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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #563

Raging Phoenix Edition

Previous Thread: >>94577794

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/
Manual Sims:

>TCG Event Streaming

>Alternative Formats
Time Wizard Formats Reference:https://www.formatlibrary.com/

>Useful Links
Current Official Rulebook:https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Hypergeometric Probability Calculator:https://yugioh.party/
Stock Market:https://yugiohprices.com/
For boomers:https://www.pojo.biz/board/forumdisplay.php?f=10

ALT: https://ygoprodeck.com/

>News Sites

>Upcoming Releases
●Premium Pack 2025 (Dec 21)
●Quarter Century Trinity Box (Dec 21)
●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)
●Quarter Century Art Collection (Feb 22)

●Supreme Darkness (Jan 23)
●Structure Deck: Blue Eyes White Destiny (Feb 14)
●Maze of the Master (Feb 21)
●Quarter Century Stampede (Apr 11)

For the Gradius archetype (Vic Viper and friends), what would you do to modernize this archetype? What other Konami properties would you like to see make their way into the TCG/OCG?

Create a new rank 10 train support card!
Just retrain the entire thing and ignore all the old stuff. Trying to print a million bandaids for the archetype is doomed to fail because it requires you to hard open those baindaids and if you don't you're playing a really shitty archetype.
I'd like to see them retrain each ship/pilot into it's own seperate mini-archetype with a central connecting archetype that gives general support that's similar to how they used to do it with the light machines support.
I think taking notes from the playstyle of fiendsmiths, magical muskets, and furhire could be an good but flavorful approach.

While I would love to see a bomberman archetype it already basically exists in Spriggans but it could be cool if they added a little of the flavor from the recent volcanics stuff with bomb tokens but cut out the burn part. Make some tokens on your side and move them to the opponent's side in either the S/T or Main Monster zones. And they "explode" in the usual cross and chain destroy each other if able. As for spriggans, I like the idea that you load up an XYZ with materials that are flavored to be powerups. Depict the art as having a color bomber and powerup in frame to indicate things visually too.
I'd love to see a Zone of the Enders archetype, but I'm not sure how they'd differentiate that mechanically from the million other machine/mecha archetypes that currently exist.
You could have it have a pendulum Ender that has to activate an effect in order to activate effects of all the other ships he's controlling, with all of the ships providing protection for backrow inherently but not being able to do anything else without him being there. That's my gut reaction. Also mix the inspiration with starship troopers for the lulz.
Is there a card that lets you repeatedly shuffle spells from the graveyard back into the deck during the Main Phase? Or is Konami too smart to print that? It seems every effect is HOPT now.
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I'm glad that I get to keep matching the replay number with the day of the month. This one's probably my favorite out of the bunch. Nobody grinds like Barrel Dragon does.
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There are not. The best you could do is set up a Primal Seed loop under the effects of something like fissure or shifter.
*macro cosmos. I always get those effects mixed up
Had some thoughts about modernizing the Deck Cost formula from the early games like Duelist of the Roses. Initial thoughts are:

((ATK + (DEF / 2) / 100) + (# of Effects * 15) + (Years since Game Start * 10) + Banlist History

Note: Number of Effects does not include stuff like "You can only activate the effects of <Card Name> once per turn." or "You can only special summon <Card Name> once per turn."

Spell/Traps replace "((ATK + (DEF / 2) / 100)" with a set value based on the type of Spell Trap.
Ritual Spell: 5
Equip Spell: 10
Normal Spell: 20
Field Spell: 20
Quick-Play Spell: 25
Continuous Spell: 25

Normal Trap: 10
Continuous Trap: 15
Counter Trap: 20

Year of First Release:
1999 = 0
2000 = 1
2001 = 2
2009 = 10
2010 = 11
2011 = 12
2023 = 24
2024 = 25
2025 = 26

Banlist History (Use whatever is lowest for the card history)
Never Hit: +0
Was Once Semi-Limited: +25
Was Once Limited: +50
Was Once Banned: +100
Currently Semi-Limited on OCG or TCG list: +200
Currently Limited on OCG or TCG list: +400
Currently Banned on OCG or TCG list: +800
Currently Banned on OCG and TCG lists: +1200

Blue Eyes White Dragon:
((3000 + (2500 / 2) / 100) + (0 * 15) + (0 (First release in 1999) * 10) + 0
41.5 + 0 + 0 + 0
Deck Cost: 42

Diabellstar the Black Witch
((2500 + (2000 / 2) / 100) + (3 * 15) + (24 (First release in 2023) * 10) + 400 (Limited on OCG)
35 + 45 + 240 + 400
Deck Cost: 730

Pot of Greed
20 + (1 * 15) + (0 (First release in 1999) * 10) + 1600
20 + 15 + 0 + 1200
Deck Cost: 1235

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning:
((3000 + (2500 / 2) / 100) + (2 * 15) + (4 (First release in 2003) * 10) + 100
41.5 + 30 + 40 + 100
Deck Cost: 212

Probably some flaws in the system. I think most people would consider Maxx "C" better than Pot of Greed, but Maxx "C" is only:
Maxx "C":
((500 + (200 / 2) / 100) + (1 * 15) + (12 (First release in 2011) * 10) + 800
6 + 15 + 120 + 800
Deck Cost: 941

And it isn't the best at new releases. But it's only a rough eyeballing.
Weighting for whether an effect can be played on the opponents and your own turn would probably boost Maxx C to over PoG.

And weighing the banlist that much or not correcting it in other ways will have a set of flaws since the TCG banlist is about selling product as much as if it is "broken".
I was mostly using that part as a measure of "was this a big part of a meta deck at some point" approach rather than strictly on a basis of whether a card was broken or not. While the TCG Banlist is frequently about selling product, it tends to be used to cycle out old meta decks, so it can at least nail that somewhat decently.

Also, that part is to deal with the Pot of Greed issue. There's probably some way to weigh all the costs and effects, but this is just going for something quick and dirty.

