As an FtM, how do I stop being creepy? I was socialized female and everyone thinks it's cute when a girl is a creep or a "yandere", but now that I'm an ugly manlet it's not cute anymore and I'm left with the sexuality of an incel. I genuinely want to get better but I don't know how, it feels like the only way I'm capable of loving someone is by being a sleazy creep. How do I change?
thats hot
>>38597648Growing up, people only think that "yandere" shit is cute because you're young, you would look fucking insane in a "calls the cops" way keeping it up past 25
Just……get a haircut……take a shower……dress better……broCaptcha: 0TKDDTKDTKDTKD
>>38597648>liberal trigger warning: health adviceCaffeine (less than 50mg) in the morning 1/3 teaspoon black pepper at night (as chemicals which modulate GABA receptors making you sleepy)Follow Mediterranean diet, the fiber helps prevent mood swings and the myth known as autism If you want a partner, install tinder and be open, there is a high chance an attractive male will talk to youIf you want a secret underground whatever thing going on, learn a second language like chinese, for special occasions, instead of alcohol and drugs, have some curry infused foodsEuropean explorers traveled the world for this stuff for a pretty good reason, it’s awesome stuff
>>38597648Existing as a short man in modern society means constant degradation. The best you can do is have a sense of humor about life but not let it warp you. Pay attention to how other people treat you and respond're still a woman though and anything short of the george costanza look is going to have everyone giving you the benefit of the doubt in every situation
>>38597648You have to learn to like normal things. This is definitely a case of stunted development. I saw a case like you once, pushing 30. The slimiest, creepiest, most self infantilized piece of trash you've ever seen. Prolly gonna kill himself with drugs in another ten years or so.
>>38597702It's not, it's cringe and insane.>>38597709To be fair everyone seems to make excuses for insane women of just about any age short of 70. But yes, that's exactly why I want to stop>>38597792I do all those things already. Doesn't change who I am inside>>38597797I'm going to research this black pepper thing because I struggle a lot with sleep actually>install the issue That's part of the issue actually. I have a tendency to fall wildly in love with people and when I do I become obsessed with them (this is mostly where the creepy part displays itself) and don't even want to talk to anyone else>>38597880I try to approach life with humor and not resent anyone or be a constantly seething manlet. The issue is with myself, not with others>>38597893I don't do drugs, I go outside, I have a high paying prestigious job, it's just my romantic relationships where I'm like this for some reason
>>38597880Its better to be a short man with a pussy than short man with a dick. Hope you like dick OP, lube your pussi and stop being incel
>>38597966*install tinder No idea why the hell my phone autocorrected like that.>inb4 kys phoneposter
>>38597648Are you gay or straight? Women like intense men
>>38597972Too bad I'm a stone top. >>38598007I'm bi. Women definitely don't like me. Apparently a girl at work said I'm annoying and when my ex gf broke up with me she outright told me she wants to find someone better
>>38598072>Women definitely don't like me.Congrats on passing
just be yourself
>>38597648what exactly are you talking about? your behavior? your internal thoughts and attitudes about the world? give specific examples
>>38598083Guess I'll take it.>>38598085I'm not a very good person to be, sadly.>>38598127I'm constantly objectifying people in my mind and trying to get a glimpse of hot women or somehow get them to touch me. But I don't respect them and I'm frankly kind of misogynistic. I've paid strippers for private lap dances before because I wanted to get horny without actually bothering to interact with a woman. All this while my best friend is a woman so I feel really guilty. Also when I'm in love with someone I straight up become unhinged. Right now I have feelings for some guy I barely know beyond a few discord conversations. I've been posting multiple sexual fantasies and confessions about him on this very board, which re-reading them I can tell are really fucking cringe and creepy. I've written poems about him and I've even called him my bf in conversations with other people when he's not. Then when I actually talk to him I act casual as if none of this is happening. I want to be a better person but I don't know how. Especially the second one, it's like my love language is being a creep and I can't just fucking respect him as a normal flawed human being and be normal.
>>38597648some people are into that type of guy
>>38598285Ngl, 100% serious... You're so my type, never change
>>38598285Do you look good? Balding?Honestly you sound hot af assuming you are not ugly.t. woman
>>38598335>>38598371>>38598388What about someone being like this is appealing? I genuinely want to know because I don't get it. My exes must have left me for a reason, too.I'm not balding, I can't really objectively rate my attractiveness but again, women who see me irl don't seem to like me.
>>38598448If I am going to be completely honest:I like that you are a intense creep who feels deeply. because you are ftm I don't see you as a threat. I could beat you up if you started acting out, unless you are very tall but you did describe yourself as a manlet so I assume you are very short.It all sounds very sexy to me desut. woman
>>38598448idk its hot im not a psychologist
>>38597648Just um be yourself!!! You got this, my short king!
>>38598285you are just doing normal male things bro, you're not hurting anybody. try not to worry about it you will grow out of it and none of the things you have mentioned are really so shameful.>I've even called him my bf in conversations with other people when he's not.don't do this though. lol.
