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BL submissions Edition

>Balance Dataslate

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

>Pre 10th Torrent:
Info hash: d91d8b9daa9c5dc9105fc0ec09812cbc17a752b5

>10th Edition Rules:

>How to make wargames terrain

>Secret Level animation

>Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
You are to write an interaction between two characters, who do you write about and how?
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Type dice+1D68 in the options field to get your regiment
IM gay
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What do you want to see in the inevitable Catachan Killteam?
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Rolled 34 (1d68)

Let's rooooooll
Rolled 4 (1d68)

it should have been catachans vs striking scorpions or catachans vs kroots

so now it must either be catachans vs exodites, or vs a multipart vonryan leapers kit with way more customisation and a lictor leader, or vs a new evolved/elite kroots unit that even more heavily ripoffs yautjas
You missed by one
>Fuck off, tyranid special characters are lame as is and GSC should all be completely expendable.
>The people in universe should view themselves as disposable because that's what the meta-narrative dictates.
Ah yes... of course.
That 42 guy is not gonna make it.

Disney remake and original
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krieg repeats itself 3 times here, it's not good
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I like this hat guy.
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Necromunda has a lot of sick designs that we'll never see inspiration from in the usual game because people don't think it 'fits the setting'.
nobody will tell you anything if you use these miniatures yourself anon, they're imperial STC creations, necromunda gangs and the van saar in particular do provide equipment and men for the tithe of soldiers
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give me the hats
Looks like Infinityshit. Generic sleek scifi sucks
Then fighting Tyranids so I get my Tyranid KT
Van Saars are in the Guard image posted above too.
Rolled 61 (1d68)

anon forgot to point the "dice+1d68" must be in lower cap
Please let it not be a shithole
Rolled 46 (1d68)

Motherfucker I'm retarded
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Rolled 19 (1d68)

guard players are fags
Rolled 24 (1d68)

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Rolled 41 (1d68)

Rolled 5 (1d68)

to be fair sometimes it can be hard to justify a special character in some factions, in the cults' case, most of them are isolated from one another, barely aware of their real nature. most cults do not wander around so special characters for that specific cult would be very restricted to that subfaction or something.

the idea I previously proposed for a gsc character was a wandering grandfather genestealer figure from the moons of ymgarl, or the kelemorph could get recontextualised from a recurring figure/mutation to an actual real vagabond hero
similarly I think the female magus could get rebranded as a special character instead of being an alternative gender swap sculpt for the standard magus, especially since I think her sculpt doesn't really convey the standard religious tone a normal magus should give off
she's holding the staff with the cult's symbol downwards for fuck's sake, that's capital disrespect/disregard, that's acceptable if the magus herself was a big deal, such as in a special character
>he rooted for the cosmic horror and gets mad when the faction designed to be an endless horde that space marines can shoot at gets shot by space marines
>he'll be found dangling from the rafters after his faction loses to some deus ex machina that everyone else could have seen coming
Human/Xenos romance novel
GW can thank me for all the money later
the guard isn't space marines, retard
I hope the set after Pariah Nexus has better terrain rules
Another thread please!
Judging by the way GW is trying to push narratives we're either going to Vigilus, Armageddon, or Commorragh.
GSC should be allowed to use Ambots
go back to your containment early throod, ec
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Rumours mention tyranid terrain, we might go back to the 4th tyrannic warfront
I want a Chaos Cultist codex.
Should I try to magnetise tau battlesuits and stuff?
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you might not get a separate codex but you might get a krieg-like wave of models added to CSM, but only if the bloodied kill team is successful enough
I'm going to write a Yarrick vs Ghaz story and GW can just try to stop me!
He's not dead, damnit
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What does a Tyranid flavoured L-shaped ruin look like?
like an imperial L-shaped ruin overgrown by tyranid growths
>Necromunda has a lot of sick designs
>uses a baby carrier as an example
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you know not every advanced sleek piece of tech uses the same "infinity" style
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how different would imperial history be if guilliman liked the color red more than blue and all of the ultramarines wore red instead
it would be pretty weird to have a chapter of red marines called the ultramarines
hed call them the red ultramarines
Sanguinius would have declared war on the Imperium for the right to have the Blood Angels wear red.
In an inexplicable twist, the White Scars would start wearing blue armor.
sanguinius could have called his the blueblood angels, due to their nobility
Not much harm in doing so, you get extra flexibility in your miniatures and list and the designs are pretty modular in an on themselves.
Unless you were planning very particular poses and conversions for the models.
You should be able to find comprehensive guides too.
They're called Ultramarines because they come from Ultramar, though. Absolutely nothing to do with their color at all. :^)
Rolled 7 (1d68)

>Titus Stalvern waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were demons in the base. He didn't see them, but had expected them, now for years. His warnings to Cernel Joson were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
>Titus was a space marine for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the spaceships and he said to dad "I want to be on the ships, daddy."
>There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the space station base of the UAC he knew there were demons.
>"This is Joson," the radio crackered. "You must fight the demons!"
>So Titus gotted his palsma rifle and blew up the wall.
>"HE GOING TO KILL US," said the demons!
>"I will shoot at him," said the Cyberdemon and he fired the rocket missiles. Titus plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
>"No! I must kill the demons," he shouted!
>The radio said "No, Titus. You are the demons."
>And then, Titus was a Zombie.
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Get on habibi, you're manning the the twin back breaker at the front
if they were called that way due to the place of origin they would be the ultramares and not the ultramarines, clearly they're called such because they're the very best, so they're the ultra marines
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I saw reddit talking about a news article talking about GW getting a fourth plastic factory.

>it used to be for cryptofascists
>it's an amazing satirical setting!
Is it me or are these opinions... a decade out of date?
I don't even remember 40K being a satire. The setting seems more serious than ever, no matter how much diversity, inclusivity and bad sculpts they have.
Why would they want to stop you from literally doing exactly what they asked you to do
>that pic
What is that speaker kit called so I can look for a recaster on it?
Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
I was worried that they were leaving Armageddon behind because the name can hardly be copyrighted but I was wrong
GW-chads, I kneel
Rollin' again because I'm a retard
The wombs of Dark Eldar women will be refreshed with the seed of Guardsmen, correct.
Rolled 36 (1d68)

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Preview when?
About 36 hours from right now.
kys throoder
When you write fiction about how silly or horrible things could get if a logic was taken to far, there is the very real possibility of the scenario becoming real.

