Tanks editionPrevious Heresy:>>94779287>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Startedhttps://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/30/new-to-the-horus-heresy-heres-everything-youll-need-to-get-started/>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-the-horus-heresy/>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS>30k TACTICA & TIPShttps://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLphttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Age_of_Darkness-Warhammer_30k/2.0_Tactics/General_Tactics>HH1 Black Books<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>NqlCmSpI>HH2 Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>1rki2Q6D>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Q61izSiS『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>IukARSLT>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Fi9kQSwB>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colourshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Jccq0V--SwJifLVLwbisYnQeqLlS2pMSiPbGXp1Brs/htmlview>More listshttps://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/List_of_Titan_Legions>What size magnets do I need?5x1mm>Tacticshttps://1d6chan.miraheze.orug/wiki/Adeptus_Titanicus/Tactics>homemade missions:https://clawsandfists.blogspot.com/2019/09/matched-play-missions-for-adeptus.html>Thread question:How many tanks does your army have? Do you intend to get more?
>>94796927>TQNot enough. Never enough.
>>94796927>TQ My Word Bearers just have 2 tanks, WE have 3 LR, UM are only ZM and I'm slowly building a SA army which at the moment has 3 leman russ, a malcador and 2 dracosans
>>94796927I've got 6 Predators, 3 Vindicators, 2 Kratos, 3 land raiders, 2 Spartans, and a fellblade. At some point I was considering either a Falchion and a Mastadon or a cerberus and typhon but I don't have the space for stuff that would ultimately be more fence sitters, since I'm not a dick and bring LoW to a game where my opponent doesn't have one, which is rare
Burgeoning Sons of Horus anon here again. Should I paint a 10 man Catapractii unit next, or a 16 man tactical squad?Pic related. Was inspired by this page in the core rulebook. I love how bulky the 16 man units look, below 20 members but still such a massive unit you have to double guess yourself before fighting them (especially when they'll all have bayonets, be -1 to wound in melee, and potentially have an apothecary).
>>94796927Two.It's already more than I wanted.
>>94797275Gingerbread-dread my beloved
>>94797275Being 4e Tau-brained I thought about doing 12-man tac squads but then I couldn't put them in transports so what's the point.
>>94797275>>94797376What I mean to say is yes do the 16-man squad.
>>94797410Thank you I will no longer second guess putting my Seekers in land raiders.
>>94797376Anon I have amazing news. Just open the rulebook for once.
>>94797595Read the tactical squad rules smartass.
>>94797595Might want to read the rulebook again, you can only take a rhino if your tac squad is 10 or less, other two spaces are so that there's enough room for a couple of tag-alongs.
>>94797679Big boo yeah. That text is unnecessary. The writers think they needed to add it to prevent, say, an 18 marine squad from taking a Rhino they wouldn't fit in.But Dedicated Transport rules already say a squad MUST begin the game deployed inside their assigned DT
God it's so bullshit that not only does Scoria not get any high Techno Arcana, but he also doesn't get to have the anima malefica cybertheurgy despite being THE dark mechanicum guy.
>>94797848The mechanicum army level rules are probably the worst designed in the game. Pretty much everything about them is really awkward and it makes building army lists feel quite bad.
>>94798052All the non-marine armies deserve new libers. Those rules are such a mess, wouldn't even call them half baked.
>>94798121militia, solar aux, and imperial army need to all go into a book together and be fleshed out in a way that ensures they will no longer be subjected to such a degree of retcons in the future
any DA players know any 3rd party bits that has the chainmail/cloth for Cataphractii arms like the Cenobium have? Prefer that look to the leather straps for my regular terminators.
>>94798316Absolutely. What I want to see is:>Libers for loyalist and traitor marines>Liber mechanicum>A liber for Talons of the Emperor with Custodes, Sisters of Silence, Knights Errant, and assassins>Liber Imperium with SA, Imperial Army, and Militia
>>94798353greenstuffworld's chainmail greenstuff texture plates
>>94798353You can just sculpt it yourself with greenstuff you know, look on youtube for guide
>>94796927>TQNot enough but vehicles are so poop this edition i dont have any desire to get more. My tsons have 1 sicarn, and 2 sicaran Omegas but i never field them because they cost to much and die to quick.
>>94799560Vehicle squadron rules make me not want to use vehicle squadrons.>>94799560
>>94799576Yeah Vehicle squads are tubo fucking gay and they are just to paper thing to live more then a turn. A lot of them have way to few hullpoints to be worth fielding, the only exception to this is the Predator because its so fucking cheap to field and kit out.A sicaran omega is 200+ points for a unit that can be dropped by a single lucky las canon shot.
>>94796927>>Thread question:>How many tanks does your army have?Two land raiders, two vindicators, a Rhino, and four predators>Do you intend to get more?Really tempted to get a kratos, a cerberus, and still want to try a sicaran omega, but right now I already got too much painting projects to finish and money is a bit tight.
What's a good Lord of War for 3000 points? I have a knight lancer that could charge down the field or a cerberus I could have explode in my deployment zone, or would something else be more useful?
>>94799625Warhound titan comes in exactly at 750 for the warlord cap at 3k.Slap on a laser destroyer and a plasma blast gun.
>>94799560>>94799590Take the predator pill. Love those things, they do so much heavy lifting in games. Vindicators with magna laser destroyers are also great.Sicarans are universally too much points for a too small increase in durability just a single hull point and firepower. If those are you only experience with vehicles in HH 2.0, it's no surprise you think vehicles suck. Did you know the standard sicaran went up by 30 points, lost twin-linked on its main gun, lost ignoring Jink saves, lost being a Fast Vehicle, and only gained 1 HP and Exoshock 6+ in the new edition? Such a joke.
>>94799647Warhounds are lame
>>94799625At least the cerberus can't be penetrated from the front by lascannons. Knights can't hide behind most terrain, and will get absolutely brutalised by a 10 lascannon HSS or a single contemptor.
>>94799665Should Knights go to a Toughness/Wounds system like Dreadnoughts did?Not saying they need to be T12, 24 Wounds like in 40k, but a T8 with 2+/5++(vs ranged only) and 16 wounds would make them viable.
>>94797322That reminds me, I have four more rhinos and another land raider to buy….
>>94799648>lost being a Fast VehicleWasn't the point of sicarans being a fast moving outflanker that could reach the rear armor of heavier tanks for the kill, and then bug out?That said, this shows how much people were relying on sicarans in 1.0 that multiple posters are complaining about not fielding the ones they already bought.How are xiphons these day?
>>94798052Weekly reminder that the reaver laser blaster is S10 AP2 large blast and the turbo laser for the warhound is S12 AP2 ignores cover large blast. Imagine if marines had a typo that volkite calivers were S8.
>>94799709The problem is lascannons being too reliable with Sunder, not Knights being too fragile. Though they could do with gaining maybe 1 or 2 more hull points. And knight melee weapons no longer having the Destroyer rule is another thing that is an easy fix. >>94799731That used to be their point, yes. No idea why GW felt like they needed to nerf sicarans this much - specially with the vanilla sicaran getting a plastic kit, yet being the worst of them all. Xiphons are actually great now, and the only viable flyer marines have. It's main virtue being cheap enough to not be a huge loss when it gets shot down, whilst having enough firepower to do some serious damage if they get the chance too shoot.
