WHORES! WHY DID YOU BETRAY EVERYONE?! editionPrevious Heresy:>>94763293>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Startedhttps://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/05/30/new-to-the-horus-heresy-heres-everything-youll-need-to-get-started/>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:https://www.warhammer-community.com/en-gb/downloads/warhammer-the-horus-heresy/>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS>30k TACTICA & TIPShttps://pastebin.com/Tm2P4QLphttps://1d6chan.miraheze.org/wiki/Age_of_Darkness-Warhammer_30k/2.0_Tactics/General_Tactics>HH1 Black Books<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>NqlCmSpI>HH2 Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>1rki2Q6D>Miscellaneous Extras (Visions and Old Rules)<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Q61izSiS『Adeptus Titanicus and Legionis Imperialis』>Adeptus Titanicus Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>IukARSLT>Legiones Imperialis Rules and Supplements<slash>folder<slash>hrVRQLJA#wGHrhiBVzl21Gb_Vu6U67w<slash>folder<slash>Fi9kQSwB>List of Titan Legions with Badges and Colourshttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17Jccq0V--SwJifLVLwbisYnQeqLlS2pMSiPbGXp1Brs/htmlview>More listshttps://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/List_of_Titan_Legions>What size magnets do I need?5x1mm>Tacticshttps://1d6chan.miraheze.orug/wiki/Adeptus_Titanicus/Tactics>homemade missions:https://clawsandfists.blogspot.com/2019/09/matched-play-missions-for-adeptus.html>Thread question:When was last game you played anon? How did it go?
>>94779287>TQI don't got an army complete yet so one of the bros at my LGS let me use one of his armies in a bit 5k per player 3v3 game. Was fun! Also was my first game
>>94779160I'm so fukken proud of you.Didja gettem from Wally? He's gonna be the one I order from if my tax return is good.
>>94778956>The Emperor is not a hero. His war is not just.He is fighting actual demons. That literally makes you a hero as long as you aren't worse than the daemon, which is an incredibly low bar.That way you can torch a world and make a legion of cannibals and you are still the unironic good guy when the other guys make devil pacts.Thunder warriors are flawed psychotic monsters, and yet they can be given honourable deaths not unlike how Wulfen and Death Company are.
Why are moriax in the standard mechanicum army list but armigers are separate in the questoris army list? For what purpose?
Do you guys give your apothecaries upgrades? An extra power weapon is always nice and I was thinking the seekers' babysitter could take a combi weapon, but it's starting to add up in points like a solid quarter of my list is upgrades at this point.
>>94779287>TQ3 days ago. Ultramarines vs Space Wolves. We play against each other very often and usually have nail biter games since we know how the other player plays and develop around it, but Space Wolf friend used a different detachment with Solar Aux allies. Unfortunately I had eaten his command squad and melee dreads quickly, could both see the writing on the wall so we called it by turn 2.
I put on my robe and wizard hat
>>94779761the walking pose reminds me of a runway model
>>94779687I keep my apothecaries basic bitch, unless I'm running my procurators, then I throw in a bunch of dumb stuff like power fists because it's already comically overcosted, let's just go full Disturbed Wah ah ah ah ah
>>94779687I think giving them power weapons (specifically a power axe) is cool since they are basically another sergeant. Like, they come with 2 attacks base, that's pretty insane.I would never give them Artificer armour though. If you are ever in a situation where you have to use them to step up for a challenge your squad is probably already screwed, and anything that can use precision shots on them is already going to be either breaching or rending so the 2+ save wouldn't matter.
>>94779603Basically everyone in the setting except chaos is justified or at least understandable>emps: I wish to protect my race from the horrors of Chaos>elves: I wish to right the wrongs of the War in Heaven>orks: Oi just want a proppa scrap and some gubbins to play with>necrons: I want these kids off my race's collective lawn>tau: I want to spread our superior* system of governance to all* the races>nids: I gotta have a good meal, Jon>delves: In order to not experience infinite hellworld forever I have to torture niggas>chaos: INFINITE HELLWORLD FOREVER FOR EVERYONE
I keep going back and forth on if I think my SoH army is doomed or not, purely because I can't find a paint method I'm satisfied with. I think I just need to paint the entire AoD box and hope it comes together at the end.Pic related isn't finished but as always, thoughts?
>>94779928Looks fine to me man.
>>94779928i love that hue so you're probably not as damned as you thinki've arrived at drybrushing the base armour tone onto a primed and drybrush zenithal'd basis for getting to the initial color(s). works great with something even as stark as working to a white from mostly blackone can get very thorough coats with a great finish out of the gate with such a means i dunno if your use of an airbrush is getting in the way of feeling good about a method or procession but just keep experimenting if nothing elsedefinitely bring a model or two to full completion with your means on hand to have a better feel for the end results, adjust if necessary. it's fine for marines to develop from one to the next in how you're doing them and all successively benefit from the one before having been so realized and evaluated
>>94779360SPTK. He’s going legit next year so I decided to pull the trigger. Never heard of wally, I’ve got mostly Chinese and Russian recasters.
>>94780077I thought he already pulled sales and was trying to go legit at the beginning of this yearnow i need to place another fucking order
>>94779886My favourite piece of headcannon is the idea that, despite its personification and how it takes forms that are comprehensible to us, chaos and its aspects are just a reflection of our existence, no more evil than a positron.Life is fundamentally different than the alternative; there is some interaction (as in, a force, in the scientific sense) that makes makes living (and in particular, sentient) things different from non-living matter. This is to say that we are not just bundles of potentials following energy gradients towards the inevitable heat death of the universe. I would posit this force is related to complexity of systems and is immeasurably small for the majority of lifeforms, but perhaps through some feat of interference, is eventually (in the evolutionary sense) what becomes responsible for sentience and psychic powers. This force is also related to complex interactions between fields with several different charge states associated with this force. This author posits the existence of four distinct charge states as follows beyond the electrodynamic and chromodynamic, though far more research is required in this area. Acknowledging the multitude of charge states that create these forces is important as it means these forces may be disrupted or modified by external influences (such as the technological augments of the wytch-hunters of the Cult Culexus), as well as allowing for the explanation of the “null” phenomenon as a collection and orientation of charges that produce destructive interference with the fields more commonly produced by the general population.
>>94780244The imperial scholar John Veridian posits that chaos is neither good nor evil, but simply a manifestation of a complex fundamental interaction. This interaction is nigh-undetectable in all but the most complex of living things due to interference at a subatomic level, but manifests itself when just the right geometries are established and gives rise to what we know as sentience. In cases where space and time and energy come together in just the right way, this interaction gives rise to the “psyker” phenomena. As a scholar of old earth once described the anti-particle twin to the electron as moving backwards through time to an inevitable obliteration, so too does this interaction give rise to antimatter that acts in opposition of it. What the laymen may refer to as “daemons” are simply complex constructs of this anti-material, and like all sentient life that opposes them, are fated to eventually recombine and be obliterated in an emission of pure energy. In short, we are all doomed to an inevitable fate decided by mass-energy gradients created billions of years ago at the birth of the universe.I’d like to actually turn this whole thing into a little piece of writefaggotry at some point.
>>94779761>>94779775Agreed fruity faggot vibes from this one, should be EC only.
>>94779928I feel your paint I have tried so many test models for my SoH only to strip them, at least five times.
>>94779761Where are those bits from, anon, any stls you can point me towards?
Is a Solar Aux armoured company (Armoured Fist Cohort) WAAC? What should I avoid if I want to tank spam?
