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Dreadnaughts Edition

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>Thread Question:
Which faction has the best walkers?
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Define "Walker".
this is a bad comic, and I hate the imperium.
there is a story about a newly interred dreadnaught and the new inhabitant goes crazy but then gulliman somehow calms him with a speech or something like that.

what book has this story i really want to read it.
Eldar have a single 'meme' and it's pretending to be be better than the Imperium.
Ugly ESL comic.
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>even you ever sacrificed for our people?
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Gorkanaut wip
Post models
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The Eldar is basically the Imperium if it was able to learn from its mistakes.
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Cute gork
I'm hoping to get some more work done on these guys. I'm running my 8kpts of Orks in a big horde mode game tonight, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for painting.
The Eldar are losers and failures who never learn anything because they're too arrogant to do so.
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here's a skittle because I have nothing new to share
How would you react if GW revealed the God Emperor was actually Andrew Tate?
The Craftworlds and Exodites and Dark Eldar are proof that the Eldar do learn from their mistakes.
I cant believe the god emperor is a pedophile.
Him being an overambitious loser would make more sense.
Yeah I fucking hate how commonplace this type of bullshit is among guard players even in non competititve settings.
they're proof of the opposite
>Dark Eldar
Their whole thing is operating business as usual no matter what.
But they learned how to adapt to the new reality.
>Eldar and Exodites, an absolute minority of the Eldar race who are still massively egotistical and unwilling to entertain even the notion of a long-standing alliance with Humans
>Dark Eldar, who are just as depraved as the Eldar were before the Fall but are now hiding behind a flimsy excuse for it
im going to collect guards the minute they remove those god awful catachan models from the range.
Ahem, if I could have your attention, everyone:

>Katachan abs as tough as Cadian flak armor
Is it that flak armor is that shit, or that Katachan abs are that hard?
can't you simply start collecting the guard and avoid the old catachan models?
they're most likely going to get the krieg treatment in a while anyway: first a kill team, then a wave for command squad, heavy weapons, special unit, character and perhaps something else
>and unwilling to entertain even the notion of a long-standing alliance with Humans
The humans are far less willing to entertain an alliance with the eldar than the other way around.
Gonna ask again.
I have a spartan tank, is it worth it to pay the transport tax to ferry my mostly infantry army, or should I save the points and deploy even more dudes?
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To the guy that was raging at the excessive use of contrast paint on Minis, what do you think about it being used for leathery looks like on this lil fella?
where is the nipple on her left breast? it should be out in the open, but she just doesnt have one? makes no sense
leathery looks good, but didnt he just paint contrasts straight on top of the grey for the armor? doesnt even look like he primed it, just straight to see-through contrasts
>and unwilling to entertain even the notion of a long-standing alliance with Humans
Why should they allied with selfharmed retards, who always sell their souls for chaos?
It's kinda fucked, because on one hand, it's cool to have a wall of rolling steel that can crush anything in front of it, but at the same time, it's a 2-player game, and the one person having all of the fun is the one with all the tanks.
It'd be cool if they made some armored battalion rules for everyone, but they already want you to move to Legions Imperialis for that, so whatever, I guess.
>>Dark Eldar, who are just as depraved as the Eldar were before the Fall but are now hiding behind a flimsy excuse for it
This is untrue Dark Eldar are even more depraved because they comprise the elites who fled into the webway and continued to murdersex now that they were safe from slaanesh. Their souls disappearing is just a consequence of not using soulstones.
Catachan women have evolved to secrete milk from their sweat glands instead of from nipples.
NTA but it looks fine for the amount of effort put into it I guess
Yes I remember the pic and he did just put a dark blue contrast that was splotchy all over and it looked rough. I guess if he does not mind then who cares but its more work and looks horrible compared to just spraying a base on them...
Nipples are sensitive, Catachans don't believe in sensitivity.
It's not true that I "don't want to buy dark eldar until the refresh". I already have a Kabal, but the refresh will definitely be a Covens box of like 20 wracks and some grotesques and a Talos, so if I want to build up a coven I should wait until that happens instead of buying wracks now.
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>but are now hiding behind a flimsy excuse for it
What excuse? They're entirely unapologetic about it and frequently make fun of Craftworlders and Exodites. The ones in the (god awful) Ynnari lore still do dumb depraved shit even though they don't need to feed anymore simply because it's fun (which in my opinion is an EXTREMELY stupid lore decision by GW because it makes no sense why Craftworlders and Exodites would want to team up with them when they're still acting this way but ok).
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this shit is worse than the dunerider
Yeah, I agree with everything you said. My very first army was Imperial Guard Parking Lot, and while it taught me the game and the hobby in general it was just not a fun army to play or play against.
wtf is that?
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If you want to play covens just do it now. For the refresh we're either getting Grotesques or a new Beast Pack so it's 50/50. Or worst case scenario we get a useless new character. But either way I guarantee you the new box will just be a Homoculus, 10 Wracks and either refreshed Grotesques, or if they don't refresh them some Hellions or Reavers. You should always assume the new box will be whatever the least taken options are in an army + the new model since thats what the new trend is for these boxes.
leman russes should honestly be 3+
what's the logic behind those uhm "wheels"?
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Painted a flamer termy
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Bastard fuckstick bastard tank WIP. I fucking hate filigree
Reading that is what having a stroke must feel like.
>I fucking hate filigree
>playing Sisters
also fuck my future Sister army is gonna be blue and now I'm gonna look derivative. That's a gorgeous blue, though.
A lot of people here are very sensitive when it comes to contrasts for some reason
>first a kill team, then a wave for command squad, heavy weapons, special unit, character and perhaps something else

With Straken removed, they're 100% going to do a Kill Team (which will become your basic dudes but with more options like melee weapons, sniper etc), then a 'refresh' which is actually just replacement Command Squad, HWT, HD Straken and IDK maybe Catachan Devils. The Devils will just be fancy Catachans with melee options, heavy flamers and infiltrate/scout. They may throw in a fancy Sentinel or some other wildcard option but that's it.

