?
Theorycrafting for stapling together what amounts to nearly 12 mini-chains worth of chain, even though it's actually less practical than using one of at least 3 reddit-specific methods to frontload all of jumpchain into a bodymod.
Anything by FafnirsFoe and guyinthecap
I'm so fucking ready for this jump, gonna make you a gift for it.
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>David Lynch just passed away
I'm just gonna...crawl into a hole and cry for a while.

In related news, talk about the last horror jump you used I guess.
Damn, that sucks to hear man.

As for horror? I don't really do it a lot, but I do like Soma and the Signalis Gauntlet. Especially the Signalis one. I would go through those while shaking like a leaf and praying to get out as fast as possible, clutching a shotgun as a safety blanket.
Reddit has some decent jumpmakers like FancyFireDrake, ErdoGrim, Atma, Dirge, and FafnirsFoe, but I don't have a single jump that I would say I love from any of them.
Generic Gamer, Generic Sailor Moon Fanfic, and Generic System Apocalypse are favorites of mine.
Will someone twitch more Elder Scrolls lore knowledge help me? Does everyone in the world bet the birth sign powers or just the player characters? Because if you have a bunch of people that can open locks once a day, paralyze with a kiss and the rest, it just seems like the world should be more chaotic.
Everyone's born under a birthsign, though generally the effects of those signs are minor rather than full on powers. Slight influences and tendencies towards this or that rather than full on abilities or bonuses to actual skills. Not always-but most of the time.
I only ever kneel to put myself in dick-stabbing range.
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>>94821241 (me)
Finished the gift, excited for the jump PsychoAnon.
While I hate the ntr, I do want to go explore that demon realm.
Something something tiger training? Though I think that's more for making soldiers than bureaucrats.
Wow, thanks man!

Damn, my hands are huge.
Ya got those Yaoi hands, there was only so much I could do with my limited image editing skills with the og image but i'm happy with how it turned out. https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=8742541&tags=kurapika+kiss
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They're Yaoi Hands.
That one in Morrowind that lets you gain skills by reading combined with the Princess Bride for instantly reading or absorbing any media. Any new library is a lot of training at a touch.
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There’s also a version under Lore for training things like Bureaucracy.
Of course. Handlebars.
As others have said she's not really a good waifu. Demons lack understanding of social concepts to the point that one /trying/ to would've ended the world before that happened. So unless you can change her race then Waifuing her is a hard no.
Everyone goes there eventually. Whether they bother to remember 'that place I took over like seven-hundred years ago' or not is what makes it a big deal or not.
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I've asked this before, but now I'm compelled to ask again: what if I patched in social concepts and empathy with something like Neuromods? These things basically add new neural tissues and connections directly to the brain, and were able to interface with even utterly alien neurology and teach an alien species that lacked the concept of empathy entirely (Typhons) to recognize that other people /existed/-and even develop such concepts as compassion. It should be possible to insert the neurology for bonding and socialization into a Frieren demon using a Neuromod, but the result of such an action is much more questionable. How would they react, upon realizing that other people have value? How would they act, upon recognizing that their actions have caused others suffering and /empathize with that suffering/?
Honkai Star Rail, if SkyrimAnon ever does post a update
Just make an expy. She's a generic demon girl you can make in almost any isekai setting.
NTA So that means that the PC birth sign abilities /are/ canon? Just that they're extremely rare in setting?
Nice, always appreciated
>Flight - 400 ver
Y'know, you probably don't need to buy this. The metal Apocalypse scale is explicitly based on Unicron, who was clearly capable of traveling through space on his own.
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Once I finish with the Silmarillion I'll probably focus on it, if only because Amphoreus just came out and I need to rewatch all the earlier story anyway.
As I responded to a similar (if not the exact same) prompt once; they will probably just flat out kill themselves under the belief that "I have committed grave sins and suffering upon humanity, so if I die then this will fix everything". Merely inserting empathy and an understanding that others' lives have value is not going to fix the fundamental problem with demons and will just have them interpret such things through their immensely fucked up worldview.
Absolutely, yes. There's plenty of mages born under signs like the Mage or Atronach, plenty of thieves who were born under the Thief or other such signs, and so on. In Skyrim you even fight a guy who uses the power of one of the birth signs to summon skeletons.
It would probably work but that's basically like trying to teach a lion to value a gazelle as another lion. Like sure a Freiren demon might learn those values but they still need to eat people.
I don't think Frieren demons need to eat humans, though? They just prey upon humanity purely because its instinctual, gaining nothing from the act but doing it because it's all but programmed into them.
Speaking of what are the stones even doing? Are they just retroactively changing the birth signs?
They prey on humans specifically and nothing else.
>joke about them being isekai exalted mostly.
Not just Isekai, they're specifically shitty fanfic insert jokes. Spring are Blackhole Sues who have mental influence passives built into their anima, making themselves more likable and their goals more appealing. Summer caste are future-knowledge armchair generals, their anima can force the GM to answer questions about possible short-term results of a given action. Autumn cast are redemptionfags who scream "I can fix him!" at the top of their lungs as their anima absorbs the consequences of their crushes' actions. Winter are rationalfic protagonists, whose anima fights off illusions and can impose the Exalt's values on people within range.
Personally, I find the joke funny.
I mean as long as you don't companion any of the named girls shouldn't it be pretty easy to avoid all that shit?
More like empowering connections, I'd think. Keep in mind this is all my headcanon and there's no actual lore answer for this...but if I had to say; you, as a Prisoner, are disconnected from Fate and thus can freely change around your birth sign because the stars have no hold over you save for what you give them. Everyone else already has a birth sign that's locked in, but they're more or less attuned to it. Like-remember how I said it's normally weak in people? It's not like a binary off or on thing-it's more of a spectrum depending on how connected you are to the stars and your own destiny. The stones (presumably) help people empower that connection, letting you go from "I've got a slight leaning towards [x]" to "I can straight up absorb 50% of all spells sent my way".
Yo Skyrim, isn't the valar the ones who sang a bunch of stuff into existence? How is that going to be handled? And will there be a scenario for eru illuvatar stuff?
This reminds me of a fanfic I read a long time where the villains all had powers that were themed on mary sue powers. But critically, and this is what made the story kinda interesting, they didn't actually have the author on their side like most sues do, so the heroes just found ways around their bullshit and killed them. Like the one who was a huge religionfag and had perfect anti-magic because "God" gave it to her just got shot to death with a normal gun.
GauntLight part 2
> Ant only, see people as cattle
> Your actions tend to make suicidally motivated enemies, who all happen to know or learn Nen and will develop busted abilities through force of will or willingness to sacrifice everything to beat you (Kurapika, origin of the Phantom Troupe, Adult Form Gon, etc). Call it "Bottomless Malice in the Human Heart"
> The Dark Continent scales to be as terrifying for you as it is for everyone else; Freecs/etc somehow got very lucky/ only traversed the shallower portions/scaled with it
> A +0 CP toggle to make the Dark Continent keep scaling nearly endlessly as you go further out ("turns out this whole continent is a tiny island offshore of the main continent.. which is the base of a mountain which becomes stronger as you go upward... which is on the back of the smallest world-turtle...")
> Hisoka battle boner
> Powerloss Gon drawback; you can theoretically train them back up but you're starting from zero
With guidance from Eru yeah. Outside of that on their own they generally just reshape the landscape of Arda to prepare it for the elves, so I figure song is just how they wield their godly powers. Yavanna, for example, created and fostered the growth of living things by singing.

>will there be a scenario for eru illuvatar stuff
Frankly, no. Eru basically just doesn't do anything beyond act as an orchestra conductor for the Valar and acting like a New Testament christian god.
Trust me buddy, Hardened Killer is the superior charm. Source: not affiliated with the Deathlords.
>> A +0 CP toggle to make the Dark Continent keep scaling nearly endlessly as you go further out ("turns out this whole continent is a tiny island offshore of the main continent.. which is the base of a mountain which becomes stronger as you go upward... which is on the back of the smallest world-turtle...")
Why would you turn HunterXHunter into a xianxia?
>Y'know, you probably don't need to buy this. The metal Apocalypse scale is explicitly based on Unicron, who was clearly capable of traveling through space on his own.
Ah, I really need to stop overthinking things if that’s the case, at least I have 400 more points in the budget to spend in the Builder Section…or maybe I can rearrange part of it back to the item section to snag a town, Sacred Water, a Space Bridge, or one of the companions. I’ll post it in a PDF, my past TF builds always end up right near the word limit.
Imagine a human realizing that all things have value. Doable, right? Hard, but if you were the Buddha or Christ or similar, it could work.

Now imagine trying to patch in humanity and empathy to a snake. A dumb, violent stomach with scales and fangs. What would it even do with that knowledge? It doesn't base its decisions on abstract value the same way a human.

The demon is like a snake. It can develop a concept of value for humans, but it won't be the same kind of value for humans as a human's. It won't even be the same kind of value that humans have for a snake.

Perhaps the clearest equivalent would be the value a human has for a thing that is not real. A thought or a feeling, a passing fragrance or a stray idea. A half-remembered dream. A thing not merely existing to be used, but that's wholly beyond the scope of our social and ethical framework to incorporate.

A parasocial relationship, I believe it's called?
Honestly, its the perfect xianxia setting already.
The way you describe it makes Alex Yu's patching in human empathy into a Typhon sound even more cruel than I originally thought of it as, you know? In some ways it's even worse for Typhon than it would've been for a Frieren demon. They literally don't even have the concept of individuals or other species, and SAPEINCE ITSELF is FOOD for them-so Alex Yu proceeding to capture a Typhon and patch in human neural tissue to teach it empathy and to recognize that humanity has value is almost quite literally "implant human empathy in a snake". Except the hungry mouth and fangs are literally, evolutionarily designed to eat sapience-to eat the very thing it has just been taught has intrinsic value and which it now is forced to perceive and recognize as having its own experiences and life rather than just "food source".
Holy based.
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I forcibly insert empathy and human values into every species i encounter.
I forcibly remove empathy from every species I encounter. I don't need to do it to humans though, they're usually well enough capable of bastardry without me.
Careful not to cut yourself on that edge
KWAB, cumbrains thinking they got to look down on people.
Dark One, please go.
NTA but no, they're omnivorous. They don't need to eat humans, but most do... Just because, really. Don't think a reason is ever given.
>they will probably just flat out kill themselves under the belief that "I have committed grave sins and suffering upon humanity, so if I die then this will fix everything".
I have no doubt they'd be fucked up, but with how alien their mindset is would they understand the concept of redemption through suicide?
That's kinda just illogical human thought processes, finding value through death.
I imagine they'd more likely probably go off into some uninhabited area and stay there away from humans, because being around humans make them think of the humans they've killed and that makes them feel bad for some reason. Just because they gain empathy doesn't mean they'd understand it.
Cope and seethe.
On this topic, my jumper has spent enough time non-human that he no longer identifies as human or has any more than a polite disinterest in humanity, and doesn't particularly care or feel anything when he kills someone.
Where should he go to fuck with him the most?
Are there any currency conversion perks that work on non-physical currencies? Like Souls/Blood Echoes/Runes from the Soulsborne games, Bits from the Digimon Games, or IRL credit cards?
That's a damn shame. David Lynch is always a classic. My horror chain is still hanging around in Buffy.
For what?
Probably somewhere where he can become some variety of empath.
...Actually, why the fuck did Alex decide to implant human empathy in a Typhon in the first place? It was a thing that he discussed in passing with Morgan Yu back on Talos 1, yeah, but like-the Typhon have already mostly conquered the earth by the time of the game's beginning/end. There is no longer any control of the situation, and the Typhon are feeding rampantly. Alex Yu said that the purpose of the experiment was to make a Typhon who could be a bridge between "us" and "them"-to let Human and Typhon coexist...but like, that's not gonna happen. The PC is literally one Typhon, and at this point disconnected from the greater Typhon collective and would thus be perceived as hostile/food rather than Typhon (because, again, Typhon don't have a concept of individuals or community, and will happily attack their own without recognizing anything wrong if disconnected from their collective). So yes, Alex did indeed prove it's possible to put some humanity into Typhon. What does that actually do to help the ongoing apocalypse though? What does making a sapient and empathetic Typhon, pre-programmed with the concept of compassion, actually do to help the situation?