>>94799747I'm convinced there was zero proof reading with the mechanicum book. Never mind playtesting.
>>94799802Yes, Lascannons do absolutely need to lose Sunder.It's impossible to try to bring any large vehicles in my local scene because one of the guys is a WAACfaggot running Iron Warriors and a 10-man Lascannon HSS and a 10-man rocket HSS.
>>94799625None without prior player discussion. To be a fag. And that goes for primarchs too.
>>94799828Karacnos, Zardu Layak, Salamanders psykerscan't kill tanks if he can't hit shit
>>94799962>thinking the karacnos is going to do shit against heavy support squads The karacnos is a boogy man to human armies only, all those scary looking special rules mean nothing when a marine unit is either going to be in a transport or be heavy. >Source: I have 2
>>94799828One librarian with telepathy. Turn off the ability to react of one HSS, basically cause guaranteed pinning on the other HSS with the second power. Then shoot both to absolute shit with everything you have, they die just like 10 tactical marines after all.
>>94799828>Yes, Lascannons do absolutely need to lose Sunder.Thats not really the main issue with them. Granted its bad and it needs to be removed yes i agree. The big issue with the lascaon is the HSS getting it for so cheap, and then being able to return fire with it. Reactions IMO are much to strong and need more limitations on them. I think you should only be able to return fire and overwatch with snap shots if you are using heavy weapons, or if the unit has relentless you get full BS with Heavy weapons. Thats the big issue here is that HSS are basically the number one threat to vehicles, and shooting them with a vehicle is basically mutually assured destruction.
Man I kind of want a combined Tsons/Word Bearers army purely to try and salvage some of my old chaos stuff, but God do both Shattered Legions and Blackshields rules around allies make it utterly unappealing since I dont have enough to make them a primary detachment.
>>94799802>Xiphons are actually great now, and the only viable flyer marines haveThe fire raptor got dethroned?More than a little surprised; I appreciated the xiphon's place as not too good as to be underestimated.
>>94800006SM are already stopped for HQ slots, and if the answer to a unit is "Hey bring this very specific HQ choice with this very specific power" then thats an issue with the system. HSS are just to fucking good due to reactions.
>>94800031Yes, but dont listen to him, every flyer sucks ass now in the game. The Xiphon is 'OK' but thats the thing, its just OK. Getting sky fire is cheap as fuck now, a single box naught with duel las canons, and a targeting array is only 185 points, and you can just have that thing exist and cuck any flyer that comes onto the board by intercepting them and dropping them outta the sky in a single round of shooting. Since every flyer is paper thin now and at most has 4HP which i single las canon can blast apart.
>>94799828Isn't pic related the natural counter to lascannon HSS?
>>94800048Anon the Scorpius is the counter to pretty much everything, there is a reason why its largely not taken because its a dick unit to take. A large blast barrage with Breaching 4+ that has an asininely long range and firepower for how cheap it is. Yes it will counter themNo you wont make friends bringing it.
>>94799828>IW>Brings HSS>Does NOT bring Auto canons for flavorFucking disgusting.
>erm unit X seriously? don't you know that's tryhard?>why don't you bring unit Y to counter it?>erm that's tryhard too?I just think you guys are bad at this fucking game.
>>94800047That is what I meant about being a pocket unit.I rarely saw flyers used even in 1.0, just because they were a gamble even then.That said, I use it because it is a nice piece, not because it overperforms on the table.
>>94800077Anon, you know that multi units can be broken and that its not unreasonable to acknowledge that the solution for a broken unit, is not to bring another broken unit but rather fix the problems right? >>94800086Oh they are lovely. I love the fire raptor as a model but WOOF, it sucsk ass now.
>>94799625If you want something to have explode in your deployment zone, I recommend the Macharius Omega. Volatile Plasma Containment ensures the blast will be S10, Super Heavy ensures it will always explode when it dies, and it's 13 11 10 armour profile is slightly worse than a predator, ensuring it will die.You could also run two Crassus Armoured assault transports with 35 transport capacity.These can be armed with 4 HBs, HFs, autocannons, or lascannons. Especially relavent when running DG or IW in case you want a large number of Chem flamer templates or pinning fire.
I unleashed the legions, haha but guess what I actually wanted to!
>>94800177oh horus, you're so goofy
>>94800177Taking a page from the early HH BL covers I see.
>>94800048Only if it hits. Which is kind of unreliable, since it has to fire from outside LOS to avoid getting one-tapped by the very HSS it is trying to counter. But then again I do use javelins, so those scorpius only get one turn to shoot at most. After that they're either scrap, or too stunned/shaken to be a threat.
>>94800229anon, voxs are like 10 points and almost anything can take them so you get to reroll your scatters. >But then again I do use javelins,Same, well, i bring a unit of 2 javalins, and a preator with a retinue all on jet bikes with a lib on a jet bike to specially because im tired of people bringing long range shit like that....and i dont give a shit who you are the idea of a squad of jet bikes with combat shields and power spears is cool as fuck.
why didn't the chaos gods just take the emperor to court to get shared custody over the primarchs?
>'ate 'orus>'ate 'eresy>luv me emprah>luv me beak 'elmet>luv dancin wif me lads ('etro bruvverly dances only, ya poof nonces)
>>94800353Because they would have to share primarchs with Emperor and Erda. Getting half of them was better option.Imagine how retarded primarchs would be if also raised by Erda.
>>94800001call it 1/3 to Hit on the scatter dice, although with Crawling Fire a los shot is effectively BS6 and with Barrage you don't get any of those pesky return fires (not that you care with AV14 and a flare shield)1/3*5/6*1/3 for 1/11 Hits to translate to an unsaved Wound, that test is at Ld5 or Ld4 (if the sgt is dead) so either Pinned 72% or 83% (5/6) of the time, ie 1/15 shots (including the 1/3 for the scatter dice) Pins the HSS with sgt, 1/13 Pins without the sgt; without accounting for scatter (as in Barrage) it's more like 1/5 and 1/4; nuncio-vox cuts that uncertainty on the scatter down drastically (making it 1/2 whether the Karacnos has los or not)if that doesn't work drive right at them and ram them, D6 S8 hits and D6 S10 Concussive (3) hits, not that most HSS will even have something capable of penetrating AV12 in the assault phase
>>94800281Even with re-rolls, if you don't roll a hit, they ain't gonna do shit. Not to mention a lot of people being stingy with their points, and skipping on nuncio vox, augury scanners and even vexilla. Those 10 pts do add up quickly, and a lot of people still go for the additional apothecary instead. Regardless of how much /hhg/ acts like all units always have all the options every time all the time.
>"cant wait to play mechanicum!">fail cyberthurgy check>fail cyberthurgy check>pass cyberthurgy check>fail battlesmith roll to grant the buffs>fail morale check>fail morale check>miss>miss>hit>opponent passes pinning check>opponent passes pinning check>fail charge>pass charge, get killed in overwatch>fail morale>fail moraleyep, killing myself after this game
>>94800353>>94800436All Emps had to do was play catch with his boys just ONCE.>Hey, how you feeling, kiddo?>"I FEEL THE SEETHING RAGE OF CHAOS AND THE UNPREDICTABLE TERROR OF THE IMMATERIUM IN MY VEINS! THEY SAY I SHOULD SLAY THEE OR PROVOKE THEE INTO DRINKING ENDLESSLY OF THE WARP AND ENDING ALL MATERIAL EXISTENCE!!!">That's cool, buddy. Wanna talk about it?Fucking autist. Forty millenia of existence, and he couldn't read one parenting manual. Yes, I know he deliberately withheld knowledge of Chaos from the primeboys. A further indictment.>>94800599>opponent passes pinning checkAt least he passed on his genes before expiring.
