Did HRT make you attracted to anything you didn't care for before? Did it give you any new kinks?
>>38581631I lost all my kinks and fell completely in love with men.
>>38581631hrt did actually kind of give me a weird interest in feet i didn't have before, both men and woman. idk why though since i have no prior history of even thinking about it.
>>38581859I kept all my kinks and fell completely in love with men
>>38581631I lost my fisting kink and all extreme sex thoughts were replaced with nothing really. If I have sex thoughts or dreams now it’s very goofy first-time stuff with an imaginary bf. One thing gained I guess is hrt got rid of a lot of my bottom dysphoria so I’m at least curious to how a guy giving me head would feel.
>>38581987>One thing gained I guess is hrt got rid of a lot of my bottom dysphoria so I’m at least curious to how a guy giving me head would feel.That's interesting. I didn't know I had bottom dysphoria until a guy touched it without asking first. It felt like slugs crawling beneath my skin all over my body. I hope that doesn't happen to you because bottom dysphoria kinda sucks.
I became a necrophile
>>38581631it just made me attracted to men and uninterested in women. if anything it got rid of most of my kinks
>>38581631that looks delicious
Need tranner feet to worship
>>38581631Lifting made me attracted to feminine AMABs. Literally from 0 to 100. And aggresively to. That's why whenever someone says HRT turning you into faggy androphile is honscience I laugh.
>>3858385212 months. 18 tops.
>>38583863What are you implying?
>>38581631no it made my mind clear and pure and removed my loathed lewddrive
>>38584773>removed my loathed lewddriveyeah i feel this, like i still have a sex drive but it's more of a mood than a need. like feeling happy/sad vs hungry or in pain. i really like it, feels more comfortable
>>38584248You'll see.
>>38581631didn't really change anything I liked, just made me occasionally very emotional, which lead to self harm
>>38584905If you think I'm sort of repping troon you're miles off mark. I've been like this for years.