Will this be the year GW and their consumers are finally exterminated?
>>94774041I would settle for it being the year the false enthusiasm camera mugging came down a notch or 10.
Just stop.
>>94774158Historical wargames WILL win.
>>94774041I predict breaking sales records
>>94774714This. Sadly consoomers will consoom. Every single time i open reddit, shit like this greets me (i know my bad, but there are some good niche groups there if you look). How does anyone let themselves be controlled and defined by their spending habits? This isn't hobbying just pure consumerism. The retards posting are even borderline proud of this behavior, meanwhile instead of calling them out the comments just act as a hugbox support group. If this is what a hobbyist looks like we're doomed.
>>94774041>GW FansBuy anything and everything GW puts outDefend them and any choice they make"Lol your just poor if you cant buy this 50 dollar single character"Has never played any thing but GW gamesHas never played a GW game other then 8th ed onward or AoSUses only GW slop paint and over priced brushesDoes not Base his minis and if he does its shit and uninspired >Warhammer EnjoyerBuys recasts primarily because GW is engaging in price gouging Critical of GWs choices and rules with out concern of what people think of himFrugal with his hobby, can has multiple titans and full blown armies Played many games in wargaming to get a better idea of what works and what does notPlayed since at least 5th ed and loved fantasy and killteam before it became what it is now.Use a wide array of paints and hobby tools and is always willing to share his knowledge for free with out making some stupid youtube channel about it. Bases his minis using actual dirt, rocks, and branches he found outside.
GW consoomers are actually terrifying
>>94774982Based and correct. You can play Warhammer without being a total faggot about it.
>>94774826Feel so bad for these dudes. Hoarding is an insidious disease.
>I predict breaking sales records
>>94774826> so much of it still in the shrink wrapJesus Christ
>>94775095that's not even all the boxes, there are more
>>94774982I don't know why AoS gets lumped into the 40kslophogsAoS is peak dad's game. There is a probably a bigger portion of AoS players who 3d print and proxy than the 40k tourney fags who literally won't because le epic big tourney say that's a no no. > Warhammer enjoyed> you started in 5th edition, aka PEAK Ward meme bullshitLmao 5th edition was the beginning of the end. All the hard core tourneyslop try hard shit went main stream starting in 5th edition.
>>94774041Imagine if you channeled even an iota of your spitefulness, bitterness and negativity into whatever unpopular game you've decided to champion
>>94775083Are you one of those faggots screaming constantly about how nothing GW produces sells despite their financial reports showing growing sales year after year?
>>94774826Jesus, this is somebody's house? I thought it was a store.
>>94775115Kiddo, it's called Slopmar for a reason. Don't fool yourself. WHFB is the "dad's game" of GW.
>>94774826Thumbnail looked like a cool city board for some skirmish game and then I opened the picture...
>poorfags discover that people stockpile modelsWait till you gay niggers see my krautshit scale modelling pole of shame
>>94775322>>94775244>>94775111Oh yes there are. This guy either works for NASA or Lockheed Martin, or is the biggest nepobaby/trust fund manchild in NA.Also he claims to have multiple best in show painted armies but didn't post any pictures to prove.
>>94775244Reminds me of the LGS near my house in the early 2000s. Boxes stacked haphazardly all over the place, literal bargain bins on the floor full of cheap bootlegs and busted shit from the 1980s, five bucks would get you all you could grab with both hands. Those were the days. Everything is so fucking sterile now. It's like the cosmetics aisle at the drugstore.
>>94775281I play AoS, got 2 kids and 2 armies.
>>94775361Based, death to poorfags
>>94775367Some scale modeling stores still have this feel but wargaming stores are just shit now, this hobby isn't what it used to be
>>94774041>Will this be the year GW and their consumers are finally exterminated?In your dreams, anon.But try to be positive. >TLDR Warhammer products are a great net to keep tards away from better games.LGS boomers have a slang called the "Warhammer Woods" basically GW and I guess WOTC as well if were trying to be universal about the games in this hobby are the "Filtering Forests" that ensnare and entrap many "people." Few can navigate the Warhammer woods in and out in being able to enjoy different games alongside Warhammer stuff.Even fewer actually fully leave the woods to better places.