It's less satire and more "fun over the top"
>I saw reddit talking about a news article talking about GW getting a fourth plastic factory.
the yearly investor report talks about it, yeah, they're expanding in the surrounding area to have another plastic factory, and their own factory for paints and paper/cardboard
the latter most probably after the problems they had last years

I wonder if it's worth investing
because that one was made too early by the throoder while this one was made at the proper time, when the previous reached page 8
depends how much shares are, I am thinking of throwing 100 quid on some when I get paid
I'm buying my own injection mold machine and mold making CNC mill to save money on miniatures
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40k isn't political and the people saying it is or should be are missing the point
any irony or satire in either direction emerges exclusively for the goal of having fun, only rotten authors are using 40k's fun as a vehicle for their message or agenda
wouldn't you save more from buying recasts? or do you plan on using those tools to recast stuff and sell recasts yourself
>40k isn't political
I'm sure the original writers had no opinions on if the Imperium of Man is good or bad.
but this is the throoder thread
do you think skeletor is political?
no, it isn't, notice the absence of the death company slop post here.
What does that have to do with politics?
So you make more threads after one has already been made to stop someone from making threads before you. This is crazy behaviour.
uh oh throoder melty
They didn't because the very idea of having a political opinion of the imperium is absolutely nonsensical and retarded.

This guy gets it.
>crazy behaviour
you really need to make it less obvious
Can someone explqin why someone would throod?
This makes posting a huge pain
No, crazy behaviour is making threads early so that you can make literally every single thread and then whine when people, multiple people, not your boogeyman, make threads at the proper time and ignore your early thread.
He is everything is political, but calling things like Skeletor's army political is a waste of time.
"I don't support people like Skeletor being in power" is so specific and obvious, as to not be worth discussing, I don't know who would disagree.
"I don't support religious based genocide and censorship" is something the majority of people in the middle-east and north Africa would disagree with. There large swaths of people who think like the people of the Imperium, shown by the people who will unironically argue that the Imperium are the good guys, almost nobody unironically argues Skeletor is the good guy.
a stealth update to the balance dataslate and codexes? its more likely then you think
They do this for every codex release
>almost nobody unironically argues Skeletor is the good guy.
>everything is political
then you're rotten by modern hyperpolarising ideologies, or are wilfully and disingenuously forcing them, and cannot understand the distinction between fun being used as a vehicle for a real political message (satire), and fictional politics being used as a vehicle for fun (fiction entertainment).

even by your own argument calling things like the imperium political is a waste of time because it's a cartoonishly hyperbolic and obvious message and you have to look for people who would disagree with it in extremists who will never get in touch with a warhammer miniature, or strawmen, which can be crafted to support skeletor as well.
how do you keep your clippers sharp?
aluminium foil
they do not update the balance dataslate without an article you fucking mong along with changes to tau ret cadre and demon strats
Do you feel that 40k is somehow a threat to your ideology? Do you also unironically believe that the game makes you hate people?
what does that mean
What recasters do you guys recommend? I usually use wtg but they're missing a lot of the OOP forgeworld stuff, guard especially
>valrak reported GW will continue making kill teams for more IG regiments
man if true catachans are at the bottom of what I care to see, I want Valhallans, Mordians, Elysians
people make videos showing how you can sharpen scissors by simply cutting aluminium foil with them a few times

should work with clippers too
>valhallans and mordians
redundant with cadians and krieg
redundant with tempestus jump packs
sptk, which is going out of business next year
We don't do that here. We support GW's artists.
I don't even know if I have an ideology
The game doesn't make me hate people, people make me hate them, for a time

huh i guess i gotta buy some aluminium foil thanks
>they're redundant because I say so!
Doesn't work that way, cunt
>>valrak reported
that's his speculation, not rumours given to him, he makes the difference
Explain how valhallans or mordians would be different from the two existing guard killteams or how elysians would be different from the scions you little crybaby IGfaggot
+1 Toughness if over 50% of their base is covered by Valhallan Blizzard
the whole Krieg line is redundant with the cadian line
even the cavalry was already being done by the attilians

if gw thinks it can cash on all those people who said they wished the aquilons kill team was an elysian kill team, then they will do it, and can remedy whatever apparent overlap in role with some gimmicky interactions or differing equipment
>explain why different models would be different Huh? The fuck?
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>want to get an Ork army ready for 2025
>seeing how much that would cost with my preferred units
holy fuck
little by little i guess but still
>all those people
nobody said that or wanted even uglier scions
keep crying
>killteam is just about the models and not the team dynamic
I accept your concession, nomodels
I think special rules for a gang based army uniting to fend off some other army would be neat, but no way they go through with it. Personally I just want rules to add Necromunda Squats to Votann lists, if not release more units I can proxy.
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>GW didn't specify no AI
Lord have mercy, this will be an even bigger shit-show than usual.
What u mean
>holy fuck
How did you think GW stayed at the top of the UK stock exchange these recent years?
Glad creeping barrage got limited to 3 units
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No AI what?
>I accept your concession, nomodels
Please tell me you're merely pretending, please, I beg, it's just banter, right? Right??

Poe's law is a bitch
>nobody said that
definitely untrue
>or wanted even uglier scions
if people don't buy the aquilons that's another reason for gw to make elysian instead

and it wouldn't be the first time gw killed the playable products of a previous season of one of their specialist games to convince people to get into the newer products they're going to release for it
just look at Warcry and Underworlds

