Anyone else taking the fight back to Valhalla?
Wasn't this cancelled?
>>94786914Yes, but Hasbro shat itself with fear that their massive box they already prototyped and began production on was rejected, so they caved to the prepainted fags in order to serve up the whole game as piecemeal and expensive as possible. I wanted to back it when you got everything with a 300 dollar purchase, now I have to suffer their retarded release schedule and wait for the units I want to be offered in painted and unpainted SKUs.
I use these to make RPG maps. Works extremely well.
>>94785633>>94786914I completely forgot this was even a thing until my LGS had a bunch of unsold ones recently. Completely checked out after the original fundraising reveal (and the pathetic redditors literally begging people to fund it as the deadline came in).>>94787003>you got everything with a 300 dollar purchaseEverything? It was a starter box unpainted for 300 bucks. The fuck are you even talking about.The only reason it ever found any traction was its Toy R Us bargain bin status. That was 20 years ago. Now a fucking singular tree sells for 600 bucks because no one thought any of this cheap Chinese plastic would be missed as they threw it in the dumpster. The idea that they'd ever even recreate that kind of scrappy budget game appeal went out the window the minute they marketed this as some nostalgia fag thing for fat manchildren with too much money, and not as cheap Toys R Us tier boardgame shlock.And the idea is laughable that you'd place blame not on Hasbro, who couldn't help but get greedy even with a literalwho kids game turned niche wargame scene, but instead on people who don't want an unpainted shelf piece you can't find a table for for 300 bucks a box.In short, still not buying it, but I'm glad I've made paypig's lives more annoying.
>>94787192If only there was a machine that allows you to make game components for cheap and enjoy the new stuff as well as the old...
>>94787264>asking 300 dollars for one starter set that is actually less value than the original set for a game that is ostensibly dead and whose only appeal was how cheap it was is patently absurd>ERM JUST GET A 3D PRINTER I have one? The fuck does that have to do with the conversation at hand. "print the entire game yourself lmao" (which I'd then have to also paint myself) is the most retarded response to "the game was cheap but complete and now its not cheap and not complete". I feel like NuScape paypigs are fundamentally unable to understand the criticisms leveled at it, because their attempts to defend Hasbro are nonsensical at best and arguments unwittingly in support of criticism at worst.
>>94787192If I had seen that picture before getting into miniatures I probably never would have.
>>94787192>Everything? It was a starter box unpainted for 300 bucks. The fuck are you even talking about.Maybe not all pieces that will ever exist, but a huge chunk of the initial wave of releases is valued at... wait for it... more than 300 dollars because of the stupid prepaint that will only hinder me from doing a better job. This fucking blows dude, not even everything that was in that initial haslab set is in this shopping cart. We're realistically looked at about 500 for all that was proposed for 300, just not ruined by hasbro paint specialists. >In short, still not buying it, but I'm glad I've made paypig's lives more annoying.Great so you're happy that something you were never going to support died on the vine and lives on in a much worse state presently? Awesome. Where can I download that winning personality of yours? Help a nigga out.
>>94787510forgot my image
>>94787003$40 back then is a lot more today. Some of the new stuff is pricy but boxes like the battle for the wellspring give you good value for $45
I have a lot of nostalgia for Heroscape, but doubt I'll buy this new version.I am tempted to buy some of the terrain for making Battletech maps, but the terrain pack is like $70 a pop and I'm sure I'd need at least three or four.
>>94787510>Great so you're happy that something you were never going to support died on the vine and lives on in a much worse state presently? Awesome. Yes, exactly. Any other burning questions?>Where can I download that winning personality of yours? Help a nigga out.Kek, this is some "Erm, you must be fun at parties" tier shit, but you mean it completely unironically. Yes, I am glad your nostalgia fag manchild game is untenable to you, because your very existence made its return in earnest impossible for everyone.
This one fucking hurts. Iv'e watched magic and dnd turn to absolute dogshit over the years, but at least heroscape died before shit got bad. They just had to dig it up to squeeze a few more pennies out of it. And its not even the nice that heroscape was in to begin with.Heroscape was a easy out of the box wargame for normies/kids. And it was even cooler for not being a box of greytide bullshit. Would that even be a market anymnore? Or is it just not profitable enough to do again? Fuck idk, buts its really fucking sad. The new sculpts look pretty lame too. I fucking loved heroscape and played the shit out of it back in the day. It was one of the main games of the group. Love me marrow. Fucking hate hasbro.
What the hell is this supposed to be?
>>94790914It looks like a mobile recycling reactor to allow technology to be integrated into their biological forms
>>94793531The box art is not bad but there is something just wrong with it I don't know if it's the actual mini or paint job
>>94793550It's their shitty prepaint is gumming up all the details, I can tell from the box.
>>94793680Hopefully with a custom paint job it will look better. I'm happy we can buy unpainted this time around
>>94785633yeah but how does it play? It's backwards compatible, so I imagine almost identical to its inception plus some quality of life improvements.
>>94802875I got the battlebox and so far all is good. New tiles work just as good, the trees are good and the small things like dices or counters are the same. I think the new cards are ugly, it was better with the miniatures on them. The 6 heroes that came with it blend well with the old stuff I have. There's a little ability creep, for example Ewashia has 4 which is a lot, but they don't necessarily feel more powerful because of this. If anything they feel on the weak side. I don't have more new stuff so I can't say about other minis but so far I am happy with this addition to my game
>>94803371>I think the new cards are ugly, it was better with the miniatures on them.agreed >There's a little ability creepDo you think that means I shouldn't think about collecting older stuff to go with my new set?
>>94809123I don't think the new stuff power creeps the old. Plenty of amazing old minis to get or print if you don't want to spend a fortune on them. What I meant is army cards got a little more complicated but that happens to every game with time. Going back to Ewashia, she has 4 abilities which is more than any other card in the battle box and while she felt strong she definitely is not broken. If you want to get old stuff you could start with the two master sets and see from there. Everything else starts to massively increase in price unless it's a very mid army card