>>94779928Leave them as is they look great. Tweak the paint on another unit if you really must, but don't sabotage your own progress anon
>>94779603You're a retard incapable of grasping a setting designed for 13 year old boys.
>>94780759nta, but the retard here is you. Anon is just repeating what the actual fluff says without any irony. The Emperor is a ruthless asshole, but he has the best possible reasons for do what he does. That's the existential horror of the setting and the delicious grimdark of it.
>>94780805>enacting your particular brand of eugenics on a species makes you morally correct
>>94780960>eugenicsThere's the "failed painter's favourite ethnicity" brand of eugenics, and there's the "avoid humanity's extinction and turning the galaxy into literally hell" brand. The later is indeed morally correct.Nevermind that the Emperor's persona is supposed to be the last gambit of a dude born in 8000BC. Whatever were all the other options, they all failed or are not viable anymore.
Ok here's the pitch, WEs company that takes astartes prisoners and implants them with the buthcers nails to use them as gladiators for entertainment, and if any prove their worth they get to join the company proper (after being mentally buck broken to serve the warmaster of course). Is this a stupid idea? In the 40k 9E codex for World Eaters there's a character who's backstory is basically this (he was an Iron Hand)
>>94781129IMO, it's just too elaborate for WE to do it at scale.It also sounds impractical, as the Nails do not change the subjects.All loyalist WE killed at Issvan 3 also got the nails
>>94781159>IMO, it's just too elaborate for WE to do it at scale.Good point>It also sounds impractical, as the Nails do not change the subjects.All loyalist WE killed at Issvan 3 also got the nailsI should've been more speciifc, by "mentally buck broken" i meant like reconditioned, but then that ties back into the first problem i guess
>>94781129That's what red butchers are. They are World Eaters so crazed they don't know anything other that they must kill. Many of traitor red butchers are Istvaan III loyalists who just lost their mind.It's world eaters we are talking about, they don't need to be sane, just kill thing in front of them, not losing controll and not attacking your brothers is secondary concern and not mandatory.
>>94781027Everything about big E and the 2 missing Legions is deliberately ambiguous. You can have your own headcannon but claiming it's a more canonical headcannon is just cringe.
>>94781129pls don't it's very unethical
>>94780305Nice try GW
>>94781180Well by "astartes prisoners" I meant from loyalist legions the company/chapter/whatever fights over the course of the heresy. I thought of this idea cuz I thought the 9E codex character I-Forgot-His-Name's (I'm looking for his name rn, if I find it I'll post it) backstory was cool, tl;dr the WEs take an Iron Hands officer during Istvaan V and throw him in gladiator pits till he kills a captain and is so bloodthirsty and brainwashed he becomes a siege master of the World Eaters. I thought it was a cool backstory so I thought maybe a company that does this would be neat. Maybe that'd be a bit much, maybe like an officer or something would suffice my needs for unethical recruitment>>94781208But it's so much fun
>>94781182The only "deliberately ambiguous" part, is if the HH/40k was planned from the start by the Emperor or just his plan B. Everything else is clear and reinforced by other PoV in universe: He's the only thing standing between humanity and extinction. Even other Perpetuals acknowedge it by the end.
>>94781241>(I'm looking for his name rn, if I find it I'll post it)Found it, Oresk Torgoll, page 27 of the 9E WE codex.
>>94781259>Everything else is clear and reinforced by other PoV in universeAlso limited by that same pov.
>>94781259His motivations and plans are not clear though. Was he forced to be the DK for example, or was it always his plan?
>>94781316IMO, the Dark King was always another red herring. Another persona he briefly toyed with to reach Horus but that he never had any intention to become. He fully expected being interrupted by Ollanius, or he took it as a convenient excuse.
>>94781241And as I said, World Eaters don't need much of strategy, since legion's main tactic and strategy is dropping near enemy and killing them with chainaxes. They can just put nails in loyalist skulls, turn them up to 11 so they don't know who they are, where they are, and know only that they have to kill. No brainwashing needed, just another band of lunatic berserkers, who charge straight at enemy(allies included).This is why I mentioned Red Butchers, special WE terminators, guys so mind broken they no longer know where they are or who to fight, their terminator armor have remote controll installed and is turned off as prison, so RB don't damage WE shit, because they are going apeshit all the time. Butchers are early heresy unit that include Istvaan III loyalist survivors who went mad by expirience and now fight for traitor cause, not because they like Angron or Horus, but because they kill anything in front of them.World Eaters have it very easy in terms of "prisoner recruitment" because they can just jam nails into everyone's skull and make him go apeshit. Early heresy Red Butchers have safety measure with terminator armor that can be turned off, but late heresy WE just would not care.
>>94781367Thanks for the feedback anon... time to plan an ex blood angels champion....
>>94779687if you have cool upgrades like perdition swords then yesif you only have power weapons then I wouldn't bother unless there's a legion trait that benefits meleesame for shooty legions, another BS4+1 weapon is always nice but it's not necessary, and another BS4 plasma pistol might never pay off
>>94781378>legion already with genes for violent outbursts>now with nailsIt checks out.
>>94781412Yeah my fluff for the guy is he's a pre sanguinius legionary with an overgrown [organ that lets marines eat people] so he's mad he can't eat his boss no more to become his boss like the revenant legion used to do. Was originally thinking of making him a praetor but that might be a bit of a stretch
>>94781027It is so correct that the previous tools had to be put down and half of his current ones are going to serve the very thing he wanted to destroy for the next 10.000 years. Oh and he gets put into a chair too. He himself gave his tools reasons to betray him too btw, let's not forget that. Not to mention his belief that humans should be ruled by humans and yet here he is, not understanding basic human things like helping his sons and being the generalissimo of monstrous dictatorship that spans almost the entirety of the known space.But at least he knows he's right.
>>94780081He's stoppin at the end of december 2025 last I asked him
>>94779667Because the rules writers put very little thought into the non muhrine armies.
>>94781432Counterpoint.Other guy is super rape satan. Even with all of his fuckups next to super rape Satan, Emperor is a good guy.
>>94781469Emperor is human or of human. Super rape satan *spit* is not human or of human. Emperor is instantly good, because he is our.
>>94781469Correct, just a question, who created super-satan's strongest servants in the human's plane of existence?
>>94781585Female called Erda.
>>94781585>super-satan's strongest servantsGod needs the Devil to keep people in line and praying to him, just saying
Slowly working on my melee marines, after building 10 iductii. And I have a question about scratches on "red" paint. Are those scratches white or should they be like yellow or orange, or maybe some other colour.
>>94781585A woman. By taking the said super humans from their father.
Asking here because /40kg/ is a shitshowI wanted to build a small Black Templars force as a side project using hh models, how do the new scouts scale with them size-wise? I will need some sort of neophyte for my crusader squad
>>94781648they are big. but not too big IMO.
>>94781648IMO nuScouts are too big, almost primaris size
>>94781648They look taller.
>>94781299How in the absolute fuck did someone destroy a hundred Krieg regiments? The siege of Vraks only saw the deployment of 34 Krieg regiments and that was a massive battle. God, I fucking hate GW.
>>94781668He was really mad and made it happen
>>94779928What helmets are those, kitten?
>>94781663>>94781665>>94781667Ah dang need to find some oop scouts then
>>94781668He ordered his Space Hulk to drive closer because he wanted to hit them with his axe, I presume.
>>94779287>TQRan a demo game for a few people that went great, then they turned out to be shitty people after the game. That was a couple weeks ago.
