>I went to my universitys queer center a few days b4 the semester starts>Catch them in the middle of a staff meeting,>Ten people working there, not a single transwoman>Just theyfabs, women, and pooners>I come back later after they finish their staff meeting and try to introduce myself>Most of them look at me(non-passing transwoman but its obvious from my voice, and the way i look, that i am a transwoman) and they look at me like i'm some creepy ugly guy trying to harass them>Like i walked in there with a MAGA hat or something> they act 'polite' but i can see the disgust in their voice and expressions>One of the masculine pooners there are nice to me though(thank god for actual real transmen)>I talk to one of the women there, and they say during the semester a lot of transwomen come by>so hopefully when the semester starts i can find a transgirl, or an actual FTM guy, that will be nice to me.
maybe try passing? then they would be nice to you probably
>>38607892wow!! i didnt think of that anon!!
>>38607864theyfabs are a blight on the planet
>>38607864>go to queer center>not a single cisgay or cisles in sight>it’s just all enbies>they will happily lecture you about how you can’t understand the depth of their sexuality and that being lesbian isn’t WLW, it’s actually NMLNM*sigh* my fault for living in fucking Portland I guess
It's best to internalize early that Cirporate Queer organizations (school, nonprofits, work) will NEVER be about you. They consist of members who voluntarily show up, and the populations least st risk are statistically most likely to show up. And then they form the culture.It's sad. Easy to grow bitter against theyfabs or whatever. But try not to do that. They're not ruining things for you on purpose.
>>38607864what difference do you draw between pooners and an actual FTM guy?
>>38607864fuck theyfabs and fuck "queer" cishet women
>>38607864You oughta know by now that these things are always full of tenderqueers, there’s no point in bothering with them.
as a stealth trans guy i went to my queer center once too and never went backseeing so many enbies and baby transes low key made me feel bad for mogging and i think i made it worse by never coming back
>>38607922hi other portland anon>>38607864yah afabs dont have souls, except for trutrans pooners they're good imo
>>38608279The sad thing is these spaces are tailored for babytranses or enbies but once you start to pass better or get over the babytrans phase its not necessarily a helpful space anymore. There don't seem to be social group for trans people (passing or not) who are no longer in that early cringy phase.
>>38608671i think it's especially bad for nonpassing trannies since you wont fit in with normal women at all either, not even on a surface level
>>38608237Redundant question, you know yourself when you see it
>>38608028Is this why most irl trans spaces consist of baby trans and gigahon never passer theymabs? The latter because nothing to lose. Whereas a stealthoid by showing up has some risks. The babytrans still passes or might even be cis so also little to lose
>>38608671where do eldertrans go?