Can Alex even fucking feed the Morgan Typhon? Because It still (probably) needs to eat. And the only food that Typhon eat is sapience. Which it will now more than likely utterly refuse to consume, meaning it will likely waste away over time all while having an ongoing mental and emotional breakdown over the history of its species and the fact that it's a /sapience-consuming monster/.
My guess was that once he stuck it in one, he could start sticking it in more and more.
Not exactly a currency conversion, but I like the vanilla minecraft jumpdoc for the Emerald Trader perk, specifically this part:
>People will also happily accept non-standard currency items from you as payment, so long as it's something that they'd still consider a valuable trade good, like gold or emeralds.
Not sure how valuable Souls / Blood Echoes / Runes / Bits are, since I never got into those games, but I don't think it'd work for things like credit cards. I'd recommend withdrawing money and buying gold or something
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So would I be fucking up the cosmology of Blazblue if I companioned someone other than Ragna? Like if I took someone like Nine, Celica, Lichi or Nu would another instance of them pop up next loop?
Reminder than Nen can create all cutting blades and indestructible objects, despite being stated to be unable to, the limits are just psyops and you can do anything you want.
>I have no doubt they'd be fucked up, but with how alien their mindset is would they understand the concept of redemption through suicide?
Most of them have probably heard the idea in passing from their victims so it's not unlikely they can put two-and-two together. Maybe not all of them, but a good chunk likely would.

The rest I can picture just doing what you said or sitting down in some uninhibited area (that they probably caused) and then doing nothing forever until somebody or something comes to kill them. Some might even start killing other demons under the belief of "the humans will forgive me if I kill members of my own kind" or similar logic.
Unfortunately that perk wouldn't really work with any of those currencies. It IS pretty neat though, thanks
That's a whole lot of nothing to admit that actually yes, Hajun isn't the be-all end-all to powerlevel arguments since he's limited by the Throne system at all upon revival.

>Naraka could break out of Age Zero if it truly mustered a response since the Throne system isn't perfect. It just doesn't, not even when it got several opportunities in Avesta.
[Citation needed]
Doubtful. The neural lines were extremely fragile and FREQUENTLY showed signs of near-rejection, only stopped by Alex injecting more and more in as the experiment went on and pushing the experiment as hard as he possibly could. And even then, the Morgan-Typhon needed to undergo a complex multifaceted simulation of a highly emotionally charged situation to "activate" its new mirror neurons and have it begin to recognize that /other people exist/. A simulation that required several hours to run. And there's also hints in certain endings that the Morgan-Typhon you play as is only the most recent in a long string of them as Alex refined this experiment.
n that case, I think there's one in the monopoly gauntlet? Its either a perk or a reward, don't remember.
Okay hear me out
What if Alex just REALLY wanted to fuck a Typhon waifu?

Mereum pls, we're not all built different
Yes, but Knuckles and Yokotani? Or Knov?
>What if Alex just REALLY wanted to fuck a Typhon waifu?
Then WHY THE FUCK did he make the Typhon think it was his brother/sister?
>give a guy an easily produced bottle of mild poison = great partygoer
>give a guy something infinitely cooler like a black hole in an unstable containment field = horrible partygoer
We all know the answer to this, and I don't even know what setting this is
Incest fetish
Maybe he just gave up saving the world and decided just to fuck with the one creature he had access to.
Indeed. You can create a hatsu to stop aging, another to increase your aura production and then just grind away until you are stronger than all the shit in the dark continent.
It's definitely a reward. I guess tha'td work, thanks anon
What do you think would grow out of transplanting your own pandoran ecosystem onto a new planet (from avatar)? Like do you think eywa would show up again or would a nrw consciousness show up?
It's a last ditch hail mary plan to hopefully teach the Typhon human empathy in the hopes that maybe, maybe! they'd possibly leave humans alone.

I don't think they expect it to work. I think they were just doing it to keep the hopes up for the last surviving people on the space station
I will take your hatsus, your hakis, and all your other shounin slop and delete them.
I was sincerely hoping you wouldn't say that.
Alex had access to plenty of Typhon for his research, and is implied to have gone through several before he reached (You) and finally completed the experiment.
With what?
My dick.
Don't forget to delete the fateverse while you're at it.
Nta but Netero explained specifically that it's a different kind of strength that's needed in the dark continent, in fact no one will be straightforwardly stronger than Meruem the threats will be more exotic than that.
Logically it should be a new consciousness because that's like taking some neurons from a human if the neurons could grow into a new brain, but we know so little about Eywa's personality that there may functionally be no difference anyway, Eywa doesn't seem interested in much other than self-preservation and more generally the cycle of life.
>If you took seeds, saplings, etc., gene-modded them to not need the nitrogen/carbon dioxide atmo, and grew them on the new planet
New consciousness, with some stuff learned(?) from Eywa.
>Grabbed everything wholesale from Pandora and immediately put it on the new planet
Definitely chunks of Eywa in there, may or may not remember what went on or what you did.
I mean, the Pandoran super trees are essentially brains that work collectively, cloning them is just like cloning a human, yeah a new consciousness would emerge, no it wont be the same as the previous on.
He's not talking about cloning them. He's talking about taking some and moving them somewhere else
>need the nitrogen/carbon dioxide atmo
nta, but I dont think they actually need it, rather they are just able to tolerate it a lot better.

Avatar 2 shos the Na'Vi being able to handle the earth's athmosphere mix fairly well.
he's talking about transplanting his own Pandoran ecosystem, which he presumebly cloned/grew previously.
He's talking about transplanting them from Pandora. Why are you assuming cloning?
Was thinking the same. Also it seems the trees arent the only thing that can be used to absorb or store consciousnesses as the frontiers of pandora game has a special flower one navi tribe uses thats only something they use that does the same thing. They use it to teach their decendants stuff since its like the trees, a sort of interactive afterlife.
Yeah if you dont grab trees that are linked and already storing people it would basically be a blank afterlife.
I'm really happy with how this one turned out!

Hunter x Hunter is complete!
Just use a standard 50 cp import option if none are otherwise available.
Which characters are most rapeable?
Thank you for the jump, time to analyze how much the OC companions will vampirize me.
>If you do make it back, you'll bring with you a powerful being capable of ending the world.
Does this means that is it fiat backed that you will bring back a sixth calamity?
This is the nature of war, whose stake is at once the game and the authority and the justification. War is the truest form of divination. It is the testing of one's will and the will of another within that larger will which because it binds them is therefore forced to select. Aiat.
What are the best options you guys know of for time travel and general time control?
I know we can contrive whatever we wants but I will still remind that the chimera ant queen that appears in the story is special and normally they are far too small to eat humans, she midstory hypotesizes that she has human blood, so I find humorous that we can be from an hive with a similar mutant and having met the kitty guard from a third hive with another similar mutant.
>she midstory hypotesizes that she has human blood
Okay but that raises FURTHER QUESTIONS
Many, many further questions
Look, there's a lot of dead people.
Just how big are they normally?
Oh cool, 80's fantasy shi-
>100+ pages
what the fuck.
Nice thanks for the Jump.

On the first look the most potent combo seems to be Cooperative Nen with the Chimera Ant Army.
Ben 10 easily, it got an entire origin based around that, as well as several alien species all about time manipualtion.
Danny Phantom.
The Singularity Jump, maybe?
In doubt I would blame Pariston.
even queens not more than 10 cm.
Is it better to be a time alien or just buy the time perks?
It's so weird to see characters from C considering how unpopular the anime was when it first released.
Not too much, with discounted Gojo and Sukuna and the removal of Shizuku and Femrapika.
Im tempted to buy into being a queen ant, or buying the ant farm and the ant army and feeding them an uchiha.
>+300 - Blind
Does this disabilitate En? I'm a bit ashamed of how much I'm spamming by posting questions as I think of them
What happens if I go to the Dark Continent and just start masturbating on normal-sized Chimera Ant anthills?
tiem perks are probably more all encompassing since they include minor stuff like being immune to time shennanigans yourself or aging up/down as you please or making time machines, but the time manipulating races are already very versatile and being one is a lot cheaper than buying perks for it(for some reason being a chronosapien only costs 200CP)
>Okay but that raises FURTHER QUESTIONS
The Hunter's Association knew what Chimera Ants were AND had a danger rating for them, so one of the past expeditions to the Dark Continent has to have encountered them

Queen ants can live to be like thirty and the last expedition to the Dark Continent was like fifty years ago. The Queen Chimera Ant was near the end of it's lifespan when it showed up

So my headcanon is that the Queen Ant in the story is the child of a Chimera Ant colony that managed to feed on a member of the last expedition
Yeah, it pretty much makes it useless.
>a lot can happen in a decade, anon
>we kept saying 10 years is too long
Somehow, I feel like it's more likely that a bunch of space is burned up by images or unoptimized formatting, but it might be nice to be proven wrong if only in the vague hope of something resembling actual content.
Remember, as long as the body is fresh it's enough a corpse, and the brain is the best part.
Wow thats big for an ant but smaller than expected.
It all started when his little sister got stuck in the washing machine...
Good question, as by eating parts of your body they should start adapting.
Nta I'm not sure they already had a danger rating for this specific mutant hive, it's only at the end of the arc they mention it would classify as a B.
Ok, thanks.
chances are that her father was a Chimera Ant King that managed to reproduce with a Human.
Or that her grandmother consumed some human remains and gave birth to a chimera ant king with some human features.
I will say there's still kinda ways around it. Like, if you could make a nen ability that causes you pain when something touches your En or something like that. Basically working around it by making systems that detect things for you like a weird seeing eye dog.
Yes, yes it would. The only demon portals are in Japan. So the rest of the world is safer. And the demon world is nicer as all the rape demons hang out by the portals.
They usually are mainly dangerous as an environmental disaster, wich devours species bringing them to exintion, while reproducing at a monstrous rythm, making it difficult to eradicate, Meruem's hive was an enormous exception.
Yes, in your Jojo jump I used Anubis as seeing eye dog, thanks for the suggestion.
I've read through it and honestly it's pretty good. Most of Fafnir's jumps are desu. Here's a link to their personal drive if you want to take a look at their other jumps

How talented do you think the Chimera Ant Army are?
Are we talking Squardron Leader levels or the same as the average human Nen user?
Do they keep upgrades into their future generations? If so they sound like a cool species to throw at a tyranid or ork infestation. At least once they ramp up some.
Rolled 5 (1d6)

Dice, where am I going now that I have been through Pokémon Anime?