You're simply awfully entrenched in your own inflammatory statements to consider what's possible, an awful fucking lot is possible.
>GW didn't specify no AI
Did you forget your meds again?
this game is fucking hard
You're so desperate and delusional
It'd be funny if it weren't so pathetic
>this game is fucking hard
Oh yeah. It fucks hard.
That's a concession, in your own terms, I take.
There's going to be a slew of BL submissions that will have been generated using ChatGPT and the like.
Look at the TQ. There must be no clause to frobid AI writting
why are there 2 of your faggot generals on the frontpage, neither of them even close to bump limit
>it was just shitty bait all along
Does it matter if it is?
Chances are their own writers are currently using chatGPT to ramp up the volume of chapters they can shit out at any given moment.
40k board, newfag
Hold on to your anger and use it as motivation to paint your minis.
Laughing at your pathetic fever dreams of them squatting brand new killteams based on your imaginary metrics of them selling bad and the fact that they did it for the dead fantasy KT side game to justify why they'd release even more boring IG regiment teams when they have a team lined up that would have an actually different playstyle and has been one of the topmost requested teams
>I-It's bait because I don't like it
can't help but notice you're incapable of posting your very real IG models
What faction do you play?
>There's going to be a slew of BL submissions that will have been generated using ChatGPT and the like.
So, there's going to be good writing for a change? The horror!
How would they recognise that a bot has been used to write a short story? by judging its quality? they would already do that allegedly.
I don't see how everything isn't political. In He-man the Earth is round, some people believe that the Earth is flat. This is a fact that X amount of people will be offended by the political stance He-man took.
Culture war is the hyper fixation on politics, I am advising you to ignore petty politics to focus on the game/show, you are advising that I pretend they don't exist because to acknowledge their existence and then ignore them is playing into the culture war.
If only there was some option you had to complain to the mods with.
>all guard armies are the same
You know that ain’t true. Some people paint their models differently or 3d print or use recasts or third party.
>squatting brand new killteams based on your imaginary metrics of them selling bad
squatting the rules, not necessarily the kit to be used in 40k
and it's not an imaginary metric, it's a hypothetical scenario, did you have breakfast today?
It's not like BL isn't slop to begin with, an AI can't possibly be any worse.
>What faction do you play?
Clearly he's a taufag.
Avoiding the throoder troll’s thread.
Taking the quality of writing seriously in a literature competition isn’t something to mock—it’s a baseline expectation. Competitions exist to celebrate creativity and reward excellence, not to trivialize the craft. If striving for high standards bothers you, perhaps you’re in the wrong conversation.
>trying to breakfastpost
you're really desperate for a win lmao
>it's bait
>No it's not! Anyway more bait
Counting the amount of long dashes? ChatGPT is very fond of them. People usually use the normal dash character "-" if they even use it. Being trained with lots of formal and academic texts, it also got the tendency to use the long dash character "—" (I had to search and copy paste this character)
so, no models?
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Keep it up anon, you're sure showing me how you're totally not baiting!
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Bro, that story was cool.
>you can't gatekeep me that's trolling!!!
you tourists are so transparent lmao
>everything is political
>but there's different degrees of political
that's an awful lot like a pointless semantics invention that can be conveniently twisted whenever it suits you

it's like saying that a block of ice is hot because you changed the definition of what is hot from the normally accepted and used one to a seemingly academic one where everything is technically hot because it has an atomic temperature above the absolute zero

go touch grass
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>gatekeep!!! tourist!!!
Oh my god where does this end? Does it even end? When will your thirst for (you)s be quenched? You thirsty, oh so thirsty boy. Tsk tsk tsk
As if they're not going to use a language model to read and pre-judge the submissions in bulk.
>P-Please take me seriously!!!
>I DESERVE these guard killteams that I won't even buy, and nobody else will either!!!
Oh yeah, it's omega bait time
Not all bot-texts will have those.
You're so blindingly upset lmao
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anyone else having issues with pain in their hands? specifically my issue is that i get this pain in my (according to pic rel) pinkys metacarpophalangeal joint. its really annoying because i can only do like 20 minutes of hobbying before the pain appears
Sounds like you might be either cramping up, or you're getting a case of rheumatoid arthritis.
Alright guys I'm getting some info for my BL submission.
What do you think Jain Zar smells like?
Sure, it's just that I come from Death Guard which is notoriously cheap, so these prices are kind of nuts.
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I'm MALDING, FROTHING at the mouth as we speak, you've really shown me how strong and smart you are anon, I bow to your unfathomably based and correct opinion, truly the best of us, I kneel in alliegiance, so envious and jealous

I am ANGY, even, "u mad bro"? Yes, obviously!
I'm gonna submit my clonegrim vs fulgrim fanfiction and no one can stop me
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Why this clause? Isn't that a bit stifling?
>Typing this much in your heckin epic ironic admission
You're not beating the whiny faggot allegations
disqualified because they're characters GW didn't make a miniature for

forge world isn't gw
What is the generally agreed on definition of political?
What is the generally agreed on definition of hot? In cars there are engine temperature gauges, it is perfectly between H (hot) and C (cold) at 190F-220F in most cars... so then am I twisting the word Hot when I refer to boiling water at 212F (100C) hot, or am I twisting the definition of the word hot, when I don't call an engine at 212F (100C) hot?
so that the homebrew setting you and your queer party friends come up with for your garage games doesn't end up in the setting
by putting the submissions in similarly restrictive situations they can better evaluate the writer's particular ability over the assignment

it's like having everyone against a wall when measuring height during penis inspection day at school
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Ack, I am discovered! How could I hope to sneak past your colossal intellect and perspicacity, what a fool I am, what a fool...

All jokes aside, here are my cadians, mister post models
Nufulgrim is gw though right
Because the next three big Crusades/Tournament Companions are Vigilus (10e year 3), Commorragh (11e Launch), and Armageddon (11e year 2)
if you touched grass you'd know
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pisspoor attempt
He will be in like June. Four months after the competition is over.
So that our resident Severan dominate anon can’t bring back his precious renegade guard faction.
It's not released until April's fool, it must have been a miniature made by gw for 40k in the past or currently being sold.

>inb4 epic
not 40k
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>GW didn't make a miniature for
The rule doesn't say Epic miniatures are excluded though
some nigga gonna paint the new fulgrim blue for sure
Boo. Then I'll make a scene where corbulo gets mogged by bile.
Gimme somethin cool
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First model completed. New to this hobby, I passed on the edge highlighting for this one. When I paint my cadians ill experiment with it since im new to painting. Got 9 more of these lads to go.
Dibs on Nork Deddog versus Angron
Blue noise marines, why not
>or Shadespire (Warhammer Age of Sigmar)
I daren't ask which place this is for I recall every other place I look up on the lexicanum to have a paragraph about how inclusive it is with diversity, gayness and polyamory being the most important parts of their culture.
Rolled 6 (1d68)

He a qt
I'm submitting a Lelith Hesperax and Nord Deddog love story.
Nice! The blue scions scheme grew on me, love the gauge on the plasmagun
Remember that you can always come back to a miniature if you so choose
probably contrast slopp'd by the guy warcom often features
For me it's a pain at the base of my thumb/index. It's because I squeeze for so long while holding the model I'm painting
Welcome aboard, anon. You are off to a very good start
A bit flat but functional for a first timer, your next step should be painting the rest of the squad up in a timely manner.
Rolled 53 (1d68)