>>9477538899% of warslop isn't worth bothering with or lacks any scale or support, fits that retarded boomers would act like that. I bet they're still bitter than their game is irrelevant and forgotten
>>94774041>Will this be the year GW and their consumers are finally exterminated?NoWhat makes you think it will be?
>>94775425Faith in higher power that is just
>>94775281>WHFB is the "dead game" of GW.FTFY
>>94775281Dad's game means you can get a decent game in over around two to three hours without having to consult the rulebook to do every fucking little thing, where you can generally bring what you want and just roll some dice.None of those concepts applies to the pile of shit that is the current version of fantasy.
>>94775407> t. in the woods
>>94775457Does this mean that technically stuff like OPR is Dad's game as well given how simplified they are?I play a bit of it using 40k models after an LGS member organized it over the LGS discord channel.
>>94775457>current version of fantasy.Real dads are still playing 6e. The TWW kiddies play TOW
>>94775664Nobody is playing ToW
""""dad games""" are a gay, undesirable moniker anyways. Anytime I think of wargaming dads I imagine a bunch of crusty divorced boomers pushing ranks of Napoleonics around checking their fifth chart to finally resolve activation. GW is current, modern, with a fresh young cool fan base and that's what we need, not a bunch of oldfags making us look as lame as historicals
>>94775664People who play 6th editions are literal eunuchs
>Real dads play this>Real dads play that>Blah blah blahAnyone who plays anythign other then garage hammer where you house rule your own missions and scinarios, and only use the rule book missions as guides and suggestions, is a fucking GW consoomer who has zero fucking creativity, zero imagination, and would be lost unless someone told them how to enjoy the game. Now excuse me while me and my gaming group continue to play Horus heresy using 2.0 rules but supplementing in Planetary onslaught rules from 7th ed, while also making house rules for deep striking Tanks via Thunderhawk transports and off board Basalisk batallions aid in the defense of a strong point.
>>94774041I wish. Sadly the stocks only go up, buypigs keep buying and Gav Thorpe still makes novels with pronouns in them. This train won't be stopping anytime soon.
>>94774826So Kirby had it right all along. The hobby is buying Games Workshop's products.
>>94774982>GW Derangement SyndromeSpends hours every day posting on 4chan and reddit about how much he hates GWConstantly begs people not to buy anything from GWSubscribes to several Youtube channels who only makes videos about how horrible GW areRefuses to admit that GW has ever done anything rightAlludes to "non-GW games" but never mentions them by nameRuns a discord server dedicated to hating GWSuffers in eternity as GW grows biggerInsists his life would be better if GW did not existIs absolutely not mad at all
>>94774826Surely that's a stockroom for a game shop, tell me it's a stockroom anon?!
>>94776368Show me where i said i hate GW.
>>94776396Why would (you) hate GW? Have they hurt (you)?
>>94776411No, I dont hate GW, i dont like some of the choices they have made in various aspects of their games, but i dont hate GW as a whole.
>>94776421That's probably because your intelligence and testosterone levels are so high. After all, the only real competitor to GW games are other GW games.
>>94776176You type like a bitch and you don't even lift
>>94776306Privateer Press should have hired Kirby.
>>94775370Nice, lad. I'm also a father, and I also play AoS. It's a good game, not a great one, but it's simple enough so I can one day show it to the kid. Keep on keeping on, mate, as I know you're tired. >>94775571Tried OPR but found it a bit shallow. Although found some fun in it, when we got some lads together and played armies from various media against each other.
>>94776429Well yeah, GWs biggest threat, is GW itself. They are very much able to stick on their own dick half the time.
