the average normie cis man my age is a low t faggot that would have an easy time trooning out and could pass as a cute boyish woman in like a year if you put him on estrogen but i'm physically unable to ever transition because of my absolute neanderthal genetics. i would give anything for the starting point of an average cis man in a heartbeat
>>38583645It's okay chuck I'm a John, 30 manmoder 4life I'll always be inescapably maleI'm just glad I got on hrt before I went bald
>>38583645I feel your pain, as a handsome athletic guy that transitioned into a softer skinned handsome athletic guy. I just have to accept the fact that the number of men my height or taller is so small that the probability any guy will ever find me cute is mathematically practically impossible.
>>38583645the average normie cis man is a fucking pussy, if he had to deal with trooning out he'd fucking kill himselfso many of them nowadays complain about not having sex or whatever, if i wasnt a tranny i could so easily have sex but they're too autistic to ever talk to one normally
>>38583645I can't do anything for you but I'd hug you if I could! Get on hrt or stay on it and life willll get better
>>38583645real I should be living the chad life and dunking on all the manlets but im too lazy and insane and just sit inside all day instead
yeah… literally me. i had five inches of hip growth and my measurements are still in the male range…
>>38584632It is hard you retard
>>38584649it hasn't. nothing changed
>>38583645All trannies think they were chads before transition.
>>38584798Patience is a virtue!! Suffer or not in your circumstances the time will pass!! I'd rather be happy and ugly than sad and beautiful anyday so choose happiness!!!!
>>38584807i'm not even a chad i just look like a complete ogre. chads are attractive as men which generally turns into attractive but clocky as women. also no one on tttt thinks that. most of this board are sub 5'8 weak puberty luckshits that never grew any facial hair or had any muscle mass. they know exactly how easy they have it compared to other trannies but they still pretend to be bdd for attention and pity points
>>38583645Go to therapy, heal your mental illness, become cis, become happy.