yeah i get that too if i hold a brush for too long.i gotta start stretching or something
Fine then. I'm writing the Mouth of Gork and Mork meeting the Fist of the Nork star. Only one of them is leaving with Yarrick's mostly dead body.
Armageddon is about to get very busy with all these characters showing up to have a chat over tea and biscuits.
I'm going for the "falling in love with her bodyguard"-trope
Not bad at all for your first mini anon. Look into shading/washes next to give your minis some more definition because it's a bit flat in a couple places
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Dante vs Lucius maybe? I feel like Dante could be one of the few who might have chance to dodge the transformation due to being too old and depressed to to feel joy or pleasure so Lucy doesnt just instawin
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Squeezing stress balls helps for me when it flares up
They are going to get sooooooo much Gulliman/Yvraine fanfiction that it's going to make Raylo fans look sane
Nta but you can see he used washes on the pants, he clearly owns and uses washes
You can't write tho, you can barely paint, and if you do so at the same pace of one brushstroke per day then you'll never make it in time.
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Dear Jesus Christ and all the Old Gods too,
Kick Henry Cavill out of the tv-show project and instead bring on Ed Harris who can play Yarrick for ten seasons of mindless Armageddon warfare against the orks.
>Mercantile city in Shyish, realm of Death
>Heart of it was an oasis where a particular substance called Shadeglass was produced
>Shadeglass could be used to house souls after death, effectively like Spirit Stones or Wraithbone for 40k but for everyone
>Nagash hears about it and gets royally pissed at those fuckers for trying to avoid Death
>Teleports the entire city into the Void, which causes every magical artifact within it to either get corrupted or fucking explode
>Nobody inside can permanently die, leading to agonizing purgatory as everyone went insane or became warped by the rampant magic
Tl;dr Pay your taxes or Nagash sends you to the phantom zone
>kick somebody passionate about the setting out for a has-been who would phone it in the entire time because he doesn't give a fuck about random nerd shit
How is it that Death is consistently the best part of AOS?
>best part of AOS
that would be chaos
I'm not dcslopper. I swear BA and EC will never recover their rep in this general. The stain will always remain
Nork Deddog versus Ghazghul
Nork Deddog versus Abaddon
Nork Deddog versus Drazhar
Nork Deddog versus Lucius
Nork Deddog versus Cypher
Nork Deddog versus Inquisitor Coteaz
Catholicchans vs. something like a Drukhari Beastmaster and beasts would probably make more sense.
there are over 10 semi-regular BAfags in this general, they'll be fine
EC will remain as dead as they ever were because nobody will give a fuck about them after their ugly models get their barebones launch
you look at Necrons and you some cool skulls and bug bots, could be better but overall neat
You look at Chaos and you see cartoony yet badass demons and hulking marines and menacing daemon engines, sick
Tau, anime shit, doesn't fit but still cool enough and has fans
You look at Deldar and you see scary shits on their ships and massive abominations
You look at Nids and you see all sorts of alien bug designs, though would be neat to see even more variety
What do Eldars have in terms of "look shiny and cool!" desings? I only saw Khaine
The Death factions are exceptionally reasonable
So long as you pay your fucking taxes
Aspect warriors and wraiths
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Dear Jesus Christ and all the Old Gods too, please make this anon spill one of his washes. The one he uses the most and only has one pot left off. Have it spill all over his pants.
It looks to me more like a contrast/speedpaint but maybe it's the lighting
A lot of people like either their Wraith ghost robots, their Hover Tanks, or their super sentai color coded supersoldiers
Chaos trim isn't in line with most peoples taste. It's not like crazy difficult but changes up the painting process so much that most people aren't a fan
I find the vehicles, wraiths and some aspects (scorpions first and foremost) pretty fucking cool
Wraiths look like Bionicles
squeeze these balls, bitch!
There is functionally no difference between a basecoat and all over wash, and a contrast paint. They both excel at the same things and suffer at the the same things as well
>he doesn't like bionicles
didn't say it's bad
Nagash being a petty and vindictive prick who also happens to have a raging hard-on for bureaucracy and (his) order.
>Creates what is effectively the greatest undead fighting force in the setting, trained and drilled for maximum efficiency and military precision, as well as giving self-sufficient replinishment and re-arming methods for large scale campaigning
>Uses them to collect taxes
Dear Jesus Christ and all the Old Gods too,
Save anon from being black.
I've been owned
I much prefer doing basecoat-wash-relayer than a one coat speedpaint because I could never get those properly smooth. You're right though, I guess
I dont think it really matters, anything written by AI reads like shit, i just got it to whip up a fulgrim vs abaddon meeting and its awful
I miss character fights. I enjoyed charging my warboss into the enemy captain and letting them duke it out while the boyz and marines they were buffing watched.
would the eldar like the custards? they are the closest thing to a perfect humans and are intelligent as hell
provided they are not genocidal I mean
You retard, this is how you roll dice
Starter box Carnival of Pain 210 dollars
>New Urien Rakarth (normal cost 45 dollars)
>6 New grotesques (normal cost 130 dollars)
>10 wracks (normal cost 80 dollars)
>a talos (normal cost 60 dollars)
>total value about 315 dollars

New Combat patrol 170 dollars
>New Beastmaster+New beasts and obligatory squad of 20 wyches backing him up

The Court of the Archon, replaced with Hand of the Archon kill team
Help me pick my next project?
Character, troops, vehicle or terrain
Skeletor is the good guy.
Vashtorr and Huron debating tax policy
Custodes are genetic freaks created and warped by mad science.
A Haemonculi would likely love to get their hands on one just to dissect it, but a Craftworlder would view it the same way you might view a genetically modified grizzly bear.
Again? Alright.
Bike, dreadnought or land speeder?
I'm going to whip up a giant table of all the epic characters sometime tonight so anons can roll for random character interactions for the writing assignment and see if anything funny pops up.

Should I include "epic heroes" that aren't actually unique characters like Patriarchs, Swarmlords, Avatars of Khaine, and CTan Shards?
5 says Dread
Catachans vs Catachan Devil Brood
dreadnought and I'm not even the 2000 points of dreads poster
The Duel of Shadows
Amidst the labyrinthine spires of Commorragh, the Dark City of the Drukhari, two figures stood in a chamber of shifting shadows. The architecture was an ever-changing mosaic of obsidian, screaming souls, and shimmering ether. Here, in the heart of treachery and despair, an unlikely confrontation unfolded.

Archon Asdrubael Vect, the supreme overlord of the Kabal of the Black Heart, reclined in a throne hewn from screaming wraithbone. His every movement exuded calculated dominance, his dark eyes watching like a predator testing its prey. Opposite him, lit by the dim glow of writhing soul energy, stood none other than Cypher, the enigmatic fallen angel of the Dark Angels. The shadowy gunslinger’s presence was an affront to Commorragh’s twisted splendor.
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Do DEldar wear Custodes heads on their armor?
I'd buy that starter box. Covens are awesome.

That combat patrol is only three units though and all of them have been at least four. The Beastmaster and his beasts are a single unit.

It would be a shame to see the court go but I could see them trying to replace them with the Hand.
"You have quite the audacity to come here, Cypher," Vect purred, his voice a silken blade. "Most who enter my domain leave... diminished. Or in pieces."

