I'm ftm, 5'4 (white), and a year of testosterone has not changed my silhouette whatsoever. I'm too dysphoric and too much of a voicepassoid to detransition. Should I just ropemax?
>>38603499Are you working out/weight cycling?
>>38603499You should uhhh date me and let me treat you like a bro
>>38603516My body fat percentage is under 15% and I have no idea how to gain weight. I think the heaviest I've ever been in my life is 119lbs and I've lost weight again since then. The main issue with my body seems to be my skeleton, anyways which muscle won't fix.>>38603528I'm not androphilic
>>38603499One year is still very early. I felt almost identical one year on but now only a year later and my changes are enough to really be noticable. >>38603516And yeah if you didn't work out at all then you cant really complain tbdesu
>>38603564>I’m not androphilicI’m killing myself
>>38603572It's not just a feeling, though. I've measured, there has been no significant change to my body shape.>>38603622You act like a gynephilic poonchaser anyways. I wouldn't want you even if you were a woman.
>>38603748Love edgy guys
>>38603564Eat more food. Pick things up and put them down. Like God damn how does this even need to be said?
>>38603499Let me smash first
>>38603748Not just a feeling though. it takes a long while for body fat distribution to visibly change. Especially for someone like you who is under 15% body fat. Eat a lot of (healthy) high calorie foods to gain weight. Pesto sauce has a fuck ton, and so do nuts. I see mtfs on here drinking heavy cream for this too.
>>3860379315% body fat is good. Don't be telling this fucker to get fatter you dumb amerimutt. He just needs to lift. Any appetite increase will happen without forcing it and he'll be turning fresh calories directly into energy instead of larding up and struggling to get rid of it.
>>38603748>gynephilic poonchaserNo I’m mainly androphilic and into forcemasc
>>38603818Retard he said he doesnt know how to gain weight and we're already telling him to hit the gym too. Skinny people like this don't usually turn obese it will be a bulk for him
>>386034995'4 is rough. For your silhouette, t isn't going to do much on its own for most people after only a year. If you're already low BF then gain muscle. Eat ridiculous amounts of protein and work out your upper body. Also, grow a beard, a good one. Minoxidil speeds that up. Until you're built enough, I guess you'll have to thugmaxx and dress so as to hide your form. It's always embarrassing being a manlet, and I say this being 5'8.
5'3 ftmI didn't get visible fat redistribution until 2.5 years in, and this was with recommended diet (protein) and some exercise (cycling and lifting).
>>38603499Another fucking retardI keep telling manlet poons they'll regret trooning out if their genetics fucking suckYou're a whiny bitch and you keep proving the sneedhons right, OP you are pathetict. 5'10 pooner who got hrt at 14yrs
>>38604008Hrt for 14 years and you're still this catty... Anon...
>>38604008How old are you now anon? How well do you pass? Are you considered attractive?Also unrelated but do you like men
>>38603564>I'm not androphilicHow about mtfs?
>>38603564>I'm not androphilicI’m not either but we’ve all gotta make sacrifices in this dating economy.
>>38604019Who said I've been on hrt for 14yrs? 6yrs actually...No matter how much I'm right, no matter how much I prove these tranny niglets wrong they keep making the same mistakesDon't troon out if you know you're just going to be another ugly dickless manlet
>>38604032>How old are you now anon?19yrs>How well do you pass?Stealth since 13yrs>Are you considered attractive?Considered average>Also unrelated but do you like menI like women only
>>38604051How are you stealth since 13 if you have a silhoutte like
>>38604041We've been on hrt for the same amount of time, I'm surprised you still act like this kekThen again my frontal lobe developed so it makes sense why the maturity is off
>>38604067Hentai brain>>38604072How about you respond to my claim with an actual rebuttal instead of talking about mature you are in comparison? I think doing the former is much more showing in maturity
>>38604103>Hentai brainIsn't that you? You said gynephilic
>>38603775I may be woman-shaped but I'm covered in body hair and manvoiced. You don't want me.>>38603793Would body fat redistribution even change anything with how little fat I have? I'm also really poor, I can't just buy any food I want.>>38603818I'm under 15% though. Also what appetite increase?>>38603840You know what, maybe then
>>38603960I already pass really well in thick/baggy clothes, I just want to pass in anything.>>38604008I don't regret pooning out. I regret not pooning out earlier. Estrogen has irreversibly damaged my body, it has more to do with proportions than height. Not pooning out would have just mean I roped from dysphoria.Also, it's not my genetics. My growth was stunted. My sisters are both around 5'8, I would have been too if it weren't for my parents failing to raise me.>>38604103No, anon is right you're kind of an immature retard.
>>38604112>maybe thenNo I don’t think you would like me if you’re not androphilic honestly, I’m extremely masculine. It’s a tough world
>>38604112>Would body fat redistribution even change anything with how little fat I have? I'm also really poor, I can't just buy any food I want.Mmm yes. Yes it would.Anorexics tend to have a "hyper gynoid" fat pattern which is feminine.You want a central fat distribution/beer belly which is very masc. To get it get fat while on hrt and drinking a lot
>>38604103Im not even sure what your claim is. Don't transition if you're... Short? I'm the 5'3 anon lol I pass just fine. OP just needs another year or two of the T and he'll be fine
>>38604137Damn, sucks. I was imagining you as a femboy.>>38604036It depends on if they pass. This is also passing to me though, and I am worse than the average normie cis man at clocking trans women. Pretty much as long as she has titties, a fat ass, and no facial hair or significant body hair, I can find her hot.
