Every day on here, it's the same thing: "Oh I've been on HRT for 6 months and I don’t pass/I'm still a boy/manmoder, is it over?" Do you even hear yourselves? Six months is nothing. A year is barely anything. HRT takes years to work. You think you’re going to snap your fingers and magically look like you’ve been a woman your whole life?Passing isn't some instant gratification prize you get for starting estrogen. It's not a race you win in 6 months or even 2 years. Your body needs time to change. You're literally undoing decades of testosterone. Fat doesn't just decide to move overnight. Your face isn't going to soften immediately. It's a process.Cis people don’t look like fully-formed adults at 18. They go through puberty, post-puberty, and even keep changing into their 20s and 30s before their bodies settle into what they're "supposed" to look like. Why do you think it would be different for us? Transition is the same. At 6 months or a year, you're still in your awkward puberty phase. If you’re expecting to look like a cis woman that fast, you're delusional.It's not over. It's barely begun. If you start boymoding because you don't pass after a few months, that's on you. Transition is a commitment. You have to be willing to put in the time and effort. And yes, you’re going to go through awkward phases where you don't pass. That’s just how it works. Deal with it.Passing is achievable, but not if you sit here whining about how it’s "too late" for you at 20 or 25 or even 30. You’re not going to look like a cis model overnight. You're not going to pass if you give up halfway through the process. So stop catastrophizing, stop wallowing in self-pity, and start focusing on the long game.
>>38599985Sorry but all the big changes happen in the first year
>>38600160Completely and utterly false. You're in your early 20s, right?Your body doesn’t just “finish” changing after a year. Fat redistribution, for example, is a multi-year process. That’s why trans women start noticing more dramatic shifts in their hips, thighs, and overall body shape in years 2, 3, and beyond. Your skeletal structure doesn’t adapt overnight either.Breast growth in the first year is usually minimal. In fact, it often mirrors the start of puberty for cis girls, breast buds, some soreness, and not much else. Real breast development takes 2 to 5 years (and even longer for some) to reach maturity. Facial fat redistribution is a long-term process. In the first year, you might notice softer skin or some slight fullness, but it takes years for your face to "fill out" in a way that feminizes or masculinizes your features. HRT affects your brain, your emotions, and your sense of self over time. The first year is usually a rollercoaster as your body adjusts, but the real stability and deeper changes to how you think, feel, and relate to yourself often happen later. Transitioning is just as much mental as it is physical, and that growth continues well beyond the first year.Saying “All the big changes happen in the first year” is nonsense. It’s not just wrong; it’s actively harmful.
>>38599985I passed even before troon hormones (^_^)v
>>38599985>If you start boymoding because you don't pass after a few months, that's on youYou're supposed to boymode until you pass retard, we don't need more lilytinos and dylans
>>38600249Counterpoint - if you boymode when the ideal is transition, you are failing at transitioning properly. You are stunting yourself. You call me a retard when your idea of transitioning is this?
>>38600288The only transition that matters is medical transition, wearing a dress and coercing people into calling you a woman doesn't make you a woman, looking like a woman does. Only after you look like a woman you get the ability to live as one
>>38600404You are a giant retard if you think not practicing makeup, learning what hair looks good on you, and how to take care of your skin are not crucial skills that take a long time to develop
>>38600424You can do all those things without being a man in a dress retard, do you think skincare and haircare only works when you are going outside with an amazon skirt? And you can't just practice makeup at home?
>>38599985ppl who pass after HRT don’t need a lot of work and could’ve fairly easily cross dressed before HRT to pass in most cases
>>38599985just win the race just win the race just win just win just win the racei dont care what it takes just find a way to get a passoid face
This thread is great. OP is correct about it being about the long haul. While some stuff might not be 100% accurate for each and every person, it is, nevertheless, a necessary reminder that we shouldn't expect instant miracles. Great stuff.
I see this thread as hopefuelAs HRT does gradual changes I will too take into my hands gradual changes of my own
>>38599985does it really get better after 2 years? My face has changed significantly but it still feels like it's over
>>38600211you must've been a cute little faggot
>>38599985The worst part is that the majority of the time, it's some luckshit that would have passed pre-hrt with some effort.t. actual ogremoder, undefeated in measurement threads
>>38599985cope, most mtfs will pass within a year if they can ever pass at all. hrt just doesn't work for some people
>>38599985started @26, now 1 year I don't look any different. probably just too late for me
>>38599985Im 4.5yr hrt and postop ffs and still don't pass.