Cypher gave a casual shrug, his hands resting on his belt near his ancient bolt pistol and plasma pistol. The dark green of his hooded cloak made his face almost impossible to discern, but the glint of a knowing smile danced in his unseen expression. "I've always been fond of testing boundaries," he replied, his voice low and edged with an air of mystery. "And you, Archon, have a reputation worth... exploring."

Vect leaned forward, his fingers steepled. "Flattery will earn you nothing, human. You must know I allow no one to bargain from a position of weakness. You, here, alone, are weak."

Cypher gestured lazily, his otherworldly calm unsettling even the insidious Drukhari guards who lingered in the chamber's shadows. "Weakness is relative, isn't it? After all, a master of manipulation like you would know that appearances often deceive."

Vect’s eyes narrowed. "Speak plainly before I tire of this game."

"Oh, but games are what you live for, aren’t they, Archon?" Cypher said smoothly. "You thrive on schemes, turning allies into rivals, feeding on their despair. I wonder how many in this city plot to unseat you even now."

Vect’s lips curled into a thin smile. "And yet here I remain. What is it you want, Fallen? To barter? To beg?"

"Neither," Cypher replied, his tone sharpening. "I came here to deliver a message."

Vect raised an eyebrow. "A message?"
Okay sure.
Ye aulde Boxnaught, redemptor or leviathan?
Cypher drew a data crystal from his belt and set it on the edge of the wraithbone table. "This contains intelligence you’ll find... useful. The Imperium plans to strike at Commorragh. I could leave and let you find out the hard way, but I’d rather see what your vaunted intellect can make of this."

For a moment, the chamber was silent, a tension thick as blood between them. Then Vect laughed, a cold, mirthless sound.

"Very well, Cypher. You’ve piqued my interest. But if this is a ploy, you will regret it beyond imagining."

Cypher smiled faintly as he turned to leave. "And if it’s not, Archon... perhaps you'll owe me one."
boxnaught, now get painting and post your progress
We know that they have canonically killed or captured a few Custodes in the past, though none of them come with any Custodes trophies by default. You could take the Custodes helmet from the new grizzly trophies set they just started selling and add it to the trophy racks on the back of your Archon or a Succubus though.
>The dark green of his hooded cloak made his face almost impossible to discern
Ah yes, a human wrote this, most certainly.
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Fuck, these guys are great for making warriors with my old warrior sprue.
I can squeeze up to 6 more warriors out of my leftover weapons
what inspired every faction?
Alright, will do.
Red, purple or random successor chapter?
History and culture. Next question.
I know who you are :^) do purple
>The Beastmaster and his beasts are a single unit.
GW isn't made of money. Enjoy your beasts.
Alright purple it is, thanks. Expect wips in a few days
What is this?
what does every faction eat? besides the nids and orks who can devour anything
Fantasy factions, Starship Troopers, Dune, Foundation, Terminator, Aliens, Predator, Robocop, Heavy Metal, Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace, and a whole bunch of other pop sci-fi shit.
I'll be submitting this, thanks :^)
The winged prime that came with the leviathan box.
It's now on the first issue of combat patrol, dirt cheap and it comes with the terminator captain.
I already have 4 of these fuckers
Kamen Rider
>dark eldar
Same as Eldar but Dark Elves and the bad guys from kamen rider
Ripping off destiny
>the rest
This is too much writing you can figure it out yourself.
Organic matter, souls or nothing. Next question.
Who's more fun to have a chat between:
Iron Father Feirros and Vashtorr or Cawl and the Void Dragon?
do video games still exist?
Basically whatever they can. Sometimes each other.
Dried organic ration bars. Civilians even get flavored ones.
>Dark Eldar
Tortured ham
Literally the greatest food you can imagine cooked to perfection by chefs who have spent the past 300 years learning how best to cook a singular dish so they can join a traveling squad of cooks who scout their Craftworld to uncover secret recipes and ancient dishes.
Dark Eldar are Hellraiser Vampire Count Druchi
like what?
Both scenarios are kinda cringe. I have to go with chudtorr vs iron father autistos
So long as they still live within the hearts of men
Been trying to play videgames for am onth no enegy
Rolled 49 (1d68)

No. Next question.
did humanity ever best the eldar in anything or can they even do that?
Birth rates. Next question.
coolest event that ever happened?
Alright, time to write Eldrad spilling his spaghetti all over Lelith. Wish me luck.
>like what?
Literally any culinary dish. Meats? Greens? Fish? Craftworlds can supply it all for the populace via simulated biospheres. Some Eldar hunt big game for meat. Others take the Path of the Botanist and become farmers.
An Eldar kitchen could be stocked with pretty much anything.
Hell you probably have Eldar who eat tacos, or a close approximation to them. And they're the best damn tacos you could ever eat.
Rolled 13 (1d68)

>plastic Avenger confirmed
>simulated biospheres
also the idea of Eldars being able to have somewhat better of a life in even the culinary world ticks me a little, I mean seriously out of all the species they alone are "perfect"?
The multi-racial diversity regiment in Saturnine getting killed in one page after we had to follow them for 80% of the book. Next.
We have found significant plagiarism in your text and have also detected 8 writing issues.
Significant plagiarism
>No issues
Word choice
>No issues
Additional issues
Rolled 39 (1d68)

there's only one
he just gets respawned
how would Eldar react to a race superior to them, not obviously inferior like most of humanity or equal like the Necron?
In different hive fleets? Half way across the galaxy? I admit, I'm a little vague on the mechanics of the names Tyranids characters.
Swarmlord is basically an "in case of emergency" button that gets slammed by the big Hive Mind when regular Hive Tyrants aren't cutting it, beaming its seemingly singular consciousness into whatever battlefield it's required.
They would bend over and arch their backs. Next.
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>Playing guard vs votann just before the app becomes a useless piece of shit to me
>Turn 4, real fucking slobberknocker of a game
>Realize I've won on points because it's unexploded ordnance and the only units he has are deepstrikers that are too far from the objectives to push it back and a squad of battleline that can't reach any points without a hella good advance roll
>Turn 5
>End turn doing nothing, win by 8 points
Also grudge tokens are wicked, he got 2 on my Dorn and melted it in melee
I mean, it's AI generated, so... yeeees?
Where did they confirm that?
Instead of a unique squad like everyone else, they should do a Predator-style dream team with multiple leaders in a single unit. Rerelease all the older characters with updated models, and then have them function as normal leaders in 40k, I think there are four or so, and then they can add in one or two new guys (which could function as generic leaders or additional equipment like the Tempestus turret) to round it out. Regular Militarum dudes are too squishy to compare to Marines, but I feel an exception could be made for particularly storied jungle fighters.
that's pretty much it, thanks
Craftworlds themselves are ships that range in size from small continents to small moons, with the internal structure of each being fully customizable due to the psychic nature of wraithbone this allows for effective climate control across the entire ship, giving the opportunity for localized ecosystems to be formed while also having the underlying wraithbone superstructure to monitor changes to each area. These allow Eldar to essentially terraform swathes of land to suit their needs, which is enhanced by the fact they have no real material requirements aside from food due to Wraithbone and other psychically-created materials constituting 95% of their construction and manufacturing ends.
It can't be understated that Craftworlds are essentially colossal paradise ships.
Dope model, but the feet make it look like he's about to piss himself.
These are the same people that insist Gazghul Thrakka is secretly named after Margaret Thatcher, despite that being publicly denied by the guy who named him. They're far beyond the light of redemption.
Sure sure whateva u say mate...
Is Ahriman worth taking over a regular Exalted Sorcerer?
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They're really trying to milk the remaining userbase huh?
Who pays for fucking /tg/?
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What does /40kg/ think of this ship?
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Don't turn around.