Oh and you won't get any of this besides the Kill Team until their 11th Edition release, which will be 2-3 years from now. The Kill Team will come out well before then, probably 3-4 boxes from now. They've still gotta do the Ogryn box (which will serve double duty as replacement Ogryns/Bullgryns/Bodyguards for 40k too). I don't think any other Guard box is due before then.

At least Yarrick is 100% gonna come out during Armageddon stuff.
File deleted.
>play a 1k point game against a new Guard player with a list like this
>playing Votann so he has no clue what he is in for
>dump out like 40+ wounds per turn across his vehicles
>has a meltie by turn 4 since he wasted his now greatly reduced firepower focusing down Sagitarus (that immediately dump out Beserks)
>"I think you had too many tanks"
I know no one will believe this story but that game genuinely reminded me why I love playing Votann so much, it's a funny as fuck army, especially if you roll hot and know what you are doing.
It was designed by GW, there is no logic. Only whims fueled by glue and spraypaint fumes.
but yarrik died
The more expensive the unit is than the transport the more worth it is. If they are less or equal it is not worth it.
this is herohammer
nobody dies for good in herohammer
hes going to come back as Primaris Yarrik
Ork believe Yarrick is immortal, so he is.
How did Yarrick die again? Feels like if was an off-screen death with how little I remember about it
Guardfags pissed and shit and cried too much so GW backtracked to unverified presumed dead.
he got offscreened by nids
I love it and hate it. There's a guy who has white/cream armor sisters with blue tabards here and my scheme is basically just that but inverted. Also there's like 5 Deathskulls Ork players here (I'm one of them). Don't worry about it
Thank you for the compliment on the blue, it's Talassar Blue over silver, kinda like the blood angels contrast over gold for thousand sons. I don't like how it turned out on this tank, I did a underpaint with metallic on this and it turned out dark, I'll definitely just spray it silver next time
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Well, most importantly 40k designs need to be retarded and unique, so at least they got that down, but at a very close second they're also supposed to be cool and freaking metal and they scored a 0 on that one. Maybe if the tread wheels were shorter?
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Would you refuse a game with a stompa? Im buying one but im worried no one would play me.
I'll probably use more of a black with blue accents (/mygals/ are gonna be an Ebon Chalice spin-off minor order), but I'll remember that metallic undercoat trick for the accent panels when I do them. I really like it.
Would those work irl?
it was an offscreen death
Never, i’d feel bad when I killed it in a turn tho.
This looks like shit
Flak is that bad. There's a reason why it's memed as cardboard or a t-shirt.
Any recent materials that portray Eldar as actually competent? The Dark Eldar are typically portrayed as competent but insane yet the Eldar have this "We can see the future, have physical/psychic abilities beyond humans, can summon shards of our war god, and have warriors with 1000+ years of experience" angle yet die like dogs most of the time.

Did the whole Ynnari plot even go anywhere?
it gets dumber when you remember the fluff tries to claim this thing can ride up 90° steep walls due to magnetic tracks
>Any recent materials that portray Eldar
>Any materials that portray Eldar as competent?
No. Its a free win
Only space marines and other imperium factions are allowed to win in official 40k lore anon. My advice is to stop giving a shit about BL slop and make your own fluff
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Its knights but actually fun since its overcosted as fuck
>And then they fucked
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No it sucks ass, but even if it didn't I'd accept anyway because it's a genuinely fun model unlike garbage like Angron or 3 C'tan lists.
Unironically read Path of the Dark Eldar, it's the best elf book BL will ever have, they are portrayed as extremely competent if not a bit prideful and best of all there is no Imperium or Marine wank at all, except for one part where Plague Marines show up but they are swiftly dealt with by Trueborn elites and are seen as nothing but a minor nuisance in the face of Commoraghs strike teams.
>Only space marines and other imperium factions are allowed to win in official 40k lore anon
Remember that time a bunch of Orks fought a bunch of Eldar in the Warboss novel? With a Warpboy killung a Farseer by literally teleporting behind her and exploding her head? And an Autarch began sobbing in the middle of the battle because his waifu died, only for a random Boy to run up and lop his head off? And the Avatar of Khaine being brought down to his knees by three angry Nobz?
And finally how after massacring the Eldar, the Warpboy activated their webway gate so him and the lads could have some fun in the webway too?
>Only space marines and other imperium factions are allowed to win in official 40k lore anon
Okay but what about
>Arks of Omen
Lmao just finished reading warboss. In the final battle a farseer gets head exploded by a warphead, then an autarch gets ganked after he tries to swoop in and revenge kill the warphead who just teleports away last second by a bunch of kommandos who were originally also trying to kill said warphead, and then a guardian was bisected by a killer Kan and it's upper half flings over it and grabs onto the bars of a cage on it's back containing a guard captain who has been imprisoned by the orks for months who then kicks them in the face and steals their shuriken pistol (who is shortly after blammed by a commisar after escaping), then the rest of them abandon the warp gate they were supposed to protect because they summoned an avatar of khaine who ran after some guardsmen who just showed up and started shooting at it (though it did manage to take out a deffdread and 2 of 3 warbosses it was fighting all at once) so the book ends with the surviving warboss leading the rest of the boyz through it. What utter baffoons.
>Avatar of Khaine
He is perhaps the biggest jobber in 40k. I don't even remember if he showed up in any of the 40k games.
Great book. Loved the sequel when they activate a webway gate in the dark city using a weirdboy, a Shokk attack gun, and a shitload of Boyz. Also love when they start tellyporting around in the dark city and the orks' use of warp technology scares the deldar so much they stop all of their evil schemes just to destroy the tellyporta immediately.
Great book.
eldar are so pathetic lmao
>mek guns can now one shot an aggressor squad
Will marinefags ever recover?
Thats great though, you can talk it out and play as pretty much the same order, it will also look good in events and 2v2 battles.
Yeah, probably.
that's a xenos vs xenos narrative
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Frankly we don’t think about you at all.
Don't forget Taros
Yeah, which means the Imperium couldn't possibly win it.
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Dark Eldar refresh is coming. I can feel it.
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Actually they retconned the Taros victory in Aeronautica where I shit you not the writers literally and without a hint of irony say
>nuh uh we didn't lose! Suddenly a combined marine and guard fleet that was lost in the warp magically and miraculously appears right in front of Taros and smashes all the dumb xenos! The end.
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6 heads to go.
>Anon asks for books about Eldar being competent
>Thread goes into detail about Eldar being losers
Always a fun turn of events.
Not bad for a first time painting! Those heads are a little chunky but you'll get better with experience, definitely need to work on your paint consistency with that black too, looking very spotty in places
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Looking like mine already :D
I want to make a big sector threat for my Acolyte players. They are a servant of Belakor & starting up shit in the sector. They have four underlings aligned to each of the four chaos gods & I know what I want for them, but I'm not sure who/what I want for the final villain. Is a Space Marine too much/too cliche? Which Traitor Legion would make the most sense? Is there anything else that would work?
>yfw this guy has been in the hobby for at least 7 years and this is the level he paints at
There's a guy in my playgroup that does exactly that, just prints tanks and spams them. It's not even grey-tide because he uses different colored filament for each.
>The monkey's paw curls
Make the final villain be an Ork warhorde attracted by the constant fighting and rumors of the players.
Damocles was an Imperium victory. They caused massive damage to the Tau Empire while taking only 1/100th of the casualties.
did they achieve any of the strategic objectives they set out for themselves?
Yes, they stopped the 2nd Sphere Expansion.
not much of a victory then considering the Tau are planning their 6th
They did expand some T'''''au sphincters though
I have orks in the mix already. There are xeno threats of every stripe plus one homebrewed xenos I made, but these guys are Ordo Malleus & specifically sent to stop this Belakor guy.
I can't imagine the Tau fighting against the Ultramarines is going to result in anything less than humiliation
The Tau aren't fighting the Ultramarines in the 6th Sphere, the wormhole leads elsewhere.
The Imperium doesn't really mind all that much when the Tau takes their planets, especially since right now the Tau are more useful alive.
I mean in the thread, my LGS has Blood Rose and Argent Shroud players for sisters
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Hate painting these guys, but I always love how they turn out.
You're lookin' at 'em.
Do you think it would be within a rouge traders rights to keep a necron overlord in a jar of human fluids.
What are some of your strategies for Bases?
I've always defaulted to a vanilla astrogranite base but now I want to git gud.
Recommended Base resources?
wait, these blue orks aren't blue, wtf
Kinda depends on what base you're going for don't you think?
They don't make cumjars that big anon
collecting a necron, let alone an overlord, is not an easy task.