I'll admit that it does hit recent meta pretty hard and doesn't account for new releases all too well. But with 2+ year old stuff it works a bit better, I think.
If you want to implement a DP-style system for the modern game, the easiest way would be if you could hypothetically get card usage statistics from Master Duel to establish baseline values, then maintain a Forbidden/Limited-style list that can be used to artificially adjust their DP values on a per-card basis (but of course, doesn't actually ban any cards). It wouldn't be a clean representation between MD and the TCG for this kind of thing because of how their format differs from ours, but it would be the fastest and easiest way to establish baseline values for the majority of the cards in the game.

I discussed it in length quite a number of threads back, but the basic idea would be
>Update those statistics on a monthly or bi-monthly basis
>Stores are able to save particular updates so that they can either give their players more time to update their decks (for instance, using monthly updates if it's updated bi-monthly) or feature-freeze at a particular update
>Stores also adjust their banlists locally, similar to what Heart of the Underdog does
>Any events they host that utilize the DP system can have them setting min/max values to encourage differential deckbuilding or to specifically gatekeep the events from using weaker decks

I'll need to read over what you wrote more in-depth later. I was just throwing that out there for the sake of it.
I always thought it would be best to use a Smogon-style OU/UU/RU/NU/etc system where usage stats were taken at base and then at a certain cutoff anything above that cutoff would be banned for a tier below. So "OU" is our current meta, and then if a card is used in something like 1% or 3% or 5% or 10% or whatever decks (would need to parse the data and see a natural boundary) it's banned for UU. Then you apply that same % cutoff to UU if you want another tier. Would be kind of hard to do though due to usage statistics not being universally gathered.
That creates the issue of some cards like Ash being restricted to the highest tier
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I just found a few of my preview booklets.
(pic not mine)
only interesting cards looks like 2 Toon Dark Magician Girls
This is really cool, great job, dude.
The issue with drawing from Master Duel is that it only represents the current meta and a fuckload of cards are just sitting at the .01% usage rate or lower. Similarly, various decks would be heavily overrated in the standings because of them being nostalgia picks or easy to acquire from the solo modes or store structure decks.

I will say that it would likely make sense to add one additional variable to the end of it that functions as an internal balancing number. That baseline equation forming a vaguely baseline value and that last variable gets tweaked in some way for balance within the format itself.

From what I recall, Kuchen format is trying to do that. But they've been having issues when it comes to getting enough data because they don't have an effective monopoly on things like Smogon has.
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He was really mad about that grind game.
The idea would be to also have a DP-based mode to round out the cards that basically don't see any play. If the players could set a desired DP range before queueing up, it's naturally sort out a lot of the weaker cards in the pool (or if nothing else, thin their numbers)
ME-PSY-YA is a pend monster that acts as a macro fror only S/T while in the scale if you're looking for one.
Why did it take so long for me to discover DDM on tabletop game existed. Now if only I had someone to play it with.
In the strong hopes of breaking your spirit, it plays out like crap. Just like what was demonstrated in the anime, all you need to do is zerg rush to win every game, and the RNG factor just does not feel good to play through. Konami might've wanted you to think the game plays out like Duke did, but it actually feels as horrible as Yugi felt.
>Just like what was demonstrated in the anime
And in the video games too, props to Battle Warrior for being strong as fuck in that game
Make a new boss monster for Ancient Gear to replace Chaos Ancient Gear Giant
That's what makes it good though.

>But they've been having issues when it comes to getting enough data because they don't have an effective monopoly on things like Smogon has.
Yeah, sadly that's how it was gonna be from the start. I wonder if anybody's tried to just composite master duel's, ocg tournies', and tcg tournies' data and run with it regardless?
That seems like irresponsible data analysis
But why? It's one of the most perfect boss monsters ever printed.
>4500 ATK
>gets to swing once at every monster the opponent controls
>has piercing
>shuts down monster effects in the battle phase and is immune to spells and traps
The best kind of data analysis
The boomers who play the deck hated the Arc-v cards. There's a reason all the recent support only cares about Golem. They never even printed the 2 and 3 headed fusions of Hunting Hound from the anime.
I would like to indulge you, but I agree with the other guy. It really is just the de-facto Ancient Gear boss when you get down to brass tacks. Nothing could ever appropriately replace it.
I just now realize I mixed up zone of the enders with ender's game.
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And so, our month-long Different Dimension Duel safari ends with Whips-it-out Turbo vs Whips-it-out Turbo, clashing with their measuring sticks.
Hmm, Im thinking of just main decking a 3x Super Poly package

It would be Mud, Garura and Ace Spade

I think it would clean up Malice and Ryzeal endboards decently well
What is going to be your preferred discard fodder for it?
Preferred discard fodder???? Just discard whatever.
NTA but I think a better way of asking that question is if your deck has any preferred or ideal discard fodder. Like if there's anything in your kit that you'd wanna put in the GY via Superpoly's activation, whenever that comes up.
>Ace Spade
I don't think that card works the way you think it does.
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Post the archetype you have the most sheer fun using.
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It's nothing crazy but it hits the sweetspot of being stupid fun, being competent, while also being "tricky".
It will always amuse me having to explain Synthesis when people try and threaten it. They see it happen once and think it's immune to just that type for the rest of the duel when it actually 'updates' once a turn.
Their two fusion spells are super strong.
The payoffs are near instant, there's no long drawn out combo. I add a thing, I pitch an egg and another card, I have a boss, maybe set some backrow, done.
I'm just waiting for that legacy support some day like a level 8 fusion or link 1 that helps you come back in the event that they negate your normal summoned egg.
I used to run Branded Ishizu Tearlaments Witchcrafter, with Witchcrafter as the headliner. Every play was unique in that I had to figure out how I could build a board on the spot, where at absolute worst I get Verre and Bystreet set up, and at the absolute best I ended my boards with Haine, Madame Verre, Vice-Master, Dragostapelia, Millennium-Eyes Restrict, and typically just something like Lubellion if I ever needed to touch the Branded monsters (which could be done either with BranFu or with fusion substitution via Swamp King). The other three elements of the deck were purely used for setup and extension, rarely touching any of the typical payloads you would expect when running those archetypes, so it was just a functionally pure Witchcrafter Mill/Fusion deck.

The deck was fine after the first wave of Tearlaments hits, because they weren't absolutely essential to piloting the deck. It just became more of a high-roller deck at that point and still had a Witchcrafter backbone keeping it upright. Ended up having to cut Allure of Darkness as a draw card since it was safe with the Tear girls as banish fodder for the effect, but it ultimately was still playable.