>1. Another Pokémon jump
>2. A different monster-training jump (Digimon, Dragon Quest Monsters, etc.)
>3. A different Nintendo jump (Legend of Zelda, Mario, etc.)
>4. A non-Nintendo jump that's represented in Smash (Castlevania, Sonic, etc.)
>5. Another tie-in anime (Yu-Gi-Oh, etc.)
>6. Something completely different
Chimera Ants in general aren't a Dark Continent thing. They're a known species with developed quarantine protocols and everything

It's just the specific ones that show up in the story that were from the Dark Continent
They just took the top 10% of normal people and experimented on them to make them chimera ants, so the spread is probably similar to the spread in the top 10% of people with an unquantifiable buff from being ant-ified.
What happens of i took each tier of Chimera Ant and added Nen Prodigy on top?
Power copying based Specialist ability idea:
>You have maximum compatibility with all Nen Categories but cannot create novel abilities of your own, instead you can copy and retain those of others. Abilities can be copied just by observing their effects in some way but start out in a comparatively weak and simplified form, unless the original was already very weak and simple. Via training and experience these abilities can eventually reach the same level as the original at which point they are 'mastered', this doesn't mean you can't improve them further in your own ways however. Only one such ability can be used at once, though they can be swapped between rapidly, except for 'mastered' abilities which may be used freely. By far the easiest abilities to 'master' would be already simple natural abilities, such as a physical or sensory advantage of an animal, with even a rather basic hatsu usually requiring extended periods of intensive training without a monstrous degree of talent.
I really hate how star rail decided to go with turn-based combat rather the usual hack and slash
Not exactly, the way they work is: the queen eat and deposes the eggs, normally the descendants becomes either low-ranking peons, officer or the higher ranking division commander, none of these reproduces, and none share characteristics, all of them having some random ability eaten by the queen, after that she creates the royal guard to protect itself while it gorges to create the king and only at the end the king is born and goes its way, with the royal guard, the king reproduces with other species, both humans and animals potentially, to propagate the species, while the hive restart the process to create a new king, so usually the upgrades aren't mantained except for the children of the king. When the chimera ant queen died some squadron commander, like cheetu or Zazan, declared themselves king, and went on to reproduce but it's ambigous if this would happen without human individualism.
I didn't say they were.
The ant tiers are mutually exclusive. You'd be better off becoming a king ant, taking Nen Prodigy and then taking Savant. At that point you're probably nuking cities and making new Hatsus just by coming up with the idea for them.
Actually we don't know if the Queen was from the Dark Continent, just that she wasn't born in the known world.
Being a Chimera Ant King sounds based.
I don't mean taking all of them, i mean what does each tier look like when taken with it?
If I take succesion war with Kakin royalty can I simply already have been preeventively put under the effect of the seed urn, so I'm part of the ritual and can't stop it?
Transformers Alternity. Many of the species options get the ability to travel through and manipulate space and time as a basic power.
Seems extremely OP. That's like Kurapika and Chrollo's abilities shoved together but with less cost and you can copy non-nen abilities.
Nta but Ging says she came from "outside of this world" in the context of talking about the dark continents' marvels, in chapter 338.
Well, if I had to put a weird numeric equation to it, imagine that the first tier is 2x faster than regular prodigy, Queen has no effect, Royal guard is 5x faster and King is 10-12x faster.
Hunter X Hunter
Origin: Newcomer, Human, M, 8, Whale Island

Drawbacks: Battle Maniac +100, Simple +100, Nen Who? +200. +400 1400
Perks: Nen (Emitter), Nen Prodigy -300, Forest King, Feel No Pain, Freec of Nature -100, Beautiful Body -100, Beastly Body -200, Savant -600. -1300 100
Items: Strange Weapon (Umbrella), Hideout -100 0

My backstory is simple. I'm an orphan child from Whale Island that thought Gon was totally awesome and always followed him around, and decided to follow him when he left the island. I'm a rather simple person overall, perfectly happy to do whatever and go wherever if it means being around my awesome big bro and getting into fun fights

I'm not getting my Hideout from the start. It's actually going to be my first Nen ability once I find out what Nen is, made entirely because hotels are expensive and having a comfortable place to sleep sounds really awesome.
>Switch 2 announcement
Very cool. Hopefully they announce which games will be launch titles soon.
Lord of pain, lord of time from Hyperion cantos is the most comprehensive perk for time stuff I know of.
Anyone know of any jumps other than ben 10 which allow you to create some kind of custom race?

>>94822463 (me)
sorry that typo was fucking with me.
Fair, would just the maximum compatibility and the ability to retain skills (such as to support creating a large number of hatsu's) fit better?
They already showed a new Mario Kart.
Didn't realise that was a new game, kek
Ok, thanks, and to its ends would being a nenless chimera ant king be too powerful for the others and I would be nerfed? I could easily be beaten by Momoze or Camilla, but have undeniably an advantage over them.
Damn 2000 cp is a steep pricetag
>Anyone know of any jumps other than ben 10 which allow you to create some kind of custom race?
depends what kind of race are you looking to create?
There are other options but most are a good bit narrower than Ben 10 which can be anything from aliens, to magical creatueres, machineraces, gods and interdimensional being.
You can sort of do that with World of Cultivation if you have visited settings with unusual plants since it lets you choose one if you go as a Yao race. Not sure if Generic Dungeon Crawl is still set up for it, but previous versions had you select racial traits without selecting a default race such that it was likely intended for you to figure out what you were based on the stuff selected for it like size/feats.
>sorry that typo was fucking with me.
Was that nen 10 d'oh really that bad?
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Time player in SBURB.
Nta but I will admit that I was tripped up by it, since I was busy talking about HxH I stared at it for a bit.
Kinda wanted to make a race of Na'vi that can interact with tech the same way they do with trees and animals

Probably not that bad but it bugged me.
He asked for the best options, not the worst option
I don't think its new, they just used mario kart 8 as a placeholder game to show off during the trailer
Sure, that's fine.
You'd still probably be nerfed, yeah.
What's the matter? You don't like stumbling over piles of your dead doomed-timeline selves?
What perks would give you the fastest learning speed you can get, and how fast?
>never read the manga, but a friend told me about HxH
>Find the dark continent the most interesting aspect of the setting
>The protags never get there because hiatus x hiatus
Its over.
I don't understand do you want to do an hatsu "I have max compatibility in everything and can learn infinite nen abilities?
I don't mind having piles of my corpses around. It's the sheer amount of setup that it takes to actually DO anything with your time travel that's annoying
The jump allow you to start there, as a being from there, and even bring a souvenir.
That's a wing, blindbro.
Essentially yes, I want to just keep on learning and developing tons of different nen abilities without any meaningful restriction on what categories they would fall under. .
Thank you, another question, for Vengeance Tserriednich having skinned my mother and sister and having made art with them (wich I have to recover) would be the right difficulty?
Do you intend to put an even worse restriction than emperor time, as it is even better?
Hey, they MIGHT get there this year. Togashi is doing 50 more chapters this year apparently. He's gotta get to grinding cuz he's not too far off from the average age mangakas die (65.)
JUST perks? There's
>Nen prodigy
>Need More Power
Assuming you were at max motivation from Need More Power you're likely to become stronger than Netero in a month unironically. This can technically be taken further with Mentor as if you have a companion take it or maybe use a nen ability to make a copy of yourself train you, that could be multiplied several times over so that you're stronger than Netero in one or two weeks.

If we include being a king chimera ant on top of that you'll learn unironically like a hundred years worth of nen in a day. That being said you'd wanna get Bitter Work to be able to remove the limiter you will very quickly reach.
Emperor Time is weird, as it is an ability that Kurapika unlocks only by using his Red Eyes which put an enormous and harmful strain on his body by default. A similar ability held by someone who is just a Specialist by default would not face those same issues.
No matter what the situation was the end result is gonna be just as hard so come up with whatever scenario you like and justify it later.
Hunter x Hunter - 1000 CP

Villain, Human [Free]
Heavens Arena
Kakin Royal Family
Specialist [200]

Nen Genius: Mafia Games [100]
Killing Intent, Live and Learn [Free]
Charisma [200]
Savant [300]

Hideout [Free]

Kitty Guard [100]
Killer [100]

My hatsu is named Pleated Uniform Incident. It allows me to partition and embody all of my extraneous aura (that is, the aura I do not use just to live, nuking my combat ability) into 18 young ladies who loyally serve me. Specifically me, not the user of this hatsu, because fuck Chrollo. 6 of them have a special attribute of their own: one is a soldier who can summon a hunting rifle, one is a detective who can see up to a day in the past of an object she touches, one is a nurse who can inject her aura into others to replenish their blood, one is a guard who can banish herself and one person she's touching to a pocket dimension named Detention Hall, one is a good witch that can lay a shield on one person at a time that blocks one 'instance of harm' before shattering, and one is a party girl who just wants to get drunk. Besides obeying and protecting me, all of them feel obliged to keep the remaining 12 powerless girls safe.

Of course, whenever I use this ability, 5 out of these 12 are secretly one of the following: a vampire goblin who can puppet corpses from the inside and obeys the zombie queen, a psychotic serial killer who can summon a knife and protects her younger sister, an evil witch (also the killer's younger sister) who can curse one person at a time to feel double the physical and emotional pain, a zombie queen that returns to life if killed until she is the last woman standing whereupon her powerful true form is revealed, and a flesh-eating mare who casts small illusions.

These still protect me, but are collectively driven to kill at least one person each week, and will not take orders in the capacity of their real self unless I figure out who they are.
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Important to note that when Kurapika says maximum compatibility he just means he's just using his existing affinities to the best they can be.
Are you sure of it? I don't remember nothing similar and the red eyes put strain on Kurapika only when he's Emperor time, while both when he was a kid and when he fought the fake spider nothing of the sort happened.
Tune in next year for Twin Peaks Season 4: Resurrection, and the tie-in spinoff live service game Twin Peaks: Kill the Tremonds.
Nice build!
>Freec of Nature
>Beastly Body
You're a damn monster.
Thanks for the build!
>That Hatsu
What the hell is this based off?
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Hunter X Hunter
CP 1800
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Origins: Veteran
Species: Human
Location: Heavens Arena
Affiliation:Zoldyck Family
Nen Affinity: Enhancer

300 - Nen Prodigy
free - Hunting
free - Beautiful Body
300 - Bitter Work
300 - Copycat
600 - Savant

free - Hunter License

300 - Blessed Princess

+100 - Rubber and Gum
+100 - Battle Maniac
+100 - Traumatic Past
+100 - Simple
+200 - Nen Who?
+200 - Fun Toy

Jumper is now the battle maniac older brother of Killu and only older sibling he likes. After running away from home to fight he comes across another white haired super prodigy and the rest is history. At this point Silva is just happy the bloodline is secured.
Having max nen affinity and using your existing nen to maximum efficiency is a very big difference.
Anon, despite the initial similarities this is not actually intended to be in any way a duplicate of Kurapika's ability, or even based on it. It's based on my power collection autism.
Can you buy Nen Genius multiple times?
The best way to think about it is this: Given X amount of time, an enhancer could make a level 5 nen ability based in enhancement.

If they were to make a nen ability in conjuration it would only be a level 3 ability AND that level 3 ability would only work at 60% of its full power.

Kurapika's thing makes that level 3 ability work at 100%, but it's still just a level 3 ability.

Your Hatsu would let you make a level 5 ability of every type AND use it at 100% power.
>Silva is just happy the bloodline is secured
Man was so scared due to two gay sons and a NEET son.
Sure. That seems fine.
>Your Hatsu would let you make a level 5 ability of every type AND use it at 100% power.