the rogue trader from bsf doesn't even think necrons are real.
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Funnily enough, my orks HATE Deffskulls to the point they will steal back their equipment mid-paintjob
>in the name of the emperor I cast you down
Valedor novel, maybe some J.C. Stearns short stories.
Instead of buying a stompa you should buy half a knight and then stick it on half a rhino and call it a stompa..
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he got a game of his own once
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if it's a legal model and you whine about someone playing with it you're a bitch no ifs ands or buts
You're describing a worse lord of skull
Are heavy inncessors worth adding to my army?
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Texas Ranger.
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Are holographic terrain pieces ruining the game?
Okay but what if I got a bunch of empty diet soda store brand cans and taped them together then put them on a tonka truck and put a sign that says "waaagh" on them.
Give me a fresh example
Now they're find and make infantry good. They need to go back to making cover being 50% of the unit is obscured or something because per model makes speedrolling impossible.
Care to share some tips?
I have a starter 9th ed box, 'zerks, termies and the wizard character. Kinda hoping for some dread-like walkers in the 10th release.
Personally, I've been having a lot of success with my Spartan (run as regular Land Raider) getting my primary melee squad up the field. And it's great, even against a flamer-heavy Thousand Sons army where I can park it right in front of the enemy squad, disembark my dudes on the far side (so the flamers can't see or overwatch) then in the charge phase, charge the Land Raider into combat (Tank Shock! Toot-toot!) and use its charge roll to move it out of the way and then follow with the melee squad getting in.
The fact that it also has 4 Lascannon shots and 2 Multi-Melta shots has also made it able to hold its own against most enemy armor as well.
How about 3 LEGAL ctans?
A "rolling front of steel" shouldn't crush everything in it's path, it should roll forward unaware of it's surroundings as a random dude walks onto it's back places his backpack full of bombs on the engine bay and turns everyone inside into jelly with the pressure wave. Tanks should die instantly if they are the only friendly model in melee.
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Man Orks are really expensive to collect. I was looking at a new purchase and damn. Burna boyz are 34 euro for 60 points, Deffkoptas are 55€ for 90 points, Flash Gitz are 51€ for 80 points. Just jeez.
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sounds based
don't hate the player hate the game
What's your favorite single man sized model from your favorite faction? I'm looking at picking up some characters to practice doing more detailed work.
Drazhar is pretty cool. New and old.
Buy a stompa, thats a 33% of your army
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this looks like shit
so do you but nobody will pay $155 for your company
Man sized.
I don't think they make 40k models that big
my company is already paying me more than that

do you even own that miniature?
A Warlord titan is almost the same size as a midget
imp guard models are boring as shit
>Humans are boring
Why do you hate yourself
show me a single interesting IG sculpt
it's probably the faggot that will defend anything gw to death, ignore
The Phoenix lords are probably perfect for this, and if you start on the half that are available now then all the other ones will be out by the time you finish them.
(Except poor Karandas)
phoenix lords are marine-sized
>Every post I don't like is all one person
Why is this place is so disproportionately full of schizos like you
>>94807712 #
>Every post I don't like is all one person
Why is this place is so disproportionately full of schizos like you
why did they fuck the guard codex so bad bros?
name a single bad thing with it
3D print fags are a league of cringe all of their own
Post your first party models with timestamp
I mean, they would make the truck go.

