Is that accurate?
A woman is defined as an adult human who does not have a y chromosome.
>>38585616explain XY women with uteruses who give birth please
>>38585565this is a classic thing philosophy 101 nerds love to discuss. its generally the first thing a professor will talk about. "is this chair real" "what makes this a chair"
>>38585616Most cis women have Y chromosomes in some cells:
>>38585625they are mosaic and are not purely XY (partially XX in some cells)ORthey have Swyer's syndrome (just one case ever!) and basically don't develop sex traits cuz of non-disjunction on the SRY gene, so they have undifferentiated mullerian tissuethat ???? gets turned itno a womb that can handle transplanted external eggs and give birthyou cannot make your own eggs with a y chromosome in 99%+ of your cells, there's just one single example where they managed to transplant an egg>uterus in xy I don't think that happens either, but hey prove me wrong
>>38585641>some weasel wordwhat % does the average woman havegimme an actual number
>>38585643>>38585653That's a lot of words to say your original definition fell apart on the slightest scrutiny, anon.
>>38585616Lots of arguments get bogged down on the XY/XX thing when they should focus on the SRY gene as it includes the 0.001% of intersex cases.
>>38585674nope, swyer's ppl are STILL MENif you have mostly y chromosomes ur male even if sry isn't expressed because there are OTHER yet undiscovered genes on the y chromosomes that make men look male besides sry
>>38585679So are there men born with uteruses? >because there are OTHER yet undiscovered genes on the y chromosomes that make men look male besides srylol
>>38585705>So are there men born with uteruses?yeah if they are fucking chimeras, otherwise noshow me a non-mosaic born with a uterus
>>38585712This is NOT called chimierism its mosaicism you RETARD
>>38585727He does not care.
>>38585742THE JEWS???
>>38585643Majority of swyers cases have uteruses, they dont have ovaries
>>38585565does it matter?
>>38585748Pretty sure they'd all have it by definition, which is why they're typically classified as biological females>>38585727Doesn't mosaicism still almost always result in a clearly identifiable sex based on the SRY gene? I still don't really understand what on earth his argument is