I like straight guys but I have the gay accent and it runs them the wrong way like I am sorry but I literally cant change the accent man, I like cant get rid of this I just want a strong and caring guy to like me but I feel like I scare them away, like I pass just fine but like the voice clocks me and I cant get the men I want
>>38605769its a rough journey but it will happent married to a cishetman
>>38605769You will find your man
Fake thread. Guys love the fagcent.
>>38605769Straight guy here, if you keep inserting like every third word in every single sentence I will straight up gaybash you next time we meet.
>>38605774is it possible some men who identify as cishet are in fact not?
>>38605788Yes, here's one now >>38605785
>>38605788ig it doesnt really matter bc its his actions that i care for the most and he is very lovely in that regard
>>38605769Voice training overall is a colossal waste of time anon. The Vocaroo are awful.
>>38605785sorryyyy I say like wayy to much honestly
>>38605798yea maybee
>>38605785fuck i do this too but its a colloquial thing i swear
>>38605839I try my best