You could be this happy too if you stopped being prejudiced against chasers and refusing to date them
Well I’m with a chaser who is 22 years older then me and I’m unhappy still
>ugly hairy beardy balding fat guy>gorgeous thin beautiful woman with titsWhat makes you think any woman wants that
>>38591897oh wow he hot
>>38591897>lose hair on your head>start growing them all over your bodyWhat's the point of this ?Why is nature doing this ???
>>38591897i hate this pic. the energy on it is so off
>>38592394I love the idea of our ancestors being hairy sasquatch beasts with a thick jungle of hair covering every inch of their body, except for the top of their head, which was completely hairless and shiny. Maybe it was a defense mechanism. Males disorienting other males in a battle for dominance by reflecting the sun's light into their eyes.
>>38593104She looks like she's feeling his hand on her ass. She also has pigtails, which is a hairstyle I've never seen on an adult.
>>38591897A guy can be fat and ugly as long as he is taller than me (above 5'8"), is mean to me in the bedroom, and nice to me outside of the bedroom. literally nothing else matters
>>38592394yeah its weird. when I reached a certain age my head hair started growing slower, and hair everywhere else started growing faster, and in a few new places