>>94781592>>94781616And who gave her orders to do so? Who was the one that made the biotechnical division? Who oversaw the creation of space marines and their primarchs? Whose labs were they made in?
>>94781777It was the Ghost of Hitler, back at it again.
>>94781777So when I run someone over car manufacturer is at fault?
>>94781806If it is a self-driving car with a flaw in programming that made it get off the road and run people over, yes. If the reason the self-driving car was made is a shortage of cab drivers and the car has a flaw that makes it run over cab drivers because they confuse their uniforms stripes with the road or some shit, doubly so.
>>94781840But this self driving car have said problems after karen hijacked it, threw it into super hell and forced shoody software update, without manufacturer's consent.
>>94781803Gosh darn it Hitler!
>>94781859The manufacturer is omniscient and can see in the future. I find it very hard to believe he didn't know what was wrong with his cars when he's also shown as being able to read minds and being able to repair machines with his thoughts. The whole point of him being the manufactorer is that he foresaw that without him the company would go kaput.>>94781803I knew it!
>>94781876>The manufacturer is omniscientNo he isn't>and can see in the futureMany psykers can, problem is that future isn't set in stone and visions may vary. You can always predict wrong, as Eldar often prove.
>>94781876Being able to know that a future is possible, and thinking "no way this woman is going to act that retarded" especialy when you yourself are busy with trying to comprehand a place that is inifite in nature. The Emperor did not live his life and did his deeds, thinking everyday, that his followers will work as retarded and evil/anti his plan as possible. ESPECIALY the ones that were super smart perpetual beings.
The whole retcon of a retarded woman creating space marines is stupid and should be ignored entirely
>>94782234The whole novel series should be ignored except for the parts that you liked.
>>94782266based and double dubs pilled.
>>94782234Check 'em.
I was thinking about adding an actual hound to my World Eaters, does anyone know whether these three are of a similar size?
>>94782266Yes, but that also applies to the Black Books and HH2.0.They all have mistakes and weak shit better ignored
>>94782371Like what?
>>94782339You just know.
>>94782396From the top of my head:>IF favouritism, and not only in rules>More Isstvan survivors than in all BL books combined>More donut steel edgy OCs (like Fafnir Rann)>SoH at Prospero>Custodes at Signus Prime>Pretending that the Imperial Army and Skitarii weren't relevant>IH loyal to Horus BEFORE Issvan 5>Jaghatai Khan being a palette swapped Leman RussAnd there's more that jump at me everytime I reopen these books. The Isstvan trilogy was great, but they became more and more fanfictiony as they went on, until HH2 going totally off the rails.
I think I can get some priming done today, it's merely 34 degrees rather than 25. If that's the case I should have quite a bit done by the end of the month. Hell yeah I'm gonna destroy this backlog.Tomorrow.
>>94780451I don't think anything aux is WAAC, especially not a vehicle list. This edition vehicles are not in a good spot and aux are second rung from the bottom in terms of power, only beating out militia to avoid the bottom spot.
>>94781412>>94781429I miss Alan Bligh, he gave the Blood Angels the classification "Fidelitas Totalis," total loyalty. It was on a sneak peak thing they previewed before book 6 I wanna say? The book where we got the initial rules for BA/DA/Scars but not their full army lists. But after he died and they implemented his notes ig that was one thing they changed and now we have faggot traitor Blood Angels fit only for the shame and scorn of their Primarch. RIP Bligh, his vision for the BA matched my own Mary Sue version.
>>94782430>More Isstvan survivors than in all BL books combined>SoH at Prospero>Custodes at Signus Prime>IH loyal to Horus BEFORE Issvan 5NTA, but what's your issue with these ones specifically?
>>94779667Mechanicum knights are in the mechanicum army list, questoris knights are in the questoris list.
>>94782660They're not just innacurate by the previous and later BL books, they also break the themes and focus of those battles and factions.Just think of the implications of a Custodes army as one of the main wings at Signus Prime, and what happens later with Imperium Secundus. It's lore breaking as fuck.
>>94782705>Just think of the implications of a Custodes army as one of the main wings at Signus PrimeHardly an army, it was like 30 dudes. It's funny this came up I was just reading the Signus campaign out of my Malevolence book last night. It was like 30 dudes and they were basically trapped in the ship by the Blood Angels during Imperium Secundus. I personally don't care that they were at Signus but I think it's a really stupid idea that the BA were able to keep them placated below decks to hide Imperium Secundus from them. For the other things I can't really speak to but they don't bother me.My rule of thumb is that the original black books series written by Bligh or from his notes post-mortum are essentially primary source and where they contradict BL they should take precedence. Both because of the larger birds-eye/historiographical stance they take and also because Bligh was just a way better writer than most BL authors lol.
Only 2e 40k and Index Astartes Heresy lore is canon, everything else is made up in-universe
>>94782758Only unit flavor text is canon
>>94782741>written by BlighYou mean written by him and John French until HH3 with also Andy Hoare (current HH lead) and all BL authors themselves? Interesting how the series writing quality declined once French left to write full time for BL.> because of the larger birds-eye/historiographical stance they takeBy the books own admission, most of it are unreliable second hand accounts when not utter alpha legion bs.
>>94782758Then fuck off to /grog/ , you don't belong here
>>94782633>RIP Bligh, his vision for the BAWas bullshit without SG, nevermind the retarded Tear's gimp masks or Dawnbreakers that nobody asked for
>>94782782All the bts we got from FW indicates that Bligh was a one man army doing a majority of the work himself, which is why HH died with him for a while.
>>94780244Thats not headcanon, thats literal explicit canon. Chaos is a force born from the emotions of the mortal races, it exists as a reflection of their actions.
>>94782794>Was bullshit without SGI respected their decision to not bring SG to HH. The 5th ed cdex which I think was their debut said that the weapons they used in 40k were traditional to their role going all the way back to the HH, so they were kind of backed into a corner both in terms of rules writing and there being a pre-existing kit. I actually think it was lame that they caved and gave us a unit that was even less inspired than the Dawn Breakers, who I love the fluff and crunch for btw, but their models are a wasted opportunity. FW needs to learn that mid-air models are never good, or at least they are too talentless to pull them off, which is a shame cos half the BA range are flying.
>>94782798Nobody denies he was the main driver and lead of HH1, but he didn't do it alone, or was the only talented guy in the team.HH1-3 with John French had a lot better writting and continuity than the rest (despite French IF favouritism). There's a clear decline in HH4 onwards, even if it became more evident after Bligh's death.The current HH2 campaigns read pretty much like shitty 40k ones when they're not making shit up that never happened (like a duel between the Khan and Horus)
>>94782848By the time the Black Books were published, the BA were already stablished in the HH continuity. There was no excuse but wanting to force their own pet version of the IX legion, like they did with the imperial army or the MechanicumAt this point, the game has become pretty much its own divergent parallel universe. And not necessarity for the best.