The deck was dead after Agido and Kelbek both got banned. It relied extensively on mill power since Witchcrafter likes having their stuff crapped into the GY and could play out of it by means of Genni (and before the first wave, Patronus and Masterpiece) and couldn't really take Scheiren getting limited to 1 in addition to Agido and Kelbek getting banned. It was just a mediocre Branded/Witchcrafter deck at that point, and Branded would proceed to get hit further down the line.

I will never forgive Konami for killing muh deck. I would like Scheiren to go back to 3, or at minimum 2 so that I can use her for setup.
I got pic related from packs I got for Christmas. How's Bystial Thunder Dragon these days? I tried it out on Omega a bit, but it wasn't quite clicking for me.
Nice in that you have easy access to Colossus, but otherwise doesn't really do much. Bystials just aren't strong in this particular format.
What's your weirdest archetype/series that you want to be brought back and expanded upon? For me it's vidrel. Normal pend beatdown meta deck when?
Sky Scourge. On the other hand, Norleras is pre-errata CED so he's going to get instantly banned the moment summoning him becomes a cake walk.
honestly wouldn't be surprised if they didn't consider him busted any more. At least at first. But that would be neat to see it expanded on, it's definitely notorious enough that konami could use it as a basis for a full-fledged archetype. Neat.
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Hello. This is my first time making a deck on my own since I'm a relative newbie. Game is Tag Force 4? How is it? The idea was to have an ancient gear deck where I can easily have access to all their monsters with minimal tributes while occasionally being able to summon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem for quick wins.
What are you getting off instant fusion? Likely better to play some more removal cards in its place.
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This is fake right? The holo is all over the place and the card itself is glossy.i don't even remember where I got it.
It's definitely fake because iirc Jewart hates this specific card and refuses to print it as anything but common
Structure Deck Yugi card 40 was Waboku, printed in Common rarity. Chances of it being a Counterfeit or Misprint are about equal, given that nobody in the damn world would want Waboku.

It recently got a DT rare print in 2022 if that counts, though for most cards I think that rarity just looks ugly. It works for Trap Cards though, so it has that going for it.
Weird card to have a hate boner for
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Your newest going 2nd tool
Outside of Nemleria, what deck can use this?
Not gonna lie, I wouldn't play this. Since it banishes (face-down at that) you can't trigger any of the usual discard fodder ED monsters like N'tiss, and an x+1 cost of banish for bounce isn't that great unless you have shit in hand that wants to be banished like Maliss.
Come to think of it, this is basically just Maliss support.
Actually I misread it you banish face-down from hand too, who is this card for?
Nemleria, though it looks useable in other decks that don't need the ED.
>Activation and effect cannot be negated
Such lazy card design.
Trying to come up with a 60-card pile deck and I'm wondering if I should bother including handtraps and and the other generic pieces when I'm just going to try and pitch half my deck into the graveyard anyway.
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I don't think konami will ever print a unrespondable board breaker that sends cards from the extra deck, face up, as a cost, even if you had to send 10 cards you would go plus literally every single fucking time.
>3 n'tss non-targeting pops, 1 garura draw, 1 monster and 1 spell/trap pop off of the fossils, 1 bounce from malong, 1 negate from mereologic, 1 spin from pegasus and either a neutral draw (plus potential unbricking) from ferrijit or GY disruption from omega
Tenpai got a lot of hate for being able to go second and win regardless of match ups, imagine if they could use a droplet that sent cards from the extra, they don't even need more than 5 cards from it on average.
>black rose
>samurai destroyer/ruddy rose/another bident
Yes unless it's paleo or tearlaments. 60 card plant pile runs 2-3 handtraps at three, droplet and evenly at 3, 5-6 copies of TTT (3 talents and 2 thrust most of the time) and sometimes even DRNM at 3 since even snake-eye (a bullshit nigger deck that pluses when you send its pieces to the GY) finds it hard to bounce back from it once plant link has established its board.
I figured as much. I'm intending to build a jank Darklord Despia deck and was hoping to find an excuse not to run the typical package of handtraps, but I guess I shouldn't have hoped for so much.
If there was a Ritual card that let you Ritual summon a Fusion monster by using standard Ritual rules (tribute til the level) would it be busted? It wouldn't let "this card must be fusion summoned" or whatever cards go through so might not be too bad. Are Ritual cards so easily searchable that it would be a problem or no?
Yeah, it's instant fusion with a real cost, but still a very negligible one for some decks.
>tribute the three mermaids from hand, summon the big mermaid
>tribute anything level 5, winda lock at the end of your combo
It is a different flavor of Ultimate Slayer. You trade off the type-specific absolute priority and any floating effects you can get from whatever you dump, but it works on absolutely any card in the game. My only real concern with it is "those cards." If that's not a mistranslation and I'm remembering correctly (please correct me if I'm wrong), that would mean it could fizzle if any of those targets leave the field.

"Activation and effect cannot be negated" isn't the same as "Neither player can respond to this card". Similarly to The Revived Sky God for instance, you can still continue chaining effects in response to the card's activation. You just cannot stop it from happening after it starts. Those kinds of cards are like, fine, especially if the above was applicable.
Winda has to be fusion summoned so it wouldn't work and it looks like rulkallos at least won't get to float as it needs to be fusion summoned to summon from its sent to gy effect. Maybe not too bad then after all?
kaleidoheart would work without problems tho it seems yeah
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I did it, it looks ass, wish me luck boys.
its shit
Instant Fusion is there as a safe guard. If I don't get gear town or terra forming, I can still tribute summon. If I get IF and gear town, I can summon Ancient Gear Golem immediately
you can't ritual summon a non ritual monster
They are pretty close to it. It's only a 1 card send, but Ultimate Slayer does have its send from ED to GY as part of the cost.
It would be substantially broken unless you had a lot of restrictions on the card, yes. It would also likely spawn a genocidal banlist in the wake of stuff like Last Warrior and Mirrorjade suddenly becoming spammable. Obviously not the only targets in the game, but two that immediately come to mind.
>Are Ritual cards so easily searchable that it would be a problem or no?
They live and die off of generic ritual searchers, yes. Every single Ritual deck in the game runs Preparation and Prepreparation of Rites because it puts the spells and monsters in their hand.