>>94797036drawing Colchisian runes is so hard
>>94800613>All Emps had to do was play catch with his boys just ONCE.He did retard. He played with Horus, despite that Horus decided to change his surname to Heresy.If anything Emperor should use his force belt more.
>>94800725>If anything Emperor should use his force belt more.Nice try, Big S.
>>94800599That is some cursed dice luck. How do you fail more than one cyberthurgy check in a single game?
>>94800848pc jerked off to holoporn instead of studying
>>94800848by being shit and rolling a bunch of 9s on LD8 units
>>94800599mesh them as the primary or allied with something else senpaimaybe not the answer you want but it could result in flavorful and more effective lists
>>94800899Time to sacrifice another orphan to the dice gods.
>>94800599Cyberthurgy checks are a trap. Basically none of the cyberthurgic weapons are worth using at all and the cost of failing a check for a rite is worse than just picking the basic option.
>>94800951Cyberthurgy check on any variant of magos with either Ld 10 or 9 are very safe though.
>>94800975Ld 9 is a 25% chance to fail, ld 10 is 16%
>>94800975And failing it gets you nothing, causes damage and also pins the cyberthurgist and whatever unit he is attached to. The penalties are very severe relative to the benefit.
>>94799802I still can’t understand why lascannons got sunder in the first place. I’ll go out on a limb and say that I highly doubt that a statistically significant portion of players complained about lascannons being underpowered. The other big issue with vehicles and lascannons right now is, as I’ve bitched about before, HSS are just too survivable. Full BS shooting reactions with heavy weapons mean that you can’t counter an HSS by just wiping it off the map, because it will virtually always do enough damage to whatever shot it to make its points back which creates a huge amount of artificial survivability. If HSS couldn’t react (or better yet, heavy weapons on non-relentless platforms fire snapshots) you’d see less use of them as they’d get wiped turn one by opposing heavy weaponry unless they’re well defended (as a glass cannon unit should!). That alone takes out the single most common instant kill threat to vehicles. Now give vehicles modified shooting reactions (I’m a big proponent of removing defensive weapons but only allowing reactions with turret, sponson, or pintle weapons) and suddenly vehicles can start to compete. In all seriousness, like a quarter of HH 2.0’s issues all come back to shooting reactions.
>>94801359>I still can’t understand why lascannons got sunder in the first placethe same reason why TH's got Brutal 2 for 5 points over a PF, why IF gets a +2 on auto weapons not just bolters, or why Some RoW grant line while other dont. GW is shit at balancing because they think of everything in a vacuum and not out in the wild. Las canons need to lose sunder, and heavy weapons should only be able to snap shot in return fire and overwatch unless the unit in question has relentless or something that lets it move and shootORUnits can only react once per turn, so if you return fire in the shooting phase, that unit cant Overwatch in the assault phase.
>>94801382Lascannons got sunder and brutal was created fo unbalance the game to make it easier for Gee Dubs to justify creating a new edition after a short while and force everyone to rebuy all the rules and change the metz
>>94800059>its a dick unit to take.>you wont make friends bringing it.
>>94801499After 5 years at my lgs I've noticed there's two types of IW players>Total bros with 20000 point armies who always are willing to help out new players and lend out a unit or talk about lore, probably have been playing since rogue trader>the kind that don't pass the hygiene check at the door
The local IW player is a literal neo-nazi.
>>94801741OK but does he shower
>>94801774yeah he's pretty clean and tidy
well, as described earlier, my mechanicum+militia list failed.HARD.back to the drawing board I guessmaybe take thanatar-calix instead for the extra anti-tank?or swap the russes out for thanatar-calix at least, and maybe just keep it simple and grant them a +1BS buff without needing to do cyberthurgy checks?
>>94801950*Why* did it fail
>>94801997because it relied on cyberthurgy checks and i failed almost all of themplus a bunch more of shit rolling
>>94802006Oh that was you? I mean that just sounds like bad luck as opposed tot he list being terrible
does a max squad of myrmidon secutors equipped with chargers and accompanied by an archmagos with rad grenades put me into that guy territory?
>>94802013Depends on the rest of the list. Diversify your defensive and offensive profiles so it doesn't turn into skew.
>>94802011to be fair it still had some glaring flaws, like all the anti-tank being quite weak to getting shot atleman russ vanquishers dont have reinforced, so anything short of a weapon destroyed result fucks themthallax, while in a unit of 6, still die quite easily to medium arms fire like autocannons and assault cannonsvorax on the flank of mine was a misplay, and got shot to ribbons because they're also somewhat weakso I think the solution is to just drop the militia allies, unless theres an advantage to taking them over tech-thrallsspend the points that would be taken on russes on thanatar-calixsee if I can fit castellax into the list instead of vorax (preferably with darkfires)
What are the characteristics for daemons of encroaching ruin? Nurgle daemons are sickly and decaying and slaanesh daemons more often lithe and alluring. What are the physical characteristics common to encroaching ruin? Only named and consistent one of this archetype is Samus and he's a dog-faced man
>>94802635It's just all the daemons working together.
>>94801950>>94802006>>94802045you should play with a list several times before deciding if it's bad.
God never have I wanted a Skitarri more than trying to find Troops for a dark mech list that aren't Castellax or Thallax. There are only do many times I can take Scion of Sarum, and even a reasonable man will be driven to unreasonable acts when your line gets obliterated turn 2 again and again because I'm forced to rely on Thralls and scyllax for frontline line units.
>>94802635I personally interpreted it as since it's all of the warp banding together, it's the more bestial forces to the front of the assault, and we started to understand them more and more, making them seem more human. Since the perception of them is malleable like the warp.That was just an excuse to run psychic dogs in first edition. With fuck off huge blazing bull as the leader.
>>94801741everyone besides libs gets called nazi it has no meaning anymore
>>94802635What was his name again?
>>94803015you're supposed to love thallax so much that being railroaded into using them is a pleasure rather than a cursemaimed and otherwise nearly used up skitarii often find their way into being integrated as the neural substrate of one, too
Sons of Horus Praetor WIP
>>94803582>Mark I combi-bolt rifle
>>94803582>kills himself with plasmaheh
>>94803582Damn he must be old, even his nose is covered in lines
>Fielded a pair of 10 man assault squads a couple of times, just because of recently finishing painting them>The assault squads turned out to be so useful for harassing shooting units, snatching/contesting far away objectives, and soaking overwatch for elite melee units that they've become a permanent addition to my armylistsAny other anons that have stories about units which proved more useful than you initially expected?
>>94801909well, you know what you have to make his shower do
>>94803531But anon all of the thallax and Castellax are on the loyalist side. My traitor Archmagos are the Archimandrite, Myrmidax, and Malagra/Aethertek
>>94804292>all of the thallax and Castellax are on the loyalist sideThat's wrong though. Cyberthurgy got banned after the heresy because too many of the robots had a tendency to side with the traitors. Just like loyalist forces stopped using dreadclaws because of the abnormally high number of "incidents" around them during maintenance and deployment.