You would just have all the disadvantages of tracks, and all the disadvantages of wheels, and none of the advantages of either.
Can you run all helmets on Sisters like with Marines? I like them conceptually, but just because they’re girls doesn’t mean I want to look at their faces.
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They already exist IRL
for the most part
I have never played chaos, but I have noticed that quite a few units can be used across multiple armies (TSons, World Eaters, CSM)... would it be possible to build a core, let's say 1500 points, and then swap a few units and run as a different army? I know it wouldn't be a good list, but I am liking the idea of chaotic changes of cloak and was thinking about something like 40 cultists, 3 rhinos, 2 hellbrutes, a helldrake, 2 maulerfiends, 2 forgefiends, daemon prince, chaos predator, and then always throwing a few army-specific units in. Anybody having something similar to universal chaos?
I need some Kroots who have been fed a shit ton of Peacocks and Secretary Birds to teach me how interspecies co-operation really works (rape me)
Yes but I think there's a few characters who don't come with helmets
those legion ambiguous units are awful in the cult legion lists
Laughs in beast snagga boys
kroots reproduce via back rubs, they can't rape you
That shouldn't be issue, you will have enough helmets from the seraphim and sister squad kits.
They have to breath, eat and dispense of waste. They can.
No more infantry squad with a heavy weapon.
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He said bad thing anon
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ludokino model
Lack of Infantry Squads featuring a HWT and ablative wound Guardsmen bodies that have been in the game since second edition is a bit unfortunate, same for losing two Catachan named characters.
>breath, eat and dispense of waste
they do it with the mouth and or skin
no other appendage is involved
This image is sublime because GW remembered they made eldar jets an aspect shrine for some reason so they're technically aspect warriors.
not with that face, no
Mouth is on the model
You love your daemon engines huh.
Are you dumb as hell or just blind?
It would probably be alright for everyone if GW simply gave eldar player a special extra datasheet and an alternative colour scheme for the crimson hunter and told them that's to represent their phoenix lord.
It's too flamboyant for good boy spess mehreens imo
a kroot is giving me a back rub right now
I see those h1b are proving useful to someone in this board.
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Nothing fancy, but I finally got around to touching up and basing an assortment of my Necrons. Plenty more need the same treatment.
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The wizard guy (Grimnyr) is pretty middling and you will never take him unless you are running a casual/for fun list. He's not terrible but there isn't ever really a reason to ever take him.

Do not underestimate Beserks, most people skip them because they don't like the model (I think it's great after painting some). They, with hammers will pretty much delete anything in the game aside from the biggest centerpiece models but are fragile as shit so you should always dump them in a Sagitaur.

A full unit of Thunderkyn with an Iron Master will auto delete anything in the game, these guys are your #1 damage dealers that a lot of people overlook. Their gravity gun is good vs everything and with the Iron Master + Judgement tokens + Anti Vehicle +2 you are hitting on 2's and wounding on 2's and anything that isn't a vehicle will die regardless from the mass volume of D6 S5 -2AP 2 damage attacks. Even a single unreinforced unit of these guys is god tier but make sure you bring them in from reserves or have them in a transport because they're slow as balls and short range.

You NEED the bikes, don't skip them, they are the only way your army has of moving around the board quickly, you need them for objectives and don't forget they all have autocannons so they are very good at picking off random smaller units and vehicles too.

Always take Sagitaurs and always take the Hylas beam cannons on them, they are swingy but when you roll hot they will cripple other vehicles or just outright delete them.

You don't need too many Hearthkyn Warriors, they are pretty durable with all the abilities.

Hearthguard are self explanatory.

And the most important tip, 90% of players have never played against you and will underestimate the amount of damage you put out, use this to your advantage. I always explain to my opponent what things in my army do what and what they excel at and they never seem to listen and learn the hard way lmao.
I hope Vespids get a redesign and are confirmed to have females that lay eggs back into the males after insemination.
Wip of my scouts

Moving back over to old world stuff once these are done
could always go dread mob/kult of speed, wont be massively cheaper but might save you a little
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do people actually play this faction, they look like shit.
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Awfully bold to post this when actual ugly factions like Votaan exist.

You're also wrong.
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When Allies were more free fourm you could get Leeman Russes in your Tyranid Army.
Does anyone have any tips on how to paint simpsons yellow skin? Id like to do more than just dunk imperial fists contrast on a white base but im too new at this to understand what colors would translate from a normal face paintjob
aww look he's smiling
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Nah they're cool, you've got bad taste.
They are literally the second least ugly Xenos faction
the least ugly xenos being space skaven
I thought we established Skaven are dwarves and therefore clearly not xenos like the Leaguers
Cant decide what sort of basing scheme to do for my NL kt
Want to give it something cool, but whatever I give them Id have to give to my entire csm army. I thought of doing a mordant cracked earth scheme but I kind of want to save that for my sisters army instead.

Should I just do something simpler?
do people actually play this faction, they look like shit.
Pristine white marble flecked with blood.
they're the only decent looking elves
Thats a good shout, plenty of easy marble guides online and then you just need to splash blood for the blood god on
hmm that sounds cool, but I already glued my first model to the base, will that be an issue you think?
Just chuck it into the freezer overnight.
>haven't decided on a basing scheme yet
>glues models unto bases
Id rather not, I have a very shitty fridge (doesnt keep cold well, no freezer) and also I use plastic glue.

I usually build around the model's feet with basing texture and extra stuff. I havent done any base building stuff yet
None of those models have been in stock in years.
>someone got this for me as a Christmas gift even though I play guard and don't own a single space marine mini
I'm still going to put it together and paint it because I think its a cool model but I don't think i'll ever do anything with it
im finna print this sumbitch
Assuming this isn't a shitpost, you're SOL on simpsons because they're cel shaded if they're shaded at all. A saturated yellow would be more correct and you might be able to get away with light highlighting on the very brightest sections of skin.

