stop boymoding everyone knows they are just humoring you
no + i dont want to + you are rude
I don't care they can fucking humor me, I'm too bald and manly to be a woman
don't call then boymoders, call them soft boys. or sobos for short.
if they knew they would say something or stop using my name
>>38593282they are thankful i’m keeping my delusions to myself cause i’m too masculine to ever be seen as a woman and would be embarrassing myself if i asked to be referred to as such
>>38593282my nosy family already found my needles and vial and i want to implode and stop existing
>>38593282I boymode and disclose anyway, I don't see the issue. The idea isn't to stealth, the idea is to accept that my options are boymode or looking like a fucking freak. Me being trans isn't exactly a secret, I have a woman's name.