you people seem to think cute twinkhons are held in higher regard than actual hons, but this got reposted on instagram and there are like several different comments with 1000+ likes calling her a man. it's depressing honestly because she's pretty, well put-together and doesn't even have an overly masculine bone structure but normies are completely unwilling to see her as a woman. i don't know if FFS can even fix it because the main issue is her midface (narrow mouth and wide nose).
some of the comments btw
>>38585245bots, thirdies, or 80iq whites.why do their opinions matter?
>>38585244>it's depressing honestly because she's pretty, well put-together and doesn't even have an overly masculine bone structureshe looks like a sick faggot and she has that annoying cunty faggot attitude that is going to lose you any semblance of social acceptance you have gained
>>38585251she would look good bobbing her head on my cock tho
>>38585249because unfortunately thirdies and 80 IQ whites make up the majority of people one has to interact with in a day for a lot of us, and they by and large see zero difference between twinkhons and actual lillytino type ogres.>>38585251>she has that annoying cunty faggot attitude that is going to lose you any semblance of social acceptance you have gainedi completely agree with this for the record lol this type of "cunty doll" person is insufferable and our movement has gone backwards since they became one of the most visible sections of the trans community. it drives me mental that a lot of young influencable trans women find this attitude cool. they make us look like indiscreet obnoxious gay men and it's not really what we want to portray. but she obviously doesn't deserve to be called a man by NPCs.
>>38585286ok? but theyre brown and stupid???? theor opinions are dirtn and they should have zero rights unless the own land and pay taxes.
>>38585286I genuinely cant wait for the gay faggot persona to go out of style and for trans women to go back to worshiping cis women
>>38585286Retards are mean on the internet, welcome to being a woman.
>>38585244>narrow mouthActually a fem trait thoughever. Men have much wider lips, both proportionately and in absolute size, coupled with proportionately thinner lips.
>>38585318sure but brownoids are everywhere now and they're going to make their voices heard whether we want it or not. even here in eastern europe there are fucking arabs spawning in, they're like a plague.>>38585325real and true.>>38585334it's been shown that a narrower nose compared to the mouth is attractive in both genders, but i'm curious what you personally think clocks her then because i see nothing particularly moidy apart from the midface. she could go for some jaw/chin work but as is i don't think it's something normies would clock.
why do trannies think putting on some makeup magically makes them female supermodels
>>38585244Only copetards and chasers think that. I've been saying it for a few years now, but in reality to normies there's no difference between a hon and a twinkhon, it's all the same shit to them. You either pass or you don't.
>>38585421>what you personally think clocks her thenMostly eye separation ratio and to a lesser extent nasal breadth. Her nose is slightly too long for her face, but that's not a strongly gendered trait.
>>38585477Also, if you're a non-passer, sticking with NPC core fashion and styling unironically makes normies think that you aren't as fucked in the head.
>>38585492>eye separation ratiopill me on this lol i need a new brainworm.
>>38585504It's the relative projection og your facial margins (bizygomatic + bigonial) compared to IPD. Men tend to have wider faces compared to IPD.
>>38585529keep them coming anon. what would be a female or male ratio of IPD relative to say, bizygomatic breadth?
>>38585492To me it's everything below the nose that clocks her, so philtrum, lips, etc. I have no idea how to describe it, but I opened her pic in fullscreen and started covering parts of her faces with my thumb and checking if she's more or less fem after that. The nose itself is a bit iffy, but I've seen plenty of women with absolutely ridiculous noses.But makeup makes it harder to judge, I wish there's a pic without it.
>>38585249does truth matter?
>>38585244this is something that really fucking terrifies me as i’m wanting to start girlmoding but at best am in this territory. from everything i’ve heard about where i live irl "hons" aren’t the ones who get attacked at most they just get a rude stare, it’s the trannies who are only clocked on second glance who’ll get called out or attacked :/
>>38585562truth is a social construct
>>38585244as a twinkhon i've been saying for ages that no one sees us as women and when we "pass" we're just being given feminine signifiers as a kind of third gender male. i've always said we should just admit what we are instead of embarassing ourselves like this.but does anyone listen?