Basically you're asking how to paint a yellow gumball; and the answer is "Yellow."
>count how many men are there for every woman in the hobby
>be above that percentile in terms of attractiveness and assertiveness
what makes these guys so hard to paint? Surely they can't be worst than TS.
how you get the neon green on those guns for the warrors?
they have Tsons/admech levels of small details and 90% of lists require IG amounts of models
Thanks for the writeup, anon.
Is kahl worth it attached to the warriors or should I take them abrebones?
those are the old warriors with the clear green tubes as default
when are these niggas coming out?
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Worked on a warboss for an upcoming crusade
preorders in probably may at the earliest
do you think red glazes on the lips and cheeks and stuff would still look ok? not shitposting, just got a box of votaan and figured the rock raiders meme would be cool
Did anon ever upload his reading of the Draco book?
Didn't really get a chance to access my work pc but here's an excerpt I recorded at work.
From my lgs
Are you ESL anon or is that just the braces? You also seem to be whispering too much and too quiet, makes sense if you're at work. Your voice is fine is if you had a slower, calmer deeper reading.
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dark eldar should all be ashy grey or chocolatey brown
Genestealers have a very quintessential “40k look” to them and I can’t explain the specifics it’s just a gut feeling
This >>94808452 anon is correct. Prior to 9th edition all warriors came with guns like that. I like the old ones better so I stocked up while they were still pretty accessible.
Those paintjobs in the corner?
5 year old or some kind of disability?
Given the background looks like a school that unironically might be a middle schooler. Which is honestly pretty based, every kid I ever played in the LGS was the best opponent since they just wanted to have fun and not be tryhards.
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>Are you ESL anon or is that just the braces
Like space marines being the plantonic ideal of 'future space soldier' genestealers fit the platonic ideal of scary almost human alien monster.
>wears braces
>still tries to do voicework
I mean, I admire the courage at least.
Alright anon since you are an ESL I will suggest you really try and pronouce every sound in each word because you skipped some syllables here and there. Doing that alone will mask your ESLness a bit
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Oh absolutely, when the Overkill box was revealed it was love at first sight, besides Genestealers always being my favorite Tyranid creature those sculpts just so perfectly nailed something I couldn't previously articulate a desire for that I had no choice, it was a lock for my third army (and currently my second largest collection).
And it was glorious
We need more shithead inquisitors that send xenos into other xenos territories
I don't really count it as an imperium victory, it's more of a "we avoided a genocide" from the Tau perspective
If the imperium wasn't as stretched as it is they would have gone full xenocide on the Tau ages ago
No one really knows what's up with the guy
Avatar of Khaine is atleast in DoW 1 and that recent grey knights game. Probably in that Gladius game too
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Lord have mercy.
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What’d I miss?

Post dudes, almost done these ones. My test freehand for the skelebanner went poorly, not sure what else to try or if I should leave it as is.
It could work. I'd definitely do a few test heads before committing to the bit though; it's going to be experimental to say the least.
Even an ork would think you're a degenerate.
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>Post dudes
WIP, still not even done basecoating this monster. Fun model though, not too complex. Technically the last thing I need before my league kicks off this Friday, but I'll probably also do up my second unit of Tyrant Guard because I want the talons rather than the claws to start with.
>My test freehand for the skelebanner went poorly, not sure what else to try or if I should leave it as is.
any random transfers you could add?
uhm... based?
You can tell a lot of love went into this.
I kinda don’t usually fuck with transfers but I’ll look through the ones I have, maybe something will jump out to me.
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My necron army is getting done exponentially faster now I got my method locked in and trimmed the unnecessary steps. Got done 20 warriors, 3 skorpekh destroyers, overlord w/arrow, 6 scarabs, and now a second royal warden (actually the first one I started, just went back and finished him after adjusting the paint scheme I changed partway through). Next, either a skorpekh destroyer lord or maybe a plasmancer.
Dude looks good, and while the basing is simple, I actually think it fits well. Like he's standing on a dead moon somewhere.
Thanks! I'm actually keeping it simple because I can't decide what color scheme I like for the bases, so I'm just getting it done in a neutral way and plan to paint over it later once I get more experienced.
What will be revealed here?
>try branching out from the grey primer I used the last time I used my airbrush
>try out some Instant Color primer
>shake it for a bit by hand, didn't bother thinning it since it was already pretty liquid
>feels like it's just spraying water, can't see any pigment at all without it pooling up
>switch back to the old shit
>barely even shake it
>works perfectly, prime the rest of my models in just a few sprays and dries almost immediately
>old models still wet with IC primer
Is The Army Painter's warpaint Air primer just really nice, or is Instant Color's primer shit?
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My cock and balls.
They are very small, you will be disappointed.
Fuck, I was looking around for marble base guides and I came across this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLllUVPYxm8

This shit is fucking perfect for the slaanesh themed sisters I want to build. Now I have a bunch of different basing ideas and I dont know what to use them for.
>he got a game of his own once

He'll be back when Armageddon kicks off again and I can't wait.

Literally nothing. I mean that. Nothing. At all. Don't bother watching it. If you watch it and are disappointed, you 100% deserve it and should be mocked.
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Lookin nice, wardenbro. I really like the contrasting colors you went with for the ankh.
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Nice drawing anon
Damn not even a roadmap?
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Good shit, anon. Can you draw a Johnny?
I gotta say, Sallyfag, I dig these. Not a huge fan of the blue bits, I think that stands out a little much and could stand to be either red like your other secondary bits or a neutral black/charcoal grey.. But these models have so much character, and you clearly worked hard on picking out little details on all of them. The bases are comfy, too. Have you considered painting the grass a bit to add, like, scorch marks?
In fact, there are no planned releases for 2025.
Eldar probably
EC probably
If you expect anything good out of the EC release you are a fool, thoughever
What color is the Emperor's Bugatti?
>What color is the Emperor's
The answer is always gold
Tell me about the Emperor's golden nuts
Game on later today, my marines making their second match of 10th as I favour my gsc/nids) against necrons at 1k.

Haven’t decided whether to do leviathan or pariah missions.