Right, but the comparisons to Kurapika are confusing to me. Simply not being limited by affinities seems like relatively sensible Specialist thing, but anon is arguing that it's overpowered because a somewhat similar ability used by someone who isn't primarily a specialist has something that isn't as good.
I see where you're coming from. Just do what you want, man. It's an imagination game at the end of the day.
Family dinner gets weird when his gay sons bring there boyfriends over and the clown keeps acting horny around everyone.
Do we need to buy Nen Master/Nen Monster to start out already having learned the basics of Nen/with a hatsu?
nta, but Kurapika is a full on specialist when his eye glow red and it costs him a decent chunk of lifespan to keep it active.
Having something a lot better, that is both easier to use and without limitation/cost is unambigiously OP.
Still your call to make, but the comparison doesen't hold.
How hard would it be to make a hatsu that can steal blue checkmarks?
You start with one normally. I think it says so on the first page of the nen section.
>What the hell is this based off?
Slaughter School and Slaughter Horse. Pretty cool single-player iterations on the mafia/werewolf genre.
I was going to praise you for having enough restraint to take out the Kurapika as your wife companion, but then I got to the drawbacks.
>the mafia/werewolf genre.
That's... That's a genre?
Kurapikussy acquired.
>That's... That's a genre?
Yeah. Arguably you could say those games are part of an even wider genre called Social Deduction games.
Oh, so you mean like that game with the village where you have to find the werewolf?
Nta but if I had a nickle for every time I saw mafia werewolves in fiction I would have 3 nickles. Which isnt a lot but still.
Yeah, and when you get knocked out you have to suck the survivors off. I hated that game, because they always picked me first.
WIP build HxH
1000 CP
+100 - Rubber and Gum
+100 - Battle Maniac
+100 - Deformed
+100 - Traumatic Past
+100 - Simple
+200 - Fun Toy
+200 - Nen Who?
+200 - Succession War
+200 - Needle
+300 - Vengeance
+300 - Blind
2900 CP
1200 - Chimera Ant
>Age: 8 (counting my human life)
>Location NGL
Zoldyck Family (hear me out)
Kakin Royal Family (seriously hear me out)
>Affinity enhancer
100 - Scarlet Eyes
Free - Forest King
Free - Feel No Pain
200 - You Are My Special
200 - Iron Will
400 - Mentor
Free - Chimera Ant Farm
Free - Strange Weapon
100 - Kitty Guard
100 - Killer
300 - Blessed Princess
300 - Cursed Queen

I'm the son of the king of kakin and an hybrid Kurta and Zoldyck, estranged from both clan, that was eaten by chimera ant queen and mantained sentience. I don't think I could have made a backstory more convoluted

I took enhancement because the crimson eyes shift me into specialist, the opposite, so I can occupy most of the hexagon, depending on the moment. I will learn nen from the companions, ally with the other companion to defeat Femkuna, maximizing the risk to myself and taking on nen contract that will grievously injure my body later to ensure we win with no losses, to teach Femkuna the power of teamwork, and because all of us enjoy a good fight. After that I will secretly take over NGL, and use an Hatsu that forces the important people to obey to my orders, if they accept it, if they refuse to comply they are informed they wil be eaten. This way stop the clandestine operations, after this I go to the hunter exams and offer Hisoka the deal of not killing random people in exchange for fighting me in the middle of the exam. I plan to spit in the face of the exam helping more people I can pass, until the island, where the evil ones will be used as fodder for the other to pass, and there I will defeat Hisoka, at wich point either manipulate as before or eat. (1/2)
NTA, but it doesn't say you start off with one. It says you start off with beginner level proficiency in it.

I personally assumed that just meant that you know how hatsu are generally made, not that you start off with one. I would've worked my hideout hatsu into my backstory if I knew I started with one
>even wider genre called Social Deduction games.
Btw the fact that what you got was so specific is pretty funny. Like, the idea that if your dude switches from specifically mafia werewolf game to among us he's just gonna suck is pretty goofy to imagine.
There are two in the Automata jump in the Machine perkline to represent Adam. One for skill and one for stats and powers.
Would enhancing all our abilities and smoothly reallocating our aura between them to focus or spread out the enhancement on the fly be good as an Enhancer ability?

Alternatively using meditation to 'refine' ourselves to steadily increase our various base attributes faster and to a greater degree than normal training via aura expenditure?
Just gonna post my Hatsu before I make a build, so I have something to look back at when I'm building.
>Transmutation-Type(Enhancer and Conjurer secondary influences)
>Goddess in Bloody Froth(Aphrodite): Using Enhancement as the base, infuse my nervous system and endocrine system with Nen to assume direct control and enhance my mental and physical performance. Infuse my Nen into my individual cells and apply Transmutation to simulate a wetware DNA computer, and finally use a combination of Transmutation and Conjuration Nen to sacrifice my fat stores and blood to generate a soft, weak, light, and airy red foam-like substance. This mass of foam can infiltrate into an organism's body, appropriate its biological resources to multiply pluripotent cells, and direct those cells to the end of dramatic physiological change.
Virtual Adept
Fairy Tail's Archive Magic.

That or the spell from Sunhaven that summons up a giant axe
Thanks for the build, takes all companions guy.
I've updated it to clarify that and add a note saying you can take nen Genius multiple times.
Meditation is already a thing you can do to grow in nen, so I guess this is somehow taking it further?
I don't know what like half of that means so cool.
After that keep doing this to the spider, either they accept bindings to not kill and steal, so they can start their path to redemption, in wich case I will also tell Chrollo Machi is in love with him, or they're killed and eaten, and after them the Zoldick, there I also require Alluka's freedom, as my distant cousin, even if because of drawbacks I don't know about the needles both I and Killua have. killing Genthru and finishing greed island, if the kitty guard can't heal by herself the fiance of the noble, and heal her, immediately forcing the chimera ant queen to eat only animals, and in moderation, or human corpses at worst, and keep under watch the growth of her hive, if a king is born needle will stop me from fighting him openly but jumping him with the OP companion is still a possibility. In all this obviously study and train. Since Netero isn't dead the dark continent arc doesn't happen, so I can freely prepare for the Succesion war, to keep hidden Momoze, Halkenbourg, Fuugetsu, Oito and Woble, Kacho, and maybe even Sale-Sale, Tubeppa and Taithon, so they can't be included in the ritual. In all this I also will try to expand my contacts, to find the rests of my mother and sister, skinned by Tserriednich, and the sonata of darkness.
I plan to create an enhancer hatsu that enhances my senses, an emitter that allow to send to other my aura to boost them, wich can also safely nen baptize, a trasmuter wich changes my aura into another's, tricking curses into leaving the target and exorcizing them, a manipulator that forces to follow a deal, and a conjurer that regenerates lost parts. I still have to choose the specialist and the guardian spirit beast.
Not really, Kurapika is primary a specialist while he has red eyes, he has full affinity, and emperor's time is extremely powerful, to the point of both requiring lifespan and stamina, you do you but your hatsu if without limitation is absolutely OP.
The idea came to mind because Ugovin was doing a bunch of enhancer stuff to do all sorts of weird things.
Nervous System = The Brain, sorta
Endocrine System = Also the Brain, like the other wheel on a bicycle
Wetware = The brain, as a computer, is a super computer but with certain deficiencies for many applications in its default state
DNA computer = You can run a computer that uses DNA and depending on execution of the design it can be exponentially more powerful than conventional computers
Using Nen, I should be able to cut through all of the bullshit and just assume direct control over my biology and from there, do a lot of other stuff like control other people's biology, spread plagues, create meat robots, clone myself, build megastructures, assimilate other lifeforms, ect.
Raw Talent from Powder Mage.
Assigned cute at birth.
Shit dude, what are you, Alex Mercer? That's insane.
don't let that anon discover there is a character implied to be trans.
Good jumps to be an asshole genie?
I think your priority should be manipulation, not trasmutation, and you should put some nen contract probably IMHO.
You know, the funny thing is, I've become self aware of it at this point that I have the tendency to become a biokinetic any time the opportunity of a custom power system is offered to me?
Kind of same, I keep gravitating to giving myself the power to squirt blood from my eyes no matter what chain I'm in, don't really do anything powerful with it just fucks with people when I do that out of nowhere or because I'm annoyed with them.
Nta but this shows you have good taste, biokinesis dmfor the win.
I don't really believe Manipulation suits this Hatsu since the focal point is the foam, which is a conjured substance that transmutes itself into multiple cell types.
Manipulation would only apply when its outside of my body or inside someone else's body, but under controlled circumstances where it would be most useful like modifying myself or an ally, I'd have no need for Manipulation since it would happen at relatively close range.
Transmuter is the best middle ground between Enhancer and Conjurer, both required elements as I envision the technique. Maybe Emitter could sub in instead.
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Our Fairly Oddparents jump

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Jump:Hunter x Hunter
CP: 1000
Origin: Newcomer
Species: Kiriko -100
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Location: Heavens Arena
Affiliation: None
Nen Affinity: Between Enhancer and Transmuter
>Nen Monster -600
>Forest King -Free
>Feel No Pain -Free
>Freec of Nature -100
>Assassin Training -100
>Beastly Body -200
>Battle Maniac +100

Jumper is a Super Strong Kiriku who just seeks out fights while living disguised among Humans, currently starting his goal of becoming the reigning champ of the Heaven's Arena.

His Main Hatsu is based on Ran form Jigokuraku but much stronger, jumper essentially transmutes his nen into millions of tiny extremly durable threads(think carbon nanothread) and then wraps them around himself in a way similar to muscle fibers, creating a perfect armor that enhances his already notable physical stats.
Other hatsu he has include enhancing his recovery rate enormously(while also being able to use his threads to attatch lost body parts to himself like Machi) as well as an Emission/Enhancer hatsu that combines teleporation and highspeed movments for flash steps..
Aladdin. Sadly, Danny Phantom doesn't let you have wish granting as a ghost power.
Thank build
>Become the champ of the Heavens Arena
Let me tell ya that's gonna take like 1 day. You're significantly above the strongest normal guy in the world (unless his son or some unseen character is actually stronger, but either way).
Maybe it could be your next project?
>Cooking a modified version of the coin flip Hatsu
>Lucky Coin: I flip a coin and I call it, heads or tails. If I call it right, it becomes a lucky coin and a little bit of that luck rubs off on me. If I call it wrong, it's still a lucky coin, but I have to give it to my 'opponent' along with half of my current aura reserve. I can use the same coin repeatedly to make it 'shine' more.
>The conditions are: I cannot interfere with the coin call. My 'opponent' has to agree to the coin call. The coin must have been found in situ. I must to wait at least a minute before doing another coin call.
Probably too esoteric
Nope. Not watching that many seasons when like 80% of it is gonna be ass.
yeah, it was mostly as a starting point, though I assume its still gonna take at least a week, just for the time commitment of all these fights.
I dont think its too esoteric, but I feel like the limitation is too weak, as long as your opponent can be anybody, since you could just do this with a friend before you fight someone else, ensuring that either of you get luckier or potentially your friend gets a good bit more powerful.

Maybe add the condition that you can not want your opponent to win?
You skip many floors at once when first entering. They use your first fight to evaluate your skill level. Gon got to level 50 before even having nen. It's entirely possible they'd just immediately skip you to floor 200.

Now, fights also have to be booked in advance and the fighters choose when the fights are so that could take some time.
Oh, I also had a different idea for a Hatsu that is honestly just inefficient because the jump doesn't have a 1-up

Step-by-Step Breakdown:
1.) The user starts by learning the basics of Nen and how to manipulate their aura. In this phase, they focus on rabbits. Through a process called the Counting Rabbits Ritual, the user divides their Nen aura and stores it within the rabbits, which helps them reserve energy for later. In return, the rabbits form reciprocal contracts, allowing them to be more useful for the user, like helping with Nen training.
2.) The user now expands their rabbit herd and starts creating small Nen constructs- basically, mini Nen-based environments where the rabbits are actively involved. These rabbits will start to gain Nen powers and can assist in training, energy collection, and combat simulations. The user is creating a self-sustaining system where their rabbits can gather and use Nen.
3.) During these years, the user strengthens the herd and develops more complex Nen-powered zones within their rabbit ecosystem. The rabbits are now more autonomous, able to manage their own Nen and contribute to the user’s training in more advanced ways. These zones are like mini-Greed Islands, where different environments interact and help the user grow stronger.

4.) The user’s rabbit herd becomes more sophisticated. The herd plays roles in training, combat, and strategy. By now, the user has likely developed a Wonder Rabbit, a special rabbit with enhanced Nen abilities, which acts as the leader of the herd. This Wonder Rabbit helps guide the herd and supports the user’s development.
5.) In the final years, the user solidifies their Nen contracts with the rabbits. Through a Domestication Contract, they permanently imprint their Nen abilities onto the rabbits, ensuring they’re capable of awakening their own Nen powers. The user also sets up a Pedigree Contract — a life-or-death agreement. If the user dies, their Wonder Rabbit can resurrect them, effectively making them immortal as long as the Wonder Rabbit’s bloodline survives.