>>38585477getting "gendered female" also really starts hitting bitter once you've seen those same people calling beardhons maam. it sucks to be patronized
>>38585648my ex used to unironically say this all the time during arguments when i would try to quote her back to herself
>>38585636ngl yeah people can be quite violent when it comes to trannies who look good enough to fool normies at a first glance but then get clocked on closer inspection. a gigahon like lillytino is basically just a white man socially, you can see that in the restaurant videos, what reason would anyone have to pick a fight with her? a twinkhon on the other hand is different enough from men that she's lost the right to male camaraderie, but she's different enough from women that a moid can easily chimp out if he realises he's been "tricked" by one, and given that they're typically skinny and weak and not particularly intimidating they're fair game for harassment and violence. foids will typically not afford twinkhons any kind of elevated status either but they will on the other hand be overly polite to proper hons.
>>38585245now go and compare it to comments about lillytino, this is nothing. these people would say this about a gigapassing tranny too.
>>38585704it's a hard pill for people to swallow that normies just really like to dunk on trannies no matter what kind. it's not even a moral crusade half the time they're just playing an eye spy game
>>38585717>normiesno, just edgy guys
>>38585698I really hate to be rude as i know for many "hons" it isn’t a choice but it is male privilege at the end of the day huh… but yeah where I live some of the stories of harassment or assault I’ve heard have even been passoids with just untrained voices
>>38585721i'm stealth at work and to cis "friends" and you'd be surprised in a not-good way by what some seemingly normal and otherwise progressive people are capable of saying about trannies when they think we're not listening. i agree that edgy men tend to be the loudest about it and will straight up go out of their way to find an excuse to dunk on troons, but my foid coworkers have surprised me a couple of times.>>38585723>passoids with just untrained voicesi hung out with a girl a few times who passed pretty well physically but had a moid voice (and spoke pretty loud too which is unfortunate) and i can't tell you how many times i saw her get into scary situations with men. you really do not want to have a nafroid hit on you and respond to him in a fag voice.
>>38585749idk i don’t think u should expect people to be accepting of hons, i don’t like hons either and i’m a tranny sooooo. i only ever see cis girls be nice to passing trannies on tiktok, while guys either coom or hate.
>>38585749I was gonna attempt to girlmode for the first time this week to a therapy appointment but I guess not this has just scared the shit out of me :/ I’m a fucking 6ft tall manmoder for christ sake my voice passing doesn’t change that
>>38585769I hate you I fucking hate you they’re trying their fucking best and you just shit on them
>>38585778a lot of them aren’t even close to trying the bare minimum like voice training
>>38585244Only chasers and chasebians think so.
>>38585562>>38585648>truth is a social constructThere's some truth to it tho. We largely live in a post-truth society, the truth doesn't really matter, you can make anything the truth thanks to social media and parasocial relationships, you just need to make enough people believe in something. And if more people believe something than don't, even if that something is a complete lie, it becomes the new truth whereas the original truth becomes irrelevant, people moved past it.
>>38585790so? don’t generalise all non passers then? some are just trying the best with what they got to treat their dysphoria as best as they can
>>38585800they still make me feel uncomfortable, and cis girls who u think are “transphobic” just feel the same
i think im just gunna get surgery on my vocal cords voice training feels fake af
>>38585769sorry but you're not one of the good ones. the cis girls at my job literally called a gigayoungshit beauty pageant contestant a man because she revealed her trans status.>i don’t like hons either and i’m a tranny sooooojust avoid them lol what's the point seething at them? i don't think about them ever but then again i don't consume content slop on tiktok. i only posted the instagram screenshots because i logged back into to get one of my friend's phone numbers before i delete all my (((meta))) accounts forever and happened to come across it. social media isn't real life but real life isn't much better, that's the best i can summarise it.
>>38585814>seething is the same as saying u don’t like themlolanyways ur generalizing and prolly live in a place that’s more transphobic, don’t really have that kind of people here
>>38585806Just record yourself, try a hundred different voices, then after you hear yourself choose the voice that sounds the best.
>>38585806After you repeat the hottest voice a few hundred times, you start getting very good at it.