I mean, believe what you want, but "Mag Urruk" just means "Great Ork" in orkish. It's a coincidence that they look similar, but that's it, it's already been clarified by Andy Chambers years ago. If that wasn't the case, there would be no reason to clarify it, because it's not like she's going to go after GW for parody from beyond the grave.
Thankfully extremely few "people" do.
yeah let's talk about this for the 500th time this fucking month
>Not a Lunar-class
Shit ship.
Did you varnish him with gloss? He's looking pretty shiny.
First I've seen it. I think you're just terminally online.
Time for 500 words of Lelith giving Jaghatai CBT in Commoragh
so they can just create whatever they want with wraith bone and can see the future and they STILL job? Like I get against the Necrons since these are powerful fucks who nullify warp shit and used to be their equal rivals in the WiH, I understand the Nids since they are ever evolving and they too can harm or alter the warp and I understand the Orks because Orks and Chaos because it's the warp itself as a faction but how in living hell do they job to anyone else? Especially humans
Wouldn't it be funny if GW just received some thousand entries of Lelith domming various characters throughout the setting?
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I can't it's grown on me
Well this "is/isn't 40k satire" shit clogs up any given site's warhammer discussions nigh endlessly and it gets nowhere and only serves to have people circlejerk over their own political positions
>It can't be understated that Craftworlds are essentially colossal paradise ships.
wasted on the most autistic fuckers on the galaxy
The entire point of the Eldar is that despite having everything handed to them on a silver platter, they're a bunch of arrogant losers who never learn from their mistakes and will always be outplayed by the 'inferior' races.
Going aling with what >>94813291 said, a major theme of the Eldar is that all of their gifts are wasted on them, but ironically nobody else can use them.
Nah, just didn't wash the shit out of the metal to keep it bright.
1. Eldar job as much as the plot demands, writer fiat trumps all.
2. Their insight into the future is not particularly reliable.
3. They know they're not big players in the galaxy anymore and don't have the numbers to swing their dicks around like the Imperium does.
carnac, you're the only one who buys one here.
I was actually looking at his belt. I guess that shininess could be from a wash.
it's satire through exaggeration and hyperbole. it doesn't have to be strictly parodical to be a satire. unless you mean the imperium is in some way not exaggerated in which case i can't help you
anyone buys a chinkmoot pass deserves to get gouged anyways. fuckin morons
The satire shit, sure, but that's as ingrained as Obiwan Sherlock Clouseau, whether you want it to be or not. Even if it gets mentioned, it's rarely discussed in any depth past people complaining about reddit or Twitter (both of which can fuck off and don't belong here anyways).
Pic related
Ahriman looks like THAT under the armour???
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no this is
>Not a bird
Tzeentch and Thoth are both disappointed.
okay what the fuck thread are we in right now?

is this the thread?, i tried the other one that was linked first and it seems dead, but the thread before that is still going.

christ these threadwars are annoying
the early thread was archived by mods because it was just the throoder samefagging to death once this one was set up
What percentage of MSRP is fair to charge for used models that are assembled but unpainted?
70-90% depending on if the other options from the sprues are included or not
You've taken away the only fun part of hobbying and left the most tedious.
>only fun part of hobbying
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Ahriman would be a jackal for sure
Assembly has been the least fun part of the hobby since monopose became the norm. There I said it.
That's a female marine.
The chestplate is too "bulged" at the for it to be anything else but tits.
my titus bladeguard squad killed a squad of meganobz and thrakka thanks to oath but got completely wiped out by flashgitz afterwards
Not sure if worth
>since monopose became the norm
so, 1987?
I think it being a furry takes precedence on it being blasphemous
Both are good things. (I will fuck that furry and show it human supremacy)
Sometimes there's enough dakka
it's a wasped chestplate, armorlet
Anthro animal CSM are canon though
>Bird man Exalted Sorcerer
>Fly man Plague Marine and Blightlord
>That minotaur dude in the Emperor's Children animation
need gnoll/hyena khorngor berzerker to lead the jakhals
there's a difference between bestial mutations and literal furry fanart
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>have bitz left over from assembling your Citadel™ Miniatures™ Warhammer™ 40,000 [Insert Faction] squad exactly as you're allowed to based on Squad Composition™ Instructions and Warhammer™ 40,000 Rules
>can't use those left over bitz to customize (wargear) or add [weapon] to [other squad] because you can only Build What's In The Box®
>for Death Korps of Krieg™, which are popular right now because plastics, you can either have a Meltagun™ or Vox Caster™ and not both even though the capability to outfit one trooper as a Vox Caster™ Operator is in the box just not in the Instructions©

