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Can we have a thread about the Dark Coil verse? I don't want to derail /40kg/. I think it's the best BL fiction alongside Dan and Wraight. Favorite book/story? And what the FUCK happened on Sarastus?
yes Peter Fehevari is legitimately the best writer BL has landed in desu. And he has the most interesting depictions of chaos by far. Probably the only person at Warhammer who "gets" horror/terror. I get the feeling he wrote what he wanted and is satisfied, so I wouldn't expect more from him. but wow, what a streak. I particularly like him writing tau encountering a genesteler cult and having a little "oh okay I understand why the imperium is like that" moment.

I also enjoyed him having steampunk confederates as protagonists and making that feel completely natural and not especially "special"
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He's coming out with a new book in February, I believe.

But yeah, he's the best writer at GW at the moment, though some of his prose is a little awkward. First Black Library book I've read was Requiem Infernal. Picked it up on a whim when I saw the cover. He does an excellent job of depicting Chaos and world building. It feels like we're looking into a small corner of a place we're not supposed to be in.

The Reverie was good. It was more straight-forward than his other novels, so it's an excellent jumping off point for people unfamiliar with 40k. Slaanesh is likely the main antagonist (arguments could be made for any of the Chaos Gods, however) but it's not murderfucking drug hobos like other depictions of Slaanesh. It's focused more on art, poetry, and the accumulation of precious things. Eventually this leads to wanting "precious people," and the marines having strange relationships with who they collect.
What book is the best to start reading Dark Coil?
Currently going through Fire Caste again at the moment, I just made the connection of Modine being the Slug Emperor in Requiem Infernal when Jonah travels to a swamp like forested world.
It's a little out of date but this sort of collects reading orders. You're best starting off with one part of the Dark Coil and sticking with it until it ends, at which point you'll pick up another part of the coil and start it, until it ends.
I didn't "get" Nightshift Nineteen.
I had not even heard about this before this thread. It seems right up my alley.
What's the elevator pitch?
"What if 40k had books that were written by a competent science fiction author?"
But I want to read about farts, poop and space marines integrating the genes of the women they ritually cannibalize into their own in order to learn what it feels like to be female.
If they hadn't killed off Kubrick for Eyes Wide Shut, it would have been his next movie.
That's enough for me
I mean, Ian Watson was pretty much the last time prior to Fehervari that an established science fiction author got to write 40k
>What's the elevator pitch?
Cosmic horror, body horror, actually scary writing, excellent characters, tons of connecting threads that don't feel forced, variety of story content.
Fehevari wasn't an established author though. he'd never written before and he's only written for bl. he's a TV editor though I never looked into what he's worked on
Ah. I could have sworn i saw something of his that wasn't Warhammer in a used book store. Maybe it was Adrian Tchaikovsky? I vaguely remember it being someone who wrote genestealers
Dumping some short stories for the Fehervari thread.
Despite the cover, that one is mostly not about Tau
But this one is
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And here he is writing Chaos directly
that was a good read, more of that?
I have fucking brain damage. I read BL in the OP and thought Boys Love, jesus christ. I will be bathing with my toaster tomorrow fellas.
Must be about Starfighter pilots.
Cosmic horror, great characters and world building. He makes the setting feel big and lived in, like a real place and Chaos this phenomenon that worms it's way into your psyche...or is it just your delusions that attracts Chaos...or are you just insane? It's a nice break from space demigods shooting red angry demons while the battlefield explodes around them.

I didn't either, but it thought about it a lot wondering if there's more to it. So, mission accomplished I guess.
Since were on the topic of 40k books I gotta ask about sci-fi franchise supplementary books.
I've noticed a drop in quality in sci-fi franchise adjacent books.
Compare a lot of the Star Wars Legends books (there are a few stinkers though) of the past to what is being pumped out and you see a pattern in quality drop.
Does GW just not give a shit about whether the writers care about 40k and just want automatons cranking out books? I wouldn't be surprised if a disgruntled writer at BL decides to stick a wrench in 40k lore just to spite his situation of being stuck as a 40k writer when he doesn't want to be one.
>Does GW just not give a shit about whether the writers care about 40k and just want automatons cranking out books?
>Does GW just not give a shit about whether the writers care about 40k and just want automatons cranking out books?
Yeah, but the automata have to have the right politics, ie: They mustn't be a controversial soul with an ounce of spine.
In addition to what other anons have said, "The Dark Coil" wasn't an official name. It's just what people started calling Fehevari's stories because they all have clues to each other, coiled up in layers of conspiracy and esoteric knowledge. His writing feels very in-universe, like it's written by someone living in the 41st. Millennium trying to narrate a novel. While his stories aren't direct sequels to one another, you can find things written in one novel alluding to another. One example is a boy in Requiem Infernal is hinted at becoming a Librarian for the Angels Resplendent chapter and that's part of why that chapter has a run-in with Chaos in The Reverie. But neither of these things is said outright because warp fuckery prevents you from knowing which book takes place first.