I’m bringing:
Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Ultramarines - Hahaha - [990pts]
# ++ Army Roster ++ [990pts]
Battle Size: Incursion (1000 Point limit)

Detachment: Ironstorm Spearhead
## Character [225pts]
Captain in Terminator Armour [105pts]: Warlord, The Flesh is Weak, Storm Bolter, Relic Fist
Lieutenant [65pts]: Pistol, Master-crafted Bolt Rifle & (Master-crafted Power Weapon, Heavy Bolt Pistol,

Techmarine [55pts]

## Battleline [220pts]
Intercessor Squad [80pts]:
• 1x Intercessor Sergeant: Astartes Grenade Launcher, Bolt Rifle, Thunder Hammer
• 4x Intercessors
Tactical Squad [140pts]:
• 7x Tactical Marine
• 1x Tactical Marine Sergeant: Power Fist, Combi-weapon
• 1x Tactical Marine w/Heavy or Special Weapon: Missile Launcher
• 1x Tactical Marine w/Special Weapon: Plasma Gun

## Infantry [315pts]
Scout Sniper Squad [Legends] [75pts]:
• 1x Scout Sniper w/ Missile Launcher
• 4x Scout Snipers
Scout Squad [70pts]:
• 1x Scout Sergeant: Boltgun
• 1x Scout w/ Heavy Weapon: Heavy Bolter
• 1x Scout w/ Scout Sniper Rifle
• 1x Scouts w/ Astartes Shotgun
• 1x Scouts w/ Boltgun
Terminator Squad [170pts]:
• 1x Terminator Sergeant: Power Weapon
• 1x Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Chainfist, Heavy Flamer
• 3x Terminator w/ Power Fist

## Vehicle [135pts]
Dreadnought [135pts]: Dreadnought Combat Weapon w/ Heavy Flamer, Multi-melta

## Dedicated Transport [95pts]
Razorback [95pts]: Hunter Killer Missile, Storm Bolter, Twin Lascannon
The map
>the computer fan terrain
Make sure you secure the high ground on top of the PC fan.
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The boys
All jokes aside, the PC fan is a really cool touch.
>tfw me and my friend just move our guys around a couples books and candles
If GW ever gets around to bringing Yarrick back, I hope they give him his badass storm bolter back.
Thanks anons, case fans are just asking for a few bits to be hewn to them.
And hey looks like it fits a scout squad pretty well up there. I can’t say I’ll put the sniper squad there but if the generic scouts survive long enough they’ll certainly pop up!
Is this a collection army? It's got spirit but good luck dealing with hordes down the line.
soulful board and soulful army
i genuinely hope you have fun
you're the only firstborn AND the only ultramarines player with a fully painted army I've seen on this board in over 6 years
But why is Gabriel Angelos there?
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Yeah it’s most of my ultramarines admittedly, which are a token force of mine.
I’ve got a tarantula sentry I built out of scrap parts and a drop pod unused. And that’s pretty much it for my marines.

Thanks anons I’ll post some pics of the battle when it happens tonight.
He’s received the entire company as a gift.
Proofs or didn't happen
>He’s received the entire company as a gift.
The blood ravens can't keep getting away with it
Are you?
In the long run your list is probably going to have trouble peeling hordes of infantry off of objectives. Inceptors, Whirlwinds, and Land Raiders are all decent anti-swarm options.
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What's a good alternative to GW's texture spatulas? I have a steel texture tool but it's too big for smaller spaces.
Toothpicks, Q-Tips, my needle dick, long and thin things basically.
Post needle dick with texture paste
Zero volume and edge highlights a mile wide. Perfect!
>he doesn't produce his own texture paste
Do you even hobby, my dude?
No, I don't own any models
cool table
How do people get such nice small detail work done with airbrushes? I can barely even isolate big chunks of the model, let alone spot hitting legs or arms
Not at all. What kind of dipshit doesn't bring antitank
Subassemblies and masking tape. Or using a normal brush.
Generally they don't. Airbrushes are better for broad strokes types of jobs. There's a reason high level automotive airbrush guys use a lot of stenciling tricks and prefer large flat surfaces when doing super intricate work, and the high level automotive pinstriping guys use super pointy brushes
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Gotta do some greebling/ control panel macguffins on these dudes but I'm stoked on them so far
So what it sounds like is that I'm going to basically use my airbrush for priming and maybe large shit like vehicles.
>basecoating large surfaces
These are the things airbrushes excel at, it tends to get very difficult to pull off things outside those 4 niches
Why are all of the hobby stores not in the us. I have to pay double the price of an item in shipping alone. I just need cheap masking tape and greenstuff ffs.
Priming, basecoating, layering, blending, shading, varnishing, osl effects.
what's with those lines on their faces
Thing is, my army is mostly shooty marines, melee is at best reserved for my dreadnoughts, terminators, some bladeguard and a jumpack squad (although I have no leader for it, so it's not fully powered), so I don't know if moving my shooty marines with a transport is worth the price when I can march them around on foot
he's got scars
she's got ringworm
Have you considered Impulsors?
Check for local modeling/rc stores for masking tapes, greenstuff you tend to have to take the hit and either order from somewhere outside the states or you're ordering from someone whose ordering their stuff from outside the states. You can sometimes find greenstuff under its commercial plumbing name by searching kneadatite. You want the yellow and blue one if you're going with kneadatite brand
I don't like primaris vehicles.
I buy my models thinking first about aesthetics and then organise my army around what I like my marines are 30k marines doing a ton of proxy work. I really don't like primaris aesthetics
>steals their shuriken pistol
Same as stealing an Ork weapon, literally useless in human hands unless you're psychically trained like that one inquisitor eldaraboo
>he doesn't have Amazon Prime
The prices are still inflated so that you would still be buying them like they had the shipping costs allocated.
Amazon is overpriced so much it's not worth it even with prime
Then you're better off footslogging your shooty units. Unless you're lacking in infiltrators or scouts in which case you might have to sacrifice some shooting to push a couple units downfield in rhinos.
in what world? I buy characters for 20 dollars off amazon all the time for kitbashing cannibalizing
nta but this...... seems like cope. i just looked at the price of the first green stuff that pops up on amazon and it's cheaper than buying it from literally any other website i check if you have Prime
Avatar of Khaine and Eldrad are both sick as fuck. Macha also has a good STL by Artel W floating around. Wraithknight if you like Eva/mecha animu
If you can fit him yes since you'll need ways to move/generate judgement tokens around and you can't always rely on the enhancement. But it's not the end of the world if you don't take him like it was at the beginning of 10th.
Maybe it's a region thing.
I check sometimes out of curiosity, but o we here boxes are like 5-10€ more expensive than normal retailer prices, sometimes higher than gw price.
Quoted myself on accident
My only infiltrators would be a squad of eliminators
Then it sounds like a two rhino kind of day unless you want to give up all the midfield objectives. It's pretty much why Infiltrators/Scouts and advance-and-charge melee units are so popular.
Then I'll have to take the Spartan, because despite my marines visually not being primaris, they are rules wise so I can't take rhinos, despite how much I like them
Do we know if catachans special weapons are still limited to flamers? I will bet on yes, just asking if it is leaked
>be NW Burger Chad
>get cheap Amazon pricing
>tfw nearly all 3rd party model/bits businesses are from the europoors, slavs, or Australians
As nice as it is to get the hobby necessities relatively cheap, I'm tired of cool 3rd party models and bits having shipping fees that are double the cost of the item and take a month+ to show up
I think I fucked up by using an unfamiliar primer on several models at once. It's dried all weird and glossy, like Nurgle blasted a fat green-hued nut all over my guys. What's the /40kg/ approved approach to paint stripping?
99% iso soak followed by scrub with toothbrush
put it in a ziplock bag filled with simple green and chuck it in your ultrasonic cleaner for 30 minutes
I'll have to give that a shot. Thanks anon.
>chuck it in your ultrasonic cleaner
What if I find myself lacking this?
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Superclean degreaser is the king
I like the freehand on the tiltshield sallyfren
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>due to magnetic tracks
they actually have little grav plates and magnetic coils you put on the underside of the vehicle. It's a little different than magnetizing the treads.