>>94782848BA got a mix of good models (Dreads, infantry upgrades, terminators) and shitty ones (tears, dawnbreakers).The Sanguinius mini aimed high, but as you say is in the end a failure: between the stupid awkward pose that doesn't look right from any angle and the ugly old englishman horse face favoured by the sculptor, the third party minis are a way better choice (unless you have to play in GW stores or something)
>>94782887Marketing lies from a time his name was cool thanks to the IA Badab series
>>94782884I know it's sacrilege to say in "New Thing Bad" General Thread but I don't mind FW's attempts to differentiate the legion character with their 40k counterparts or add detail and nuance. We didn't really know much about the BA during the Heresy, and what we did know what they were essentially the same as their 40k chapter, which I think is really well illustrated in Fear to Tread by James Swallow, which I appreciated as a novel but did almost no work to flesh out the character of the legion and took it as a foregone conclusion that they were just the chapter we all knew but without the Black Rage because Sanguinius was there. I think in general custodians of an IP shouldn't be criticized for trying to shake things up or add twists to things we know, only if their efforts fall flat. If you ask people what they want they will usually say more of the same, and IMO the additions they made to the HH BA lore in the black books are a good example of doing this stuff well. I don't think the new BA lore contradicts anything we knew about the legion previously in any major way, and in fact accentuates a lot of stuff in a good way and adds depth. Sure we didn't get SG but they were still prominent in the lore and they could easily be represented by just a command squad. As I said earlier if we went off the lore we knew from them they would basically be a command squad with master crafted two handed power weapons and the ability to buy Fear. Instead of SG we got new stuff that I think in terms of fluff and crunch were unqualified successes with a mix of good, meh, and wtf models. I would Considering what the 40k players got with the nuSG I'm glad they at least tried something new.>>94782928Still consistently shocked by how bad he Sanguinius model is compared to so many third party offerings. Also mad that they didn't go with Bligh's rumored original rules depiction of Sanguinius wielding both his weapons at once. Maybe we'll get a do over like Horus did.
>>94782993>depiction of Sanguinius wielding both his weapons at onceoh they did. Genderbended, with a side cut, and in AoS
>>94782993I agree that Fear to Tread was a missed opportunity to differentiate more the 30k BA from their 40k version (a problem shared by most legions), but in Swallow's defence he was also constrained by the BA tale in Visions of Heresy.> the additions they made to the HH BA lore in the black books are a good example of doing this stuff wellThe origin story they gave to the IX legion was great, also agreed. But they took too many liberties besides filling out the gaps. Changing stablished stories into something very different, or minis that don't look at all like the characters (Zephon) is going too far, IMO.I love the collaborative work nature of the HH and i don't like it becoming a multiverse mess because authors are too lazy or ego-driven to stick to their duty (like fucking Abnett)
>>94781687https://www.spellcrow.com/guards-scouts-legs-p-291.htmlhttps://www.spellcrow.com/scouts-torsos-p-353.htmlAnd some heads/arms of your choice.
So I started painting my Ligma marines as EC because I had a good purple triad lying around, but I don't actually know anything about the EC. Will I be fine just reading the black books?
>>94780244>>94780252So basically, if I am understanding this right, the Warp/Chaos is basically the source of consciousness/awareness, at least of the primitive sort that lifeforms like bacteria have that allows them to actively respond to their environment?If so, that has been my idea of Chaos/the Warp for a long time as well
How does this sound for a jetbike list, SoH >Skyhunter Phalanx >Praetor, MC Paragon Blade, Jetbike, Cast in Gold>8x Command Squad, 5x Various Power Weapons, 3x Power Fists, Jetbikes>3x6 Skyhunter Squad, Volkite Culverins, Sergeant Power Weapon + Artificer >2x3 Proteus Land Speeders, 2x Plasma Cannons each>3x Apothecaries, Jetbikes, Various Power Weapons >3x Javelins, Multi-Melta + 2x Lascannon each >2x Xiphon Interceptor>Fire Raptor, Hellstrike Missiles, Gravis Autocannon Batteries
>>94784554>SoHIron Hands is the only legitimate jetbike list
>>94785060I'm looking for cool not competitive.
>>94782821The difference between my headcanon and what’s heavily implied in the canon is about the fundamental nature of warp entities. It may be a more philosophical distinction, but the cementing the difference between “good vs. evil” or something similar and “opposing forces” is a big part of what separates fantasy from sci-fi for me (though I fully acknowledge that warhammer is meant to be fantasy in space, I’ll still push for interpretations against that). >>94784440It’s not that the warp is the source of consciousness, it’s that the warp and consciousness/sentience (whatever word you want to call it) are fundamentally related: one can’t exist in a stable form without the other, and it’s the interaction of the two that creates the energy needed for either to exist (and be harnessed). It’s also that the connection is one of a fundamental physical force that is (eventually) unifiable with the rest of our model of the universe. It’s an explanation that doesn’t rely on spiritual crap or space magic, and we only rationalize to those because we lack further understanding.
Does anyone have the Legion Imperialis rulebook or Devastation of Tallarn pdf?
>>94785134>SoH... cool...All joking aside, I would do one of those skyhunters with multimeltas and a fist on the sgt. It's just too much power to pass up in such a speedy squad I think. Also with one squad kitted out that way, you have enough power to justify the volkite over the plasma on the other squads. I run against a lot of pride of the legion though so that could be my bias.
>>94785544May I see it?
>>94782371Right people should be absorbing the chunks of fluff and bits of story they like and letting it tickle their imagination while giggling sardonically at people who obsses of irrelevant, trivial, details.
>>94785586The file sizes are too large for Four Chan.
>post mechanicum+militia list here over the past few days>friend has all the models for me to borrow, or at least easily proxygot a game with it on monday lads, lets see if its any good
>>94785716Rock on man
If you were to apply one if the 7 deadly sins to each of the traitor legions, what would they be?>SoHPride>WEWrath>IWEnvy>ECPride>DGSloth>TSGreed>NLLust>WBGluttony>ALEnvy
Working on my Kakaphoni, what are your thoughts on the fire, leopard spots, and tiger stripes? I feel like the stripes need more but not sure what. Also, any more “rocker” pattern suggestions?
>>94785716Best of luck Militia bro.I wish you many sixes, and my all your opponents plasma guns roll ones.
>>94785756Seems pretty good
>>94785596The rules pdf I have is from 4chan and was posted here
>>94785878well, many sixes may not be good if i'm doing LD tests all game for cyberthurgystill gotta decide on a WT though
what do you think of my categorization of the legions?>Best at melee rangeSons of Horus and blood angelsWorld eaters and salamanders>melee and close rangeEmperor's children and ironhandsDeath guard and White scars>Zerg rush with numbersWord bearers and ultramarines>Siege and psykersImperial fists and iron warriorsSpace wolves and thousand suns>Long Range and subterfuge Raven guard and alpha legionNight lord's and dark angels
>>94786040Fair point. Personally I love science of slaughter, but it's just not the best. May you roll good dice side, and your foes bad ones.
>>94786052How are space Wolves not Melee or close range.
>>94785756If I were to apply one if the 7 deadly sins to each of the traitor legions even I would finally recognize I need to get a life.
>>94786114they're psykers steeped in the warp
>>94786135So they can get into close range. Jesus christ anon their Legion trait is run and charge and their second Legion trait is basically army wide counter attack, the only difference between them and world Eaters is that their rules are good.
>>94785480they're both linked in the OP
>>94781663They're the same size. Scout is standing upright, nu-mk6 is squatting.
>>94785306 it’s that the warp and consciousness/sentience (whatever word you want to call it) are fundamentally related: one can’t exist in a stable form without the other, and it’s the interaction of the two that creates the energy needed for either to exist (and be harnessed). How would the Warp be unstable if consciousness did not exist? That the Warp exists in the intergalactic void to my understanding--albeit in a very still, daemon-free state -- shows to me that the Warp is not dependent on consciousness for its existence. Conversely, that people almost always become lethargic, catatonic, unconscious in areas where the Warp is nearly separated from the Materium shows to me that consciousness is dependent on the Warp. What makes you think that the Warp and awareness are mutually symbotic?
>>94785871The flames shouldn't be so round, the black on the spots should be thinner, and the black stripes should be thicker.