>>38585717When you say you are a woman rightoids don't take that as you saying you are a woman, they take it as you saying they are a faggot; rightwingers aren't actually capable of abstract thought. If you were a bit older you might remember when the debate around gay marriage was live - if you asked why gay men shouldn't be able to get married rightoids would retort 'if a faggot hits on me ill kill him'. This is a retarded non-sequitur to the somebody with a semblance of mental competence, but this is literally how rightoids retarded mongrel brains operate. Every single thing is reduced into a vulgar immediate materialism - if it doesn't benefit them its out, if it does its in. The issue is trying to explain things to these retards and get them to come to compromise, they simply do not have the mental faculties to engage in high order thought, it enrages them when they need too. You need to lock your image down, keep it out of the limelight and have politicians stay silent on the issue by press your rights, this free market of ideas notion that gets tossed around by liberals has got to go.
>>38585804yeah they are transphobic but that’s not the point you as a tranny should have a morsel of fucking empathy and compassion if you have any dysphoria whatsoever
>>38585823that feels fake to me i dont wanna try on voices like its a fashion item and then force myself to maintain that voice, i want to not think about my voice at all and just speak naturally
>>38585820why are you rimming foids so hard in this thread lol do you think it makes you more of a woman? i never once said all cis women are transphobic, just that they can be and tend to be a lot more covert about it. they're obviously not going to go full terf when there are moids listening.
>>38585831shaming people who step out of line isn’t gonna help u at all. this is what i hate most about the “trans community”, i’ve already been shamed for not being a commie and not calling anyone with a beard a woman. i have my own life i’m not part of ur shitty movement of u can’t accept that fine but go and be a tra somewhere else
>>38585814>the cis girls at my job literally called a gigayoungshit beauty pageant contestant a man because she revealed her trans status.Oof, something similar happened here, but I'm not a passoid, I play the role of a petfag at work. Girl, the vile shit I get to hear is ridiculous. When euphoria came out it's absolutely wild, initially, despite what revisionists say nowadays, pretty much no one even realised she's a tranny and it flew completely over people's heads. My female colleagues were praising the show, but then all the articles started coming in with "the trans actress and model hunter bla bla bla" in the titles, and most female colleagues flipped the script entirely. Suddenly misgendering was everywhere, she went from being called gorgeous, charming, and intriguing to being called a man. Those who still insisted that she's a woman were quickly removed from the inner social circle at work. All liberals and bernie stans.
>>38585840>calling women foidsoh god the incels found my responses itt
>>38585845im not even like the sorta person you describe though. I live in the middle of fucking nowhere with zero other trannies, zero "community" or commies or polycules or whatever. I just want to live my life quietly too but I hate when trannies online act liek im ruining their lives by wanting to do so while not passing for shit.
>>38585853ur not ruining my life, u just shouldn’t expect me to defend u when u don’t get gendered female if ur a hon. simple as
>>38585853nta this makes my heart ache, i pray for you anon, you have a good heart and thats good to see around here
>>38585833Saying no without trying is an already lost battle.
>>38585860this isn’t about getting gendered female, ik what I look like, this is about you having basic empathy for people who are also dysphoric and not going ewwwww gross and acting like a child when you see us >>38585863im sorry I am very on edge this morning so Im sorry if it’s too much but thank you though, it just deeply irritates me seeing some trannies act like hons are this deep inhumane evil force and not just people with dysphoria
>>38585799I wasn't being facetious, truth is a function of power.
>>38585870its fake tho, even if i had the best voice ever that wouldnt go away ill just pay for the surgery atleast then it be just how my body works after that and i wouldnt have to actively put on a fake voice
>>38585882i’m not going like ewww gross retard i just feel uncomfortable that’s not something i can’t control. do u really think i’m gonna insult u? i’m prolly not even gonna say anything to u
>>38585897not something i can control*
>>38585244>im sorry I am very on edge this morning so Im sorry if it’s too much but thank you though, it just deeply irritates me seeing some trannies act like hons are this deep inhumane evil force and not just people with dysphoriayou aint gotta apologize to me your good peoples
>>38585244does she top?
