what do trannies think of becoming a vtuber to cure dysphoria? i think itd be a good excuse to voice train and since im too ugly for the real world itd let me be myself for 0-1 people for a few hours a week probablythe best part is that you can keep doing it till you drop dead since even old people can sit down
Just so you are aware I am an absolute demon to low viewer dysphoria vtubecopers - you will attract the absolute worst type of chaser
>>38585091its fine, i wont be accepting donations or subscribers, i dont enjoy people liking me for being a man, and thats what people who like trannies (chasers) doi will have to spend hundreds of hours learning to 3d model and voice train anyway to stop myself from sounding like a man with slightly gayvoice in order to even start anywayid like to stream things like videogames, drawing, sewing, sewing pattern making, and just stuff like thati will likely only ever do the first one though, and even that isnt likely at allit doesnt really matter anyway