End Goal: By the end of the 20 years, the user will have built a Nen ecosystem with their rabbits as the foundation. The Wonder Rabbit ensures that the user can never truly die, resurrecting them through the herd’s Nen whenever needed. The rabbits, by this point, have developed their own Nen powers and are capable of performing advanced Nen techniques, making the entire system a self-sustaining loop. This grants the user limitless Nen potential and immortality through their connection to the herd.

In simple terms: The user turns their rabbits into autonomous, Nen-powered creatures, and by the end, they can resurrect themselves through these rabbits, creating an eternal cycle.

I think an issue with this is that it might be too weak in the sense that the enemy can just refuse to let you use your Hatsu. Maybe cut out that part or make it so they can still consent but if they don't consent all it means is they don't get to participate in the game. It's also weird they can interfere with the toss by these rules and get away with it.
Okay but you can't use it to create bunnygirls, so what's even the point?
I said it was inefficient myself
So you become immortal and make a bunny society?
"Sasuke can you take off your necklace, it is distracting while we make love."
"The necklace stays on during sex."
The Aladdin jump lets jumper be a talking animal. What would be a good animal to have an alt form for?
>you should put some nen contract probably
1. Eating Only Meat to Boost Enhancer Nen Techniques
Advantage: A high-protein diet enhances muscle growth, energy, and stamina, boosting the effectiveness of Enhancer Nen techniques like Ren and Ko.
>Nutrient imbalance (lack of vitamins, minerals, fiber) can cause health issues if prolonged.
>High protein load risks kidney/liver strain.
>Use during short, intensive training or combat periods.
>Follow up with recovery, proper hydration, and balanced nutrition.

2. Sacrificing Other Nen Categories for a Boost to One
Advantage: Focusing on one Nen category (e.g., Enhancement) provides a massive power boost in that area, ideal for specific combat scenarios.
>Loss of versatility, leaving the user vulnerable in areas they sacrificed.
>Over-dependence on one ability, becoming predictable.
>Use in high-stakes, short-term situations where raw power is needed.
>Retain backup Nen abilities for strategic use after gaining an advantage.

3. Sacrificing Sleep for Improved Nen Output
Advantage: Sacrificing sleep allows for more Nen training or combat time, boosting output and focus in critical moments.
>Sleep deprivation causes cognitive impairment, fatigue, and worsens Nen control.
>Long-term fatigue leads to health issues.
>Keep sacrifice to short durations (e.g., during intense training or combat).
>Ensure proper sleep recovery afterward.

4. Oversleeping for Improved Nen Output
Advantage: Extended sleep enhances mental focus, cognitive function, and Nen control, aiding in faster learning and sharper analysis.
>Prolonged oversleeping leads to physical atrophy, sluggishness, and disrupted circadian rhythm.
>Use oversleeping strategically before training or critical moments.
>Limit duration to avoid negative effects and maintain physical readiness.
5. Physically and Socially Isolating Oneself for Improved Nen Sensitivity and Learning Speed
Advantage: Isolation aids in mental clarity and focus, accelerating Nen learning and sensitivity by blocking external distractions.
>Psychological strain, including depression and social disconnection, affecting team dynamics.
>Reduced physical and social adaptability, weakening Nen control in social situations.
>Use for short, intense training periods.
>Maintain physical and mental health before isolation.

6. Surrendering One or More Senses for Improved Nen Sensitivity
Advantage: Sensory deprivation enhances other senses, boosting Nen sensitivity, aura perception, and learning speed.
>Reduced defense, leaving the user vulnerable in combat.
>Overuse could cause long-term psychological or sensory damage.
>Limit use to controlled, safe environments.
>Keep deprivation to short periods for focused training.

7. Complete Immobility for Increased Nen Control
Advantage: Immobilization promotes intense focus on Nen control and energy flow, creating a meditative state for mastery.
>Complete defenselessness in combat, and potential physical issues like muscle atrophy or nerve damage.
>Use only in safe, controlled conditions for self-study or Nen mastery.
>Prioritize recovery after immobility to restore physical function.

8. Setting a Simple Condition (e.g., Holding Breath, Not Blinking) for Nen Amplification
Advantage: Small self-imposed conditions increase Nen concentration and control, enhancing abilities.
>Physical strain, including discomfort, brain hypoxia, or eye strain, reducing focus.
>Use for short bursts in critical moments.
>Gradually increase duration and practice controlled techniques to avoid overstrain.
9. Betting One’s Life on Surviving an Experimental Nen Technique
Advantage: High stakes amplify Nen output, forcing rapid mastery and adaptation of the technique, resulting in significant Nen growth.
>Life-threatening; failure results in death or severe consequences.
>Psychological strain, leading to stress, paranoia, and hesitation.
>Meticulous preparation and full knowledge of the technique.
>Backup plans and contingencies to minimize risks.

10. "No Exit Room" Nen Contract
Advantage: Enhanced Nen performance within a defined boundary, increasing training speed and power output.
>Inability to leave the boundary; leaving results in 24-hour Nen loss.
>Vulnerable to manipulation if enemies force the user out.
>Restrictive and impractical outside controlled scenarios.
>Strategic use in controlled environments or combat.
>Contingency plans (e.g., allies, escape routes) and self-discipline to avoid leaving.

11.) Totem-Based Nen Contract
Advantage: The totem stabilizes and improves Nen control, enhancing precision and consistency.
>Loss or damage of the totem causes severe exhaustion and vulnerability.
>Reduced mobility since the totem must always be carried.
12.) Destiny Bond Nen Contract
Advantage: Emotional bond amplifies Nen power significantly, especially in combat, and provides motivation to protect the bonded individual. Contract expires after a set time, ending the bond.
>If the bonded individual dies, the user dies as well.
>Psychological stress due to the fear of losing the bonded person.

13.) Holding Back Nen Contract
Concept: The user seals a portion of their aura and applies resistance to physical actions, forcing them to work under self-imposed limitations to enhance Nen control and resilience.
>Improves Nen control and technique efficiency.
>Enhances physical toughness and mental focus by training under difficulty.
>Reduced aura and strength make the user vulnerable.
>Can slow initial progress and lead to mental fatigue if overused.
>Use in short, focused training sessions and balance with recovery.

14.) Sudden Onset Weakness Nen Contract
Concept: The user gains heightened Nen acuity, but suffers random aura depletion three times a day, which can be ended by sacrificing Nen for a day.
>Increases Nen sensitivity and control.
>Enhances adaptability under pressure.
>Random aura loss may leave the user vulnerable and disrupt training.
>Repeated weakness can lead to fatigue and hinder progress.
>Time training carefully to avoid weakness during crucial moments.
>Use in low-risk environments and ensure mental recovery.
Best choice is a common animal that can easily go unnoticed and doesn't get killed on sight like a cat/dog/Pidgron/Crow/Squirrel and the like.
Choosing a larger predator like you may be tempted to has a decent chance of people hunting you down.
Jesus, what
>Cat: cute
>Dog: cute but bad in Aladdin because dogs are Haram and you'll probably be killed
>Birds: fly
>Semiaquatic creature like beavers or polar bears: good on land and in water
Dogs aren't haram, they're just not house pets, dogs are still gonna be commonly used for hunting and guarding property.
You misspelled Dai Li in your AtLA jump
>>Birds: fly
How would they react to a hawk or falcon? But then this is Aladdin and they have a talking and flying eel
What are the odds that companions-guy is a psy-op to get certain types of jumpmakers to add more companions just to spite him for the lulz?
Wombat. Nobody can ever tell you will never be a wombat then.
Why would you need to watch all seasons? Do the jump entirely out of the early seasons. No one would give a fuck about not adding stuff from later seasons.
>No one would give a fuck about not adding stuff from later seasons.
Sweet summer child...
Have you thought about Mario Galaxy or Odyssey?
Why must you make me remember canon mpreg Cosmo.
Damn those things are cute.
What ever happened to that baby? I recall they replaced it with a dog and then another human kid
They made Poof go poof? Damn. That's brutal.
Nta, but they didn't replace him, he just stayed floating in the background of most episodes with the few exceptional episodes focused on him. Funnily enough his anti-fairy counterpart became a much more memorable recurring villain, especially since he could actually talk.

The sequel/remake actually shows him grown up having gotten a godchild of his own independent of his parents.
Reminder that Carl from Jimmy Neutron also got Mpreg with an alien baby and gave birth to it through his butt.
Goddammit, Butch Hartman must've been throwing random ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks. Danny Phantom at least ended well
Galaxy at least, but I don't really feel like it. I've already made too many jumps for Universal+ settings.
It could have been much worse. There were talks of more seasons before he forced himself into the role of main writer.
If you think about it, how many people really care at all about the companions section? People who don't like companions would just ignore it.
Is there any point in owning a dragon to ride into battle in your human form if you are a dragon yourself?
...It could be a sex thing, I guess.
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>Doesn't know
Fuck that website and its rankings.
Definitely a sex thing.
It could help you preserve your Stamina, while giving you a meat shield to tank fire so you can cast spells at your own pace.
No I wanted to be a dragon rider but then realized that would be kinda weird, since I don't strictly seed a dragon.
That is true.
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They're alright, they kicked Fate to the curb like it rightfully deserves.
If I were to do a Fairly Odd Parents I would avoid the balancing problem by splitting it into two jumps. One for humans, aliens and superheroes, one for being a fairy, antifairy, pixie or genie.
> I don't strictly seed a dragon.
It said that Dani was weaker than a human, but also stronger than most ghosts.
I don't know a good fit for one. An evil overlord needs a good mount right?
I thought Faries can't grant their own wishes.
Boiling is hard stuff.
Well yeah. Danny is stronger that most ghosts, but Danny is also half ghost. That means that it’s his human half that is more valuable in that mix.

So therefore humans are stronger than ghosts. And because Danny is a teenager, an adult human would be even stronger.
They can, they don't even have to speak them beforehand in that case.
Sounds good. Make the jumps then.
Nope, I meant the clone Dani. It says because she was unstable and melted that she is always weaker than humans, because she is a puddle. But as a clone of Danny she is stronger than most ghost. Both are at the same time.
Nta, but nah, they explicitly can, thats why that Genie tried to hard to become a fairy, since that would allow him to use magic for his own pleasure.
Though fairies are still limited by the rules.
No, neither can any of the others.
But that's beside the point. The point is that if superhero powers is 600 CP, how much does it cost the ability to completely rewrite reality at will if someone asks? 2.000 CP, 3.000 CP? How many drawbacks would you need to make? Would taking all the drawbacks and buying wish granting still be OTB?
On the other hand, if you make a jump with only the wish granting species, wish granting can be free. And people can spend their points on other perks or items.
Apparently I (>>94823867)misremembered
Still the rest of the point stands.

If noone else does it, I guess. I have dozens of things before it, so it would probably be years before I get to it.
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[Hunter x Hunter]

Drawbacks: Rubber and Gum, Ambition, Fun Toy, Vengeance (1800)

Villain, Chimera Ant King, age 1, The Dark Continent (900)

Chimera Ant Nest

Affinity: Enhancement

Killing Intent (Free)
Live and Learn (Free)
Chimera Ant Farm (Free)
Hideout (Free)
Nen Prodigy (600)
Savant (300)
Cursed Queen (0)

After realising I had incarnated in this world for a second time, I took one look at the crazy clown man in the distance and steadfastly walked off in the opposite direction. At first, the four-armed woman in the dried finger in my pocket made fun of me for not standing and facing him. Then she realised what I was and where I was going.

>Pacifist Pheromones + Whisperer, Monster Hunter

There was much work to be done, and conveniently at least some of it was going to be related to my current avatar's burning need for vengeance over his vanquished colony. First I found some Ais and convinced them to follow me by permitting them human hosts as long as they didn't like, go full Alluka at me or something. Then I found some Paps and told them about a place with A LOT of humans I offered them as puppets. The Hellbells were trickier since while I was able to negate their homicide venom with my peace pheromones, there was less incentive to get them to leave.