>>38585897>i just feel uncomfortable that’s not something i can controlnta but i still struggle with this but i think it is something we can control. I really think we should try to push that uncomfortable feeling behind us and try to find the grace to accept people as they are not how we think they aught to be bc that kinda stuff just hardens your heart with hate
>>38586033i already have enough problems in life so my uncomfortable feeling with hons really isn’t a priority desu.
>>38585245>going to a tranny post say thisI thought I had no life but these faggots have less than me.
>>38586044thats very sad tbhon not much else to say to that, hope you square away your problems so other people dont have to have you as a problem in their lives bc who knows when ull finally snap on some hon if u already havent here lol
>>38585244I think you'd be happier if you stopped seeking others' approval
>>38585245>>38585244idc about the rest of this but a guy who I didn't even date actually took my picture with him in a locket to basic training
>>38586060thanks for reminding me i’m a problem in everyone’s life…can u give me ur name so i can put it in my suicide note?
>>38586081if you cant even control how you feel when seeing a hon how do you think you could ever control any other aspect of your life let alone the problems there in lol
>>38586111i’ve been abused by everyone who told me they were helping me, go and bully me for this if it makes u feel better it’s not like i have any worth
>>38586081>person who dunks on hons turns out to be a deeply insecure and troubled personmany many such cases. if you're comfortable with yourself you've no reason to pick on other people who did nothing to you. i assume anyone who genuinely looks down on others for their appearance is dealing with heavy self-hatred themselves because it's pretty much always the case.
>>38586115sorry i have too many problems in my life to give any sympathy :PClaim Denied
>>38585846Burn to death. I burn to death. My guts pulled out and scattered. Seared shut. Fire. Burn
>>38585244>completely unwilling to see her as a woman.Cus he’s not a woman
>>38586127i’m not insecure about my appearance retard i just have other problems, I WISH I WAS AS PRIVILEGED AS ANY OF U WHO ONLY HAVE THEIR APPEARANCE TO WORRY ABOUT
>>38586127this place is such a meme, everyones just a clone of the others, every number may aswell be the same anon
>>38586127>looks down on others for their appearanceit is not about the appearance. they are making fun of a tranny because ostracizing weak males is ingrained in our genes and is funny
>>38585244yep, for most people long midface = man, short midface = attractive man/womanthis is why i always wear a mask and will always wear one outside the house, its sad that my face isnt human enough to be treated as such but thats okay since most human beings are scum anyway
>>38585249this. these people are irrelevant cannon fodder that would have been illiterate farmhands as little as 50 years ago.>>38585562> i HAVE to comment, to tell the "TRUTH"so, which one are you?
>>38585665i listen. i listen and agree. pity-passing is real.
>>38585562when was the last time anything was decided based on truth rather than narrative? Riddle me this batman
>>38585721same thing.moids are tiresome.>>38585769>>38585790pick me ass bitchwhat the hell is the point of voice training when i'm 6'2" and have male bones? silly nonsense>>38585804g-d forbid you analyze your biases and become a better person... nooooo just be a normie npc as someone actually positioned to understand uspathetic desu>>38585827>they simply do not have the mental faculties to engage in high order thought, it enrages them when they need [to]this is what i've learned. it's pointless to speak to them. i limit my interactions with them to mocking them or an emoji.>>38585846very glad i work in a male-dominated field when i hear nonsense like thiswomen who work 9-5 with a lot of other women sound toxic as fuck>>38585860sad.>>38585897>that’s not something i [can] controlyou can. children are not "disturbed" by me and they're not "uncomfortable". it's only adults that act like this, becase it's learned behavior.>>38586044the fact that you even call people "hons" is kind of an indication you're too far gone>>38586081hurt people hurt people
just because they say shes not a woman doesnt mean they actually see her that way
>>38587430calm down lol
>>38585244>this got reposted on instagram and there are like several different comments with 1000+ likes calling her a maninstagram is full of indians, north africans, south asians and turks AND their opinions don't matter o....o
>>38585245they will say the same thing to even the most gigapassiod the second they found out the truth.
>>38585897>tranny complaining about a group of people making them uncomfortablethe ironing