Still ridiculous, mind. But you should get it right if you're complaining.
>beer can terrain
>pc fan terrain
>craft store Christmas trees
Insanely sovlfvll
I don't see why they wouldn't have plasma or grenade launchers like everyone else. That one new character model has a plasma pistol
Work well enough on full sized pickups I don't see why it wouldn't work for an army truck
That blue hood looks comically bad
No reason they wouldn't. Whether they're the most effective or practical choice is another matter entirely. I do agree they look retarded though.
Nobody cares about the opinions of nomodels like (you)
Looks better than your models given they exist
CWE are better than the Imperium.
When marinepigs buy their first box they have to sign a contract promising never to use a brush smaller than size 2. That's the only explanation I can see at this point
Someone who doesn't paint wouldn't understand the process
The milk glands ARE just evolved sweat glands really.
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Cause in the index they have only flamers like in the actual box they dont have any other weapon options
She is using pasties that have the same tone as her skin.
It's to distract male opponents.
gee unprompted seething after hours of silence, and all just a little over a minute apart
what a coincidence!
Not worth it. If you're going to run a super-heavy tank you want a unit inside that is going to murder literally everything in close range.
If you want to blitz objective you want scouts or infiltrators.
Barring a decent counts-as your last resort would be drop pods, but at that point you're talking at least a 50 point tax to deep strike your expendable units.
This looks like shit, your highlights are bad and ugly.
And the base looks unfinished and shit as well.
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>still massively egotistical
Rightfully so.
>long-standing alliance with retarded mon-keigh who are as likely to fall to Chaos as not and even when they don't want nothing more than to KILL MAIM BURN your race to extinction all the same
Are you a liberal or something?
Keep those "edge" highlights nice and wide piggy
>The Dark Eldar are typically portrayed as competent but insane
>Dark "We are gonna clone the Emperor and have his clone sit on our version of a Golden Throne to close the gaping hole that was formerly the Khaine's Gate, surely nothing will ever go wrong with this" Eldar
Yeah, they are competent alright. Competent in being retarded and getting themselves killed.
Post your eldar models with pristine highlights
The adorable cope of the designated cuck faction
you own no models
you don't don't get an opinion
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Take your meds retard.
>Still thinks a screenshot means fuckall
The adorable cope of the designated cuck faction
Part two
I'm just going to play along and say I have no models.
Your highlights suck and you don't need models to know that. You're just a shit painter, especially considering you've been in this hobby for almost 10 years, and your highlights are still dogshit like before.
>Eldar's run duration: 65m years, took 64.999m years until SHTF and now they're rebuilding
>Imperium's run duration: 10,000 years, took like 250 years until SHTF and now they're tearing themselves apart
Your chudperium is pathetic
>you've been in this hobby for almost 10 years
Schizo thinks everybody calling out his uninformed babble is the same person
How original
The adorable cope of the designated cuck faction
Part three
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I'm right.
>C-cope! Cope!
Bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off
>and now they're rebuilding
Cute fanfic
Literally the only prospect the eldar have is a new god being born killing them all but keeping them from slaanesh
>Eldartranny so mad they're indirectly responding now
Don't you have a reddit post to make about how unfair it is that you can't even get a win in books focusing on your faction again
Sure lil bro. Good luck with that Maiden World colonization
The autocannon bolted to the hull offends me more than the wheels, both for being placed next to the door like that and just generally being impossible to aim with

