like real life. actually real people freinds. was a loser and never had any freinds in highschool, got kicked out of college before making any freinds. no job will hire me, does anyone have any idea how to make freinds, preferably for free since im broke
>>38606155Funger hell yeah
>>38606174give me advice on freindships not compliment my video game choice
>Some dating apps have a "looking for friends" option>meet-ups for hobbies like DND>jobs where people your age work (I live in a smaller city, so I can't offer tips on this on)>conventions (anime, furry, renfest)>concerts>arcades (made a friend or two here)>kink related meet-ups groups online>socThat's all I got
>>38606155Get a hobby that has you regularly meeting a group of people and gives you a chance to talk.
>>38606155I feel you but honestly past college age you have to have a job to make friendsor hobby groups like fitness classes, sports teams idk