What's your reaction to seeing gigahons?
mostly just pityyou should feel bad for making this thread
>>38584004If they do what they can to be feminine, I don't judge. I judge hard when I see facial hair stubble or a lot of male body hair. Before I got on HRT, I nuked all my body hair even though I thought I had no hope of passing. If someone doesn't Nair their hairs I can't take them seriously as a woman.
>>38584004you mean in the mirror?
>>38584051what does body hair have to do with being a woman?
>>38584004the hair is very relatable
>>38584072Nothing. But if picrel got rid of his body hair he would be less unsightly.
>>38584026reddit is down the hall and to the left
>>38584004depends on effortif its a she/her manmoder, contemptif she doesn't have body hair and dresses conservatively, makes an effort to not have man voice, etc. i just feel bad for her
>>38584004this person could actually mog if they fucking shaved all that body/facial hair off and learned makeup
mogs me
>>38584004Uhh I feel kinda sad but ultimately I don't really care? They can look like a man and be a woman idc just don't talk to meee
>>38584004I see one everyday in the mirror, not a gigahon, but just a hon...
>>38584198get help
>>38584198shaving wont save them it'll grow back in a few hours
>>38584092I think you should kill yourself
>>38584309you can look in the mirror? lucky
>>38584004I keep comparing myself to them and think I look like them.
>>38584004if i see too many of them i go crazy. like how do u have a hairy body, facial hair, both unshaven and still expect people to call u a woman?
>>38584051absolutely same, I don't understand why they wouldn't get rid of it. even my light hairs over my body annoy me and get shaven frequently. why would you take pics like these with so many dysphoria inducing indicators? it's not that hard to use nair, or shave..