>>94787206When I talk about instability, I’m talking about constructs of the warp, not the concept itself. I’d actually challenge that the warp is distinct from our universe at its most basic level. If there was a lack of “warp energy” there would be nothing different from a lack of what we consider “normal” energy - that is to say, an empty space in the warp exists no more or less than an empty space in what we call real space, and the two would be exactly the same if they were completely homogenous. The extremely (nearly immeasurable) levels of matter and energy in say, the intergalactic void, still constitute a gradient, and therefore, the warp and real space continue to exist as independent planes. In the far future at the heat death of the universe, or in the far past at the point of singularity, the warp and real space would be exactly the same. I’m not sure what you mean by “mutually symbiotic”, but I’d be against the use of the term “symbiotic” in my headcanon entirely as it implies the relationship is a biological one, while I’d suggest that it is more basic than that: more comparable to the relationship between charged particles.
Won a game of titanicus today, pivotal moment came down to the wounded iconoclast squaring up to charge my opponents warmaster. Opponent wins the opus titanicus roll off, but when he pushed his reactor for stabilizers he awakened his machine spirit, firing off a shot at a warlord across the board. Proceeded to charge his warmaster, wound it, and the coupe de grace from the warlord across the way. Was a good day.
>>94782850> or was the only talented guy in the team.you literally proved that he was, everything in 2.0, from rules writing to narrative has been dogshit IF glazing
>>94787725Plaguemaster titan vs. Lewdmaster titan.
So, I've come to realize that I've wound up accidentally collecting a bit of a Militia army as a result of my 40k CSM cultists and Necromunda models, in addition to the Dark Angels that are my main Heresy army.What do you think of these two armies for playing against each other in Zone Mortalis? Will is be relatively balanced, or will my space marines tear through them like the opening battles of Astartes or Secret Mission thanks to the abundance of AP4?Militia (1000 points):Commander w/ Power Fist + Bolt Pistol, Iron Halo, Cyberfamiliar, Merchant Warlord Trait2 Discipline Masters w/ Chainswords/Autopistols/Refractor Fields6 Ogryns with 2 CCWs3 Medicae1 Grenadier squad w/ Plasma Pistol/CCW sergeant, Grenade Launcher, Plasma Gun, Stubcarbines1 Grenadier squad w/ Blast Pistol/Power Maul sergeant, 2 Plasma Guns, Lascarbines1 Heavy Weapons Team w/ 2 Heavy Stubbers, 2 Heavy Bolters1 Recon Team w/ 2 Shotguns, 3 Sniper Rifles1 Beastmaster Team w/ 4 shotguns, 4 RaptorsDark Angels (1000 points)Centurion w/ Terranic Greatsword, Combi-Vulkite, Command Squad w/ Chainsword/Banner, 2 Heavy Chainswords, Heavy BolterDreadwing Interemptors w/ 4 Plasma Burners 1 Plasma IncineratorTactical Squad with 9 Bolters/Chain Bayonets, Plama Pistol/Calibanite Warblade/Artificer Armour SergeantDespoiler Squad w/ Plasma Pistol/Calibanite Warblade/Artificer Armour Sergeant, 2 Plasma Pistols, 1 Power Lance, 1 Power Sword, VexillaTactical Support Squad w/ 5 Plasma RepeatersSeeker Squad w/ 5 Kraken Bolters
>>94787725I love the warhound head trophies
>>94787983He did an insane job, he’s a really talented dude. They’re actually speared on there with real nails.
>>94788166>They’re actually speared on there with real nails.Heck yeah, that's metal
Own a Machinator Array for home defense, since that's what the Omnissiah intended. A night lords Command squad teleports onto my position. "What the antipath?" As I grab my red robe and in-built meltagun. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my lucifex on the second man, miss him entirely because it's out of range and irradiate the neighbors cyber-familiar. I have to resort to the rotor cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with bio corrosive shot, "Tally ho lads" the acid shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off vox alarms. Fix Paragon blade and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the Primus medicae to arrive since monomolecular wounds are impossible to stitch up, Just as the Omnissiah intended
>>94787725Call me what you will, but I actually fucking love the warmaster.
>>94786159It should be the other way around. The World Eaters and Blood Angels should be the best melee armies, and the Space Wolves should be shit. It would be lore accurate. And also nerf Russ and buff Angron and Sanguinius.
For the few Legion Imperialis players here, how do you guys get large amount of terminators when the infantry box only has 2? The 3D prints online I see look awful, I'm picky about them looking correct.
>>94788602Galactic Crusaders
I want a praetor/delegatus with a heavy chainsword (for fluffy reasons) to lead an UM force. Which would be the best retinue unit for him apart from Suzerains (which I don't want to use)?
>>94788710Just the standard command squad, easy.
>>94788710Attack bikes
>>94788710For some retarded reason, praetors and centurions cannot take heavy chainswords.
>>94788798Can just say it's a paragon blade
>>94782939His name was always cool and remains cool to everyone except delusional French-worshipping pissbabies, which you must necessarily be because if you're capable of recognizing and accepting that French's work for BL is shit for fags, the idea his work on the early BBs(which could be nothing more than a few sidebar unit blurbs) was somehow the Special Sauce that made them good would be laughable to you as it is to everyone else.
>>94788803yeah a paragon blade, can be everything a bladed fist, ax, flanged maces have multiple blades chainswords, chain axes etc.
>>94788857I'm still tempted to make a praetor with a paragon waffle iron.
>>94788813>delusional Bligh fanboyThe drop in writing quality between HH1-3 and the rest is self evident. The HH4 onwards books are much more dry, in tune with the overrated Badab books. I'm otherwise indifferent about French (he has good and bad books), but he being able to earn a living wrinting alone and the IF favouritism being still strong in the game a decade after he left the team paints a very different picture that your retarded rambling.And again, Alan didn't work alone, nor he was the leading force behind FW until years after it had already become a synonimous with quality.
>>94788877I think I have seen a hammer like that in National War Museum , had |\ this style of ribs on the hammer flat surface.
>>94788896Warwick Kinrade? the man who wrote the harlequin army rules for 2ed, the dude who thought that 2ed IG needed cheap tank upgrades that both added +1 to collective pre game barrage AND had come with extra rules (like being another thing you could target and destroy, after it got used pre game, aka giving IG tanks an extra set of extra armour, on tanks that ofte had 23-26 AV) that guy is the "Chad" , an open BA hater, that claimed that giving BA&DA a seprate book was a mistake? fuck that guy.
>>94788933Ah and the men that allowed the model of a chaos dreagought mind raping an eldar banshee to be posted at the back cover of The Warhamer Journal. Kincad was a psychopath.
>>94788933>open BA haterThat's actually good and based.
>>94788933>giving BA&DA a seprate book was a mistakeUnfathomably based.
>>94788937>chaos dreagought mind raping an eldar bansheeThe more I hear about this man the more I like him
>>94788477Me too brother, has anyone printed one at 30k scale?
>>94788937Post it
diorama is done, nothing fancy but at least the dread is a separate part
>>94789046Very cool dude, the red gun casings look a bit plain for my taste though
>>94789034There's at least one person locally who prints the warmaster at 28mm scale and sells it online. So the STL file has to be out there.
>>94788896>still takes this pic at face valueLMFAO, just read it and think about what you are reading.
>>94789043back cover of Citadel Journal 22.