One small detail as well, but as another anon mentioned, you can't Ritual Summon a Fusion Monster. You can emulate the mechanic by Special Summoning them like a Ritual Monster and treating it as a Ritual Summon.

Advanced Polymerization Art
>[Ritual Spell Card]
Activate one of the following effects
● Ritual Summon 1 Ritual Monster from your hand or GY, by tributing monsters from your hand or field whose combined levels equal or exceed the level of the Ritual Monster that you Ritual Summon.
● Special Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck, by tributing monsters from your field whose combined levels equal or exceed twice the level of the Fusion Monster that you Special Summon (this is treated as a Fusion Summon)
You can only activate 1 "Advanced Polymerization Art" per turn.

Something along those lines.
Despia Darklord was shit years ago. It won't be able to compete nowadays at all.
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They should make more DM and GX reprint boxes. I'm about to run out of boxes and I really enjoyed drafting them with my friends. Soon all I have will be 5 boxes of spell ruler. Gimme labyrinth of nightmare, dark crisis, legacy of darkness and magicians force :(
Cyber dragons need just ONE more ALIN reveal to be meta
Honestly, Ancient Gear Dark Golem makes for a surprisingly decent boss. No, it's not a huge fuckoff Towers that one-shots, but it'll be a consistent presence on your field that also extends your plays. I know most people don't tend to think of extenders as boss monsters, but Dark Golem enables you to go wide and will often be the finishing blow just by virtue of being a 3k attack asshole backed up by a small army of clockwork golems.
Yeah but pure Darklord isnt that good either, I'm just trying to have fun at low ranks.
I want to get into this game but I have no clue where to start, there aren't stores near me so I would have to play online and I don't know which of those clients would be best to use. And after that I don't know how to actually learn the game and then after that I don't know how I would go about making a deck. Is there a guide walking me through each of these so I can go from someone who doesn't know anything to someone who can make their own deck
Three copies of the Traptrix pack are a good start
>Which client
If you're okay with the Discord integration, Omega is a pretty nice client that has casual matchmaking and a ranked ladder. Only real problem is that the client is susceptible to strange bugs at times-- not so commonplace that you'll see them every duel, but that can put a damper on gameplay until they're fixed (which, if reported, typically doesn't take very long).

If you're not okay with the Discord integration, you can use Edopro instead. Tried and true program, has proper lobbies and everything, but no matchmaking. The client is also pretty outdated visually, but that isn't a problem that a few mods couldn't solve.

If you want to put yourself through the wringer and tolerate gacha and bad formats, try Master Duel.
You can't just mash 2 different decks with no consistency and expect them to work as a 60 card pile deck though.
Why can't you ritual summon a fusion monster? If you can generically special summon them or pendulum summon them if they're pend fusions, then why not literally write out "Ritual Summon 1 Fusion Monster"? Where's the precedence for not being able to mix monster card types' fusions?
*chuckles in Fiendsmith Azamina White Forest feat. Toybox engine* HOWEVER...
>If you can generically special summon them or pendulum summon them if they're pend fusions, then why not literally write out "Ritual Summon 1 Fusion Monster"?
You can do that because they are Pendulum Monsters. Pendulum Summons can be performed with any face-up Pendulum Monster in your extra deck, including those cards. Here's a snippet from page 17 of the manual on Pendulum Summoning
>Check the Pendulum Scales on the sides of your 2 Pendulum Monster Cards, then Special Summon as many monsters as you want from your hand and as many faceup Pendulum Monsters from your Extra Deck, whose Levels are in between those Pendulum Scales.
Hence they gain that attribute by virtue of being two different monster card types at once, and more specifically because they are face-up pendulum monsters in the extra deck.

>Where's the precedence for not being able to mix monster card types' fusions?
Every single card in the game that special summons monsters and treats them as their appropriate summoning types. There is a long-established precedence that you can perform Special Summons that treat themselves as the appropriate summoning types, regardless of the procedure that goes into said summons.
Edison Format seems like the best stepping stone to get into the game from what I've seen. It's a retro format which plays like a simplified version of the modern game.
But you can also special summon without treating it as a proper fusion/synchro/xyz/link/whatever summon also, and that's never an issue. Is the argument here literally just
>Never been done before
Because that's what it sounds like.
>and that's never an issue.
It is, because in those such cases they haven't been properly summoned and thus you cannot special summon them from locations such as the GY or banishment. You cannot use <Lyna the Light Charmer, Lustrous> to special summon a <Hugin the Runick Wings> that your opponent special summons by the effect of <Runick Tip>, because Hugin was not properly special summoned and thus cannot be revived when it leaves the field. The same basic principle applies to Nouvelles monsters special summoning oneanother.

The thing is that in those cases, they are not performing summons that are incompatible with their summon types. Everything in the game can be Special Summoned, as long as they do not explicitly restrict that. Fusion Monsters cannot be Ritual Summoned, because they are not Ritual Monsters. You can emulate the procedures that go into (standard) Ritual Summons to Special Summon them, but in that case, it would either be treated as an improper Special Summon (in which case the first body of text would apply here), or it would explicitly treat it as a proper summon in the card text.
>When you special summon them improperly, it makes them less effective.
>But you can still do it.
>The only way you can't do it is if it explicitly says you can't.
Great so far, exactly what I wanted to hear about non-traditional Ritual summoning.
>The thing is that in those cases, they are not performing summons that are incompatible with their summon types. Everything in the game can be Special Summoned, as long as they do not explicitly restrict that. Fusion Monsters cannot be Ritual Summoned, because they are not Ritual Monsters.
But there's nothing stating they can't be Ritual summoned. It's just that there's never been a card printed that crosses summoning types like that.
>You can emulate the procedures that go into (standard) Ritual Summons to Special Summon them, but in that case, it would either be treated as an improper Special Summon (in which case the first body of text would apply here), or it would explicitly treat it as a proper summon in the card text.
Or, it could just read:
>Ritual summon 1 Fusion monster
And immediately be fine because there's nothing stopping it from happening as there are no rules explicitly against it.
>But there's nothing stating they can't be Ritual summoned. It's just that there's never been a card printed that crosses summoning types like that.
Yes, because they already have a process for if they want to bend the rules. Those bases are already covered and there is no incentive for them to start doing that. What exactly would it add to the game?