Editors at Black Library only edit for things like spelling and punctuation, then move on. They don't edit to improve the story like editors are supposed to. It's similar to how George Lucas had his wife edit his scripts for the original trilogy, but then we saw what happened with the prequels when he had no one to tell him "no." As much as I like him, this is obvious even with Fehevari. Some of his prose and word choice is awkward. Like he realized he was getting too repetitive with a certain phrase, so he busted out the thesaurus to try and change his words up. But this just leads to clunky sentences and if BL were a real publisher of merit, an editor would provide him with feedback on this.

lol rent-free.
Not everybody can be as based as Disney and have their popular children's comics preach race realism, the necessity of the racial struggle to secure a future for your race and the absolute need for racial segregation.
>Some of his prose and word choice is awkward. Like he realized he was getting too repetitive with a certain phrase, so he busted out the thesaurus to try and change his words up.
I'm ok this with this approach compared to the some Black Library books I've read. Take a shot every time you read "Character said" in the Bile trilogy and not only will you die of alcohol poisoning, you'll make taking 4-5 shots in the span of a conversation.
>I wouldn't be surprised if a disgruntled writer at BL decides to stick a wrench in 40k lore just to spite his situation of being stuck as a 40k writer when he doesn't want to be one.
I think a BL writer got fired for saying on xitter that he would make marines castrated or something like that. He was basically threatening the lore and cash cow of GW.
Does Peter think warhammer is satire?
I've been shilling this dude every time someone asks about WH books since I read Fire Caste. Really enjoyed it and Vanguard.
The latter made me read Skitarius which was pretty fun too.
Nah he was saying the marines are indoctrinated infertile child soldiers due to the very process of becoming a marine, which is canon and has been forever, as a rebuttal to them being the ultimate symbol of western masculinity. Some culture war grifters caght wind and emailed GW directly as a paying cutomer andstock owner and threanted to tell the other stock owners about theres far left radical. GW being retards fired him before realsing its some worthless culture war shit he was mad at and not the beginning of a sincere negative coverage over a real issue. Being a shit company they didnt rehire him (openly they might comission him as a freelance under a fake name and bring him back in a few years)
whats the source on pic anon?
>which is canon and has been foreve
Age range varies dramatically from prepubescent to grown ass men.
iirc at least one space wolf space wolf fucks.
You're just as much of the culture war as you complain about and pretend to be above, just from the other side.
JB Voodoo Forest. Not sure which volume.
As it should be. From now on, the chud will be your master.
We haven't even started yet.
How is it derailment?
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>lying on the internet
Huh, all of this sounds interesting. I'll take a look at his books, thanks /tg/.
The real fun part is when you become familiar with the stories, and you start connecting the dots and threads or finding the characters who are crossing over into other stories. Remember the name Templeton.
What a faggot.
No wonder he got fired. I hope that we'll get more chvds writing books and lore, now that the zeitgeist has changed. 40K has always been a fascist setting, anyway: That's the appeal of it.
Well, yes, but it's always been a very warts and all depiction of fascism. Personally I think both the /pol/fags and the SJWs are fundamentally incapable of really getting the point because they both think in absolutes, whereas a lot of the tension in stories about the Imperium comes from the ambiguity of just how much of their fanaticism and violence is really necessary to survive in a hostile universe. I can't remember where I saw this, but I remember some reviewer described the Imperium as an entire society of tragedy, in the classical Greek sense. In a true tragedy the very characteristics that make the hero great, like Macbeth's ambition or Oedipus' commitment to the truth, are what ultimately ruins them.
In all fairness, I unironically enjoy the crushing misery and the genocides. I enjoyed how, say, Wrath of Iron ended with every sympathetic character being killed.
I think Valdor would have ended the same way, except that Valdor couldn't have got away with graphically murdering a woman on-screen. I wish he'd just cut her head off instead of letting her go.
I just cannot stand these motherfuckers who invade hobbies with nothing but malice to destroy components of it for no reason other than they hate it. Most people would just ignore it, but these people thrive on their choking on their own hate
they used to edit more heavily and it was worse.
What sort of examples do you have for that?
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I'm in a deathwatch mood and I heard a book of his features them, which one is it and can I read that first?
It's the one about the Salamander from Kill Team Cassius, Branatar.
cool, can I start with that one?
You can technically start with any story from the Coil, but yeah sure you can start there if you want. Most people choose to start with either, Requiem Infernal, The Reverie or Fire Caste.

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