"You there" I said to the four-armed woman.
"Your nen is...sufficient, but you've used it for far longer than this incarnation"
"You could say that"
"Could you teach me a nen technique? A specific one?"
"Haaaa? What does a freak like you even need?"
"I need a nen technique that controls animals"
"...that's it?"
"To issue orders to them from afar"
"Tch. So much for your 'friends', eh?"
"On the contrary. It's only natural among my kind for the dominant member of the hive to guide the colony to success. Do this, and I'll take you to someone I know who can teach you to cut space"
"That's horseshit and you're insane, so-hell yeah, let's do it"

I want to post a chainbutt that will provoke image spam, how long until the next thread?
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I was not lying. I next took her to the nearest Brion, who was confused why this self-proclaimed Queen of Curses was so interested in an odd trick any Brion could do but found pointless. In turn, my new started actually teaching me how to use nen in a structured way instead of just reverse engineering everything, a field of study that interested some other Brions enough that they challenged me to fight the weakest, most runty and least confident of the Brions. A feat which required me to use the technique I'd learned in my last incarnation in this world.

>When the going gets tough, you get going! During normal life and in non life-or-death situations, Emperor Time will be inactive. Whenever you're in a situation that makes you extremely scared or angry, or a situation that puts your life in immediate danger, Emperor Time activates. While it's active, you'll be able to use all five other Nen categories without a penalty to your power. While it's inactive, you go back to your normal level of mastery in Nen. It's essentially a panic button for when things get too tough for you to handle. Some of the things you can do in Emperor Time are going to be hard or impossible for you to do normally.

The shockwaves from the battle levelled the jungle for miles in every direction, sent the persistent clown man flying off comically into the distance, and

And yet after all of this despite nearly dying, getting lost, and getting turned around in circles the annoying clown-man STILL wanted to fight me so I lured him near a muddy patch infected with Zobae Disease and left him to eat himself in peace as an immortal.

The Kakin Empire's destruction at the hands of Dark Continent animals was a herald of my conquest and subjugation of humanity long before Mereum became a thing, which would have gone more smoothly if the four-armed woman didn't smoothly replace the clown man as my designated shounen rival.

Oops, subtract Rubber and Gum. Shouldn't be in the final build.
Remind me, what were the chances of Meruem getting left alone to his own devices if he didn't start preparing for invasion of other countries and general conquest of humanity?

Well, more his ants than him, he was busy playing with Komugi, but same difference.
I'd give it 4-6 hours.
That's kind of bad form to do right at the start of the next thread.
I mean you could just, NOT do that.
There is no need for an image spam. Just have people describe their images. Is it the last picture you downloaded chainbutt?
Thank you for the build, Shard!
>If the clown man wasn't replaced
But in reality, he's just waiting to clown you with the ultimate prank. Just like the Joker.
He expressed to Netero that he didn't want to fight or kill, but wanted to enslave humanity in some sort of farm utopia. If he had instead said "Listen dawg, I just wanna live in peace with my friend playing Gungi all day" and meant it then Netero would've definitely let him be (after getting a fight out of him).
It's technically a 'post your jumper' kind of thing.

How would Blessed Princess and Cursed Queen fare in the Dark Continent?
So it is just a chainbutt you have to post your jumper? Weird and I think several could look back in the archive to link their pictures.
Okay then.

1200CP - Chimera Ant King
+200 - Fun Toy

Anyway, I am just gonna have weird shounen... actually probably seinen... fighto-sexo thing with Hisoka for ten years years straight.

...I hope Hisoka could asspull something new, eventually. Rubber and Gum gonna get old in a couple months, tops.
"What if Komugi was a clown who'd actually just fucking kill me if I ever lost."
Low/No Diff'd by Dark Continent Corprus.
He's just gonna make more advanced rubber and gum. Rubber that flings him to higher dimensional planes. Gum that glues you to lower dimensions. He is the rubber of his gum. Squish is his body and sticky is his blood.
Well this kills my own plan for a HxH jump but also it was unlikely to get done anyways.

The only perks I really feel like I would miss out on from making my own jump are perks around being a hunter. Stuff like getting innate advantages from being a specific type of Hunter, Melody's hearing or Morel's absurd lung capacity (I suppose maybe Nen Genius counts? Even though that's more or less stated to just be natural ability and not casual nen usage). Would have also like a perk for pursuing treasures or goals in your area of interest, potentially always being able to find another treasure or goal (a new thing to hunt basically)
My current jumper looks like the Illusive Man post Reaper tech surgery, tell me what's happening.
Psycho is still here, you can just ask him to put in a 'Hunter of Things' general perk that lets you choose an item like 'stones'.
That's only step one. Step two is waiting for next thread for me to post the rest.
Sorry to have snatched the idea from you.
Melody's hearing is her nen ability I'm pretty sure. Morrel's lung capacity is something that could be in there though it's pretty minor. The last thing is a bit more meta than I usually like to go for jumps.
Well, he better keep up, or I am leaving for the Dark Continent.
I didn't mean to cuck your whole build. Sorry.
It is not your fault if Hisoka is a fighting equivalent of a guy who can only ever do bondage and who's idea of "new things" is "Well, I guess I can add some fancier knots?"
Dumbass idea, lets say jumper has wound up on the Dark Continent with Satori and Sukuna. The story of how they all got there is likely a strange as fuck one, possibly responsible for several other drawbacks such as the trauma and revenge ones.

After yet another harrowing battle for survival jumper looks at the other two and asks the question, "what's this nen thing you two keep mentioning?"
Ehh like I said it was unlikely to get done I was... about 35% done and it has remained there for about a year.

Also shame but fair enough on the last thing. I don't think its particularly too meta and I feel its missing out on some of the spirit of the setting but I get it. Under the more plausible options a perk to specialize in a Nen aspect more than normal? (this most commonly occurs with En since its a skill that even talented people have trouble with at times but Hisoka is also really good with In)
>harrowing battle

"The energy thing you have been using, dumbass."

Honestly, you'll probably unlock it by that point, like Komugi did, after Meruem forced her to up her game.
That is, if the battles are actually harrowing.

If it is play-pretend "harrowing" then idk. Sukuna probably gonna get vaguely depressed .
Is there really such a thing as being too brutal beating your enemies if you are gonna kill em all anyway?
>But in reality, he's just waiting to clown you with the ultimate prank. Just like the Joker.
Wait. Just to be clear, you can't deal with the drawback using fates worse than death like the Zobae Disease?
Here. I added the stuff you wanted, I believe.
Nah. He'd just come back in somehow still sentient immortal zombie form.
You get bullied and punched a lot.
What u working on next dood?
I'm not worrying about it now. I just wanna read Hive Queen Quest.
Oh damn, alright then. Thought you could just freeze time on him or shrink and stuff him into a bottle or something. Already dealt with the clown in the other jump anyway.

[Hunter x Hunter redux]

Drawbacks: Battle Maniac, Rubber and Gum, Ambition, Vengeance (1800)

Villain, Chimera Ant King, age 1, The Dark Continent (900)

Chimera Ant Nest

Affinity: Enhancement

Killing Intent (Free)
Live and Learn (Free)
Chimera Ant Farm (Free)
Hideout (Free)
Nen Prodigy (600)
Savant (300)
Cursed Queen (0)
>Thought you could just freeze time on him or shrink and stuff him into a bottle or something
The general idea is that you do what Chrollo does and duck him for as long as possible. Almost typo'd so that it said "fuck him for as long as possible"
So let's assume jumper is gonna be a Gourmet Hunter, with the Hunter perk for finding ingredients with high level smelling/tasting and the Nen Genius perk for cooking.

What would be some fitting Hatsu to go with that?
How weird would it be fore a Chimera Ant King to look entirely human similar to the reborn Kite?
It's pretty weird but I don't think it's impossible.
Wasn't that his ability that did that?
Not him, but you could reasonably wank that you got traits from a shapeshifting magic creature like youpi did and that you can turn into human forms like a Kiriko can.
Was reading the original issues of the Fantastic Four to make a jump, but fuck it, I think I'll just read everything from there until the 2022 run and see how much I can cram in one document
May I ask, in all seriousness, what motivated this? Nostalgia? Opportunism? A chance to complete what Namor is only memed to have started, and cuck Reed? Also I'd have preferred a Secret Wars jump but eh, the Marvel Magic jump is basically already one
I would like a Reed Richards is an idiot drawback.
Good luck, let me just tell you it's gonna be annoying when the crossovers start and they'll keep talking about events/people that happened in other stories as if you read them and how they even cause major events in the story you're reading. Also there's gonna be a lot of plot holes as many writers will have read much less of the comics than you have.
>want to make my Jumper's empire in Stellaris an organic non-hivemind for a change
>can't bring myself to finish a game for reference because playing anything but a Machine Intelligence just feels like gimping myself
Robo-Jumpers were right. Fuck meatbags and fuck their incessant need for hyper resolution widescreen TVs and shit.
Marvel Rivals and the 2022 run being pretty nice.
Age: 0 (Free):
Gender: Male (Free):
Location: Dark Continent (+300):
Origin: Villain Enhancer (Free):
Killing Intent (Free):
Live and Learn (Free):
Savant (300):
Nen Prodigy (300):
Chimera Ant (1200): King.

Hideout (Free):

Friend Hunter (Free):
Blessed Princess (300):
Cursed Queen (300):

Simple (+100):
Traumatic Past (+100):
Nen Who? (+200):
Fun Toy (+200):
Needle (+200):
Vengeance (+300):

A perhaps overly ambitious build but I plan to put it a fair ways into my chain so it's fine, probably. The main goals are going to be getting back to the known world and taking revenge on the assholes who got me shipped to the Dark Continent as at less than a year old. Not quite the same as a human that young but still.
I think you are setting yourself for failure by doing absolutely everything instead of not doing a separate jump for the different runs, but good luck all the same.
Thanks for the build!
>Dark Continent
You've certainly got your work cut out for you.
Yay thank you! Have a rough draft build

Identity: Age 16, Male, Human, Veteran
Nen Mechanics: Manipulator - Hatsu is a Soliciting type Manipulation ability that uses some Enhancement. Primarily involving controlling, and improving clothing as well as making a "Perfect Outfit" that enhances a wearers Nen and their Hatsu, making a "Perfect Outfit" has a lot of conditions attached. The more improved the clothing the more the Nen inside it favors me and thus it can better alter the Nen or physical movements of the wearer.

Perks: Endless Search, Hunting, Beautiful Body, Nen Genius - Tailoring [100], Nen Expertise - Gyo [100], Hunter of X - Fabric {Incredibly high manual dexterity.} [100], Beastly Body [100], Networking [100], Mentor [200], Nen Prodigy [300], Nen Master [300]

Items: Hunter License

Companions: x2 Decennium Troupe {Four People} [200]
Drawbacks: Rubber and Gum, Fun Toy, Needle
>Yay thank you!
No problem! Thanks for the build!

What does clothes being "better" entail?
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Cool theme.
Small suggestion for the Hatsu, how about making it something between enhancer/transmuter instead, where you sew the clothing using nen threads like Machi.

Seems like it would be more efficient considering how incompatible enhancement and manipulation are
dead board
So basically in my mind it goes like this.

Hatsu Ability #1: Can imbue my Aura into clothes using this ability, this means they flex better and predict the wearer of the movement along with providing greater protection. This can also cause clothes to hinder the wearer with more Aura having greater effects by constricting or moving opposite to them. Manipulation helps it stick around and move on its own. This constitutes "improving" clothes and can be applied with impact, its moderate cost but quick and dirty.

