>>38600519we can see the facial hair the filter is not hiding it well
>>38600519give up
>>38600551i have a scar but ok
Here is your TL;DR on gender transition so you can get started as soon as possible. Stop being a chud. BILLIONS. SHALL. TROON.What should I expect as a MtF?: https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-estrogen-hormone-therapyWhat should I expect as a FtM?: https://transcare.ucsf.edu/article/information-testosterone-hormone-therapyHow do I know I have the mental illness gender dysphoria?: https://genderdysphoria.fyi/What to know to do it on my own?: https://diyhrt.wiki/Where to buy bathtub estrogen?: https://astrovials.com/product/estradiol-enanthate/How do even I know bathtub estrogen is safe?: https://transharmreduction.org/hrt-testingWhere to find other stuff?: https://hrtcafe.net/Testosterone is more difficult to get a hold of because it is a very controlled substance, unlike estradiol. The difficulty will vary greatly depending on your geographical location. I'd pay a visit to the local gym and ask the gymbros there where they got their testosterone from.For all else you can ask /hrtgen/ on the catalog, make a thread on /lgbt/ and post on /r/TransDIY on Reddit."I'm AGP. Am I valid? Should I troon? Yes, if you have dysphoria. I don't think it's a good idea to transition purely out of a fetish. Seek guidance on /r/askAGP. It is full of dysphoric AGPs such as yourself. Same for AAPs: /r/autoandrophilia. "I'm a low quality male without dysphoria and AGP. Should I troon out?" Yes, definitely. If you are short, ugly, autistic and unfit for being a man in general, no amount of self improvement will save you. Transition now if you seek a survival level of dignity and quality of life. You aren't fit for male social roles and will likely kill yourself if you don't transition because your life will be miserable as a man.
>>38600519nice beard faggot
>>38600519Why do people comment om the hair as if cis women don’t grow facial hair too … women aren’t hairless. Op passes well
>>38600519Get laser and socially transition