>>94776470Do you think threads like this are actually made by GW marketing people? I'm starting to think so.
>>94776503Of course not. I think most marketing people at GW living on things like X and Reddit which is reflective of the products they put out.
>>94775457TOW is pretty intuitive once you get a few games under your belt. I suppose your enjoyment of it will really depend on your local meta. I've been really enjoying it, but then again I don't have a chaos lord on a dragon and my opponents haven't brought a dragon of their own yet either. I still prefer 6th, though, and I'd love to give 3rd, 5th or 8th a try.
>>94776618This, the only thing thats weird about ToW, is you are able to get into some really weird interactions/situations espiecally with multi charging or first ranks. YOu can also get into situations were you can actually box yourself in and make it so you cant charge things. But also TOW probably has the best magic system one i wish GW would put into HH and 40k, but oh well.
>>94776618If your local meta is a bunch of chill guys who are fun-oriented and have nice armies then every edition will be good.
>>94776387I remember the photo, it was a dude who flipped on ebay.
>>94776723Yeah, that's a bit more reasonable.
>>94776703That's a myth. All local metas in modern times are filled with competitive powergaming waacfags. Macca predicted it years ago. We should have acted then to prevent this.
>>94776503>Do you think threads like this are actually made by GW marketing people?Absolutely not. Why in the name of God's green Earth would you market to /tg/, a dying 4chan board who lost its tabletop game culture relevance in the early 2010s, is a pirate hub, thinking any minature more expensive hand a 2nd hand bag of green army men is a ripoff, and at the best of times is bitter and resentful for every single tabletop rpg and at worst contains spergs who will hold grudges for years if you slight them. Meanwhile Warhammer is the most popular it's ever been with several hit video games, a popular Amazon short, and models that run out of stock in minutes.
>>94776723Me when i lie
Bit of a hot take: Rising tides raise all ships.The more people that enter the hobby through things like Space Marine 2, the more people spill off into alternate war games like Malifaux, Trench Crusade, Turnip28, Mordheim, and many others.So, I'm more happy about GW's growth, then I am cringing over pay pigs, because it means that it'll be easier to amass a Mordheim group.
>>94776387>>94774826>>94776723I reverse image searched it on google. It's a guy who got into the hobby during COVID, bought a shit-ton of product, and is now liquidating all of it.>If this is what a hobbyist looks like we're doomed.It's literally COVID. People with expendable income spilled into the hobby, spent all the money they would've spent on going out on plastic instead, and amassed giant piles of shame. Unless we have another lock-down, GW probably won't ever see this level of growth again.>>94775361>Oh yes there are. This guy either works for NASA or Lockheed Martin, or is the biggest nepobaby/trust fund manchild in NA.Checked his comments:>Close. High paid software engineer, with a director level spouse, and 3 kids.>Also he claims to have multiple best in show painted armies but didn't post any pictures to prove.Best I could find was one post he made of models he didn't finish. There's a carrying case in the background of one with Custodes in carrying cases.Also apparently he has a lot of female Kpop memorabilia.
So1face is marketing - they actually encourage you to do rhat open mouthed surprise in your thumbnails fyi
>>94778364The hobby being successful is good. All games are minis agnostic and you can play any edition of whatever you want so most superficial changes or even simplifying things won't affect most people who play their way, you just get cheaper and more products to work with.
>>94778471It annoys me so much that every miniature painting thumbnail on youtube has the person's face on it.Your face is a unique identifier, but when I see everyone doing the same thing, it seems dumb and commercial. They'd find way more success if they broke from the herd and made more creative thumbnails IMO.