I don't even know why I'm having this conversation with you, given that you've demonstrated that you don't understand basic game mechanics and don't even know the state of current ritual decks. I'm not entertaining any more of your nonsense.
You are being autistic and saying "can't happen cus uh they can't do it!!!" even though there's literally nothing wrong with it per the examples you gave
You're the one stamping your feet and saying that it can happen while refusing explanations for why it cannot. What you are basically describing is if Duality-- a card that effectively simulates the act of Ritual Summoning-- performed a Ritual Summon instead of a Special Summon. The only thing that would be accomplished by what you want is a total breakdown of the game's cohesion, just because you don't want to say (This is treated as a Fusion Summon) in the card text.
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>just because you don't want to say (This is treated as a Fusion Summon)
I don't think you're understanding. Your explanations are the following:
>you can't Ritual Summon a Fusion Monster. You can emulate the mechanic by Special Summoning them like a Ritual Monster and treating it as a Ritual Summon.
TL: "You can't do this by the way."
>Every single card in the game that special summons monsters and treats them as their appropriate summoning types. There is a long-established precedence that you can perform Special Summons that treat themselves as the appropriate summoning types, regardless of the procedure that goes into said summons.
TL: Most of the time (but not all the time) they're treated as an appropriate summon type. This is how it's been for the history of the game; there is no precedence otherwise.
>It is, because in those such cases they haven't been properly summoned and thus you cannot special summon them from locations such as the GY or banishment.
TL: Special Summoning instead of appropriately Fusion Summoning creates a situation where it makes the card less versatile by limiting what it can do. It has precedence in occurring, though.
>The thing is that in those cases, they are not performing summons that are incompatible with their summon types.
TL: It's just a generic special summon, so it's different.
>Everything in the game can be Special Summoned, as long as they do not explicitly restrict that.
TL: A summon can occur as long as it's not explicitly prohibited by the card. (my note: This is the crux of my argument here. No fusion monsters SAY they can't be Ritual summoned. Ritual cards just never say they can summon Fusion monsters.
>Fusion Monsters cannot be Ritual Summoned, because they are not Ritual Monsters.
TL: they can't because they can't. You can't [x] summon a [y] monster, because that's never been done before.
>You can emulate the procedures that go into (standard) Ritual Summons to Special Summon them, but in that case, it would either be treated as an improper Special Summon (in which case the first body of text would apply here), or it would explicitly treat it as a proper summon in the card text.
TL: You could easily circumvent this if you wanted to to make your card work regardless by the way (my note: This is true obviously, but I'm saying that it's not necessary.)
>Yes, because they already have a process for if they want to bend the rules.
TL: Konami is either unable or unwilling to print a card that employs a mechanic in a novel (as in dictionary-definition "new") way. (my note: This is obviously wrong with the entire history of the game.)

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Maxx "Choo"
I think it would be really fun if injection fairy lily got a new archetype based around it. Bonus if it includes tribe infecting virus.
You're very clearly unwilling to accept that you are wrong. Go fuck off to whatever youtube comment section you came from.
Don't put words in my mouth like you put cocks in yours you petulant faggot
Nigga I am telling you that your argument boils down to little if nothing. You're saying it's not possible because it's never been done before, it has no precedence, it's got workarounds already previously used... Are you claiming that's NOT what you said? Are you trying to imply some incoherent, esoteric subtext that I was meant to infer some grander design? No, you said:
>This doesn't work because it's never been done before.
>They're different card types, it's never worked like that.
>You can't mix summoning (except for when you can).
>You can't just write it down and use it rules-as-written, you HAVE to do a workaround, Konami would NEVER print a card that says that.
Unless they decided to lol, and it would just work because you can already summon them another way and it already has alternate rules for doing so. lol
>konami prints new card
>This card can be used to Ritual Summon any Fusion Monster. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Fusion Monster you Ritual Summon."
Let's go
>throw it in a deck seeing how broken I can make it
>start a duel, cool got it in the starting hand
>play it
>card explodes
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OK lads, hear me out.
Minn "C"

If Maxx "C" maximises your hand, Minn "C" minimizes it. Discard one every time the opponent SS's.

What do you mean? Say they have something like a Ryzeal Detonator that I need to get around and no other target to fuse with, I set a monster on my field and fuse my set monster with their Detonator.
This entire conversation is retarded.
You cannot do a fusion/ritual summon for any other monster type. A mechanic ACTING like another one is possible but you have to stipulate it in words rather than being a hacky and lazy fuck and saying it's a ritual summon. If you want to make it a fusion monster result then just make the fucking materials that and just call it a fusion summon then you retarded fuck. Im gonna solve this in 2 seconds.
>Retarded faggot CaCer
Congrats I made a fusion monster that functions like a ritual without doing something fucking stupid like making a wordy spell or fusion monster. It works for regular fusion summoning conditions.
You're retarded for both not being able to figure this out and for insisting something you have no basis for should exist.

