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Post strange melee weapons.

Bonus points if they are actual physical versions and not just drawings
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technically more of a throwing weapon, but I'm counting it
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Ah yes, the Elven Tickler.
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What a garbage fantasy Orc weapon
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My favorite weapon right now is "Ngombe Ngulu">
It is an african weapon, but in italian that phrase means "Incoming in your ass"

And I can;t stop luaghing
All this is stupid.did anyone ever use weird weapons in their gsme?
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lately im in love with nagamaki
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Double weapons in general are all pretty dumb, but I like double scythes for double the retardation.
>220V DC plugin
Whole image is funny but that part got me.
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My favorite real-world melee weapon is the macuahuitl purely for cool points, but a lot of fantasy games have those in them these days.

For this thread, the urumi is a much more impressive option. In its simplest form it's a single, long, flexible blade, which is traditionally worn around the hip like a belt until used. Some crazier examples like pic related have a bunch of blades, so it's like a terrifying steel cat-o-nine-tails. These weapons were normally used by body guards rather than soldiers, because their hilariously impractical design made them nearly as dangerous to the user as to the target, but as you can imagine no one wants to get close to a couple of guys waving these around.
>>but a lot of fantasy games have those in them these days.
>implying they did before
No one ever used them in their games before Because it’s retarded
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Tacticool before taticool.
that's an african throwing sword. yeah, i know how strange that is but look it up
i mean, maybe the italians saw this and some ancient roman spark lit up in the guy seeing this and was definitely inspired to shove this in some north african ass, you know, to bring back the glory days of Scipio Africanus
>le obligatory XD
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Please forgive my poor photography. These were from an exhibit that was either polynesian or melanasian, i dont remember which.
I hav ebeen on this threads for more than a decade now. .
irst time seeing this. Hilarious. Thanks for sharing
i really dig the "made from household objects " aesthetics
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Were African throwing swords actually any good? Why were they shaped so bizarrely? Last time I saw one was in Swords by Ben Boos (goldmine for /tg) and I never forgot them.
what points are you referring to?
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Dunno, but we had much the same idea here in Europe (edges and points everywhere so it'll get the job done no matter how it hits), called hurlbats. From what I've heard they are a not so rare find in museum storerooms, though rather rarely put on display.
They're shaped like that so they'll do damage regardless of where they are in their rotation, and so they're roughly uniform for stability. Part of it is a status thing too, like a lot of weapons, but they will for sure fuck you up. It's a big bit of bladed metal after all.
Those who know, know.
Also works as a throwing weapon, not just as melee.
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A foot dagger.
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Taking things rather literally.
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Here shown edge up.
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lol, I read a book as a kid that called these 'sleeve tanglers' so I always pictured them being used to scratch up peasants, but actually they were used against unruly samurai in armor in order to pin them down without hurting them.
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Yep. Someone of a lower caste (like the "police") killing a bushi (as even the lowest ashigaru counted as) would have been a Big Bloody Deal, but the warrior caste wasn't exactly not prone to being drunk and belligerent, so an assortment of not-quite-so deadly implements were invented. Plus, it isn't like your average peasant would have been walking around with voluminous sleeves all that often.
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While one might assume a "punch sword" like design would be mostly about thrusting, pata generally have very thin and thus anything but stiff blades (the one, or was it the few, I've molested in person was amongst the floppiest sword blades I've ever seen).
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Crushing, cutting or piercing... Why not all three?
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I bet Fighter did this.
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That design looks better than this one.
Literally the correct design for a magic item that gives some sort of damage-type-advantage.
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>Post strange melee weapons.

I can't; this is a blue board.
This one looks very fetish-y. Like something that damages materials, but only tickles the living tissue.
Just like any other weapon it depends on the skill of the user. Imagine kt like a metal bladed version of the boomerang.
You would not expect a boomerang to be an effective weapon, its just a weirdly curved stick, but in the hands of a good thrower it becomes deadly enough to injurebor even kill people and large animals
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>Why were they shaped so bizarrely?
Not sure about that specific one, but good steel (and the skills to properly forge it) was really rare and expensive in Africa, so having the biggest, most elaborate sword was a symbol of wealth and status.
>Battle trowel
Real thing, it was just without the handguard and meant to be used as a bayonet instead.
Ah yes
>be german peasant
>"Sword is illegal for a peasant"
>"what about knife?"
>"knife is fine"
>makes giant knife
kung fu hustle?
Your grandman throwing them at you?

am I missing something?
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Well, on one hand that bit of legal hair splitting was likely not for peasants to get around criminal law (as they'd likely just be tortured into agreeing that whatever the magistrate thought looked like a sword was indeed a sword), but for the knife makers' guild to round the cutlers' guild monopoly on swords well enough that the civil lawsuits that followed could be dragged out for a "sufficiently long time" in court. (And thus the messer is a rather German affair, because that's where we have these strong craftsman's guild maintaining or attempting to subvert monopolies.)
On the other hand... that's not a messer, it's a falchion. So a proper sword according to the regulations that the messer tried to avoid.
Lanternshields actually work
>thus the messer is a rather German affair
I'd rather say they were a rather... messy affair.
>cow weapons
You son of a bitch.
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but what if...
Sure, but then adding a gauntlet, three serrated spikes and a large, retracting blade to it...
How is it spelled in Italian?
>used by lesbians
sure lmaoo
Ah, the niggerwhipper 9000
Very sorry, but the filename's magical realm is a bit too subtle for me. What?
>Why were they shaped so bizarrely
Throwing weapons in general are hard to use, Throwing weapons in general are hard to use, this is why outside javelins and rocks they weren't common. You not only need to hit your oponent but also hit them with buisness end, this is why dedicated throwing axes, swords etc have multiple blades, so when you throw it you have higher chance hitting with blade. This is why things like throwing axes are meme, throwing normal axe have bigger chance hitting with handle, and dedicated throwing axe with multiple edges cost a lot, this is why shuriken and chakram don't have handle and are just blade. Javelins were relatively simple to use and hard to fuck up and rocks were free. This is why throwing weapons fell out of favour, it was better just to have archer, crossbowmen or slinger.
lower blade looks like penis with balls.
But aren't throwing weapons cheap? The poorest soldiers in the roman army used them so they couldn't've been especially expensive.

Why not give all your melee guys javelins to soften the enemy before the lines clash?
>But aren't throwing weapons cheap?
Depends on weapon, javelins were kinda cheap, but popular all those "weird" dedicated throwing swords, knives or axes weren't, they required metal and skilled blacksmith.
>The poorest soldiers in the roman army
Poorest soldier in roman army was still rich, Rome was paying fortune to equip and train it's army, this is why you see all legionares in top tier armor, with big fucking shield, with 2 fancy javelins (or later darts) and sword, or spear instead of javelins. They were better equipped than everyone else they fought against.
Another thing is in medieval perioid focus shifted from infantry clashes to cavalry charges. Javelins were still used by vikings and others, but having archer/crossbowmen who can just stand behind first or second line and pick enemies point blank was just better and cheaper, especially when better armor became even more prominent amongst infantry. Also javelins are big, meaning you can either have javelins or spear(see roman legions, either they had pillum or hasta, bever both). It's better to have spear in front(especially when cav is main threat on battlefield) and bows and crossbows with quivers full of arrows/bolts are better than 2 javelins: easier to use, more accurate, better range, and you can shoot more projectile for cheaper. If you take into account that crossbow when compared bow or javelin require minimal training to use effectively, you can see why use of throwing weapons decreased outside few cultures.
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>Get shronked nerd.
I guess more like a spiritual-feather
It absorbs magical energy and tire you out instead of cutting.

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