GW vehicle designs do that way too much, just tack on a gun that's clearly rigidly attached with no capacity to be used by someone, unless the driver is carefully aligning the vehicle to line it up with the enemy. If Orks do that then OK, it's Orks, everyone else its stupid
I'm sure your faction will become relevant and stop being a laughing stock sometime this decade!
Marinepig melty because he had to buy his army twice :(
I'd say enjoy rebuying your eldar army with the refresh this year but we all know (you) own no models
why are you lads being silly
Secondaries come in here that don't paint or play so all they have to do around here is shitpost;
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Anyone else excited?
i bought some chaos cultists get my rust off after not painting for a year. also to try and use oils and edge highlight, they are coming today. im excited to paint for once.
Sure I look forward to the ost. The last game was really simple and I expect they'll stick to babbys first xcom derivative formula
not true, sometimes I reply to bait while I wait for washes to dry
I started the first game some time ago, but couldn't get into it. What am I missing?
first game was massively overhyped by that youtuber and then everyone started to repeat what he said everywhere
just a couple missions and youll realize that having cognitive points you can do anything you want
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This one was kinda rough to be honest, much prefer the rhino. A fair bit of repair and scratch building too which was a bit of a headache. Still, done as promised. Onto the next project.
god are you getting paid for this
The hex is lifted bangelanon. Qt tonk
What kind of glue should I use to stick my mini on a fancy base? Normally I use some Locktite super glue when slapping unpainted models on plain bases, but that shit tends to leave a white bleached area around where it dries and I don't want to fuck up my paint or basing.
Tiny drop of super glue shouldn't frost up too bad, if they contact area is super small and you're worried about it then drill a hole is the foot and base and pin it
personally i use thin superglue so it's easy to snap the model off when i want to rebase it
Alright, so there isn't some special pro gamer model-to-base glue out there that I should be using vs superglue. Thanks anons
>but that shit tends to leave a white bleached area around where it dries
You can wash that away with simple water
NTA but do you think you could do better? Audio books take a lot of work to record and edit. Which is why fan reads are so rare and GW does not bother with their older books
Not really no, just be careful with it so you don't apply too much. You can use a toothpick or paper clip to spread the glue onto the feet if your bottle leaks heavily and let's out too much
You know, I don't even think it's really an Eldar victory really that I want to see portrayed so much as just some competence. Like fighting a losing battle Knowing they will lose but minimizing losses and casualties so they can live to fight another day and make the enemy pay for their trespass. Or maybe showing some kind of humility in the face of defeat, even if it's couched in some kind of self-agrandizing battle honor.
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I've been looking for ye olde Lemartes for a while now. Found the rest of the gang but he in particular seems really rare. Only ones I've found were from us/uk and at pretty high prices. Was he super unpopular and didnt sell well or something?
Thanks, was starting to cut it pretty close
don't get your hopes up, gw has marinepigs to sell sloppa to
excited to see these guys when theyre finished, they're pretty cool
This is a very strange way to highlight. Your spot highlights seem to be placed without thought into where the light would catch, and some areas that would be exposed to more light are left with one round of highlights while recessed/shadowed areas have brighter highlights. Also curious as to where your second round of highlights went on the jump pack because they appear to be missing
>Thanks, was starting to cut it pretty close
Nah you had plenty of time, I gave the medicine women that I paid to hex you a footlong sub and a ride to the casino and told her she could chill for another month. I seen you posting wip and it looked too cool to let her go through with it
Is there anything worse than LMAO3C'TAN type niggas?
>Negrons hurt me in my bottom.
Sorry to hear about your broken ass. I hope you feel better soon.
I don't think I've used a C'tan for the last year or so. Maybe I should try the full list at least once, but I can imagine it isn't very nice to play against.
I thought this was a racial slur at first
whats with this cork and wire memery? does everyone do this so they can paint them separate from the bases?
ive bought the majority of my orks second hand. stripping everything wasnt too bad and it has saved me a considerable amount of money. the main downside is that the previous owners built them without thinking about painting so some of them are in shit poses that are difficult to paint

looking at those prices alone, us ausfags are somehow paying less than you eurobros, even with our recently decimated dollarydoos. no idea how thats possible but that really sucks for you lot
yes i could
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6 c'tan?
Named ones + generic one.
How do you recover from that?
>how do you recover
playing another game
Sorry, Long War strategic objectives that look like failures are reserved for Abbydabby Don
Future-seeing ascetic elf knock-offs are meant to be short sighted impulsive fools.
guilliman double oath plus lots of small arms fire
anything can be a racial slur if your heart is pure
To my knowledge the only book that gives Eldar an even half-decent showing is a Ciaphas Cain book, in which a Craftworld invasion fleet set up go be the primary antagonists inly to be pushed aside within the first two chapters so Cain can focus in a Slaaneshi cult.
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What's the current meta for orks now?
Everyone is still trying to crack the Grotmas Detachment and getting some decent results, but people are learning to play against it too so it might be back to index Detachment again soon. New Wreckas are doing well though and help out a lot.
The Rogue Trader game has the Clowns come across as very competent and intelligent
And that book is the only instance of the Avatar not jobbing as far as I know
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My basing scheme is ice&snow for votann, which is tougher to do while the model is on the base.
It also makes airbrushing easier since there's not a base in the way for the lower parts.
And how well does it portray the Craftworlds?
I don't think the pose works in the absence of a foe to challenge
Anyone wanna help me decide what to paint? Thought last time was fun and helps a bit with motivation.
Old or new?
Yrliet is the designated Craftworld Eldar companion.
She is also quite easily the worst and most annoying companion in the game.
Character, troops or vehicle?
The craftworlders immediately job but are pretty decent outside of one particular Craftworlder (Who is also the companion you get) who happens to be incredibly stupid and autistic. Autistic even by Eldar standards
You really show what 40k truly looks like. Very nice, anon.



You were so. Damn. Close.
You just couldn't wait another thirty minutes to hit page 8 could you?
actual new thread made on page 8

this game is fucking hard
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First completed model ive done so far. Lacking edge highlighting I know, but never been a fan of it. Ive just started painting so ill warm up to other techniques and such eventually. Got 9 more of these lads to paint.
Nice mordian
Still, being able to toot up and dump a 5-man terminator squad or 6-man Bladeguard squad plus attached characters in your opponent's face is nice.
Never try to charge out of Deep Strike. Always Rapid Ingress so you can move and then charge.
Doom of Mymaera(sp? can't remember)?
No wargear, no FW (now in plastic) models because separation of Specialist and Main), no "generic" infantry, continuation of 10th edition instead of GW admitting they've fucked up since 8th and returning to the good times of a wargame pre-8th (to 4th), nothing really "generic" for /your dudes/ at all, no doctrines from 3.5/4, no /your dudes/, day 1 fixes rendering the purchase of a codex obsolete, new Krieg look like shit compared to FW, etc.

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