If you wanted to make a fusion spell that cheats any fusion but at the cost of levels you just make it special summon the resulting monster but then just add the text (this is treated as a fusion summon). You will basically be required to rewrite the ritual summoning mechanic on the card in order to function properly. You DO NOT need to say ritual summon anywhere on the card because ritual monsters aren't involved at all.
There's literally nothing wrong with making it a bona fide Ritual Summon except that it's never been done before. Why go through the hoops of making it act like it when you can literally write it that way ver batim and it's fine? If they released an archetype next pack that featured this as a gimmick, where you could Ritual Summon their Fusion monsters and their Ritual card just said "Ritual Summon 1 Fusion Monster" It's not like your head would explode. There's no need to defend it like it'll break the game.
It is either the case that it would be treated as an improper summon and thus it would functionally be no different than just writing Special Summon on the card, or you're trying to treat them as proper summons which the game already has covered with that parenthetical (this is treated as a Fusion Summon) which makes it a proper summon. All it would accomplish is invention problems that didn't need to exist in the first place, and making the game even more confusing to most players.
No but they'll never do that because that's fucking stupid and they would rather adapt it in the text AS EVERYONE ELSE IS SAYING AS WELL. Your execution is lazy at best.
You're a moron and experiencing the dunning kruger effect.
Are they short printing the staples in rarity collections? I literally got more QCR cards than Staples in all 3 collections
>Have new fusion monster
>Lists off that it has an effect if Ritual Summoned
>it can still be fusion summoned or cheated out with a normal special summon
>but can get that effect now from Ritual Summoning it
there's your use case, no extra verbiage necessary to sate your autism.
why wasn't polymerization given its own spell card type anyway if ritual spells have their own type
The very beginning of the concept is wrong from the outset.
Improper methods to summon something is just refered to as special summoning, NOT AS SOME OTHER MECHANIC. Sometimes they even follow that up with a parenthetical that treats that special summon as something but that's to fix an issue, not make more.
The reason you're a retard is because you don't want to acknowledge the existing framework for doing this exact thing exists, as described by everyone else, but you're dead set on doing it the wrong way.
I think it'll be a while before we get sexy nurse/doctor staff/injection/plague/sickness stuff. You know, with covid and all.
Do you want it? Then the TCG will make it expensive.
You're mad that I'm not following the made-up rule in your head.
Why not just make the effect happen when fusion summoned and have the card text of the spell do the ritual-summon-like level shit or just have the materials on the fusion monster ask for levels of the materials?
There's no reason for ritual summoning to be involved here.
You're trying to eat soup with a fork.
>Made up rules
Fuck off retard.
In that hypothetical scenario, the card would indicate that it could be Ritual Summoned in spite of being a Fusion Monster on the card, similarly to how Pendulum/Xyz hybrids indicate that they can be Pendulum Summoned in spite of not having levels.