>>94804292Just imagine all the traitor castellax and thallax are actually robot spiders.
What are you working on Anon?Standard bearer for my cata command squad. I love this dude
>>94804850Goddamnit I was hoping it wouldn’t be extremely noticeable
>>94804809Painting the last infantry squad for my AL. The scale texture on lernaean looks amazing, but man it just destroys brush tips.
>>94804865It's not just that power armoured hands are smaller than terminator ones, but the new MkVI and VII hands are even smaller than that, so the effect is multiplied. You could see if you can find the old DA Knight sarge's flail bit, cut the hand off and use that as the bottom part of the banner.
>>94804942Could also just use any grippy terminator hand, then attach the pole and banner to either side by pinning them.
>>94804942>>94804865there's the GK terminator staff as well, if you're looking for a separate terminator hand to use
>>94796927Beyond all the expensive plastic, the real value is in the immersion. Remember that, lads x
>>94804865just lean into ithe gets the honor of carrying the standard since his tiny hands can't hold guns correctly
Armiger warglaives or armiger heliverns?
>>94804986This is good narrative Anon
>>94805080From what i have heard the Warglaives are apparently pretty fucking good.
>>94805334as it should be
>>94805334>warglaive>has a cleavermakes you think
What's some useful killy units to run in iron hands?I really like running immortals, but even with omega sicarans and some dreads I'm struggling to deal with units like companions and phoenix termires.
>>94805542The sicaran omega is a vehicle killer first, anti medium infantry second. If you want anti-terminator firepower, bring things like melta predators, laser destroyer rapiers and vindicators, lascannon HSS of course. Even units with volkite culverins will melt terminators through sheer weight of fire.What kind of dreadnoughts are you using, and with which load out? Generally one dreadnought can only handle up to five terminators, any more and it will die to the surviving terminators hammering it down. And what the fuck are you doing that you struggle with phoenix terminators lmfao.
>>94805613>And what the fuck are you doing that you struggle with phoenix terminators lmfao.NTA but Phoenix terminators are all characters. You can bounce single wounds onto each of them before any actually start dying. Combine that with their weapon stances to fuck up your WS and they can be very annoying.All it takes is a lucky roll, and they've murderous strike'd your terminator.
>>94805639anyone who does the character bullshit is a WAACfag
>>94805639Boucing around single wounds means fuck all when those wounds are Str 8 or higher. And the WS shenanigans reduce their attack by 1, making them even more reliant on that lucky 6 to wound. I use phoenix terminators myself occasionally, and not trying to say they are really bad. But more often than not they're just a nuisance, and have to stay clear of dreadnoughts and other terminators with thunder hammers, because even if they are harder to hit each hit will hurt. That 5++ invulnerable makes them relatively fragile, even more so against shooting.
>>94805542Allied Inner Circle Knights.
>>94805689Trying to beat enemy terminators by bringing your own is the worst possible idea. Even if you make it into melee you're gambling everything on having better dice rolls than your opponent. Just. Shoot. The. Terminators.
>>94805683>Boucing around single wounds means fuck all when those wounds are Str 8 or higher.Sure, but in a fight vs models with S8 weapons they'll just use sonic shriekers to - your WS by 1 (yes, fearless ignores this, but apart from Dreadnaughts how often do you get fearless in your units) and use the stance that further reduces your hit by 1.On another WS 5 unit, they will now be hitting you on 6's. >>94805662>anyone who does the character bullshit is a WAACfagI don't disagree. I don't play Emperor's Children, but wound bouncing it is a tool we should all keep in mind as Heresy players since we will come across it one day or another. Ultramarines Invictus Suzerains can do the exact same thing. And they're line. And they have a shield that doesn't deny them +1 attack for two weapons. And they have 3 attacks base... Who the FUCK designed Suzerains?I would also like to point out that Phoenix Terminators are 35 ppm. Anyone that says they are bad does not fully understand how stupidly cheap they are for the rules they come with. A generic Cataphractii w/ a power fist is 40 points ffs.
>>94805613I've got a total of 3 dreads, 2 contemptors and 1 Levi, all pretty much bare bones except for melee weapons.>And what the fuck are you doing that you struggle with phoenix terminators lmfao.My list mainly just struggles against mass 2+ saves units, which my local meta is full of :(I'll have a go with laser vindi's since I've got those, but maybe I'll try out plasma or volkite jet bikes too.
>>94805815>how often do you get fearless in your unitsYou've never run against someone that's had an autistic fit over telepathy and now runs a minimum of two heralds
>>94805895That's fucking hilarious. The most often I see Fearless is when a Space Wolf friend of mine uses his once per game Rite of War bonus, and all Stubborn units are upgraded to fearless.
>>94796927>TQmy blood angels : 1 mastodon, 1 kratos, 2 spartan, 2 rhinos, 2 land raiders, 1 cerberus, 1 predator, 1 sicaran punisher/arcusfor my salamanders : 2 typhons, 1 fellblade, 1 dread pod, 2 rhinos, 4 predators, 1 sicaran, 1 vindicator, 1 scorpius, 1 kratos, 1 land raider and 2 spartan.I kinda want to try squadrons of preds, so i'm probably going to get more for my BA
Why is so much of the resin range out of stock? Why don't GW want our money?
>>94805815>A generic Cataphractii w/ a power fist is 40 points ffs.I don't understand, Phoenix termies are Tartaros equivelents.
just resigned from my jobwhat legion should I play?
>>94806013Small indie studio, please understand.
>>94806097Death Guard
>>94806096I compared it to Cataphractii because a Cataphractii w/ fist is the usual thing players will run. But alright, we'll compare them with Tartaros then.>Generic Tartaros terminator.For 25 points, we get WS 4, Ld 8 (On their leader), 2+, 5++, and a power sword.>Phoenix terminatorsFor 35 points, we get WS 5, Ld 9 (On their leader leader), 2+, 3++, Phoenix spears, Stubborn, Living Icons, and Skill Unmatched. if you add a fist to Tartaros they'll go up to 35 ppm and cost equal to Phoenix Terminators. The point still stands Phoenix Terminators are VERY cheap for what they come with. Again. this is a WS 5 unit that can very easily reduce the enemies hit roll by -2, so they absolutely blunt enemies and then get a few murderous strikes in per combat (and let's not forget Living Icons is +1 to combat res to all allied EC within 6" of a model with the rule, and CAN stack with Vexillas).
>>94805815>Sonic ShriekersUnits with Stubborn also are unaffected. Guess which rule all those elite WS 5 legion specific terminators have.Not to mention Heralds exist.Not to mention Sonic Shriekers are only active in the first round of the close combat.
>>94806248They get a 3++?Also people seem to forget just how fucking strong WS5 is. IMO the 1.0 table was better then the 2.0 it makes WS5 so fucking good.
>>94805837Be warned, jetbikes are relatively fragile. The anti-grav unit type means they can never use cover saves. To really spam volkite shots I personally prefer HSS or predators. Also, DO NOT use plasma cannons. Especially on jetbikes. Too expensive, and most certainly too unreliable to deal with 2+ save units. Plasma weapons are not the way to go if you struggle with 2+ armour units this edition. They're alright against MEQ and GEQ, but even then there's cheaper, safer, and more efficient options.