>>94788933>an open BA haterYou had me there till you said this, then you lost me
>>94789043>>94789164nta, but this was pretty mild by even 90s standards. Unless you're a butthurt eldarfag, of course
>>94779667Moiraxes were automata last edition fluff wise, dunno if they still are
>>94789174That's gemmy
>>94781668While a big scrap, the siege of vraks was basically the imperium siegeing one city and surrounding suburbs with large periods of very small scale combat
>>94789174>a 1:12 scale Honda disc brakeThis is the kind of autism that is seriously lacking in modern GW
>>94788937Genuinely what is wrong with this?
>>94785871Your paint is way to thick. Its clogging up details.
>>94789176Were they? I can't find anything about that other than the greuso protocol having "programmed behaviours" which isn't that different to the armiger fluff about the helm mechanicum about being mentally slaved to the big knights. They even have a rank.
Imagine, octuple carapace vulcans.....
>>94779667So Anuji could tell GW's big wigs that he has worked on updating the list.
>>94789215What is wrong about promoting and normalising violance against women? Is that even a real question, or just a troll. The man was insane. He kept making crazier and crazier rules for IG, dunked on space marines, every time he could. He was making fun of both Sawyer and Wood, not just in private real life, but on pages of OFFICIAL GW products. Both the WD and the Citadel Journal. He called out Sawyer for being fat and insatiable, because in the WFB tale of 4 gamers, where Sawyer picked the just pre pre realese beastmen, the man decided to buy a chilly becon footlong and not saving the money for his next month models, like others did.
>>94789324Dude you are pearl clucthing chaos being evil. You're either the real troll or what's more likely, RETARDEDThe rest sounds fucking hilarious, maybe stop being such a bitch?
>>94779667guys why are dreadnoughts in the legion army list but sentinels are in the solar auxilia army list? can anybody explain? why wouldn't marines have all the toys?
anyone attending throne of skulls at warhammer world next week? my first tournament im kinda nervous
>>94789398>my first tournament im kinda nervousI believe in you anon
>>94789405only played a few games of heresy so im taking a simple-ish list. Thank you for believing in me
>>94789420>Thank you for believing in meAlways anon, don't be nervous, it's gonna be fun!
>>94785756The seven deadly sins are shit. Greed, lust, gluttony and envy are basically all just the same thing being an unwholesome want. Also why would Death Guard be sloth? They're known for being unrelenting, not lazy.
Spittin’ hot lead down range to show the brutality of Horus’ own.How’d they turn out, anons?
>>94789331that mother fucker cost me an internship. I will never forget it. My people believe in hate that is eternal.
>>94789447Oh. You know what? Fair enough
>>94789441they're sick
>>94789441Rad af
>>94789428Because Sloth is not just lazyness. It is also the unwillingness to uphold one's own virtue. Seems fitting to Mortarion since he just surrendered to nurgle like a bitch
>>94789441very nice.
>>94789174Kino>>94789324Idk man he just sounds like a based guy.What exactly do you think chaos is?
>>94779667>>94781466Why would a mechanicum unit be in the knight list?
>>94789441Why can't vets take rotor cannons?
>>94789750>>94789750Followers of a real God/Gods fighting the supriession of atheists.
>>94788311>Fix Paragon bladedo better anon
>>94788896>he actually think French stopped working on HH after book 3
Why is there a christian larper trying to force his shit in a sci-fi setting? Is he the new thread retard like IGfag was last year?
>>94789846>Committing unspeakable acts and sacrificing countless human lives in the selfish pursue of power>Just to own atheistsClassic.
>>94789869By book 4 he only appears as a proof reader, just when he began writing more for BL. QED
>>94789835I think if I was a veteran of the chapter and a squad approached me with a gun that couldn’t be fired with one hand AND was designed to pin down enemies instead of killing them, I would take it as an insult and turn them into a stain.
>>94789989Do you play traitors by any chance?
Is it worth taking despoilers or tacticals, when grey slayers are an option? And if no, then a fellow up question, how do people get rottor canons and plasma/melta guns for grey slayer units, as there don't seem to be any in either of the tactical boxes.
>>94790026>how do people get rottor canons and plasma/melta guns for grey slayer units
>>94790015Yes, >>94789441 related.
>>94790026>Is it worth taking despoilers or tacticals, when grey slayers are an option?Grey slayers are always the correct option. It’s what makes your legion unique, kitting out your base unit so it will beat the crap out of any equivalent base unit. Also, they have skirmish. Don’t under estimate the +1 to cover save they get, and 3” coherency (remember you can only fight if you are in base contact, or within coherency of a squad member in base contact. You will commonly have more dudes fighting by virtue of this).
>>94790060>Here's an unwieldy weapon to assist your squadmates in your duty and purpose>YOU DENY ME *MY* KILLS WRETCHED WEAKLING, THE WARMASTER SHALL KNOW MY NAME AS I STAND ATOP A MOUNTAIN OF SKULLSChecks out
>>94790101I can’t tell if you are saying this as a joke or not but yes, LITERALLY that.
beginning a squad of sallie inductii
>>94790119forgot the pic of course.i'm thinking of giving the sarge a charnabal sabre for dueling those puny ws4 sarges
>>94790101>unwieldy weapon to assist your squadmatesThat is what the tactical support squads are for. I think you forgot how the legions operate.
>main assembly is 4 parts>with 2 shoulderpads and 2 gunsbest models to assemble ever?
>>94790101>>94790113>meanwhile terror squadsremember, theyre only suppression weapons if you DONT fire on civillians. Otherwise theyre an easy ticket towards the highest KDA in the battlefield
WIP legio astraman warlord "sovereign wrath" what head should I use?
>>94790113Joke yes, mocking no>>94790133And yet vets most special weapons from said support squad...>>94790169I love nightlords so much it's unreal
>>94790210Neither, dump it in the trash and go back and get a real warlord you lucius loving whore.
>>94790212So? Veterans can have some of the same weapons as a heavy support squad too.
vigilators are fucking sick
>>94790145yes and they're as large as full-dick massive chess pieces. just enormous models
>>94790319I already have the "real" warlord
>>94790210Left>AstramanBased>>94790920That guy lools anorexic
>>94790820Bird Flu?
>>94790989do not fear the baptism
more toys for next week
>>94791045I like the thought of the volkite deredeo ripping into infantry but the plasma seems to do that better. Plus the plasma sprue gived you the actually good missiles.Fuck yeah Arvus though.
>>94791045did they really really do the arvus twice over in basically the span of a year?new resin kit and then now a plastic one if i'm not mistaken
>>94791110It's just that good
>>94791110Remember the Timleine we only have TANKS! to look forward to in the future
>>94791045Arvus lighter, my sweet boy
>>94791110>new resin kitwasn't it just a rerelease of the old resin kit?
>>94791110I hope they go for the trifecta and release it again in metal as the Arvus Heavier.
>>94789034There’s a guy on rededit that’s been working on one for a year or two. There’s a good STL out there, I think I might even have it, I can’t remember if I bought it or if I just decided I’d never print it. >>94789055Link? I’d be much more inclined to buy one already printed than try to print it myself.
>>94791045>the deredeo is the largest and toughest dreadnought in the arsenal of the LAwho would go on the internet and tell lies like this ?
>>94790556But not rotor cannons, why can't vets take some of these weapons?
>>94790145Watch them be redesigned for plastic and be the most complicated infantry models ever produced.
