Help me /tttt/, I’m a 19 y/o turboneet and I need to get on E right now before it’s completely too late for me, I know how to order stuff for injections from a diy homebrew site that’ll ship to me, but I don’t know how to make sure my parents don’t see the package when it arrives, I can’t schedule when it gets here and my mother is home all the time so she’d open it or demand to know what was in it. I don’t have friends to ask to order it to their house or something. Too scared of giving my ID to get a p/o box. Is mailing it to an abandoned house and picking it up there just a meme or would that work? What should I do?
>>38590287UPS or other personal mailbox that you can send your mail to.
>>38590287>Is mailing it to an abandoned house and picking it up there just a meme or would that work?i mean it would work. but>Too scared of giving my ID to get a p/o boxliterally get over yourself sorry
>>38590287do you have trusted friends? thats how i got my stuff, by ordering to their house.
>>38590314This. Get a P.O box if you have the money to rent one. I looked into it recently and its kinda expensive and I don't think you can for just one singular month, though it may be different for OP.
>>38590287youre college age so make friends with people your age or similar that own their own place and dont mind letting you ship it there
>>38590287I'm sorry but your options are either: Rawdog it and order it home or Order it to a friends house>abandoned houseDon't do this its prolly haunted and the ghost will transition
>>38590287Just get a po box dumbass and use the street address eg: 123 post office ave Box 12345Its easy i used to have one and im about to get one over in washington so i can order pio cuz i live in portlandI used to order and send all my panties and bras and various agp things there even though i lived alone