>>94806248Phoenix terminators have no way to get a 3++ invulnerable save brother.
>>94806293>>94806322>3++Writing mistake, I did mean 5++. Rest of the post still stands.
>>94806338OK lol i was about to say JFC i have seen a lot of people bitch about Phoenix terminators and was about to shit my pants if they get a 3++
>>94806248Cataphractii with thunder hammers you mean.
1 out of 10 Cataphractii for my SoH done. I did this go outside of batch painting order to see how the end result would look. Decided to put him up on a rock because that swing looks as if it has a lot of momentum behind it, I can imagine him absolutely wrecking some guy down below
>>94806282>Units with Stubborn also are unaffected.Stubborn only applies to Fear (X) for Pinning and Morale, not for other purposes (like Psychic and Cybertheurgy checks).>When a unit that contains at least one model with this special rule takes Morale checks or Pinning tests, the unit ignore any negative Leadership modifiers.Stubborn doesn't grant units blanket immunity to the effects of Fear, so Sonic Shriekers should work on them.
>>94806585Yes, and Sonic Shriekers rules state they do not work on units which are immune to the effects of Fear. And the effect of the Fear special rule is... a leadership modifier. Which units with at least one model with the Stubborn rule can not be affected by. Meaning the Stubborn special rule does in fact provide blanket immunity to the Fear special rule.This is all very clear if you read all the relevant rules. Stubborn units are not affected by sonic shriekers. Trying to argue otherwise is blatant ruleslawyer WAACfag behavior.
There should be less talk about these subpar options. Thunderhammer Ogryn is best
>>94806647No, lasguns. Massed lasguns. Utterly humiliate the enemy by destroying them with laser pointers.
>>94805719You don't understand. They look awesome and they've got a cool sword.
>>94806634You're actually just thinking too deeply about it. They circumvent the consequence of fear by ignoring modifiers to leadership, but don't ignore the rule itself. If fear had other effects other than reducing your leadership, stubborn models would still be subject to it.
>>94806724But it does not, and the effect that Fear does have does not affect units with Stubborn. You speculating and having fever dreams about what ifs and shit does not affect the rules in the book, you fucking idiot. Might as well decide how the rules should work based on how you feel about it at that point, fucking hell.
eaters with nemesis bolters
>>94806758Considering how angry you are over this I assume this is an argument you've had with your LGS.Look, there are two rules that directly say they ignore fear. >Fearless - (...) models with the Fearless special rule ignore the effects of the Fear special rule.And>Immune to Fear (x) - Immune to the effects of the Fear (X) special rule.These are the only two circumstances where fear is ignored, otherwise it wouldn't be EXPLICITLY written down. Please open up your rulebook, read stubborn, and tell me if it says the model ignores FEAR, or if it ignores NEGATIVE MODIFIERS TO LEADERSHIP.
>>94806796Units do not need to ignore the Fear special rule to be unaffected by Sonic Shriekers, only the effect of the Fear special rule. Which is a leadership modifier, which you yourself admit is ignored by units with Stubborn.But you are very clearly a ruleslawyering WAACfaggot, so this discussion ends here.
>>94806886>but you actually read the rules so I won't talk about the rules with youlmao
>>94806886You're just wrong. Stubborn isn't "immune to Fear" and still suffers the leadership penalty for regroup checks.
This is straight-up simple rules reading, not some convoluted loophole faggotry.
I think if a unit has a rule that makes them immune to fear, they by inclusive properties gain the fearless rule.
>>94807149Welcome to Warhammer and wargaming, enjoy your stay.
>>94803582Jeezo man, turn on antialiasing.
>want to add custodes detachment because I love the Telemon>friend says to look at the custodes channel on the reddit discord>literally all trannies Its just a reddit/discord thing, right?
>>94807265Yes. Howver, being a custode players does by default make you a fag.
>>94807324Oh please, they're supplementing militia. What super hetero legion do you play?
>>94807336>Oh please, they're supplementing militia.You take supplements. Up your bum. Homo!
>>94807374All this projection tells me its either IF or NL, you gigantic fag
>>94807374HAH! GOTTEM>>94807385>>94807336Listen here banana boy we are not the ones playing an army that canonically are oiled up dudes in loin cloths and banana helms alright.Shit posting aside, im just giving you shit becuase custodes are STUPID fucking strong that said, you are doing it imo the only acceptable way which is taking them as allied. If you wanna see how busted they can get, you need to look at the SoS characters and how you can be a total cock with them and shut down reactions left and right. Their bikes are scary as fuck.
>>94803436I mean he's literally a neo-nazi, he's a skinhead who wears the merch of his skinhead group to the club and has neo-nazi symbology on 50% of his items of clothing. I assume that warhammer players are some variety of extremist by default, however it's unusual to see someone who is just an honest to goodness neo-nazi is like spotting a unicorn.
what do you guys think of my fafnir proxy. still wip as far as the bits im using
>>94807535It's better than his actual model.Is that a Death Guard MkIII chest? And where's the head from?
>>94806097Word Bearers.
>>94796927This was my last big even, I am the Tan SA army, I have now tweaked the list and can take more tanks as well as Termites and aurox transports. >>94797322Mech infantry life yo
>>94807547yea its a death guard chest and the head is from the forbidden space wolves upgrades
Soon Mk4bros, I can feel it in my blood.
>>94807461yeah yeah, I know its all in good fun piss boy. >custodes are STUPID fucking strongOutside of their generic mooks, what is THAT good about them, especially relative to 1.0?
>>94807561This looks like a 40k game in the worst way. Not enough terrain, basically planet bowling ball on the parking lot continent
>>94807637Yeah was not our table set up, the event chose it for us. That said it was the best game of 30k I have had in 2.0 as fuck all reaction bullshit and just two bros smashing tanks together and charging infantry into tank colums for krak suicide squads. The Basilks and infantry became man of tha match suprisingly. Our home club games have proper tables and terrain.
>>94807624Just stock being WS5 is a massive advantage since you are hitting better then WS4 will hit you and you are harder to hit as well unlike in 1.0.Having T5 is really strong becuase T5 is a massive break point in the game with not many things able to ID you. Probably the strongest thing about them though is being I5. A lot of people dont realize how powerful I5 is across the board, being able to strike before your target even gets a chance to swing is super strong. SoS if you weave them into units can be really powerful as will, able to pin super easy, and deny reactions and just in general really strong in melee. Their bikes can put golden keshigs to shame. S10 AP1 armorbane, Sudden strike 3, 1 attack base but you are gonna be fucking anything up you hit with them.
anyone like buying from mirminiatures, I want castaferrum dreads
Just had an idea to make a ruinstorm army using warriors of chaos minis. Somebody talk me out of it. Please.
>>94807698You get a pass Anon, we don’t always get to choose our tables. Respect.
>>94807709the good thing is there is one single SoS player and he posts in this general
>>94806314>Also, DO NOT use plasma cannons. Especially on jetbikesAwww, that was my plan. What use are jet bikes then?
>>94807798You are honestly better off taking jetbikes on a retinue squad, at least then they get the survivability they need.2 wounds 2+ armor, and a 6++ with a combat shield.
>>94807876But they can't swap out the heavy bolters on their bikes then.