what the fuck has happened and don't say it's chapter house or any of that bullshit because look at 30k and necromunda
you talk like a fag
No, Ahriman isn't really worth it. Giving a unit of Rubrics +1 to wound isn't as worthwhile as giving them a 4++ and reviving them every turn.
They job because eldars is good guys but only space marines/imperium can be good guys in 40k. So GW doesn't know what to do with them, eldars don't have their own niche where they can stand up against good heroes. If necrons are undead ancient enemy with good novels, eldar have only Gav, who wrote them terribly and that mohawk nigger right now
bot written
>eldars is good guys
holy ESL
I am conflicted, I like powerful factions and the Eldar have a lot going on for them in terms of abilities or equipment despite losing a lot, yet I really don't like the magical side of them and again the fact that they are jobbers
>2. Their insight into the future is not particularly reliable
only because every writer taking a shot at writing eldar thinks to themselves that they are doing something amazingly, mind-blowingly revolutionary and fresh in the field of Black Library literary by going for this "their insight into the future is not particularly reliable" trick
Something purple
gw sucks thats why
orange and teal space marines
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I tried the one part contrast medium one part talassar blue over leadbelcher power weapon hack, how does it look?
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These seem like (you) problems
color's really nice
Eldar aren't a powerful faction, they're a shitty Gotcha faction that can surprise people for one game due to their speed. Their only 'powerful' units are the ones that GW wants to sell at the given time which are then given broken rules to market them.
Fluff wise Eldar are the weakest faction in the setting and would get stomped by literally anyone else in an open war.
>setting called Warhammer
>most iconic weapon in setting is a sword
Pretty cool, I'd try to neaten up the bottom edge highlight on the guy on the left though
>oh nooo, they have copyrighted "Warhammer 40,000". That's so dumb waaaaaahhh. Also, I cannot do what I want with my minis unless that exact thing is suggested in the rulebooks because I'm a homophobic faggot who just loves to whine.
what about the WiH?
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Well, they're not evil. They're honorary Imperium allies now. Which actually gives them a lot less narrative space now ironically
The only person I ever see mentioning a 4chan pass is the slopper
more secret level or something?
He looks like he fucks Sisters of Battle.
is this even how these fuckers look like?
>don't say it's chapter house or any of that bullshit because look at 30k and necromunda
It is still because of Chapter House.
Necromunda and 30k don't get affected because they are irrelevant side games and GW can't use the same predatory shit practises in either game because they'd drive away the little amount of people who play and pay for all the necromunda and HH products.
eye nipples
It's all so tiresome
new upcoming episode?
>Necrons still exist
>Olds ones don't
The Eldar failed at both of their goals. The Necrons would have wiped them out as well, but Szarekh considered it to be too costly after Orikan foretold the Fall of the Eldar eventually happening anyways
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It's wild how different GW stores can be depending on the manager.
In Bremen I got like 3 free minis when I just wanted one by a cool dude that is very upbeat, chill and passionate.
In Essen I practically had to beg the dude to give me one and he was like
>Ugh, fine, I don't wanna be like that.
Fucking excuse me?
(Repost cause I used the wrong thread)
Leman Russ has been hiding from Magnus for 10,000 years. He's a coward
he's been actively harassing the sorcerer planet in the warp
Leman Russ has been fucking Isha on a nice secluded Peace Planet in the Warp for the past 10,000 years, after they left a mannequin made of straw behind to fool Nurgle.
Nurgle still doesn't know Isha's gone.
Elves are dedicated knot warmers so it would track that their gods are too
You have to understand those things are meant for gateway drugs for absolute newbies, not for grog beggars
What units do you put in this?
What guns?
Yes or no on ard top?
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Guard players

Do you prefer your officers in fancy dress uniforms and peaked caps.

Or do you prefer them kitted out like the kine troops with combat uniforms and helmets
Don't play orks but I'd imagine you would want a bunch of melee guys if you're using the roller since you're already trying to crash the rig into combat. If you're allowed to shoot out of it it might be better to run some guys with big guns instead tho. I'm sure one of the blueorkanons will have some better feedback for you
>tfw have both blue orks and sallies
I swear to god it's purely coincidental.
I like to build both kinds. I imagine them coming from different backgrounds or having different philosophies when it comes to leadership.
I think your army paint scheme looks fucking gay and you should kill yourself
I think your paint scheme looks awesome and you should love yourself.
I think your paint scheme is acceptable and you should consider your next army
>open top
Ghazgkhull + MANZ, flash gitz, lootas, tankbustas
>ard case
boyz, MANZ, nobz, breaka boyz
you also have a few angels of death killteams of orange and teal marines and lamenters too
I love Lamenters.
i really want to paint those new tankbustas but i gotta wait half a year for them to be available fuck this man



please please kill yourself
People are starting to sell them on marketplace, you might get lucky
This is the most egregious case of "everyone I don't like I'd the same person" that I have ever seen
It's a JOKE retard
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Pic very related
Am I doing a good job?
>I'm not retarded y-you are
Holy fuck just admit you were wrong you autistic loser
I don't want to do blue and silver for my Dark Eldar but at this point I think I may have to.
I've just had two failed schemes with them.
Maaaaaybe I could do Orange body-gloves with silver armor but fuck me I just can't get them right and don't want to do a scheme I've already done.
what are the chances of gretchin getting updated anytime soon?
You seem upset
For my guys its the latter but thats due to them being a Radiological regiment with lots of chem weapons and the like.
I dunno hoe soon, but gw has cad files for decent looking grots that they've been using in aos for a while now so I'm sure they'll do them eventually
Is it a pain to send a true horde army footslogging across the board? And any faster units are at the front alone?
Why wouldn't there be horde transports that can carry 20 cultists?
>Why wouldn't there be horde transports that can carry 20 cultists?
They would probably just start fighting and eating each other if you packed them in a cramped vehicle
>Y-y-you're mad
>1 minute apart exactly
These turning out nice so far anon
Rolled 40 (1d68)

Cadia get
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Couldnt paint again today so Im daydreaming about bases instead.

I feel like bloodstained white marble bases are cool in theory, but not sure how much it "fits" an entire NL csm army. If they were emp children yeah that'd make sense but I feel like night lords are more suited for a sort of brooding perched cathedral gargoyle type atmosphere.

Or I was thinking about something like pic related.
The gw store I started at was awesome
>huge painting area
>4 full sized tables and 2 smaller killteam sized tables
>huge playerbase of just about any of the gw games(there were even 10 regular imperialis players)
>manager been a redshirt since the early 90s
>monthly special events and campaigns
>Painting contests and hobbying contests
>clean and tidy always
>plenty of walking space
Then I moved and started going to a 1 man operated store closer to my new place
>closed 3 days a week
>only open till 5 on weekdays
>frequently closed without explanation on days they were supposed to be open
>single table
>poorly stocked
>dirty af(the one day we found a chicken nugget under one of the tables that was pretty much black)
>manager frequently talking about how customers preferred factions were stupid/unrealistic(he collected raptors)
>no events at all
>no painting area
>manager constantly badmouthing other lgs in our area
>manager frequently telling first time customers that they shouldn't pick the stuff they thought looked cool
>walking space extremely cramped(if a customer wanted to look at product while people were playing they generally had to stop and move over so they could browse)
>manager constantly telling customers they painted their heraldry "wrong"
Place is a literal shithole, I'd swear he was intentionally trying to kill his own store. Haven't gone back after the 5th time in a single year that I tried to stop by and found the store closed for no reason
Got pics? What were the two "failed schemes"?
I've already stripped the for the first one and the second is not even washed.
First scheme was going to be Bronze Armor with a black bodyglove but I didn't like how the bronze turned out.
Second scheme was bone on black bodyglove but I came to find that this then forced me into using either a black or bone gun casing that just melded everything too much.

