After all that time, doubt and fear, after all the posts and the bitching and the venting, I bit the bullet. I made money, I bought E from TeaHRT and I injected it for the very first time on Halloween night. My bunny died the day the vial arrived and I took it as a sign to not live compromised, because life isn’t promised. A week later I injected my second time but my OCD flared up and was stressing me out because I had taken it hours earlier than the initial injection on Halloween night, obviously it doesn’t really matter but that’s the nature of the disorder, it’s very, very, bad, you stress out irrationally.It’s been 69 days since my last injection, and I haven’t continued, because I found out that even as early as the 2nd or 3rd monotherapy injection, your sperm becomes retarded, and I want to have children, so I’ve been meaning to bank my cum. So I put off injections until I made that money.About a month later, I was on the phone with my mom and I suddenly felt overcame with dysphoria and grief and I just spilled my guts to her. I told her how I felt, and I fully came out to her, what I didn’t tell her was that I had taken hormones already, we aren’t living together but she asked me to wait for her to get me with her and to give her three months to get my shit in order, and to take my phone away, just so I can have a clear mind, she says she respects that I’m an adult and I can make my choice. At first I was fucking with the idea but it’s been a month or so since I came out and I haven’t really heard any word about it…I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing to myself, I’m still going through this living hell, holding back from what I know I want. I’m going to be 21 in under 50 days… And my God I do not want to start again then…The dysphoria is fucking agonizing, my nipples became more sensitive a few weeks after I stopped but now they’ve seemed to gone back to how they were before.> Inb4 Reddit spacing.
>>38585316thank you for opening up. my heart goes out to you
>>38585396Thank you for listening to my sorrows in my time of need, it means more than you can imagine.
>>38585416ill always be here. I understand what you are going through.