I got this base for titanicus a while ago but I'm not sure how to paint it because despite looking great the longer I look at it the less it makes senseThe area behind the wall is obviously a no man's lands, but the wall is facing the wrong way towards the grated area so it can't be a defensive wall so that means the titan is walking through it's own sides defensive wall?I'm thinking might paint it as a big wall that isolates a motorway so I've added the little pickup from a dropzone commander terrain kit, I reckon pickup trucks briefly existed before the heresy.
>>94808034i don't think one can go wrong in the context of the heresy by leaning into an aerosolized concrete 9/11core aesthetic for the base environ one's miniatures are in-situ amidst
i'm in the process of painting the tile set for titanicus/imperialis, having some fun while it dries.
>>94796927>TQ For my sallies - I have a spartan, 2 landraiders , a rhino, sicaran and predator, I want a few more predators & rhinos Pic related - tanks in action EC - none, zero the fluff for them is its a orbital assualt on a imperial base on the way to terra, so no tanks - lots of drop pods, flyers planned though
>>94807987>But they cant swap their heavy bolter.Listen here anon, wanna know whats fucking cooler then swapping out heavy bolters? having your Retinue squad litearlly be the knights of your legion with individual haraldry, charging in with power spears and combat shield with the banner held high, and their praetor leading the charge with a fucking great sword. That shit is cool as fuck.
>>94802032I played a couple of games, lost the first, won the secondthe secutors barely did anything besides finish off wounded dreads, probably worth bolstering up a bit
>>94808266Love the MkIIb
>>94807624>why is a WS5/I5/T5, melee army that has a rule made to fuck anyone that can fight on their level goodit's like having an army of Daemon brutes at base except they actually have a form of shooting.
>>94808266>>94808358MkIIb LR are Chadraiders.
>>94808266Is it the perspective or is that far tank absolutely tiny?
>>94807561Why are his Russes about 1.5x times bigger than yours? It's not the perspective; your stuff isn't that far away
>>94808521My guys are the Tan ones, its a bigger 3D print that matches the Dracosan chassis size and style, his are smaller ones and for 3rd line militia.
how should I arm arlatax in normal heresy?power blades(S user AP4, breaching 5+) that come with a S6 AP4 assault 2 gun on each?arc scourges (S+2 AP3, rampage d3, disruption 5+) for 20pts each?or abomination blades (S user AP4, specialist weapon, rampage 1, breaching 4+, +1 to hit wounded targets) via the technoarcana for 10pts each?
>>94807561FULLY PAINTED solar on solar conflict?Uhhhh BASED?
>>94808415I really don't like the proteus. It looks really squished and weird and the pintle mount can't shoot past the centerline. Even for a space marine vehicle it looks too cramped.
>>94796927I'm considering running WB Last of the Serrated Sun's rite of war but having the only line units being 3 units of 20 demons. Are the demons effected by a banner in the army? Is it worth it to try?
>>94808269But my warlords a retard with a hammer that runs at the meanest thing in someone's army, dies, then hits them for d6 auto hammer hits. And it works
>>94808998Traitor Solar Vs Militia even more rare. We have done a couple of ZM matches with these armies as well, they were brutal.
>>94809182Any pics of the ZM games?
>>94809262Charonite Ogryns mulching Militia just like the gods intended!
>>94809306fkn phones I swear....
>>94809306How's Perth treating you anon
>>94809325Brisvegas actually, fk living in that dusty mining shithole that is Perth lol.
Can you repose resin parts after you've painted them or does that damage the paint?
>>94809353There are so many variables. Is the paint varnished? What kind of glue are you using? Are you snapping the part off and reattaching it, or just loosening it and twisting?Try it out, Anon. See what happens. Post results after so we all can learn.
>>94807483There is a big subgroup of communists in warhammer as well, so I guess you're right. Didn't someone paint a 40k dreadnought with nazi symbol?
>>94807535Far better than the plastic nu-slop, good job man
>>94806556Very nice, you missed one mould line on the bolt gun tho.What green did you use?
Is there any etiquette I should follow if I'm a new player playing Solar Auxilia similar to how people self restrict on how many Leviathans they take? My army is Tallarn themed so I plan on taking lots of tanks and walkers (don't care if they're shit its soulful).>>94809353Yes I've done it before, don't do it with really thin parts though obviously.
>>94804973My immersion got ruined when Blackrock forced female custodes into the setting
Good fucking morning bros, 7 hours of work today and then I'll be painting a WE assault squad nonstop while listening to audio classes. No training and no work stuff from home, so seems like a comfy day.How's your day looking?
Lost a close game against my friend's Imperial Fists today. The XIVth legion demands revenge!
v l t r a
>>94808521Your red russes vs the tan ones she tells you not to worry about
Round 1 of our Horus Heresy Narrative.The 2k list of the mechanicumPutting the Nah in Narrative :)
After careful consideration I've decided to try things against this thread's suggestions and deal with the consequences of my actions.>Thoughts on list
>>94810052take everything that isn't medusan immortals besides your heavy support choices and sub them out for more medusan immortals
>>94809178You do at least have a terminator command squad with thunder hammers escorting your warlord, right?
>>94810052Did you deliberately ask for advice in order so you could go with the worst possible options?
>>94810063I already have a list like that.>>94810080No, the Delegatus baby sits one of the immortal squads and will sacrifice himself in glorious combat to bonk the enemy in his death throws.But yeah, my meta has a lot of fast melee murderous strike units in it that make hamminators struggle to compete.
>>94810094cool beansmy only pointer would be that a proper iron hands list should be heavy metal as fuck and concerned solely with getting its dick wet with the blood of whoever they're out to fuckbigass war machines likely in the form of dreadnoughts, minimized emphasis on fast attack or more nuanced approaches, lots of immortals in the way of infantry, sledgehammer modo
>>94810094Can't believe that handing your opponent Slay the Warlord points is genuinely part of your strategy.
>>94810121any heresy era iron hand worth his salt is murderously suicidal
>>94810121Trust me, surviving would be ideal, but when I'm up against stuff like Corswain and Primarch's I'm preparing for the worst and hoping I can make them bleed.
>>94810091What would you change in the list?
>>94806886>You are very clearly a ruleslawyering WAACfaggot, so this discussion ends here.Reading this shit has actually made me upset. What really gets me is seeing you argue for your interpretation of the rules the way you have here convinces me that you have done so before, probably pushing your own retarded reading of the rules until your opponents relent and trust that the rules work the way you say they do.What makes it worse is even though multiple anons have said your reading is wrong, we all know you won't change your mind. You won't go to your friends and apologise for misunderstanding and explain how you were wrong, you won't start playing the game with an expanded understanding of rules interaction and improve game quality for both you and your opponents. You'll continue misconstruing rules either to be used to your advantage, or because you are too stubborn to admit your initial readings were wrong.It fills me with genuine dread to imagine what other rules you might have gotten wrong. I am convinced you are a thoroughly unfun player. I can vividly imagine you pouting and huffing on the other side of the table as you make some poor dice rolls, or complaining to your opponent about how "broken" the units they have taken are, and how your army is somehow avoidant of any of the same issues. I think anyone would be miserable playing against you, and it's entirely your fault.