>>38598448I love the feeling of someone being obsessed with me, I find it really attractive, specially with ftms, I think it has to do with a desire to be loved beyond what's socially deemed as "normal". And I'm also kinda obsessive or ig clingy when in love so I get you, I want someone to match my freak
>>38598285Other anons here are just enabling your behavior that will undoubtedly blow up every single intimate relationship you have, platonic or otherwise, people are coping out of their minds if they think someone like that will never be off-putting to themYou sound like you have BPD, people usually recommend cognitive behavioral therapy for that. I'd also recommend getting some hobbies that don't involve other people and working out to maintain your mood, cardio especially. Pick up a book sometimes, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius is a good primer.This is all of course assuming you actually try and put in the effort to change yourself, you sound young though so maybe you'll just keep being like this until you emotionally burn out on it at some point
Its not even that, people just like the idea of someone who is unhingedly obsessed with them until it actually happens, i dated someone i was friends with before and they once said that theyre into that archetype, but when they got in a relationship with me, despite me being so fucking careful to make sure they know i will stop if they tell me to, they would get a bit put off but never tell me to stop, and still, in the end the last time i saw them they looked legitimately terrified to see me, you just have to keep it in, no matter how intense never show the degree of your obsession beyond sexu time.
This is actually reversed for me.... I was an ugly autistic girl prior to transition, so yandere behavior was shunned.After taking T for a year, my behavior was considered attractive but was overall never truly criticized for stalking / obsessive behaviors.A weird thing I can confirm is... The people who gravitate toward me now would have been likely to ignore or bully me if we met pre-t.
>>38598737>despite me being so fucking careful to make sure they know i will stop if they tell me to, they would get a bit put off but never tell me to stop, and still, in the end the last time i saw them they looked legitimately terrified to see meJesus anon... You didn't have to remind me of my ex like that. Finding people who appreciate the it has been such a relief. >>38598489NTA the amount of times I've heard this a few times and it never happens. Usually they want me on top, even after trying to dom in DM
>>38598489>>38598632Thanks anons. That's flattering I guess although I feel like reality would probably end up being different. If a woman was to start beating me up I'd probably get aroused. But thanks for that. >>38598577I feel like it'll inevitably spill into real life. Like if he somehow saw the things I wrote about him he'd be put off. >>38598669Thank you. I already do CBT and work out. Appreciate the book rec, I'd been meaning to start reading the ancients at some point. I'm also not that young, which kind of scares me with all this. I really don't think I have BPD. I don't fit any of the other criteria and my shrink doesn't think I have any personality disorder, just autism (which could explain why I hyperfixate on people like this, as I do on interests/hobbies, and don't know how to channel my emotions) >>38598737Yeah, I think you're right, people just love the idea of it. Hence the obsession with yanderes.
>>38598830>If a woman was to start beating me up I'd probably get arousedI find you so erotically pathetic, you have no idea. I'm not lying.There is someone for everyone
>>38598830Would you, as a yandere, date another yandere
>>38599051I-i'm glad you do anon...>>38599224Yeah I would, as long as they let me pour all my love and obsession into them, that's really all I ask for
>>38599883SighI want you
>>38597709I am 25 and doing this kekMy boyfriend finds it pretty sexy
>>38597648>socialized femaleNgmi shut the fuck up bitch
>>38597648You don't. Men are "creepy" by default. You only overcome it when you're both attractive, ie 6 foot, 6 inches, and with 6 figures income.
>>38598830In reality I would still date you. I've only dated obsessive ftms in the past, that's all my dating history and it always worked well because their clinginess is what I crave
>>38597648If you think you were somehow socialized to act a certain way, despite ultimately ending up trans. Killing yourself if probably the best solution to stop being creepy.
>>38598072>I'm bi. Women definitely don't like me. Apparently a girl at work said I'm annoying and when my ex gf broke up with me she outright told me she wants to find someone better>ex gfwtf you're not incelI knew this was a bait thread. Foids love pooners and pooners can do no wrong in their eyes.>>38597972>Its better to be a short man with a pussy than short man with a dick.Truer than ever.If you're offering how to be less of a shit person tho that's a fair question. Just getting laid isn't your issue
>>38597648>people think it’s cute when a girl is a creepYeah, for a few months at best. They get tired of it eventually and start to despise you. Fuck this stupid chud world
>>38598448gonna be honest i do find your obsession attractive but thats mainly because i also tend to get obsessed with guys im interested in. this however would immediately make me want to kill myself if you exhibited too much bottom/feminine behavior. cuz then id get anxious you see me as a boy. t. trans girl. the objectifying of women and lack of self care are the genuinely unattractive parts. follow what the other anons are saying i guess. id wager what your partners are referring to is your lack of self care and personal direction, not your emotional tendencies.the reason anons are calling this attractive is because its 4chan and we’re all deeply attention deprived losers. if you said this on like a to your irl buddies or somewhere where normal people are youd get some weirder looks. that doesnt mean its not somewhat attractive anyway, i think it is, but i dont think the obsession is the problem.