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Here's a starting bible to work with:

What's currently lacking is that the little Pikmin guys don't really do anything since they're not required for the moonflower's emotions to work.

The trees also all do the same thing(except for the emotions) creating a shield to protect against the lovecraftian black goo. All except for 1 tree, the black trees do not create shields, they instead create acid potions to use as an offensive attack and they also have this secondary effect of allowing your PC to predict future events.

Other sources:
There's also a farmera type mobile video game where the trees while they still do the same shield ability, you require various types of shields cause the lovecraftian horror becomes immune if you use too many of the same type.
And the Pikmin do have a use in this game as you are required to play stupid minigames with them like hide & seek to get corresponding color points to grow the actual trees.

However there's some unexplained stuff which I think we should ignore such as "treasure frenzy" where your little Pikmin guys are enamored over the treasures/resources like they're Smeagol, they steal everything, put it in one giant horde of treasures like a dragon and do nothing but bathe in it like Scrooge McDuck.
It feels like a challenge for an economic campaign and not a serious one cause in a serious campaign you'd just kick these guys off the moon. The locations you play in are called moons, but there are no known planets.
Pathfinder wouldn't fit with this world since this is more of a RTS/tycoon/economy kind of game.

>Sovereign: The Autonomy
>Lost Future
>Server Crash

Emotions would naturally fit with a social setting, but there doesn't seem to be any society in this setting, thus emotions just like the trees require physical abilities, hence each tree should get both an immediate and long-term ability just like the black trees; offensive weapons & predicting future events and possibly turns. However the black trees could possibly serve as a secret ingredient for some things since they are also capable of growing gardens full of acid plants.
The "treasure" needs to be changed with simple stuff such as fruit, there's too many instances of the same word which can get confusing.
>Furrby's/Pikmin can't communicate what they need.
That probably needs some fixing or a communication stat as well. There is however that special flower that transforms thoughts into words, but that flower is stationary in a forest instead of some giant town hall.
>A space game that doesn't happen on battleships
>An alien planet that actually is alien because of its rules and it isn't just desert planet, snow planet, jungle planet, etc.
Is this CATAN?
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Emotions are found at all evolutionary levels of species. They are equally applicable to all animals as they are to human beings.
Emotions evolved differently in different species and may be expressed differently between those species.
The purpose of emotions is an evolutionary survival response enabling the organism to survive when confronted by environmental challenges.
While emotions can be displayed and evoked through different mechanisms in different organisms there are common elements to emotions that can be identified across all emotional animals.

There are 8 basic, primary emotions.
Other emotions are simply a combination of these 8 basic emotions or are derived from one (or more) of these basic emotions.
Primary emotions are “idealized” and their properties must be inferred from evidence but cannot be accurately stated in full.
Each primary emotion is paired with another and is a polar opposite of that pair.
Emotions can and do vary in degrees of similarity to each other.
Emotions exist in varying degrees of intensity.

The 8 basic emotions that Plutchik devised were:
HOLY FUCK I was just explaining this cartoon to a couple friends a couple days ago. im surprised someone else remembers it existed

Trying to fully picture this and create something out of it is ... without saying ... painful. It isn't just a stylistic choice, you need to come up with a RPG RTS-like system that makes sense. Just like if you had WH40k starting off as a TVShow and had to turn it into a tabletop game and also make it play well. Did WH and WH40k ever play well to begin with?
This looks highly unstable as a makeshift vehicle and it is.
Since the moons require maintenance you could use the hemkas as what they're: followers. An rpg using the setting could be domain play. You get a barren moon to restore with a number of hemkas to prepare against recurrent invasions of the big bad. Reverse dungeon play but you can visit other dungeons between enemy waves to help or hinder by stealing resources.
Octogonal shaped maps are required.
Hexagonal if you don't want to gouge your eyes out.
Wonder if I should ask /qst/.
personally I see hanazuki working best as a board game, with each player playing a moonflower (possibly with specific quirks the players can take at the start to change their individual gameplay and add more player interplay). perhaps each player has a deck of quests requiring you do specific things (make a roll, fight a monster, visit another players moon) or have specific items. In general the reward of quests is getting another tree. there are different quests to get trees in each color, and each player puts their tree in either a pile for that color or in an all-purpose black tree pile.