>>94810158If you're facing as much terminators and primarchs as you're saying, you need more direct high strength low AP firepower. Would remove:>Quad launcher rapiers>One tactical squad, three units with Line is enough>Both units of jetbikes with plasma cannons>If there is enough terrain to hide, swap out the deredeo for a second scorpius. If not, leave out the scorpius>One sicaran omega. The units that will replace it are also capable of killing vehicles, so one omega is enoughWould fill up the points with a number of the following units. Pick what you like or is the more affordable, you'll need at least two out of these units:>Laser destroyer rapiers>Castaferrum dreadnoughts with two gravis lascannons>Either a contemptor or leviathan as counter-assault if something does manage to get close>Javelins with lascannons and multi-melta>Predators with magna-melta cannon turret and lascannon sponsons>Vindicators with magna laser destroyers>Sicaran Arcus can also work in this situation>The classic HSS with lascannonsThen the trick is to use your other units to kill the enemy unit(s) that can threaten your heavy firepower, leaving it free to relentlessly fire into the enemy terminators, dreadnoughts and melee characters until the last one stops moving.
>>94810269You sound like a very experienced strawman beater lmfao.
>>94806634What kind of crazy shit take is this? I’ve read through this exchange for some godawful reason and both of you retards blend together, but this is objectively wrong. Stubborn does not prevent negative leadership modifiers overall, it only does so in specific cases (morale and pinning), so even if you take your weird ass interpretation of “the effects of the fear special rule” it still doesn’t make sense.
how long until the plastic kits get updated
>>94810548Which one?
>>94810712MkIII, of course.
>>94810548Which plastic kits?
>>94810732The one that got updated last year? Why would GW update it yet again?
>>94810749Because it's shit.
>>94810761GW doesn't care about that, as long as it sells. And marinefags are well known paypigs that will devour whatever marine slop GW pushes out.Just get recasts of the old Mk III, lots of recasters make those in impressively high quality.
Normie primarch fanboy here. I don't actually own any figures or anything like but I just want to know, is there an established list of which primarchs are good and which are bad or underwhelming? Is there one that sees a lot of play and is even meta? Please enlightened me.
>>94810932No, not really. There's a couple of primarchs that are considered as stronger in close combat than the rest, but there isn't a definite tier list or anything.
>>94810777or get 3d prints
>>9481054820 years give or take.
It would have made a lot more sense if Krak missiles had sunder instead of lascannons.
>>94808415I have the kit, but can't decide if I want to go whole hog with the full tracks or not
I got an idea for loyalist Thousand Sons with allied Iron Hands, but what could the iron hands bring to the table that TSons can't? Can anyone help an anon out?
>>94811452Those side sponsons look do good like on a real WWI tank. Wish my LR had ones like that instead of cables swining in the breeze, meaning a mormot can cost the might of space marines half its fire power.4gxtdx
>>94809641won't be able to paint stuff for a few days, i got an operation on my left hand.
>>94811452The wrap around tracks are like another 40 bucks from the guy who makes them. i did not wanna spend 2x the cost of a LR for 1.
>>94811924how wide are the streets on those tiles?
>>94811930MkIIb already costs twice as much as a regular LR.
>>94812016Considering he said >from the guy who makes themI think he means he's getting it from a recaster
>>94811550Bionic cocks
>>94811550>but what could the iron hands bring to the tableThe sense of duty that enables them to execute some filthy sorcerer astartes who broke their oaths and the Edict of Nikea.
>>94812217pointless, they already have electro stimulation
>no LVO news>no sign of any tanks on the horizon>pretty much run out of consuls nowis 2025 a write off for Heresy?
>>94811550Tech to enhance their psychic power?Tech to protect their psychic power?Enhanced dreadnoughts?A love for breachers and grav weapons?Robots / cyber familiars?
>>94812217Interesting...>>94812275That's a good one, I do wanna keep the psychic potential crap in the fluff for /mydudes/ but them not going extreme with it could be good...>>94812392I meant more so from a list building perspectiove, but for a fluff perspective these are great suggestions, thanks
>>94812390You don't need a constant stream of new releases in order to collect an army and play the game, you zoomer cons00mer faggot.The 7 year draught in HH 1.0 still is the most comfy warhammer hobbying era I have ever experienced.
>>94812453Trvth NvkeALSO>>94812390>pretty much run out of consuls nowSpoken like a nogames fagot who doesn't know all the consul options
>>94812390Isn't that Thursday/Friday?
>>94812453>literally cannot build an army at present I actually don't care either way this year but given that March is the next possible teaser date, which is probably when Emperors Children in 40k will get a release previewed, it really isn't looking like heresy is getting anything major until late this year, at which point the game will be utterly dead. It is already dead in the Nottingham circuit, it can only be worse elsewhere.
>>94812498There's an extensive very active HH community here, and there already have been announcements for around 5 events in the upcoming year. This sounds like a you problem.
Does anyone paint the eye lenses for their legion an unconventional color? Or do you follow the art/examples exactly?
>>94812556>meanwhile games like TOW thriveit's a dead game in the GW heartlands I don't know what to tell you anon, also veteran clubs of middle aged dudes with resins from a deade ago does not mean the game is alive. Heresy stock is getting refused by stores all round me, no even GW shops keep much stock. I know this personally offends you since you tie your identity to a product but that's the bottom line, 2025 is looking to be a blow out. Even amongst record numbers leaving 40k, none of those are heading for the heresy.
>>94812672>He still buys from shops instead of ordering online>Measures the health of a game by how much stuff he can buy for it in physical stores>ProjectingLmao keep seething you cons00mer cuck.
>>94796927What recasters do you guys recommend? I usually use wtg but they're missing a lot of the OOP forgeworld stuff, guard especially. I asked this question in 40kg already but they're illiterate retards.
>>94812848>but they're illiterate retards.How so? I believe you but what led to this assessmentTo (not) answer your question I've just been using wtg, sorry, wish I could help
>>94812848wtg buckled under demand recently and pulled a huge swathe of their catalogue from availability ostensibly to have less mounting load atop the work already on their plate
>>94812848Black Market has a lot of the cool IA stuff but probably not everything, and they're expensive.It's also been like 2 months and they still haven't sent my order.
>>94813013BMM Takes it's time cuz they're russian
>>94812390>pretty much run out of consuls nowWe really in trouble because if all that is left is make a Raven Guard model or cancel the game, we know what GW will pick.
>>94813077lies, there's also salamanders.game is probably cancelled anyway
>>94813077Making an Imperial Fist?
>>94812868Incredibly frustrating, I only just started ordering from them recently.
>>94812453Hh1 was awful. I nearly quit halfway through it.
>>94813354HH1 was fine, it was just specific problems that caused issues. Namely the opressive nature of vehicles, template AP3/2 and psyker powers. For the most part hh2.0 had a lot of good chances but a lot of over corrections.
>>94813354HH 1.0 was fine once the playerbase knew what the gentlemen's agreements needed to be to keep the game fun for both players involved. It wasn't suited for highly competitive, no holds barred kind of players. But neither is HH 2.0, or any of GW's other games for that matter.
>>94811924Building it is then bro. Hope your surgery goes well
>>94813395Yeah but GW is hell fucking bent on trying to make it that way. In their infinite quest for the perfect 50% win rate, 40k has become stale.