Hatsu Ability #2: This one has stricter requirements but improves on Hatsu Ability #1. Rather than a slight increase or decrease to the clothes and the wearer. This one allows much more fluid control such as a scarf that can entangle or threads that can actually cut or puff out to absorb incoming blows and disperse it. This requires me to make the clothes by hand myself while imbuing it with Aura throughout the process.

Hatsu Ability #3: Works like Ability #2 but much more involved, I can't freely control the thread of this one. I also need to analyze and get to know a person in order to make the "Perfect Outfit" for them. However, this provides a much higher aura efficiency and lets one directly affect the Nen of the user. This can improve their Hatsu, their flow of Aura and will move to aid the wearer using their Nen to guide its actions. However, it will also impede the wearer if they go directly against me to more devastating effect due to direct connection with their Nen making their usage of it worse. Obviously needing someone to willing wear it is a strong condition as is the time required to make it and get to know the person.
I really wish I had watched or read HxH so I could be excited for this jump and participate in the conversation.
Just watch it if you have the time(you do if you're here)it's about as good as a Shonen gets.
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Weirdly enough, despite how much I love robots, I have the exact opposite problem.

I can never play a Hivemind empires because I either get board and quit near the start, or I get annihilated by a massive Federation that formed specifically to kill me.

I just prefer being the immortal god-emperor of humanity, leading my people to conquer the entire galaxy and ascend into bio-augmented psychic cyborg demigods.
In regards to how "sapient" the Nen is.
Ability 1 is like a dumb AI that does its function until given contradictory orders. Responds to direct orders.

Ability 2 is a smart AI that can actually interpret what you want and act accordingly. Responds to direct orders

Ability 3 is the smartest and also the one most likely to benefit from Post-Mortem Nen on the part of the wearer. It listens to orders but can refuse them (so for example I can't just command it to inhibit the wearer, it will interpret the wearer's Nen to determine if they actually mean ill)
Oh, well that's pretty cool. Kinda crazy you're sorta controlling people through clothes. Makes me think of Best Jeanist from MHA.
Just watch/read it brother. It's a great time.
Oh, and I know that feel. This is what made me read Fate/Stay Night so I could at least know some of the conversation.

Saber best girl.
So you're just into blondes then, huh
Only if they can pass for young boys.
Blonde women with red eyes and large breasts are the best kind.

Origin - Villain

Location - Whale Island

Endless Search
Nen Affinity - Emitter
Killing Intent
Live and Learn
Scarlet Eyes (100)
Nen Prodigy (300)
Feel No Pain (100)
Misdirection (100)
Perception (100)
Mastermind (200)
Savant (300)

Nen ability - Kamui (The user can travel and send things to a sealed dimension by sucking them up into his eyes. He can travel from this dimension to anywhere he can envision in his mind. Additionally, each eye has a special ability. The right eye grants the ability to stay in the Kamui dimension while appearing to be in the main dimension. This can be toggled rapidly to dodge attacks or kept on passively to be virtually invulnerable. The user's left eye can rapidly suck things into the dimension from a distance by spawning a portal on them, potentially sucking the enemy into the dimension or killing them by sucking away only part of their body like their head.)
Conditions: can only be used when Kurta eyes are active. Using the abilities causes the user's eyesight to deteriorate. Additionally, the Scarlet Eyes state can only be maintained for 10 minutes a day, limiting how long the ability can last.

Collection - Scarlet Eyes (100)

Kurapika (?)

Kurapika Is a Girl
Traumatic Past (+100)
Fun Toy (+200)

I love my wife Kurapika so much. She's so smart and loyal and strong willed and cute and sweet We're gonna get married and have 10 kids at least. I mean, it's probably gonna get rocky when she finds out it was me who hired the Phantom Troupe to slaughter the Kurta clan due to them being secretly an evil cult of nen users who tried to turn me into the ultimate mind controlled assassin by killing my parents in front of me and torturing me for years, but what relationship doesn't have its rough patches?
I don't like where this is going.
I prefer my waifus mentally ill over autistic.
Who even falls into that category?
Only one I can think of is Seras.
I like girls who are honor-bound and dedicated and try really hard to be strong because it means they're both extremely loyal and cute when you come in to protect them.

And I like blondes.
Arcade Bumstead
Doesn't she have golden eyes?
I think you didn't choose too well your condition, and this will weaken your ability, as Kamui is an emitter ability, while you have the scarlet eyes your emitter affinity is 60%, wich will weaken it.
I obviously added a condition that the Scarlet Eyes don't make me a Specialist. This was so obvious it didn't need to be written down.
They look red to me.
I see. Acceptable enough.
Only one of those is a Robot.
The other is a Full Borg.
I can't believe Nikke is pulling an SMT II
Richelieu, Anchorage, Implacable, Prince of Wales and King George V from Azur Lane, Angelica from Otome Mob, and Priscila from Re:Zero.
They can turn gold either when she uses her hypnosis or when she goes angry murder mode, but they're usually red.
Additionally Kersaint, Nelson, Bluecher, and Bunker Hill.
Ok, sorry for stating the obvious then.
Current Event reveals that the MC may be a Designer Baby part of Project A.D. by MMR (Local Research Group), where they try to make Humans but better.
This explains why he is stronger, more durable, and heals faster than a normal human.
The MC is also dubbed Subject No.07.
Not to mention that the MC's blood can destroy nanomachines, like the one's Nikkes have, which is called Vaupus (TL for Freedom) or Unchained in KR/JP.
Add onto the fact that MMR was once V.T.C. (Highly implied to be the Vatican), its more or less theorized the MC is like Aleph and Artificial Messiah.
you actually made a valid point and I was joking. I was just dumb and didn't think about that.
Oh neat. That explains a lot actually.
Think I could build Orihime's powers as a Nen Hatsu?
The ability to conjure bread? Easily.
Maybe if you take all the talent perks as a Specialist.
I'm thinking about my store, and since I'm not in major need of funds most of the time, and my general craftsmanship is so high level now, it's probably gotta be something like a luxury product general store right now. Currently, I think I'd like the shelves stocked with Candles, Bottles, Steel Tools, and Storage Trunks in the main shop. Then, in the back shop I'd sell my more personally favored or limited goods like the Mutts (genetically engineered dog chimeras) and Antiquity Weapons with special powers. Probably also sell pet supplies for the Mutts as well.
Does anyone ask where this weird stuff comes from and track it back to your store?
I half-suspected it but wanted to, in doubt, choose the more composed answer, as I'm pretty shy and last week I was being called a shitposter who never read HxH.
I hope your items are tard resistant levels of durable for when the dog inevitably knocks EVERYTHING over and breaks one of your few water jugs despite the fact it had no real reason to be over there.
That's rough, buddy. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there. Hope things go well for you.
Thank you Totally Anonymous Guy, and you have a fun build, hope it gets better with the relationship.
>Rinne eyes
>Kekkai Genkai
I will murder you
I'm pretty good at deflecting thanks to some tertiary perks I've picked up, and since my store is in my Warehouse (Base of Operations), I just pack up and move if there's too much heat. Most everything in the main store is on the level, just absurdly high quality, so word of mouth is good for business. The stuff sold out of the back - which is all decorated with spooky candles and shrouds and stuff - is explicitly hush hush and I encourage customers to keep that shit on the DL. It doesn't always work, but that's kinda part of the fun of owning a mysterious store of curiosities.

They're really fucking high quality, so breaking just because one of my dogs has a happy tail is really unlikely. After this next Jump (I'm organizing things between Jumps) the make and quality will only improve. The candles are the only thing that I'd worry about, but I'd just mend them and use the damaged candles myself so it's not a big deal.
Nta but Melody specifically obtained super hearing by listening to the sonata of darkness (and in this moment there is nothing on the drawback about not having it too.
Just another question, is kitty guard intended to be royal guard level? Wouldn't this make killer pretty weak?
Is it possible to hate Izunavi, a character whose paneltime can be litterally counted on the fingers of my hands?
(Jump 3: King Arthur) (Budget: 1000CP)
>Setting: Soul Eater (-)
>Age: 32 (Rolled)
>Gender: Male (Unchanged)
>Origin: Peasant (900)
>General Peasant Skill (Free)
>Sword Plant (800)
>Peasant Master Race (600)
>Master Craftsman (300)
>Gold Coins (Free)
>Roman Manuscripts (0)

Few things to talk about here. First of all, for this Jump I'm going to go do King Arthur things in Soul Eater, and treating Excalibur's stories as mostly full of shit. This'll be the 5th century thereabouts, meaning Death is still freely wandering, Arachne hasn't made Demon Weapons, and King Arthur still wields Excalibur. Power levels are more or less the same as Arthurian legend (sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the specific knight in question), Madness is a prevalent force, etc and so forth.

The very first thing I do once I get here is study the Roman Manuscripts. Given my choice of setting, I think I'll treat them as being a product of Eibon, or perhaps someone touched by his Madness. They're mostly designed for clockwork automatons that just keep chugging and have unusual autonomy, but require a spark of magic I don't have. I can build them as purely mechanical constructs, but they're novelties at best right now. Like, I'll still make some small ones and sell them as toys powered with a wind-up key, but they won't be in full production right now. The super powerful equipment detailed within is also way out of my mundane if supernaturally skilled hands, or as mundane as whatever I am get.

After that, I'm not sure. I think I'll mostly be wandering from place to place selling my wares, holding back on Mutts unless I can figure out how to market them as respectable fae creatures not deserving of prosecution. I think selling cool weapons to knights on quests would be a fun way to pass the time though. I'd also be looking for fantastical creatures, particularly the Questing Beast. I want a sample for future hybrids.
Of course. Hatred is irrational and can fuel itself. It's possible to hate anything.
I'm just tired of "Meruem would survive window to the void scream because Knov doesn't have the aura to cut him", and Izunavi is one of the most common excuses.
Nice stuff Nubee.
>Questing Beast
Gonna add giraffe to your modded little beasties?
Last I checked, HxH wasn't working on the "if your powerlevels too high, abilities just stop working" rules Bleach does.
Master Craftsman is a good purchase and emphasizes Essays of the Craft from LotR well as just a big, general buff to handicrafts I make. The quality of my products will only improve after this place. Peasant Master Race will help endear me to commoners and other working class people, helping me ply my goods while staying inconspicuous.

The biggest perk picked up is no doubt Sword Plant though. While I had the funds to restock on materials for some time by just returning to Batman each Jump, Sword Plant will allow me to do that for free by supplementing money with space and time, and it'll allow me to restock on more rare and curious materials. Next Jump I'll likely be looking for land to append to my District so I can start growing different trees. That and botany perks even if General Peasant Skill here is already probably helping.

Also vaguely mulling the idea over of making an apprentice once I can get samples of a magical creature and hybridizing it with a human, or possibly a Witch. If I can get someone with magic working under me, I could get them to finish the automatons from the Manuscripts which I'm currently incapable of crafting. That'd be a big decision though so I'm still not sure.