>>38604120>I already pass really well in thick/baggy clothes, I just want to pass in anything.If you only pass in very body concealing clothing then you don't pass, if your frame is that feminine then yes your genetics do suck>>38604120>My growth was stunted. My sisters are both around 5'8I suggest you stop the cope because a 3 inch height difference from siblings doesn't mean your height was "stunted" in any medical metric>>38604108Being attracted to females doesn't entail drawn-porn addiction
>>38604161Nah sorry man, I’m 6’2”, meaty, and covered in hairI believe in you though man, you’ll make it
>>38604158Don't transition if you have shitty genetics for transitioningThe experience as a 5'3 male is very much different from a 5'9 male, I don't think most women would take you seriouslyI'm also going to assume you're gay or t4t because genuinely no cissoid female would want this
>>38604212You're right about me being a gayden, but I'm also very visually attractive. I get a lot of perks average looking men would never receive. Employees who are cis women are very happy to do me extra favors or let me break rules. Nowadays I stay away from cis women as friends BECAUSE they will inevitably be attracted to me at some point. Bonus points if you're witty or charismatic.
>>38604207no femboy boyfriend to forcemasc me into a dwarfmoder with 150 pounds of muscle
>>38604255>You're right about me being a gayden, but I'm also very visually attractive. I get a lot of perks average looking men would never receive. Employees who are cis women are very happy to do me extra favors or let me break rules. Nowadays I stay away from cis women as friends BECAUSE they will inevitably be attracted to me at some point. Bonus points if you're witty or charismatic.Gaydens know the true secrets to female attraction. What this little poon could teach to the incel community. it'd revolutionize dating.Unfortunately the truth is it'd be too fembrained for them to understand
>>38604255NTA but uhhAre you single
>>38604212Height really isn't that much of a drawback most of the time and its not a good reason to repress anyways.
>>38604319Ive got a boyfriend lol
>>38604406I hate my life
>>38604255What do you think straight cis manlets should do to get girls to like them?
>>38604432>the most basic and fembrained advice imaginable
>>38604432There's no good advice I can give, unfortunately. And you know cis straight males aren't going to listen to a tranny online kek they barely listen to their own women irl
>>38604521How about this:>Why do you think they're attracted to you?or>How have you crafted your visual male aesthetic? Who are some inspirations?
>>38603499You should date me and I will solve all you troubles in life istg
>>38604648I already tried bro, pack it up
>>38604689You didn't try with ME though. I'll love you, I'm freaky and I'll actually see you as a man
>>38604648>>38604821Are you a woman? If yes, then I will. If no, sorry
>>38604205Not samefag but>wingspan 4-5cm bigger than height>34in inseam> bigass head>5'5
>>38604870... I'm a theymab :(
>>38604966Take estrogen and prog and add she/her to your pronouns and then I'll hit
>>38604881My wingspan is 3-4 inches bigger than my height, doesn't mean you were stunted
>>38605030Actual fucking monkey damn
>>38603564holy hell are you me? I'm a bit lighter than you (112lbs) but we're the same. I pass 99% of the time, or at least i don't get weird comments to my face. I feel as if ive had others discuss me behind my back, but i've never been transphobed on by anyone. i often get feelings that i just look like a really butch lesbian that voicepasses and vibepasses enough to trigger peoples pity response. i haven't gotten top surgery (b cup?) so that's the main source of this problem. i dont know why ive put off top surgery. it's just been hard with work
>>38605310NTA but are you uh androphilic unlike that anon
>>38605030Also whats your inseam
>>38605310>I'm a bit lighter than you (112lbs)As I said, I lost weight since I was 119. That was my heaviest ever recorded weight. I'm pretty sure I'm around 114 right now but I haven't been weighed.>(b cup?)giwtwm. Mine were already bigger than that when I was 10. Pre-op, just constantly wearing a binder every time I'm around other people.
>>38605353somewhat. ive only known love for women.>>38605388how big are you? i think i might have been a c pre trans but i was overall 'flat' according to most without much. who knows. ive been blasting roids to try and fix myself.
>>38603564>i have no idea how to gain weightokay anon what im gonna need you to do is look up bulking meals and copy thoseor literally just fucking eat more
White mans burden. Didn't look the small print when you transitioned...
>>38604527I think they're attracted to>actually being listened to>generosity without expecting a return>daily showers and any exercise. Literally any. Someone made an attraction chart (if anyone still has it) showing cis women liked gaydens and gaydens just want each other and dick. I think they might be right.
>>38605961I think you’re right about these but for the second I doubt gaydens are all that generous
i love skinny ftms it's such a hot phenotypealso pretty similar to me before i transitioned :P
>>38606856I'm more to random acts of kindness (ex: mowing someone's lawn, letting them cut in line in front of you, giving the homeless guy a dollar)
>>38607986Good advice even if it doesn't impress chicks
>>38605019I'LL TWINK about it!