>>94777885Paul McCartney? Seems like he'd be a Sisters of Battle man
>>94778528Salesforce literature don't lieGuards, take him away
>>94778435>I reverse image searched it on google. It's a guy who got into the hobby during COVID, bought a shit-ton of product, and is now liquidating all of it.Eh good luck to him, I bounced around different scales and settings until I found my jam and sold a lot of stuff when I realised I was hoarding it.>Also apparently he has a lot of female Kpop memorabilia.By Allah he will be beheaded
>>94774826Oh hey, I have one of those cabinets.And maybe 2% of the boxes there
>>94775274I feel like this should have been the end of the thread.
>>94778528Everyone does it because it gets results. While I get where you're coming from and even agree, it's because of those faces that you even know of the channels overusing it, while the rest generally languish unseen.
>>94778700>Everyone does it because it gets results. While I get where you're coming from and even agree, it's because of those faces that you even know of the channels overusing it, while the rest generally languish unseen.Maybe.I'm looking at Tabletoptime, Ebay miniature rescues, and eons of battle, who all have about 100-200k subs.Most of their videos have around 40-60k views, every once in a while spiking to 100k or so with a stand-out video. These results were probably better four years ago(COVID) and it's a niche category, but still, it feels like there's untapped potential.Some of my ideas:- Use a vtuber model(poorhammer uses avatars, but they're a podcast about all things Warhammer) - Pull a How-To Basics and make your hands a character without showing your face- Do a more narrative style like Rhystics Studies does with MTG art- Make your miniatures the characters and have your whole audience question whether or not you're schizo or have BPD.
>>94778435If he bought that kpop stuff for his wife or one of his kids that'd be kinda sweet. Otherwise, ehhhh...
>>94778435He's a weird dude that probably makes 200k+
>>94778435Yeah the guy is lying. Otherwise he would have posted his finished minis, being an autistic redditor that he is.
>>94774041Cry about it, Didney Wars cuck.
>>94774826This is such a huge personal failing on a very fundamental level.Laziness, poor impulse control, credulity, greed, a lack of self awareness. Just gooning to the feeling of making a purchase and not even being aware of it. "Collecting" can be a real hobby if its something that maybe allows you to connect with and learn about history and culture, like stamp or coin collecting. But raw consumption is not a hobby.
>>94778435>Cleaning your sword with nurgle cloththis is so retarded it ruins the whole model.
>>94778586GW will go wherever the new social standards of what acceptable or not will take them.If people decide keeping blacks as slaves was fashonable again GW will do that
>>94780179collecting Warhammer boxes makes more sense than some gay shit like stamps because Warhammer holds its value. much of that garbage will increase in value as a matter of fact. if he resold all the limited fomo shit he'd make all his money back and more
>>94780357A 1 cent stamp from British Guyana sold for 8 million. GW people are peasants
It will never stop being hilarious to me that there are actually anons here who unironically believe that you need to be some kind of billionaire to fill up a room with GW boxes.Do you also waste your time sobbing over people who spend millions on watches and other luxury goods?
>>94774982this is one of the most true posts ive seen in a while, GW "fans" are ruining the hobby but unfortunately they're the ones GW markets and gears the rules around to the most>>94776254based
>>94784900>unfortunately they're the ones GW markets and gears the rules around to the mostNot to suck GW's dick, but why would they want to target the second group? A group of people who don't buy anything from them, actively pirate their rules, and spend most of their day bitching online about the decline of Warhammer seem like a poor audience to chase.
>>94784968you're very correct, from a business perspective it is wise to go after the widest audience. It's just incredibly unfortunate and waters down the experience for the long time fans, this happens to every corpo ran hobby or IP eventually. That old stickman meme comic about the degradation of a hobby where normalfags slowly flood in until the hobby is no longer the original thing still holds up, the only addition required is that it was the company itself bringing the normalfags in rather than the normalfags by themselves ruining it
>>94774826It's going to be a riot explaining Funkopops to my niece.
>>94775274What discord is that from?
>>94778364I see your penis is more cultured than the soipenises or the counterpenises.good show of words, ol' lad!