I like the fucked up chimera version that's like part snake, part leopard, and part deer. It'd probably be something monstrous like that since this is Soul Eater King Arthur too. Also, with the cry that sounds like yelping hunting dogs they're sorta thematic to what I'm doing, since I tend towards using dogs as the foundation for all my hybrids.
Again Bleach too doesn't, attacks stop working, some abilities stop working, but plenty more abilities works, but that's an argument for another day, tjhe logic they use is "Izunavi said you can't make an unbreakable object or an all cutting blade with nen" and use it to argue that Meruem would simply ignore his head being teleported from his body, when HxH explicitely already stated that manipulators are dangerous because if they fullfill their conditions they autowin, showed that Owl could seal Nobunaga, and the other were simply too fast, while they still had to dodge and not simply tank because of stronger nen, it showed multiple indestructible objects created trhough nen, wich implies Izunova simply didn't know what he was talking about, and many other things.
But is it possible to create a Hatsu that lets me retroactively implant a fetish into a person's history, such that (after being affected by my Hatsu) they have always had this fetish even though that wasn't true five minutes ago?
parallel future already showed the creation of a simulated reality, but probably it would just be an illusion, it wouldn't retroactively change the present.
>Again Bleach too doesn't

Anon, don't get worked up. Space abilities have a common rep for durability ignore in general, idk who you had that debate with but they are being silly.
We don't know if time-based hatsus are possible, I think. If they are, sure.
What if I use post-mortem Nen? I've got another Hatsu that revives me as a smol child if I die, converting my life experiences and total Nen into Nen potential and talent in the process. Here's the idea.
>Be an adult
>Reincarnation Hatsu activates and begins restoring me
>Retroactive Fetish Hatsu activates and drains a small portion of my post mortem Nen
>Target is cursed/history rewritten with post-mortem Nen, making its effects permanent and absolute
>Reincarnation Hatsu finishes reviving me (as a smol child) but with not as much potential as I should have gained from the process
Ah yeah subjecting Jumper to an increasingly large harem of Type Moon women Jumper can’t escape amuses me greatly.
That's a very strange cultivation method.
Reincarnation to grow stronger in the next life is extremely common as far as cultivation methods go. The only odd thing here is directly burning my reincarnation potential to inflict a Hatsu that retroactively and permanently inserts a fetish into a person.
I am completely and mentally stable.

Oh hey look a civilian airliner.
in Bleach I was referring to Anthitesis (working on Senjumaru and being presumed to work on Ywhach) Almighty (beating Ichimonji while having an ant's power) senescenscia (being feared by Ikomikidomoe) Kyoka Suigetsu (working on Yamamoto) and other cases.
>Anon, don't get worked up.
Thank you for the suggestion, I will try.
Tell me about the harem in your pocket.
DESU it was just a one-off to let Aizen flex.
Then I would refer to>>94825865
Oh, tobehon is now desued? Or was it always so? I guess I'll be using the full form, then.

Anyway, I meant that one time Aizen blocked Soi Fon's strike.
How do you react to HARM?
>Next Jump I'll likely be looking for land to append to my District so I can start growing different trees
Maybe Europa Universalis for the East Jumper Company item?
Honestly, I kinda expected you to first jump that when I threw that suggestion at you, but then I realised you and I probably have different brain wavelengths.
>Also, with the cry that sounds like yelping hunting dogs they're sorta thematic to what I'm doing, since I tend towards using dogs as the foundation for all my hybrids.
Yeah, I can see that thematic throughline.
That had less to do with negating her ability and more "his reiatsu was so fucking dense that she couldn't pierce his skin in the first place". She needs to pierce the skin to inject her venom and activate her ability; his power was so absurd at that point that she just couldn't achieve step one of that process at all.
As a counterexample of that very effect: Ichimaru's special bankai ability affected Aizen just fine despite his comically overwhelming power. His Bankai's poison blew a hole larger than Aizen's head straight through Aizen's torso and absolutely would have killed him had the Plotrock not kept Aizen alive. The difference between Soi-Fon and Gin isn't that Gin had enough raw power to bully through Aizen's defenses-he absolutely didn't-but that his Bankai worked on a different principle altogether.
>Maybe Europa Universalis for the East Jumper Company item?
I was idly thinking MHW since I remember putting Botany perks in there, as well as the land item for Monsters which is really big. I could cordone a plot of that off from the surroundings and use the soil. Cultivation of Ancients with Sword Plant likely leads to bizarre combinations that I can experiment with. Also the monsters are just right there and ready for sampling. Not sure yet.

Gin could stab Aizen, ran him straight through, so it should be noted that Aizen wasn't on such a different scale that he could ignore Gin's Bankai like Kenpachi with early SS Ichigo's Shikai.
I am calm and at peace with the world, brother.

Oh look, oats.
>Post-Mortem Nen

Say, is it reasonable fanwank to say that if you got some sort of delayed self-resurrection Nen then death isn't an *immediate* chain ender?

Grace period to self revive, etc. For clarity; just wanna know what other people think out of curiosity.
I personally allow myself resurrections, but depends on what is more enjoyable for your chain.
>Gin could stab Aizen, ran him straight through, so it should be noted that Aizen wasn't on such a different scale that he could ignore Gin's Bankai like Kenpachi with early SS Ichigo's Shikai.
In point of fact-that's actually a ruse. It's not a power issue there at all, because of the way Gin's bankai works.
He doesn't stab you with an actual blade. Like Matsumoto's Shikai (which is surprisingly fitting when you think about it) what he actually does is turn his blade into dust. Which slips right through shit as he strikes, instead of just being "extend and contract". His whole extension and contraction trick was a lie that he'd been perpetuating for centuries just to keep Aizen's guard down, all so he could have the chance to slip in the knife right at the moment of Aizen's triumph.
What if you have someone nearby both willing to and able to ressurect people who die?
NTA, but I guess this is a reasonable follow up anyway.

I actually kinda think that if you allow A then this is a fairly reasonable B.
Plenty more weapon designs to yoink and sell later on too, since I wager you're going to quite a few worlds where people have above human strength.
How do you fit all your harem inside your pocket?
large pocket
Looks awesome dude. Surprised that you took out the Wife Kurapika companion, thought you were really wanting to get her. Oh well, at least we still have Totally-Not-Pitou.

Anyhow, like Fem Gojo and all the other stuff.

Though for Funsies, if I picked up Nen Genius for Cooking, and was an Enhancer with a Hatsu that allows me to boost taste, nutrition, and all that good stuff, just how good would my food be? Would it be able to give buffs?

Also Hunter of X seems to have a typo "hunting dow" isn't it supposed to be be "hunting down"?

Anyhow, awesome stuff, thanks for you hard work!
>Kyoka Suigetsu (working on Yamamoto)
To be fair, the disparity in spiritual power between base Aizen and Yamamoto isn't actually that high. A lot of people massively underestimate exactly how busted Aizen always was. Like Aizen states that NaNaNa incapacitating him for five minutes was the first time in history that anyone has ever managed to do that. Aizen himself also later very trivially crushes Shunsui in Shikai in his base form, without even releasing his Shikai, alongside like six other Captains in a single panel. Aizen himself claims that he's stronger than all ten of the Espada combined which is fucking insane considering that even one of the top 4 could hold their own against multiple Captains without much difficulty at all. And Aizen himself is wary of Yamamoto because of his incredible breadth of experience and the sheer destructive power of Zanka no Tachi, not because of his raw spiritual power. The entire point of Wonderweiss is that Aizen is 100% confident that he can defeat Yamamoto in a straight battle if he can seal off his ability to activate Zanka no Tachi. And activating Bankai doesn't increase your spiritual power, it simply externalizes it in the form of your zanpakuto spirit's true nature.

So it's really not surprising that Kyoka Suigetsu works on Yamamoto.
The dudes just gonna do an OC companion for himself in his chain. He's not gonna put his waifu out there where anyone in the thread can purchase her and then fuck with him. He's seen the screencap.
I don't underestimate Aizen, I hate Aizen specifically because he's so much powerful, and the story glazes him so much I have to read how mindnumbingly dumb he is to fail, while also being portrayed as this supersmart supergenius that plotted everything.
Nta but be grateful you never read JJK I guess.
Aizen literally succeeded though. The only thing he failed at is reaching the Soul Palace and the events of the TYBW and CFYOW implies that he could potentially break out any time he wants and also that he no longer needs the Ouken to breach the Royal Palace. He simply doesn't bother since he's immortal now and his defeat at the hands of Ichigo and the subsequent events of the TYBW caused him to change his perspective on things. He's now willing to just sit in Muken and consider his future plans. He even informs Shunsui that he can no longer legitimize the Seireitei through the Soul King anymore and that he doesn't think that he has to do anything himself. He fully expects that the Gotei 13 will have been destroyed by civil war long before his sentence ends.
>Anon complains the story glazes Aizen too much
>Other anon proceeds to glaze Aizen even harder
I'm not glazing anybody. This literally happened. Like maybe Kubo is glazing Aizen but this is what happens in CFYOW.
I read it, and unironically Sukuna is much less glazed than Aizen, he's the strongest, but he hasn't a hax that allow him to effortlessly neutralize the second strongest, he's clever but can't create plotrocks that make him invincible or engineer a series of circumstances he should be unaware of to create the protagonist, and he has a bs moment where Kamutoke is prioritized by judgeman, he hasn't a constant streak of bs moments, from having created a monster capable of absorbing the power of the other strongest character, to having organized more than five vasto lorde and buffed them, to discovering his mcguffin in truth doesn't do what it always did, and its other creator designed it to, but fullfill wishes, to being outsmarted and outgambited by his second just to no sell it because arbitrarily the Hogyoku stayed bonded. Thanks to Gojo Sukuna was nerfed enough to be able to be beaten with preexistant mechanics, while Aizen was so omnipotent they had to whip out an hypervolic time chamber AND a superpower never before implied that singlehandedly makes you the strongest.
Aizen would be a gen time better character if he didn't have Kyoka Suigetsu and would still be a bad character.
are the waifus in fire force any good
Yes, he was lucky that the Hogyoku was this much of a plotrock and that Shunsui and Ukitake destroyed the Soukyoku, since it's stated he can't be executed because they don't have it, not because he was a good villain or had a sensical plan.
>gets beaten up/proven wrong by the protagonist
>chills out and ultimately just accepts his defeat
>last words are a philosophical monologue where he comes to terms with himself
This seems strangely familiar...
Not really he activated his shikai before the fight started and his plan was to weaken Yamamoto forcing him to tank ryujin jakka exploding from wonderweiss. He never tried to fight him
I believe this is why anon says that the story glazes him. He was outsmarted by Yamamoto when he stabbed him, outsmarted by gin, his plan with the sokyoku didn't work and in the first place he was the strongest, smartest trusted by anyone and no one could have noticed that his pla even started thanks to his shilai and still the plot must help him repeatedly while explaining how he planned everything
You are now remembering or being notified that Gege loves Bleach and Kubo thought JJK was kinda gay.
Is the Zoldyck companion visually based on anyone?
You hit thenail on the head, he started with everything, the story constantlyreminds you how he's the best, andKyoka Suigetsu makes it easy to make dozens of plans that grant autowin, and he allgedly knows of the protagonist, stopping even the possibility of a wild card, but he constantly has to be bailed out, from the dumb glove that makes everything until then immensely dumber, to two vizard together failing to kill Wonderweiss, because they are possibly the biggest jobbers of the manga, to the epithome of it that was the Hogyoku, wich was a dumb plot device to simply say lolno at every attempt to fight him until Ichigo does, so Ichigo's victory is dictated by arbitrary factor, as the Hogyoku will make Aizen invincible, even when poisoned and dying, and without it, until needed by the plot. This is a crutch Kubo used also on Lille Barro and Ywhach by the way.
They asked Psycho for a cute zoldyck based on kalluto and illumi, he asked about the bicolored hairs and they accepted.
ugh my shortcut icons in firefox are suddenly huge, I hate random UI changes
The Zoldyck is awesome, but kinda bummed Psycho ignored the naming convention they had going on.
>Kubo thought JJK was kinda gay
JJK is kinda gay. Like you have to be actually clinically blind to not notice the constant yaoi baiting. Like that shit is rampant from the very beginning and it doesn't slack off.
What naming convention did they have?
>And activating Bankai doesn't increase your spiritual power
But it does tho, Yori outright told Ichigo that it's a 10 times multiplier.
>expecting people to know the source material
Yoruichi says that it increases a Shinigami's combat ability by ten times, not their spiritual pressure.
Nta but all of them start with the nding of the previous +llu (Illumi>Milluki>Killua>Alluka>Kalluto)
The name of the next kid begins with the last syllable of the older sibling name. Ex: Illu-mi ; Mi-llu-ki; Ki-llu-a; A-llu-ka; Ka-llu-to.

Then again, it could be that Kira is alone and stuff since Kikyo was the one to name him and she ruined the convention.

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