ftms are not men, because all men want to be women, and the fact that ftms don't want to be women proves they are not real men
Take your pills
>>38608385Alright, I took them. I still stand for what I said
>>38609352Well this guy doesn’thttps://vocaroo.com/13SEcUy76v16
>>38608373No not all men want to be women, but all men do want other men
>>38609544all the men I know irl want to be women
>>38609599group pill taking session. now
>>38608373>because all men want to be womennah, just you
>>38608373Gender isn't real. Only sexuality is real. People want to be what they fuck. Thus all straight men want to be women and only gay men want to be men.
>>38608373All men (or almost all, exceptions like hyper masc gays exist) want to be women. All women want to be men.This is a natural consequence of the evolution of sexual attraction. People are attracted to their opposite and crave it while having little interest in what they have.This wasn't an issue until modern trannyism. And that is why society is so set against us because they know that we're uncovering some near universal truth about human nature. That everyone is a tranny.
>>38609599Idk man I think you’re just friends with a bunch of reppers
>>38609721>manmisgendered again. it's so over
>>38609776Well lady now I know you’re projecting your insecurities
>>38608373Ftm don't want to be women. Ftms want to be cock sleeves for cis men. After being filled with baby juice they run to cry in theyfabs arms
>>38608373>because all men want to be women
>>38608373yes, wanting to be male is unironically extremely fembrained