>>94775115>AoS is peak dad's gameNo it is not you lying cretin, aidsmar is literally the definition of slop, at least 40k used to be good, fuck off you absolute imbecile
>>94775361>This guy either works for NASA or Lockheed Martin, or is the biggest nepobaby/trust fund manchild in NA.I know somebody who does STEM at NASA, and it isn't going to get you this much money to burn.
>>94774548Horus Heresy is a historical wargame.
>>94785312>>9478532415 year old Brazilian got mad again, lol
>>94774982All warhammer fans must be killed. Period. Historical wargames must win.
>>94778088>he doesn't know about /tg/'s growing popularityIt's better than it's ever been, just like warhammer.What a sad statement both ways.
>>94780995>seething this hard over being called a glutton for gluttonous behaviorlol
>>94775083>pic relatedthis old gif is exactly what mental illness expresses itself as.
>>94774826This is the male equivalent of girls cheering on fat women and saying they're beautiful at every size. Most people are not obsessed consoomers to this scale, even fans of the hobby, and seeing someone absolutely blow up their bank account and waste this much time and money on something so meaningless is cathartic to most people. We can point at these fags and say "As bad as I am, at least I'm not them."Don't get demoralized that there are retards out there like this and other supposed retards cheering them on. 99% of people are simply sharing schadenfreude, like when you watch the land whales on My 600lb Life.
>>94775361My dude these people aren't millionaires. They're debtmaxxing. This soiboy has three maxed credit cards and a minimum 10k loan he has no idea how to repay and just keeps adding more and more to the debt. Don't fool yourself the majority of people you see with collections like these are a few weeks away from repo men knocking at the door.
>>94786425What is wrong with these people? I mean, I've spent more money on miniatures than I'd like to admit but at least it was never money I didn't actually have.
>>94775361Apparently the dude and his wife both work in tech and he collects kpop stuff as well.
>>94785002Ah yes, the hordes of normalfags flooding the local gaming club with their painted warhammer armies.
>>94785421Yeah... Historically bad!
>>94774041No. You should know that by now.
>>94785823>It's better than it's ever beenThis place is a creative wasteland populated with losers who don't get shit done anymore and ai spam botsI don't care if this was a b8 post fuck you for reminding me about how far this place has fallen
>>94774826I had a friend whose parents actually maintained a shed stocked... not quite like this, but about half as bad. However, one of them actually worked for GW so they got premium rates on a lot of it, bought another chunk of it online at good deals, and helped propagate their purchases by painting and reselling armies.
>>94786425>>94775361I mean, you don't need to be making THAT much to accumulate these hoards over time. Say you set aside 100USD per week on hobby, you can easily accrue a big collection over small period of time.
>>94774548inevitably, yes. there will continue to be people interested in recreating their own and other's past; however, one day people will stop caring about warhammer, and it will fade from people's memories, just like slot car racing, bridge, and marbles
>>94774826What is the point of all that, when would he have the time to paint that much?
>>94775322Haha. Great idea actually. He could probably run it as a city fight game and use his equally large action figure collection as the models
>>94790406> you don't need to be making THAT much>100USD per week>$5,200 a year on toysThat's a lot of money
>>94774826Cannot forget the time this pic related retard who makes a living shitting on GW posted a video about thier pile of shame, and about how they had move back in with their parents and it was fucking mounds and mounds and mounds of warhammer shit going back like 20+ years, most of it were not ebay rescues just nib garbage they'd been hoarding for decades, including some serious stinkers like Dreadfleet or Gorkamorka or Speed Freeks, literal fomo trash. Marines for days. I used to dislike their daily rage videos about GW but I sort of view it as some kind of weird content creation therapy since they are 100% aware their fucked their whole life and lost at least 10-15 years of time accumulating wealth from their youth wasting it on warhammer stuff they never even touched.Moving back in with your parents in your late 30'stragic.
>>94790406That's a lot of money for most people. You know most folks make 50k or less per year, right?
>>94775026>my entire months expendable budget on one purchaseGod's...
