How long did it take you to begin producing breast milk after starting HRT? Have you ever breastfed your boyfriends? How was it?
>>38611576Why are you trans women so obsessed with your boobs? Like im a HRT femboy I have them too but literally every other post on here is “boobs this” “hrttitties that”, “estrogenized breast milk” and every post about srs dies with 10 replies. wtf is up with yall
>>38611593it's almost like the barrier to entry to having one of those things is much lower than the other
>>38611593cuz boobies are awesome brah
>>38611576Milk production implies high prolactin which implies dangerYou arent supposed to lactate
>>38611593FACT: srs is for oldshit ogremoders
>>38611576About 6 months of cypro and orals. I had to go to the dr for severe food poisoning and they gave me domp, obv I was still pretty much a dude at that point so they didn't warn me it would kick my milk production into overdrive. As the ducts came online I was worried because it was a weird brownish color at first, but after a month I started producing ample quantities of wholesome opaque white milk. I've breastfed friends, lovers, and coworkers, it's a great icebreaker at parties. I can cum from breastfeeding alone if I'm really turned on and also have a plug or something to grind against.
>>38611645did the domp make your boobs grow much?
>>38611593real, I’m a manmoder and boobs suck I forget they’re there and will wake up in the morning thinking im a cis man but no those saggy arbuckles are there to always ruin the fucking day
>>38611593board is filled with babytrans with agp
Daily reminder if your lactating to go get a mri of your pituitary gland before you start losing your visiont. tranny with a prolactinoma
>>38611593i ask this a lot. i see the boob obsession as a reddittran thing. i personally am completely ambivalent to mine and wasnt very interested in having them before hrt.
>>38611576whe my breasts first started to come in and i had no idea what i was doing as far as dosage, i started taking 6 or 8mg sublingually all at once in the morning. This lasted maybe a week before i noticed squeezing my breasts caused me to lactate
>>38611780I didn't give it any mind until all my friends pointed out mine were relatively large and my bf told me to get them larger. I can't see Reddittroons having anything but conetits so it's a funny evocation
>>38611715Domp doesn't really do much on its own you have to pump for it to do anything, the point is to get the growth from inducing lactation. If you do it for long enough the growth becomes permanent
>>38611974I'm curious if you personally experienced larger boobs from domp though
>>38611988I did, they're noticeably larger although not a cup size difference
>>38611593>>38611780they're just very comfy and not having them is very uncomfy
>>38611576is that all i am to you?just a person you can hold down and suck from?