either on a clock or every round, a card may have to be drawn from an event deck shared by the players (with maybe a lead player system determining who draws from it that round). sometimes these are mundane, or sometimes these have major impacts (like alterlings having a revolution on your moon and other players getting something for helping you out).

the most important event would be the big bad coming to your moon. as i see it, surviving the chaos unscathed relies on a couple of factors. a roll is made, and having more non-black trees might either be a roll-under TN or act as a bonus to something. however, a roll or spin or whatever is made when the big bad comes (or perhaps if theres a clock system, the round has a color that factors into things like this); trees of the decided color are counted as removed from the roll (so if you have 8 trees but 4 are red, you only roll with 4 trees) to keep you from piling on too many.

as alterlings and other moon denizens: theres probably a set list of denizens like chicken plant or the mazzadrill on cards that get shuffled between players before the game starts. these are then placed in random specific locations on your moon (as a side note, maybe part of player character quirks would be having moons of different sizes for more or less odd denizens).

As for alterlings, they would probably pop up in quests a bunch ("grab blue hemka and flatten him again"), and there might be a system that causes you to move them around (for instance, if using a colored clock, that colored alterling has to move to another space, and you or other players have to also move 3 other alterlings to a neighboring space). they wouldnt individually matter much i imagine, but trying a quest to get a yellow tree with a roll might have a bonus if you go hang out in the same space as a yellow alterling.

as for ending the game, hanazuki's a kids show about being true to your emotions and whatnot, so trying to rank up points to win against other players feels out of the spirit of the original source material. what would make sense, however, would be a sort of survival game system like the oregon trail card game (the one with the pixel graphics on cards). perhaps just completely running with the clock idea i had earlier, perhaps theres an 8-part clock for each emotion/color, and an event deck with exactly enough cards to go around it 2-5 times, depending on both how long each turn/round lasts and how difficult the game should be. the goal is for everyone to survive by the end of the final cycle, and true autists can implement a legacy system or some shit to gain bonuses or different setups entirely based on how many survived in the last game

i enjoyed this show back when i first saw it over half a decade ago, so it was neat thinking of something for it just now. i expect to be paid 5 gorillion dollars for this idea /s
4. Emotional and Tree Mechanics:
The emotional system will form the core of gameplay, allowing for both mechanical depth and narrative drama:

Emotions & Trees:
Each Moonflower has control over a set of emotions that can manifest in the form of specific Treasure Trees. For instance:

Joy: Creates a tree that offers a massive shield with high durability.
Fear: Creates a tree that has a strong, fast-reacting barrier but depletes resources quickly.
Anger: A tree that generates a short-lived but devastatingly powerful offensive attack (acid bombs or offensive shields).
Sorrow: A tree that slows down the spread of the Big Bad but can sap a Moonflower’s own energy if overused.
Moonflower Abilities:

Moonflowers can plant trees based on their current emotional state. These trees have a range of practical applications for both combat and defensive strategies. However, the more intense the emotion, the more unstable the tree could be.
As the game progresses, Moonflowers may learn how to refine their emotional control, creating stronger trees and better defenses.

Treasure Trees and Shields:
Shields created by trees can be of varying types (reflective, absorbing, regenerative, etc.). Players will need to balance different shields for different situations. For example, if you use too many of the same shield type, the Big Bad will adapt and eventually grow immune to it. This creates a dynamic of resource management and strategic thinking.

Black Tree (Special Tree):
There is a rare "Black Tree" tied to the emotional state of regret or doubt. These trees don’t create shields but instead provide offensive capabilities—such as creating acid potions or offering predictive abilities (i.e., glimpses into future events). Using this tree creates a deep moral dilemma, as its power is linked to darker emotions, potentially corrupting or changing the Moonflower who uses it.
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So Catan styled map to save on space or something more expansive?
What kinda genre is this?
The Little Prince
RTS Adventure. Theme: Fantasy+Sci-Fi if that's possible which apparently it is.
Kaiba(the TV series)
Where'd all the Quest fags go?

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