>>94790729Would still sprue goo
>>94791188I bought about 150 15mm minis of various kinds last month in metal for about $150 USD, which is the upper limit of what I CAN spend on my hobbies in a month>hurr durr you're poorKinda. On paper I have a lot of assets, like a house. When you are injured at work and spat out by the system and double crossed by your lawyers you just have to be poor
>>94775361This person built a Gundam approximately 1/100 scale out of Legos. This person is to be feared.
>>94790729It's a form of grifting. You make a living on unhappy people and ragebait and youtube pumps you through the algorithm.
>>94792363>encourages people to find cheap alternatives>promotes wargaming generally, not the gw hobby as the be all end all>holds companies to accountYou're just unhappy she isn't sucking off GW because GWfags crumble under criticism of their shitty games
>>94775361What is the point of all that stuff? People will have mountains of Warhammer, dress and eat like they have six weeks to live, have a run down dirty home with pale sickly pets and children lol At least on cocaine you might write a hit...
>>94790729>Moving back in with your parents in your late 30'sThat part's pretty common with Millenials and Zoomers in America regardless of circumstances.
GW;s releases accelerated too quickly. I finally got a kill team painted and ready to play after a break from the hobby only for the rules to change before I had the chance to play a single game. Nearly all of my AoS models were squatted, and my old baby marines too. First gen primaris are probably next on the chopping block, or maybe phobos since they weren't popular. Maybe it's the prices increasing far faster than inflation due to brexit, maybe it's the new kits not even coming with all the pieces needed to field the default loadouts, maybe it's a push before home manufacturing gets easier to use... whatever the reason, I feel nothing for 40k or AoS now when I was passionate about them before.A couple years ago I got into 3d printing but it's so much of a pain in the ass and feel like I am always chasing a moving target with rules that I now just don't care. Maybe if I had a group to play older editions with, but I don't. Maybe people are right and I should get into TTRPGs instead, but I've never really tried roleplaying or acting in my life and I don't know if I'd be comfortable with it.
>>94792299Man, that money has to go on bills, tuition fees, food, and other stuff too. I wish I could just casually dump half a grand on my hobbies each month. How do the piggies find the spare cash?
>>94785823fa/tg/uys are just incredibly delusional
>>94774041Probably not. While GW employees the types who destroyed most other IPs, they seem to understand their core base is their best advertising. They backed down on Female Custodes, they backed Cavil against Amazon and told Amazon to either give Cavil what he wanted or let the license expire. They aren't making the mistakes other IPs made of throwing their core userbase overboard in hope of mainstream approval, but is instead leveraging that fanbase for it instead.All the other stupid shit they are doing, Story, price gouging, model refreshes, forced metachasing, that all kills the game very, very slowly. I expect GW to break into mainstream with the Amazon show, multiply profits several times over, learn nothing and kill 40k slowly over the next 5-10 years. By then the mainstream will move on and they'll do some stupid sigmar-esq 'reset' and start over. Nothing will be learned and they'll make billions.
>>94796166GW has a massive first mover advantage and it's competitors are traditionally more retarded than GW. Recently I watched video where a lgs owner was theorising that 3d printing and Kickstarter campaigns would only solidify GW dominance because they make it harder for alternative wargames to hit the shelves. I should also add that 3d printing and other wargames are already highly reliant on the GW "funnel" for their customer and player base.
>>94793286>Maybe it's the prices increasing far faster than inflation due to brevityYeah it's totally not GW rinsing everyone because the majority of people are retarded enough to pay and don't understand how little it costs to manufacture their little men. My nigger the fucking box costs more to make than the miniatures within.
>>94796365The solution is simple.Destroy GW. Cut the head off the snake, and you save alternative wargaming.
>>94775115Because they are stupid fuck who dont read or play.AoS was fun and cool game intil 4th came and shit on all cool mechanics and lore rules we had.It seems like GW have to fuck up any of their games around 4th ed.