stale copypasta
>>38605502pic or bdd
>>38599985hon hands typed this cope
>>38605490Same and I'll say I've had spurts of change past months rn am at 16mBreast growth and shape and significant increase in fat distribution and I didnt even gain weight
>>38599985I am 6'2
>>38600424You can do all of those things while you're at home. Boymoding is for when you go to work ( to keep it)
>>38599985been on hrt for 15+ years and this is very much on point
>>38599985i know you're getting a lot of hate op but thank you for saying this
>>385999859mo hrt. i LITERALLY look the same. my face looks the same, my body looks the same except for boobs. i don't expect to pass by now but i do expect that SOMETHING would have happened. ik someone who started a little before me (and she's like a year older than me and she was kinda hondosed) and she doesn't pass but her face looks somewhat feminine and she sometimes malefails and whatnot. i feel like people usually can get there, and i can't. what am i supposed to dooo atp i wanna rope am i just not allowed to be a woman i really wanna fucking rope
>>38605838You've got to keep going this is too important to give up on You do your daily routine if you have the money do what you feel that you need and keep at it
>OP : 1 year is nothing>OP : be patient and work on yourself, HRT isn't magic gender juice>OP : stop neglecting your woman skills too>Brainworm carriers : I've be on one year and I'm no different despite not putting in the work waaaaaaaaa iwnbawMissing the point olympics in here baka baka
>>38605877what daily routine what do you mean...i do skincare ig but i feel that doesn't even matter that much for passing desu
>>38604276I never had my hair cut above my shoulders and frequently got teased for it so I imagine so..
>>38600206im in my early 30's and have been at hrt for 5 years. people change the most after about 8 months and then after that its minuscule even the research says most changes happen within the first few years
>>38607501Most of the existing research on HRT acknowledges that while some noticeable changes occur in the first year or two, many effects, like fat redistribution, skin changes, and breast development, continue evolving over several years. Studies on breast development in trans women show that full maturation can take 5 to10 years, mirroring cis female puberty. Moreover, the claim that 'most changes stop after a few years' is largely anecdotal because long-term studies on trans HRT are limited, and conclusions are still being drawn.
>>38599985>just give it 6 months!>6 months? just give it a year!>1 year? just give it 2!>2 years? just give it 5!ok
>>38607536And then theres the fact many either dont eat enough or eat too much
>>38605838facial fat changes can take 3-5 years.pointing to giga fem twinks who already mail failed and use make up at 6 months is not indicative of reality.
>38600629That’s a lazy oversimplification. HRT significantly changes soft tissue, fat distribution, and even skin texture over time...things that no amount of pre-HRT cross-dressing could achieve. Passing is about more than just starting strong.>>38604248Yes, it can absolutely get better after 2 years. Facial changes continue for years as fat redistributes and soft tissues adapt. Even cis people don’t finish developing their adult features until their late 20s or beyond.>38604731That's pure doomposting with no basis in reality. Passing within a year is the exception, not the rule, and HRT works differently for everyone. >>386054901 year of HRT is barely the starting line. Changes take years, not months. Stop dooming and give your body the time it needs.>>38605502By what standard? Your own?>38605653Bitter hands typed this criticism.>>38605828It's the truth and it needs to be said.>>38605838Listen, I know it's frustrating, but 9 months is barely scratching the surface of what HRT can do. Changes like fat redistribution, muscle atrophy, and facial softening take years to fully develop. It’s not immediate for anyone, no matter how much you want it to be. Your friend might be seeing changes sooner, but everyone’s timeline is different based on genetics, age, and how your body responds to hormones.I will continue to spread hope through speaking only truths.
>>38607554Yes, exactly. Because transition takes time. You don’t undo decades of testosterone in a year or two. It’s a process, not a quick fix, and real results happen over years. Cope and commit.
>>38607601so what happens in 10 years when i've been taking my hormones and nothing has happened
>>38607605I know you mean this as some kind of lame "gotcha", but if nothing’s changed after 10 years, then something else is going on,like hormone levels not being optimized or underlying health issues. You'd need to talk to an endocrinologist, because properly monitored HRT produces results. No one is biologically immune to hormones.
>>38607614>No one is biologically immune to hormones.LOL
>>38607619Biologically speaking yeah otherwise you'd have all sorts of health problems and probably not make it to adulthood
>>38607619Laugh all you want, but it’s basic biology. Hormones affect everyone, they just work on different timelines and to varying degrees. If they truly did nothing, you’d be a medical anomaly, and I'm willing to bet that of the small percentage of people who are trans, even less have this quirk.
>>38607646Thank you for bumping the truth. Your bitterness is quite useful