Again, everything you are suggesting already has more intuitive solutions in the game. All you're doing is inviting needless confusion to already-established systems.
Moreover, if you're changing the argument to having Fusion Monsters that can also be Fusion Summoned, contrary to a Spell Card that can Special Summon a Fusion Monster using the same procedures as a Ritual Monster, it would also be more intuitive to do what Pendulum/Hybrid monsters do in just having two separate card types (IE a Ritual/Fusion monster). Everyone would hate it, but it would work with substantially less confusion.
>Fusion that can be Fusion'd
* Fusion that can be Ritual'd
ritual summoning fusion monster guy here: I concede, I mean I still think it would be fine but yeah I guess it would also be more intuitive to go with the more standard suggestions.
2019-2021 makes me mad every time I think of it with how stupid everyone suddenly became. Regardless, I do think it would be neat though, it's a classic card with an effect that's really easy to make a new archetype revolve around. I also really like the tribe infection virus inclusion, it's a natural mixture between 2 classic cards. Could easily have some card art of the lizard people waiting in line for a shot with the injection fairies making smalltalk or something.
So what's the deal with the price spike on Fighting Flame Sword?
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>detaches a material to destroy a dinosaur in your hand or field, then switches a card to attack/defense
>destroys itself at the start of the damage step to boost another dino by 2k
Problem is, dinos don't start their plays with 2 level 4's, so this isn't good as an extender or a plan B if your shit gets ash'd. And if we're getting more dino support, and this is just a sneak peek, then dinos are STILL going to rely on 2-card combos to start their plays, because i doubt we're getting a level 4 dino that searches a baby and then e-tele's another level 4 dino to the field.
>going first Maxx C
I'm not 100% convinced this is actually good tbph
Straight up ass.
>have to go first always and establish your board
>then on the opponent's turn you discard this, get the maxx c effect, and then... hope you draw into nothing but handtraps (trains lack consistency, so you won't be running more than 6, maybe 9 of them, not to mention that the deck likes to go second with boardbreakers to OTK)
At least Double Headed Anger Knuckle is always live :^)
The Master Duel try out duel 30 second time limit is interesting in how it punishes having quick effect cards, I almost timed out trying to get a basic Horus board out because I was wasting precious seconds not activating Crossout Designator every time I activated a card.
I also see people trying to play Tenpai and it doesn't seem to be working out, they just don't have the time to press the buttons as much as they need to for it to work.
XYZ summoning a Synchro monster to get the overlay
Normal Summoning a Fusion monster
Pendulum Summoning your Link monsters from the face-down ED
Why aren't you guys doing this?
You can absolutely play Tenpai in 30 seconds. Its just the average Tenpai player is a mouthbreathing retard.
Sorry anon, I'm too busy link summoning my fusion ritual monster.
Any recommendations for a Blue Eyes Deck with the February support?
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Taking all the discussion in this thread into consideration, I have made the ultimate Train support.
Three structures plus one blazar, one sifr (whtever the fuck its called, the other level 10 stardust) and one crimson dragon should be enough for a budget deck, the primite cards spiked in price so it's a iirc $150 investment plus however much beryl is going to cost (we already know it's a secret, so expect a shorprinted 30 dollar card)
Oh and if you want magia, it's a 700 dollar card.
I see. Between the two Kisaras with blue-eyes, which one would provide the greater consistency? I like the Maiden with Blue Eyes.
Living in Germany so that beast is hovering somewhere between 400 euros minimum for me.
There's basically no reason to run Maiden with Eyes of Blue when Maiden of White is a straight upgrade.
She is a one card starter that can end on True Light on the field and Ultimate Spirit Dragon or any light dragon synchro.
Ah a shame. Maiden turned my matches around beautifully at times. Thanks for the rundown though, I appreciate it
Sorry if I sound like an investerino when I say this but you'll probably wanna jump on Crimson Dragon if you're building a budget build. It's currently a $15 card and I don't know what that translates to in germoney, but it'll probably spike after the Primite cards drop. Primite BEWD is strong enough that it's high meta in the OCG at the moment, so you don't wanna have to deal with grabbing essentials in the event that it also takes over the TCG. Of course, I could be completely off the mark, but Crimson Dragon is a good card in general to have.
The name made me kek
Sifr is correct, yes.
What is a set I can buy that would act as a storage for the cards I’m not putting in my binder? The equivalent to Pokémon’s Elite Trainer Box. I saw the “Legendary Collection 25th Anniversary Box” but I don’t know how big it is.
Any of the end-of-year reprint tins is enough for 2 rows of unsleeved cards if you're going for max bulk storage.
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Is this one of the tins you’re talking about? “25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors”
Yeah, they print tins like that at the end of every year.
About how many cards roughly can you store in one of those tins?
four decks and their extra decks so
220+ sleeved cards
Depends on how much you pack it. If you're cramming all of your bulk in without any sleeves, you can basically completely fill it to the point that you effectively have a tin brick (that's full of cardboard).
Sounds good. I ordered the tin. I already have a side-loading binder that contains some cards I got from Shonen Jump magazines, so I’m ready to start collecting.
When is the new extra deck monster card type coming
we even got a new monster type (illusion) that I missed the reveal of but normally we get those with new monster card types
come ooooon konami give us something new
We don't need one. Riffing off of the conversation from earlier, I'd actually like to see dual-type extra deck monsters outside of pendulum monsters. Ritual/Fusion and Xyz/Synchros would be neat. You can just inherently treat the cards as both for rulings.
Just use Links. Links can do anything: >>94739362
>We don't need one.
>Just use Links.
How boring. Yes, we do need one, because I'm bored without something new to spice the game up. Although yeah newer dual-card-type monsters would be quite cool, I'd be happy with that.
What about Dual-Type Monsters? Something like Dark Simorgh where it's also counted as a WIND monster but for Monster Types instead?
I think there are a couple that do that already right? I can't remember off the top of my head which ones though
Probably only a single gimmick card with some kind of special summoning restriction
We aren’t getting a new extra deck monster card type. The next new card type konami is adding are deck masters
There's some that can change or gain types but it really hasn't served a role in the history of the game. It's not like in MTG where it would help you apply to "anthem" cards or other tribal decks. IE If a card says you get +1/1 for being a Fish and +1/1 for being a Wizard you get both those bonuses.
We dont see a ton of super generic type based support now despite them trying to drum some up like Tri-B., RIP (reptile, insect, plant), PMC (psychic, machine, cyberse), ASF (aqua, seaserpent, fish), and DDWS (dragon, dino, wyrm, sea serpent).
Like the best we would get out of them would be being searchable off more generic searches like ROTA or Cynet mining. There's a few other ideas I could come up with but here's a question for you: Aren't archetypes basically a 2nd type to cards already?
Like a card that specifically asks of you to look for a "pyro that's also a reptile" could also just say look for a "Snake-eye name and pyro" (for the sake of example pretend snake eyes are pyro/reptile).
At the very least it gives us more flavor like the above example being able to describe snake-eyes as pyro reptiles.
They can do anything except be ritual, fusion, synchro, xyz, and pendulum monsters. Try to keep up, anon.
If you're bored then try decks that aren't functionally bog standard. There's a rich tapestry of off-meta decks in the game that go completely unnoticed by most players because they hyperfixate on the meta and decks surrounding it.
Why is A Bao A Qu, the Lightless Shadow already estimated to be atleast 80 bucks?
It's really good and rare. Konami knows how to scientifically make expensive broken shit now.
Presale prices are always inflated and the card is getting printed in high rarity. It will probably dip to $50 or $40 shortly after release.
Because it's a $1 ocg card that sees a decent amount of play, so KoA bumped up its rarity. Also SUDA is a pretty shit set so not as many people will be opening packs.
They didn't think ahead and never decided it was worth correcting. They should have been, but it's far too late now.
Probably a really stupid question but in Master Duel when I play a link monster that requires "2+" material and I have 3 eligible material on the board why does it make me use all 3? If it requires 3 material why doesn't it just say so?
You also need the numbers to add up. If you're trying to make a L4 for example, you'd need a L3 + 1 more body to do it with only 2 monsters.
Or 2 L2s, but you get the point. If you're trying to do it with a L2 and another random monster you can only make a L3 or another L2.
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I see. It can encourage using link monsters to link up into link boss monsters instead of goodstuff.
If you use 4 Sangan to make Accesscode I'm calling the judge.
They would stand and clap because I entered a gamestate where I could summon Accesscode with 4 Sangan
3 are yours, the 4th was your opponent's.
>Snuck 3 sangan into my deck
Damn, he's even more of a cheater than I thought.
Cydras aren’t getting anything else
Ok, thanks.
I’m considering sleeping all of my cards regardless of rarity. Anyone else do this?
I also do this with Super Rare onward
No. The longer you collect, the more infeasible this becomes. I just follow the criteria of
>is it bulk?
>is it seeing play?
>if "no" to the above, does it have a deck associated with it?
>does it have some quantifiable value (personal, financial, gameplay)?
If the answer to any of those is "yes" (besides being bulk), it gets the sleeve.
>The longer you collect, the more infeasible this becomes
For storage reasons? Sleeves aren’t that pricey.
After a certain point you reach a threshold where the quantity is as such that it's not worth your time nor money to sleeve the cards. If it's a small collection then it doesn't really matter, but when you start getting into the thousands in terms of card count, you just sleeve what has some quantifiable/abstract value and toss everything else into a bulk box.
That system works fine until you open an all-foil set. At which point it completely destroys that system. And considering we're getting several of them now with the Rarity Collections and I assume you're probably opening a good amount of them considering how good the set is at face value you're going to run out of sleeves very quickly.
Every 12 packs you open is going to eat an entire box of 60 sleeves. Meaning it's going to eat 2 boxes of sleeves per a box of those rarity collections. A good number of those cards won't have a tangible value of some sort to them so at that point I just be asking myself why am I spending an extra $20 to 30 for opening them.
Like the other anon before said I follow a very similar principle, if the card has any sort of tangible value I'll give them at least a penny sleeve. But beyond that I'm not wasting a sleeve on like a 5 cent SR I will never play, like, or acknowledge.
It's gonna be pricey once you want to sleeve the things you might use
Anyone here into custom cards/archetypes being just yapping about it once or twice? I feel like yugioh, for some reason, has a dearth of people interested in custom stuff.
There are plenty of us lurking around, but around here, it seems like you either make yourself a target of heckling or get flat-out ignored if you bring it up.
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This thread has threadly CaCs and is generally more open to it than other boards, for better or worse. This (>>94760491) only really happens if you make a bad card/mechanic and then get really defensive about it, or alternatively flood the thread like that guy that makes his NERF Wars shit. Gotta do everything in moderation.