>>94796816I don't think it works like that. I'd argue that alternative wargaming mainly exists due to disgruntled how players who want to move on from being a paypig. Historicals are a different story of course and they exist more independent of GW.
>>94775361>>94775361 I got into the hobby in 2018. Over the years, I've spent my time buying, painting, playing, and then either selling or gifting teams (mostly for Kill Team) or terrain. Looking back, if I hadn't gotten rid of all that stuff, I think I would have accumulated a collection of boxes with a very similar overall value. And i'm not rich guy nor living in debt. Actually my salary since 2018 changed between $1800 and $4500. I have been just living in a very cheap country in eastern europe. That's why it was all so affordable.So it's not something unreachable.
>>94796365>I watched video where a lgs owner was theorizing that 3d printing and Kickstarter campaigns would only solidify GW dominance because they make it harder for alternative wargames to hit the shelves.I tend to see people make opposite argument, but I agree with this assessment ESPECIALLY when looking at what the 3D market currently offers. The only other games that seem to really be breaking into said market, if not counting GW derivatives, are Battletech and AMG's games, and it shows on their profit margins.
>>94797781I have a sneaking suspicion that a significant part of victrix and north star profits are just people buying their plastic for MESBG. Same with warlord landsknechts and Perry medievals with TOW.
>>94774826To think I'm ashamed of having eight boxes of minis in various stages of completion.That said my collection of unread novels is far larger.
>>94796560>ignoring the costs of the molds or engineering and considering only the costs of producing one additional settrue for the older kits which inexplicably cost more I guess, although the argument could also be made that any machine time spent producing old kits is time not spent producing new kits. Nevertheless, I agree that there is some fleecing going on. GW's regional pricing has always been egregious, usually looking at the 30 or 40 year low point between currencies to try and safeguard against relative valuation changes, but the price increases the past few years don't even account for that. Why is the USD price increased by 63% over just a few years ago? Inflation wasn't that high. The difference between the USD and the GBP did not change that much.
>>94775175If teeg is predicting doom for GW or Wizards, you can safely assume the opposite is true.
>>94797970It's pretty well known with most 3D print companies and 3D bit companies that making warhammer models and conversion bits is how you keep the lights on in-between actual passion projects.
>>94798491I mean, you just need to look at history for confirmation that miniature wargaming has always been an affluent white guy hobby. White Aristocrats collecting tin and lead soldiers has been a thing for over 300 years. This isn't exactly new.
>>94774041I used to like 40k growing up but the cult around 40k made me hate it. I fucking hate these people so much I fucking despies Games Workshop I fucking want to kill these people I want them fucking dead and shot and mutilated.
>>94799710>I fucking want to kill these people I want them fucking dead and shot and mutilated.
>>94775388>Warhammer Woods>Filtering ForestsThose boomers are on to something. Why are these sayings not a thing?
>>94774826>>94775361Jezuss. When I was a kid my family pretty much had not much cash. I finally got a Catachan box for a birthday and since I couldn't possibly make a 40k army I converted them all into a Necromunda gang. They look like shit by modern standards, but I took so much time appreciating each mini. Fugg, years later I have cash for hobbies now (a hair over 2 mil+ net worth) and I still hold onto appreciating minis and low cost converting and scratchbuilding is very near and dear to me. Seeing people just firehose money at capital P Product for its own sake is just, man it hurts my soul.
>>94775388There is a store in my area that isn't the main well known store. At least 50% of the shelf space is historical games, and then a decent smattering of some fantasy games that aren't GW. There's one small corner of the store with a sad little amount of 40k stuff. The hold weekly nights for different events and it's super cool to have historical wargamer dudes show up with everything from 6mm to 28mm stuff from ancients to modern combat. The most mainstream stuff you'll likely see is maybe Battletech. I love the 40k universe but man I can't stand most of the rules. Me and my buddy only really play Space Hulk (and 2e for novelty purposes).