>>94791948>kit comes with needles and thread and you have to sew the robes yourself
>>94786052fists didnt use psykers between nikea and the beginning of the siege
>>94789281>put two adapters on the adapter>four launchers per shoulder
>hello inducties>look at your men>now back to me>now back at your men>now back to me>sadly, they aren't me, but if they took veteran weapons they could fight like me
>>94791394Tried to find it, but the guy already took down the link. He only does a limited amount of commissions at a time, and take down the contact info inbetweento evade GW's lawyer death squad.>>94791983Unironically sounds kinda cool. Reminds me of old model kits, with details in the instructions to heat and stretch parts of the sprue above a candle to make antenna and such.>>94792097They didn't even use librarians at the end of the Seige. The IF librarians were offered to be freed and a chance to fight in the defense of Terra, but they choose to remain in the cuck cubbert because they didn't want to break the Edict of Nikea.
>>94792186>Put adapters in the adapters on the adapters stuck to the adapters on the adapters in the adapters...>Infinite launchersI should sh00p this
>>94792212IIRC the IF librarians finally got out during the Solar War to help Dorn against Samus
Errax Battle-automata when???
>>94792242why would they need to get out when Samus is here? doesn't make any sense your story is full of holes GW
>>94792637Finally got the lead out, probably
>>94792631Macrocarid style build-a-mata unit/kit when? I just want to make my own automatas, not be restricted to the 2-3 options GW decides to give a unit.
>>94791480warhammer community are the dumbest bunch of apes money can buy
>>94791480>>94793007Levicucks BTFO'd by the truth.
Are you seriously telling me there wasn't a single non no-games to take a picture.
>>94793219you will not slander GROND in this fucking general
>>94793480Grond is a rusty BITCH that would get killed by a castra ferrum box.
>>94793629Grond can ID a boxnaught in two hits anon
>>94793737And yet he doesn't. Curious!
>>94793480>GRONDMore like grundle.
>>94792188Those axes really are absurdly large
>>94790046>>94790093Thanks for the advice. Awoo.
>>94793768don't you have rockets to explode for no real reason
>>94793826they were created to kill orks, monsters and mechanical constructs and not humans. That is why they are that size and strike at i1. They aren't even as much axes as a bardich. It is just that a marine can wield one one handed while a human uses it as both a stand for his hand gun and a two handed weapon
>>94793737NTA but rip dual grav+HK middle boxnauts in regular drop pods. I really need to take some new pictures…
please come homewe all love and miss you
>>94794052RIP old Malyutka style HK missiles.
>>94793768he's like 1/10 to do it in two swings of his siege drill anon>>94794052gotta respect a wolfpack
Had a 7 man 5k apocalypse game today. Traitor ravens managed to do some serious work. Spent a lot of the game hiding from a reaver titan though.
Another pic, will post a few more if I have some good ones
March of the ancients
Fun fact, guy in the banana suit? Creator of GROND
>>94794219what a chad
>>94793629t. Tankred
>>94794219The fuck is that titan?
>>94794309A solwhite reaver proxy. Obviously not full assembled. And was apparently dropped in transit home.
>>94794057Nobody would have used this.
>>94794428I would've, especially in 2.0, even if it was just a 6" 5++ invuln bubble for infantry only, that's the equivalent of cover that can't be ignored for backfield heavy weapon squads or rapiers.
>>94791117It's just the best to be constantly spammed with tanks in a game where all the important tanks came out ages ago.
>>94794657Don't worry, only 1 more year of tanks. Then they can spend the next 2 years making aircraft in plastic. Finally in 2028 they'll get around to the land speeders and in 2029 you'll get plastic breachers.
>>94792188The scale of the chud mk3 helmet is so ass on the updated models.
>>94791117James want to empty the tanks, fill our streets with tanks, and make a tank making operation out of his tanks.
>>94794828But dad, aren't some of those tanks?
>>94794678At this point, GW should just release a tank squadron box. Sort of like pic related, but just tanks of different variety. I feel like there's far too many to reasonably collect individually at this point.
>>94794923Should Heresy have more equivalents to Combat Patrol or Battleforces year-wide? I must imagine it's somewhat limiting given the reliance on upgrade sprues and resin characters, but value boxes themed after given rites would be nice
>>94795078Wish I bought the old B&S volcano cannon when they still sold them. It would've been perfect for that style of Stormblade conversion. Big HK missile on the barrel and a havoc launcher on the right sponson.
>>94789324Anon, the employees ribbing each other in print was part of what made that era. Fat Bloke openly mocked them and they returned the favor by calling him Fat Bloke and highlighting his love of bacon butties with extra lard.And it was a wonderful move that made you feel like you actually kind of knew these people and were part of the wider community. Even more so when GW started up their internet forums and forced the staff to participate.
>Year of (Heresy) tanksJust maybe...
>>94795202If they did I'd cum
>>94795165Would people object if you brought whatever cilindrical cannon and said it was a Volcano cannon?
>>94795215you'd probably be killed on the spot
I like putting blue cheese on my venison sausage.
>>94795227I wouldn't eat deer
>>94794923>Make a double knight box>no sign of the 4 armigers you need to actually field it>make a knight box with quad armigers and a questoris. Twice.>can't stick three predators in a box
>>94795237You limit yourself to please the vagaries of those you'll never meet or matter to.
>>94795210If 40k is weaning away from Forge World proper, then surely Citadel has to make some extra shit for Custards at some stage. But I suppose it's the same company that made World Eaters standalone and also Votann, and forgot about both for years with lackluster ranges. And given GW's desire to segregate the games, there's also the chance they could just make new shit 40k-era specifically and keep the 30k vehicles in resin. At least Solar Auxilia and Mechanicum had very good reasons for plastic releases.
>>94795215But we're talking about a plasma cannon. Stormblade has a plasma cannon and >>94795078 is the old Epic Stormblade. FW gave it the wide plasma board we know today. The old B&S volcano cannon was more like it. Can't find pics of it, but it was very similar to pic related.
My 20 old mkIII marines are arriving tomorrow.I don't have anything to do with them but it'll be nice just to have them. Just in case.
>>94794998No, it should have the troops choices for the main faction in the game exist as plastic kits.
>>94794998I was gonna say an army box for each generic rite of war with one of the consuls they keep making but GW doesn't do mixed-model-type boxes anymore.
Not happy with the base coat, but I'm adding details like the name, and tally markings. Never using that GW green again though. It just pooled too much, and that's with me trying to stop it from pooling. Not my best painted AL but he's tabletop standard at least.
>>94795353That's contrast, right? If you'd like a metallic/simple AL scheme tamiya metallic blue+nighshade makes a decent teal a bit darker than what you have there.
>>94794402RIP anon's friend's titan proxy.
>>94795330Yeah that should be the bare minimum for every faction. Something for combi-weapons and other common options like Nemesis Bolters too would go a long way.
>>94795304>And given GW's desire to segregate the games, there's also the chance they could just make new shit 40k-era specifically and keep the 30k vehicles in resinI don't think this is likely in the case of custodes. Custodes are the only 40k army that's allowed to use their HH units normally and HH is progressing through its factions and replacing resin with plastic, so plastic custodes stuff is definitely coming sooner or later. Also remember that GW allocate manufacturing to their different studios, so there being 40k specific custodes releases does not preclude there being plastic 30k releases as well.
How to balance out and avoid WAAC-faggotry?Is it ok to include a five man recon squad with sniper rifles in my AL?
>>94794209Are those plague marines in the back in WB colors?
>>94795473If it's in power armor and doesn't have lascannons it's okay.
>>94793826Yes the FW resin power axes like the pissboi shieldbois were much better to scale, unlike the goofy heroic scale.