I'm going to build some rough riders next for my guard and a potential rework of their looks next/to get some confidence back.
I'm potentially thinking silver armor with a forest green body glove next for the Dark Eldar on their go around.

Luckily its just a small squad I'm playing with and not a whole army I have to repaint for the DE
>this then forced me into using either a black or bone gun casing that just melded everything too much.
Could always use an alternative colour for the guns like a red or even a grey.
I think if you drybrushed a bright silver over the blue swords it'd make them look a little shinier/glowy
Sounds like you need to consider a three-color scheme rather than just two of you feel it's not differentiating the model parts enough.
Also metallic Dark Eldar are cursed. Personally I think they look better in solid dark colors with lots of highlights
I considered Gray but at this point the scheme just wasn't gelling with me.
I'm going to let the DE sit for a bit, work on a few other minis, then circle back to them.

Also probably going to do transfers tomorrow during some WFH on my Marines so I can get that overwith.
Its not an exciting part of the hobby but it needs to be done.
I would suggest you buy the stuff you think looks cool and ignore everything else. Lore is able to be warped and twisted to fit /yourdudes/ and rules change all the time, you're better off having models you love so that when the rules pr lore changes you still have reasons to be attached to them
I mean, I probably could have done red for the guns and that may have made them pop.
I haven't stripped the Minis yet so I can always give it a go.
Worse comes worse I just have to strip which I was going to do anyways, I'll just need to make the 'glow' for the eyes/Power weapon green instead of red.
>no bits sellers or ebay listings for chaplain helmets
where the fuck am I supposed to find one for this kitbash now
What a horrendous take, assembling is literally the worst part. It's 90% monotonous, and the only fun part comes from posing your guys which is maybe 10% of the process and done in less then 5 mins. The rest is removing mouldlines/nubmarks, gap filling, sanding, clipping off the sprue, holding parts while glue sets, drilling barrels, and other boring shit
Yellow could look sick for the weapons too
Could modify a reiver helmet



Little early chief
I dunno, the problem with Yellow on this set would be it makes the model almost too bright.
I've run into that issue before where a mini just has too many brighter colors and, while not 'day glow' just doesn't feel 'dark' enough.
Use a desaturated colour if you're worried about it being too bright
At the very least I've been given enough of a go ahead to maybe try and salvage the scheme.
Not to mention that I always tend to feel about my minis like this during the base coating phase.
Its generally after the wash that I start to tolerate/like them a bit more.
>Its generally after the wash that I start to tolerate/like them a bit more
There's a reason basecoating is occasionally called the ugly phase. There not much to get excited about when you're just coloring in panels
Lord if that isn't the truth.
It really just feels like I'm doing thinner and thinner base coats as the layers do the heavy lifting.
Eh, I really don't like how they look
Modify in a way that makes you like it then?
are chaos marines all, without exception, insane? or do any of them ever look down at the random tentacles and spider legs growing out of their ribs and think "oops, maybe this wasnt such a good idea" ?
Their mutations are a gift from their God, if anything I'd imagine it'd be vindicating having confirmation that your efforts are recognized by the guy you've been trying to impress
Whats your experience like with 'ard case? How does it fair against other factions?
Excuse me, valued Hobbyist. Within the Astra Militarum™ you may only choose between the Cadian™ Shock Troops, Catachan™ Jungle Fighters, and Death Korps™ of Krieg™. I'm sure you're unaware of this so I would suggest pre-ordering the Best Astra Militarum™ Codex yet at your nearest Games Workshop™/Warhammer™ store. While you're there, you can pick up some amazing Citadel™ Miniatures featuring your favorite Special Characters™ from the Astra Militarum™ Citadel™ Miniatures line! Remember, there are only three Astra Militarum™ Regiments1!

1Sure, Hobbyist, you can say your kitbashed (using Citadel™ Miniatures, of course) Astra Militarum™ infantry are another Regiment, but they must be one of the three. You may also purchase (from your nearest Games Workshop™/Warhammer™ store) a set of Cadian™ Shock Troops or Death Korps™ of Krieg™ infantry and, using our Citadel™ Painting Method®, create your own, unique Regiment of Cadian™ Shock Troops or Death Korps™ of Krieg™!
>...the most nightmarish regime imaginable...

No, definitely didn't have any opinions on the Imperium and certainly didn't put them into writing at any time in any material. Definitely did not.

While I understand that most don't want political discussion in their hobbies (mostly with good reason if those hobbies do not involve a simulated universe or such things) you do have to understand that everything is inherently political, and I don't just mean the standard American "right/left" dichotomy. Musing on the "evils" of the Imperium seems fine, and we can recognize that it is both absolute shit to exist within the Imperium (mostly) and (mostly) within 40k in general and understand (through pseudo in-universe eyes) the alleged necessity of such a regime. It's like understanding history, you know? Sure, you can say, "oh wow this was so evil how did [people] do [thing]?" and leave it that. Or, you could (attempt to) better understand the society, material conditions, etc of the time and place and recognize that yes, you can have modern ideas for what is good or bad or anything in-between but also realize that these people did not have the modern understanding of such things and draw conclusions from that.
I would think that the Hive Mind really is just many and one consciences kind of like the "Trinity" in Christianity but more animalistic and "simple," as I remember what I read of the Tyranids from earlier editions. Tyranids were a force of nature back then that couldn't really be explained how they do what they do beyond the material world or the synapse control, which was just psychic power instead of something like pheromones. The Hive Mind just was, and it continued to be. It could adapt, and it could react. It couldn't "plot" or anything like that because the Tyranids were a gestalt entity made up of multiple organic creatures doing their "job," like a creature fused to the arm of a Warrior that literally spits [expels] acid from a creature that exists to hold that acid attached to organic tubes that, hell, may be another creature created to pass that acid through to the spitter.

Apparently this was changed because everything must have a POV and in Devastation of [my] Baal[s] the Hive Mind can hate and specifically target things that it hates instead of just being a force of nature that can't be understood, comprehended, or remain mysterious. Oh well.
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got that blue eyed stare
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I like to think there's just multiple different hiveminds now.
Like the hivemind that controls leviathan is not the same as the hivemind that controls tiamet.
But they share the over all same "overmind", which then gives them access to shit like swarmlords, OOEs, etc.
Also it explains why some hivefleets are aggressive towards other tyranids seemingly for no reason, like Hydra and Typhon, both of which specialize in attacking fighting other hivefleets.
Also there has been some hints in the lore itself that Tyranid organisms might now be developing more "personalities" and are becoming more individualistic. Someone here has that image which says it, iirc it was a white background with black text and there was maybe like 1 tyranid creature on the image too.
>the virgin dust marine
>the chad bird man

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