>>94796166>They backed down on Female Custodeslol, no they didn't.
>>94801749>Why are these sayings not a thing?Because unless you live in the UK nobody plays historicals
>>Lots of people play them, mostly at home events or in stores not ruled by 40k, but even at my 40k ruled store there's a group that regularly plays historicals. Here's pics from a French-Indian War game
>>94792380No Anon I'm upset that just like Dana Howl I found her attractive and found out she had a penis and now I'm questioning things.
>>94802183It's 2025 baby
>>94797970LolThere are more historical gamers than 40k players They are just spread across more rules systems and scales
>>94802000Simply not true, we have lots of Bolt Action players.
>>94802000>>94802000In Ukraine there's big community. They have their main event, once a year in summer, they gather in some old castle to play historicals there and then drink and shot with real bows, ride real horses and sail real boats on a real water.I don't like historicals, but i see photons from that event every year and it looks cool.
>>94792363>It's a form of griftingTo grift someone you have to lie though.
>>94796365>3d printing and Kickstarter campaigns would only solidify GW dominance because they make it harder for alternative wargames to hit the shelves>...3d printing and other wargames are already highly reliant on the GW "funnel" for their customer and player base.I'm curious to hear his reasoning, because I do agree that GW is most people's entry point into the hobby because of their large media presence, like Dawn of War and Total War Warhammer, but that's brining more people into miniature gaming as a whole and eventually many of those players will look for alternatives, which is why Trench Crusade, Turnip28, One Page Rules, and many other games have been so successful.Talking about shelf space though, I predict that one of these games will start taking GW shelf space. Flesh and Blood pulled it off with MTG in card gaming Afterall, so it's not impossible. And I think unique value propositions like One Page Rules could be very competitive and an easy sell to people.>Oh, you want to play killteam? Well, first you need a kit, then a rule book, or you could buy the starter set with all of that for $200Or>Here's a $40 kit you can play with two people right out of the box. Rules are right in there and they're one page. Have fun.It won't kill GW, but they can definitely lose market share to one of these upstarts.
>>94805993Also speaking of market share, what the Hell is Hasbro doing?You've got WoTC, with Dungeons and Dragons, MTG, Baldur's Gate 3, and you haven't made a miniature game yet?I wonder if they saw the Heroscape, Heroquest, and the DnD figure sales numbers and decided it wasn't worth it? It's seems like there's so much potential there though. MTG even has it's original lore as an excuse to build your army Malifaux-style, swapping masters for planswalkers(or legendary creatures more like) and factions/keywords for colors/types?But I guess as with all things Hasbro, anything that's not making them Monopoly Go money isn't worth it. Still no truly great MTG games.
>>94796166They didn't do shit about femstodes, the internet stopped talking about it because it was a giant nothingburger,
>>94806072>You've got WoTC, with Dungeons and Dragons, MTG, Baldur's Gate 3, and you haven't made a miniature game yet?There are several D&D minis games out there. You've never heard of them because they're universally overpriced garbage with pre-painted models and shit rules. Also the only thing that makes real money at WotC is Magic and that's already straining keeping Hasbro from collapsing.
>>94807551>WotC is Magic and that's already straining keeping Hasbro from collapsing.They have their own Gacha cash cow now. They're way more secure then you think.>There are several D&D minis games out thereLooking at it now, I do see the Wizkids Dungeons and Dragons Onslaught game with prepainted minis and some very shoddy components. People don't seem to especially like it, which is odd because Wizkids also made Mage Knight and heroclix and I hear good things about both. They also have some MTG minis on sale, might try and pick them up second-hand and see how they are.
>>94786425>>94790406It's worth noting that if you don't have kids (common) or go on vacation every year (which a lot of nerds don't), that amount of disposable income to burn on a hobby is quite possible.
>>94785421>This Is What The Outer Circle Actually Believes.