>>94790128You're airbrushing those right? How are you getting the multi tones of green? Do you spray them entirely one colour, then do a top down of a lighter green? Or do you go in closer and get it done more carefully? You do your colours wonderfully
>>94795473WAACfaggotry is not behavior you can do by accident.
>>94795498>>94795512Fair I just want to avoid doing it.
>>94795473You avoid WAAC-faggotry by painting a bunch of models you think look cool with weapons that look sick, and then building your list around them. Otherwise you would be building and painting your models around your list, which you have probably optimised to be as efficient as possible.And yes, you are allowed to check your book to see what weapons units can take first so you know you aren't giving them any illegal options.
>>94795539Yes the most important rule, the rule of cool.
I wonder if I could get away with Fury of the Ancients if everyone had double melee
>>94795487They’ve been completely de-nurgled except for a horn or two. He did an incredible job turning them into word bearers
>>94795533Unless you're deliberately building an army list to be as oppressively powerful as possible and playing it in a context where other people are not expecting you to so that and also doing every possible thing you can do to make sure that you win a game regardless of how deceptive, unsportsmanlike, or outright against the rules it is you're not being a WAACfag. The term is descriptive.
>>94795577That makes sense, thanks.
>>94795576Pretty cool, I like the size of these. I would just buy tortuga bay personally, since they are the same scale and I wouldn't have to "clean" them.
>>94795567have you considered a minimalist FoTA with the three mandatory contemptors by themselves if just for the sake of having one's warlord and the two scoring compulsories be dreadnoughts with all the wiliness that entails?i don't think ranged ones would be terribly offensive in such a use casemy version of the above scheme features three melee dreads though
>>94795567No, dreadnoughts are too durable for that to work. Being Melee only doesn't matter when it takes an entire army's shooting phase to down and you're still going to mop the floor with anything that's not a Dreadnought or morale immune troop blobs.
>>94795643>minimalist FoTAthat is a dreadnought talon.
>>94795649yeah pretty muchjust with regards to the setup and a possible configuration that uses the rite while not actually leaning into it all that hard
>>94795656I'll just need to play 5000 point games so I can use all my old angry men.
dreadnoughts were exceedingly lethal implements in the context of the heresy perhaps especially and their being maybe a hair busted on the tabletop at least en-masse is very fitting and even emblematicNOR IS IT AS THOUGH one cannot bend an opposing list pretty hard to counter the shit out of them with well and asymmetric thingsin the context of a more ragtag rule of cool adhering group of infantry or combined arms or the like getting pounced on by a fucking dreadnought kill team for all intents and purposes i think it makes sense that those on the shit end of the honored dead are in for a bad timeand perhaps it goes the other way where a pocket of the dudes are having to be reduced and that would be no easy feat either
>>94795717It should not be so hard for a space marine with combat prowess exceeding human capability to hit the giant fucking robot a foot away with his goddamn axe.
>>94795736that giant robot is a hyperdeadly cybernetic masterpiece with a space marine legionary veteran inside of some likely note governing an underlying ultra-dextrous h e a v i l y armed and armoured robot's every impetus as though it were his own bodyan instance of something never having perhaps been explicitly intended to kill other astartes proving unearthly in efficaciousness at doing so, just engineered at almost a whole other octave up relative to powered plate and even terminator suits. save thanatar they even put most cybernetica constructs to utter shame
>>94795736What do you mean Anon?Weapon skill represents the dreadnaughts ability to smash aside the strongest blows, and the fact that fighting one is equivalent to trying to beat a giant angry lathe to death with a sword. Or as you say an axe.Then the toughness represents the fact that just because you connect, doesn’t mean you don’t just spall off some ceramite, plasteel, and maybe some adamantium.Get with the narrative brother
>>94795656Always love to see crying dorito
>>94795780they're ttgl tears though fr
>>94795793gurren lagann
>>94795795Is that good or bad?t. clueless
>>94795797seminal, gar, and comradepilled
>>94795717Are Castraferrum Dreadnoughts considered broken?
>>94795804they're going to be a massive presence in the shape of a gunline of lascannons or whatnoti think that's a hugely flavorful thing to face off against though even were it cripplingly oppressivei am of course in the camp that dreadnoughts should be hugely fearsome maybe even with economy of scale in mind down to the facet of points cost but that's of course easily adjusted
>>94795372Yeah the contrast was too dark so I did a lot of drybrushing, and thumbed pure silver onto one side of it on accident as well. I have a metallic green I use but I didn't feel like getting out the airbrush for the dread, and I should have.
>>94789046Hey, we have basically the same Leviathan. I also built a BA Levi stepping on a SoH with that same foot and leg. Death to the traitor Warmaster.
>>94794796wait till you see the old torso>>94795511green, then brown from below, then a more yellow-ish green to tie things up
>played some garagehammer at a buddy's place>2v2 @ 1750 a person>felt like I was dragging the team down since I just brought tacs, assault marines, a leviathan and a couple of javelins>basically would have gotten tabled by the loyalists since we had nothing that could handle firedrakes or WS6 termis with storm shields>had to call it early since we were too busy shooting the shit to play>won because of 1e War of Lies objectives losing the loyalists a bunch of vpstill had fun even if the game was incredibly lopsided
>>94796024Don't think this complies with Imperial Safety and Health Administratum regulations.
>>94796094are we going to get a complaint from the ADA?
Guys, I'm saving up, or trying to, for a PS5 and MonHun Wilds. But I hear the sirens call of starting a knight house, doing a lash based knight since exoshock and the initiative boosting ability looks nice on a a knight. My two armigers are heavily converted to be chaosie.
>>94796154No, from the Fabricator General. The steps are in the way of the pipe and encourages workers to be more sloppy, as they have a convenient exit in case of an emergency.
>>94796252who did you think signed off on it?
Guys how the fuck do you make drop pod assault ROW work?? The ROW stipulates that anything not in a pod as a dedicated transport or is embarked on a kharybdis must go to reserves and cannot take part in any other reserve deployment (this means they functionally can’t deploy, correct? Sitting in reserves unable to do anything) so how the fuck are you supposed to have anything on the field, to enable you to get reserves? If everything must be in a pod, and taking part in a drop pod assault? All I want to do is charge a goddamn leviathan out of a kharybdis, but you can’t do that in deep strike assault, and drop pod assault is even more confusing. Please help me
>>94796265Some kommunist heretek undermining the fabric of Imperial production quotas.
>>94796293>how the fuck are you supposed to have anything on the field, to enable you to get reserves? If everything must be in a pod, and taking part in a drop pod assault?Have you tried putting everything into drop pods and flyers?
>>94796353You can’t roll for reserves if you have nothing on the field. The same way that if you started with your whole army in reserves except for say 5 recon marines, and they get shot off the board turn one. You lose. Read the rules as written here, because it seems to say “the units that could take these dedicated transports instead may take pods, also any units that aren’t in pods or a kharybdis must be put in reserves” but everything is already in pods, for the right of war. So what is able to actually be put on the field, to allow you to then carry out your reserve action?
>>94794796>The updated models are so ass, they even make the bestest helmet ever look bad.ftfy
>>94796391>Read the rules as written hereTurn the page.
>>94796415Forgive my retardation Anon, you are right.
>>94792188>>94794796I wonder how MKIIIb helmets would look on the new 40K Scout kit, or the Phobos-subtype of Primaris-pattern armour. Just bizarre choices really.
New heresy>>94796927>>94796927>>94796927>>94796927
ay DA players know any 3rd party bits that has the chainmail/cloth for Cataphractii arms like the Cenobium have? Prefer that look to the leather straps for my regular terminators.
>>94794057I wish