>>94813417it went well enough for me to build a contemptor
>>94813379my expiriance of 1.0 was dudes poping out with some new thing every 2-3 week which cost like a month or two of a regular persons salary, and it was never the "I scratch build a fellblade out of a baneblade and my own stuff", but rather the so I maxed out of phosphex carnisters in my "narrative" IW army. At least people back in 1.0 weren't assholes about using grey hunters, blood claws, SW heroes and SW dreadnoughts as HH stuff.
>>94813555Dude, if you have a damaged hand/pre surgery don't fuck it up even more by building models. Some stuff can become permanent and you don't want to feel pain in your wrist for the rest of your life. Trust me, I did it and it ain't fun after the first few months.
>>94813555Lay off the booze for a bit and give your poor liver a break, Umbacano
>>94813565don't worry it's post operation. the main stuff was done month ago>>94813769laid off the booze for more than a month now
>>94813788Well I had my stuff done on 11,jan 1998, thought it would help up in 3 months. Just did the usual farm stuff, then sowing time came, I fucked it up and the paint stayed, plus over time the grip power dropped to 45% of normal, and I can't do precise work with the left hand. Had to relearn writing etc.
>>94813811well in that case i probably fucked it up a while ago, i broke my hand in june last year, the bones were still not consolidated today
>>94813856Man that must suck. Don't want to imagine what it's like losing a hand, I need them for doing stuff. Painting models is the only thing that has kept me sane over the years, wouldn't know what to do if I could no longer do that.
>>94813972you would still paint models, only they would look worse, then before. simple as.
>>94796927>TQ2 Land Raiders, that's it
>>94812390Year of the non-Marines.Solar Auxillia and Mech to dominate.Believe it.
>>94812665My Word Bearers have yellow eyes.My Alpha Legion have green eyes.
>>94814257>Solar AuxilliaVeletari Vanguard...my beloved...
>>94812665I have been enjoying grey lenses.
So I've been faffing about with mechanicum lists and recently the siren song of doing a knight army has been calling to me.Last night I theory crafted out, knights with mech allies. Super simple list just have a few questions for people that have played those lists more.Cybernetica or nekro is what I'm leaning to for the mech, with heavier bias towards cybernetica. Putting the arch-magos in with two castellax with power blades, two more castellax with darkfire and fists. Then a domitar and a thanatar.The knight side is a Castegator with the chaos whip weapon upgrade that gives him +1 WS. As well as two helverns.My thought is that the mini knights and power saw castellaxes can deal with MEQ. Castellaxes sorta "deal with" them, not as well as the helverns. The darkfire Castellax deal with tanks, as does the domitar with paragon. While the knight and the Thanatar deals with everything else.The other option was archmagos of nekro, with a jump pack but I saw his jump pack is different from the urasax one so he would be a solo unit, and I dislike that. 6 Thallaxi with plasma, 3 with irad, then 9 Urasax with 3 sets of fists.
Part of me is proud that I can resist and dismiss the urge to purchase more models and add to my backlog no matter how much I enjoy building models.But the larger part of me is just bored.
>>94813972it's not all doom and gloom for me yet
FUCK Legio Mortis
Finished magnetising my astraman titan I think I have everything blocked in here basingwise. I can properly start painting this thing.Gonna paint the little marine as raven guard as It seems they were bros with the astraman
>>94815042>Astraman>red carapacedoubt
>>94815052The reds only to base the metalics on the inner frame
>>94812032"The guy who makes them [wrap around tracks]" would be Blood & Skulls Industries. From who, last I checked, the tracks (and hull rear) was around $40-50. MkIIb used to cost about twice the price of a regular LR (straight from GW/FW). Now it's all recaster, because GW gotta sell their nu Carriers.
Are flyers considered visible from everywhere on the battlefield? I figured the flight stand was just for actually getting them off the ground. Curious to know whether or not they can be obscured by buildings
Finally ordered my warhound from the Far East. Now I'm scared I'll fuck it up somehow
>>94810932Corax is at the bottomwhere he belongs Top tier are the ones with army wide buffs or stellar Combat: Alpharius/Horus/Russ/ Ferrus and arguably Logar depending on the terrain situation.
>>94814357how's that look? sounds kinda strange
>>94815152they can be obscured by cover just like any other unit, but likewise if they can't be seen by a unit they can't shoot that unitthere's nothing in the current rules to specifically make them 360 visible at all times, nor should there behttps://youtu.be/JeBKYPx4F2I?t=44
>>94810932Lorgar is the worst, befitting his status in fluff as a giant asshole that learned to talk somehow
>>94809974Based mechaniCUM-chad. Marinepigs better learn to enjoy the narrative of a long and hard lesson on the inferiority of Terran genecraft.
>>94809974Kind of cringe but also>only 2 line units in that picSeems like fair game to me at that point desu. You ARE playing for objectives and not just doing a mindless kill mission, right anon? Traversing a storm of overwhelming firepower to hold ground against a force like that is peak narrative honestly.Honestly I feel bad for mechanicum players; 2/3rd’s of their units are pretty “meh” in comparison to marines who are basically good at everything but if you so much as take that other 1/3rd that’s above average you’re getting greasy looks from fuckers that take lascannons and nemesis bolters almost every game. God forbid mech players get to have fun.
>>94815731>nemesis bolters almost every gameis there a problen with doing that?
>>94801909See, that's how we know you're lying. All HH players have an overwhelming aversion to hygiene, that's a basic requirement to join the hobby.
>>94814357Underrated. Now paint your fucking minis.
>>94815731What actions would be considered sweaty for a Solar Auxilia player? I need to KNOW.
>>94815412I got the idea and color scheme from Imperial Armor Masterclass. I've been using it to have a neutral eye color on dark/black/gunmetal models so the eyes don't end up as the focal point. >>94816010have faith.
How does this look for a new player:LI - Solar Auxilia - Tallarn 71st - [2945Pts]# ++ Crusade Force Organisation Chart ++ [2945Pts]## HQ [305Pts]Armoured Fist - Leman Russ Command Tank [200Pts]Legate Marshal [105Pts]## Elites [450Pts]Charonite Ogryn Section [120Pts]:Charonite Ogryn Section [120Pts]:Veletaris Tercio [90Pts]:Veletaris Tercio [90Pts]:## Troops [940Pts]Infantry Tercio [470Pts]:• 2x Rifle Sections [235Pts]: Dracosan Armoured TransportInfantry Tercio [470Pts]:• 2x Rifle Sections [235Pts]: Dracosan Armoured Transport## Heavy Support [1280Pts]Aethon Heavy Sentinel Squadron [230Pts]:• 3x Aethon Heavy Sentinel [75Pts]: Aethon Missile Battery, AutocannonArmoured Tercio [435Pts]:• 1x Leman Russ Strike Squadron [435Pts]: Two Turret Mounted Gravis Autocannons (Gravis Autocannon) • 3x Leman Russ Battle Tank [140Pts]Armoured Tercio [615Pts]:• 1x Leman Russ Assault Squadron [615Pts]: Turret Mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon • 3x Leman Russ Battle Tank [200Pts]
>>94816108Oh shit, that's an unexpected twist. Also looks nifty.
>>94812665eye lens colour based on armour mark
>>94815042why does it have a termite on its hand
>>94806097The Legion Etrangere. Get a kepi and have adventures in Afrirca.If not SoHs.