Pic related was a series I wrote up when Illusion monsters were fresh. The Illusionists were all about weaponizing certain game mechanics (my favorite being Gemini Illusionist) while the other two were based on their flavor text as normal monsters.
This thread is just so slow that it's really easy to hijack it, intentionally or not
What's the game-plan for these illusionists? I get it if it's not meant to be a coherent series/archetype but I'm not sure why anyone would run them really. Though I agree that the Gemini is really neat, I love the idea of doing an inappropriate summon like that to get it treated as a different monster type, good stuff.
They were designed with being packfiller in mind, similar to Nightmare Magician's role and many other Illusion monsters. It is my firm belief that Illusion monsters are the perfect packfiller cards. You could probably make Pendulum Illusionist work as a janky card in Snake-Eye or something though.
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Holy fuck. This is just as broken as the GBA game version.
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Help me out here.
>Gunkan Suship Catch-of-the-Day
"[...] reveal 1 "Gunkan" Xyz Monster from your Extra Deck, and your opponent declares 1 "Gunkan" monster's card name, except "Gunkan Suship Shari", that is mentioned on any "Gunkan" Xyz Monster [...]"
>Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought
is a "Gunkan" Xyz Monster that says:
"[...] You can only use this effect of "Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought" once per turn."

If my opponent activates Catch-of-the-Day and makes me declare a "Gunkan" monster's card name, what's stopping me from declaring the Xyz monster's name seeing as it
1) is a "Gunkan" monster that has a card name
b) is mentioned on a "Gunkan" Xyz Monster
Γ) is not named "Gunkan Suship Shari"

Like it's right here highlighted on the "Gunkan" Xyz Monster's card.
>Number text got nuked

"mentioned on <card>" refers specifically to the effects. The text "You can only use this effect of "Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought" once per turn" is not an effect-- it is a condition.

I will post a machine translation of the card's japanese text for clarification.


2 Level 4 Monsters
You can only use the (1) effect of this card's name once per turn.
(1): When this card is successfully Xyz Summoned, you can activate this effect. The following effects apply depending on the monster used as material for that Xyz Summon.
● "Gunkan Suship Shari": Draw 1 card from your Deck.
● "Gunkan Suship Ikura": This card can attack twice during each Battle Phase.
(2): Once per turn, when your "Gunkan" monster Special Summoned from your Extra Deck inflicts battle damage to your opponent, you can activate this effect by targeting 1 card on your opponent's field. Destroy that card.

There's two angles you can look at this, and I like bringing up this tidbit of information because I love bitching about the TCG's formatting; On one hand, the OCG makes a strong distinction between what are conditions and what are effects, based on which text is and isn't numbered. If it isn't numbered, it isn't an effect, and a card needs to be mentioned in the effect to mention a card.

On the other hand, the OCG also states "this card's name" and not "Gunkan Suship Ikura-class Dreadnought"
okay that's cool and all but I'm talking about the English game, since it's an English printing of a card not ching chong ping pong.
Since its English name is a part of its summoning condition in English, it is mentioned on its own card.
Sorry, allow me a moment to fetch my thesaurus so that I can dumb down my post for someone of your intellectual level
>mup da doo didda po mo gub dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga
>ayo hol up
>*smacks lips*
>iz u tellin me
>dat we
>wuz NOT
>mentioned in this effect????
Where is the best place to buy booster packs? I got my Dueling Mirrors tin from Amazon but Amazon doesn’t sell individual booster packs.
The other non is 100% correct but there's also a second and very simple reason you cannot name it. Let's say it hypothetically did mention its own name in the card text in a proper way such as "all [this card's name] gain 100atk". You cannot add an XYZ monster from deck to hand so it's an illegal name to pick. Even though there is a failsafe condition to the card for no-targets-found, you're attempting to pick something that would result in an improper/illegal action.
>inb4 but if you bounce an ED guy it goes to ED then.
This is not a mechanic that works both ways, the rules do an override for those bounces.
An easier example is you cannot use the card True Name to declare ED monsters. ED mondter can never be expect to exist there so it's an illegal call.
I know someplaces have it coded or rather a lack of preventing such like being full manual sims or in paper. But it's not actually legal.
I WILL EAT MY JUDGE ID WRITTEN ON A COPY OF TRUE NAME (ON VIDEO) IF THIS PASSES A NATS OR HIGHER LEGAL HEADJUDGE SAYING YES. Call Suship Dreadnought (by full name to make sure it's no mistake) to cause me extra autism damage.
The packs alone are not a real product so they wouldn't be an item you can buy from amazon outside individuals being some-guy-in-his-basement storefronts.
But you can on TCGplayer from some-guy-in-his-basement. A little bit more trustworthy at the very least.
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>The packs alone are not a real product
What do you mean? I was thinking you might be able to grab something like pic related at a GameStop or Target. I haven’t been to either in years though. But yeah, that TCGplayer link is what I’m talking about.
yeah they never sold those, that was only something on tv
Thank you, it has been eon since I have seen a post of this quality and culture. Please keep up our dying art form.
>I was thinking you might be able to grab something like pic related at a GameStop
I was planning on getting some but then I remembered that GameStop has closed down in my country since yesterday.
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First pack I opened in decades
The only way these officially come is as a set of 3 in the tin. These loose packs are not an official way they are sold and it's just a type of listing they're choosing to make.
As you can see, not a ton of names selling them this way but at least those few have quite a stock. STRANGE HOW THEIR STOCKS ARE (or are super close) MULTIPLES OF THREE. 30, 24, 3, 6 and close 8(9), 2(3). The only slight outliar is 28
Can I use Konami Sleeves if I use outer sleeves? I like the quality of the stuff like Dragon Shield but the Konami ones have the cooler designs.
Rephrasing: Can I use Konami Sleeves if I use outer sleeves on top of it?
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There's nothing that would prevent you from doing so in a tournament setting if that's the question you're asking.
Cool, thanks
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The end of Diabell
The story actually got a happy, albeit somewhat bittersweet ending. Konami is changing.
Yugiboomer here, what nostalgia bait will they have for us? I am still pissed that I missed out on pre-ordering the 25th anniversary Kaiba briefcase
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