This is a bit embarrassing but how do I acquire HRT in Germany? I never looked into it, because I didn't need to.
>>38601741go to a therapist, get a writ of indication, go to an endocrinologist/gynecologist and do it there. do an appointment with the latter now bc waiting lists r long and find a trans friendly therapist that will give you a writ can look on r/germantrans for lists in your region
>>38601741choose a better time to ask that question other than 1am lol when actual german tranners are awake
>>38601875im a german tranner and my reply is right above urs
>>38601864Thank you!>>38601875I ended up sleeping all day from a cold.
>>38601741I bought DIY from felicitas last year, but I think they shut down some time agoStill have some months worth of e left, but I will also try to get HRT the official way here in germany soon...
bumo (not op)
Bumping for OP
>>38601741if u can get to köln id very much recommend trying to find a place there as its a far more trans friendly
>>38601741Test or estro?
>>38602123Good luck.>>38604471What, why, how?>>38605995I'm in Hamburg right now and a neet at 31, no way I can move cities.>>38606006Estrogen...
>>38601741Are you on discord? I am also in germany, could help you out step by step if you want.
>>38606038there is a french skin care oil person near you that is solid.if i were you, i would just go with that 1.locationally convenient and high quality.
Here is your TL;DR on gender transition so you can get started as soon as possible. Stop being a chud. BILLIONS. SHALL. TROON.What should I expect as a MtF?: should I expect as a FtM?: do I know I have the mental illness gender dysphoria?: to know to do it on my own?: to buy bathtub estrogen?: do even I know bathtub estrogen is safe?: to find other stuff?: is more difficult to get a hold of because it is a very controlled substance, unlike estradiol. The difficulty will vary greatly depending on your geographical location. I'd pay a visit to the local gym and ask the gymbros there where they got their testosterone from.For all else you can ask /hrtgen/ on the catalog, make a thread on /lgbt/ and post on /r/TransDIY on Reddit."I'm AGP. Am I valid? Should I troon? Yes, if you have dysphoria. I don't think it's a good idea to transition purely out of a fetish. Seek guidance on /r/askAGP. It is full of dysphoric AGPs such as yourself. Same for AAPs: /r/autoandrophilia. "I'm a low quality male without dysphoria and AGP. Should I troon out?" Yes, definitely. If you are short, ugly, autistic and unfit for being a man in general, no amount of self improvement will save you. Transition now if you seek a survival level of dignity and quality of life. You aren't fit for male social roles and will likely kill yourself if you don't transition because your life will be miserable as a man.
>>38607791I don't give out it on the board but thank you.>>38607812What's their name and location?>>38607845>I'm a low quality male without dysphoria and AGP. Should I troon out?" Yes, definitely. If you are short, ugly, autistic and unfit for being a man in general, no amount of self improvement will save you.Too true. I figured that out long ago.